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A capela - A cappella
Choral music for voices alone, without instruments.
Akord - Chord
A grouping of pitches played and heard simultaneously.
Arija - Aria
A vocal piece for solo singer and orchestra, generally in an opera, cantata, or
Atonalni - Atonality
The absence of any feeling of tonality.
Avangarda - Avant-garde
In the most advanced style.
Balada - Ballad
- A song or song-poem that tells a story, in several stanzas.
- A name for a miniature piano piece of dramatic nature.
Ballades sometimes suggest a program.
Bel canto
A style of singing that brings out the sensous beauty of the voice.
Bel canto opera
Term for early romantic opera, which featured bel canto singing.
Crkvena kantata - Church Cantata
A cantata with religious words, often tied directly to a particular church
service, such as the Easter or Christmas service.
Ciklična forma (oblik) - Cyclic form
A large form, such as a symphony, in which certain themes come back in
various different movements.
Duo, duet - Duet, duo
A composition for two singers or instrumentalists.
Dinamika - Dynamics
The volume of sound, the loudness or softness of a musical passage.
Elektronska muzika - Electronic Music
Music composed and performed with the aid of electronics, usually
synthesizers and computers.
Ekspozicija - Exposition
The first section of a sonata form movement which presents the main themes
to be developed.
Fiksna ideja - Idee fixe
Term used by Berlioz for a recurring theme used in all the movements of his
Symphonie Fantastique.
Fuga - Fugue
A composition written systematically in imitative polyphony, usually with a
single main theme.
Gudački kvartet - String Quartet
An instrumental group consisting of two violins, viola, and cello; or a piece
composed for this group; or the four players themselves.
Gregorijansko pevanje - Gregorian Chant
The type of chant used in the early Roman Catholic Church.
Harmonija - Harmony
The chordal accompaniment of a melody; vertical representation instead of
Homofonija - Homophony
A musical texture that involves only one melody of real interest, combined
with chords or other subsidiary sounds.
Himna - Hymn
A simple religious song in several stanzas, for congregational singing in
Impresionizam - Impressionism
A French artistic movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth
Improvizacija - Improvisation
Making up the music as you play.
Kanon - Canon
Strict imitative polyphony, with the identical melody appearing in each voice,
but at staggered intervals; standard in vocal polyphony.
Kantata - Cantata
A composition in several movements for solo voice(s), instruments, and
perhaps also chorus. Depending on text, cantatas are categorized as either
secular or church cantatas.
Kamerna muzika - Chamber music
Music played by small groups, such as a string quartet or a piano trio.
Koda - Coda
A section sometimes added on to the end of a song; in sonata form, added
after the recapitulation to conclude the sonata form movement.
Koncert - Concerto
A large composition for orchestra and solo instruments or small solo group.
Koral - Chorale
German for hymn; also used for a four-part harmonization of a German hymn.
Končerto groso - Concerto Grosso
The main type of Baroque concerto, for a group of solo instruments and a
small orchestra.
Koncertna uvertira - Concert Overture
An early nineteenth-century term for a piece resembling an opera overture-but without any following opera. Often concert overtures amount to short
pieces of orchestral program music.
Kvartet - Quartet
A piece for four singers or players; often used to mean string quartet.
Kvintet - Quintet
A piece for five singers or players.
Lajt-motiv - Leitmotif
A leitmotif is a musical theme associated with a particular character or idea.
Libreto - Libretto
The complete book of words for an opera, oratorio, cantata, etc.
Madrigal - Madrigal
a 16th-century secular piece for four or more voices which emphasized the
meaning of words.
Misa - Mass
The Catholic liturgy; in a musical context, the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus,
Benedictus and Agnus Dei.
Minijature - Miniature
A term for a short evocative composition for piano composed in the Romantic
Monofonija - Monophony
A musical texture involving a single melodic line and nothing else, as in
Gregorian chant; as opposed to polyphony.
Motet - Motet
A sacred piece for several voices.
Motiv - Motive, motif
A short fragment of melody or rhythm used in constructing a long section of
Nacionalizam - Nationalism
A nineteenth-century movement promoting music built on national folksongs
and dances, or associated with national subjects.
Neuma - Neuma
A sign in very early manuscripts indicating pitch.
Nokturno - Nocturne
"Night piece"; title for romantic miniature compositions for piano, etc.
Opera - Opera
A play set to music.
Opera bufo - Opera buffa
Italian comic opera.
Opera seria - Opera seria
Serious and heroic opera of the Baroque period.
Opereta - Operetta
A nineteenth-century type of light (often comic) opera, employing spoken
dialogue in between musical numbers.
Opus - Opus
"Work"; opus numbers provide a means of cataloguing a composer's
Oratorijum - Oratorio
Long, semi-dramatic piece on a religious subject for soloists, chorus, and
Organum - Organum
Liturgical music, based on existing plainsong,, used to set prose; the earliest
genre of medieval polyphonic music.
Pasija - Passion
A long, oratorio-like composition telling the story of Jesus's last days,
according to one of the New Testament Gospels.
Polifonija - Polyphony
Music which uses several independent vocal lines simultaneously; the
predominant early music style, replaced by homophony, in which the music
moves chordally (for example, like a hymn).
Programska muzika - Program music
Instrumental music associated with a story or other musical idea.
Rečitativ - Recitative
A half-singing, half-reciting style of presenting words in opera, cantata,
oratorio, etc., which follows speech accents and speech rhythms closely.
Responzorijalno pevanje - Responsorial chant
A type of Gregorian chant in which soloists sing in alternation with the choir.
Ričarkar - Ricercar
An instrumental genre of the Renaissance.
Sonata - Sonata
A chamber music piece in several movements, typically for three instruments
plus continuo in the Baroque period, and for only one or two instruments in all
periods since then.
Sonatni oblik - Sonata form, sonata-allegro form
A form developed by the Viennese composers and used in almost all the first
movements of their symphonies, sonatas, etc., as well as in some other
Stav - Movement
A self-contained section of a larger piece, such as a symphony or concerto
Strofično pevanje - Strophic Song
A song in several stanzas with the same music for each stanza; as opposed
to through-composed song.
Svita - Suite
A piece consisting of a series of dances.
Simfonijska poema - Symphonic Poem
A piece of orchestral program music in one long movement.
Simfonija - Symphony
A large orchestral piece in several movements.
Šansona - Chanson
French for song; a song for one or two vocal lines and sometimes
instrumental acompaniment.
Tempo - Tempo
The speed of music.
Tokata - Toccata
A piece in free form designed partly to show off the instrument and the
technique of the player (usually an organist or harpsichordist).
Tonalitet - Tonality
The feeling of centrality of one note (and its chord) to a passage of music; as
opposed to atonality.
Trubaduri, truveri - Troubadours, trouveres
Aristocratic poet-musicians of the middle ages.
Uvetira - Overture
An orchestral piece at the start of an opera, oratorio, etc.
Verizam - Verismo
A realistic and sensational type of late Romantic Italian opera.