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Cell Energy & Reproduction
(Photosynthesis, Cellular
Respiration, Fermentation, &
August 2012
Tying it all Together
Cell Energy
 Plants Versus Animal Cells
 Photosynthesis (Plant)
 6CO2+6H2O+Light→C6H12O6+6O2
 Takes place in chloroplast
 Cellular Respiration (Plant & Animal)
 C6H12O6+6O2→6CO2+6H2O+energy(ATP)
 Takes place in cytoplasm and mitochondria
Photosynthesis and
Cellular Respiration
Results in either
Lactic acid or alcohol
Krebs Cycle
Electron Transport Chain
36 ATP
 Fermentation is an anaerobic process in
which energy can be released from glucose even
though oxygen is not available.
 Fermentation occurs in yeast cells, and a form of
fermentation takes place in bacteria and in the
muscle cells of animals.
 Yeast Fermentation: converts sugar to small
amount of ATP, carbon dioxide, and alcohol.
 Muscle Cells and Bacteria: converts sugar to small
amount of ATP, carbon dioxide, and lactic acid.
Cell Growth and Repair
 Cell Cycle the entire life cycle of a cell.
 Cells divide through a process called
1. Interphase (not a part of
mitosis) DNA has replicated, but
has not formed the condensed
structure of chromosome. They
remain as loosely coiled chromatin.
The nuclear membrane is still
intact to protect the DNA molecules
from undergoing mutation.
2. Prophase The DNA molecules
progressively shorten and
condense by coiling, to form
chromosomes. The nuclear
membrane and nucleolus are no
longer visible.
The spindle apparatus has migrate
to opposite poles of the cell..
3. Metaphase-The spindle
fibres attach themselves to
the centromeres of the
chromosomes and align the
the chromosomes at the
equatorial plate.
4. Anaphase -The spindle
fibres shorten and the
centromere splits, separated
sister chromatids are pulled
along behind the
4. Telophase The
chromosomes reach the
poles of their respective
spindles. Nuclear envelope
reform before the
chromosomes uncoil. The
spindle fibres disintegrate.
Cytokinasis (not a part of mitosis)
This is the last stage of mitosis. It is the process of splitting
the daughter cells apart. A furrow forms and the cell is
pinched in two. Each daughter cell contains the same number
and same quality of chromosomes.
Phases of Mitosis
 Prophase: The chromatin condenses into
chromosomes. Each chromosome has duplicated
and now consists of two sister chromatids. The
nuclear envelope breaks down into vesicles.
 Chromatid: name of chromosome once it is
 Centromere: Holds chromatid together
 Metaphase: Chromosomes line up at the
equator of the cell.
Phases of Mitosis
 Anaphase: Sister chromatids separate
and move toward the opposite poles.
 Telephase: The condensed chromatin
expands and the nuclear envelope
reappears. The cytoplasm divides.
 Cytokinesis: The cell membrane
pinches inward ultimately producing
two daughter cells.
During Cytokinesis
 In plant cells a cell plate forms in
between the new cells and will become
the cell membrane. A cell wall then
forms around the cells.
Mitosis Rap