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Geometry – Worksheet Name: Section 6.1 Period: 2 7 8 Date: 2/26/13 This is NOT a multiple choice assignment. Each letter represents a different problem w/ same directions. 1) Find the sum of the interior angles of a convex polygon with n sides. a) n = 5 b) n = 16 c) n = 32 2) Find the measure of each interior angle of a regular polygon with n sides. a) n = 10 b) n = 19 c) n = 40 3) Find the number of sides for a convex polygon whose interior angles sum to S degrees. a) S = 900 b) S = 2160 c) S = 4860 4) Find the number of sides for a regular polygon with interior angles that each have a measure of m degrees. a) m = 120 b) m = 156 c) m = 162 5) Find the sum of the exterior angles of a convex polygon with n sides. a) n = 13 b) n = 21 c) n = 100 6) Find the measure of each interior angle of a regular polygon with n sides. a) n = 12 b) n = 24 c) n = 30 7) Find the number of sides for a regular polygon with exterior angles that each have a measure of m degrees. a) m = 40 b) m = 14.4 c) m = 4 8) Find the sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon with exterior angles that each measure m degrees. a) m = 45 b) m = 20 c) m = 6 9) Find the sum of the exterior angles of a regular polygon with interior angels that sum to S degrees. a) S = 360 b) S = 1620 c) S = 5220