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Algebra II – 212 Midterm Review
Please work within your groups to complete the
• Remember….each person in your group will
answer on the sheet of white paper
• Send up a representative to staple your
answers and put in the corresponding pile.
• Enjoy!
State what property is illustrated in each of the following:
a. (16a)b = 16(ab)
b. -7(-1/7) = 1
c. 10x + (-10x) = 0
d. 3x(4 + 5x) = 12x + 15x2 ________________________
e. 4x + 5 = 5 + 4x
Solve the following:
2a – (1 – a) = 11 – a
Classify the following number:
Solve the following for x:
y = mx + b
Graph the solution to the following on a number
2t + 7 >13 or 5t + 4 < -16
Graph the solution to the following on a number
2x  5  3
A rectangle is 5 ft wider than a square. The
rectangle is twice as long as it is wide. Find
the area of the square given that the
difference between the two perimeters is 70
Find the slope for the following:
a line that contains (-1, 3) and (3, -12)
x = -5
15x + 9y = 16
Write an equation in standard form for a line
through (-3, 8) and (4, 8)
Write an equation of a line perpendicular to
6x + 2y = – 12 and that contains the point
(-5, -10).
z varies jointly as m and n and inversely as the
square of p. If z = 100 when m = 10, n = 4 and
p = 2, what is p when z = 16, m = 5 and n = 32?
1.Find the domain and range for the following
2. What does f(-2) =?
f(x) = ½x + 10
Find f-1
Given: f(x) = 4x + 3 and g(x) = ½x – 10
Find g(-10) – f(5)
f(x) = ½x + 10 and g(x) = 6x – 4
Find f(g(x))
y = abs(x – 3) + 3
1. Describe the transformations
2. Graph using at least 5 points
Choose the best answer for the following:
A student ticket and an adult ticket costs $4 to go to
the movies. Four student tickets and three adult
tickets cost $13 to go to the same movie. Given
the following system:
x+y =4
4x + 3y = 13
How much will a student ticket cost?
B. $2
C. $3
D. $4
Solve the system using the method of your
5x + 4y = 2
2x + 3y = 5
It takes a boat 2 hours to travel 28 miles
downstream and one additional hour to travel
2 extra miles upstream. Find the speed of the
boat in still water and the rate of the current.
Graph and shade the solution set:
y > -1
x – 2y > -2
For the following system of inequalities:
• Show the feasible region.
• Find the corner points.
• Find the maximum and minimum values for the
objective function.
The objective function is P = 11x - 5y
4x – 2y < 8
0< y < 4
f(x) = (2x + 3)(9 – x)
Standard form _______________________
Max/ Min? _______________
Opens up/ Opens Down? __________________
Solve the following:
4(s + 4)2 – 10 = 26
Solve using Factoring and applying the Zero
Product Property:
6x2 = 17x - 12
Solve by completing the square!
x2 + 10x + 16 = 0
Given the following equation:
f(x) = 2x2 – 4x – 16
a. Find the vertex.
b. Find the equation for the axis of symmetry
c. Find the roots or solutions
Solve using the method of your choice:
3x2 – 3 = -5x – 1