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PHOTOSYNTHESIS: 6CO2 + 6H2O + Light  C6H12O6 + 6O2
1. Which of the three reactants are used in the light reactions?
Water, light
2. Which of the three reactants are used in the Calvin cycle?
Carbon dioxide
3. Which of the two products are made in the light reactions?
4. Which of the two products are made in the Calvin cycle?
What is the structure labeled A called? What
pigment does it contain?
Photosystem II, chlorophyll
2. What is the fate of the electron as it tumbles
down the ETC? In other words, who is the final
electron acceptor (i.e. lurker)?
NADP+ picks up electron, takes to Calvin
3. What does water break down into? (LIST THREE
THINGS). What is the role of each of these
three items?
(1) hydrogen+ – builds concentration gradient
(2) electrons – replace those lost to ETC
(3) oxygen – released as waste
What is the name of the 5-carbon (5-C) molecule
labeled B?
2. This molecule will eventually unite with a single
carbon from carbon dioxide (labeled C)…what
enzyme catalyzed this “match”?
3. ATP and NADPH are used in this cycle…circle all
the places you see either ATP or NADPH. Where
do these molecules come from?
NADPH and ATP come from the light reactions
4. What is the name for the 3-carbon (3-C)
molecules labeled D? Why do two of them leave
the cycle? Why do 10 of them return to the
G3P, 2 leave to create one glucose molecule,
the other 10 stay in the cycle to rearrange (with energy from ATP) back into 6 RuBP molecules so
the cycle can run again
CELLULAR RESPIRATION: 6O2 + C6H12O6  energy + 6CO2 + 6H2O
What is the process shown to the right called?
Where is it occurring in the cell?
Glycolysis, cytoplasm
What are the three final products of glycolysis?
(HINT: there are two of each of the final products!!)
2 NADH, 2 ATP, 2 pyruvate/pyruvic acids
Where do each of the three products go?
NADH  ETC, ATP  banked, pyruvates 
What is the process shown to the right called? Where is it happening in
the cell?
Krebs Cycle or Citric Acid Cycle, mitochondria
Pyruvic acid is entering the Krebs cycle is coming from what process?
How many pyruvic acids were made during that process?
Glycolysis, 2 pyruvates enter from this process
Pyruvic acid loses a carbon in the form of carbon dioxide and now
becomes a 2-C molecule called acetyl-CoA.
During the union of the 4-C molecule and the 2-C molecule (acetyl-CoA) to
citric acid (a 6-C molecule), what electron carriers have generated?
CIRCLE THEM ON THE DIAGRAM. Where are they headed next?
NADH, FADH2; these electron carriers are headed to ETC
Why do we want to convert the 6-C citric acid back to the 4-C molecule?
What gets produced as we do this conversion? CIRCLE THEM ON THE
Conversion back to a 4-C molecule insures the cycle can run again; we
are regenerating the starting reactant
How many pyruvic acids were produced from glycolysis? Sooooo,, then
how many times does this cycle have to “spin”?
2 pyruvates were generated from glycolysis; the cycle spins one time
for every pyruvate, so with 2 pyruvates, the cycle must spin 2 times
What is the total amount of NADH, FADH2 and ATP generated from one
molecule of glucose (which was broken down into 2 pyruvic acids during
glycolysis, don’t forget!)? Prep plus Krebs
Each spin (i.e. each pyruvate) gives us 4 NADH, 1 FADH2, 3CO2 and 1 ATP ; spinning twice gives us a total of 8
NADH, 2 FADH2, and 6CO2 and 2 ATP molecules per one molecule of glucose to start (please note 2 NADH and 2CO2
are from the PREP FOR THE KREBS)
What process is shown to the left? What membrane is
this taking place across?
Electron transport chain (ETC);
Inner mitochondrial membrane
2. Where do the NADH and FADH2 molecules come
from? What are they bringing to the membrane?
NADH and FADH2 come from Krebs and glycolysis;
they bring electrons to fuel the ETC and generate ATP
Who is the final electron acceptor (i.e. lurker) in this
process? What is made as a result of the lurker
collecting the electrons?
Oxygen is the final electron acceptor; water is made as a result of the oxygen collecting electrons and hydrogens to
make a molecule of water