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Microsoft PowerPoint 2007
Part 2
• Working with Drawing Objects
• Using Graphic Images
• Using SmartArt
Lesson 1
Working with Drawing Objects
Using the Drawing Group
Drawing an Enclosed Object
Changing the Fill Color of an Object
Applying a Fill Effect
• Rotating an Object
Applying Effects
• Flipping an Object
Drawing a Line
• Arranging Objects
Formatting Lines
• Aligning Objects
Creating a Text Box
• Grouping Objects
Using the Drawing Group
• The Drawing group on the Home tab
provides tools to assist users with drawing.
• Create and edit objects, as well as add color
enhancements to them.
• Choose a Quick Style to customize your
Drawing an Enclosed Object
• Draw objects directly on a slide using
the Shapes tools in the Drawing group.
• Draw enclosed objects and then move,
copy, and/or resize them as desired.
• Enclosed drawing objects, such as
rectangles or ovals, are filled by default.
• When drawing an object, the mouse
pointer changes into a crosshair.
Changing the Fill Color of an Object
• PowerPoint automatically
applies a default fill color to it.
• Change the fill color of an
object or remove its fill color so
that the object is transparent.
• Select the object before
applying the fill color.
• Select a color from the Theme
Colors palette, Standard
Colors palette, or from More
Fill Colors.
Applying a Fill Effect
• Use the Shape
Fill menu to add
special effects.
• Gradually change
colors with the
gradient fill.
• Utilize preset
textures, as well
as apply pictures.
Applying Effects
• Adding a visual
effect to an object
can enhance its
• Add shadow,
reflection, glow, &
3D effects.
Drawing a Line
• Separate sections of a slide.
• Add a line to create visual effects.
• Lines can be moved and sized as desired.
Formatting Lines
• Format lines by changing the line style,
color, weight, and dash style.
• Line styles pertain to the thickness of a
Creating a Text Box
• Create text boxes to label objects or
graphics, add captions, and create
additional notes.
• Add to the slide master to display the
same text on every slide.
Rotating an Object
• On each drawn
object, a green rotate
handle appears at the
top (center) of the
• This handle enables
users to freely rotate
the object in any
Flipping an Object
• Flipping an object creates a mirror image
of itself.
• Flip the object horizontally or vertically.
Vertical Pane/Axis
Arranging Objects
• PowerPoint
arranges objects
as they are drawn
on a unique
graphic layer.
• Objects are
arranged in the
order in which they
were created; the
Send ‘gray bar’ to back.
Aligning Objects
• Align objects to create
rows or columns of
objects to make a slide
appear symmetrical.
• Align vertically,
horizontally, by its
edges, or by its center.
Grouping Objects
• After grouping objects, work with it as if it
were a single item.
• Size and position the grouped objects as a
single object.
• Users can still modify each object separately.
Grouped Objects
Lesson 2 – Using Graphic Images
Working with Graphics
Using the Clip Art Task Pane
Using Slide Layouts
Inserting a Picture
Cropping a Picture
Moving a Graphic
Resizing a Graphic
Formatting a Graphic
Recoloring a Graphic
Lesson 2
Using Graphic Images (cont.)
Inserting Clips with the Clip Organizer
Applying a Picture Style
Applying a Shape
Adding Effects
Adding a Border
Working with Graphics
• Graphics can enhance a presentation by
making it more visually appealing.
• These can include drawn shapes, clip art,
and pictures.
Using the Clip Art Task Pane
• To find clips, enter a
word related to the type
of clip art desired to be
inserted on a slide.
– These words are called:
• Limit searches by media
file type and collection.
• Results appear as
thumbnails of the clips.
Using Slide Layouts
• Several types of Slide Layouts are
available through PowerPoint.
• A general content placeholder provides a
link to insert clip art, tables, charts,
SmartArt graphic, pictures, and medial
Inserting a Picture
• Insert a picture from an existing graphic
• The following are the accepted file types:
– .emf
– .bmp
– .rle
- .dib
- .gif
- .jpg
- .tif
- .eps
- .png
Cropping a Picture
Cropping a picture allows users to cut
information or part of the image away from it,
by dragging the resize handles.
Moving a Graphic
• Move a graphic by dragging it to the
desired location.
• A four-sided arrow indicates it can be
• Drag placeholders, objects, charts, etc.
Resizing a Graphic
• Resize a graphic object to
better fit the layout.
• To resize, drag one of the
resizing handles.
– Dragging a corner handle resizes
the object in two directions
– Dragging a center handle resizes
the object in one direction only.
Formatting a Graphic
• The Format contextual tab activates
once a graphic is created or added to the
• The options in the tab are indicative of the
type of graphic that is being formatted.
• Brightness and contrast options are also
available to soften clips.
Recoloring a Graphic
• A graphic may fit your
slide, but not compliment
the color scheme in use.
• The Recolor Picture
feature allows users to
change the colors in
graphic images.
Inserting Clips with the Clip
• Open the Clip Organizer to view and
insert Clip Art.
• The left pane is the collection list and the
right pane displays thumbnails of the clips.
• Clip Art supplied with Microsoft Office is
located in the Office Collections folder.
• The user’s computer is scanned and a My
Collections, Shared Collections, and Office
Collections are created.
Applying a Picture Style
• Use a variety of graphic images to enhance the
• Further enhance the graphic images using
graphic formatting tools.
• Picture style formats the shape, border, &
Applying a Shape
• Use commands in the
Picture Styles group
to customize the
appearance of a
• Users can choose a
shape from the
Picture Shape
gallery and apply it to
the graphic to fit
Adding Effects
• Use buttons in the Picture Styles group to
customize the appearance of a graphic.
• The Picture Effects tools allow users to
enhance a graphic with a shadow, glow,
reflection, or 3D rotation.
3D Rotation
Adding a Border
The Picture Border
command allows users to
specify the color, line style,
and line weight for the outline
of the selected graphic.
Lesson 3 – Using Smart Art
• Inserting a SmartArt Object
• Formatting a SmartArt Object Color
• Resizing/Repositioning a SmartArt
• Inserting Text into a SmartArt Object
• Formatting Text within a SmartArt
• Adding Shapes to a SmartArt Object
• Grouping SmartArt Objects
Inserting a SmartArt Object
• SmartArt is a new creative tool.
• Create illustrated objects, such as organizational
charts, diagrams, and flowcharts.
• This tool allows you to create dynamic graphics as a
visual representation of your information.
Formatting a SmartArt Object
Users can change the color of the SmartArt
object to suit the theme of the presentation, as
well as enhance its general appearance.
Change/update the type of
SmartArt to display the info.
Change the
colors of the
Resizing/Repositioning a SmartArt
• Resize and reposition the SmartArt
object within a slide to accommodate other
text, graphics, or animation.
• Also, resize the individual shapes.
4-sided arrow repositions
2-sided arrow resizes
Inserting Text into a SmartArt
• Placeholders indicate where to enter text.
• Users can enter their own text into the
shapes within the object.
Formatting Text within a SmartArt
Customize the appearance of any text entered into a
SmartArt object in all the same ways as formatting
normal text in any Microsoft Office application.
Adding Shapes to a SmartArt
Although there are many different SmartArt objects
to choose from, it may be that you need to add extra
shapes to an existing SmartArt object to illustrate
your point fully.
• Users can also customize additional shapes in all the
ways a SmartArt object can be customized.
[Text] [Text]
[Text] [Text]
[Text] [Text]
[Text] [Text]
[Text] [Text]
Grouping SmartArt Objects
• Sometimes it can be useful to group
SmartArt objects together, particularly if
users have added extra shapes to an
object and then want to customize,
reposition, or resize the SmartArt object
as a whole.
• Once grouped, users can move all parts of
the SmartArt object together.
• This function can also be used to ungroup
shapes for individual editing.