Dynamic Occlusion Culling
... high distance or small size. This is usually measured with their screen projection. Contribution culling can also happen as part of the occlusion culling step, e.g. when using occlusion queries, which return the exact number of pixels an object would take up on screen. ”Whereas the other four subcat ...
... high distance or small size. This is usually measured with their screen projection. Contribution culling can also happen as part of the occlusion culling step, e.g. when using occlusion queries, which return the exact number of pixels an object would take up on screen. ”Whereas the other four subcat ...
Paper (low res) - Department of Computer Science
... artistic freedom without the restrictions imposed by a CG environment (e.g., limited flexibility due to the 3D model and its animation rig). However, those very limitations are what make complex effects such as global illumination feasible in the computer-generated medium. Such effects are extremely ...
... artistic freedom without the restrictions imposed by a CG environment (e.g., limited flexibility due to the 3D model and its animation rig). However, those very limitations are what make complex effects such as global illumination feasible in the computer-generated medium. Such effects are extremely ...
Introduction to OpenGL - Department of Computing
... translation of the material available in the Open GL Redbook, except we use JOGL not C. • Core material split into following sections • "Introduction to OpenGL," provides a glimpse into the kinds of things OpenGL can do. Includes simple OpenGL program and essential programming details you need to kn ...
... translation of the material available in the Open GL Redbook, except we use JOGL not C. • Core material split into following sections • "Introduction to OpenGL," provides a glimpse into the kinds of things OpenGL can do. Includes simple OpenGL program and essential programming details you need to kn ...
A Generalized Light-Field API and Management System
... In the case of spherical arrangements, cameras are positioned throughout a sphere’s surface, pointing towards its center. Images are thus sampled from the sphere’s surface as described in [CLF98]. This way the sphere acts as a simple approximation to the convex hull of an object centered inside the ...
... In the case of spherical arrangements, cameras are positioned throughout a sphere’s surface, pointing towards its center. Images are thus sampled from the sphere’s surface as described in [CLF98]. This way the sphere acts as a simple approximation to the convex hull of an object centered inside the ...
Practical Collision Detection on the GPU
... requires an extra render-to-texture pass. The problem with self-interferences is solved by filtering out the occurrences with another Cg program. To remove self-interferences before they are registered, and thus prevent real collisions from being overwritten, other techniques can be used. This is al ...
... requires an extra render-to-texture pass. The problem with self-interferences is solved by filtering out the occurrences with another Cg program. To remove self-interferences before they are registered, and thus prevent real collisions from being overwritten, other techniques can be used. This is al ...
S2K Arial, Bold, 37 points, 105% line spacing
... Tiling patterns, fractals, and the Mandelbrot set; Perspective and parallel projections; Lighting and shading models for rendering scenes; Navigating a camera through a 3D scene; Adding textures to surfaces. ...
... Tiling patterns, fractals, and the Mandelbrot set; Perspective and parallel projections; Lighting and shading models for rendering scenes; Navigating a camera through a 3D scene; Adding textures to surfaces. ...
What is the minimum height of a plane mirror in which a standing
... When you stand in water up to your knees, your feet appear A. closer than usual. ...
... When you stand in water up to your knees, your feet appear A. closer than usual. ...
A Market Model for Level of Detail Control
... the objects who are not in view have already sold all their time. So far the algorithm does not take into account the possibility of going bankrupt and trading is allowed to continue until all the trading that can happen has been performed. In practice trading mostly finishes with two objects tradin ...
... the objects who are not in view have already sold all their time. So far the algorithm does not take into account the possibility of going bankrupt and trading is allowed to continue until all the trading that can happen has been performed. In practice trading mostly finishes with two objects tradin ...
Adding Depth to Cartoons Using Sparse Depth (In)equalities
... sketch-based interface for photo pop-up that also bears some resemblance to our system. They first pre-segment the image and then use distance on a ground plane to assign coarse depths to each layer. After that they manipulate details by painting depth gradients and integrate them to produce the fin ...
... sketch-based interface for photo pop-up that also bears some resemblance to our system. They first pre-segment the image and then use distance on a ground plane to assign coarse depths to each layer. After that they manipulate details by painting depth gradients and integrate them to produce the fin ...
Approximating Dynamic Global Illumination in Image Space
... Depth peeling removes many problems related to SSDO. Alternatively, different camera positions can be used instead of different depth layers to view hidden regions. Beside gaining information about offscreen blockers, a different camera position can be especially useful for polygons which are viewed ...
... Depth peeling removes many problems related to SSDO. Alternatively, different camera positions can be used instead of different depth layers to view hidden regions. Beside gaining information about offscreen blockers, a different camera position can be especially useful for polygons which are viewed ...
Week 10—11/08/11) Graphics
... This is an abstract class, so you cannot actually create a new object in this class using the Graphics() constructor Instead, you must use the getGraphics() method You are not allowed to create objects of abstract classes Container is also an abstract class Image is another abstract class ...
... This is an abstract class, so you cannot actually create a new object in this class using the Graphics() constructor Instead, you must use the getGraphics() method You are not allowed to create objects of abstract classes Container is also an abstract class Image is another abstract class ...
Cognitive Learning Using Distributed Artificial Intelligence
... similar object is encountered in the future, the AI analyzes the knowledgebase to look for any information about the object at hand. It checks the knowledgebase by first creating an instance of the knowledgebase class, and opening the SQLite based database using which the knowledgebase has been cons ...
... similar object is encountered in the future, the AI analyzes the knowledgebase to look for any information about the object at hand. It checks the knowledgebase by first creating an instance of the knowledgebase class, and opening the SQLite based database using which the knowledgebase has been cons ...
View Frustum Optimization To Maximize Object`s Image
... the 2D relationship between the images of an object in different image planes, and also the relationship between these image planes and their view frusta. This allows us to efficiently perform the optimization in 2D, and then transform the result into a valid frustum. We also introduce the use of a ...
... the 2D relationship between the images of an object in different image planes, and also the relationship between these image planes and their view frusta. This allows us to efficiently perform the optimization in 2D, and then transform the result into a valid frustum. We also introduce the use of a ...
Ray Diagrams Notes
... With unaided vision, a far away object is seen through a relatively small angle of view. When you are closer, the object is seen through a ...
... With unaided vision, a far away object is seen through a relatively small angle of view. When you are closer, the object is seen through a ...
PPT(updated) - Modeling & Simulation Lab.
... Where it is detected, the background is displayed. One drawback of this scheme is that the object is either entirely opaque or transparent at any pixel. ...
... Where it is detected, the background is displayed. One drawback of this scheme is that the object is either entirely opaque or transparent at any pixel. ...
CHISEL: Real Time Large Scale 3D Reconstruction Onboard a
... Abstract—We describe C HISEL: a system for real-time housescale (300 square meter or more) dense 3D reconstruction onboard a Google Tango [1] mobile device by using a dynamic spatially-hashed truncated signed distance field[2] for mapping, and visual-inertial odometry for localization. By aggressive ...
... Abstract—We describe C HISEL: a system for real-time housescale (300 square meter or more) dense 3D reconstruction onboard a Google Tango [1] mobile device by using a dynamic spatially-hashed truncated signed distance field[2] for mapping, and visual-inertial odometry for localization. By aggressive ...
High Fidelity Immersive Virtual Reality
... rendering the virtual objects accurately and in detail. Also, the problem of spatially aligning the virtual object so that it sits stably on a real surface is much easier to handle when both the real and virtual scenes are available in electronic form. Algorithms for ensuring that this alignment is ...
... rendering the virtual objects accurately and in detail. Also, the problem of spatially aligning the virtual object so that it sits stably on a real surface is much easier to handle when both the real and virtual scenes are available in electronic form. Algorithms for ensuring that this alignment is ...
Paper - Columbia CS
... the object, as shown in Figure 1(e). To our knowledge, this is the first system with such a capability. In summary, radial imaging systems can recover useful geometric and radiometric properties of scene objects by capturing one or at most two images, making them simple and effective devices for a v ...
... the object, as shown in Figure 1(e). To our knowledge, this is the first system with such a capability. In summary, radial imaging systems can recover useful geometric and radiometric properties of scene objects by capturing one or at most two images, making them simple and effective devices for a v ...
A Framework for Holographic Scene Representation and Image
... encoded in texture maps. Due to the difficulty of representing some real-world objects, such as fur, hair, or trees, with traditional techniques, research has also focused on image based rendering using light-fields [1], [2], [3], lumigraphs [4], [5], reflectance fields [6], [7], [8], sprites, and o ...
... encoded in texture maps. Due to the difficulty of representing some real-world objects, such as fur, hair, or trees, with traditional techniques, research has also focused on image based rendering using light-fields [1], [2], [3], lumigraphs [4], [5], reflectance fields [6], [7], [8], sprites, and o ...
... establishes how far away objects are in relationship to where the viewer is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In this image, relative distance judgements can clearly be made. But there is no way in which we can make an absolute distance judgement to any point in the figure. (ima ...
... establishes how far away objects are in relationship to where the viewer is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In this image, relative distance judgements can clearly be made. But there is no way in which we can make an absolute distance judgement to any point in the figure. (ima ...
The QBIC Project Querying Images By Content Using Color, Texture
... of candidate patterns (e.g., from a selection of texture patterns), or a user-drawn sketch. We anticipate that QBIC type searches will be used in combination with text searches for the best results. Also, we feel the image database must be large to justify the use of these methods. Small to medium ...
... of candidate patterns (e.g., from a selection of texture patterns), or a user-drawn sketch. We anticipate that QBIC type searches will be used in combination with text searches for the best results. Also, we feel the image database must be large to justify the use of these methods. Small to medium ...
lens ray diagrams
... Paper can be ignited by producing a real image of the Sun on the paper. The rays of the Sun are almost exactly parallel when they reach Earth. ...
... Paper can be ignited by producing a real image of the Sun on the paper. The rays of the Sun are almost exactly parallel when they reach Earth. ...
lens ray diagrams
... Paper can be ignited by producing a real image of the Sun on the paper. The rays of the Sun are almost exactly parallel when they reach Earth. ...
... Paper can be ignited by producing a real image of the Sun on the paper. The rays of the Sun are almost exactly parallel when they reach Earth. ...
lens ray diagrams.ppt
... Paper can be ignited by producing a real image of the Sun on the paper. The rays of the Sun are almost exactly parallel when they reach Earth. ...
... Paper can be ignited by producing a real image of the Sun on the paper. The rays of the Sun are almost exactly parallel when they reach Earth. ...
Anteneh Anteneh
... Method to automate some technical illustration conventions. Technical illustrations: in textbooks, reference books, manuals i.e. a car owner’s manual. Method: a shading algorithm based on edges, highlighting and cool-to-warm tones. ...
... Method to automate some technical illustration conventions. Technical illustrations: in textbooks, reference books, manuals i.e. a car owner’s manual. Method: a shading algorithm based on edges, highlighting and cool-to-warm tones. ...
Stereo photography techniques

Stereo photography techniques are methods to produce stereoscopic images, videos and films. This is done with a variety of equipment including special built stereo cameras, single cameras with or without special attachments, and paired cameras. This involves traditional film cameras as well as, tape and modern digital cameras. A number of specialized techniques are employed to produce different kinds of stereo images.