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Body Fluid
Body fluid
total body fluid is about 60% of the
total body weight.
In the average 70 kg body weight it is
about 42 liters.
Increase the percentage of fat in the
body decreases the % of water.
Women contain less water than men
because have more body fat.
Body fluid compartment
Extra cellular fluid :It is about 14 liters:
plasma 3 liters.
Interstial fluid in spaces between cells 10 L
Transcellular 1-2liters.
Intra ocular space
Synovial , peritoneal ,pericardial spaces.
Cerebrospinal fluid .
Body fluid
Intra cellular fluid
 Equal 28 liters.
 It is the fluid inside the cells.
 It contains high Concentration of K &less
concentration of Na.
 Also it contains large amount of
magnesium and phosphate.
Regulation of fluid
The most common routes for transporting
materials to and from intracellular
compartments are (the fluid and materials
transport across semipermiable membrane) :
1- osmosis
2- diffusion
3- active transport
4- filtration
1- Osmosis
Through the process of osmosis , the
solvent , the water passes from an area of
lesser solute concentration and more
water to an area of greater solute
concentration and less water until
equilibrium is established .
2- Diffusion
Is the tendency of solute to move freely
throughout a solvent .The solute
(materials ) moves from an area of higher
concentration to an area of lower
2- Diffusion
3- Active Transport
Is a process that requires energy for the
movement of substances through cell
membrane from an area of lesser solute
concentration to an area of higher solute
concentration .
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) stored in all
cells , is released from a cell and supplies
energy for solute movements in and out of
the cell.
4- Filtration
Is the passage of fluid through a
permeable membrane .Passage is from an
area of high pressure to an area of lower
intake of water (by two main sources):
Ingested in the form of water or liquid which
add about 2100ml/day to the body fluid
Synthesized as a result of metabolism and it is
about 200ml/day.
Body water
loss of body water:
Evaporation 700ml
Urine 1400 ml
Sweat 100 ml
Feces 100ml
Types of Solutions
Isotonic solution
Hypotonic solution
The water concentration in IC&ECF is equal and solutes can
not enter or leave the cell.
There are less solutes less osmotic pressure so water enter
the cell and it swell.
Hypertonic solution
High solutes ,high osmotic pressure so water leave the cell
and cell shrink.
Solution of NaCL 0.9%and glucose 5%are isotonic so it is
important in clinical medicine because the cell neither swell
nor shrink.
Water Balance
maintained in the body by adjusting water
input and water output.
Control of water input:
Stimulated by thirst sensation.
 Thirst sensation occurs as a result of:
 Hypovolemia.
Water loss
Stimulation of
thirst center
Control of water loss
It is controlled by controlling the volume of urine.
Volume of urine is controlled by (ADH)
Anti- diuretic hormone (ADH):
Synthesized in the hypothalamus.
Stored in the posterior pituitary until it is secreted.
Secretion is stimulated by hypertonicity and
Disturbances in body
1- Fluid Volume Excess
Also it can be defined as hypervolemia , which occurs from an increase in total body
sodium content and an increase in total body water
Causes of hypervolemia
1- excessive fluid intake
2- excessive sodium intake
3- Renal insufficiency or faluire
4- Steroid Therapy
5- Low protein intake or malnutrition
6- Decreased cardiac output (heart disease )
7- Head injury
8- Liver disease
9- Sever stress
10 – Hormonal disturbances
Manifestations of Hypervolemia
oWeight gain
oBounding pulse
oJugular vein destination
oChange in mental status
oAbnormal breath sound (crackles )
oChanges in breathing pattern
oIntake greater than output
oDecrease hemoglobin or
oSpecific gravity changes
oChanges in electrolytes
oRestlessness & anxiety
oIncrease blood
pressureShortness of
breath (orthopnea)
Nursing Intervention of
1- obtain patient history to ascertain the probable cause of fluids disturbance
2- weight monitoring & evaluate weight in relation to nutritional status
3-I &O chart 4- monitor v/s 5 – evaluate for edema 6- monitor serum electrolytes
1- instruct the patient toward the restriction of fluid
2- restrict Na intake
3- Instruct pt to take prescribed diuretics
4- elevate the edematous leg
5- skin care
6- provide information regarding s&s of fluid volume excess
Fluid volume loss
Fluid volume deficit or hypovolemia . Occurs
from a loss of body fluid or shift of fluids into 3rd
space , or from reduced fluid intake
Causes :
Inadequate fluid intake
Fluid loss (diuresis, bleeding , severe diarrhea
Fever , infection which leads to increase
metabolic rate .
Fluid shifts (edema or effusion )
Clinical manifestations of
urine output
Concentrated urine
Output greater than intake
Decrease venous filling
Dry m.m
Changes in mental status
Nursing care of hypovolemia
I- Assessment : the same as in hypervolemia
II- Nursing Intervention :
Encourage patient to drink prescribed amount
Administer IV fluid
Administer blood product as prescribed
Provide oral hygiene
Treat the underlying causes (diarrhea, vomiting)
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