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Ibrahim Rahimov, Ph.D., Doctor of Sciences
Mailing Address:
Department of Mathematical Sciences
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Box 1339, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia 31261
Phone: 966(3) 860 3174 (W) / 860 5230 (H)
Fax: 966 (3) 860 2340 (W)
E-mail: [email protected]
Marital Status:
Married, Three Children
MAJOR FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Probability and Statistics
Branching Stochastic Processes
Statistics of Branching Processes
Markov Branching Diffusions
Random Sums
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Steklov Mathematical Institute of
USSR Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Former USSR
Ph.D. in Mathematics (1979)
Romanovski Mathematical Institute of
Uzbek Academy of Sciences
Tashkent, Uzbekistan, former USSR
M. Sc. in Mathematics (1976),
Romanovski Mathematical Institute of
Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Tashkent.
B. Sc. in Mathematics
Fergana State University, Fergana, former USSR
A) Research Positions:
Leading researcher
The Mathematical Institute of
Uzbek Academy of Sciences (on leave)
Senior researcher
The Mathematical Institute of
Uzbek Academy of Sciences
Fellow researcher
The Mathematical Institute of
Uzbek Academy of Sciences
B) Positions at Universities:
01.01.2001- to date
Professor of Mathematics and Statistics
Department of Mathematical Sciences
KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematical Sciences
KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
Associate Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
University Science Malaysia
Penang, Malaysia.
Full Professor
The Middle East Technical University,
Ankara, Turkey
Full Professor
Tashkent State University of Economics
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Associate Professor
The Tashkent State University
Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Associate Professor
Tashkent State University of Economics
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tashkent Road Institute
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Fergana State University
Fergana, Uzbekistan
It should be noted that the position of senior researcher in the Academy of Sciences is
equivalent of the Associate Professor rank and the leading researcher is equivalent of the
Full Professor rank at an university. This explains why I was appointed as Associate
Professor in 1987 and as Full Professor in 1991 at Tashkent State University of
Economics and during 1993-1996 I held a Full Professor position at Middle East
Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
1. A Silver medal for achievements and excellent results in study, Fergana, USSR, 1968.
2. Romanovski Award for the best scientific results by yang researchers, USSR , 1978.
3. A grant from ISI Tokyo Session Memorial Program to participate at 51st ISI Session.
The Institute of Statistical Research, Tokyo, Japan, 1997.
4. Distinguished Researcher Award for 2005-2006 years, KFUPM, May, 2006.
I never had a scholarship since the education in my country used to be free.
Successfully completed about twenty courses including Applied Stochastic Processes
(for PhD students), Statistical Theory I and II , Linear Models, Stochastic Processes (for
master students), Advanced Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Multivariate
Statistical Analysis, Applied Statistics Finite Mathematics, Calculus I, II and Consulting.
a) Ph.D. Thesis.
The Ph. D. dissertation “Branching Stochastic Processes with Time-Dependent
Immigration” was based on the research done until 1979 and on the publications C4,
1977 and C3, 1978 [1]-[6]. In this research first limit theorems for branching processes
with non-stationary immigration were obtained. The thesis was defended at Romanovski
Mathematical Institute in April 1979 earlier than appointed time in the Ph.D. program.
The Supervisor: Professor I. Badalbaev.
b) Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Thesis.
A Doctor of Sciences thesis is required to contain at least one of the following.
It must open a new direction in the area of the research, it must give a solution of a
difficult long standing problem or it must suggest an essentially new method of
My Doctor of Sciences Thesis “ Summation of a Random Number of Random Variables
and Branching Stochastic Processes” is based on the research done from 1980 to 1990. It
contains a new approach to study of branching stochastic processes based on the theory
of summation of dependent random variables. The thesis was defended in June 1991 at
Steklov Mathematical Institute of USSR Academy of Sciences. Professors B. A.
Sevastyanov, V.M. Shurenkov and V. Topchiy are Official Opponents. The Mech. Math .
Department of Moscow State University is the Refereeing Institution.
By the Official opponents and by the Permanent Jury of Steklov Mathematical Institute
the approach suggested in the thesis was judged as a new method of study in the theory of
stochastic processes.
The Jury of Steklov Mathematical Institute which considered my thesis:
1. Professor Prokhorov Yu. V.,
8. Professor Gonchar A. A.
2. Professor Nikolski S. M.
9. Professor Kozlov V. A.
3. Professor Stechkin S. B.
10. Professor Kudryavtsev L. D.
4. Professor Chibisov D. M.
11. Professor Rozanov Yu. A.
5. Professor Kholevo A. S.
12. Professor Sazonov V. V.
6. Professor Borovkov A. A.
13. Professor Sevastyanov B. A.
7. Professor Vitushkin A. G.
14. Professor Shiryayev A. N.
SPSS, SAS, Minitab, Statistica, Excel, Plain Tex, Latex, Microsoft Word
Courses of English, Turkish, Bahasa Malay,
Workshop on Graphic Calculators, USM,
November, 1997
Workshop on evaluating KFUPM,
November, 1998
Workshop on Algebra and Applications, KFUPM October,
Workshop on Geostatistics, Research Institute KFUPM
Workshop “How to be an Effective University Teacher”. KFUPM, 2002.
Elected Member of International Stat. Institute
Member of American Mathematical Society
Extraordinary Member of Bernoulli Society
Member of the Union of Uzbek Mathematicians
(1990- present)
Organizer of the meeting of invited papers “Population Dynamics with Migration
Effects” at 51 st Session of the International Statistical Institute, Istanbul 1997.
Associate editor of the "Journal of Applied Statistical Science"
( USA, 1994- ).
Associate editor of the “Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications” (USA, 2001-)
Associate editor of “Pakistan Journal of Statistics” (1996-)
Associate editor of the journal “Istatistik”
(Turkey, 1996-)
Referee of “Journal of Applied Probability”
(England, 1996-)
Referee of “ Advances in Applied Probability” (England, 1996-)
Reviewer of “Mathematical Reviews” of American Math.
Society (April 1981 - present)
0. . Department of Mathematical Sciences
KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
1. Department of Mathematical Sciences
KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
Professor of Mathematics and Statistics
Associate Professor
2. School of Mathematical Sciences
University Science Malaysia
Penang, Malaysia..
Associate Professor
3. The Middle East Technical University,
Ankara, Turkey
Full Professor
4. Tashkent State University of Economics
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Full Professor
5. The Tashkent State University
Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR
Associate Professor 1990-1991
6. Tashkent State University of Economics
Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR
Associate Professor
7. Tashkent Road Institute
Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR
8. Fergana State University
Fergana, Uzbekistan, USSR
I. Undergraduate Courses
1. Number theory
Fergana State University
2. Calculus I, II
Fergana State University
3. Linear Algebra
Fergana State University
4. Introduction to Probability and Math. Statistics. Tashkent Road Institute
5. Linear Programming
Tashkent Economical University
6. Statistics I
Tashkent Economical University
7. Statistics II
Tashkent Economical University
8. Probability Theory
Tashkent Economical University
9. Math. Statistics
Tashkent Economical University
10. Probability,
METU, Ankara, Turkey
11. Mathematical Statistics
METU, Ankara, Turkey
12. Stochastic Processes
METU, Ankara, Turkey
13. Multivariate Statistics
METU, Ankara, Turkey
14. Finite Mathematics
KFUPM, Dhahran
15. Calculus I
KFUPM, Dhahran
16. Calculus II
KFUPM, Dhahran
17. Calculus III
KFUPM, Dhahran
18. Probability and Statistics for engineers and scientists, KFUPM, Dhahran
19. Introduction to statistics
KFUPM, Dhahran
20. Business Statistics I
KFUPM, Dhahran
II. Graduate Courses
1. Advanced Probability Theory
2. Stochastic Processes
Tashkent State University
Tashkent State University
METU, Ankara, Turkey
METU, Ankara, Turkey
METU, Ankara, Turkey
USM, Penang, Malaysia
USM, Penang, Malaysia
Statistical Theory I
Statistical Theory II
Applied Stochastic Processes
Linear Models
Stochastic Processes
B3. Involvement in Thesis Supervision
I was involved in supervision of the following students.
Name of Student
Date Completed
S. Kurbanov
A. Teshabaev
Hummieda (USM, Malaysia)
Yeoh Hong Beng (USM, Malaysia)
H. Hasan (USM, Malaysia)
In addition I was involved in supervision of the following Ph.D. students as a second
supervisor Yu. Djuraev (1983), S. Kaverin (1989), R. Salahitdinov (1990) and V.
Khalilov (1994). I also was involved in supervision about 6-7 Master Theses at different
Uzbek universities.
[1] Involved in the development of the proposed BS program with Stochastic processes
and Time Series Analysis at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, KFUPM, Saudi
[2] Involved in the development of the proposed MS program at the Department of
Mathematical Sciences, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia. Responsible in developing a core course
“Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics” and elective courses “Stochastic
Processes” and “Applied Time Series”.
[3] Involved in the development of the proposed Ph.D. program at the Department of
Mathematical Sciences, KFUPM. Responsible in developing a core course of “Advanced
Probability Theory” and few elective courses.
I try to use educational aids in my teaching process. I have been using the following
computer software in teaching of various courses: SPSS, SAS, Minitab, Statistica, Excel,
Plain Tex, Latex, Microsoft Word. In particular in my Calculus courses at KFUPM I
shove students how to create simple programs for calculators and demonstrate
possibilities of programmable calculators in solving some problems.
C1. Research Interests
My research interests concern the theory, statistics and applications of branching
stochastic processes and diffusions, sampling sums of dependent variables, random sums,
and sums of dependent indicators.
The following could be considered as my basic scientific results:
(a) Suggestion of a new scheme of proving limit theorems for sums of a random number
of random variables. Demonstration possibilities of this scheme in the case of
infinitely divisible limit distributions and sampling sums of dependent variables.
(b) Developing a unified approach to immigration problems in branching processes based
on a general limit theory for random superposition of copies of stochastic processes.
(c) Investigation of new functionals of branching processes concerning their genealogical
trees, records, exceedances and extreme of family sizes.
These results are included in my Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences thesis
submitted in Steklov Mathematical Institute and have been published in the following
monographs and articles.
C2. Summary of Research
I have been actively engaged in research since 1977. My research contribution can be
categorized into the following:
Sampling and Random Sums.
Sums of Dependent Indicators.
Immigration Problems in Branching Processes.
Functionals and Extreme of Branching Processes
Estimation Theory for Branching Processes
1. Sampling and Random Sums
It is known that many characteristics of branching stochastic processes can be
represented as sums of random number of random variables or random fields. I have
suggested a new approach to study such sums based on an idea of their representation as
sampling sums of dependent random variables. It turned out that, if we apply this
representation to simple random sums, we obtain almost all known and many new results
for random sums directly from the representation. Moreover, this representation allows to
study branching processes with immigration in cases when reproduction and immigration
processes are not independent. It was impossible to treat the latest case by traditional
methods of the theory based on generating functions ( see monograph [18], Ch. I, and
articles [13], [16] and [17]).
It is known that the sum of n random variables randomly selected from a finite
population X 1 ,..., X N  , N  n , of independent random variables in the equiprobable
scheme of sampling without replacement can be represented as
S N   k X k ,
k 1
where  k ,1  k  N , random variables taking values 0 or 1. Here  k and X k are
independent. Let now vectors  X 1 ,..., X N  and  1 ,..., N  are not independent. It is clear
that this scheme (under some assumptions) includes, for example, the case when the
decision about including variable X k into the sum depends on the values of X 1 ,..., X k 1 .
For such generalized sampling sums I have obtained necessary and sufficient conditions
to have a limit distribution, have given an approximation for their distributions and have
obtained uniform and non-uniform estimates of the rate of convergence ( see monograph
[18 ],Ch. I, papers [2], [5], [9] and [16]).
Necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for sums of randomly indexed
stochastic processes to have a limit distribution in the case when the sequence of indexes
and the initial sequence of stochastic processes are not independent. These conditions are
extensions of well-known Anskombe condition to the above sums (see monograph [18] ,
Ch. I, paper [11] ).
2. Sums of Dependent Indicators
Sums of dependent indicators appear in many problems of the probability theory,
such as random allocations, queueing theory, branching processes and so on. The study of
such sums needs a new techniques in each case of dependence. I have considered two
kinds of dependent indicators: the case of multivariate functions of independent random
variables and the case of arbitrary dependence. Considering sum of a random number of
indicators I have found conditions for a Poisson approximation of the distribution and
have given an estimation of the rate of convergence in this approximation. This is in the
case of first kind of dependence. In the case of arbitrary dependence I have found
approximation of the distribution by a mixture of normal distributions. (Monograph [18],
Ch. IV, papers [4], [10].
We must note that models considered in the above two directions are not simple
generalizations or extensions of known schemes. They are constructed and investigated
in connection with various concrete problems in stochastic processes. Hence they found
their non-trivial and interesting applications in the directions which we are going to
present now.
3. Immigration Problems
Over the last decade I have developed a unified approach to immigration problems in
branching stochastic processes. This approach is based on developing a general limit
theory for random superpositions of copies of stochastic processes. Since branching
processes maintained by immigration comprise particular cases of this general set-up, it
provides a unified approach to a variety of problems that had previously been treated in
isolation. Moreover, this approach allows to study new models of the immigration
process depending of reproduction, that was impossible to treat by traditional methods
based on analysis of probability generating functions. Construction, development and
applications of this approach can be seen in my monograph [18], Ch. I and II, and in
articles [12], [13], [15] and [22]..
In the case of non-stationary immigration process a perfect description of the asymptotic
behavior of the number of particles have been constructed. Some new properties of the
limit behavior of the process have been discovered and the causes of these effects are
explained. Local limit theorems in the “non-classical” situation (when non-degenerate
limit distributions for the number of particles come out by functional non-linear
normalization) are also proved. These results which are published in monograph [18], Ch
III and in papers [3], [7], [8] and [14 ] have been applied in treatment of various problems
in Biology [25 ], [27], in Physics [26], and other areas.
4. Functionals and Extreme of Branching Processes
The main object of investigation in the theory of branching processes is the number
of individuals (particles) at a given time. Since this number can be represented as sum of
independent processes “shifted” over time, the problem can be reduced to the analysis of
equations for probability generating functions. However there are many other
characteristics of the process which can not be written as such sums and, therefore, can
not be treated by the generating function techniques. Applying result obtained for sums of
dependent indicators (see part 2), makes possible to study various new characteristics of
branching processes concerning their genealogy. Connections of these characteristics
with problems of allocation of particles into cells are also established. (see [18], ch IV
and papers [4] and [10]).
Extreme problems concerning branching processes, such as maximum of family sizes
in the process, records and exceedances of the sequence of branching processes are stated
and methods for study of these processes are developed. (Papers [19], [20], [21], [23],
and [24]).
5. Estimation Theory for Branching Processes
Estimation theory of parameters of branching processes is very important part of
statistical theory for stochastic processes. Since properties of branching processes strictly
depend on the average number of descendants of one individual, it is important to give an
estimator for it based on observed values of the process. However, in the critical and
subcritical cases it is difficult, because such processes extinct with probability 1. One of
ways to avoid this difficulty is to consider processes with immigration. But, if we
consider a stationary immigration, in the critical and subcritical cases the process may be
suppressed by immigration. Therefore it is better to consider decreasing or statedependent (more complicated) immigration component. Considering subcritical processes
with state-dependent immigration I have given consistent and asymptotically unbiased
estimators for the offspring and immigration averages. It was also shown that these
estimators are asymptotically normal. I have suggested consistent and asymptotically
unbiased estimators for the expectation and variance of the limit distribution and also for
the probability of hitting the state zero by the process. These results were published in
[6]. One may observe a rise of interest to this kind problems after more than ten years
[1]* Rahimov, I., On the limit theorems for a sequence of branching processes with nonhomogeneous immigration. THEORY OF PROBAB. AND APPL. 1984, N4, (Russian
and English trans.).
[2] Rahimov, I., Uniform estimates in the limit theorems for branching processes with
immigration, IZVESTIYA of AS of UzSSR 1984, No4, 24-29 (Russian).
[3]* Rahimov, I., Critical branching processes with infinite variance and decreasing
immigration. THEORY OF PROBAB. AND APPL. 1986, v.31, No1, 98-110 (Russian
and English ).
[4]* Rahimov I., Limit theorems for random sums of dependent indicators and their
applications in the theory of branching processes. THEORY OF PROBAB. AND APPL.
1987, v.32, N2, 317-326, (Russian and English)
[5] Rahimov, I., On approximation of the distribution of the sum of a random number of
random terms, DOKL.of AS of UzSSR, 1987, No1, 5-7 (Russian).
[6] Rahimov, I., Statistical estimates for parameters of a subcritical Galton-Watson
processes with a reflecting screen. “PROBABILITY MODELS AND MATHEM.
STATIST.” Tashkent, 1987, 76-87 (Russian.).
[7]* Rahimov, I., Local limit theorems for branching random processes with decreasing
immigration. THEORY OF PROBAB. AND APPL. 1988, V.33, No2, 387-392 (Russian
and English trans.).
[8] Rahimov, I., A local theorem for Galton-Watson processes with immigration in the
case of uniform limit distribution, ”SERDICA” , 1988. V14, No3, 234-244 (Russian).
[9]* Rahimov, I., Sirazhdinov S. Kh., Approximation of distribution of a sum in a certain
scheme for summation of independent random variables. SOVIET MATH. DOKL.
Vol.38, 1989, No1, 23-27 (English)
[10]* Rahimov, I., Asymptotic behavior of families of particles in branching random
processes. SOVIET MATH.DOKL.,Vol.39, 1989, N2, 322-325 (English).
[11] Rahimov, I., Asymptotic behavior of the sum of randomly indexed processes, In the
STATIST.” “Fan”, Tashkent, 1990, 79-92 (Russian).
[12]* Rahimov, I., The General branching processes with immigration depending on
reproduction, THEORY OF PROBAB. AND APPL., 1992, V. 37, No 3, 513-525
(Russian and English ).
[13]* Rahimov, I., Sampling sums of dependent random variables, mixtures of infinitely
divisible laws and branching random processes, DISCRETE MATH. AND APPL.,
1992, V.2, No3, 337-356 (English).
[14]*Rahimov, I., Critical Processes with infinite variance and increasing immigration ,
MATHEMATICAL NOTES, 1993, V.53, No 6, P.97-107, (Russian and English ).
[15]* Rahimov, I., Branching Processes as a Sums of Dependent Random Variables.,
BRANCHING PROCESSES, First World Congress, 1993, Varna, Bulgaria. SpringerVerlag, Ser. LNS, Vol. 99, 1995, p. 58-66, Editor Ch. Heyde, (English).
[16]* Rahimov, I., Weak convergence of certain multiple sums of dependent random
variables. Probabilistic Methods in Discrete Mathematics, Progr. Pure Appl. Discrete
Math., 1, VSP, Utrecht, 1993, 376-385 (Russian and English).
[17] Rahimov, I., Mixtures of Infinitely Divisible Laws as Limit Distributions for a
Special Form Multiple Sums, UZBEK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, 1994, No 4, P.
43-50 (Russian).
[18] Rahimov, I., Random Sums and Branching Stochastic Processes, SPRINGER
VERLAG, LNS, V. 96, 1995. (English).
[19]* Rahimov, I., Record values of a family of branching processes, Classical and
Modern Branching Processes, Springer-Verlag, Ser.”IMA Volumes in Mathematics and
its Applications”, Vol. 84, 1996, Editors K. Athreya and P Jagers, P. 285-295. (English).
[20]* Rahimov, I., Yanev, G., Maximal Number of Direct Offspring in Simple
Branching Processes, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS, 1997, V.30, No 4, p.2015-2023.
[21]* Rahimov, I., Kassim, S. Record Values Concerning a Family of Age-Dependent
1997, Vol. 20, No. 2, 57-66. ( English).
[22]* Rahimov, I., Multitype Processes with Reproduction-Dependent Immigration,
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY, 1998, V. 35, No. 2, P. 281-292 (English).
[23]* Rahimov, I., Yanev, G., On Maximum Family Size in Branching Processes,
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY, (Accepted for publication, will appear in
1999, English).
[24]* Rahimov, I., Hasan, H., Limit Theorems for Exceedances of a Sequence of
SOCIETY, (Accepted for publication, will appear in 1999, English).
[25] Berlin, Y. A., Drobnitsky, D., O., et all., On Inherited Fertility in Biological
Systems, Biosystems, 1992, V. 26, No. 3, p. 185-192.
[26] Berlin, Y. A., Drobnitsky, D., O., et all., Correlated Fluctuations in Multielement
Systems, Physical Review A, 1992, Vol. 45, No. 6, p. 3547-3552.
[27] Lange, K., Fan, R., Z., Branching Process Models for Mutant-Genes in
Nonstationary Populations. Theoretical Population Biology, 1997, V. 51, No. 2, P. 118133.
[28] Jacob C., Peccoud J., Estimation of the Parameters of Branching Process from
Migration Binomial Observations, Advances in Applied Probability, 1998, V. 30, No. 4,
p. 948-967.
C3. Works in Progress
My current research concerns the following directions.
a) Multivariate Random Sums.
Let S n be a random sum of  n random vectors X k , where  n are not necessarily
independent of X k . In the case when X k are random variables and  n are stopping times
with respect to the filtration generated by X k , it was shown that the investigation of the
random sum S n could be reduced to study of a simple sum of dependent variables (see
Monograph [1] C3). It is interesting to consider such a problem in the case of random
vectors. Results, which are going to be obtained in this direction, will be applied in
investigation of sampling sums of dependent vectors, multivariate random walks, random
fields and multitype general branching processes.
b) Immigration-Branching Diffusions
Immigration-Branching Diffusions are models of a population process in which offspring
move at random on a bounded space throughout their lives according to diffusions. Each
member of the population at the end of its life generates a new population whose
members may be located at any point of the space. In addition a random number of new
particles may immigrate into the population. Currently the theory of such processes
contains many results in the case when diffusion, reproduction and immigration processes
are independent. It is important to develop methods of investigation for processes
allowing dependence of the above three components. Here I hope that an approach
suggested in the article [1], 1992, C4 and in the book [1], C3 will allow to consider such
a generalization.
b) Extreme Concerning Branching Processes
First results on the size of largest family in Galton-Watson processes were obtained in the
paper [2], 1997, C4 (see also [3], 1998, C4). Similar problem for Galton-Watson
processes allowing immigration have been considered jointly with my student H.
Hummieda. In this direction there are many interesting problems, such as to consider
more general models of processes or to consider k-th maximal family and other problems.
Another class of problems is to study exceedances and record properties of a sequence of
branching processes. First results are obtained in publications [1] 1996, [4] 1997, [2]
1998 C4 and [1], 1996 C6. In particular, investigation of exceedances in this model is a
part of Ph.D. program of my student H. Hasan.
C4. Books
[1] Rahimov, I., Random Sums and Branching Stochastic Processes, Springer Verlag,
LNS, V. 96, 1995. (English).
[2] Badalbaev, I., S., Rahimov, I., Non-Homogeneous Flows of Branching Processes,
Tashkent, “FAN”, 1993, (Russian)
C5. Articles Published or Accepted in Refereed Journals
Until 1991, because of well-known situation in the former USSR , my scientific results
were published mostly in Russian journals. But some of the articles were translated and
published in an English language version of the journal as well. Below the star *
indicates publications in the international journals which are either in English or
translated into English.
[1]* Badalbaev I., Rahimov I., Critical branching processes with immigration
decreasing intensity. THEORY OF PROBAB. AND APPL. , 1978, V.23, No 2, 259268, (Russian and English translation).
[2] Badalbev I,. Rahimov I.,Limit theorems for the critical Galton-Watson processes
with immigration decreasing intensity, IZVESTIYA of AS of UzSSR, 1978, No2, 9-14,
[3] Badalbaev, I., Rahimov, I., Bellman-Harris branching processes with nonhomogeneous immigration.DOKLADI.AS of UzSSR,1978, No 9, 3-5.(Russian)
[4] Rahimov, I., Some properties of supercritical branching processes with
“Fan”, UzSSR,Tashkent, 1978, p. 138-143.(Russian)
[5] Rahimov, I., On Galton-Watson processes with increasing immigration. IZVESTIYA
of AS of UzSSR, 1978, N4, 22-31 (Russian).
[6] Rahimov, I., Some theorems for the continuous-time branching processes with timedependent immigration. In the book “INVESTIGATIONS ON THE PHYSICAL AND
MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES”. Tashkent. 1978, 57-63 (Russian).
[1] Ibragimov, R., Rahimov, I., Limit theorems or supercritical multitype Galton-Watson
processes, IZVESTIYA of AS of UzSSR, 1979, No1 , 9-15, (Russian).
[2] Badalbev I., Rahimov, I., Critical age-dependent branching processes with
immigration decreasing intensity. In the book “LIMIT THEOREMS, RANDOM
PROCESSES AND APPL. “Fan”, Tashkent, 1979,46-59, (Russian).
[3] Rahimov, I., Supercritical processes with immigration decreasing intensity, In the
Tashkent, 1979, 171-179 (Russian).
[1] Badalbaev I., Rahimov, I., Two limit theorems for Bellman-Harris processes with
STATISTICAL INFERENCES”, “Fan”, Tashkent, 1981, 19-29 (Russian).
[2] Rahimov, I., On branching processes with increasing immigration, DOKL. AS of
Uzbek SSR, 1981, No1, 3-5 (Russian).
[3] Rahimov, I., Juraev, Yu. On transient phenomena in Galton-Watson processes with
immigration decreasing intensity, In the book “RANDOM PROCESSES AND MATH.
STATIST.,Tashkent Pedagogical Inst. 1981, 76-88.(Russian).
[4] Rahimov, I., Transient phenomena in branching random processes with immigration,
IZVESTIYA of AS of UzSSR,1981,No5, 30-35 (Russian).
[5] Rahimov,I.,Juraev,Yu., Transient phenomena in branching processes with
immigration decreasing intensity. In the book “LIMIT THEOREMS FOR RANDOM
PROCESSES AND RELATING PROBLEMS”, “Fan”, Tashkent, 1981, (Russian) .
[1] Rahimov, I., Limit theorems for Bellman-Harris processes with immigration, In the
book “RANDOM PROCESSES AND MATH STAT.“ Tashkent Pedagogical Inst.
1982, 36-45, (Russian).
[1] Rahimov, I.,Subcritical processes with non-homogeneous immigration, IZVESTIYA
of AS of Uz SSR, 1983,No3, 14-19, (Russian).
[2]* Badalbaev I., Rahimov, I., Further results on branching processes with immigration
decreasing intensity. THEORY OF PROBAB.AND APPL., 1983, N4, 775-780,
(Russian and English)
[1]* Rahimov, I., On the limit theorems for a sequence of branching processes with nonhomogeneous immigration. THEORY OF PROBAB. AND APPL. 1984, N4, (Russian
and English trans.).
[2] Rahimov, I., Limit theorems for total number of particles in critical Galton-Watson
processes with immigration, In the book “ASYMPTOTIC PROBLEMS OF
PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS”, “Fan”, Tashkent, 1984, 106-119 (Russian).
[3] Rahimov, I., Uniform estimates in the limit theorems for branching processes with
immigration, IZVESTIYA of AS of UzSSR 1984, No4, 24-29 (Russian).
[4] Rahimov, I., A limit theorem for multitype age-dependent branching processes,
IZVESTIYA of AS of UzSSR, 1984, No5, 28-40 (Russian).
[5] Rahimov, I., Limit theorems for multitype age-dependent branching processes with
immigration, DOKL. of AS of UzSSR, 1984, No 4, 3-5 (Russian).
[1] Badalbaev,I. ,Rahimov, I., New limit theorems for multitype branching processes
with immigration decreasing intensity, IZVESTIYA of AS of UzSSR, 1985, No2, 17-22,
[2] Rahimov, I., Limit distributions for integrals of Bellman-Harris processes with nonhomogeneous immigration, IZVESTIYA of AS of Uzbek SSR, 1985, No5, 20-25
[3] Rahimov, I., Convergence of a sequence of branching processes with immigration to
the Jirina processes. In the book “LIMIT THEOREMS FOR PROBABILITY
DISTRIBUTIONS”, ”Fan”, Tashkent, 1985, 134-148, (Russian).
[1]* Rahimov, I., Critical branching processes with infinite variance and decreasing
immigration. THEORY OF PROBAB. AND APPL. 1986, v.31, No1, 98-110 (Russian
and English ).
[2] Rahimov, I., Kaverin, S., Class of limit distributions of critical branching processes
with state-dependent immigration, DOKL. of AS of UzSSR, 1986, No1, 4-6, (Russian).
[3] Rahimov, I., Asymptotic behavior of the probability of hitting a fixed state for
Galton-Watson processes with decreasing immigration, I, IZVESTIYA of AS of
UzSSR, 1986, No2; 33-38 (Russian).
[4] Rahimov, I., Asymptotic behavior of probability of hitting a fixed state for GaltonWatson processes with decreasing immigration, II, IZVESTIYA of AS of UzSSR, 1986,
No3, 38-46 (Russian).
[1]* Rahimov I., Limit theorems for random sums of dependent indicators and their
applications in the theory of branching processes. THEORY OF PROBAB. AND
APPL. 1987, v.32, N2, 317-326, (Russian and English)
[2] Rahimov, I., On approximation of the distribution of the sum of a random number of
random terms, DOKL.of AS of UzSSR, 1987, No1, 5-7 (Russian).
[3] Rahimov, I., Limit theorems for decomposable branching processes with immigration,
DOKL. of AS of UzSSR, 1987, No6, 5-7 (Russian).
[4] Rahimov I., Salahitdinov R., Some generalizations of limit theorems for GaltonWatson processes with infinite variance and decreasing immigration, IZVESTIYA of AS
of UzSSR, 1987, No3, 25-30 (Russian).
[5] Rahimov I., New limit theorems for Galton-Watson processes with infinite variance,
IZVESTIYA of AS of UzSSR, 1987, No4, 29-36 (Russian).
[6] Rahimov, I., Kaverin, S., A method for proving limit theorems for branching
processes with state-dependent immigration, In the book “PROBABILITY MODELS
AND MATH. STATIST”.1987,”Fan”, Tashkent, 61-76 (Russian).
[7] Rahimov, I., Statistical estimates for parameters of a subcritical Galton-Watson
processes with a reflecting screen. “PROBABILITY MODELS AND MATHEM.
STATIST.” Tashkent, 1987, 76-87 (Russian.).
[8] Rahimov, I., Two limit theorems for multitupe age-dependent branching processes
with immigration, In the book “ASYMPTOTIC METHODS IN MATH.
STATIST.”,”Fan”, Tashkent, 1987, 97-108, (Russian).
[1]* Rahimov, I., Sirazhitdinov S. Kh. Approximation of distribution of a sum in a
certain scheme for summation of independent random variables. DOKL. ACAD.
NAUK USSR, Vol.301, 1988, No1, 31-34 ( Russian and English).
[2]* Rahimov, I., Local limit theorems for branching random processes with decreasing
immigration. THEORY OF PROBAB. AND APPL. 1988, V.33, No2, 387-392
(Russian and English trans.).
[3] Rahimov, I., A local theorem for Galton-Watson processes with immigration in the
case of uniform limit distribution, ”SERDICA” , 1988. V14, No3, 234-244 (Russian).
[4] Rahimov, I., Asymptotic of non-extinction probability of decomposable branching
processes with immigration, IZVESTIYA of AS of UzSSR, 1988, No2, 26-28 (Russian).
[5] Rahimov, I., Sirazhdinov, S. Kh., Approximation of the distribution of a sum in
certain a scheme for summation of independent random variables, In the book
STATIST.” “Fan”, Tashkent, 1988, 136-151, (Russian).
[6] Rahimov, I., Local limit theorem for branching processes with slowly decreasing
THEORY AND MATH.STATIST”. ”Fan”, Tashkent, 1988, 121-136 (Russian).
[1]* Rahimov, I., Asymptotic behavior of families of particles in branching random
processes. DOKL. AKAD. NAUK USSR, 305, 1989, No3, 540-542 (Russian and
[2]* Rahimov, I., Sirazhdinov S. Kh., Approximation of distribution of a sum in a certain
scheme for summation of independent random variables. SOVIET MATH. DOKL.
Vol.38, 1989, No1, 23-27 (English)
[3]* Rahimov, I., Asymptotic behavior of families of particles in branching random
processes. SOVIET MATH.DOKL.,Vol.39, 1989, N2, 322-325 (English).
[4]* Rahimov, I., On “A limit theorem for random sums of dependent indicators”, Letter
to the editors, THEORY OF PROBAB. AND APPL., V 34, No 3, 613 (1989), (Russian
and English).
[5] Rahimov, I., Kurbanov, S., Branching processes with non-homogeneous migration
and infinite variance, In the book “FUNCTIONALS OF RANDOM PROCESSES
AND STATIST. INFERENCEES, “Fan”, Tashkent, 1989, 71-85 (Russian).
[6] Rahimov, I., Asymptotic behavior of families of particles in branching random
INFERENCES”,”Fan”, Tashkent, 1989, 58-71, (Russian).
[7] Rahimov, I., Branching processes with generalized immigration, IZVESTIYA of AS
of UzSSR, 1989, No2, 35-40 (Russian).
[1] Rahimov, I., Asymptotic behavior of the sum of randomly indexed processes, In the
STATIST.” “Fan”, Tashkent, 1990, 79-92 (Russian).
[1]* Rahimov, I., Sampling sums of dependent variables, mixtures of infinitely divisible
distributions and branching stochastic processes. DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, 1991,
V. 3, No2, 236-257 (Russian and English).
[1]* Rahimov, I., The General branching processes with immigration depending on
reproduction, THEORY OF PROBAB. AND APPL., 1992, V. 37, No 3, 513-525
(Russian and English ).
[2]* Rahimov, I., Sampling sums of dependent random variables, mixtures of infinitely
divisible laws and branching random processes, DISCRETE MATH. AND APPL.,
1992, V.2, No3, 337-356 (English).
[3] Rahimov, I., Critical Bellman-Harris processes with infinite variance and decreasing
immigration, UZBEK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, 1992, No2, 22-31 (Russian).
[4] Rahimov, I., Khalilov, V., Abdullev, A., On multitype branching processes with
increasing immigration, UZBEK MATH. JOURNAL, 1992, No 5-6, 63-70, (Russian)
[1]*Rahimov, I., Critical Processes with infinite variance and increasing immigration ,
MATHEMATICAL NOTES, 1993, V.53, No 6, P.97-107, (Russian and English ).
[1] Rahimov, I., Kurbanov, S., Subcritical Branching Processes with Decreasing
Immigration and Infinite Variance, UZBEK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, 1994, No
1, P. 51-57 (Russian).
[2] Rahimov, I., Mixtures of Infinitely Divisible Laws as Limit Distributions for a Special
Form Multiple Sums, UZBEK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, 1994, No 4, P. 43-50
[1]* Rahimov, I., Teshabaev, A., Decomposable branching processes with decreasing
2/3, P.169-190, ( English).
[2]* Rahimov, I., Rosihan, M., Ali, On the Extinction of Families, The ISOSS Bulletin,
1996, No4, p.7 (English).
[2]* Rahimov, I., Kassim, S. Record Values Concerning a Family of Age-Dependent
SOCIETY, 1997, Vol. 20, No. 2, 57-66. ( English).
[1]* Rahimov, I., Multitype Processes with Reproduction-Dependent Immigration,
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY, 1998, V. 35, No. 2, P. 281-292 (English).
[2]* Rahimov, I., Hasan, H., Exceedance Problems Concerning a family of Branching
Processes, PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS, 1998, V.14, No. 1, P. 37-47 ,
[3]* Rahimov, I., Hasan, H., Limit Theorems for Exceedances of a Sequence of
V. 21, 1998, p. 37-46, (English).
[4]* Rahimov I., Teshabaev A. Some Limit Theorems for Decomposable Branching
Processes, “Istatistik”, JOURNAL OF TURKISH STAT. ASSOC., 1998, V.1, No 1,
p. 29-42. (English).
[1]* Rahimov, I., Yanev, G., On Maximum Family Size in Branching Processes,
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY, V.36, No 3, p. 632-643 (English).
[2]* Rahimov, I., Hasan, H. On the number of productive ancestors in large populations,
Istatistik”, JOURNAL OF TURKISH STAT. ASSOC., 1999, V.2, No 2, p. 123-133.
[1]* Rahimov, I., A Limit Theorem for Multitype General Branching Processes with
V.9, No 2, 2000, P.105-122. ( English).
[2]* Rahimov I., On the Non-Extinction Probability of Branching Diffusions,
( English).
[3]* Rahimov I., Al-Sabah W. S. Branching processes with decreasing immigration and
tribal emigration. A. JOURNAL OF MATH. SC., V.6, No 2, 2000, P. 81-97.
[1]* Rahimov I. Approximation of exceedance processes in large populations.
STOCHASTIC MODELS, V. 17, No 2, P. 147-156.
[2]* Rahimov I., Ahsanullah M. Records generated by total progeny of branching
5, No 1, 2001, P. 81-94.
[3]* Rahimov I., Muttlak H. A. Random ranked set samples. PAK. JOURNAL OF
STATISTICS, V.17, No 1, 2001, P. 51-66.
[1]* Rahimov I. Limit Distributions for Generalized Reduced Branching Processes.
[2]* Rahimov I. Multitype Generalized Reduced Processes. JOURNAL OF
[1] * Rahimov I. Random Sums of Independent Indicators and Generalized Reduced
P. 205-221.
[2]* Rahimov I., Muttlak H. A. Estimation of the population mean using random
selection in ranked set samples. STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY LETTERS, Vol
62, 2003, P. 203-209.
[3]* Rahimov I., Ahsanullah M. Records Related to Sequence of Branching Stochastic
Processes (a Review). PAK. JOURNAL OF STATISTICS, Vol 19, 2003, No 1, P. 7397 .
[4]* Rahimov I., Muttlak H. A. Investigating the Estimation of the Population Mean
Using Random Ranked Set Samples. NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS, 2003, V 15,
No 3, P. 311-324.
[5]* Rahimov I., Muttlak H. Random Sum Approach to Study of a Noncritical Branching
[1]* Rahimov I., Malik M. Asymptotic Bahavior of Expected Record Values. PAK.
JOURNAL OF STATISTICS, Vol 20, 2004, No. 1, P. 129-135 .
[2]* Rahimov I., Muttlak H. Random Sums of Random Vectors and Multi Type Families
AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES , Vol. 2004, No 19, P. 975-990.
[3]* Rahimov I., Limit Theorems for the size of Subpopulation of Productive Individuals.
STOCHASTIC MODELS, VOL. 20, 2004, no 3, P. 261-280.
[4]* Rahimov I. On the Number of Large Families in a Branching population.
Dynamical Systems and Applications-2004, Proceedings of the Internationl
Conference, Antalya, Turkey, July 5-10, 2004, GBS Publishers & Distributors, P.
[1]* Rahimov I., Sabah W. Reduction of a continuous state branching stochastic process
to usual processes. STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY LETTERS, (Submitted).
[2]* Rahimov I., Sabah W. Duality Theorems For a Branching Process with Continuous
States and Applications. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY (Submitted).
[1]* Rahimov I., Asymptotic Behaviour of a Controlled Branching Process with
[2]* Rahimov I., Functional Limit Theorems for Critical Processes with Immigration "
[3]* Rahimov I., Malik M. Records Generated by Sequence of Branching Processes with
C6. Dissertations
[1] Limit Theorems for Branching Processes with Time-Dependent Immigration,
Tashkent, 1978, (PhD Thesis, Russian).
[2] Limit Theorems for Branching Processes with Time-Dependent Immigration,
(Abstract of
PhD Dissertation), Romanovski Math. Institute, Tashkent, 1978.
[3] Summation of a Random Number of Random Terms and Branching Stochastic
Processes, Steklov Math. Institute, Moscow, 1991, (Doctor of Phisical and
Mathematical Sciences Thesis, Russian).
[4] Summation of a Random Number of Random Terms and Branching Stochastic
Processes (Abstract of Doctor of Science Dissertation), Steklov Mathematical
Institute Moscow, 1991, (Russian).
C7. Papers or Abstracts Published in Conferences
[1] Badalbaev I., Rahimov, I., Some theorems for the continuous-time branching
processes with time-dependent immigration. Proceedings 2nd Vilnius Conference on
Theory of Probab. and Math. Statistics, Vilnius, 1977, (Russian)
[1] Rahimov, I., Critical Galton-Watson processes with increasing immigration.
Proceedings of Tashkent Conference of Young Scientists, Tashkent, 1978. (Russian.)
[1] Rahimov, I., Critical processes with non-homogeneous immigration. IIIth
International Vilnius Conference on THEOR. OF PROBAB. AND MATH.
STATIST., Vilnius 1981.
[1]* Rahimov, I., On the branching random processes with immigration in a periodic
environment. Abst.of Comm.IV USSR-Japan Symposium on Probability Theory and
Mathematical Statistics V.II, Tbilisi, 1982, 2. (English)
[1] Rahimov, I., Local limit theorems for Galton-Watson processes with decreasing
immigration. Abstr. Comm. International Seminar on Mathem. Modelling.and
Stability of Stochastic Models. Varna, Bulgaria, 1985, (Russian).
[2] Rahimov, I., Asymptotic of local probability of Galton-Watson processes with
decreasing immigration. IVth International Vilnius Conference on Theory of probab.
and Math. Statist., Vilnius 1985 (Russian).
[1]* Rahimov, I., Sums of dependent indicators and branching stochastic processes. 1st
World Congress of Bernoulli Society. V.1, Tashkent, 1986, (English).
[1] Rahimov, I., Local limit theorems for Markov branching processes in a uniform limit
distribution case. International school “ERGODIC THEORY OF MARKOV
PROCESSES”, Kizil, 1987, (Russian).
[1]* Rahimov, I., The methods of summation of random variables in theory of branching
processes. V th International Vilnius Conference on THEORY OF PROBAB.AND
MATH.STATIST.,Vilnius, 1989, (English).
[2] Rahimov, I., Limit theorems for some characteristics of population in a Markov
branching process. International School “ERGODIC THEORY OF MARKOV
PROCESSES”; Kiev,1989, (Russian).
[1]* Rahimov, I., General branching processes with general immigration process. VI
STATISTICS, Kiev, August, 1991, (English).
[1]* Rahimov, I., Branching Processes as a Sums of Dependent Random Variables.,
BRANCHING PROCESSES, First World Congress, 1993, Varna, Bulgaria.
Springer-Verlag, Ser. LNS, Vol. 99, 1995, p. 58-66, Editor Ch. Heyde, (English).
[2]* Rahimov, I., Yildirim, F., Teshabaev, A.,
Non Homogeneous Decomposable
Branching Processes., BRANCHING PROCESSES, First World Congress, Varna,
Bulgaria, 1993. Springer-Verlag, Ser. LNS, Vol. 99, 1995, p. 67-76, Editor Ch.
Heyde, (English).
[3]* Rahimov, I., Weak convergence of certain multiple sums of dependent random
variables. Probabilistic Methods in Discrete Mathematics, Progr. Pure Appl.
Discrete Math., 1, VSP, Utrecht, 1993, 376-385 (Russian and English).
[1]* Rahimov, I., Branching Processes with Immigration., Fourth ISOSS Conference ,
Lahore, Pakistan, 1994. (English)
[2]* Rahimov, I., Decomposable Branching Processes with Decreasing Immigration.
Fourth ISOSS Conference , Lahore, Pakistan, 1994. (English)
[3] Rahimov, I., Record values of a family of branching processes, Classical and
Modern Branching Processes, IMA Workshop, (by Invitation only) June , 1994,
Springer-Verlag, Ser.”IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications”, Vol. 84,
1996, Editors K. Athreya and P Jagers, P. 285-295. (English).
[1]* Rahimov, I., Random Sums in the Theory of Branching Processes, Second
International Workshop in Stochastic Modeling and Experimental Design at St.
Petersburg, 1996, P.305-309. (Invited Paper, English).
[2]* Rahimov, I., Ahsanullah, M., Record Properties of a Family of Branching Processes,
Second International Workshop in Stochastic Modeling and Experimental Design at
St. Petersburg, 1996, P.300-304. (English).
[3]* Rahimov, I., Summation of a Random Number of Terms and Branching Stochastic
Processes, Proceedings of Fifth Conference on Statistical Sciences, Vol. I, 1996,
Malang, Indonesia, (English, Invited Paper).
[4]* Rahimov, I., A Transfer Theorem for Multitype Processes and its Applications,
Proceedings of the Workshop “Recent Development in Applied Statistics”, Malang,
Indonesia, 1996, (English, Invited Paper).
[5]* Rahimov, I., Hasan, H., On the First Exceedance of a level by Family of Branching
Processes, Proceedings of Fifth Conference on Statistical Sciences, Vol. II, 1996,
Malang, Indonesia (English).
[1]* Rahimov, I., Yanev, G., Maximal Number of Direct Offspring in Simple Branching
Processes, Proceedings of The Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis, July
10-17, 1996, Athens, Greece, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS, 1997, V.30, No 4, p.20152023. (English, Invited Paper).
[2]* Rahimov, I., Transfer Limit Theorems for Multitype General Branching Processes,
51st Session of the International Statistical Institute, Istanbul, August 1997, Bulletin
of the International Statistical Institute, Tome LVII, Book 2, 1997, P. 583-584.
[3]* Rahimov, I., On a Transfer Theorem for Multitype General Branching Processes,
ATCM 97 (The Second Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics), USM,
Penang, Malaysia, 1997, P.8.
[1]* Rahimov, I., A Transfer Theorem for Multitype Processes and its Applications,
International Workshop (Malang, Indonesia, 1996) on “APPLIED STATISTICAL
SCIENCE II”, Nova Science Publishers, 1997, P. 37-56. (English).
[1]* Rahimov I., Muttlak, H. A. Random Ranked set Samples. Proceedings of the
ICCS –VII, Lahore, January 2001, P. 145-161. (English).
C8. Technical Reports
[1] Rahimov, I., Yanev, N., On a Maximal Sequence Associated with Simple Branching
Processes, Preprint, No. 6, PP. 14, August 1996, Institute of Mathematics with Computer
Center of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, (English).
[2] Rahimov, I., Hasan, H., Exceedance Problems Concerning a Family of Branching
Processes, Tech. Report No M9/96, November 1996, P.P.S.M., USM, Malaysia
[3] Rahimov, I., Towards the Extinction of Immigration-Branching Diffusion Processes,
Tech. Report No M10/1997, November 1997, P.P.S.M., USM, Malaysia (English).
[4] Rahimov, I., Multitype General Branching Processes with Generalized Immigration,
Tech. Report No 230, April, 1998, Dep. Math. Scien. KFUPM (English).
[5] Rahimov, I., Explicit Limit Distributions for Immigration-Branching Diffusions,
Tech. Report No 239, December, 1998, Dep. Math. Scien. KFUPM (English).
[6] Rahimov, I., Muttlak, H. A. Random Ranked Set Samples, Tech. Report No 256,
May, 2000, Dep. Math. Scien. KFUPM (English).
[7] Rahimov, I., Muttlak, H. A. Random Ranked Set Samples with Imperfect Judgment
Ranking, Tech. Report No 257, October, 2000, Dep. Math. Scien. KFUPM (English).
C9. Papers Submitted for Publication
[1] Rahimov I. Random Sums of Independent Indicators and Generalized Reduced
Processes, Stochastic Analysis and Applications (USA) (Submitted for publication,
C10. Invited Papers and Talks
[1]* Rahimov, I., Summation of a Random Number of Terms and Branching Stochastic
Processes, Proceedings of Fifth Conference on Statistical Sciences, Vol. I, 1996,
Malang, Indonesia, (English, Invited Paper).
[2]* Rahimov, I., Yanev, G., On the Maximal Number of Direct Offspring in Branching
Processes, Proceedings of The Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis, July
10-17, 1996, Athens, Greece, (English, Invited Paper).
[3]* Rahimov, I., A Transfer Theorem for Multitype Processes and its Applications,
Proceedings of the Workshop “Recent Development in Applied Statistics”, Malang,
Indonesia, 1996, (English, Invited Paper).
[4]* Rahimov, I., Random Sums in the Theory of Branching Processes, Second
International Workshop in Stochastic Modeling and Experimental Design at St.
Petersburg, 1996, P.305-309. (Invited Paper, English).
[5]* Rahimov I. Immigration-Branching Diffusions and their extinction, International
Conference on Applied Statistical Sciences V, New Jersey, USA, May 2001,
Applied Statistical Science Vol. V, 2001, P. 97-117 (Invited paper, English)
[6]* Rahimov I. On a Stochastic Model for Continuous Mass Branching Population.
MODELLING 2005, Third IMACS Conference on Mathematical Modelling. July 48, 2005, Pilsen, Szech Republic.
C11. Seminars
From 1978 to 1993 I have given one or two seminars a year at Romanovski
Mathematical Institute of Uzbek Academy of Sciences.
During those years I have also given at least one seminar a year at Tashkent city weekly
meeting of statisticians.
In 1984 and 1989-1991 I have given one seminar a year at Steklov Mathematical Institute
of Academy of Sciences of The USSR.
In 1990 I gave a seminar at Moscow State University, Moscow, USSR.
In 1991 I gave a seminar at Kiev State University, Ukraina.
From 1993 to 1995 I have given one seminar a year at Middle East Technical University,
Ankara, Turkey.
In 1993 gave seminars at Khojitepa and Gazi universities, Ankara, Turkey.
In June of 1994 I gave a seminar on Record Values at Minnesota University,
Minneapolis, USA.
In 1996 I gave a series of seminars at University of Science Malaysia, Penang.
In 1996 I gave a seminar at Singapore National University, Singapore.
In 1997 I gave a seminar at University Kebangsaan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
In 1998 I gave a seminar on “Effect of Migration in Stochastic Population Processes”
at KFUPM, Dhahran.
In February 28, 1999 I gave a seminar on “A Remark on Simple Random Sums” at
KFUP, Dhahran.
In November 21, 1999 I gave a seminar "On a Sum of Random Fields" at KFUPM ,
C12. Research Project and Grants
Research project "Limit Theorems for Stochastic Processes and Statistical Inference",
Part 1: "Limit Theorems of the Theory of Branching Processes".
During these years my research activity was funded by Uzbek Academy of Sciences and
Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
Two weeks visit Varna, Bulgaria including speaking at a Summer School, funded by
Academy of Sciences of the USSR and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Advanced Fellowship in the NATO-CP Science Fellowship Program, 24 months, Middle
East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Two weeks visit Rabat, Morocco, including speaking at a conference, funded my
Two weeks visit Varna, Bulgaria, funded by TUBITAK, Turkey.
Two weeks visit Minnesota University, Minneapolis, USA, including speaking at a
Conference funded by USA.
One month visit Sofia, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy
of Sciences, Bulgaria, for giving series of seminars and for joint research work with
professor Nick Yanev funded by Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Two weeks visit Levke University, Lefkoshe, Cyprus, including speaking at a conference
And at a meeting with graduate students, funded by Lefke University, Cyprus.
Short term (12 months) research project "A forecasting method of defects in networks
based on branching processes " funded by the Malaysian Department of Science and
Environmental Technology (IRPA).
One week visit professor Louis Chen, Singapore National University, including a talk
at the seminar, funded by Singapore National University.
Short term (12 months) Research project "Mathematical modelling of population
dynamics and cascades of defects in networks based on branching processes" funded by
Malaysian Department of Science and Environmental Technology (IRPA).
An internal (15 months) Research project " Investigation of a Random Sum of Indicators
with Applications in Branching Stochastic Processes" funded by King Fahd University of
Petroleum and Minarals, No MS/SOCHASTIC/254.
A Fast Track (12 months) research project " Branching stochastic Processes with
Continuous State-Space and Immigration in Varying Environment" funded by SABIC,
No FT/2005-01.
A Fast Track (12 months) research project "Investigation of Branching Processes with
Incubation" funded by SABIC No FT/2006-03.
C13. List of Citations to papers by I. Rahimov:
[1] Jacob C., Peccoud J., Estimation of the Parameters of Branching Process from
Migration Binomial Observations, Advances in Applied Probability, 1998, V. 30, No.
4, p. 948-967. (To the monograph [1] and paper [7] 1987 Totally 2 citations)
[2] Mitov, K. V. The maximum number of offspring of one particle in a branching
process with state-dependent immigration, Proc. 27th Spring Conference of the Union
of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Pleven, 1998, April 9-11, p. 92-97.
(To the paper [2], 1997)
[3] Lange K., Fan R.Z., Branching-Process Models for Mutant-Genes in Nonstationary
Populations, Theoretical Population Biology, 1997, Vol. 51. No. 2, p 118-133.
(To the monograph [1])
[4] G. P. Yanev, N. P. Yanev Branching Processes with Two Types of Emigration and
State-Dependent Immigration, In: C.C. Heyde, Y.V. Prohorov, R. Pyke and S. T. Rachev
(Eds) Lecture Notes in Statistics, 114, Springer-Verlag, 1996, p. 216-227
(To the monograph [1])
[5] Kovalenko, I. M., Kuznetsov, N. Yu., Shurenkov V. M. Models of Random
Processes. A Handbook for Mathematicians and Engineers, CRC Press, New York,
(To the paper [1], 1978)
[6] Dion, J. –P. Statistical inference for discrete time branching processes. In: Ed.
Obretenov, A., Proc. 7th International Summer School on Prob. Theory and Math.
Statistics (Varna, 1991). Sci. Cult. Tech. Publ., 1993, Singapore, 60-121.
(To the paper [1], 1987)
[7] Berlin, Y. A., Drobnitsky D. O., Goldanskii V. I., Kuzmin, V. V. Correlated
Fluctuations in Multielement Systems-The Stochastic-Branching-Process Model,
Physical Review A, 1992, Vol. 45, No 6, p. 3547-3552.
(To the paper [2], 1988)
[8] Berlin, Y. A., Drobnitsky D. O., Goldanskii V. I., Kuzmin, V. V On Inherited Fertility
in Biological Systems-A Model of Correlated Fluctuations in the Stochastic Branching
Processes, BIOSYSTEMS, 1992, Vol. 26. No. 3, p. 185-192
(To the paper [2], 1988)
[9] Vatutin V. A., Zubkov A., M., Branching Processes II, Journal of Soviet
Mathematics, 1993, V. 67, No. 6, p. 3407-3485
(To papers [2], [3], [5],1984; [2], [3], 1985; [1], [2], [3], [4] 1986; [1], [4], [5], [6], [7],
[8], 1987; [2], [3], [4], [6], 1988; [1], [5], [6], [7], 1989. Totally 23 citations.)
[10] Logunov P. L. Estimates for the Convergence Rate to the Poisson Distribution for
Random Sums of Independent Indicators, Theory of Probability and its Applications,
1990, V. 35, No 3, p 587-590.
(To the paper [1], 1987)
[11] Sagitov S. M. A Multidimensional Critical Branching Process Generated by a Large
Number of Particles of One Type, Theory of Probability and its Applications, 1990, V.
35, No 1, p. 118-130.
(To the paper [1], 1984)
[12] Vatutin V., Zubkov A. M. Branching Processes I, In: Probability Theory,
Mathematical Statistics, Theoretical Cibernetics, Itogi Nauki I Tekhniki, Akad.
Nauk USSR, /VINITI/, 1985, V. 23, p. 1-67
(To papers [1], [2], [4], [5], [6], 1978; [1], [2], [3], 1979; [1], [2], [4], 1981; [1], 1983.
Totally 12 citations)
[13] Yanev, G.P. and Yanev, N.M. (1999). Limit theorems for branching processes with
random migration components. In: Proc. 9th International Summer School on
Prob.Theory and Math. Statist. (Sozopol, 1997), Sci. Cult. Tech. Publ., Singapore,
(to appear).
(To the Monograph [1])
[14] Iosifescu, Marius, Finite Markov processes and their applications. Wiley Series in
Probability and Mathematical Statistics. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester; Editura
Tehnic\u a, Bucharest, 1980. 295 pp. ISBN:0-471-27677-4
(To the paper [1], 1978)
[15] Badalbaev, I., S., Zubkov, A., M. Limit theorems for a sequence of branching
processes with immigration, , Theory of Probability and its Applications, 1983, V. 28,
No 2, p. 382-388.
(To the paper [3], 1978)
[16] Badalbaev, I., S., Pirimkulov Sh. P. A limit theorem for branching processes with
immigration of decreasing intensity, IZVESIYA of Uzbek Academy of Sciences, 1981,
No 4, p. 5-8.
(To the paper [1], 1978)
[17] Badalbaev I., S., Ganikhodjaev A. N., Some generalizations of limit theorems for
branching processes with decreasing immigration, IZVESIYA of Uzbek Academy of
Sciences, 1987, No 6, p. 3-8.
(To the papers [1], [2], 1978)
[18] Badalbaev I., S., Salakhitdinov R. M The rate of convergence in limit theorems for
branching processes with decreasing immigration, IZVESIYA of Uzbek Academy of
Sciences, 1983, No 5, p. 10-16
To the paper [1], 1978)
[19] Badalbaev I., S., Salakhitdinov R. M Generalizations of limit theorems for
branching processes with immigration of decreasing intensity, IZVESIYA of Uzbek
Academy of Sciences, 1985, No 1, p. 1-12.
To the paper [1], 1978)
[20] Badalbaev I., S., Salakhitdinov R. M., Estimates of the rate of convergence in limit
theorems for branching processes with decreasing immigration, IZVESIYA of Uzbek
Academy of Sciences, 1988, No 1, p. 3-8.
(To the paper [1], 1978)
[21] Ganikhodjaev A. N., Some generalized limit theorems for branching processes with
immigration of decreasing intensity (a discrete case). IZVESIYA of Uzbek Academy of
Sciences, 1988, No 5, p. 3-7.
(To the paper [2], 1978)
[22] K.V.Mitov, N.M.Yanev, Critical branching processes with decreasing statedependent immigration, Compt. rendues de l'Acad. Bul. Sci., Vol. 36, No 2., 1983.
(To the papers [1], [2] 1978)
[23] K.V.Mitov, V.À.Vatutin, N.M.Yanev, Kriticheskie processi Galtona-Watsona s
ubivajushcej immigraciej zavisjashchej ot sostojanija processa. Serdika -Bul. Math.
Journal, Vol.10, 1984. 412-424.
(To the paper [1], 1978)
[24] K.V.Mitov, G.P.Yanev, Maximum family size in branching processes with statedependent immigration, Math. and Edu. in Math. , Proc. of 28-th Spring Conference
of UBM, 1999, 142-149.
(To the paper [2], 1997)
[25] K.V.Mitov, V.A.Vatutin, N.M.Yanev, Continuous - time branching processes with
decreasing state dependent immigration, Advances in Applied . Probability, 16, 1984,
(to the paper [1], 1978)
[26] K.V.Mitov, N.M.Yanev, Critical branching processes with decreasing state
dependent immigration, C.R. de l'Acad. Bul. Sci., 36(2), 82.
(To the paper [1], 1978)
[27] N.M.Yanev, K.V.Mitov, Branching processes with decreasing migration, C.R. de
l'Acad. Bul. Sci. 37(4) , 83.
(To the paper [1], 1978)
[28] N.M.Yanev, K.V.Mitov, A critical branching process with decreasing migration.,
Serdica - Bul. Math. Journal, Vol.11, 1985, p. 240-244
(To the paper [1], 1978)
[30] K.V.Mitov, N.M.Yanev. Vetvjashchiesja processi s ubivajushchej immigraciej
zavisjashchej ot sostojanija processa. Serdica - Bul.Math.Journal.,Vol.11, 1985, 25-41.
(To the paper [1], 1978)
[31] K.V.Mitov, The maximal number of particles in a branching process with statedependent immigration. Proc. of VIII Summer School on Prob. And Statist., Sozopol,
Bulgaria, 1997.
(To the paper [2], 1997)
[32] Mitov, K. V., The maximal Number of Particles in a Branching Process with StateDependent Immigration. Pliska Studia Mathematica Bulgarica, 13(2000), 161-167.
(To Preprint [3], 1996)
[33] Yanev, G. P. and Yanev, N. M. Limit Theorems for Branching Processes with
Random Migration Components. Pliska Studia Mathematica Bulgarica, 13(2000), 199205.
(To the book [1])
[34] Yanev G. P., Tsokos Ch. Family size order statistics in Branching Processes with
immigration, Stochastic Anal. Appl., 18, (2000), No 4, P. 655-670.
(To the paper [2], 1997)
[35] Nevzorov V. B. "Records: Mathematical Theory" Translations of Mathematical
Monographs, V. 194. , 2001
(To the paper [1], 1996 (IMA volumes, v.84) and to the Proceedings of Second
International Workshop in Stochastic Modeling , 1996 [1])
[36] Roos B., Pfeifer D. "On the distance between the distributions of random sums,
Journal of Applied Probability, V. 40, No. 1, 2003, P. 87-107,
(To the Monograph [1], 1995)
[37] K.V. Mitov, A. G. Pakes, G. P. Yanev. Extreme of geometric variables with
applications to branching processes. Statistics and Probability Letters, 2003, 65, No. 4,
P. 379-388.
(To paper [1], 1999 and [1] in Proceedings of WCNA, Athens 1997)
[38] Yanev G., Mitov K. Maximum individual score in critical two-type branching
processes, C.R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 55, 2002, No 11, P. 17-22
(To paper [1], 1999 and [1] in Proceedings of WCNA, Athens 1997)
[39] Yanev G. P., Mitov K. V., Yanev N. M. Critical branching regenerative processes
with migration, Journal of Applied Statistical Science, 2003, 12, No. 1, P. 41-54.
(To the Monograph [1], 1995)
[40] N. Lalam and C. Jacob Estimation of the offspring mean in a supercritical or nearcritical size-dependent branching process
Source: Adv. in Appl. Probab. 36 (2004), no. 2, 582–601.
( To the monograph [1], 1995)
[41] Lalam, N. and Jacob, C. (2002). Estimation of the offspring mean in a supercritical
or near-critical size-dependent branching process. Tech. Rep., Applied Mathematics and
Informatics, INRA, Jouy-en-Josas.
( To the monograph [1], 1995)
[42] Lalam, Nadia; Jacob, Christine Estimation of the offspring mean of a
supercritical or near-critical size-dependent branching process. C. R. Math.
Acad. Sci. Paris 339 (2004), no. 9, 663--666. (Reviewer: Inés Maria del
Puerto) 62M05 (60J80)
( To the monograph [1], 1995)
[43] Dorman, Karin S.; Sinsheimer, Janet S.; Lange, Kenneth In the garden
of branching processes. SIAM Rev. 46 (2004), no. 2, 202--229
( To the monograph [1], 1995)
[44] Yanev G. P., Yanev N. A critical Branching Process with Stationary-Limiting
Distribution, Stochastic Anal. Appl., 2004, V. 22, No 3, 721-738
( To the monograph [1], 1995 and to paper [3]. 2000)
[45] ] Lalam, Nadia; Jacob, Christine. Estimation of the offspring mean for a
general class size-dependent branching process. Applications to quantitive
polymerase chain reaction. Mathematics and Computer Science III, 539-540. Trends
Math., Birkhauser, Basel, 2004.
(To monograph [1])
[46] Silvestrov D. S. Limit Theorems for Randomly Stopped Stochastic Processes.
Springer, Ser. Probability and Its Applications, 2004.
(To paper [1], 1987 and to monograph [1])
D1. Editorship in Mathematical Journals
Associate editor of the "Journal of Applied Statistical Science"
( USA, 1994- ).
Associate editor of “Pakistan Journal of Statistics” (1996-)
Associate editor of the journal “Istatistik”
(Turkey, 1996-)
Referee of “Journal of Applied Probability”
(England, 1996-)
Referee of “ Advances in Applied Probability” (England, 1996-)
Reviewer of “Mathematical Reviews” of American Math.
Society (April 1981 - present)
D2. Awards and scholarships
1. A Silver medal for achievements and excellent results in study, Fergana, USSR, 1968.
2. Romanovski Award for the best scientific results by yang researchers, USSR , 1978.
3. A grant from ISI Tokyo Session Memorial Program to participate at 51st ISI Session.
The Institute of Statistical Research, Tokyo, Japan, 1997.
I never had a scholarship since the education in my country used to be free.
D3. Conference Organization
1.1 ST World Congress of Bernoulli Society. V.1, Tashkent, August 1986.
Member of the National Organizing Committee.
2. 51 ST Session of the International Statistical Institute, Istanbul August 1997.
Organizer of the meeting of invited papers “Population Dynamics with Migration
3. International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Lawrenceville, NJ, USA, May
1999. Member of the Organizing Committee.
D4. Consulting
[1] Chairman, Supervision Committee; School of Young Mathematicians under the
Romanovski Mathematical Institute, Tashkent, USSR.
[2] Consultant of State Statistical Institute of Turkey on Demographic Models,
Ankara, Turkey.
D5. Involvement in Thesis Supervision
I was involved in supervision of the following students.
Name of Student
Date Completed
S. Kurbanov
A. Teshabaev
H. Hummieda (USM, Malaysia)
Yeoh Hong Beng (USM, Malaysia)
H. Hasan (USM, Malaysia)
In addition I was involved in supervision of the following Ph.D. students as a second
supervisor Yu. Djuraev (1938), S. Kaverin (1989), R. Salahitdinov (1990) and V.
Khalilov (1994). I also was involved in supervision 6-7 Master Theses at different Uzbek
D6. Examination of Theses
Member of The Research Council of Romanovski Mathematical Institute of Uzbek
Academy of Sciences. This Research Council serves as a Permanent Jury to consider PhD
and Doctor of Science Theses and makes a decision about conferring the above
Uzbek Academy of Sciences Tashkent.
Each year 10 to 15 theses were considered .
Referee of a PhD Thesis by A. Smadi on Time Series. Department of Statistics,
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
3. As a statistician I am participating in evaluation of research works for promotion to
Associate and Full Professor ranks in overseas universities. The last year I was asked by
the Temple University (USA) to evaluate one candidate for promotion to the rank of Full
D8. Refereeing Papers in Journals
Refereeing and reviewing 8 - 10 research articles a year for variety of conference
proceedings and journals, including 4 international journals such as “Journal of Applied
Probability” and “Advances in Applied Probability” (UK), “Journal of Applied Statistical
Sciences” (USA) , "The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering" KFUPM.
D9. Public Seminars and Presentations
From 1978 to 1993 I have given one or two seminars a year at Romanovski
Mathematical Institute of Uzbek Academy of Sciences.
During those years I have also given at least one seminar a year at Tashkent city weekly
meeting of statisticians.
In 1984 and 1989-1991 I have given one seminar a year at Steklov Mathematical Institute
of Academy of Sciences of The USSR.
In 1990 I gave a seminar at Moscow State University, Moscow, USSR.
In 1991 I gave a seminar at Kiev State University, Ukraina.
From 1993 to 1995 I have given one seminar a year at Middle East Technical University,
Ankara, Turkey.
In 1993 gave seminars at Khojitepa and Gazi universities, Ankara, Turkey.
In June of 1994 I gave a seminar on Record Values at Minnesota University,
Minneapolis, USA.
In 1996 I gave a series of seminars at University of Science Malaysia, Penang.
In 1996 I gave a seminar at Singapore National University, Singapore.
In 1997 I gave a seminar at University Kebangsaan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
In 1998 I gave a seminar on “Effect of Migration in Stochastic Population Processes”
at KFUPM, Dhahran.
In February 28, 1999 I gave a seminar on “A Remark on Simple Random Sums” at
KFUP, Dhahran.
In November 21, 1999 I gave a seminar "On a Sum of Random Fields" at KFUPM ,
D10. Presentations in Conferences and Workshops
[1] Stochastic Processes, a 6 hours Workshop at UKM, August, 1997, Kuala Lumpur,
[2] The Effect of Migration in Population Dynamics, A presentation at UKM, August,
1997, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
[1] Associate Editor of “Proceedings of Romanovski Mathematical Institute on
Probability and
Statistics”, Tashkent, USSR
[2] Member of The Scientific Committee of Romanovski Mathematical Institute for
conferring Ph.D and Doctor of Science Degrees.
Tashkent. 1991-1995
[3] In charge of visits by prospective students
[4] Organizer and Supervisor of the Weekly Seminar on Stochastic Processes ( School
of Mathematical Sciences, USM). The mission of the seminar was:
(a) Discussion of Scientific results concerning research activity of faculty members
(b) Work with the literature of joint interest;
(c) Discussion of current results and degree thesis of graduate students in order to assist
them to finish it in time.
[5] Organizer of the meeting of invited papers “Population Dynamics with Migration
Effects” at 51 ST Session of the International Statistical Institute, Istanbul
[6] Involved in the development of the proposed BS program with Stochastic processes
and Time Series Analysis at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, KFUP, Saudi
[7] Serving as a member of Search Committee at the Department of Mathematical
Sciences, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia.
[8] Served as a member of Ad-hoc Committee to evaluate promotion requests of some
candidates at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia.
[9] Served as a member of Research , Colloquia and Publications Committee member at
the Department of Mathematical Sciences , KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, during February 1998
to June 1998.
[10] Served as a member of Ad-hoc Committee to review the current graduate program at
the Department of Mathematical Sciences, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, during March, to June
[11] Serving as a member of the University Research Advisory Committee 2006-now