* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Microscope One or more lens that makes an enlarged image of an object. • Simple • Compound • Electron Simple Microscope • Similar to a magnifying glass and has only one lens. Compound Microscope • Lets light pass through an object and then through two or more lenses. • Type that will be used in class. Electron Microscope • Uses a magnetic field to bend beams of electrons; instead of using lenses to bend beams of light. A Lens • Enlarges an image and bends the light toward your eye. Eyepiece Lens Usually has a power of 10 x Eyepiece Lens X Objective Lens = Total Magnification • Place the Slide on the Microscope • Use Stage Clips • Click Nosepiece to the lowest (shortest) setting • Look into the Eyepiece • Use the Coarse Adjustment knob