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Development Project
By: Kathey George
Part 1
Sigmund Freud was a Viennese physician who
developed the psychosexual theory.
The psychosexual theory: accentuates how parents
handle their sexual and aggressive drives in the first
few years of life that is vital for healthy personality
In Freud’s theory there are three parts of
 ID: the largest portion of the mind, and the
foundation of fundamental biological needs and
 EGO: the conscious, coherent part of personality
that appear in early infancy to convey the id’s
impulses so that they are released in adequate
 SUPEREGO: conscience extends during
interactions with parents, who claim that
children obey the rules to the morals of society.
In Freud’s theory he produced five psychosexual
stages: Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, and Genital.
•Freud’s first stage of psychosexual is oral,
which is during the period of development of
birth to one year.
•During the oral stage the infant’s primary
source of interaction occurs through the mouth so
the rooting and sucking reflex is important.
•The sucking reflex directs to certain activities
such as breast or bottle feeding.
•If oral fixation is not met appropriately it can
lead to develop negative habits such as drinking,
smoking, nail biting, and excessive eating.
 Freud’s second stage of psychosexual is anal, that is
developed during the ages of 1-3 years.
Throughout the anal stage Freud said that the focal
point of the libido was on controlling bowel and bladder
The foremost inconsistency throughout this stage is the
toilet-training, and the child has to become skilled to
manage bodily needs.
Freud believes that encouraging practices all through
this stage led by parents/guardians provide as the
foundation for people to become proficient, helpful, and
imaginative adults.
Freud’s third stage of psychosexual is phallic which is
during the period of development of 3 to 6 years old.
The primary focus of the phallic stage is the genitals.
Children become aware of the differences between male
and female.
Freud’s Oedipus conflict for boys and Electra conflict for
girls take place: children undergo a sexual desire for the
other-sex parent. To evade reprimand they give up the
desire and implement the same-sex parents’ characteristics
and values.
This is when the superego is formed, and children feel
guilty each time they defy its standards.
۞The fourth stage of psychosexual is latency.
This is developed around the age of 6 to 11
۞Interests are censored during the latent
period. This stage starts around the time
children begin school and become more
apprehensive with peer relationships, hobbies,
and other interests.
۞Latent stage is significant in the development
of social and communication skills and selfconfidence.
۞The child attains new social values from
adults and same-sex peers outside the family.
۞Sexual impulses die down and the superego
continues to develop.
∆The final sTage of freud’s psychosexual
development is the genital. The Period of
development is adolescence.
∆The individual develops a physical powerful
sexual interest in the opposite sex. With puberty,
the sexual inclinations of the phallic stage reemerge.
∆The interest in the wellbeing of others grows
during this stage. The objective of this stage is to
institute a sense of balance between the various
life areas. This stage broadens in the course of
•Erik Erikson created the psychosocial stages.
•Psychosocial theory emphasizes that at each
Freudian stage, individuals not only develop a
unique personality but also acquire attitudes and
skills that help them become active contributing
members of their society.
•Erikson was one of the first to recognize the
lifespan nature of development.
•Erikson’s first five stages parallel Freud’s stages
but Erikson added three adult stages: (Intimacy vs.
isolation, Generativity vs. stagnation, and integrity vs. despair).
The first five stages are:
•Basic Trust vs. Mistrust
•Autonomy vs. Shame
•Initiative vs. Guilt
•Industry vs. Inferiority
•Identity vs. Role confusion
Freud's Psychosexual
Erikson's Psychosocial
Birth to 1 Year
Basic trust vs. mistrust
1 to 3 Years
Autonomy vs. shame and
3 to 6 Years
Initiative vs. guilt
7 to 11 Years
Industry vs. Inferiority
12 to 18 Years
Identity vs. role confusion
At this website you will see a comparison of Freud’s Psychosexual stage
with Erikson’s broader psychosocial stages. Erikson being a neoFreudian took useful information from Freud’s theory and expanded it as
seen on the next slide.
If you look at this site you will see that Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory takes a broader
view of the factors that impact human development. He places importance on the social
and cultural components of an individual's developmental experiences.
Basic Conflict
Infancy (birth
to 18 months)
Trust vs.
Children develop a sense of trust when caregivers provide reliability, care, and
affection. A lack of this will lead to mistrust.
Childhood (2
to 3 years)
Autonomy vs.
Shame and
Children need to develop a sense of personal control over physical skills and a
sense of independence. Success leads to feelings of autonomy, failure results in
feelings of shame and doubt.
Preschool (3
to 5 years)
Initiative vs.
Children need to begin asserting control and power over the environment. Success
in this stage leads to a sense of purpose. Children who try to exert too much power
experience disapproval, resulting in a sense of guilt.
School Age (6
to 11 years)
Industry vs.
Children need to cope with new social and academic demands. Success leads to a
sense of competence, while failure results in feelings of inferiority.
(12 to 18
Identity vs.
Role Confusion
Teens needs to develop a sense of self and personal identity. Success leads to an
ability to stay true to yourself, while failure leads to role confusion and a weak
sense of self.
•Eleanor and James came up with the differentiation theory
•The theory stated that the view that perceptual development
involves the detection of increasingly fine-grained invariant
features in the environment
•Perceptual differentiation is guided by discovery of affordances:
the action possibilities that a situation offers and individual. is a great site that
shows the physical development from newborn to 4-5 years old. The site
explains the developmental milestones in physical growth and activities that
encourage the development.
Weighs between 6 and 9 pounds, has rooting and sucking reflexes, needs to be held
with head and neck supported.
Holds up head, rolls over from stomach to back, follows a moving object with eyes,
and wiggles and kicks.
Weighs twice birth weight, can sit with support and roll over, can hold an object,
smiles and laughs, looks at faces and sounds.
Sits up without help, rocks on hands and knees, and picks up small objects and
transfers them to the other hand. Some may begin to crawl.
Weighs three times birth weight, crawls and pulls up to stand, may walk alone, picks
things up, waves “bye-bye.”
Walks and runs, climbs steps holding on or by crawling, tosses a ball, feeds self, rides
small-wheeled toys, and opens drawers and cabinets.
Weighs four times birth weight, walks alone, goes up and down steps holding onto
hand or rail, scribbles with crayon, may start using the toilet.
Grows more slowly, helps dress self, hops and tiptoes, can balance on one foot, opens
doors, pedals a tricycle, uses the toilet.
Has doubled birth length, dresses self, runs and skips, stacks blocks, bounces and
throws a ball.
•In the developmental stage of middle childhood the ages are
around 7-8 years old.
• this is the period of time when their friends/classmates are
more significant than before and effects of peer pressure start
to arise.
•Arms and legs large muscles are more developed. The children
can bounce a ball and run.
•There might be a difference in the size and abilities of children
which affects how they get along with students and friends,
and how they feel about themselves.
•Seven to nine-year old students are learning to use their
small muscle skills or fine motor skills by writing and their
large muscle skills or gross motor skills like catching a ball.
• is
a link that explains the development changes through the years of adolescents and
how puberty changes their attitude, behavior, and body functions. Some information
from the link is below:
•Adolescents experience a growth spurt, which involves rapid growth of bones and
muscles. This begins in girls around the ages of 9-12 and in boys around the ages of
11-14. Sexual maturation (puberty) also begins at this time. During puberty, most
adolescents will experience:
oilier skin and some acne
increased sweating especially under arms
growth of pubic and underarm hair, and facial and chest hair in boys
changes in body proportions
masturbation and fantasies about sexual intimacy
in boys, enlargement of testicles, erections, first ejaculation, wet dreams, deepening voice
in girls, breast budding, increased vaginal lubrication and the beginning of the menstrual cycle
Part 2
Jean Piaget was a Swiss philosopher, natural scientist, and developmental
psychologist who created his cognitive-developmental theory.
Cognitive-Developmental Theory: is an approach established by Piaget that analyzes
children as energetically building knowledge as they manipulate and discover their
world and that considers cognitive development as taking place in stages.
Piaget influenced that children are active learners whose minds consist of prosperous
structures of knowledge. Piaget studied the child’s perceptive of the physical world
and also their interpretation about the social world.
Piaget’s theory promoted the advancement of educational philosophies and programs
that accentuates children’s discovery learning and direct contact with the
• In Piaget’s Cognitive-developmental theory, it consists of four stages:
o Sensorimotor
o Preoperational
o Concrete Operational
o Formal Operational
In Piaget’s cognitive development theory the first stage is
Sensorimotor, which is in the period of development of birth to two
Cognitive development commences in the sensorimotor period with
the baby’s use of the senses and movements to discover the world.
Piaget divided the sensorimotor stage in to six sub-stages:
•Reflexive Schemes (birth-1 month)
•Primary circular reactions (1-4 months)
•Secondary circular reactions (4-8 months)
•Coordination of secondary circular reactions ( 8-12 months)
•Tertiary circular reactions (12-18 months)
•Mental representation (18 months -2 years)
Reflexive schemes (birth- 1 month): newborn reflexes such as
looking and sucking
Primary circular reactions (1-4 months): straightforward motor
tendencies centered on the infant’s own body such as sucking
his/her thumb.
Secondary circular reactions (4-8 months): child becomes more
alert on the surroundings and starts to purposely replicate an
action in order to produce a reaction in the atmosphere,
Imitation of related behaviors occur.
Coordination of secondary circular reactions (8-12 months):
intentional behavior, the perceptive of objects initiates and
children begin to distinguish certain objects having particular
qualities, and object permanence.
Tertiary circular reactions (12-18 months): children start on a
phase of trial and error testing, imitation of different behaviors,
and capability to seek out in numerous locations for a hidden
Mental representation (18 months-2 years): make-believe play,
deferred imitation, and inner interpretation of objects and
If you go to the site:
acc.htm it converses about assimilation and
accommodation and how it is two corresponding
methods of adaptation depicted by Piaget through
which knowledge of the outside world is
Assimilation: exterior world is
construed in terms of existing
Accommodation: new schemes are
formed and old ones accustomed to
generate a better fit with the
Piaget’s second stage in cognitive developmental theory is preoperational.
The preoperational stage occurs during the ages of two to seven years.
Preschool children utilize symbols to characterize their previous
sensorimotor discoveries.
During the preoperational phase children goes through the most noticeable
change in an enhancement in mental representation. Development of
language and pretend play takes place.
Make-believe play reveals the preschool child’s growing symbolic mastery
in three significant changes:
Play disengages from the real-life circumstances related with it
Play develop into less self-absorbed
Play comprises more intricate arrangements of schemes
Applying unbiased words, body outlines, and equipment a child can
interact with gives a dynamic role in education.
At this site you will see an animation that exhibits Piaget’s research,
“Three Mountain Problem.” This test supports his theory that children
attain egocentrism characteristics of thought for the period of the
preoperational stage of cognitive development. Piaget would like to
illustrate that children have a self-centered view of the world at this age.
This flash animation displays Piaget's theory. The girl is sitting in front
of a mountain that has a cross visible only from her side. In addition,
there is a doll on the other side of the mountain. According to Piaget's
work, if preoperational children are asked to say what the doll can see,
their response would reflect what can be seen from their perspective
only, (Chen, Irwin, Parker, Roushanzamir ,2004).'s_Stag
Concrete operational is the third stage in Piaget’s
cognitive theory. The children’s period of development is
between the ages of seven to eleven years old.
During this stage a child’s reasoning befall more
coherent. Children begin thinking logically about
concrete events, but have trouble comprehending
nonrepresentational or theoretical conceptions.
One imperative development in the concrete
operational stage is recognizing reversibility, which is
an understanding that procedures can be inverted.
An example of concrete operational thinking in a
child: The certain amount of water poured in two
different shaped glasses remains equivalent even if the
exterior transforms.
Formal operation is the
fourth and last stage of
Piaget’s cognitivedevelopmental theory. From
the age of eleven to
adulthood is the period of
Berk (2008) asserted that
in this stage young people
develop the capacity for
abstract, systematic, scientific
thinking, (Berk, 2008,
p.566). For the duration of
this stage, abilities such as
deductive reasoning, logical
thought, and systematic
planning appears.
As an alternative of relying exclusively on
prior understandings, children start to reflect
on potential outcomes and consequences of
actions. This type of thinking is essential in
long-term development.
Piaget alleged that adolescents become
competent of hypothetico-deductive
reasoning: a formal operational problem
solving approach that initiates with a
hypothesis, from which logical presumptions
can be inferred and then experienced by
methodically separating and mingling
Lev Vygotsky is a Russian psychologist who is known for developing the sociocultural
theory of cognitive development.
Sociocultural theory: is Vygotsky’s theory, where children obtain different ways of
thinking and behaving that build up a community’s culture through accommodating channels
of communication with more well-informed members of their society.
The sociocultural theory focuses on how culture such as values, beliefs, customs, and skills
of a social group is transmitted to the next generation. Vygotsky’s theory underscores the
vital role of teaching and helps us understand the wide cultural variation in children’s
cognitive skills.
His theory merges the social environment and cognition. Children will attain the ways of
thinking and behaving that make up a culture by interrelating with a more knowledgeable
person. He believed the key is social interaction which will pilot continuing changes in a
child’s reflection and conduct.
Vygotsky analyzed cognitive development as a socially interceded progression in which
children depend on support from adults and professional peers as they attempt new
*In Vygotsky’s theory, he
created the zone of proximal
development which is a variety
of tasks that the child cannot
yet handle alone but can
achieve with the assistance of
more skilled partners such as
teachers and students.
*To promote cognitive
development social interaction
must have 2 vital features
which are intersubjectivity and
• Intersubjectivity: is the practice
where two accomplices who start
on a assignment with dissimilar
understandings reach a mutual
• Scaffolding: is regulating the
support presented in a teaching
session to fit the child’s in
progress level of performance.
is a website that illustrates the
table to the right on the zone of
proximal development. The
diagram/table goes through all
four stages and what occurs during
each phase.
• is the
site of the following table on Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s cognitive theories. The PowerPoint on
this site discusses about each theorists views and beliefs on the child’s cognitive development.
Vygotsky’s sociocultural
Piaget’s cognitive
developmental theory
Cognitive development varies across
Cognitive development is mostly
universal across cultures
Stems from social interactions
Stems from independent explorations
Social processes become individualphysiological processes
Individual (egocentric) processes
become social processes
Adults are important as change agents
Peers are important as change agents
The main difference was that Piaget accentuated his theory on the natural line where as
Vygotsky favored the cultural line of development.
•There is a lesson plan on this site called Sounds Around.
This is an activity you can utilize from the period of
development of birth to preschool years. The sounds of words
are extremely significant to reading. A technique to assist
children to study the sounds of words is to establish
existent sounds in the world around them So an activity a
parent/teacher could use is Sounds Around. In this activity a
teacher/parent showed a picture of a dog and said “Woof
woof!" And then showed picture of a cow and said ,” Mooo,
moooo!” This shows emergent literacy.
•In this lesson plan the teacher uses zone of proximal development to
teach students mathematics. She broke down the lesson to six phases. First
the problem was assigned, then students premeditated actions to answer the
questions. These procedures involved drawing, writing, acting, and using
tools. Next the teacher elicited communication of thinking by establishing
a affiliation between student's informal language and formal mathematical.
The students construed the outcomes of their personal answers with the
solutions of students. With the teacher's regulation the students
consulted the founding of the mathematical meanings. By the end of the
lesson, in the course of their communication, students verified word
overview, each understanding the knowledge but found in different ways.
•In a 12th grade class the teacher use hypothetico-deductive reasoning in an
English class over the book Separate Peace. The teacher incorporated six stages
of reasoning: the configuration of an underlying question, hypothesis, and
experimentation, prediction of the result, the concrete end result, and
•“Learning cycles in the discipline of English center on the forms of argument
and use of the hypothetical-deductive thinking pattern. The exploration phase
involves students in initial experiences with readings in which they look for
examples of argument used by characters and the author in literary works,”
(Kral, 1997).
•The activities are planned to which students bring up questions, create and
test hypotheses, argue in support of their own hypotheses and against
hypotheses of other students, and realize disadvantages in arguments.
Part 3
Erik Erikson a neo-Freudian produced the psychosocial theory.
Psychosocial theory accentuates that individuals not only
expand a distinctive personality but in addition attain approaches
and abilities that help them develop into active, contributing
members of their society.
Erikson believed that the path of development is determined by
the relations of the body, mind, and cultural influences and
structured life and existence into eight stages that start from birth
to death.
As a theorist Erikson contributed to our perceptive of
personality and how it has developed and shaped over a lifespan.
We are going to narrow on Erikson’s first five stages of his
psychosocial theory:
Basic trust vs. mistrust
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Initiative vs. Guilt
Industry vs. Inferiority
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Erikson’s first stage of psychosocial theory is basic trust vs.
mistrust which is in the period of development of birth to one year.
Basic trust vs. mistrust is the psychological conflict of infancy,
which is resolved positively when care giving, particularly for the
duration of feeding, is compassionate and affectionate.
From warm and responsive care infants gain a sense of trust, or
confidence that the world is good.
Mistrust occurs when infants have to wait too long for comfort and
are handled harshly.
oIn Erikson’s theory autonomy vs. shame and doubt is the
second stage that is from the age of one to three years.
oIt is the emotional divergence of toddlerhood, which is resolved
completely when parents give young children with appropriate
guidance and logical options.
oApplying new intellectual and motor skills, children desire to
decide and select for themselves.
oAutonomy is promoted when parents authorize practical free
choice and do not oblige or disgrace the child.
*Initiative vs. guilt is the third stage of Erikson’s theory
and the period of development is three to six years old.
*This stage is the mental argument of early childhood,
which is resolved positively throughout play experiences
that cultivate a strong logic of inventiveness and through
the growth of a superego, or conscience, that is too
harsh and/or guilt ridden.
*During make-believe play, children test with the kind of
a person they can become. Initiative- a sense of goal
and responsibility- develops when parents maintain their
child’s new wisdom of principle.
*The danger is that parents will require too much selfdiscipline, which leads to excessive power, concluding
too much shame.
Industry vs. inferiority is the fourth stage of
Erikson's psychosocial theory. This stage occurs
during the ages of six to eleven years old.
This stage is the psychological inconsistency of
middle childhood, which is constructively fixed
when occurrences guide children to increase a
sense of competency at useful skills and tasks.
 At school, children develop the aptitude to
work and collaborate with others.
Inferiority develops when unconstructive
experiences at home, at school, or with peers
direct to feelings of lack of ability.
•Identity vs. role confusion is the fifth stage of Erikson's theory and it occurs
during the period of development of adolescence.
•This stage is the psychological conflict of adolescence, which is productively
resolved when adolescents attain an identity after successful outcomes of
earlier stages.
•During this period of development adolescent attempts to answer questions
such as who am I, and what is my place in this world?
•By exploring values and vocational goals, the young person forms a personal
•The negative outcome is confusion about future adult roles.
At this website you will see Erikson’s psychosocial theory summary
diagram, Freud’s influence on Erikson’s theory, meanings and
interpretations of his eight stages, and the following chart of Erikson’s
Psychosocial stages.
Psychosocial Crisis Stage
Life Stage
age range, other descriptions
1. Trust v Mistrust
0-1½ yrs, baby, birth to walking
2. Autonomy v Shame and Doubt
Early Childhood
1-3 yrs, toddler, toilet training
3. Initiative v Guilt
Play Age
3-6 yrs, pre-school, nursery
4. Industry v Inferiority
School Age
5-12 yrs, early school
5. Identity v Role Confusion
9-18 yrs, puberty, teens*
6. Intimacy v Isolation
Young Adult
18-40, courting, early parenthood
7. Generativity v Stagnation
30-65, middle age, parenting
8. Integrity v Despair
Mature Age
50+, old age, grandparents
É“Temperament is early-appearing, stable individual differences
in the quality and intensity of emotional reaction, activity level,
attention, and emotional self-regulation,” (Berk, 2008, p.260).
ÉAlexander Thomas and Stella Chess’s nine dimensions provided
as the initial significant model of temperament.
nality.htm at this site you will see a chart display of Thomas and
Chess’s nine dimensions including the easy, difficult, and slowto-warm-up child.
ÉEasy child: rapidly institutes normal habits in infancy, is in
general cheerful, and adjusts effortlessly to new experiences.
ÉDifficult child: is unbalanced in every day schedules, is slow to
understand new experiences, and likely to react disapprovingly
and intensely
ÉSlow-to-warm-up child: is dormant; demonstrates mild, low
key responses to environmental incentives; is pessimistic in
temper; and alters gradually to new experiences.
differentiate self from
other label visible
cause of other's feelings
social perspective based
on other's reasoning can
be different from self's
reasoning focus on one
put self in other's place
to judge intentions,
purpose, action
mutual perspective
3rd person perspective
self and other view each
other mutually and
simultaneously as
social & conventional
mutual perspective
taking can't explain
whole story social
conventions necessary
can't see both self and
other simultaneously
• At this site
you will see the above chart and description of Robert Selman’s five stages of
perspective taking.
•Perspective taking is the aptitude to envision what other people are
thinking and feeling.
♱Lawrence Kohlberg was an American
psychologist who created the theory and stages of
moral development.
♱He organized moral development into three level, each with
two stages that made six stages in total.
♱Kohlberg’s stages are linked to Selman’s perspective
taking stages and promoted by the same factors of
Piaget’s cognitive development.
‡Pre-conventional level: Kohlberg’s first level of moral development,
where moral understanding is based on rewards, punishments, and
the power of authority figures.
‡Stage 1: The punishment and Obedience Orientation
‡Stage 2: The instrumental purpose orientation
‡The Conventional level: second level of moral development, where
moral understanding is based on conforming to social rules to ensure
positive human relationships and maintain societal order.
‡Stage 3: The “good boy-good girl” orientation
‡Stage 4: The social-order-maintaining orientation
‡The Post-conventional or Principled Level: highest level of moral
development, where individual define mortality in terms of abstract
principles and values that apply to all situations and societies.
‡Stage 5: The social contract orientation
‡Stage 6: Universal ethical principle orientation
• at this site is the following chart of
Kohlberg's six stages of moral development and the explanation of Kohlberg's
famous “Heinz Dilemma.”
Stage 1: Punishment-Obedience Orientation
Level One:
Pre-conventional Morality
Stage 2: Instrumental Relativist Orientation
Stage 3: Good Boy-Nice Girl Orientation
Level Two:
Conventional Morality
Stage 4: Law and Order Orientation
Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation
Level Three:
Post-Conventional Morality
Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principle Orientation
•Throughout infancy, toddler hood, and early childhood
children undergo many developments such as:
•Social smile and laughter emerge
•Emotional expressions become well organized and
meaningfully related to environmental events
•Detects the meaning of other’s emotional expressions
and engages in social referencing.
•Joins in play with familiar adults, siblings, and
•Gender-stereotyped beliefs and behavior increase
•Forms first friendships
•Has acquired many morally relevant rules and
•In middle childhood children develop
emotionally/ socially by :
• self-concept begins to include personality
traits and social comparisons.
•Empathic responding extends to general life
•Peer groups emerge
•Friendships become more selective and are
based on mutual trust
•Gender identity expands to include selfevaluations of typicality, contentedness, and
pressure to conform.
•Adolescents endure emotional and
social development by:
•Moodiness and parent-child conflict
have a tendency to increase
•In striving for autonomy, spends less
time with parents and siblings, and more
time with peers.
•Self-esteem distinguishes advances and
tends to rise.
•Continues to create an identity
•Romantic ties last longer
Children all develop at different rates and different traits. Many scientists studied
the development of children and concluded with theories that we as educators,
parents, and adults utilize. Children develop physically, cognitively, emotionally,
and socially into their adulthood.
Infancy-Early Childhood
Middle Childhood