Download Medieval Times, AD 500- AD 1450

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Medieval Times,
A.D. 500- A.D. 1450
Also known as the Middle Ages or
the Dark Ages
A period of “intellectual dormancy”
(dormant means inactive)
A time when many terrible diseases were
running rampant
Most Western European Countries were
under the control of the Catholic Church
Most stories were passed on by word of
mouth because very few people could
read or write.
Countries were “ruled” by royalty
(Kings and/or Queens) who were
believed to have been “chosen by
God” to lead the people.
The king/queen was always right.
Disagreeing with the king/queen was
not permitted. (You could be put to death for
Everyone had to obey the king or queen, no
matter what. They could even make you marry
someone you didn’t like!
The Feudal System was
• In the feudal system, the king or queen
had ultimate power and control.
• Below the king or queen were the nobles
or wealthier class. People in the wealthy
classes had titles such as duke (or
duchess), marquis (marchioness), earl
(lady) or count (countess), viscount
(viscountess), and baron (baroness). As a
group, the nobles were often referred to as
the “lords and ladies.”
Lords and ladies usually
lived in some sort of protected
area, such as a fortress or castle.
The noble lords were trained as knights from
an early age. It was their job to protect
those who lived on their land either by
allowing them to come inside the castle
for protection or by leading them in
wartime—or both.
Below the lords and ladies
were the merchant class,
which included shopkeepers,
traders, and skilled craftsmen
and women. These people did not have
titles, but they could own land, build their
own homes, and, in some instances,
become wealthy in their own right.
At the bottom rung of society
were the peasants. While
the peasants made up the
largest group of people, they
had very few rights. Life for
a peasant was extremely
difficult. Most peasants were
farmers who worked from
sun-up to sun-down (or even
longer) to raise their crops.
At harvest time, the lord took
most of what the peasant
had raised in taxes. Most
years, they were lucky to