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Youkyung Ko
Hwimin Kim
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Background knowledge about the Civil War
Walt Whitman
O’ Captain! My Captain
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Emily Dickinson
Sara Orne Jewett
Other writers
Mark Twain and Gilded Age
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Gilded Age : covered with a thing layer of gold or gold
ex) The Gilded Age was Twain’s first book
Vulgarity : the fact of being rude of not having good
ex) She was offended by the vulgarity of their jokes.
Revision : a change or set of changes to sth.
ex) He made some minor revisions to the report before
printing it out.
Over-Soul : (especially in Transcendentalism) a divine
sprit supposed
to pervade the universe and to encompass all human
Advent : the coming of an important event, person,
invention etc.
ex) the advent of new technology
Hymn : a song of praise, especially one praising God and
sung by Christian.
ex) The congregation stood to sing the hymn.
Overmaster : overcome, conquer
Folklore : the traditions and stories of a country or
ex) Negro-folklore (흑인 민속학)
What is the Civil War?
• The American Civil War (1861–1865),
also known as the War Between the
States (among other names), was a civil
is aofThird
war in the
• Hostilities
on Aprilcoastal
12, 1861, when
locateda in
forces attacked
at Fort South
Sumter in
South Carolina.Carolina.
Why was it happened?
1. A concise history of slavery
During the first part of the 1800's the North and
the South grew in different ways.
In the North, cities were centers of wealth and
manufacturing. There were many skilled workers.
In the South there was not much manufacturing.
There were not many skilled workers. Most of
the people were farmers. Money came from
plantation crops, like cotton, rice, sugar cane and
tobacco. Slaves did most of the work on the
For those reason, the south wanted to remain the
slavery, while the north prefer to free of slavery.
Why was it happened?
2. Constitutional Questions
People argued about the meaning of the
Constitution since its infancy. From a legal
standpoint, the document defines the relationship
between the people of the United States and the
federal government, detailing the powers and
responsibilities of each. In 1828 Vice-president
John C. Calhoun said if a state felt a federal law
extended beyond the Constitutional rights of the
government that state had the right to ignore the
law. This concept dated back the Articles of
Confederation. President Andrew Jackson felt the
federal government was the highest authority and
the states had to abide by its law.
◈ Most of Whitman’s education
came from jobs in printing shops
and newspaper
◈ He boldly brings sex within the
◈ He thinks that more important
development in the area of poetic
◈ He works as a nurse in the
Civil War(1861~ 1865)
◈ Contains “Song of myself” the most stunningly original poem
◈ Vast, Energetic, and Natural as the American continent
◈ Attempt at reaching out to the common person with as American epic
O’ captain my captain was written about the murder of
Lincoln in 1865
In Dead Poets Society
◈ She was American abolitionist and author
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852)
◈ Depicted life for African American under slavery
◈ She lived private life in a big
old house in Amherst, Massachusetts
◈ Her subject mainly love, death,
soul and heaven
◈ Her poetry was excellent creative
metaphor and novelty
◈ Not tried to conventional
grammar and format
◈ American novelist and short
story writer
◈ She was one of the leaders of
the “local color” school of realism
◈ Her character are usually
ordinary people, living in
ordinary little New England towns
The south which was economically and
spiritually destroyed by the Civil War,
produced very little important literature in the
post war years.
Bret Harte
George Washington Cable
Sidney Lanier
Joel Chandler Harris
Mark Twain
(1835-1910 : real name Samuel
Clemens) He was born and grown up
in Florida, Missouri. When Twain was
four, his family moved to Hannibal,
Missouri, a port town on the
Mississippi River. For four years, He
worked as a river pilot.
Life on the Mississippi
When the Civil War destroyed the
riverboat business, he went to Nevada.
From there, he went on to California,
where he worked on a newspaper.
The Celebrated Jumping Frog (1865)
The Innocents Abroad (1869)
Roughing It (1872)
A Tramp Abroad (1880)
The period of the Civil War was a time
when a small number of millionaire
businessmen held great power in
American society. Many people thought
of this period as a new "Golden Age".
But the gold was only on the surface.
Underneath, American society was filled
with crime and social injustice. It was, in
fact, only a "gilded Age": the gold was
just a thin layer.
The Gilded Age (1873)
Mark Twain created this phrase for his
novel, co-written with Charles Warner.
The book describes how a group of
young people are morally destroyed by
the dream of becoming rich.
Gilded Age
In American history, the Gilded Age refers
to the era of rapid economic and
population growth in the United States
during the post-Civil War and postReconstruction eras of the late 19th
century (1869-1896).
The term "Gilded Age" was coined by
Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner
in their 1873 book,
The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today.
The name refers to the process of gilding
and is meant to make fun of ostentatious
The Gilded Age is most famous for the creation of a modern industrial economy.
During the 1870s and 1880s, the U.S. economy grew at the fastest rate in its
history, with real wages, wealth, GDP, and capital formation all increasing rapidly.
The end of the Gilded Age coincided with the Panic of 1893, a deep depression.
The depression lasted until 1897 and marked a major political realignment in the
election of 1896. After that came the Progressive Era.
Adventures of
Tom Sawyer
The book begins in St. Petersburg,
Missouri, a small village on the banks of
the Mississippi River in the mid-1800s.
At midnight, Tom and Huck sneak into
the graveyard. Once there, they hear
people coming and hide. Dr. Robinson
arrives with Injun Joe, an evil criminal,
and Muff Potter. They are stealing bodies
from the grave. The men argue. Muff
Potter is knocked out, and Injun Joe
murders Dr. Robinson. Tom and Huck run
away, fearing for their lives. When Muff
Potter awakes, Injun Joe tells him that he,
not Injun Joe, murdered the Doctor.
Tom and Huck, scared, swear never to tell
anyone what they saw. The two young
heroes, Tom and Huck Finn, are "bad"
only because they fight against the
stupidity of the adult world. But in the
end they win.
Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn
Twain gives his young hero very adult
problems. Huck and an escaped slave,
Jim, are floating down the Mississippi
River in a raft.
During their trip, in the various towns
and villages along the way, Huck learns
about the evil of the world.
Huck, meanwhile, is facing a big moral
problem. The laws of society say he must
return Jim to his "owner".
But, in the most important part of the
book, he decides that the salve is a man,
not a "thing". He thinks deeply about
morality and then decides to break the