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April 27, 2017
Growing Upstate New York
Through Economic Development
Highlights of Today’s Presentation
Corporate overview
Role of Economic Development
Economic Development activity across New York
Request for Information & Inquiries (RFIs)
Electric and natural gas infrastructure non-rate assistance
New electric non-rate assistance programs
Types of projects for potential funding assistance
More information/points of contact
Corporate Overview
Avangrid Networks
Avangrid Renewables
• 8 regulated electric & gas
utilities in the Northeast
including NYSEG & RGE
• 3.1 million customers
• ≈ 1 million smart meters with
1.8 million pending
• 2nd largest wind energy
generator in U.S.
• 53 operating wind farms
• 26 states in U.S.
Utility industry
leader in
and satisfaction
Role of Economic Development
• Job retention and creation by assisting in growth of existing
businesses and attraction of new businesses
• Catalyst to increase capital investment
• Key partner in collaboration with local, regional and state economic
development organizations to increase “pipeline” of development
• NYSEG/RG&E service areas: Assist in retention and growth of
eligible business sectors and key industry sectors (i.e., advanced
manufacturing, food and beverage, life sciences, energy innovation,
optics photonics and imaging, software and IT, agriculture including
craft beverage industry & others)
Economic Development Activity Across New York
Since 2010, more than $75 million in economic development assistance
contributed to several billion dollars in new capital investment and more
than 30,000 jobs retained/created
(Includes nearly $8 million in Emergency Program Assistance for Southern
Approximately 250-300 active economic development projects across New
York annually
Many new business attraction projects in pipeline
2016 project wins/public announcements (approximately $475 million in new
investment and 1,700 jobs retained/created)
Crown Holdings Inc. – Tioga County
Klein Steel Service Inc. – Monroe County
Dick’s Sporting Goods – Broome County
Metallized Carbon Corporation – Sullivan County
Seisenbacher Rail Interiors Inc. – Monroe County
American Packaging Corporation – Monroe County
McAlpin Industries – Wayne County
Request for Information & Inquires
(Real Project Opportunities)
Requests For Information (RFI) from Empire State Development and/or
regional economic development organizations
Very disciplined approach by NYSEG/RG&E
Important for NYSEG/RG&E to receive accurate & timely energy-related
Examples include:
 Electricity: peak diversified electric demand (kilowatts)
 Natural Gas: peak hourly flow rate (Btu/hour) & gas meter outlet delivery
pressure (psi)
 Types of business processes & equipment with significant start-up loads
 Ramp-up periods for load growth
Important to also understand specific request: available infrastructure,
estimated cost to serve, preliminary timeline to serve
Electric Non-Rate Programs
Funding up
to amount
Eligibility Requirements
Redevelopment Program
• Provide for mixed-use development (requires more than 50% of
annual energy usage under eligible business sectors)
• In addition, as part of the maximum contribution of up to $500,000,
NYSEG/RG&E will provide up to $20,000 toward a
feasibility/assessment and/or remediation redevelopment efforts
Capital Investment Incentive
Program - Tier 1 (CIIP)*
• $1 million minimum capital investment
• 100 kilowatt minimum demand
• Both Tier 1 & 2 can support new mixed-use projects, broaden
business sectors, special projects like BBRP, and projects
supported by Regional Economic Development
Councils/Governor’s office
Capital Investment Incentive
Program – Tier 2 (CIIP)*
• $500,000 minimum capital investment
• 50 kilowatt minimum demand
• Both Tier 1 & 2 can support new mixed-use projects, broaden
business sectors, special projects like BBRP, and projects
supported by Regional Economic Development
Councils/Governor’s office
Agriculture Capital Investment
Incentive Program (ACIIP)
$50,000 minimum capital investment
25 kilowatt minimum demand
Broaden small agriculture businesses to include craft beverage
industry (distilleries, cideries, wineries, etc.)
* In addition to eligible business sectors such as manufacturing, finance, and business services, broaden business
sectors for health care, clean technologies, agriculture craft beverage industry and projects supported by Regional
Economic Development Councils/Governor’s office
Electric Non-Rate Programs
Funding up
to amount
Eligibility Requirements
Business Energy Efficiency
Assistance Program (BEEAP)*
• Supplemented assistance for feasibility studies and/or
implementation of measures to NYSEG/RG&E own energy
efficiency program offerings or New York State Energy Research
and Development Authority (NYSERDA)
• Customer must still invest at least 33 1/3 percent
Economic Development
Outreach Program (EDOP)
• Funding up to $75,000 per initiative for strategic economic
development projects
• For strategic economic development outreach initiative
Power Quality Reliability
Program (PQRP)*
• Funding for up to $100,000 per project (50% matching funds)
• Of $100,000 maximum assistance, $20,000 can be directed toward
feasibility assessment
• Will require feasibility assessment/power quality study as part of
application process (customer to invest at least 33 1/3 percent)
* In addition to eligible business sectors such as manufacturing, finance, and business services, broaden business
sectors for health care, clean technologies, agriculture craft beverage industry and projects supported by Regional
Economic Development Councils/Governor’s office
Natural Gas Infrastructure Investment Program
(Non-Rate Assistance - GIIP)
 Funding assistance up to $200,000 per project
 Capital investment minimum of $100,000 (assistance commensurate
with level of capital investment, etc.)
 Average monthly throughput minimum of 20 therms/hour
(2 million Btu/hour)
 In addition to eligible business sectors such as manufacturing, finance,
and business services, broaden business sectors for health care, clean
technologies, agriculture craft beverage industry and projects supported
by Regional Economic Development Councils/Governor’s office
New Electric Non-Rate Programs
Commercial Corridor/Main Street Revitalization Assistance Program
 Matching grants up to $200,000 per development project (generally one project per year
per community)
 To revitalize a municipality defined target area – distressed business corridors &
commercial corridors
 Assistance may include electric infrastructure, lighting installations associated with
street improvements and site preparation
 In addition to up to $200,000, up to $20,000 (50% matching funds) toward development
of pre-construction drawings
Manufacturing Accelerator Program (MAP)
 Similar to program for small to medium-size manufacturers already offered by National
Grid (MPP)
 Matching grants for encouraging productivity improvement projects i.e. lean
manufacturing - lesser of $15,000 or 40% of cost incurred
 In addition, matching grants to fund growth - targeted activities i.e. new product
development & export initiatives – lesser of $15,000 or 50% cost incurred
 If both above, up to $40,000 or 60%, whichever is less of the costs incurred
 Administration of program primarily by high tech advocacy organization within a given
region (i.e. High Tech Rochester)
New Electric Non-Rate Programs
Innovation Zone - Ignition Grant Program
 One-time financial support
 Designed to spur development of high growth potential companies
 Must locate in a designated Innovation Zone
 Assistance to pre-revenue companies at proof-of-concept stage up to
$25,000 (50% matching funds)
 Must commit to keeping business in New York for three (3) years
 Administration of program primarily by high tech advocacy organization
within a given region (i.e. High Tech Rochester)
Potential Funding Assistance (examples)
Eligible projects might include:
• New capital investments
• Facility expansions/consolidations/relocations/repurposing existing space
• Site/building redevelopment
• Brownfield sites with building development
• Mixed-use development
• Agriculture expansions
• Projects involving NYSERDA assistance
• Power quality/reliability issues – customer side of meter
Kyle Banks - Lead Analyst, Economic Development
Telephone: 585.771.4533
Email: [email protected]
Joe Rizzo - Manager, Economic Development, NYSEG & RG&E
Telephone: 585.724.8165
Email: [email protected]
Open Discussion