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Every contact leaves a trace: IPA as a
method for Social Work research
Erin WH Loo University of Canterbury, New Zealand ABSTRACT
Morris (2006) argues that there is more than one way to conduct systematic social work research: positivism, post‐positivism, critical theory and constructivism. It is in constructivism, through the use of Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) that I situate my research topic to try to interpret and make sense of Muslim students’ lived experience in New Zealand schools. In the study of forensic science, Locard was famous for saying that with every contact, a trace is left behind (Newton, 2008). The premise behind Locard’s theory is that we always take something with us and we also always leave something behind. In my study of Muslim student’s lived experience in NZ schools, I see it as something located within Locard’s theory whereby in each student’s contact with another, be it individuals or groups, a trace is left behind. Through IPA I hope to discover how Muslim students make sense of this trace, interpret it and understand it. An IPA study is about trying to understand the experiences of an individual in a certain phenomenon, how they made sense of it and what meanings those experiences hold (Smith, 2004). It has an idiographic focus and is based on two important underpinnings, phenomenology and hermeneutics. IPA as a method in social work research is new and rare (Houston & Mullan‐Jensen, 2011), however, it is very much aligned with social work values of striving to give a voice to minorities, to empower and learn from each other. It allows them to tell their stories, through a relationship that is built based on trust and respect – and for social workers, the opportunity to be more aware and empathetic, allowing them the opportunity to self‐reflect and improve their practice. Keywords: qualitative social work research, social constructivism, phenomenology, hermeneutics, interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), cross‐cultural research INTRODUCTION
This paper provides a brief discussion of a qualitative study that uses social constructivism as a base and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) as a tool for social work research with Muslim students on their lived experience in New Zealand schools. In using IPA as a tool for social work research, I see it as basically about going back to the basics of social work practice: starting with the client and in the process draw on the similarities of characteristics in IPA and social work practices to build a strong research‐informed practice outcome. As this paper attempts to explain how IPA is suited to social work research, and for ease of understanding, the term “client” is used generally to refer to users of social services. I see IPA as being particularly suited for social work research especially in a cross‐cultural context with minorities and the vulnerable. This is because IPA has phenomenology and hermeneutics as its theoretical underpinnings and idiography as its focus, where the focus is on a particular event or situation. It gives participants the opportunity to describe their individual experiences of a particular situation through their world‐view, how they feel about it, what meanings they ascribe to it and how this impacts on their future actions and behavior. It puts them at the forefront of the research, they being the expert and the researcher the curious party (Smith and Osborn as cited in Smith, 2008). In starting with the client, I am also taking my starting point from the study of forensic science, where Locard was famous for saying that every contact leaves a trace. He argued that when two objects come into contact, there is a trace or residue left on each other and upon careful and detailed examination, this can be identified, provided the integrity of the evidence is not contaminated (Newton, 2008). In my study of young Muslims experience in New Zealand schools, and in a cross‐cultural context, it is about the use of IPA to obtain very detailed and rich information in order to discover the “trace” that was left behind when individuals encounter each other. An IPA study is about exploring the individuals’ lived experience, what Van Manen (1990) regard as tapping into the unique nature of each human situation. Dilthey (as cited in Van Manen, 1990) suggested that at its most basic level, lived experience is about “our immediate, pre‐reflective consciousness of life: a reflexive or self‐given awareness which is, as awareness, unaware of itself,” (p.35). He further said that “lived experience is to the soul what breath is to the body,” (p.36). In this aspect, Van Manen (1990) sees lived experience as the breathing of meaning into an event/experience and the meanings people place on it can only be illuminated when people go through a process of reflection. He argues that research of a phenomenological nature will have lived experience as a starting point and end point where lived expression is transformed into a textual expression of its essence through a subjective and reflective process of interpretation (Van Manen, 1990). Houston and Mullan‐Jensen (2011) also argue that “at the heart of qualitative investigation into social work is an attempt to understand meaning but in the context of the wider social processes that shape it” (p.2). Mason (as cited in Houston & Mullan‐Jensen, 2011) further argues that “social experience and lived realities are multi‐dimensional and our understandings are impoverished and may be inadequate if we view these phenomena only along a single dimension,” (p.2). By taking an all‐round view, through IPA, which has hermeneutics and phenomenology as its base, the participant’s psychological insights can be obtained alongside an understanding of how human and social structures play their roles (Houston & Mullan‐Jensen, 2011). Using IPA is also an attempt to step out of my comfort zone, having gone through social work education in the early nineties where positivism and quantitative methods took central stage. The many new issues cropping up in social work practice today has become more and more challenging and perplexing, and it has been helpful to take a step backwards and look at the big picture from a different angle, what Morris (2006) suggests as a range of methodology. Liamputtong (2010) argues that we are now living in a time of social turmoil, and that as social scientists, we cannot afford to ignore what is so obvious to us – poverty, health and social inequalities – that we should make it our moral compass to try to better the lives of so many others out there and that qualitative research is one way of doing it. The tagline for the University of Kansas’ School of Social Welfare says it so aptly: “because people deserve lives with dignity,” (“Kansas University”). Skidmore et al. in Thompson (2000) argue that the very heart of social work is about dignifying the human process and it is my belief that in conducting social work research, this aspect is intertwined and I see IPA as being able to deliver especially when the research has a cross‐cultural context. It is my argument that IPA as a tool for social work research aids in reflection on our practice and its values through starting with the client, allowing them to tell their stories as they are, helps build rapport and trust and provides a level of intimacy between researcher and participant in a way that ultimately leads to a unique lived experience itself for both participant and researcher. It dignifies the human process – through compassion and respect for another human being, regardless of their background, creed or color and a strong belief that inherent in all of us, there is worth and that everyone has a story. BACKGROUND
Before I go further into my arguments as to why I choose IPA as a method for social work research with minorities, it is best that I first try to outline briefly how I see social work. The International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) defines social work as the following: The social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well‐being. Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work. (“Global standards”, 2004) The Kansas State University describes social work as a profession for those with a spark of idealism, a belief in social justice, and a natural love of working with people (“Kansas State University”). Thompson (2000) meanwhile argues that there is no single, simple answer to the question ‘What is social work?’ Both he and McLaughlin (2007) sees it as a ‘contested concept’ – that is eventually the definition of social work and what it is will depend largely on how powerful groups and institutions negotiate and dominate to lay claim on what they see it as. Thompson (2000) nevertheless argues that social work has an existential basis in that the fundamental elements of human existence cannot be left out when trying to understand social work practice especially the ontological aspects. Similar to the definition of social work by IFSW, he argues that human existence, seen through the ontological lenses, is made up of two aspects, personal (individual) and social (environment). It is about individuals in society, and it is intertwined and cannot be separated. Heidegger (as cited in Lopez & Willis, 2004) argues that the important part of the phenomenological inquiry is the relation of an individual to his/her lifeworld. He defines lifeworld as the world that an individual lives in that invariably influences its realities. It is the belief that humans cannot separate themselves from the world thus Heidegger’s term being‐in‐the‐world (Lopez and Willis, 2004). In contemporary social work too, from the early social work of Mary Richmond in the UK to Jane Addams in the USA, it is argued the social side of human existence and its impact on the lives of individuals can never be left out (Fook, 2002). Whichever way we define social work, I believe that the concept of the human individual that incorporates a belief in its worth and strength of the spirit, of its ability to overcome adversity and fear lays the foundation for the start of social work. Angelou (in Trevithick, 2000, p. 4‐5) says that, “As human beings, we are complex and unique individuals and always more than our suffering.” This is what contemporary social work advocates through the Strengths Perspective, what Saleebey (n.d.) defines as “everything you do as a helper will be based on facilitating the discovery and embellishment, exploration, and use of clients’ strengths and resources in the service of helping them achieve their goals and realize their dreams” (p.1). In this aspect, I am also arguing that this belief in the human worth and its courage is the main part of dignifying the human process and must not only be seen on the part of the client, but also in the social worker. It should be about two parties coming together, pursuing positive change and willing to work toward it, respecting each other’s space, abilities and limitations while admitting that the past is a lesson learnt and finding strength from it. EPISTEMOLOGY
The epistemological foundation of my research is social constructivism that sees reality as dynamic and socially constructed (Granvold, N.D.). Knowledge is brought about through social constructivism where individuals, influenced by their ethnicity, past history, socialization, culture and beliefs, rely on understanding each others’ actions and assigning meaning to them. Freeman and Mathison (2009) argue that in taking a social constructivist position in research, it is about a belief that there is no objective reality and that “all knowledge and beliefs about the world are active human constructions and, as such, are mediated by the social, historical, institutional, and economic conditions within which these constructions occur” (p.1) and it recognizes that the research participants are active in the co‐construction of meaning and understanding. Without knowing what the meaning is, we will not be able to comprehend the phenomenon or act at hand. Here meaning and understanding must come hand in hand. It is what Weber (Elwell, 1996)) calls “subjective understanding” or verstehen. Greene, Jensen and Harper (1996) argue that in working with clients who are from ethnically‐diverse backgrounds, the use of the reflective self is an important element. They argue that a person’s definition of reality and self are socially‐constructed and embedded in it is the individual’s ethnicity. As such, for my study on young Muslims’ lived experience in New Zealand schools, in choosing the social constructivism paradigm, the philosophical focus is on the participant’s socially constructed reality, that is, interpreting the experience or story from their words, how they experience the world, their interactions and the settings where it all occurs. It is a study of human consciousness and its place in a social context. In line with a hermeneutic inquiry, the focus is not on human subjectivity but what the narratives imply about what the individual experiences every day and how they place meanings on it. This is also consistent with the constructivist epistemology that says knowledge exists at both the explicit and tacit levels (Granvold,N.D.). Being a Malaysian and having an understanding of Islam and the Muslim way of life through education and family ties, also makes it easier for me to delve into the complexities and sensitivities of cross‐cultural research on the Muslim students’ lifeworlds in New Zealand schools. My experience as a new migrant and student in New Zealand coupled with my daughter’s on‐going experiences in school also provided further insight into why I need to take a social constructivist stand in my research. Phenomenological studies have an idiographic focus (of a particular situation) and a psychological context whereby the narratives of the participants will be elucidated in order to capture the essence of the experience (Creswell, 2007). It is concerned with the ways in which human beings gain knowledge of the world around them and argues that certain forms of knowing could be more constructive than others due to different approaches to human understanding (Willig, 2001). The interpretive phenomenological paradigm in qualitative research is most suited for my study of lived experience as it is my view that all individuals have a story to tell and that their stories are unique. Through developing an empathetic understanding, I hope to interpret the individual’s construct of experiences and the only way to do justice to this experience is through giving it an idiographic focus. Ricoeur (as cited in Herda 1999) describes hermeneutics as an art of establishing indirect meanings where one goes beyond the words and perspectives of both ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders.’ In my research, I would need the insider experience of Muslim students in schools in New Zealand. This consists of detailed and intricate description of their school experience, their interpretation of the experience, the meanings they place on it and how this in return affects their actions and behavior. The relationship between me and the participant is dynamic and brings about constant mutual critical reflection, typical of a hermeneutic tradition. The characteristics of the qualitative interpretive phenomenology paradigm in relation to the inquiry are not only appropriate as a match but deliver justice to the inquiry itself which is about investigating and interpreting the experiences of Muslim students in a school context. Houston and Mullan‐Jensen (2011) argue that qualitative social work inquiry can only benefit if it combines strengths of various elements such as interpretative and phenomenological traditions with mining the insights from discourse of social structures. In this aspect, I see students as creators of their own world and I will not know their world until I understand the meanings in their world. Research of an IPA nature is very much grounded in humanism and challenges the ability of the researcher to delve into the world of the participants and obtain first hand stories; stories that can help build better relations and an enlargement of everyone’s world view. It is the ability to soften and sensitize the experiences that makes it worthwhile and truthful, giving the lived experience character and centre stage. The narration of an individual’s lived experience entails varied levels of emotions, recalling of events, assigning and reassigning of meanings and reflection of the experience – all this is what quantitative research cannot do. In my opinion, it is the assigning of meanings and values that makes the research stands out and appealing. The intention here is to achieve understanding of the phenomenon at hand and for both parties to benefit from the critical reflection process. While it does not aim to generalize, the reflection process will guide one to understand not only oneself but in relation to the other. Shahideh (2004) suggests that people have a “responsibility to remain open to new understandings and seek different meanings and interpretations about the events that have shaped our past history” (p.4). In my research, I hope to discover Gadamer’s (2000) “fusion of horizons” where the concept of horizons is used to show how understanding forms. The horizon is defined as, “...the range of vision that includes everything that can be seen from a particular vantage point. A person who has no horizon does not see far enough and hence over‐values what is nearest to him,” (p. 301‐302). Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) is a branch of phenomenology philosophy founded by Jonathan Smith. It is concerned with how individuals make sense of their experience in their personal and social world and it has an idiographic focus (Smith, 2003). Idiographic here means to focus on the particular incident being studied. An IPA study is concerned with the phenomenological aspects where its key focus is in exploring experience in its own terms (Reid, Flowers & Larkin, 2005), (Smith, Flowers & Larkin, 2009). It is characterized by a ‘bottom up’ approach (inductive) and does not set out to prove a hypothesis but rather attempts to provide detailed insight of the subjective world of the participant through the reflected personal experience of the subject. Husserl’s ‘back to the things themselves’ provides the guidance for IPA researchers (Reid, Flowers & Larkin, 2005). The findings of an IPA study are recognized as the interpretation of the researcher, as it is about the researcher attempting to make sense of the participant trying to make sense of their experience, what Smith calls double hermeneutics (Smith, 2003). He further suggests that in IPA, one needs to assume that the researcher is interested in learning something about the participant’s psychological world. He suggests that this may be in the form of beliefs and constructs that manifests in the participant’s narrative or it can also be when the researcher holds that the participant’s story can itself represent a piece of the participant’s identity. He suggests that meaning is central and that the aim is to understand the content and complexity of the meanings and not the frequency. As it has an idiographic focus, IPA normally employs purposive sampling with homogeneous samples and semi‐structured interviews for data collection. This is followed by transcription of interview sessions at semantic level following the recommendations by Smith and Osborn (as cited in Smith, 2008). Data Analysis in IPA involves various stages where the first stage is the reading and re‐rereading of the text. It is at this stage that a researcher will need to get familiarized with the account. This means engaging in an interpretive relationship with the text as suggested by Smith and Osborn (in Smith, 2008). At this stage, the researcher’s initial thoughts and observations in response to the text will be recorded. It is a free textual analysis and there are no rules regarding what is to be commented upon (Smith and Osborn in Smith, 2008). The second stage of analysis is about identifying the label themes that characterize each section of the text. The third stage will be the attempt to introduce structure into the analysis. The themes identified in stage two will be listed and their relation to one another will need to be worked out. In the fourth stage of analysis, a summary table of the structured themes together with the quotations that illustrate each theme is to be laid out. As recommended by Smith (2008), only themes that capture something about the quality of the participant’s experience of the phenomenon under investigation are to be included. This will largely be influenced by the researcher’s interests and orientation in line with the hermeneutic tradition of declaring the researcher’s presuppositions. In the last part of the analysis, it will move from the final themes to a write‐up and final statement outlining the meanings inherent in the participant’s experience. Smith and Osborn (in Smith, 2008) suggests that there is no actual divide between the analysis and the writing stage as the analysis will be expanded during writing. In this stage, the researcher will translate the themes into a narrative account and the themes are explained and illustrated with subtleties and tacit knowledge expressed. The crux of the participant’s responses is collated from this table of themes. This will be in the form of a narrative argument supported with verbatim extracts from the transcript to support the case. As cautioned by Smith and Osborn (in Smith, 2008), there will be a need to distinguish clearly between what the participant said and the researcher’s own interpretation of it. To address issues of rigor, participants will be asked to check and recheck data and recording and data interpretation. The enlistment of second and third readers will also be carried out. This will ensure the researcher attains a rich and detailed understanding of the human experience. IPA’s suitability as a social work research method with young Muslims I am comfortable with this methodology as it shares a lot of similarities with social work concerns such as reflexivity, engagement and empathy. Reflexivity here as defined by Archer (2007) is “the regular exercise of the mental ability, shared by all normal people, to consider themselves in relation to their (social) contexts and vice versa” (p. 4). She argues that this process of “internal conversation” is deemed important as it forms the basis upon which a person’s future course of action is determined. In relation to my research, it gives me the opportunity to continuously have this “internal conversation.” The flexibility in IPA itself allows room for a dynamic context of social work research. An IPA approach will give social work researchers a different angle for exploring a phenomenon. Creswell (2007) talks about the five broad designs in qualitative research and depending on which design has been chosen, this will provide different angles to the same story. I see it as akin to allowing our subjects the chance to relive their roles in real life and us researchers as the audience, engaged, as the story unfolds and at the same time attempting to make sense of their sense making (interpretation and reinterpretation). This aspect of engagement is of extreme importance in social work and relies heavily on the social worker’s ability to communicate with the client. Trevithick (2000) argues that communication is one of the fundamental skills a social worker must have. Without good communication skills, engagement and rapport cannot be forthcoming. Empathy is also part of interpersonal communication skills. It is about the attempt to put ourselves in another person’s shoes, to feel, see and understand from the other person’s perspective, as sensitively and as carefully as possible and it goes beyond sympathy (Trevithick, 2000). While IPA has a standard framework for the processes, what makes it challenging from a social work perspective is the development and sustainment of the relationship between researcher and subject. Just as in a social worker – client relationship, if the social worker fails to build engagement, the elucidation process will not be complete or rather disclosure will not be forthcoming. It accepts that it is impossible to gain direct access to research participant’s life worlds and that the researcher is very much a part of the research process through the implication of the researcher’s own world view. It accepts that the phenomenological analysis produced is always an interpretation of the research participant’s experience (Willig, 2001). This is what makes IPA in qualitative research unique and in my view relevant for school social work with young Muslims as it does not impose its world view on the participant but interprets it for the understanding of all. I see it as providing a safe environment for them to share, open up and reflect on their experiences, but on their terms. If at any time the participant feels the need to withdraw from the research process or have certain parts of the recording deleted or kept private, this prerogative is solely with them. This is the client confidentiality pact, similar to social work practice. IPA is a core trademark in nursing and psychology research while Grounded Theory has been the favoured method in social work research. However, I see the double hermeneutics element in IPA is extremely helpful for social work with Muslim clients as it can provide detailed insight into an individual client’s world and their sense making. Herda (1999) sees the flexibility of the hermeneutic process as allowing the research participants the opportunity to view their problems in a different way. Also, through using IPA as a social work research method with Muslims, I hope to explore further Heidegger’s concept of situated freedom. His concept of situated freedom sees humans as embedded in their world, of which he termed it lifeworld, thus their subjective experiences are inextricably linked with social, cultural and political contexts. Situated freedom here means that while individuals are free to make choices, this freedom is not absolute but circumscribed by the specific conditions of their daily lives (Lopez &Willis, 2004). Crabtree, Hussain and Spalek (2008) suggest that Heidegger, Merleau‐Ponty and Sartre all share the view that individuals are constantly faced with making choices even though the outcomes will not be clear. This places the concept of individual freedom and social conformity in Islam on the same wavelength as Heidegger’s thoughts on situated freedom. In Islam, the concept of individual freedom and social conformity go hand in hand (Crabtree, Hussain & Spalek, 2008). I would argue that if an individual subscribes fully to the guidelines of the Islamic teaching then their freedom of choice is a matter of choice borne out of a conscious decision to act as a moral Muslim. I see it as a choice within a choice. How far is this choice circumscribed in Heidegger’s term is what I hope to find out through my research. While Heidegger argues that this freedom is not absolute, I hope to find out if the Muslim students view it as such? Do they feel stifled that they need to adhere to certain ruling(s) that circumscribe their choice‐making or does this concept of being circumscribed not exist in their vocabulary? Through IPA, I hope to draw strength from the system within a student’s life through attempting to elicit the people or situation that brings about resilience in the student. It is the search for strength or resources of strength in the individuals lived experience that makes social work research of an IPA nature worthwhile. This is the more contextual and holistic way of investigating human suffering and hardship, the “person‐in‐situation” kind of approach that was suggested by Mailick (as cited in Fook, 2002). I see it as double edged: to get a firsthand account of an individual’s lived experience so as to enrich the practices’ knowledge base and to bring about learning for both participant and researcher. Freire (1973) pointed out that when active participation accompanies learning, it brings about critical reflection of the personal experience. I believe this is true especially when people are put into a context to look back and to reflect. It is here that I believe my choice of an IPA study is very apt. Also, a phenomenological study on a Muslim will be incomplete without an understanding of his/her faith for without the epistemological understanding of how the faith confirms the individual’s knowledge, an ontological illumination of its lifeworld will not be clear (Crabtree, Husain & Spalek, 2008). CONCLUSION AND FUTURE IMPLICATIONS
As Houston and Mullan‐Jensen (2011) put forth, IPA as a method in social work research is new and rare, where thus far, they say, has been adopted by Nicholas Oke in his study on foster carers’ perceptions of family, commitment and belonging in successful placements and by Gabrielle Dima in her study on the experiences of young people leaving care in Romania. Both studies were completed in 2009. They however propose that the IPA method for qualitative social work inquiry, when aligned with a sociological theory of agency and structure, such as the Theory of Social Domains, will benefit social work greatly especially when combined with a hermeneutic questioning stance. While my research is still in the analysis and writing stage, I believe there is room for this alignment and as social work researchers, our ultimate aim is to inform practice (Morris, 2006) and in wanting to do so, we must not be afraid to venture further afield, even if it is to forensic science (positivism). Our lives are all intricately intertwined and meshed with one another. I would like to end with an extract of a poem by John Donne, For Whom the Bell Tolls. No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. *The author is indebted to the Steering Group, BRCSS Network New Zealand (Building Research Capability in the Social Sciences), for the PhD Entry Level‐Award research grant and also her team of supervisors, Dr Andrew Frost, Dr Annabel Taylor, Dr Hazel Ashton and Dr Muhammad Alayan for their inputs. REFERENCES
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