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Qin and Han
Dynasties of China
Essential Question:
What are the major political,
religious/philosophical and cultural influences of
China during the Qin and Han Dynasties?
Qin Dynasty Basics
221BCE - 206BCE
Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi
Unified China under a legalist philosophy
Rejected Confucianism
Shi Huangdi
• First Emperor
• Used Legalism because he wanted
to control ideas so he could have
unlimited power
created a strong central
Murdered Confucius thinkers
Built Great Wall
Terra Cotta Statues guarded his
• Social order comes
from a powerful
• Strict laws and
• Citizens should not
question the
Han Dynasty Basics
206BCE - 220CE
Expanded the empire
Brought back Confucian teachings
Continued strong centralized imperial rule and introduced
civil service exams as entry tests for government jobs
• Created paper
• Silk Road trade flourished
In order to gain one of the
130,000 government jobs, citizens had
to pass a civil service exam
Exams were based
on Confucian teachings
• Developed in China by scholar: Confucius
• In response to the social upheaval of the “Warring States
• Confucius’ followers recorded his thoughts in the Analects,
which became the basis for study to enter the Chinese
bureaucracy (civil exam)
Confucianism Basic Beliefs:
• Social order comes from respecting family
• Society is structured around Five Key Relationships which each show mutual
respect and protection:
• ruler/subject
• parent/child
• husband/wife
• older brother/younger brother
• friend/friend
• Filial Piety - Society operates like a family with younger members paying respect
to their elders
• Females are subservient to males
• Moral behavior is about harmony in this life and not about gaining salvation
• Bureaucracy - Government should be made of the most qualified to govern
• A universal force called “The Dao/Way” guides all things
• The natural order is more important than social order
• One should live simply and with nature
Han Cultural Achievements
Chinese technology became advanced, especially
silk and paper making. Paper made books
cheaper and increased literacy in China
Han Cultural Achievements
The desire for rare Chinese luxury goods led to
the Silk Road: trade routes that connected China
with India and Rome