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Christian Ethics 30
Ms. Thomson
World Religions
Introduction to Islam
Islam is a religion based on ___________________.
2. To believe requires ____________ and trust.
3. People who follow Islam are called ______________________.
4. The worldwide community is called ___________________.
5. Islam is considered to be one large family but united in the eyes of Allah who is
6. To be a true Muslim means to accept Allah as the one _____ ______ and to submit to His
7. Islam means “submission”
A. Origins of Islam
The roots of Islam go back to _______________.
2. He is considered to be the father of _________________.
B. Abraham and the Kabbah
1. Abraham had fathered a child named _____________. His mother was ____________.
Abraham’s wife became jealous so God told Abraham to bless the child and send him and his
mother into the _____________. They wandered the desert until they ran out of
_____________. An angel appeared to them and told them not to be afraid. Out of a rock
sprang water. This well was called ________________ where the city of _____________
was born. Abraham travelled into Arabia to visit ______. Muslims believe that God told
Abraham to build a holy sanctuary known as the House of _______.
The site was called the _______________ meaning “_________.”
C. Wisdom – Prophet _______________
1. Muhammad was born in the city of ____________ in _________.
2. He was a man of deep faith and _______________ regularly.
3. He isolated himself and prayed in a cave on the ________________
____ ____________.
4. When he was ______ years old the angel____________ appeared to him in the cave.
5. He told Muhammad that he was chosen as the final ________________to all mankind.
6. Gabriel told him to _____________ the words on the cloth he was carrying. Muhammad
could not read before the night he recited the verses from the cloth.
7. Muhammad began to ______________ and ______________ messages given to him
throughout his life.
8. These revelations were put together in the holy book of Islam called the
Christian Ethics 30
Ms. Thomson
World Religions
Muslim Beliefs
The most fundamental beliefs of Islam are
In _______________
2. In _____________________________
3. In _________________________________
4. In _________________________________
5. In __________________________________________________
6. In _____________________________________
7. In _____________________________
Islamic Beliefs about Allah
Muslims believe that ___________ has ____________ all the books mentioned in the
2. Allah has revealed in the Koran the way in which He expects people to __________.
3. Muslims believe that Allah is ______, that Allah __________ and ____________ all things
and that there is no other God except Him.
4. The word Islam means “_______________________”
Worship & Works
Christian Ethics 30
Ms. Thomson
World Religions
The Five Pillars of Islam
The Five Pillars of Islam represent the ________ of a Muslim. Like the Ten Commandments they
provide a _________foundation and function.
1. First Pillar of Faith- Declaration of Faith (_________________)
This is the main ________________ belief of all Muslim people and it is the
___________ of their faith.
Anyone who says these words and means it can become a _________.
2. Second Pillar of Faith – Prayer (______________)
Pray _________ times a day facing ____________.
The call to prayer is announced from a _________ _______ _
They gather to pray in a ____________
Leader of the mosque is called the ___________
Muslims follow a ritual of ____________before prayer.
3. Third Pillar of Faith - Give Charity to the Poor (__________)
Look after ___________.
Give up a share of one’s _______________ to become cleansed from
_______________ and ____________.
This is regarded as a __________________duty - think of it as the WORK
of Islam.
4. Fourth Pillar of Faith - Fasting during Ramadan (____________)
Must ____________during the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar
Food and drink are not permitted between ____________ and
A time of _____________ and religious____________.
5. Fifth Pillar of Faith - Pilgrimage to Mecca - _____________
All Muslims have a __________ to try to make a
___________________ to the Kabbah in Mecca at least once during their
Christian Ethics 30
Ms. Thomson
World Religions
7 Stages of the Hajj
1. Walk counter-clockwise seven times around the Kabbah
2. Run seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwah where Hagar, the prophetess of
Abraham searched for water for her child. Allah provided water in the form of the Well of
Zamzam where pilgrims will stop to drink
3. Stay overnight at the village of Mina
4. Hold prayer all day at the Mount of Mercy (Mount Arafat)
5. Spend the night at Muzdalifah where they collect stones to throw at the pillars of Mina
(Mina is where Abraham and his family resisted the temptations of the Devil.)
6. Return to Mina for the ritual of “Stoning of the Devil”
7. Pilgrims circle the Kabbah seven times
As a sign of completion of the Hajj, men will have their heads shaved
More Works
1. Dietary Restrictions (Haram) – prohibited foods include:
Products made _______________.
Meat containing __________.
Christian Ethics 30
Ms. Thomson
World Religions
Meat from an animal that dies due to __________ or natural causes.
Any _____________________ animal.
Any animal that has been killed by _____________________.
Any animal that has been ____________________________.
2. Take responsibility for _________________.
3. Care for all creatures – no _______________ for enjoyment.
4. People must not ________________eg. Alcohol is _______________.
5. All humans must be _______________________________– promote what is right and
forbid what is wrong
6. Give ____________to the poor.
The Mosque
1. The building in which Muslims worship is called a __________________.
2. Most important day of worship is _______________.
3. Most mosques are built around a large _____________.
4. The interior is covered with _________________________.
5. Most mosques offer running water to _______________before prayer.
6. When they pray, they face _______________.
7. The __________ and _________________ are inlaid with inscriptions of the Koran done in
8. A _______________ is a tall tower which calls Muslims to prayer.
Sultan Ahmed Mosque (“Blue Mosque”) located in Istanbul, Turkey