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Final Jeopardy
Cold War II
The Cold War
Turns Hot
The Cold War
The End of
the Cold War
$100 The Cold War
Q: Alliance formed to stop
the spread of communism?
$100 The Cold War
$200 The Cold War
Q: Name 2 things families
would typically see or hear
on tv during the cold war
$200 The Cold War
“Duck and cover”
Bert the turtle
$300 The Cold War
Q: The Purpose of Marshal’s
Plan objective was to build
up European countries
economy so they….
$300 The Cold War
Wouldn’t be susceptible to
Could fight off Communism
$400 The Cold War
Q: Truman Doctrine was 1st
used in Greece and Turkey
$400 The Cold War
R: There was a direct threat
of Communism taking over
there. Stalin wanted the
Dardanelles Strait.
$500 The Cold War
Q: What was the 1st Conflict
of the Cold War the
western allies faced?
$500 The Cold War
R: Berlin Blockade
$100 Cold War II
Q: What was the name of the
alliance set up by the Soviet
Union and their Eastern
European allies?
$100 Cold War II
R: Warsaw Pact
$200 Cold War II
Q: What did Churchill call the
division of Europe between
Communist and nonCommunist countries?
$200 Cold War II
R: Iron Curtain
$300 Cold War II
Q: What was the purpose of the
Berlin Blockade?
Was it successful? explain
$300 Cold War II
R: Purpose: To starve W. Berlin
so that they would give up
and the SU could control all
of Berlin.
Successful???: NO bc of the
Berlin Airlift where we sent
12,500 tons of supplies daily
$400 Cold War II
Q: Who were the “Big 3” at the
Potsdam conference and
what threat was made?
$400 Cold War II
Truman, Attlee(who replaced
Churchill) and Stalin
Truman threatened Stalin with a very
powerful weapon (the atomic bomb)
$500 Cold War II
Q: Name 4 events that
escalated the Cold War
$500 Cold War II
The Manhattan Project
Satellite Nations
Dropping the bombs on
Nagasaki and Hiroshima
Check Point Charlie
The Berlin Blockade
the Berlin Wall
$100 Manhattan Project
Q: What was the name of the
atomic bomb that was first
tested on US soil?
$100 Manhattan Project
R: Trinity
$200 Manhattan Project
Q: Who developed the atomic
$200 The Cold War Turns Hot
R: Julius Robert Oppenheimer
$300 Manhattan Project
Q: Name the bomb dropped on
Hiroshima and the one dropped on
$300 Manhattan Project
R: Hiroshima- Little Boy
Nagasaki – Fat Man
$100 The End of the Cold War
Q: What was Detente?
$100 The End of the Cold War
R: An international agreement to
ease tensions b/t the two
superpowers in the 1970s
$200 The End of the Cold War
Q: Who changed the social and
economic reforms in
Russia, leading to the end
of the USSR and Berlin
$200 The End of the Cold War
R: Gorbachav
$300 The End of the Cold War
Q: When did the USSR fall?
$300 The End of the Cold War
R: 1991
$400 The End of the Cold War
Q: Why did NATO form and
what was its’ purpose?
$400 The End of the Cold War
Why? Because the UN due to permanent
members having veto power, they were
unable to get involved.
Purpose: To protect Western Europe from the
Soviet Union
$500 The End of the Cold War
Who said the following and who was
he saying it to?
“Mr. ______________, tear down that wall!”
$500 The End of the Cold War
Who said it: Ronald Reagan
He said it to Gorbachev.
$100 mix
Q: Why was the Berlin Wall
built in 1961?
$100 mix
R: The blockade failed and economy
declining due to so many East
Germans fleeing to W. Berlin.
• What was the goal of the U.S.
throughout the Cold War?
$200 mix
• Stop the spread of Communism.
= Containment – Truman
$300 mix
• Besides spreading Communism,
what was the other goal of the
Soviet Union during the Cold
$300 mix
• Create a buffer zone of friendly
(Communist) countries in
Eastern Europe to make it harder
for any country to invade.
$400 mix
Name 3 big differences between
Capitalism and communism.
• Look at notes
Who said the following and
explain what it means:
“From each according to his
abilities, to each according to his
How much?
Q: Describe a key difference between the
leadership of Stalin, Khrushchev,
and Gorbachev
• A:
Stalin- Secret Police,
Power hungry dictator, wanted to
spread communism, extreme
• Krushchev: destalinization,
continued maintaining wall
• Gorbachev: Tore down wall,
more democratic tendencies
Final Jeopardy
• The Spokes person gets to make
up any question they want.
– Tell them the subject and give each
team time to make
– a wager…$0-$ what they have so
Final Jeopardy