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Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
Rule of Law
School officials have the right
to regulate student speech in
school newspapers.
Weeks v. United States
Rule of Law
Evidence obtained illegally
may not be used in federal
Schenck v. United States
Rule of Law
Speech that presents a clear
and present danger is not
protected by the 1st
Engel v. Vitale
Rule of Law
School prayer is a violation of
the establishment clause of
the first amendment.
Miranda v. Arizona
Rule of Law
Statements made by accused
persons who have not been
informed of their right to
remain silent may not be
used as evidence against
University of California v.
Rule of Law
A strict quota system based
on race is unconstitutional.
Bethel v. Fraser
Rule of Law
Limits on school speech by
students is not a violation of
the first amendment.
Gibbons v. Ogden
Rule of Law
Congress has the right to
regulate interstate
Powell v. Alabama
Rule of Law
Anyone accused of a capital
crime has the right to an
Mapp v. Ohio
Rule of Law
Illegally obtained evidence
may not be used in a state
Gideon v. Wainwright
Rule of Law
Anyone accused of a crime
has a fundamental right to an
Plessy v. Ferguson
Rule of Law
Ruling established the
“separate but equal”
New Jersey v. T.L.O.
Rule of Law
School officials do not need a
search warrant before
searching a student.
Shaw v. Reno
Rule of Law
Racially gerrymandered
districts can be challenged on
equal protection grounds.
Gregg v. Georgia
Rule of Law
The death penalty is not in
violation of the 8th
Amendment cruel & unusual
Betts v. Brady
Rule of Law
Appointment of counsel in a
state criminal case is not a
fundamental right.
Rule of Law
Illegally obtained
evidence may not
be used in a state
Rule of Law
School officials do
not need a search
warrant before
searching a student.
Rule of Law
Anyone accused
of a crime has a
fundamental right
to an attorney.
Rule of Law
Congress has the
right to regulate
interstate commerce.
Rule of Law
The death penalty is
not in violation of
the 8th Amendment
cruel & unusual
Rule of Law
Limits on school
speech by
students is not a
violation of the
first amendment.
Rule of Law
School prayer is a
violation of the
clause of the first
Rule of Law
Anyone accused
of a capital crime
has the right to an
Rule of Law
A strict quota
system based on
race is
Rule of Law
Ruling established
the “separate but
equal” doctrine.
Rule of Law
Speech that
presents a clear and
present danger is
not protected by the
1st Amendment.
Rule of Law
Evidence obtained
illegally may not
be used in federal
Rule of Law
Statements made by
accused persons who
have not been informed
of their right to remain
silent may not be used
as evidence against
Rule of Law
School officials have
the right to regulate
student speech in
school newspapers.
Rule of Law
districts can be
challenged on equal
protection grounds.
Rule of Law
Appointment of
counsel in a state
criminal case is not
a fundamental right.