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Sand dunes are large piles of sand that can be found in the
desert. What causes these sand dunes to form?
Wind blowing the sand on the beach
Weathering of Earth’s surface can have which of the following
Breaking down rocks
Canyons are formed by rivers
Sediments, which are deposited at the mouth of a river, create a –
A valley will take on a U-shape as a result of the movement of glacier
From the distinct shapes of sand dunes and their features in a
desert, a geologist could most likely determine which of the
The direction the wind blows
The map shows the various ecoregions of Texas.
Which ecoregion is most vulnerable to wind erosion from
hurricanes originating in the Gulf of Mexico?
Gulf praries and marshes
The Gulf Prairies and Marshes ecoregion experiences significant
soil erosion. One would expect the climate in this region to be –
Wet and rainy
The tall rock formations with smooth surfaces in Big Bend
National Park were most likely formed over time by Wind weathering
The Brazos River is the longest river in Texas, emptying into
the Gulf of Mexico. What type of land formation would you
expect to find where the river deposits sediments as it reaches
the Gulf?
In the Edwards Plateau, the limestone rocks are highly
vulnerable to chemical and physical weathering. Which land
formations would be expected in this area?
What is a possible effect of severe beach erosion?
Sand bars forming
High rains cause the flow in a river to increase. The increase in
the river’s flow will most likely cause
the river banks eroding
Sand bars are large deposits of sand that appear close to the
shoreline of a beach. Which processes is responsible for
creating sand bars?
Waves and ocean currents
15. ___B___ The gradual wearing down of a
geological formation due to physical
or chemical changes to the surface
of rocks
16. ____A__ When sediment created by
weathering and moved by erosion
settles in a different location due to
17. ___C___ When the rock or soil of Earth’s
surface is moved to another
location by water, ice, or wind
A. Deposition
B. Weathering
C. Erosion
D. Abiotic
18. ___D___ The nonliving components of an
ecosystem, such as soil and sunlight
Label Each example below as weathering, erosion or
19. ___________w_________
Flood waters pounding on a a canyon wall and wearing it
20. __________e__________
A mudslide flowing down a steep hill.
21. _________D___________
Waves dropping sand on the beach.
22. _________W___________
Caves being formed underground by acid rain dissolving under ground
23. _________D___________
A delta being formed at the mouth of a river.
26. ____________________
Flood waters pounding on a a canyon wall and wearing it
27. ____________________
A mudslide flowing down a steep hill.
28. ____________________
Waves dropping sand on the beach.
29. ____________________
Caves being formed underground by acid rain dissolving under ground
30. ____________________
A delta being formed at the mouth of a river.