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The Unification of China CH 4 Section 4
The social disorder of the warring states contributes to the development of three Chinese
ethical systems
I. Confucius and the Social Order
A. ____________ Dynasty
 Lasted ______________________; ancient values decline near end of dynasty
B. Confucius and Social Order
 _______________________________, 551 BC, desired to restore order and
_____________________ in China
 Zhou Dynasty is time of disorder
 Scholar Confucius wants to restore _______________________________
 China could do this by organizing around five basic relationships:
Notice that 3 of 5
1. ruler and ________________
4. older brother and _________
relationships are based
on what?
2. father and ______________
3. husband and ___________
5. friend and ______________
Only 1 of 5 concerns
 Promotes __________________________- respect for parents and ancestors
 Hopes to reform society by promoting good __________________
C. Confucius and Government
Confucian ideas about government
– Thinks _______________________ can transform people
– Teachings become foundation of __________________________, a trained
civil service, those who run government
– Confucianism is an _____________________________________ of right and
wrong, NOT a _____________________
Q: How did creation of a bureaucracy promote equality?
II. Other Ethical Systems
A. Daoists seek harmony
– _________________teaches that people should follow the natural order of
life; Believes the universal force called __________ guides all things
– Daoism philosophy is
Q: Explain this quote from Laozi, “When there is no desire, all things are at peace.”
B. Legalists urge harsh rule
– Legalism emphasizes ____________________________________________
– Teaches that obedience should be ____________________, disobedience
should be _________________________
C. I Ching and Yin and Yang
– I Ching offers good advice, common sense
– Concept of yin and yang-
– _______: cold, dark, soft mysterious; __________: warm, bright, hard, clear
– I Ching and yin and yang explain how people fit into the world
III. The Qin Dynasty Unifies China
A. ___________ Dynasty Replaces Zhou in third century BC
B. __________________________ - means “First Emperor”
-_________________ China, ends _________________, &
___________________ ___________________________
Q: Shi Huangdi introduced a policy called “strengthening the trunk and weakening
the branches”. What does the trunk refer to? Branches?
C. Shi Huangdi takes control
- nobles were forced to move _____________________________________
- divided China into __________administrative districts controlled by Qin
- Employed Legalist ideas to unify country. Murdered _________________
_______________________, burned “______________________” books
-Establish autocracy, ____________________________________________
D. Program of Centralization
- Shi Huangdi builds highways ____________ miles, irrigation projects, and
increased trade
- Standardization: set same standards for ______________________,
____________, _________________________, and
Q: Harsh rule includes high taxes and repressive government. China was unified, but
at what cost?
E. Great Wall of China
- Emperor forces peasants to build Great Wall for protection
Q: Was Shi Huangdi justified in requiring
Q: What were positive and negative
peasants to work on the wall?
effects of Shi Huangdi’s reign?
IV. The fall of Qin
 Shi Huangdi’s son loses throne to rebel leader
- __________________________ rebel; leader from land of
___________________ marches troops into capital
- 202 BC, the harsh Qin dynasty gave way to the _____________ Dynasty