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HW Notes (p 101-102)
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List and describe the 3 major
philosophies that developed in
Classical China…
 How do Chinese typically view their history as
compared to other civilizations?
 They have maintained clearest links to
classical past
 Look at history in terms of cycles rather
than as progress from past to present; a
dynastic cycle
 3 Big Ones from Classical China:
 Zhou (1029 – 258 BCE)
 Qin (221 – 202 BCE)
 Han (202 BCE – 220 CE)
The Zhou dynasty lasted longer than any
other Chinese dynasty.
1 of 3
Claims the Mandate of Heaven
Shi Huang-Ti was the first Chinese
emperor. He united China under one
– Qin Shi Huangdi
Document Analysis
 221 BCE
 Shi Huangdi - “First Emperor”
 Standardized weights and
Roads, canals, and Great Wall of
Book burning (exceptions?)
Heavy taxes, forced labor, cruel
politics (Legalism)
Unites the many regions of China
Shi Huangdi’s Terra Cotta Soldiers
& Cavalrymen
3 of 3
terra cotta army of
Shi Huangdi’s tomb
– Qin Shi Huangdi
 Define the Mandate of Heaven.
 How did the Chinese explain the rise of a new dynasty?
 How did Confucianism differ from Daoism?
 Who was Shi Huang-Ti?
 Why did the Chinese build the Great Wall of China?
 What are characteristics of a strong central