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Those Active
in Sunday
Those Active
in Worship
Services Only
Surprising Insights From The Unchurched
Thom S. Rainer
Dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions,
Evangelism and Church Growth
Afterward Jesus appeared again to His disciples, by the Sea of
Tiberias. It happened this way: Simon Peter, Thomas (called
Didymus), Nathaniel from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee,
and two other disciples were together. “I’m going out to fish,”
Simon Peter told them, and they said, “ we’ll go with you. So
they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught
nothing. Early in the morning Jesus stood on the shore, but the
disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. He called out to them,
“Friends, haven’t you any fish?” “No,” they answered. He said,
“Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find
some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in
because of the large number of fish.
“Disciples were together” (Fellowship)
“I’m going out to fish” (Evangelism)
“We’ll go with you” (Ministry)
“Friends, haven’t you any fish?” “No,” they answered.
Jesus said, “Throw your net on the right side of the
boat and you will find some.” (Instruction)
When they did they were unable
to haul the net in because
of the large number of fish. (Intercession)
42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to
the fellowship, and to the breaking of bread and prayer. 43
Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and
miraculous signs were done by the apostles. 44 All the
believers were together and had everything in common. 45
Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he
had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet in the temple
courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with
glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the
favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number
daily those who were being saved.
When we do God’s work
God’s way we will be
blessed with an abundance.
5 minutes - Fellowship
10 minutes - Intercession
30 minutes - Instruction
5 minutes - Service
5 minutes - Hope
Week 1 Fellowship
Week 2 Intercession
Week 3 Service
Week 4 Hope
This is a suggested monthly emphasis schedule. The
idea is to let each team have an opportunity to report
to the class once a month. This schedule is at the
discretion of the class.
Fellowship Team: Purpose is to create an
atmosphere of fellowship and openness to guests
and members.
•Coordinate periodic class fellowships.
•Handout name tags.
•Welcome guests.
•Sends birthday and anniversary cards.
Prayer Team: Purpose is to help their class
discover and pray for the needs of members and
• Develops prayer chain for class.
•Gathers prayer requests from class members.
•Informs class of answered prayer, and praises.
• Encourages prayer testimonies/stories.
Teacher & Apprentice Teacher: Purpose is to
teach God’s Word and help students develop a
practical Biblical understanding.
• Prepares and teaches the weekly lesson.
• Encourages FISH Team members.
• Facilitates class discussion.
• Attends periodic teacher training.
Ministry Team: Purpose is to meet the needs of
the members and prospects; to discover
community needs and develop ministries to help
meet the needs.
• Sends encouragement cards.
•Coordinates ministry needs visits.
• Calls absentee members.
•Plans periodic ministry projects.
Evangelism Team: Purpose is to gather names
from class of lost people and train and lead in
evangelistic visits.
• Maintains class “Ten Most Wanted” List.
• Trains class how to share personal story.
• Follow up on new believers.
• Coordinates guest contacts.
or God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son that whosoever believes
n Him
hall not perish but
ave eternal life.
•Sunday School/Church Visitation
•Relational Witnessing
•Divine Encounters
•With so much material currently available, is
another approach really necessary?
When it comes to evangelism we need:
•Different strokes for different folks.
•Culturally relevant tools to catch more fish.
•New techniques produce better fisherman.
 Evangelism Leaders organize
outreach efforts for individual
Sunday School Classes.
 Prospect names are gathered through
guest information cards and visitors
to classes.
Most relational opportunities are with people
you already know.
Some people will respond much better if you
invite them out to eat, to a concert, and so on
where you can build a relationship and then
share the gospel.
As God leads, move directly to the C-A-S-T
These opportunities will come in the midst of the daily
activities of your life.
 It is correct to presume that the Lord may have a
special reason for your meeting, even if it is caused by
an interruption.
Occasions for Divine Encounters:
 Business appointments
 Delivery persons, meter readers, and so on.
 Restaurants
 Door-to-door or telephone sales people
 Repair people, hairdressers
 Bank tellers, store clerks
 Doctors, coaches, teachers
 If you do not already know the person, introduce
yourself and move into the C-A-S-T introduction.
Remember the Lord’s promise: “And lo, I am with you
always, even to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:20).
A Postmodern Culture
Debate Religion
Debate Politics
Debate Morality
The one thing they will not
debate is...
Your Personal
That is why your story/testimony is a
powerful tool for 21st century evangelism!
“When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon,
Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a
catch” (Luke 5:4).
Encouraging ideas found in this verse:
Jesus was with them.
We never go alone. “And lo, I am with you
always” (Matt. 28:20).
 Jesus directed where they should go.
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and
they follow Me” (John 10:27).
 Jesus took responsibility to provide the catch.
He called for their obedience.
“Let down your nets for a catch” (Luke 5:4).
Using C-A-S-T as a guided conversation
 The conversation must never be used as a
canned or memorized presentation.
 Let it become natural and put your personality
into it.
 Enjoy the people you visit.
C - CONNECTION: Talk about the
person’s background.
 “Where are you from originally?”
 “How do you like living here?”
 If you are already acquainted, you may ask about
their family or people you both know.
A – ACTIVITIES: Find out about the person’s
work and hobbies. (Seek to discover commonalties.)
Questions you might ask:
“What kind of work do you do?”
For students: “What are you studying? or what
courses are you taking?”
If you are already acquainted, you may ask how
things are going with their jobs or studies.
If you notice evidence of their interests such as
sports, books, art, or photographs, you may ask or
comment about these.
whether the person is open to discussing spiritual
Questions you might ask:
“Would you consider yourself to be a
spiritual person?”
“Do you ever think about spiritual things?”
(If they aren’t sure what you mean, say,
“things like heaven, prayer, God, and so on.)”
THE WAY: “My life before I made a commitment to follow Jesus.”
Paul told Timothy, “Stir up the gift” (2 Tim. 1:6).
The NIV translates it, “Fan into flame.”
 Paul was talking about Timothy’s pastoral gift,
but salvation is also a gift.
 If you are going to share it, you should be
“stirred-up” about it.
How valuable is the “gift of God” to you?
Where would you be today and what would your life
be like if you had not received Jesus?
 What a great gift we were given at such a terrible
sacrifice on our Savior’s part! Lift up the “gift of
 Not one of us is worthy or deserve to
be God’s child.
 It was His love and grace that made it possible.
A blunt but true statement:
If coming to know Jesus is not the most significant
happening in your life, you need to re-evaluate your
Why emphasize this so strongly?
You will never share Jesus effectively until you
are convinced that the change He brought into
your life is the greatest thing that ever happened
to you.
 Turn to page 30 in your Apprentice Manual and
review some of the things about your life before you
came to Jesus.
 What are some of the words or phrases you wrote?
 Write about the first time your faith was put to
the test. These are often called “defining
 Who were the people God used to influence you
and point you to Him?
Practice Time-Get in pairs to practice
the C-A-S portion of your testimony.
•Study lessons 2 & 4
•Practice the C-A-S portion of your
•Begin to add transitions and scriptures
between the C-A-S, the Way, and the Truth
portions of your testimony.
Paul wrote, “I am a debtor both to Greeks and to
barbarians, both to wise and to unwise”
(Rom. 1:14).
Paul felt that he owed a debt to the people
who had not yet believed.
You and I owe this same debt to people who
need Jesus.
Look at The NET logo on the front of your
Apprentice Manual.
 All of us who know Jesus also owe a
debt to a network of witnesses that
goes back to the cross of Jesus.
Review the names of the people who
influenced you or led you to Jesus.
 Do you ever think much about them?
 Where would you be today if they had stayed
silent and safe?
 Turn to the person next to you and tell the
names of two or three people whom God
used to tell you His good news.
 While it is true that you and I are debtors to those
who went before us, Paul says that we are debtors to
people who do not yet know Jesus.
 Think about your network.
 Think about people outside of your network who
do not know Jesus.
 In a few weeks, months, or years, some of these
can belong to Jesus, because they are part of one
of your networks.
THE TRUTH: “How I came to know Jesus personally.”
After Jesus healed and saved the Gadarene demoniac,
He said to him, “Go home to your friends, and tell
them what great things the Lord has done for you”
(Mark 5:19).
The woman at the well went back to her home and
said, “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I
ever did. Could this be the Christ” (John 4:29)?
In Lesson 1, you studied how Paul told individuals and
groups about his conversion in Acts 22 and 26. He
saw the telling of his story as a means of sharing Jesus.
 Note how carefully he accounts the details of his
conversion. He told:
 Where he was
 Who was with him
 Where he was going
 What happened to let him know he needed to
surrender to Jesus
 What God said to him
 How he responded
 Every Christian’s story/testimony is one of the most
valuable possessions he or she owns.
 Can you recall just what took place and how it
happened when you invited Jesus into your life?
When sharing Jesus with a lost person, you will want
to talk about two vital concepts:
 THE TRUTH about God:
In spite of my sin, He loves
me and provides a new way of living through Jesus.
 THE TRUTH about Jesus:
His birth
His death
His resurrection
How you responded to Him by turning from
your sin
 By trusting in Jesus Christ alone as your Lord
and Savior
Turn to The Truth Worksheet on page 42 in your
Apprentice Manual and review your answers.
 How did you answer the following questions:
 At about what age did you first realize that “all
have sinned” included you?
 What happened to help you know that you were a
lost sinner in need of a Savior?
 How did you respond the first time you were
invited to receive Jesus?
 About how many times did you hear the gospel
before you responded?
 Where were you when you received Jesus?
 Who were you with?
Practice Time-Go over the C-A-S, the Way, the Truth
portions of your testimony. Be sure to include the
scriptures and transitions.
Would anyone like to share their testimony?
•Study lessons 5, 6, & 7
•Begin to commit to memory the C-A-S,
the Way, the Truth portions of your
•Adding scripture and transitions between
the Truth and the Life.
What a wonderful change in my life has been
wrought, Since Jesus came into my heart!
I have light in my soul for which long I had sought,
Since Jesus came into my heart!
I have ceased from my wandering and going astray,
Since Jesus came into my heart!
And my sins, which were many, are all washed
away, Since Jesus came into my heart!
I shall go there to dwell in that city, I know, Since
Jesus came into my heart!
Since Jesus came into my heart
Floods of joy o’er my soul like the sea billows roll,
Since Jesus came into my heart.
THE LIFE: “My life since I came to know Jesus personally.”
The Bible says, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new
creation; old things have passed away; behold, all
things have become new” (2 Cor. 5:17).
Has Jesus made a real difference in your life? Try to
put that difference into words so you can evaluate the
gift of God and learn to tell someone about it. One
witness said, “I am convinced that if my neighbors
could know what a difference He has made in my life,
they would chase my car to find out what I have.”
How have your attitudes and actions changed?
 Turn in your Apprentice Manual on page 30 and
review how your answers differ on the following
issues since you have had a personal relationship with
God’s Word, the Bible
Lost people
When I sin
Personal peace
Who will share the eight words or phrases that you
used to describe your life since you became a
follower of Jesus?
“And He said to them, ‘Cast the net on the right side of
the boat . . . So they cast, and now they were not able to
draw it in because of the multitude of fish’” (John 21:6).
 No personal evangelism training is complete without
sharing ways for witnesses to help the lost become
followers of Jesus.
 There is no way to avoid the impact or “pressure”
of that moment of decision.
 At that moment of decision, we experience the true
meaning of being “labourers together with God” (1
Cor. 3:9, KJV).
 During the new birth process, most need a “midwife.”
 Three simple questions:
1. Does what I’ve been sharing make sense?
2. (If yes) Would you be interested in knowing how
you can be adopted into God’s family and receive
His gift of new life?
3. (If yes) Would you like for me to lead you in that
Suppose the person does not answer “yes.”
 Do not become defensive. This does not mean
rejection of you or Jesus.
 It may just mean that a little clarification is needed.
 Take the questions one at a time.
Question 1: “Does what I’ve been sharing make sense?”
If the person says “no,” or “I’m not sure.”
 You could respond, “Tell me what parts are not
clear.” Then go back to the part of the presentation
where they are unclear.
 In some cases, you may want to ask for the
opportunity to research the question and get back
with them.
Question 2: Would you be interested in knowing how
you can be adopted into God’s family and receive His
gift of new life?”
 If the person hesitates or says “no,” deal with their
response in a positive manner.
 You may say, “What do you feel is keeping you
from making a decision?”
 Whatever answer is given, prayerfully discern
whether the person is being drawn by the Holy
Spirit. If this is not happening, no amount of
persuasiveness will accomplish any eternal good.
 If the person continues to hesitate or refuse, leave
the door open for future opportunities.
If you realize that he or she is being drawn by the
Holy Spirit, continue to draw the net by sharing:
 “We must turn from our sin, which is repentance
and ask God to forgive us. The Bible says,
‘Repent . . . And be converted, that your sins may
be blotted out’ (Acts 3:19). ”
 “We must place our trust in Jesus Christ alone for
new life. Remember, Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the
truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except
through Me’” (John 14:6).
 “You can become a follower of Jesus Christ by asking
Him through prayer to come into and control your
Question 3: “Would you like for me to lead you in
that prayer?”
 If the person hesitates or says “no”:
 You may say, “Let me share with you a prayer
that is very much like the one I prayed when
Jesus came in and changed my life.”
 Read or say the prayer for salvation.
 Ask, “Does this prayer say what you would like to say
to God?”
 Again, seek discernment from God to know whether
to continue.
 It is not usually wise to press a person beyond his
or her receptivity, but it is always wise to follow
the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
 Only He knows whether this is the last invitation
to accept Jesus this person will ever receive.
When someone is truly born again, they become a babe in
Jesus and He cares deeply for each one.
He said, “Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not
receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no
means enter it” (Luke 18:17).
 He told Peter, “Feed my lambs” (John 21:15).
 Paul reminded the people at the church in
Thessalonica, “We were gentle among you, just as a
nursing mother cherishes her own children”
(1 Thess. 2:7).
 Peter calls new Christians: “Newborn babes”
(1 Pet.
Jesus expects His church to play the mother role in
caring for them and raising them.
 The responsibility for immediate follow-up (the first
10 minutes following a new birth and some
responsibility during the first week) falls squarely on
the shoulders of the one who led the person to receive
 There is much joy to be found in helping a new babe
become grounded initially.
 The work of evangelism has not been completed when
the person has invited Jesus into their life.
 Phases in the immediate follow-up process:
1. The first 10 minutes of the new life in Jesus. This
begins immediately after the prayer to receive Jesus.
 Acknowledge their decision:
 Say something like, “Today, you’ve made the
greatest of all life’s decisions and begun a
wonderful new journey with Jesus.”
 Share and explain the first panel of
“Congratulations, Let the Celebration Begin.”
 This panel helps the new believer with
assurance of salvation.
 Notice the three promise verses: one related
to repentance and forgiveness, one related to
grace and faith, and one related to Jesus’
lordship and leadership.
 Share and explain the second panel of
“Congratulations, Let the Celebration Begin.”
 This panel helps the new believer understand four
things that will help him develop normally and
grow as a Christian:
1. A home church family
2. Good food, the milk of the Word
3. Good breathing habits or prayer
4. Learning to talk sharing your
story/testimony of what God has done has
done for you
 Complete the Decision Form on the third panel of
“Congratulations, Let the Celebration Begin.”
 This is vital follow-up information
 Complete “For the Record” on the center back panel
of “Congratulations, Let the Celebration Begin.”
 Detach the Decision Form.
 Hand the rest of the folder to the new believer.
Additional contact with new believer
Pass new believer information onto the pastor and
Sunday School director.
The Sunday School/small group Bible study
teacher or outreach leader of the class of the
person’s age group should deliver a Bible study
book and seek to enroll the person.
2. The First Week. Deliver the pamphlet, “Let the
Celebration Continue” within 72 hours after the
person receives Jesus (If possible, before Sunday).
 Introduce the material and show the person how
to complete the lessons.
 “Let the Celebration Continue” contains six very
basic Bible studies for new believers.
The Bible is Very Important!
What Happened to Me?
Do I Really Possess Eternal Life?
What Do I Do When I Sin?
What About Baptism?
Is Church Attendance Important?
 Make arrangements for the new believer’s
transportation to church.
 Ask to sit with the new believer in the services.
 Offer to walk forward with the new believer
during the invitation (if appropriate).
3. The First Month or Until Baptized and Assimilated.
 As soon as possible, every new believer should
be enrolled in a new believer’s class.
 Good material for new member’s classes is
available from LifeWay Christian Resources.
Who will share a report on your activities this past
week with your “Most Wanted for Jesus” person?