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Lobular Carcinoma In Situ: Biology
and Management
Tari A. King and Jorge S. Reis-Filho
Epidemiology and Clinical Features
Histological Features and Classification
Differential Diagnosis
Molecular Pathology
E-Cadherin and Related Proteins in Lobular Neoplasia
Molecular Aspects of E-Cadherin Inactivation
Genomics of Lobular Neoplasia
Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) and atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH) are relatively uncommon breast lesions, which
are typically discovered in breast biopsies taken for other
reasons. The first description of LCIS was reported by Ewing
in 1919, who depicted this lesion as an “atypical proliferation
of acinar cells” of the breast (1). The main characteristics
of this lesion, however, were not thoroughly documented
until 1941 in the seminal study by Foote and Stewart, in
which the term LCIS was coined to refer to a spectrum of
“noninfiltrative lesions of a definitely cancerous cytology”
that would constitute precursors of invasive breast cancer,
and be composed of a monomorphic population of dyshesive cells that expand the terminal duct–­lobular units (2).
A less-prominent in situ proliferation composed of cells cytologically identical to those of LCIS, and associated with a
lower risk of breast cancer development, was subsequently
identified and named ALH (3). In a review of 211 cases of
LCIS not associated with other forms of breast cancer,
Haagensen et al. (4) observed the difficulties in differentiating between LCIS and ALH, and suggested that the term
LCIS not associated with invasive cancer would constitute
a misnomer, given that the available evidence at that time
supported the contention that these lesions would in fact
constitute a “benign, non-infiltrating, special microscopic
form of lobular proliferation of the mammary epithelium”
(4). The term lobular neoplasia (LN) was subsequently
put forward to refer to the entire spectrum of these
in situ lesions, including ALH and LCIS (4). Although surgeons,
oncologists, and pathologists are familiar with the concept
of LCIS, the terminology and classification for these lesions,
their biological significance (risk indicator vs. precursor for
invasive cancer), and the best course of management following diagnosis remain controversial. This chapter will discuss
the clinicopathological and molecular characteristics of LN,
and the impact of recent developments on the management
of these lesions.
Clinical Management
Surgical Considerations
Management of the High-Risk Patient
Risk-Reducing Surgery
Several of the concepts initially put forth by Foote and
Stewart (2) on the biology of LCIS remain valid today. The
term LCIS was chosen to emphasize the histologic similarities between the cells of LCIS and those of frankly invasive
lobular carcinoma (ILC), and, importantly, was not meant to
infer that the cell of origin resided in the lobules; in fact, it
was acknowledged that LCIS would originate in the terminal
duct–lobular unit and small ducts (2). In addition, LCIS was
reported to be frequently multicentric and bilateral, and not
­readily identifiable on gross examination. Microscopically,
the cells that constitute LCIS were thought to disseminate
through the ductal system in a way akin to that of Paget’s
disease; however, LCIS was almost never seen in association with true Paget’s disease of the nipple (2). Based on
the frequent identification of LCIS in association with ILC
and following the analogy of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
and invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), Foote and Stewart (2)
hypothesized that the neoplastic cells of LCIS would still
be contained within a basement membrane, and that this
lesion would constitute a “hazard” (i.e., risk factor) of breast
cancer development and a step along the pathway to the
development of invasive cancer. Hence, based on the evidence available, simple mastectomy was suggested as the
standard form of treatment (2).
Emerging data throughout the 1970s from Haagensen
et al. (4) and others (5) demonstrating that the risk of breast
cancer development following a diagnosis of LCIS was lower
than expected for a direct precursor lesion (approximately
1% per year) and was conferred equally to both breasts
generated controversy regarding the significance of these
lesions and led to disparate recommendations for management, ranging from observation only to bilateral mastectomy.
In current practice, a diagnosis of ALH or LCIS is typically
perceived as a risk indicator rather than a precursor of subsequent carcinoma and, as such, radical treatment has fallen
out of favor. Yet, observational evidence to s­ uggest that the
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risk of breast cancer development following a d
­ iagnosis of
LN is higher in the ipsilateral than in the contralateral breast
and compelling molecular data that demonstrate that ALH
and LCIS are clonal neoplastic proliferations that commonly
harbor the same genetic aberrations as those found in adjacent invasive cancers (6–10) have reinstated the notion
that ALH and LCIS are both non-obligate precursors and
risk indicators of invasive breast cancer. Questions regarding the biology and optimal management of these lesions
have returned to the forefront of breast cancer research and
LCIS is most frequently diagnosed in women aged 40 to
55 years (4,11). The true prevalence of LCIS in the g
­ eneral
population, however, is difficult to estimate and likely
exceeds the incidence, given that it does not present as a
mass lesion nor does it have a specific radiographic appearance. Lesions diagnosed in the pre-mammography screening
era were typically incidental microscopic findings in biopsies
and excision specimens obtained for other reasons (2,4). The
reported incidence of LCIS in otherwise benign breast biopsy
specimens ranges from 0.5% to 3.8% (4,11), whereas population-based data reported to Surveillance, Epidemiology,
and End Results (SEER) from 1978 to 1998 demonstrate an
incidence of 3.19 per 100,000 women (12). It is noteworthy,
however, that during this time period there was an observed
four-fold increase in the number of LCIS cases reported among
women over 40 years of age, with the highest incidence rate
(11.47 per 100,000 person-years) in 1998 among women
50 to 59 years of age. While this trend may reflect the increasing use of mammography and image-guided biopsies during
this time period (12,13), the impact of other factors, such
as the use of postmenopausal hormone replacement and
more accurate pathologic diagnosis of LN based on ancillary immunohistochemical markers (see below) remains
a ­matter of speculation. LCIS is often multifocal, with more
than 50% of patients diagnosed with LCIS showing multiple
foci in the ipsilateral breast. Furthermore, bilateral lesions
are reported in approximately one-third of patients (14,15).
Such multifocality in a clinically non-detectable lesion is one
of the reasons why planning subsequent management has
proven problematic and contentious. More recent imaging
series suggest that LCIS may be associated with microcalcifications (16), and LCIS has been reported to enhance on
MRI (17); however, imaging criteria to differentiate LCIS from
overt malignancy are lacking, and, as such, women with LCIS
are frequently subject to multiple biopsies demonstrating
otherwise benign findings.
The clinical characteristics of LCIS, including its multifocal and bilateral distribution, and evidence of familial clustering (18,19) have led to the hypothesis that these lesions
could be underpinned by germline genetic abnormalities.
Although a hereditary form of diffuse gastric cancer and
breast lobular carcinoma caused by CDH1 germline mutations (20) has been described, the potential genes involved
and the pattern of inheritance of familial LCIS outside of this
context remain unclear (see below).
The clinical characteristics of LCIS that support its role as
a risk factor for the subsequent development of breast cancer
include the cumulative long-term risk of breast cancer development that is generally conferred to both breasts, averaging 1%
to 2% per year, and the observation that not all breast cancers
developing after a diagnosis of LCIS are of lobular ­histology
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(reviewed in reference (21). The incidence of i­nvasive breast
cancer following a diagnosis of LCIS is steady over time (22),
with a similar number of invasive lesions being reported
within and after 5 years of follow-up (23). Others have also
demonstrated the cumulative long-term risk, with one study
reporting that over 50% of patients developed beast cancer
between 15 and 30 years of f­ollow-up (5). ALH is also associated with an increased risk of ­subsequent breast cancer; however, this is of a lower magnitude than that conferred by LCIS.
Patients ­diagnosed with ALH have a four- to five-fold higher
risk than the general population (i.e., women of comparable
age who have had a breast biopsy performed with no atypical
proliferative disease diagnosed), whereas a relative risk of 8 to
10 times is conferred by a diagnosis of LCIS (11,24,25). Hence,
these observations suggest that the term LN, albeit helpful to
describe this group of lesions collectively, may not suffice to
guide the management of patients with lobular lesions, and
specific classification of LN into ALH and LCIS may still be
justified. It should be noted, however, that the distinctions
between ALH and LCIS are subjective and, for some experts,
the differences between these two categories of LN are more
easily expressed in words than in actual practice (23).
The risk of breast cancer development following a diagnosis
of ALH or LCIS is bilateral (14,22,26), which is consistent with
the notion that these lesions are risk indicators; however, some
have reported a higher rate of breast cancer in the ipsilateral
breast (9,21,27), supporting a precursor role for LCIS. The histological type of breast cancer following a diagnosis of LN also
differs among these reports. In studies that suggest the risk is
conferred equally to both breasts, there are, similarly, an equal
number of subsequent IDCs and ILCs reported to occur after
a diagnosis of LCIS (22), which is consistent with the notion
that LCIS would not constitute a true precursor lesion. On the
other hand, in most studies that report a higher incidence of
ipsilateral cancer development, the majority of the cancers are
of lobular histology (8,21,23). This clinical observation, in parallel with SEER data demonstrating an increasing incidence of
both LCIS and ILC from the late-1980s to the mid-1990s among
women 50 years of age and older (12,28), have led to renewed
interest the debate over the clinical significance of LCIS.
Taken together, the current epidemiological, observational, and clinical data support the contention that LN is
not only a risk indicator, but also a non-obligate precursor of
invasive breast cancer. This notion is lent further credence
by the striking morphologic similarities between cells of ALH
or LCIS and ILC, and molecular data demonstrating the clonality between LN and synchronous invasive breast cancer
(see below); in particular, the presence of concordant gene
copy number and allelic abnormalities (6,29), mitochondrial
DNA mutations (7), and identical CDH1 gene mutations in
matched LCIS and ILC from the same patients (10).
Despite the controversies surrounding the clinical implications of ALH and LCIS, their histologic features have been well
characterized. The latest World Health Organization (WHO)
classification of breast tumors defines LN as “a spectrum of
atypical epithelial lesions originating in the terminal ductlobular unit and characterized by a proliferation of generally
small, non-cohesive cells, with or without pagetoid involvement of the terminal ducts” (30). At scanning magnification,
these lesions are characterized by a variable enlargement of
the acini, which are filled up and, at least in part, are expanded
by a proliferation of monomorphic ­population of dyshesive
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| L o b u lar C arcinoma in S itu : Biolo g y an d M ana g ement
Figure 22-1 Low-power (scanning electron microscopic)
appearance of classic lobular carcinoma in situ, showing
filling and distension of lobules. Normal lobules are seen
at the top and bottom center of the picture for comparison.
Inset shows typical cytologic detail of the cells with prominent intracytoplasmic lumina and a magenta body.
small, round, or polygonal cells, with inconspicuous cytoplasm (Fig. 22-1). In fact, the main histological characteristic
of LN is that its cells are loosely cohesive, regularly spaced,
and fill and distend the acini, with an overall maintenance
of the lobular architecture (Fig. 22-2). Intracytoplasmic vacuoles, sometimes containing a central eosinophilic dot (known
as magenta body), are usually found (2,4,21,30). Despite the
apparent monomorphism of the classic variant of LN, some
variability in the cytomorphology between different cases,
and frequently within the same case, is easily appreciated, and
two cytologic subtypes have been recognized (Table 22-1).
Type A cells are small, dyshesive cells with scant cytoplasm and nuclei approximately 1.5 times the size of that
of a lymphocyte, whereas type B cells have more abundant, often clear cytoplasm nuclei that are ­approximately
Figure 22-2 Typical appearance of a lobular unit
­distended by lobular carcinoma in situ.
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two times bigger than a lymphocyte nucleus, mild-to-­moderate
nuclear atypia (nuclear pleomorphism 1 or 2), and indistinct
or absent nucleoli (21,31). It should be noted, however, that
this cytological classification scheme has not been shown to
be of clinical utility and does not have a direct correlation
with the risk of invasive breast cancer development. Other
than an academic exercise, this classification system is only
a reminder that some degree of cytologic variation can be
observed in bona fide cases of classic LN. In the classic form
of LN, mitoses and necrosis are uncommon. Pagetoid spread
within the affected terminal duct–lobular unit, whereby the
neoplastic cells extend along adjacent ducts between intact
overlying epithelium and underlying basement membrane,
is frequently observed (Fig. 22-3). The presence of glandular lumina is not seen in fully developed cases; it should
be noted, however, that in lobules partially affected by LN,
residual glandular structures can be found.
The sub-classification of LN into ALH and LCIS is quantitative rather than qualitative (30). While for a diagnosis of
LCIS more than half the acini in an involved lobular unit must
be filled and distended by the characteristic cells, leaving
no central lumina, ALH is defined as a less well-developed
and less-extensive lesion, where the characteristic cells only
partly fill the acini, with only minimal or no distention of the
lobule (Fig. 22-4), and glandular lumina can still be found
(9,24,30,32). In an attempt to standardize the diagnosis of
ALH and LCIS, it has been proposed that lobular distention
should be defined as eight or more cells present in the crosssectional diameter of an acinus, and that the number of acini
involved in cases of ALH should account for less than half of
the whole terminal duct–lobular unit (9,24,30,32). Although
the use of this sub-classification would be justified on the
basis of the lower risk conferred by ALH than by LCIS, the
differentiation between ALH and LCIS based on the ­criteria
described above is not only arbitrary, but also subjective,
prone to interobserver and intraobserver variability, and
dependent on the extent of sampling of a given lesion.
Therefore, the use of the term LN to encompass the whole
range of changes, and remove this variability, is preferable
for diagnostic purposes, particularly in core needle biopsy
specimens (21,33). In fact, in the context of diagnostic core
biopsies, the term LN, with no attempt to distinguish ALH
and LCIS, is recommended in the guidelines of breast cancer screening programs (e.g., the United Kingdom National
Health Service Breast Screening Programme [NHS BSP]) (33).
Arguably, a more relevant distinction is between the classic form of LN and the pleomorphic variant of LCIS (PLCIS),
which was first identified as a distinct entity by Eusebi
et al. in 1992 (34). This variant is characterized by pleomorphic cells that are substantially bigger than those of classic LN (31,34), and by more abundant, pink, and often finely
granular cytoplasm. Features of apocrine differentiation are
frequently found (34,35). As compared to the nuclei of classic LN, PLCIS nuclei are bigger (four times the size of lymphocyte nucleus), more pleomorphic, and atypical nuclei,
often containing conspicuous nucleoli (Fig. 22-5). PLCIS not
uncommonly presents with central, comedo–type necrosis
and microcalcifications; yet, necrosis is not required for the
diagnosis. Recognition of the pleomorphic subtype is important because the combination of cellular features, necrosis,
and calcification can lead to difficulty in differentiation from
DCIS, and potentially overtreatment, although data regarding
the natural history of PLCIS are very limited. Until additional
data regarding the n
­ atural history of PLCIS are available,
this ­distinction has important implications for treatment.
Whereas some advocate for a more aggressive approach
to PLCIS, with treatment recommendation akin to those for
DCIS, it should be noted that this approach is supported
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TABLE 22-1
Cytological and Histopathological Features of Classic and Pleomorphic Lobular Carcinomas
Type of
Nuclear Nuclear
Carcinoma Sizea
Type A
1, rarely 2
Inconspicuous Scant
Type B
1 or 2
Inconspicuous Moderate
to small
Present, often Moderate to Yes
Present, prom- Abundant
Usually 3
but inconspicuous
Calcifications Apocrine
Frequent Frequent
Frequent Frequent
aNuclear size in comparison with the size of a lymphocyte.
bUsing the nuclear pleomorphism scheme for DCIS.
LCIS, lobular carcinoma in situ; PLCIS, pleomorphic LCIS.
only by molecular data demonstrating that PLCIS shares
many similarities with pleomorphic ILC, not by long-term
outcomes data.
Additional variants of LN have been reported, including apocrine, histiocytoid, rhabdoid, endocrine, amphicrine, and the apocrine PLCIS variant (21,30). The biological
and clinical significance of these lesions also remains to be
A further system for classification of LN has been proposed using the terminology lobular intraepithelial neoplasia (LIN), with subdivision, based on morphologic criteria
and clinical outcome, into three grades (LIN 1, LIN 2, LIN 3),
with LIN 3 representing the PLCIS end of the spectrum
(36,37). This system pre-supposes that the risk of invasive
carcinoma development would be related to increasing
grade of LIN. This classification system, albeit interesting
and potentially sparing women from a diagnosis of “carcinoma” in the case of LCIS, is supported by limited evidence
and has not been endorsed in the latest edition of the WHO
classification (30).
Figure 22-3 Pagetoid spread. Lobular carcinoma in situ
cells (arrowheads) are seen growing beneath, and displacing inward, the luminal epithelium of a duct.
Figure 22-4 Atypical lobular hyperplasia. A lobular unit
is focally and partially filled by characteristic cells with
intracytoplasmic lumina (arrowheads).
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The differential diagnosis of LN includes artifacts, benign
breast lesions, and other forms of breast cancer precursors.
Prolonged periods of warm ischemia and poor tissue fixation, not uncommonly seen in ­mastectomy specimens, can
result in an artifactual d
­ iscohesion of cells within a lobular
unit, which can mimic ALH and LCIS (21). Benign lesions
that may superficially resemble LN include foci of lactational
change, where the cells harbor intracytoplasmic lipid droplets, and clear-cell metaplasia (21). More troublesome is the
histologic appearance of LN colonizing other benign breast
lesions, including fibroadenoma, sclerosing adenosis, and
radial scar, which, clinically and radiologically, can present
as a mass. Particularly well-known but rather remarkably
problematic examples of LN in sclerosing adenosis may
resemble IDC to the unwary, due to the distorted appearance
of the residual ductal and lobular structures lined by LN cells
and immersed in a sclerotic stroma (21,30). In this context,
immunohistochemical markers to demonstrate the presence
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| L o b u lar C arcinoma in S itu : Biolo g y an d M ana g ement
Figure 22-5 Pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ.
The duct is filled with large, discohesive cells showing
apocrine features, intracytoplasmic lumina, and occasional
signet ring cells (detailed in insert).
of a myoepithelial cell layer, including nuclear (e.g., p63) and
cytoplasmic (e.g., smooth muscle myosin heavy chain or calponin) myoepithelial markers, and markers to ascertain the
LN nature of the neoplastic cells (e.g., E-cadherin, β-catenin,
and/or p120 catenin) are useful in making the distinction.
Differentiating low-grade, solid DCIS from LN is challenging, even in surgical excisional samples. In cases of lowgrade in situ proliferations with indeterminate features, the
identification of some histologic features can be of help; the
presence of a mosaic growth pattern with prominent intracytoplasmic vacuoles is suggestive of LN, whereas the presence of microacinar-like structures favors a diagnosis of solid
low-grade DCIS. In this context, E–cadherin and p120 catenin
are particularly helpful (see below) (38,39). It should be noted,
however, that for some lesions, the distinction between LN
and solid low-grade DCIS in limited core biopsy specimens
may be impossible. In addition, mixed lesions composed
of bona fide LN and low-grade DCIS have been reported.
Another important differential diagnosis, particularly in core
biopsies, is cancerization of the lobules by DCIS. In cases
with equivocal histologic features, immunohistochemistry
with anti–E–cadherin and p120 catenin antibodies is helpful,
given that lack of membranous E–cadherin and p120 catenin
cytoplasmic staining would be consistent with a diagnosis of
LN rather than cancerization of the lobules by DCIS.
The differentiation of PLCIS from high-grade DCIS can be
challenging, given that both are composed of pleomorphic
cells with marked cytological atypia, both often display comedo-type necrosis, and both express similar patterns of ER,
progesterone receptor (PR), and HER2 expression, including
lack of or reduction in ER and PR expression, and overexpression of HER2 (35,40). Importantly, however, the neoplastic cells of PLCIS display the characteristic dyshesiveness,
and these lesions consistently lack E-cadherin and β-catenin,
and express cytoplasmic p120 catenin (see below).
The advent of laser capture microdissection and
high-throughput genomic and transcriptomic methods
have allowed for the study of pre-invasive lesions of the
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breast. In the last decade, molecular genetic studies have
provided a wealth of increasingly more coherent data on the
pathways of breast cancer evolution and how these findings
correlate with morphological features (8,30). It is currently
accepted that ER-positive and ER-negative breast cancers
are fundamentally different diseases, with distinct patterns
of gene expression changes (41) and repertoires of genetic
­aberrations (42).
ER-positive breast cancers are characterized by recurrent
deletions of 16q, gains of 1q and 16p; additional genetic aberrations including CCND1 and FGFR1 amplification, gain of 8q,
and losses of 11q, 13q, and 17q are observed in high-grade
lesions. ER-negative breast cancers, on the other hand, are
characterized by a more complex pattern of gene copy number aberrations, with multiple low-level gains and deletions
affecting multiple chromosomal arms; deletions of 16q, however, are remarkably rare in these cancers (8,30). The repertoires of mutations in ER-positive and ER-negative disease
are also different. For instance, while ER-positive cancers
are characterized by recurrent PIK3CA, PTEN, AKT1, GATA3,
CDH1, MAP3K1, MAP2K4, and CDKN1B mutations, ER-negative
cancers often harbor TP53 mutations (42).
Molecular studies of LN have been instrumental in
highlighting the role of E-cadherin inactivation in the
development of lobular lesions and in providing evidence
to demonstrate that ALH and LCIS are in fact non-obligate
precursors of invasive cancer rather than being simply risk
indicators of subsequent breast ­cancer development.
All subtypes of LCIS are associated with strong expression
of ER-alpha (ERα), ER-beta (ERβ), and PR in the majority of
neoplastic cells (Table 22-2). Classic forms of LN usually display an immunohistochemical profile consistent with that
of ER-positive breast cancer with a less-aggressive clinical
behavior (i.e., luminal A), including lack of HER2 and p53
expression, and exhibit low proliferation indices, as defined
by Ki67. PLCIS, on the other hand, may express no or low
levels of ER and PR expression, and frequently harbors
HER2 gene amplification and positivity, and its Ki67 labeling
indices are usually higher than those of classic LCIS. These
features, however, are reported to be predominantly found
in the apocrine subtype of PLCIS which also often express
GCDFP-15 (gross cystic disease fluid protein-15), a marker
of apocrine differentiation (21,30,35); however, the criteria
to differentiate between PLCIS and apocrine PLCIS remain a
matter of controversy.
Although the high molecular weight cytokeratins identified by the clone 34βE12 (i.e., cytokeratins 1, 5, 10, and
14) were reported to be consistently expressed in LN, and
that this antibody would constitute a useful marker to differentiate between LN and low-grade solid DCIS, there is
direct evidence to demonstrate that LN cells do not express
cytokeratins 1, 5, 10, and 14, and that 34βE12 expression in
LN may be an artifact of antigen retrieval. Hence, caution
should be exercised when using the 34βE12 for a diagnosis
of LN (21,30).
E-Cadherin and Related Proteins in Lobular
LN, including its pleomorphic variant, and ILC are characterized by a dysfunctional E-cadherin-catenin adhesion complex. E-cadherin is a transmembrane adhesion molecule
found in adherens junctions and mediates homophilichomotypic adhesion in epithelial cells; its intracytoplasmic
domain is bound to p120 catenin and β-catenin. In breast
epithelial cells, loss of E-cadherin results in cytoplasmic,
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Pleomorphic ILC
ALH, atypical lobular hyperplasia; IDC, invasive ductal carcinoma; ILC, invasive lobular carcinoma; LCIS, lobular carcinoma in situ; DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ; PLCIS, pleomorphic
LCIS; ER, estrogen receptor; PgR, progesterone receptor; GCDFP-15, gross cystic disease fluid protein-15; LN, lobular neoplasia; –/+, often negative though sometimes positive; +/–,
often positive though sometimes negative.
aAbnormal patterns can occasionally be seen in the form of discontinuous or fragmented staining or cytoplasmic
bUp to 15% of cases display E-cadherin membranous expression.
cDespite the lack of β-catenin membranous expression, nuclear expression is vanishingly rare in LN and PLCIS.
dApproximately 10% of cases may lack membranous E-cadherin expression (87).
| LN (ALH/
Summary of Immunohistochemical Marker Status
TABLE 22-2
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| L o b u lar C arcinoma in S itu : Biolo g y an d M ana g ement
E-cadherin in classification comes from clinical-pathological
studies of patients having pure LCIS in core needle biopsy,
where E-cadherin positive LCIS was associated with a higher
risk for development of invasive carcinoma compared to
E-cadherin negative LCIS.
Molecular Aspects of E-Cadherin Inactivation
Figure 22-6 E-cadherin immunohistochemical ­staining
in lobular carcinoma in situ. The outer rim of myoepithelial cells show strong membrane staining, whereas
the ­lobular carcinoma in situ cells filling the lumen are
­uniformly negative.
and occasionally nuclear, accumulation of p120 catenin,
and loss of β-catenin membranous expression, but without nuclear accumulation of β-catenin or activation of the
canonical Wnt pathway (39,43).
Lack or marked down-regulation of E-cadherin expression (Fig. 22-6) is observed in over 95% of ALH, LCIS, PLCIS,
ILCs, and metastatic deposits of ILCs, and is believed to be
the cause of the characteristic dyshesiveness of LN and
PLCIS cells (8,21,30,35,38,44). The study of other components of the E-cadherin-catenin complex in LN, PLCIS, and
ILCs has revealed that these lesions are also characterized
by lack of β-catenin membranous expression and cytoplasmic expression of p120 catenin. The use of E-cadherin as
an ancillary marker to differentiate LCIS and DCIS, particularly in cases of solid in situ proliferations with indeterminate features, has been advocated. In this context, lesions
with positive E-cadherin staining should be considered as
DCIS, whereas those lacking E-cadherin expression should
be classified as LCIS (8,21,38). In lesions where a mixed pattern of positively and negatively stained cells are observed,
they should be classified as a mixed. The existence of mixed
cases should not be surprising, given the molecular similarities between LN and low-grade DCIS (6,8) (see below).
The indiscriminate use of E-cadherin in diagnostic breast
pathology has led to misunderstandings in regard to the
actual diagnostic value of this marker, particularly when
a detailed inspection of staining is not performed. LN not
uncommonly displays “aberrant” expression of E-cadherin in
the form of fragmented, focal, or beaded patterns (21,30,45).
Furthermore, membranous expression of E-cadherin does not
preclude the diagnosis of LN in a lesion with clear-cut histologic features of LN, given that approximately 10% to 16%
of ILCs may be E-cadherin-positive (21,30,45). Although the
actual prevalence of E-cadherin-positive classic LN is yet to
be established, anecdotal cases of classic LN with strong and
continuous E-cadherin expression have been reported (46),
and in these cases, β-catenin and p120 catenin may provide
additional evidence to differentiate between LN and DCIS.
An accurate differentiation between LN and DCIS is of
paramount importance, in particular when these lesions
are found at the surgical margins. Some validation for using
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One the most frequent genetic aberrations in ER-positive
breast lesions, in particular, those of low histological grade,
is 16q loss, which occurs in a high proportion of cases as
an early event in the neoplastic development of LN and
­low-grade DCIS (6,8,10,21,30). While the target gene of 16q
deletions in ductal lesions remains to be identified, in lobular lesions, the CDH1 gene, which encodes E-cadherin, has
been shown to be the target (8,10,21,30). The mechanisms
resulting in CDH1 gene silencing include a combination of
genetic, epigenetic, and transcriptional mechanisms. In
fact, loss of 16q is usually accompanied by CDH1 inactivating mutations, CDH1 homozygous deletions, and CDH1 gene
promoter methylation leading to biallelic silencing of the
gene and loss of protein expression (8,21,30).
The study of CDH1 gene mutations in ALH, LCIS, and synchronous ILC has provided direct evidence to suggest that
some LN and ILCs are clonally related, given the presence
of identical CDH1 gene mutations in the LN and ILC components (8,10,21,30). Consistent with the lack of E-cadherin
expression in ALH and LCIS, CDH1 gene mutations have been
documented in these lesions; however, some have suggested
that these mutations would be less frequent in ALH (47).
One potential explanation for the apparent lower frequency
of CDH1 mutations in ALH lies in the challenges posed by
the extraction of DNA from samples with small numbers of
ALH cells, which are intimately admixed with residual luminal and myoepithelial cells.
In addition to the genetic mechanisms reported to
result in CDH1 gene inactivation, there is evidence that
E-cadherin expression can be transcriptionally regulated
via a number of different transcription factors. Activation
of the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) pathway, and
up-regulation of Snail, Slug, and ZEB1 have been reported
to result in down-regulation of E-cadherin in lobular lesions
(30,45,48). In addition, transcriptomic and immunohistochemical analyses of members of the E-cadherin-catenin
complex TWIST and SNAIL revealed that there is a stepwise decrease of the mRNA and proteins of the E-cadherin
and catenin families from LCIS to ILC concurrent with upregulation of TWIST and SNAIL (44).
The strong circumstantial evidence suggesting that CDH1
gene inactivation is a driver of the lobular phenotype has been
corroborated by direct evidence from a conditional mouse
model, where CDH1 gene mutations and p53 knockout were
targeted in an epithelium-­specific manner (49). This study
revealed that E-cadherin inactivation leads to the genesis of
invasive tumors that display the cardinal features of human
invasive lobular carcinomas, being composed of dyshesive
cells, which infiltrate the mammary gland stroma as single
cells and single cell-files, and metastasize to anatomical sites
usually affected by ILC, including the gastrointestinal tract,
serosal surfaces, and bone (49). It should be noted, however,
that lesions consistent with LN were not documented in this
animal model and that the pleomorphism exhibited by the
cells from the tumors of this animal model, the presence of
p53 inactivation, and lack of ER-expression would be consistent with the features of pleomorphic ILC rather than those
of the classic variant (50).
Despite the familial predisposition reported for LN,
the genes involved in this predisposition remain unclear.
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CDH1 germline gene mutations account for approximately
30% of cases of hereditary diffuse gastric carcinoma, which
have similar growth features to lobular carcinomas (20,30).
Notwithstanding the clear pathogenetic role of somatic
CDH1 gene mutations in LN and ILC, germline mutations of
CDH1 have been shown to play a limited role in familial LN
and ILC. In fact, although ILCs have been reported in the context of hereditary diffuse gastric cancer syndrome, patients
with CDH1 germline gene mutations presenting solely with
LN and/or ILCs are vanishingly rare (30,51). Cancer predisposition genes, including BRCA1, BRCA2, MLH1, and MSH2,
have been reported not to be significantly involved in the
pathogenesis of familial lobular neoplasms (30). Intriguingly,
an association between CHEK2 U157T mutation and familial
predisposition to lobular carcinomas has been reported (52).
Genomics of Lobular Neoplasia
Genome-wide genetic analyses of gene copy number aberrations and allelic changes, as defined by comparative genomic
hybridization (CGH) and single nucleotide polymorphism
(SNP) arrays of LN have revealed that these lesions are
clonal and neoplastic, that their most frequent copy number
changes include 16p, 16q, 17p, and 22q, and gain of material
from 6q (6,8,29,30,35,53). In one study, pure ALH harbored
a surprisingly high level of genetic instability compared to
pure LCIS and lobular lesions from other studies (54). This
was interpreted as a mechanism by which most pure ALH
develop high-level genetic change and die off, rather than
acquire select genetic changes allowing progression to LCIS
and ILC; alternative explanations may stem from the limited
amount of input DNA from ALH cells employed in the study.
SNP array analyses have recently demonstrated that classic
LCIS and a substantial proportion of adjacent synchronous
lesions, including ER-positive DCIS, invasive lobular carcinoma, and ER-positive invasive ductal carcinoma, are often
clonally related (6). This notion has been further corroborated by CGH studies of matched LCIS and ILC (29), and by
the analysis of mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy and mitochondrial gene mutations (7), which revealed clonal patterns in three out of five ILCs following a diagnosis of LCIS.
PLCIS and pleomorphic ILC are genetically related entities (35,37,55,56), highlighting the potential precursor role of
PLCIS in the development pleomorphic ILC akin to the relationship between LCIS and ILC. In situ and invasive pleomorphic lobular lesions have similar genomic profiles to classic
LN and ILC, including loss of 16q, and gain of 1q and 16p;
however, they do have more complex genomes (35,37,55,56)
and amplification of genomic loci involving oncogenes associated with an aggressive phenotype, such as MYC (8q24)
and HER2 (17q12) (35,55,56). One study in which PLCIS was
sub-classified into those with and without apocrine features
suggested that only apocrine, but not conventional PLCIS,
would have more gene copy number aberrations than classic LCIS (35); further studies employing an objective definition of this subtype of PLCIS are required to confirm these
molecular observations and to determine the clinical significance of these lesions. Importantly, there is evidence,
although limited, to suggest that PLCIS and matched invasive pleomorphic ILC are clonally related, based on the similarities of the gene copy number changes they harbor (55).
In current practice, the management of LCIS continues to
be a challenge. Although largely accepted as a risk factor
for the subsequent development of breast cancer, the
­long-term cumulative risk and our inability to predict which
Harris_9781451186277_Chap22.indd 8
women will develop breast cancer generates considerable
uncertainty among providers, and management options in
2013 remain disparate, ranging from observation to bilateral risk-reducing surgery. Differences in individual patient
responses to varying levels of risk also contribute to the
wide variations seen in clinical practice (57).
Surgical Considerations
The advent of widespread breast cancer screening programs and image-guided core biopsy procedures has likely
contributed to the increasing incidence of LCIS (12), and
the presence of ALH and LCIS in core needle biopsy specimens of screen-detected lesions has changed the perception regarding the radiologic appearance of these lesions.
Historically, LCIS was thought to lack a radiographic correlate; however, recent studies report calcifications in up
to 67% of mammographically screen-detected classic LCIS
lesions and in nearly all reported cases of screen-detected
PLCIS (12,13,31,35,40). The current National Comprehensive
Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines recommend surgical
excision following a core biopsy diagnosis of LCIS to rule
out an adjacent malignancy (58). These guidelines, however,
are largely based on limited data from retrospective series
that report the upgrade rate at surgical excision for a core
biopsy diagnosis of LCIS to range from 0% to 50% (57,59–63).
Limitations of these series include the fact that many of them
are small single-institution reports and that not all patients
with LCIS underwent surgical excision, raising the possibility of an inherent selection bias for excision in certain
cases, such as those with radiographic-pathologic discordance, and increasing the likelihood of finding an associated
malignancy. Hussain and Cunnick illustrated these issues in
a pooled analysis of studies published from 1999 to 2008.
The authors identified 1,229 reported cases of LN on core
biopsy, of which only 789 (64%) underwent surgical excision. Among these, 241 (31%) cases were further classified
as LCIS. Following surgical excision, 32% of LCIS cases were
upstaged to either DCIS or invasive cancer as compared to
19% and 29% of cases defined as either ALH (280 cases) and
or unspecified LN (246 cases), respectively (16).
More recently, two single-institution series have demonstrated that, with careful exclusion of cases with other high-risk
lesions on core biopsy (i.e., ADH, papilloma, radial scar) and
with exclusion of cases with radiographic-pathologic discordance, the actual rate of upstaging to DCIS or invasive cancer is quite low (64,65). Rendi et al. reported an upgrade rate
of 4% following surgical excision of 68 cases of LN on core
biopsy, and similarly, Murray et al. (66) reported an upgrade
rate of 3% following surgical excision of 72 cases of LN on
core biopsy. In both of these series, the cancers identified
were small, low-grade malignancies. Although both of these
series are also retrospective and potentially subject to selection bias, they represent the most careful reviews of this
clinical scenario to date and suggest that, in the context of
multidisciplinary review, routine excision is not warranted
for all cases of LCIS on core biopsy. Additional reports focusing on upgrade rates following a core biopsy diagnosis of
pure ALH also support observation for select cases (67,68).
In cases of ALH or LCIS that are not surgically excised,
­short-term mammographic follow-up is recommended.
Widespread use of core needle biopsies to evaluate
screening abnormalities, in combination with advances in
immunohistochemistry and molecular biology, have also
resulted in a greater appreciation of the phenotypic and
genotypic diversity within the spectrum of LN and to the
diagnosis of so called variants of LCIS as described above.
Although there is considerable speculation that PLCIS
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| L o b u lar C arcinoma in S itu : Biolo g y an d M ana g ement
TABLE 22-3
Upgrade Rates Following Surgical Excision for a Core Biopsy Diagnosis of PLCIS
and Lawton (59)
Pacelli et al. (63)
Mahoney et al. (62)
Lavoue et al. (61)
Carder et al. (88)
Chivukula et al. (89)
Sullivan et al.c (90)
LCIS-N = 11
LCIS-P = 17
# Excised
% CA
a2 of 10 cases possible “microinvasive carcinoma” on core biopsy.
bOne-third of cancer cases presented as a “mass” on imaging.
cIncludes 9 cases identified on E-cadherin staining of DCIS core biopsy
PLCIS, pleomorphic LCIS; CA, carcinoma; NA, not applicable; LCIS, lobular carcinoma in situ;
LCIS-N, LCIS with necrosis; LCIS-P, pleomorphic LCIS.
r­epresents a more aggressive subtype, data regarding the
natural history of this lesion are limited to two small retrospective reports describing recurrences of PLCIS after
excision (31,69). Available data do, however, support routine excision when PLCIS is diagnosed on core biopsy with
upgrade rates consistently exceeding 25% (Table 22-3). It
should be noted that the small number of cases identified
over the span of several years in all of these series suggest
that the true incidence of PLCIS is likely quite low.
A diagnosis of classic LCIS or ALH made by surgical
excision does not require further surgical intervention,
and there is no indication to document margin status in a
specimen that contains only LN (21). Similarly, the finding of
classic LCIS or ALH in the surrounding breast parenchyma
of a lumpectomy specimen containing DCIS or invasive carcinoma does not alter surgical management of the breast
primary and does not increase the rate of local recurrence
in patients undergoing breast conservation (58,70,71). In
a review of 2,894 patients treated with breast-conserving
therapy from 1980 to 2007, 290 (10%) of whom had LCIS
in the lumpectomy specimen, there were no differences in
the 5-year a
­ ctuarial rates of local recurrence for patients
with and without LCIS (2% for both groups). Among the 290
patients in the LCIS group, 84 were documented to have LCIS
at the margin. The 5-year actuarial rate of local recurrence
for patients with LCIS at the margin was 6% as compared
to 1% for those with LCIS in the specimen but away from
the margin (p = NS). On univariate analysis, the presence
of LCIS in the specimen or at the margin did not predict for
local recurrence, whereas patient age, menopausal status,
use of adjuvant therapy, and the presence of an extensive
intraductal component were significant predictors. On multivariate analysis, adjusting for differences between the LCIS
and no-LCIS cohorts, the presence of LCIS in the specimen
(HR, 1.66; 95% CI, 0.86–3.18) or at the margin (HR, 1.52; 95%
CI, 0.48–4.83) was not significantly associated with local
The importance of clear margins following excision of
PLCIS is largely unknown as the available data are limited
to one series reporting margin status and follow-up after
excision with or without radiation in 26 cases of PLCIS (69).
At a mean follow-up of 46 months (range 4 to108 months),
Harris_9781451186277_Chap22.indd 9
one of six patients whose original excision showed PLCIS at
the margin developed recurrent PLCIS. There were no other
events reported. Until additional data are available, it is reasonable to pursue margin-negative excision for PLCIS, yet
one should remember this is based on pragmatism rather
than strong scientific evidence. Further, there are no data on
the efficacy of radiation therapy following excision of PLCIS,
and rather than assuming that its clinical behavior is known
and recommending aggressive s­urgical treatment and/or
radiation therapy, prospective efforts to d
­ ocument clinical
outcomes and define the true m
­ agnitude of risk imparted by
this lesion should be actively pursued.
Management of the High-Risk Patient
Once a concurrent malignancy has been excluded, women
with LCIS should be counseled regarding their increased risk
of breast cancer. Compared to the general population, women
with LCIS have an eight-fold to 10-fold increased risk of breast
cancer (11). In the series with the longest follow-up, the probability of developing carcinoma in situ or invasive cancer was
13% in the first 10 years after diagnosis, 26% after 20 years,
and 35% by 35 years, or roughly 1% per year (72). When counseling women about their risk, it is important to stress that the
risk remains steady over their lifetimes and that, therefore,
the absolute risk of breast cancer for an individual is impacted
by their age at LCIS diagnosis. Importantly, however, most
women with LCIS will not develop invasive breast cancer.
The NCCN Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis Clinical
Practice Guidelines for women with LCIS include annual mammography and clinical breast exam (CBE) every 6 to 12 months
with consideration of annual MRI (73). Although enhanced
breast cancer surveillance strategies that include screening
with breast MRI are commonly recommended for women at
high risk, the American Cancer Society (ACS) guidelines do
not support routine use of MRI in this setting, stating that
there is not enough evidence to recommend for or against
MRI screening in women at increased risk from LCIS, making
the NCCN guideline somewhat difficult to interpret (74). The
ACS guidelines are based on the increased ­sensitivity of MRI
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in women at high risk due to an i­nherited ­predisposition or
strong family history of breast cancer; however, the biology
of the breast cancers that develop in women with LCIS differs from those that develop in women at risk on the basis
of BRCA mutations, and the optimal screening strategy for
women with LCIS remains uncertain.
Until recently, data directly addressing the role of MRI in
women with LCIS were limited to two retrospective radiology reports demonstrating that MRI finds mammographically
occult cancers in approximately 4% of women with a prior
history of LCIS (75,76) and a study from the Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) Surveillance program by
Port et al. In that study, 252 women with LCIS were included,
135 (54%) of whom were participating in MRI screening (77).
The MSKCC experience has now been updated to include
776 patients with LCIS, 59% of whom have been participating in MRI screening, with longitudinal follow-up from 1996
to 2009 (78). This large, well-annotated dataset now includes
98 cancer diagnoses and continues to demonstrate no difference in the crude cancer detection rate among women having
conventional screening or conventional screening plus MRI.
Taking into account other breast cancer risk factors, length
of follow-up, number of MRIs, and the time dependency of
breast cancer development, using Landmark Analyses, King
et al. further demonstrated that routine use of MRI screening does not result in increased rates of cancer detection in
any of the first 3 years following LCIS diagnosis, nor does it
result in earlier stage at diagnosis. Not surprisingly, women
in the ­MRI-screened group were significantly more likely to
undergo one or more benign biopsies during the surveillance
period (36% vs. 13%, p < .0001), reflecting the low specificity of
this imaging modality; a problem that translates to increased
patient anxiety and increased health care costs.
Importantly, in this large, modern cohort of women with
LCIS followed longitudinally, King et al. also noted that the
subsequent invasive cancers that developed were equally
divided between those of the ductal and lobular phenotype,
and of the 26 lobular cancers that were diagnosed, 10 were
diagnosed by MRI imaging, 10 by conventional imaging, and
6 by CBE, reiterating the importance of CBE in this high-risk
population. Another pervasive misconception is the propensity of lobular cancers to be bilateral, leading to a strong
consideration for contralateral prophylactic mastectomy
among women diagnosed with unilateral invasive lobular
cancer. Among the 6 LCIS patients in this cohort who developed bilateral breast cancer, none were bilateral lobular
cancers. Data from SEER also clearly document that an initial diagnosis of lobular cancer does not increase the risk of
a metachronous contralateral cancer compared to patients
with ductal disease (79). Finally, this dataset demonstrates
that women with classic LCIS, which displays an immunohistochemical profile consistent with that of ER-positive breast
cancer, overwhelmingly develop ER-positive breast cancers,
which are likely to be detected at small size during routine
Until information on the natural history of PLCIS is available, minimal surveillance strategies for this lesion should
include biannual CBE and annual mammography. The decision to incorporate MRI screening should be made on an
individual basis following a full discussion of the potential
risks and benefits of this approach.
Prospective randomized data from the National Surgical
Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) Breast Cancer
Prevention Trial (BCPT, P-1) demonstrated that among highrisk women, tamoxifen decreased the risk of developing invasive breast cancer by 49% (80). Similarly, the NSABP Study
Harris_9781451186277_Chap22.indd 10
of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene (STAR, P-2) demonstrated that
raloxifene was just as effective as tamoxifen in reducing the
risk of breast cancer in high-risk postmenopausal women
(81). Women with LCIS were well represented in both of these
studies, comprising 6.2% of 13,338 participants in the P-1 trial
and 9.2% of 19,747 participants in the STAR trial. In both subsets, chemoprevention reduced the risk of developing breast
cancer by more than 50%. Collectively, these data led to a
statement from the American Society of Clinical Oncology
(ASCO) recommending 5 years of tamoxifen for high-risk premenopausal women to reduce the risk of ER-positive invasive
breast cancer and raloxifene to reduce risk for postmenopausal women. Although there are no data to directly address
the use of chemoprevention in PLCIS, the fact that the vast
majority of these lesions are ER positive supports a potential
role for c
­ hemoprevention in patients with this diagnosis.
More recently, the MAP.3 trial demonstrated that compared
to placebo, exemestane reduced the risk of invasive breast
cancer by 65% in postmenopausal women and appeared to
be beneficial in women with a history of ADH, ALH, and/or
LCIS (82), and in a large observational study of 2,459 women
diagnosed with atypical breast lesions, including LCIS, Coopey
et al. reported a significant decrease in breast cancer risk with
chemoprevention for all types of atypia (p < .001), with estimates ranging from a risk reduction of 50% at 5 years to 65% at
10 years. Findings from the MSKCC surveillance program also
validate the benefit of chemoprevention in women with LCIS
in the clinical setting. Among 998 women, 163 (16%) of whom
reported chemoprevention use of at least 6 months, there was
a significant reduction in the incidence of breast cancer with
chemoprevention, 14.5% versus 3.6% (p < .0001), at a median
follow-up of 84 months (57).
Despite these findings, neither tamoxifen nor raloxifene
has been widely embraced, and studies addressing patient
and physician attitudes toward ­chemoprevention are limited.
Port et al. found that among 43 high-risk patients offered
tamoxifen, 41 declined due to perceived risks (83). Tchou
el al. (84) reported a higher acceptance rate of 42% among
137 high-risk women offered tamoxifen, and specifically noted
that older age and a history of atypical hyperplasia or LCIS
were significant predictors of patient acceptance of tamoxifen at their institution. Collectively, these findings strongly
support the need to improve our efforts to educate both
high-risk patients and their health care providers about the
benefits of chemoprevention in decreasing breast cancer risk.
Risk-Reducing Surgery
When LCIS was first described, it was treated as a malignancy
necessitating mastectomy like all breast carcinomas at the
time, and this remained the standard approach until studies
demonstrated that the actual risk of breast cancer was lower
than expected and that women with LCIS were equally likely
to be diagnosed with ipsilateral or contralateral breast cancers; thus bilateral total mastectomy would be the only logical operation to truly reduce risk. In parallel with the trend
toward more conservative therapy for the treatment of invasive breast cancer, aggressive surgical therapy for LCIS fell
out of favor and, in the modern MSKCC experience, only a
minority of women with LCIS (5%) pursue bilateral prophylactic mastectomy (57). Nevertheless, bilateral prophylactic
mastectomy (BPM) may be a reasonable option for a subset
of women with LCIS and other risk factors, such as a strong
family history or extremely dense breasts.
Historically, BPM was reported to result in an approximately 90% risk reduction for the development of subsequent cancer (85). This figure was based on a retrospective
analysis of 639 women with a family history of breast cancer
undergoing bilateral prophylactic mastectomies between
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| L o b u lar C arcinoma in S itu : Biolo g y an d M ana g ement
1960 and 1993. While it is important to educate patients that
prophylactic mastectomy does not completely eliminate cancer risk, many women in this series underwent subcutaneous
mastectomy, an operation which has fallen out of favor due
to the amount of breast tissue frequently left behind, and a
more recent retrospective case-cohort study evaluating the
efficacy of BPM in a community practice setting reported a
95% risk reduction (86). The current standard of care for prophylactic mastectomy is total mastectomy (with or without
reconstruction) with the goal of removing the entire mammary
gland as would be performed during therapeutic mastectomy.
The desire for nipple preservation in this setting and others
is becoming increasingly common, and while this may result
in improved cosmesis and patient satisfaction, prospective
data supporting this contention and/or the long-term
oncologic safety of this approach are not yet available.
Patients considering surgery for risk reduction need to
be fully aware of all the risks and benefits of this approach,
and should be encouraged to consider the impact that
prophylactic surgery may have on their quality of life with
respect to body image and sexual functioning. If reconstruction is to be pursued, they should also have a reasonable
expectation for the most likely cosmetic outcome. The decision to undergo BPM is highly individualized and should
not be undertaken without ample time to consider all of the
available options for risk management.
• LCIS and ALH are uncommon pathologic findings, representing part of a spectrum of epithelial proliferations
referred to as LN. They are typically incidental findings,
identified in up to 4% of otherwise benign breast biopsies, yet, given that they have no distinctive clinical presentation or imaging features, the prevalence of LCIS
likely exceeds its incidence.
• A diagnosis of LCIS confers a long-term cumulative risk
of subsequent breast cancer that averages 1% to 2% per
year and remains steady over time, resulting in relative
risk of breast cancer that is eight-fold to 10-fold greater
than the general population risk. ALH is associated
with a relative risk of breast cancer four-fold to five-fold
greater than the general population.
• Routine surgical excision following a core biopsy diagnosis of LN is supported by NCCN guidelines; however,
emerging data support observation in cases in which
there are no other indications for excision, and radiographic-pathologic concordance has been confirmed
by multidisciplinary review. A core biopsy diagnosis of
PLCIS should be followed by surgical excision due to
the high rates of associated cancer in reported series.
• A diagnosis of LN made by surgical excision does not
require further surgical intervention; there is no indication to document margin status in specimens that
contain only LN. The presence of LN in a lumpectomy
specimen or at the margin is not a contraindication to
breast conservation and does not require re-excision.
• Given the available data, it is reasonable to attempt
complete excision to a negative margin for cases of
PLCIS. However, there are no data to support the efficacy of radiation therapy for this diagnosis.
Harris_9781451186277_Chap22.indd 11
• Patients with LN should be informed of their increased risk
of breast cancer, and counseled regarding both medical
and surgical risk-reducing options. Chemoprevention
significantly decreases the risk of breast cancer in
patients with LN by at least 50%, and bilateral prophylactic mastectomy reduces the risk of breast cancer by
90% to 95%.
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