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AP Euro Seminar
Mikila Williams
Period 4
March 2, 2012
Analyze anti-Semitism in Europe
from the Dreyfus affair in the
1890s to 1939.
 Anti-Semitism
- The discrimination against or
prejudice or hostility towards Jews.
The Dreyfus Affair
Took place in the 1890s
Alfred Dreyfus
- Jewish captain in the French army
-Was falsely accused and convicted of treason
-The army created evidence to use against Dreyfus
with the help of anti-Semites and most of the
Catholic establishment
Small growth of anti-Semitism
1893- Small parties of anti-Semites secured 2.9
percent of the votes cast in prewar elections
1897-1910- The mayor of Vienna, Karl Lueger, used
fierce anti-Semitic rhetoric , which appealed to an
unsuccessful artist named Adolf Hitler
Under Hitler
Hitler blamed the Jews for all negative occurrences
Jews had been a target for Nazi persecution ever
since he came to power
Towards the end of 1934, most musicians, professors,
civil servants, doctors, and lawyers who were Jewish
had lost their jobs and the right to practice their
Under Hitler con’t
1935- Nuremberg Laws
- Classified Jews as anyone with 1 or more Jewish
- Took away all rights of citizenship
1938- Kristallnacht
- Well-organized wave of violence that smashed
windows, looted shops, and destroyed homes &
- German Jews were forced to pay for all the damage
Nuremberg Laws