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“The Road to the Constitution”
Failure of the
“Articles of Confederation”
By 1787, most realized that the
“Articles of Confederation”
provided for a weak and
ineffective system of government.
 Under the Articles, the thirteen
states operated as a “confederal”
government system – whereas, the
delegates wanted to create a
“federal” system with a strong
central government.
Return to Philadelphia
Because there were
problems with the Articles
of Confederation delegates
were sent to Philadelphia to
fix it in 1787.
 55 delegates from 12 states
met to determine the future
of the U.S. Government.
 Rhode Island did not attend
because they opposed the
idea of a stronger central
America’s “Best and Brightest”
The men that attended the
Constitutional Convention
are now called our framers
because they set up the
framework of our
 Who were they?
– 8 of the delegates had signed
the “Declaration of
– 7 of the delegates had been
– 41 of the delegates had served
in the “Continental Congress”
George Washington
George Washington
was selected as the
unanimous choice to
preside (be the
president) over the
No one in the new
“United States” was
more respected than
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin
was the oldest member
of the convention at 81
years old.
His wisdom and advice
was invaluable to the
At the meeting, it was decided that the
Articles of Confederation would be discarded.
They realized that the government under the
A of C was just too week and that they would
need a completely new document.
At the Convention (meeting), there were
problems from the Start……………..
Right away disagreements arose about
how the government would be structured.
The Two Plans for a
“The Virginia Plan”
Proposed by Edmund Randolph / James Madison
“The Virginia Plan”
Created a “3 branch”
(Legislative, Executive,
& Judicial)
Created a two house
bicameral government
based on population.
“The Virginia Plan”
Representation in the
Legislature would be based on
 Larger states were in favor of
this! (Virginia, Massachusetts,
Pennsylvania, & New York)
Smaller states protested
because they would lose power
due to their populations.
“The New Jersey Plan”
Proposed by William Paterson
“The New Jersey Plan”
Created a “3
branch” government
Executive, &
Called for a one
house legislature
“The New Jersey Plan”
This plan called for equal
representation -Each state
had ONE vote!
 Smaller states liked this
plan! (New Jersey, Delaware, and
This was opposed by larger
states who would only have
as much power as smaller
states despite having larger
Compare & Contrast
Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan
way to settle
between two or
more groups is a
The “Great Compromise”
The “Great Compromise”
“The Great
Compromise” was
proposed by Roger
Sherman of Connecticut.
– Also called the
This created a two
house government –
bicameral legislature.
The “Great Compromise”
Created the “Senate”
 Each state had two (2)
votes, both equal.
 Pleased the smaller
states (put them on
equal footing with
larger states in this
Created the “House of
 Each state’s voting
status was based on
 Pleased the larger
states (gave them more
power in this house).
Other Compromises
Question of Counting Slaves?
Southern states wanted to
count their slave
populations (nearly
550,000) for representation
purposes – the Northern
states disagreed
The “3/5th Compromise”
settled the issue.
 It was agreed to count each
slave as 3/5ths of a person
for representation AND
taxation purposes.
“Slave Trade Compromise”
Northern states wanted the
U.S. Government to regulate
trade between both states
AND foreign nations.
 Southern states feared this
would impact their exports
of rice, cotton, & tobacco.
 It was agreed that slavery
would be left alone for 20
years in terms of commerce
and trade. They would
revisit the issue in 1808.
 Was this really a fix????
“How to Elect the President?”
Some delegates wanted Congress to
choose the president. Why?
 Others felt that the people should
elect him.
 They decided each state legislature
would chose their electors, known as
the electoral college, who would
elect the President and Vice
 We still use the Electoral College
today, but now, voters choose who
the electors will vote for.
Ratifying the
“U.S. Constitution”
The remaining 42 delegates
gathered for the final time
on September 17, 1787.
They had finished their
task…….and now the
Constitution would become
law if 9 out of the 13 states
would ratify it at their
ratifying conventions. (did
Rhode Island matter???)
Debate Breaks Out:
“Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists”
Each wrote a series of papers in support of their side!!!
“Federalists” were
supporters of the
Constitution as it was
They believed in a strong
central government and
wanted the document
ratified (approved) as it
was written.
In essays entitled “The Federalist
Papers”, they argued that the U.S.
could not survive without a strong
federal government.
They were led by Alexander
Hamilton, James Madison, & John
“Anti-Federalists” felt that it
gave too much power to the
national government and took
too much power from the states.
They opposed the Constitution
as it was written.
The Anti-Federalists also
wrote papers and in the
Papers” they demanded
that the new Constitution
protect the basic
individual rights of the
people – they wanted a
“bill of rights” added.
 They were led by Patrick
“Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists”
The Federalist Papers
made it clear that we
needed a stronger
government and the
Anti-Federalist Papers
made it clear that the
rights of the people
must be protected in a
“Bill of Rights”.
“The U.S. Constitution”
On June 21, 1788, New
Hampshire became the 9th
state to ratify the
Constitution. Why was that
– Rhode Island was the 13th.
The 13 independent states
became one nation, the
“United States of America.”
For the first time it was
written with a capital “U.”