Download DECISION FOR WAR In April 1917, only one month after being

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In April 1917, only one month after being sworn into office a second time, President Wilson went before Congress to ask for a declaration of
war against Germany. What had happened to change his policy from neutrality to war?
Most important in the U.S. decision for war was a sudden change in German military strategy as the Germans decided in early 1917 to resume
unrestricted submarine warfare. Germany recognized the risk of the U.S. entering the war but believed that, by cutting off supplies to the Allies,
Germany could win the war before Americans could react. Germany communicated its decision to the U.S. gov't on Jan. 31 & a few days later,
Wilson broke off U.S. diplomatic relations with Germany.
Wilson still hesitated, but a series of events in March 1917 as well as the president's hopes for arranging a permanent peace in Europe
convinced him that U.S. participation in the war was now unavoidable
On March 1, U.S. newspapers carried the shocking news of a secret offer made by Germany to Mexico. Intercepted by British intelligence, a
telegram to Mexico from the German foreign minister, Arthur Zimmermann, proposed that Mexico ally itself with Germany in return for
Germany's pledge to help Mexico recover lost territories: Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The telegram made Americans angry & convinced
Wilson that Germany fully expected a war with the United States.
Applying the principle of moral diplomacy, Wilson wanted the war to be fought for a worthy purpose: the triumph of democracy. It bothered
Wilson that one of the Allies was Russia, a nation governed by an autocratic czar. This barrier to U.S. participation was suddenly removed on
March 15, when Russian revolutionaries overthrew the czar's government & proclaimed a republic. (Only later in November would the
revolutionary government be taken over by Communists).
In the first weeks of March, German submarines sank 5 unarmed U.S. merchant ships
On April 2, 1917, President Wilson stood before special session of senators and representatives and solemnly asked that Congress recognize a
state of war existed between Germany & the United States. His speech condemned Germany's submarine policy as "warfare against mankind"
& declared: "The world must be made safe for democracy." On April 6, an overwhelming majority in Congress voted for a declaration of war,
although a few pacifists, including Robert La Follette & Jeanette Rankin, defiantly voted no.
U.S. mobilization for war in 1917 was race against time as it was understood that Germany was preparing to deliver a knockout blow to end the
war on German times. On land, Germany planned a major offensive against Allied lines on the Western Front; at sea, the unleashed power of
German submarines could now do serious damage to British sources of supply. Could the U.S. mobilize its vast economic resources fast enough
to make a difference? That was the question Wilson and his advisers confronted in the critical early months of U.S. involvement in war.
Since it would take months to train U.S. troops, the first American contribution to the Allies would be in shipping needed supplies: chiefly
munitions (rifles & gunpowder) and food. For this purpose, Wilson created a number of war agencies staffed by volunteers. For example:
1. Bernard Baruch, A Wall Street broker, volunteered to use his extensive contacts in industry to help win the war. Under his
direction, the War Industries set production priorities and established centralized control over raw materials and prices.
2. Herbert Hoover, a distinguished engineer, took charge of the Food Administration, which encouraged American households to eat
less meat & bread so that more food could be shipped abroad for the French & British troops. The conservation drive paid off; in two years,
U.S. overseas shipment of food tripled.
3. Harry Garfield volunteered to head the Fuel Administration, which directed efforts to save coal. Nonessential factories were
closed, and daylight saving time went into effect for the first time.
4. Former President William Howard Taft helped arbitrate disputes between workers and employers as head of the National War
Labor Board. Labor won concessions during the war that had earlier been denied. Wages rose, the 8-hour day became more common, and
union membership increased.
Paying for something as costly as war is always a huge problem. Wilson's war government managed to raise $33 billion in two years though
loans and taxes. It conducted four massive drives to convince Americans to put their savings into federal government Liberty Bonds. Congress
also increased both personal income & corporate taxes and placed an excise tax on luxury goods.
- The U.S. gov't used techniques of both patriotic persuasion and legal intimidation to ensure public support for the war effort. Progressive
journalist George Creel took charge of a propaganda agency called the Committee on Public Information, which enlisted the voluntary services
of artists, writers, vaudeville performers, & movie stars to depict the heroism of the U.S. soldiers & the evilness of the German Kaiser. The vast
amount of war propaganda created under Creel's direction consisted of films, posters, pamphlets, and volunteer speakers-all urging Americans
to watch out for German spies and to "do your bit" for the war.
- War hysteria and patriotic enthusiasm too often provided an excuse for nativist groups to take out their prejudices on "disloyal" minorities.
One such group, the American Protective League, mounted "Hat the Hun" campaigns and used vigilante action in attacking all things Germanfrom the performing of Beethoven's music to the cooking of sauerkraut.
A number of socialists and pacifists took the risk of criticizing the government's war policy. After the passage of the Espionage Act in 1917 &
the Sedition Act in 1918, the penalty for speaking out in this way was often a stiff prison sentence. The Espionage Act provided for
imprisonment of up to 20 years for persons who either tried to incite rebellion in the armed forces or obstruct the operation of the draft. The
Sedition Act went much further by prohibiting anyone from making "disloyal" or "abusive" remarks about the U.S. government. About 2,000
people were prosecuted under these laws, half of whom were convicted and jailed. Among them was the Socialist leader, Eugene Debs, who
was sentenced to ten years in federal prison against the war.
The Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Espionage Act in a case involving a man who had been imprisoned for distributing
pamphlets against the draft. In 1919, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes concluded that the right to free speech could be limited when it
represented a "clear and present danger" to the public safety.
As soon as war was declared, thousands of young men voluntarily enlisted for military service. Most recruits, however, were conscripted
(drafted) into the army by a system requiring all men between 21 and 30 (and later between 18 and 45) to register for possible induction.
The system of "selective service" was devised by the Sec. of War as a democratic method for ensuring that all groups in the population would
be called into service. Under the Selective Service Act, passed by Congress in June 1917, about 2.8 million men were eventually called by
lottery. The draftees provided over half the total of 4.7 million Americans who were issued a uniform during the war. Of these, more than 2
million were transported overseas to join the British and the French in the trenches on the Western Front.
Racial segregation applied to the army as it did to civilian life. Almost 400,000 African Americans served in WWI in segregated units. Only a few
were permitted to be officers, and all were barred from the Marine Corps. Nevertheless, W.E.B. Du Bois believed that the record of service by
African Americans, fighting to "make the world safe for democracy," would earn them equal rights at home when the war ended. His hopes,
however, would be bitterly disappointed.
All groups in American society -business & labor, women & men, immigrants & native-born-were required to adjust to the unusual demands of
a wartime economy.
As men were drafted into the army, the jobs they vacated were often taken by women, thousands of whom entered the workforce for the first
time. Their contributions to the war effort, both as volunteers and wage earners, finally convinced President Wilson and Congress to support
the 19th Amendment.
Job opportunities in wartime America, together with the upheavals of the revolution in Mexico, caused thousands of Mexicans to cross the
border to work in agriculture and mining. Most were employed in the Southwest, but a significant number also traveled to the Midwest for
factory jobs. African Americans also took advantage of job opportunities opened up by the war & migrated north.
By the time the first U.S. troops were shipped overseas in late 1917, millions of European soldiers on both sides had already been killed by
artillery barrages, machine-gun fire, and poison gas attacks. A second revolution in Russia by Bolsheviks (or Communists) took that nation out
of the war. With no Eastern Front to divide its forces, Germany could now concentrate on one push to break through Allied lines in France.
Germany's policy of unrestricted submarine warfare was having its intended effect. Merchant ships bound for Britain were being sunk at a
staggering rate. U.S. response to this Allied emergency was to undertake a record-setting program of ship construction. The U.S. Navy also
implemented a convoy system of armed escorts for groups of merchant ships. By the end of 1917, the system was working well enough to
ensure that Britain and France would not be starved into submission.
Unable to imagine the grim realities of trench warfare, U.S. troops were eager for action. The idealism of both the troops and the public is
reflected in the popular song of George Cohan that many were singing:
"Over there, over there, Send the word, send the word over there,
That the Yanks are coming, The Yanks Are coming, the drums rum-tumming ev'ry where"
The American Expeditionary Force (AEF) was commanded by General John Pershing. The first U.S. troops to see action were used to plug
weaknesses in the French & British lines, but by the summer of 1918, as American forces arrived by the hundreds of thousands, the AEF
assumed independent responsibility for one segment of the Western Front.
Enough U.S. troops were in place in the spring of 1918 to hold the line against the last ferocious assault by German forces. At Chateau-Thierry
on the Marne River, Americans stopped the German advance (June 1918) and struck back with a successful counterattack at Belleau Wood.
In August, September, & October, an Allied offensive along the Meuse River and through the Argonne Forest (the Meuse-Argonne offensive)
succeeded in driving an exhausted German army backward toward the German border. U.S. troops participated in this drive at St. Mihiel-the
southern sector of the Allied line. On November 11, 1918, the Germans signed an armistice in which they agreed to surrender their arms, give
up much of their navy, and evacuate occupied territory.
After only a few months of fighting, U.S. combat deaths totaled nearly 49,000. Many more thousands died of disease, including a flu epidemic
in the training camps, bringing the total U.S. fatalities in WWI to 112,432.