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5 point activities
1) Alphabetical Order
 arrange all the words in ABC order
2) Backwards
 write all your words correctly and then backwards (EX: cat---tac)
3) Color Vowels
 write all the vowels one color and all the consonants one color
4) Five Colors
 write all the words 5 times each using a different color for each time
5) Reverse Alphabetical Order
 arrange all the words in reverse ABC order (start with z)
6) Stencil/Word Art
 write all the words once in fancy letters---create your own style or use a stencil
10 point activities
7) Definition
 look in the dictionary and write the definition of each word
8) Goofy Words
 write all the words 3 times using your opposite hand (if you are right-handed, use your
left hand AND if you are left-handed, use your right hand)
9) Mirror Words
 write all the words once in mirror writing (back to front)
10) Picture Words
 draw a colorful, nice, accurate picture for each spelling word and label each picture with
the spelling word
11) Pyramid words
 write your words as pyramids
EX: cat
12) Rhyming Words
 write 2 rhyming words for each spelling word---the word must be a REAL word
13) Silly Sentences
 write a silly sentence for each spelling word---underline the spelling word
14) Syllable Words
 divide all of your spelling words into syllables
(EX. excitement = ex/cite/ment)
15 point activities
15) Acrostic
 write each word vertically and think of words that start with the same letter to make an
acrostic poem
EX: apple
16) Anagram
 write each word and then rearrange the letters (try to use them all) to create a new word
EX: cinema---iceman
17) Creative Story
 use all the spelling words to write a creative story---more than one spelling word can be
used in one sentence. Underline each word.
18) Jeopardy
 write a question for each spelling word…the spelling word is the answer
EX: What is an animal that lives in the jungle and climbs trees? Monkey
19) Word Search
 create a word-search puzzle that includes all of the spelling words
20 point activities
20) Ransom Words
 write each spelling word by cutting out letters in a newspaper or a magazine and gluing
them to paper