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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
4th Quarter
In 2014, the Shelby County Schools Board of Education adopted a set of ambitious, yet attainable goals for school and student performance. The District
is committed to these goals, as further described in our strategic plan, Destination2025. By 2025,
 80% of our students will graduate from high school college or career ready
 90% of students will graduate on time
 100% of our students who graduate college or career ready will enroll in a post-secondary opportunity
In order to achieve these ambitious goals, we must collectively work to provide our students with high quality, College and Career Ready standardsaligned instruction. The Tennessee State Standards provide a common set of expectations for what students will know and be able to do at the end of a
grade. College and Career Ready Standards are rooted in the knowledge and skills students need to succeed in post-secondary study or careers. The TN
State Standards represent three fundamental shifts in mathematics instruction: focus, coherence and rigor.
The Standards call for a greater focus in
mathematics. Rather than racing to cover topics
in a mile-wide, inch-deep curriculum, the
Standards require us to significantly narrow and
deepen the way time and energy is spent in the
math classroom. We focus deeply on the major
work of each grade so that students can gain
strong foundations: solid conceptual
understanding, a high degree of procedural skill
and fluency, and the ability to apply the math
they know to solve problems inside and outside
the math classroom.
For geometry, the major clusters, account for
53% of time spent on instruction.
Supporting Content - information that
supports the understanding and implementation
of the major work of the grade.
Additional Content - content that does not
explicitly connect to the major work of the grade
yet it is required for proficiency.
Thinking across grades:
The Standards are designed around coherent
progressions from grade to grade. Learning is
carefully connected across grades so that
students can build new understanding onto
foundations built in previous years. Each
standard is not a new event, but an extension of
previous learning.
Conceptual understanding:
The Standards call for conceptual understanding
of key concepts, such as place value and ratios.
Students must be able to access concepts from a
number of perspectives so that they are able to
see math as more than a set of mnemonics or
discrete procedures.
Procedural skill and fluency:
The Standards call for speed and accuracy in
calculation. While the high school standards for
math do not list high school fluencies, there are
suggested fluency standards for algebra 1,
geometry and algebra 2.
Linking to major topics:
Instead of allowing additional or supporting
topics to detract from course, these concepts
serve the course focus. For example, instead of
data displays as an end in themselves, they are
an opportunity to do grade-level word
The Standards call for students to use math
flexibly for applications in problem-solving
contexts. In content areas outside of math,
particularly science, students are given the
opportunity to use math to make meaning of and
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
4th Quarter
access content.
Our collective goal is to ensure our students graduate ready for
college and career. The Standards for Mathematical Practice
describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all
levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices
rest on important “processes and proficiencies” with longstanding
importance in mathematics education. The first of these are the
NCTM process standards of problem solving, reasoning and proof,
communication, representation and connections.
Look for and
regularity in
Look for and
make use of
Reasoning and
Make sense of
problems and
persevere in
solving them
abstractly and
Attend to
Construct viable
arguments and
crituqe the
reasoning of
Model with
Use appropriate
The second are the strands of mathematical proficiency specified in
the National Research Council’s report Adding It Up: adaptive
reasoning, strategic competence, conceptual understanding
(comprehension of mathematical concepts, operations and relations)
procedural fluency (skill in carrying out procedures flexibly,
accurately, efficiently and appropriately), and productive disposition
(habitual inclination to see mathematics and sensible, useful and
worthwhile, coupled with a belief in diligence and one’s own efficacy).
Throughout the year, students should continue to develop proficiency
with the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice.
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
4th Quarter
How to Use the Mathematic Curriculum Maps
This curriculum map is designed to help teachers make effective decisions about what mathematical content to teach so that ultimately our
students can reach Destination 2025. To reach our collective student achievement goals, we know that teachers must change their
instructional practice in alignment with the three College and Career Ready shifts in instruction for Mathematics. We should see these shifts
in all classrooms:
1) Focus
2) Coherence
3) Rigor
Throughout this curriculum map, you will see resources as well as links to tasks that will support you in ensuring that students are able to
reach the demands of the standards in your classroom. In addition to the resources embedded in the map, there are some high-leverage
resources around each of the three shifts that teachers should consistently access:
The TNCore Mathematics Standards
The Tennessee Mathematics Standards:
Teachers can access the Tennessee State standards, which are featured throughout this curriculum map and
represent college and career ready learning at each
respective grade level.
Mathematical Shifts
The standards are focused on fewer topics so students can
learn more
Topics within a grade are connected to support focus, and
learning is built on understandings from previous grades
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
4th Quarter
The standards set expectations for a balanced approach to
pursuing conceptual understanding, procedural fluency,
and application and modeling
Curriculum Maps:
Locate the TDOE Standards in the left column. Analyze the language of the standards and match each standard to a learning target in
the second column.
Consult your McGraw-Hill/Glencoe Teachers’ Edition (TE) and other cited references to map out your week(s) of instruction.
Plan your weekly and daily objectives, using the standards' explanations provided in the second column. Best practices tell us that
making objectives measureable increases student mastery.
Carefully review the web-based resources provided in the 'Content and Tasks' column and use them as you introduce or assess a
particular standard or set of standards. The additional resources provided are supplementary and should be used as needed for
content support and differentiation.
Review the Literacy Connections found in the right column. Make plans to address the content vocabulary, utilizing the suggested
literacy strategies, in your instruction.
Examine the other standards and skills you will need to address in order to ensure mastery of the indicated standard.
Using your McGraw-Hill/Glencoe TE and other resources cited in the curriculum map, plan your week using the SCS lesson plan
template. Remember to include differentiated activities for small-group instruction and math stations.
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
4th Quarter
TN State Standards
Essential Understandings
Content & Tasks
Literacy Connections
Unit 6: Properties of Circles (continued)
Angles and Segments in Circles
(Allow 2.5 weeks for instruction, review and assessments)
G-C Circles
Understand and apply theorems about
G-C.A.2 Identify and describe
relationships among inscribed angles,
radii, and chords. Include the
relationship between central, inscribed,
and circumscribed angles; inscribed
angles on a diameter are right angles;
the radius of a circle is perpendicular to
the tangent where the radius intersects
the circle.
G-C.A.3 Construct the inscribed and
circumscribed circles of a triangle, and
prove properties of angles for a
quadrilateral inscribed in a circle.
G-C Circles
Understand and apply theorems about
G-C.A.3 Construct a tangent line from a
point outside a given circle to the circle.
G-CO Congruence
Make geometric constructions
The properties of polygons, lines, and
angles can be used to understand circles;
the properties of circles can be used to
solve problems involving polygons, lines
and angles.
Lesson 10-4 – Inscribed Angles, pp. 709-715
Additional Resources
The resources below are supplementary and
should be used as needed for additional
content support and differentiation.
Writing in Math
Compare and contrast inscribed angles and
central angles of a circle. If they intercept
the same arc, how are they related?
Glencoe Video Lessons
Students will
Identify and describe relationships
involving inscribed angles;
Prove properties of angles for a
quadrilateral inscribed in a circle.
Essential Question
How can the properties of circles, polygons,
lines and angles be useful when solving
geometric problems?
Students will
Use this link to access online video links to
textbook lessons.
Engageny Geometry Module 5, Topic A,
Lesson 5:Inscribed Angle Theorem and its
• Students prove the inscribed angle theorem: The
Inscribed angle, intercepted arc
measure of a central angle is twice the measure
of any inscribed angle that intercepts the same
arc as the central angle.
Students recognize and use different cases of the
inscribed angle theorem embedded in diagrams.
This includes recognizing and using the result that
inscribed angles that intersect the same arc are
equal in measure.
Identify and describe relationships
among tangents and radii;
Lesson 10-5 – Tangents, pp.718-725
Tangent Lines and the Radius of a Circle
Identify and describe relationships
among circumscribed angles and central
Writing in Math
How many tangents can be drawn from a
point outside a circle, from a point on a
circle, and from a point inside a circle?
Explain your reasoning.
Construct a tangent line from a point
outside a circle to the circle.
Tangent, point of tangency, common
Shelby County Schools 2015/2016
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
4th Quarter
TN State Standards
Essential Understandings
Content & Tasks
G.CO.D.12 Make formal geometric
constructions with a variety of tools and
methods (compass and straightedge,
string, reflective devices, paper folding,
dynamic geometric software, etc.).
Copying a segment; copying an angle;
bisecting a segment; bisecting an
angle; constructing perpendicular lines,
including the perpendicular bisector of
a line segment; and constructing a line
parallel to a given line through a point
not on the line.
Mica Items
G-C.A.2 Question #41 ID #44090
G-C.A.2 Question #42 ID #44343
G-C.A.2 Question #43 ID #44341
G-C.A.2 Question #44 ID #43578
G-C.A.2 Question #45 ID #43832
Engageny Geometry Module 5, Topic C,
Lesson 11: Properties of Tangents
• Students discover that a line is tangent to a circle
at a given point if it is perpendicular to the radius
drawn to that point.
G-CO Congruence
Make geometric constructions
G.CO.D.13 Construct an equilateral
triangle, a square, and a regular
hexagon inscribed in a circle.
G-C Circles
Understand and apply theorems about
Literacy Connections
Students will
Construct an equilateral triangle, a
square, and a regular hexagon inscribed
in a circle.
Construct the inscribed and
circumscribed circles of a triangle
Students construct tangents to a circle through a
given point.
Students prove that tangent segments from the
same point are equal in length.
Extend Lesson 10-5 Geometry Lab: Inscribed
and Circumscribed Circles, p. 726
Use geometry software or graphing calculator
such as TI-Nspire or the Cabri Jr. APP on the
TI-84 to investigate. A regular compass and
straight edge can also be used.
Writing in Math
Why is the term “incenter” a good term for the
intersection of the three angle bisectors?
Explain your reasoning.
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
4th Quarter
TN State Standards
Essential Understandings
G-C Circles
Understand and apply theorems about
Content & Tasks
Students will
Find measures of angles formed by lines
intersecting on or inside a circle;
Find measures of angles formed by lines
intersecting outside the circle.
Lesson 10-6 Secants, Tangents, and Angle
Measures, pp. 727-735
Additional Resources
The resources below are supplementary and
should be used as needed for additional
content support and differentiation.
Chords, Secants, and Tangents Tasks, pp. 56 &
Literacy Connections
Ticket Out the Door
Select examples and ask students to name
the segments in the figure as they leave.
Engageny Geometry Module 5, Topic C,
Lesson 16: Similar Triangles in Circle-Secant
(or Circle-Secant-Tangent) Diagrams
Students find “missing lengths” in circle-secant or circlesecant-tangent diagrams.
G-C Circles
Understand and apply theorems about
Students will
Find measures of segments that intersect
in the interior of a circle;
Find measures of segments that intersect
in the exterior of a circle.
Lesson 10-7 Special Segments in Circles, pp.
Writing in Math
Describe the relationship among
segments in a circle when two secants
intersect inside a circle.
Ask students to describe how the lesson
on secants, tangents, and angles (10-6)
helped them better understand the lesson
on special segments in a circle.
Chord segment, secant segment, external
secant segment, tangent segment
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Supporting Content
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
4th Quarter
TN State Standards
Essential Understandings
Content & Tasks
Literacy Connections
Unit 6: Properties of Circles
Arc Length, Sector Area, and Equations of Circles
(Allow 2.5 weeks for instruction, review and assessments)
G-C Circles
Understand and apply theorems about
The properties of polygons, lines, and
angles can be used to understand circles;
the properties of circles can be used to
solve problems involving polygons, lines
and angles.
G-C Circles
Find arc length and areas of sectors of
Students will
G.C.B.5 Derive using similarity the
fact that the length of the arc
intercepted by an angle is
proportional to the radius, and
define the radian measure of the
angle as the constant of
proportionality; derive the formula
for the area of a sector.
Derive and apply the formula for arc
Derive the fact that the length of the arc
intercepted by an angle is proportional
to the radius;
Define and apply radian measure.
Essential Question
How can the properties of circles, polygons,
lines and angles be useful when solving
geometric problems?
Lesson 10-2 – Measuring Angles and Arcs,
pp. 692-700
Additional Resources
The resources below are supplementary and
should be used as needed for additional
content support and differentiation.
Circles and Spheres Tasks
Writing in Math
Describe the three different types of arcs in a
circle and the method for finding the measure
of each one.
Central angle, arc, minor arc, major arc,
semicircle, congruent arcs, adjacent arcs, arc
Circles and their Relationships among Central
Angles, Arcs and Chords Task , p.15
Investigating Angle Relationships in Circles
Tasks, p. 46 & p.52
Engageny Geometry Module 5, Topic A,
Lesson 4; Experiments with Inscribed
Students explore the relationship between inscribed
angles and central angles and their intercepted arcs.
G-C Circles
Find arc length and areas of sectors of
Students will
Derive a formula for the area of a
sector of a circle;
Find the area of circles and sectors
of circles.
Lesson 11-3 – Areas of Circles, pp.782 788
Writing in Math
p.787, # 49
If the radius of a circle doubles, will the
measure of a sector of that circle double? Will
it double if the arc measure of that sector
Shelby County Schools 2015/2016
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
4th Quarter
TN State Standards
Essential Understandings
Content & Tasks
Additional Resources
The resources below are supplementary and
should be used as needed for additional
content support and differentiation.
Arc Length and Area of Sector Tasks, p. 82 &
Grain Storage Task
Mica Items
G-C.B.5 Question #51 ID #43869
G-C.B.5 Question #52 ID #44342
Literacy Connections
Sector of a circle, segment of a circle
Ticket Out the Door
Have students describe how to find the area of
a circle, given its circumference.
Engageny Geometry Module 3, Topic A,
Lesson 4
Students use inscribed and circumscribed polygons for a
circle (or disk) of radius r and circumference C to show
that the area of a circle is 1/2Cr or as it is usually written,
G-GPE Expressing Geometric
Properties with Equations
Translate between the geometric
description and the equation of a
conic section
Students will
Derive the equation of a circle given
the center and the radius.
Complete the square to find the
center and radius of a circle by an
G-GPE.A.1 Derive the equation
of a circle of given center and
radius using the Pythagorean
Theorem; complete the square
to find the center and radius of a
circle given by an equation.
Lesson 10-8 – Equations of Circles and
Graphing Technology Lab 10.8 (using
TI-Nspire), pp.743 - 749
Equations of Circles Lesson
Writing in Math
p.748 # 40
Describe how the equation for a circle
changes if the circle is translated a units to the
right and b units down.
Mica Items
G-GPE.A.1 Question #53 ID #44343
G-GPE.A.1 Question #54 ID #43578
G-GPE.B.4 Question #56 ID # 44066
Compound locus
Use coordinates to prove simple
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
4th Quarter
TN State Standards
Essential Understandings
Content & Tasks
Literacy Connections
geometric theorems algebraically
G.GPE.B.4 Use coordinates to prove
simple geometric theorems algebraically. For
example, prove or disprove that a figure
defined by four given points in the coordinate
plane is a rectangle; prove or disprove that the
point (1,√3) lies on the circle centered at the
origin and containing the point (0, 2).
Unit 7: Measurement and Modeling in Two and Three Dimensions (continued)
Visualizing Solids
(Allow 2.5 weeks for instruction, review and assessments)
G-MG Modeling with Geometry
Apply geometric concepts in modeling
G-MG.A.1 Use geometric shapes, their
measures, and their properties to
describe objects (e.g., modeling a tree
trunk or a human torso as a cylinder).★
G-GMD Geometric Measurement and
Visualize relationships between twodimensional and three-dimensional objects
G-GMD.B.4 Identify the shapes of twodimensional cross- sections of three
dimensional objects, and identify threedimensional objects generated by
rotations of two-dimensional objects.
Geometric definitions, properties and
theorems allow one to describe, model,
and analyze situations in the real world.
Students will
Investigate cross sections of threedimensional figures.
Essential Question
In what ways can geometric figures be used
to understand real-world problems?
Lesson 12-1 – Representations of ThreeDimensional Figures, Lesson pp. 823-828
Additional Resources
The resources below are supplementary and
should be used as needed for additional
content support and differentiation.
Volumes of Cylinders, Cones, Pyramids, and
Spheres Videos
Volumes of Cylinders, Cones, Pyramids, and
Spheres Task, p.98
Writing in Math
When an object on a video game is viewed
from only one side, what are some ways that
the object can be made to appear threedimensional?
Isometric view, cross section
Unit on Area, Perimeter, and Volume
with multiple tasks
Boxing Basketballs p.5
Greenhouse p.23
Great Pyramid p.13
Walter and Juanita’s Water
Troughs p.17
Shelby County Schools 2015/2016
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
4th Quarter
TN State Standards
Essential Understandings
G-MG Modeling with Geometry
Apply geometric concepts in modeling
G-MG.A.3 Apply geometric methods to
solve design problems (e.g., designing an
object or structure to satisfy physical
constraints or minimize cost; working with
typographic grid systems based on
Content & Tasks
Students will
Find the lateral area and surface area of
Find the lateral area and surface area of
Lesson 12-2 – Surface Area of Prisms and
Cylinders, pp.830-837
Additional Resources
The resources below are supplementary and
should be used as needed for additional
content support and differentiation.
Cereal Box Project (Surface Area & Volume)
Literacy Connections
Writing in Math
p. 836, #40 Compare and contrast finding the
surface area of a prism and finding the surface
area of a cylinder.
Lateral face, lateral edge, base edge, altitude,
height, lateral area, axis, composite solid
Mica Items
G-MG.A.3 & G-MG.A.1 Question #66 ID
G-MG.A.3 Question #71 ID #13037
G-MG Modeling with Geometry
Apply geometric concepts in modeling
Students will
Find the lateral area and surface area of
Find the lateral area and surface area of
Lesson 12-3 – Surface Area of Pyramids and
Cones, pp.838-846
Writing in Math
p. 845, #41 Describe how to find the surface
area of a regular polygonal pyramid with an ngon base, height h units and an apothem of a
Regular pyramid, slant height, right cone,
oblique cone
G-MG Modeling with Geometry
Apply geometric concepts in modeling
Students will
Find the surface area of a sphere
Lesson 12-6 – Surface Areas of Spheres,
Writing in Math
Describe the difference between the surface
area of a sphere and the volume of a sphere.
Great circle, pole, hemisphere
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
4th Quarter
TN State Standards
Essential Understandings
Content & Tasks
Literacy Connections
Unit 5: Trigonometry (continued)
Trigonometry with All Triangles
(Allow 1.5 weeks for instruction, review and assessments)
(Advanced Algebra & Trigonometry)
G-AT Applied Trigonometry
Use trigonometry to solve problems
Dilations, similarity, and the properties of
similar triangles allow for the application
of trigonometric ratios to solve real-world
Essential Question
How might the features of one figure be
useful when solving problems about a similar
Students will
Derive a trigonometric formula for the
area of a triangle;
Prove and apply the Law of Sines;
Prove and apply the Law of
Lesson 8-6 – The Law of Sines and Cosines
Introduction – How Big is the Bermuda
Engageny Geometry Module 2, Topic E,
Lesson 30
Students rewrite the Pythagorean Theorem in terms
of sine and cosine ratios, and use it in this form to
solve problems.
Students write tangent as an identity in terms of sine
and cosine, and use it in this form to solve
Writing in Math
p. 590, #57
Draw and label a triangle that can be solved:
a. using only the Law of Sines; b. using only
the Law of Cosines. Explain why each
triangle cannot be solved using the other Law.
Law of Sines, Law of Cosines
Right Triangle Trigonometry Tasks
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Curriculum and Instruction – Office of Mathematics
4th Quarter
Textbook Resources
ConnectED Site - Textbook andResources Glencoe Video
Common Core Standards - Mathematics
Common Core Standards - Mathematics Appendix A TN Core
CCSS Flip Book with Examples of each Standard
Geometry Model Curriculum
North Carolina – Unpacking Common Core geometry.html
Utah Electronic School - Geometry
Ohio Common Core Resources
Chicago Public Schools Framework and Tasks
Mathy McMatherson Blog - Geometry in Common Core
Hotmath - solutions to odd problems
Comprehensive Geometry Help:
Online Math Learning (Geometry)
NCTM Illuminations
New Jersey Center for Teaching & Learning (Geometry)
Finding Your Way Around TI-83+ & TI-84+ (
Texas Instruments Calculator Activity Exchange
Texas Instruments Math Nspired
STEM Resources
Casio Education for Teachers
*Graphing Calculator Note: TI tutorials are available through Atomic
Learning and also at the following link: Math Bits - graphing calculator
steps Some activities require calculator programs and/orapplications.
Use the following link to access FREE software for your MAC. This will
enable your computer and TI Calculator to communicate: Free TI
calculator downloads
TNCore Tasks
NYC tasks
UT Dana Center
Interactive Manipulatives
GeoGebra – Free software for dynamic math and science learning
NCTM Core Math Tools (Not
free) Any activity using Geometer’s Sketchpad can also be done with any
software that allows construction of figures and measurement, such as Cabri,
Cabri Jr. on the TI-83 or 84 Plus,TI-92 Plus, or TI-Nspire
Mars Tasks
Inside Math Tasks
Dan Meyer's Three-Act Math Tasks
Illustrative Math Tasks
GSE Analytical Geometry; Unit 3- Circles & Volume
Math TV Videos
The Teaching Channel
Teacher Tube
Khan Academy Videos (Geometry)
MAPReportsFinder.htm - Sign in and Click the
Learning Continuum Tab – this resources will help as you
plan for intervention, and differentiating small group
instruction on the skill you are currently teaching. (Four
Ways to Impact Teaching with the Learning Continuum) These Khan Academy lessons are aligned
to RIT scores.
Literacy Resources
Literacy Skills and Strategies for Content Area
Teachers (Math, p. 22)
Glencoe Reading & Writing in the Mathematics
Graphic Organizers (9-12) (
Mica Items
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