* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Early Modern Era Project Guidelines Honors World History Name: _________________ Topic: You must choose and research a topic from early modern era (1300 C.E.-1600 C.E.) in world history and get my approval for that topic. Try to pick a topic that you find personally interesting. Credit: 100 points - you must be able to justify 100 points in your project. A test is worth 100 points, so your project should show the work required to learn the material and prepare for a test. Content: Your project must have some content connection to the World History during the specified time period. In other words, we should all learn something from your project about some aspect of world history during the early modern era. You will be required to turn in copies of the sources that you use to complete the project (minimum 3 sources). The copies should include a works cited page in MLA format typed on the front of the packet. Description: Your project must be visual in nature. This means that it can't be a paper. There are many vehicles which you may choose to satisfy the visual requirement. For example, your project could take the form of a (n): Oral presentation with visual aids (minimum 7 minutes in length). This could be a skit or play or even musical if you are so bold. Model with an explanation that describes what each part represents (no legos, no purchased, pre-made kits) Build something appropriate Elaborate timeline, large poster, or historical map (be sure that these can justify 100 points) Computer generated project - not a word processed paper Art that reflects the early modern era. If it is a copy of a work of art, it should include an explanation of how it reflects early modern era art. If it is original art, it should include an explanation of the aspects of the early modern era art used in the work. Any idea that you come up with (subject to my approval) Effort: Effort is critical. I understand that you are all not accomplished artists, but you all can put forth a genuine effort which will ultimately show in the final product. Topic Due Date: You must submit your topic in writing on the appropriate form. Once a topic is approved, then significant changes cannot be made. Project topics can evolve, but there will be no wholesale changes allowed. Proof: Depending on the nature of your project, proof of originality and ownership may be required. It is helpful to attach pictures of you completing the project at various stages. Due Date: ______________________________ Lateness: Late projects will be marked down 10 points per day late. Projects not turned in will receive a zero. Presentation: Each person will take a minute (or more depending on the project) to show their project to the class and briefly explain the work done.