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Consulta: subject:"Biology"
Registros recuperados: 2.335
Data/hora: 09/06/2017 10:05:44
Aging as a consequence of misrepair -- A novel theory of aging
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jicun Wang; Thomas Michelitsch; Arne Wunderlin; Ravi Mahadeva.
It is now increasingly realized that the underlying mechanisms which govern aging is a complex interplay of genetic regulation
and damage accumulation. Aging as a result of accumulation of ‘faults’ on cellular and molecular
levels, has been proposed in the damage (fault)-accumulation theory by Kirkwood 2006. However, this theory fails to explain
some aging phenotypes such as fibrosis and premature aging, since terms such as ‘damage’ and
‘fault’ are not specified. Therefore we introduce here a specification of the underlying mechanism of
aging and arrive at a novel theory: aging of the body is a result of the accumulation of Misrepair of tissue. It emphasizes: a) it is
Misrepair, not the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Aging as a consequence of misrepair -- A novel theory of aging
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jicun Wang; Thomas Michelitsch; Arne Wunderlin; Ravi Mahadeva.
It is now increasingly realized that the underlying mechanisms which govern aging is a complex interplay of genetic regulation
and damage accumulation. Aging as a result of accumulation of ‘faults’ on cellular and molecular
levels, has been proposed in the damage (fault)-accumulation theory by Kirkwood 2006. However, this theory fails to explain
some aging phenotypes such as fibrosis and premature aging, since terms such as ‘damage’ and
‘fault’ are not specified. Therefore we introduce here a specification of the underlying mechanism
and arrive at a novel theory: aging of the body is a result of the accumulation of Misrepair of tissue. It emphasizes: a) it is
Misrepair, not the original...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Aging as a consequence of misrepair -- A novel theory of aging
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jicun Wang; Thomas Michelitsch; Arne Wunderlin; Ravi Mahadeva.
It is now increasingly realized that the underlying mechanisms which govern aging is a complex interplay of genetic regulation
and damage accumulation. Aging as a result of accumulation of ‘faults’ on cellular and molecular
levels, has been proposed in the damage (fault)-accumulation theory by Kirkwood 2006. However, this theory fails to explain
some aging phenotypes such as fibrosis and premature aging, since terms such as ‘damage’ and
‘fault’ are not specified. Therefore we introduce here a specification of the underlying mechanism of
aging and arrive at a novel theory: aging of the body is a result of the accumulation of Misrepair of tissue. It emphasizes: a) it is
Misrepair, not the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Animal emergence during Snowball Earths by thermosynthesis in submarine hydrothermal vents
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Anthonie W. J. Muller.
Darwin already commented on the lateness in the fossil record of the emergence of the animals, calling it a valid argument against
his theory of evolution^1^. This emergence of the animals (metazoans: multicellular animals) has therefore attracted much
attention^2-5^. Two decades ago it was reported that extensive global glaciations (Snowball Earths) preceded the
emergence^6-7^. Here we causally relate the emergence and the glaciations by invoking benthic sessile^8-11^
thermosynthesizing^12-13^ protists that gained free energy as ATP while oscillating in the thermal gradient between a submarine
hydrothermal vent^14^ and the ice-covered ocean. During a global glaciation their size increased from microscopic to
macroscopic due to the selective advantage of a...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Assessing the Genotypic Differences for Seed Set and Seed Abortion in Tomato Genotypes
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Chalapathy K. Reddy; Ganeshaiah Narayana; Uma Shaanker.
Tomato (_Lycopersicon esculentum_ Mill.) is one of the most popular fruit vegetable around the world. Seed abortion where in
only a small proportion of ovules in an ovary develops into matured seeds, is a wide spread phenomenon in multi-ovulated
species. In agriculturally important crops such as chickpea, groundnut, Brassica, pigeon pea and field bean seed abortion
substantially reduces their productivity. Tomato genotypes exhibited seed abortion where in only some proportion of ovules
developed into matured seeds. Seed abortion in tomato cultivars would increase the cost of hybrid seed production. In this study,
we have analyzed 19 genotypes for number of ovules, seed set and seed abortion. Tomato genotypes differed significantly for
number of ovules per...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Development of human limbs.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alexander Ermolenko.
This work offers a new view on the developmental history of tetrapods. It proposes an original evolution model of human limbs
based on metameric formation of osteogenic buds in accordance to primary segmentation and biplanar symmetry. While going
through evolution, osteogenic buds initially identical to each other were changing their sizes, realigning, regressing, uniting while
keeping the direction of the formation in accordance to the following formula (taking into account sesamoid
2; 1; 2; 3; 2; 3; 5; 5; 8; 8 (in the upper limb together with the upper limb girdle); 3; 2; 3; 2; 1; 2; 8; 8;
5; 5 (in the lower limb together with the pelvic bones).
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Evolution of Thriftiness: An analytical viewpoint
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Prajakta Belsare; Milind Watve.
We examine here, using a simple mathematical model, the conditions under which thrifty genes or fetal programming could
evolve. Obesity and related disorders are thought to have their roots in metabolic thirftiness that evolved to combat periodic
starvation. The failure to detect any thrifty genes and the association of low birth weight with type 2 diabetes, caused a shift in the
concept from thrifty gene to thrifty phenotype and fetal programming. This hypothesis assumes that intra-uterine undernutrition
programs the body to be thrifty, predicting and preparing for starvation in later life. However, there are reproductive costs
associated with thriftiness. Results of the model suggest that under no condition thrifty and non-thrifty genes would co-exist...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Animal emergence during Snowball Earths by thermosynthesis in submarine hydrothermal vents
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Anthonie W. J. Muller.
Darwin already commented on the lateness in the fossil record of the emergence of the animals, calling it a valid argument against
his theory of evolution^1^. This emergence of the animals (metazoans: multicellular animals) has therefore attracted much
attention^2-5^. Two decades ago it was reported that extensive global glaciations (Snowball Earths) preceded the
emergence^6-7^. Here we causally relate the emergence and the glaciations by invoking benthic sessile^8-11^
thermosynthesizing^12-13^ protists that gained free energy as ATP while oscillating in the thermal gradient between a submarine
hydrothermal vent^14^ and the ice-covered ocean. During a global glaciation their size increased from microscopic to
macroscopic due to the selective advantage of a...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
The origin of vertebrates and their symmetry, segmentation, chord and tubular nervous system
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alexander Ermolenko; Elena A. Perepada.
Development of vertebrata begins with formation of a multicellular organism by ordered repeated division of a reproductive cell
and nondisjunction of the new formed cells, which have kept connection by means of the extracellular matrix. Further there is a
consecutive formation of organisms due to aggregation of similar structures: blastaea; segmentella, supersegmentella.
Supersegmentella gave development to tunicates, hemichordates, chordates like lancelet and to predecessors of vertebrata.
Segmentation of organisms is determined by aggregation of supergastraeas into one integrated. Symmetry is determined by
structure-forming quality of extracellular matrix. Symmetry of primary organisms was radial; then radial-bilateral, and the first
plane of symmetry...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
The hypothesis of basic phenotype modules
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Thomas von Zelewsky.
The evolutionary events that allowed the rapid occurrence of metazoa are still enigmatic. The presumably oldest metazoan fossils
are microscopic and occur just above 635 Ma, at the beginning of the Ediacaran period. Upon condition that the lack of
macrofossils in the lower Ediacaran strata is real, the assumption of a sudden appearance of already complex, but still small
animals that flourished during the first half of the Ediacaran is a reasonable option. Consequently, the emergence of the first
macrofossils with metazoan affinity in mid Ediacaran strata would indicate a second leap in animal evolution. Here, these
apparent leaps are explained in terms of a new concept of evolvability that is based on well definable developmental modules: A
system based...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Estimating body Mass and Nutritional Status from Subadult Hominin Skeletons
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Gwendolyn Robbins.
Hominin body size and shape are key components to reconstructing phylogeny, life history, adaptation, and behavior in ancestral
populations^1^. For adults, geometric properties of the femoral midshaft cross-section are used to infer locomotor behavior^2-5^,
subsistence practices^6-7^, and functional adaptations^8-10^. Recently research has focused on patterns of compact bone
ontogeny, particularly in regard to changes in bone strength with the acquisition of bipedal locomotion^11-13^ and examining
population differences in ontogenetic trajectories for subadult humans^14-16^ and Neandertals^16^. Because femoral midshaft
geometry is primarily shaped by biomechanical strains-weight bearing, locomotion, and muscle action-ontogenetic research
requires estimates...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Pachydermoperiostosis-Like Disease In Captive Red Ruffled Lemurs (Varecia Variegatus Rubra)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Bruce Rothschild; Donald Neiffer; Steve Marks.
Pachydermatoperiostosis, a rare form of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, is of unknown etiology and previously thought limited to
humans. The only periosteal reaction previously reported in prosimians is related to renal disease. Notation of hypertrophic
osteoarthritis in three prosimians led to recognition that this was the first non-human documentation of the disease. Three related
red ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegatus rubra) had diaphyseal periosteal reaction classic for hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Workup
was negative for known underlying causes and for the secondary hyperparathyroidism which produces bone alterations in black
Eulemur macao, black and white Varecia variegatatus varigatus and ringtail Lemur catta lemurs. Recognition of facial
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Ustilago and the accidental domestication of maize
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Juan Pablo Martinez-Soriano; Katia Avina-Padilla.
Maize is the essential crop of the Americas. Maize appeared suddenly about 8,500 years ago as domesticated teosinte; however,
there is no evidence (genetical, archaeological, linguistic or ethnobotanical) able to support a gradual transformation from the
teosinte ear into the corn ear. Teosinte has never been cultivated by Americans, nor did they ever attempt to domesticate it. Its
grains were not used as food, making unrealistic the assumption that prehispanics created something edible from seeds that were
not so. Plant domestication is a slow process in almost every known crop but maize evolution might not be the case. Teosinte has
a brittle cob, whereas maize forms solid ones that do not release their seeds 2. The latter are soft, while in teosinte they...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Efecto de la levadura Saccharomyces cereviciaie desintegrada y tres fracciones en una línea celular y
como aditivo alimentario en el cultivo de Artemia
Provedor de dados: 20
Autores: Comabella Soto, Y.; Centro de Investigaciones Marinas Universidad de La Habana.
En el presente estudio se evalúa el efecto que la levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae de forma desintegrada (LD) y tres
fracciones obtenidas de ella (complejo pared-membrana (FP), núcleo- proteínas (FN) y citoplasma (FC)) produce en dos modelos
biológicos experimentales: la línea celular MB16-F10 y la especie Artemia franciscana. Para los estudios celulares se empleó la
parte soluble de cada una de estas fracciones probándose las concentraciones de 0.5, 1, 2, 5 y 10 µg/mL adicionándose el
valor de 25 µg/mL para LD y FC. Se determinó el efecto en la proliferación, vitalidad y fases del ciclo celular a las 48 y 72
horas. Como resultado se obtuvo una acción estimulante de la proliferación celular con LD 5 µg/mL a las 48 horas y con FN
0.5 y 1 µg/mL a...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations
Palavras-chave: Molecular biology; Cell biology.
Ano: 2003
Synthetic biology increases efficiency of Escherichia coli to produce Parawixia bistriata spider silk
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Synthetic biology.
Ano: 2014
Quantitative detection of _Potato virus Y_ in potato plants and aphids - Discussion of diverse
applications in potato research
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Anja Hühnlein; Jörg Schubert; Thomas Thieme; Edgar Schliephake.
Every year potato growers worldwide complain about severe yield losses caused by _Potato virus Y_ (PVY). Therefore, PVY
along with _Potato leafroll virus_ belongs to the most important potato viruses. There are three main strains of PVY: PVY^O^,
PVY^N^ and PVY^C^. However, also recombinant forms exist such as PVY^N^Wilga and PVY^NTN^, both of which increase
in importance due to their potential to displace the non-recombinant strains at a high percentage. They appear also in mixed
infections. In recent years PCR and qPCR assays were developed to differentiate PVY isolates. In order to identify PVY isolates
by PCR often large amplicons have to be generated which requires the input of expensive enzymes. On the other hand, qPCR
assays until now do not allow...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Drone congregation areas of red dwarf honeybee, Apis florea
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Narayanappa Nagaraja; Axel Brockmann.
The drones of dwarf honeybees assemble at the drone congregation areas close to small trees with dense leafage at the heights
between 2 to 4 meters.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Does human imitate successful behaviors immediately?
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Zhao-Jin Xu; Lian-Zhong Zhang.
The emergence and abundance of cooperation in animal and human societies is a challenging puzzle to evolutionary biology. Over
the past decades, various mechanisms have been suggested which are capable of supporting cooperation. Imitation dynamics,
however, are the most representative microscopic rules of human behaviors on studying these mechanisms. Their standard
procedure is to choose the agent to imitate at random from the population. In the spatial version this means a random agent from
the neighborhood. Hence, imitation rules do not include the possibility to explore the available strategies, and then they have the
possibility to reach a homogeneous state rapidly when the population size is small. To prevent evolution stopping, theorists allow
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Some Computational Aspects of Essential Properties of Evolution and Life
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Hector Zenil; James A. R. Marshall.
While evolution has inspired algorithmic methods of heuristic optimisation, little has been done in the way of using concepts of
computation to advance our understanding of salient aspects of biological evolution. We argue that under reasonable assumptions,
interesting conclusions can be drawn that are of relevance to behavioural evolution. We will focus on two important features of
life--robustness and fitness optimisation--which, we will argue, are related to algorithmic probability and to the thermodynamics
of computation, subjects that may be capable of explaining and modelling key features of living organisms, and which can be used
in understanding and formulating algorithms of evolutionary computation.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
New discovery of the oldest maize weevils in the world from Jomon potteries, Japan
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Hiroki Obata; Aya Manabe; Naoko Nakamura; Tomokazu Onishi; Yasuko Senba.
The maize weevil (_Sitophilus zeamais_) and rice weevil (_Sitophilus oryzae_) are two of the most damaging insects for stored
grains, and are characteristic species of ancient Japan. Both species and the granary weevil (_Sitophilus granarius_) are common
elsewhere in the world, but the natural distribution of maize and rice weevils is restricted to the Old World^1^. Japanese
archaeological records contain a few maize weevil fossils after the Middle Yayoi period (ca. 2000 aBP)^2^. However, since
evidence of weevils was discovered as impressions in Jomon potsherds in 2004^3^, many weevil impressions have been found.
The oldest is from the Late Jomon (ca. 4000 to 3200 aBP). These findings and other archaeological evidence suggest that the
maize weevil invaded...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Traditional wisdom confirmed by scientific research: Jatropha species from Mexico is non-toxic
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Harinder P. S. Makkar; Vikas Kumar; Olubisi Oyeleye; Akinwale Oluwasegun Akinleye; Miguel A. Angulo-Escalante;
Klaus Becker.
The seeds of _Jatropha platyphylla_, available on the pacific coast from Sinaloa to Michoacán including the Nayarit
and Jalisco states in Mexico, are consumed by local communities after roasting them in a manner similar to that used for peanuts.
The kernels and kernel meal of _J. platyphylla_ were found to be free of phorbol esters but the kernel meal contained
antinutritional factors: trypsin inhibitor, lectins and phytate at levels similar to those in _J. curcas_ kernel meal. However, trypsin
inhibitor and lectins are heat labile so this explains why the local people can eat roasted seeds without ill effect. The fatty acid
profile of _J. platyphylla_ oil was similar to that of _J. curcas_ and the kernels of both these species contained _ca_ 58%...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Quantitative detection of cereal geminiviruses
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Nadine Drechsler; Antje Habekuß; Thomas Thieme; Jörg Schubert.
The Geminiviruses _Wheat dwarf virus_ (WDV) and _Barley dwarf virus_ (BDV) cause symptoms such as dwarfing, stunting
and yellowing in infected cereals and can lead to reduced yield and even death of the plant. Both viruses are transmitted by the
leafhopper _Psammotettix alienus_ Dahlb. in a persistent non propagative manner. WDV is reported in Germany since the early
1990s. In the future an increase of infections is predicted due to global warming which leads to prolonged active periods of the

For the first time quantitative PCR assays were developed which allow the sensitive
detection and quantification of WDV and...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
The Relationship between Physical Activity and Body Mass Index: Issues in Model Specification
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Gizachew Tiruneh.
*Design:* Cross-sectional analyses of physical activity and BMI data.Subjects: 107 obese,
overweight, and healthy college students (mean duration of physical activity for the normal, overweight, and obese students: 89,
59, and 24 months, respectively; mean BMI for the normal, overweight, and obese students: 21.61, 27.07, and 35.54 kg/m^2^,
*Measurements:* Inverse linear, inverse logarithmic, and inverse logistics models were used
to analyze survey data for physical activity (measured by both frequency and duration of exercise) and BMI. Gender, age, and
physical intensity variables were also...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2009
Water Quality and Pollution Status of Lararpur Reservoir with Special Reference to Bacterial
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Subhash C. Pandey; Sadhna M. Singh; Subrata Pani; Arti Malhosia.
Laharpur dam was constructed in the southwest of Bhopal city, M.P., India with an objective to store water for irrigational
purpose. At the time of planning and construction of the reservoir it was in the outskirts of township but now, with the expansion
of the city the reservoir has come well within the settlement. The developmental activities and occupancy in the area is exerting
pressure on the water body. Surface water in urban water bodies almost always contains some degree of contamination. This is
due to exposure to animals, humans, aquatic life, etc. In addition to this, variety of other human activities resulted in increasing the
bacterial concentration of reservoir. Many of these bacteria are pathogenic and spread diseases like typhoid,...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
To every man his own language: Are we all Darwin’s children?
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Shantanu Ghosh.
Although current theories of language evolution have examined both molecular evolution as well as functional connectivity of the
cortex in humans as well as other primates, a description of language as pre-adaptation open to natural selection has eluded us so
far. Here I review the evidence in favor of natural selection that trigger growth and plasticity of the prefrontal cortex in humans
and its links to the mirror neuron system. Evolvability of recursive mechanisms as the hallmark of evolution of symbolic
communication in humans is also investigated. The polymorphism of genes like ASPM, Microcephalin and FOXP2 in the
evolution of language as an emergent property has also been examined.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2007
Weight Stigma and Educators' Perceptions of Children's Psychological
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: John Pryor; Laura Reber.
Objective: To investigate whether weight stigma influences educators' judgments about psychological symptoms in
children.Design: Experimental study manipulating the weight status of children with school problems and examining implicit and
explicit anti-fat attitudes as potential moderators of stigmatizing judgments.Subjects: 188 pre-service educators.Measurements:
Attributions of laziness as primary dependent variable plus measures of implicit and explicit anti-fat attitudes as potential
moderators.Results: Educators were more likely to attribute laziness to overweight children with school problems. Implicit anti-fat
attitudes moderated this effect.Conclusion: Spontaneous anti-fat attitudes were importantly related to educators' biases
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2008
Fish play Minority Game as humans do
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Sy-Sang Liaw; Ruey-Tarng Liu; Fei Fang Chung.
Previous computer simulations of the Minority Game (MG) have shown that the average agent number in the winning group (i.e.,
the minority group) had a maximal value such that the global gain was also maximal when an optimal amount of information was
available to all agents . This property was further examined and its connection to financial markets has also been discussed . Here
we report the results of an unprecedented real MG played by university staff members who clicked one of two identical buttons (A
and B) on a computer screen while clocking in or out of work. We recorded the number of people who clicked button A for 1288
games, beginning on April 21, 2008 and ending on October 31, 2010, and calculated the variance among the people who clicked
A as a...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Non-linear Regression Approaches in ABC
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Michael G. B. Blum.
In this talk, we consider different methods of parameter inference for ABC. Derivations of the asymptotic bias and variance of the
standard ABC estimators indicates that ABC may achieve poor performance when the dimension of the summary statistics is
large. The linear adjustment introduced by Beaumont et al. (2002) is found to achieve better performance when there is a nearly
homoscedastic relationship between the summary statistics and the parameter of interest. To provide a more flexible adjustment
method, we propose two innovations. The new method fits 1/a heteroscedatic rather than a homoscedastic regression model and
consider 2/non linear instead of linear regression. The new algorithm is compared to the state-of-the-art approximate Bayesian
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Evolution of social behaviour
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Vidyanand Nanjundiah.
Nowak et al.1 wish to explain why the version of kin selection theory that is summarised by the formula R>c/b (c=cost
of performing 'altruistic' act, b=benefit derived by recipient of act, R=relatedness between the two) is of
little utility for understanding the evolution of eusociality. But in trying to do so they omit much that is relevant and risk
misrepresenting the issue to anyone who is not familiar with the literature. A fairer account would include the following facts.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
ABO and Rh Blood Group Distribution Among Kunbis (Maratha) population of Amravati District,
Provedor de dados: 17
The present study reports the distribution of ABO and Rh blood groups among the Kunbis (Maratha) population of Amravati
district. The phenotypic frequency of blood group B is observed highest (33.06) percent, O (31.04), A (27.02) and AB is lowest
(08.33) percent. The phenotypic frequency of Rh negative is (04.26) percent. TheKunbis (Maratha) population shows close
genetic relationship with the Gujratis.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Assessment Of Response To Heart Failure Therapy: Ventricular Volume Changes Versus Shape
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Srilakshmi Adhyapak; V.Rao Parachuri.
The prolate ellipsoid left ventricular geometry is crucial for its unique contraction and relaxation patterns. Perturbations in optimal
cardiac function preceding overt heart failure ensue when this ellipsoid shape assumes a more spherical configuration. This stage
of spherical configuration, prior to overt dilatation, is when therapy should be intensified. The dynamic shape changes during the
cardiac cycle of systole and diastole in valvular regurgitations when ventricular volumes are within normal range have proved that
shape changes are clearly dissociated from volume changes in the early stages. In the scenario of advanced heart failure, several
therapeutic interventions have been tried with variable success. These therapies aim at decreasing the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Prevalence of sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity in Korean adults: The Korean Sarcopenic Obesity
Study (KSOS)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Tae Nyun Kim; Sae Jeong Yang; Hye Jin Yoo; Kang Il Lim; Hyun Joo Kang; Wook Song; Ji A Seo; Sin Gon Kim; Nan
Hee Kim; Sei Hyun Baik; Dong Seop Choi; Kyung Mook Choi.
*Context:* Sarcopenic obesity (SO), a combination of excess weight and reduced muscle mass and/or strength, is suggested to be
associated with an increased risk of adverse health outcomes. 
*Objectives:* To examine the prevalence and
characteristics of Sarcopenic and SO defined by using different indices such as Appendicular Skeletal muscle Mass
(ASM)/height^2^ and Skeletal Muscle Index (SMI (%): skeletal muscle mass (kg)/weight (kg) × 100) for Korean
*Methods:* 591 participants were recruited from the Korean Sarcopenic Obesity Study (KSOS)
which is an ongoing prospective observational cohort study. Analysis was conducted in 526 participants (328 women, 198 men)
who had complete data on body composition...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2009
Theory of the Origin, Evolution, and Nature of Life
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Erik D. Andrulis.
Life is an inordinately complex unsolved puzzle. Despite significant theoretical progress, experimental anomalies, paradoxes, and
enigmas have revealed paradigmatic limitations. Thus, the advancement of scientific understanding requires new models that
resolve fundamental problems. Here, I present a theoretical framework that economically fits evidence accumulated from
examinations of life. This theory is based upon a straightforward and non-mathematical core model and proposes unique yet
empirically consistent explanations for major phenomena including, but not limited to quantum gravity, phase transitions of water,
why living systems are predominantly CHNOPS (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur), homochirality of
sugars and...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Studies on Endogenous Hormonal Changes during Grain Development in Wheat Genotypes (PhD
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Sridhar Gutam.
Pot culture experiment was conducted in the Rabi seasons of 2001 and 2002 in order to study the genotypic differences in grain
growth rates and endogenous hormonal contents in the developing grains. The hexaploid new plant types and extant variety and
other tetraploids are taken up for the study. The data on yield and yield components show that the tetraploids had higher ear
number per plant but lesser number of seeds per ear and lower seed weight per ear. The most important yield component
1000-grain yield was also possessed by hexaploids. The mean plant height was found to be higher in hexaploids over tetraploids
in general, and among them DL- 1266-1 and DL-1266-2 (new plant types) recorded higher plant height. Similarly, the ear length
was also higher...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
The efficacy of working memory training in improving crystallized intelligence
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Tracy Alloway; Ross Alloway.
Crystallized intelligence (Gc) is thought to reflect skills acquired through knowledge and experience and is related to verbal
ability, language development^1^ and academic success^2^. Gc, together with fluid intelligence (Gf), are constructs of general
intelligence^3^. While Gc involves learning, knowledge and skills, Gf refers to our ability in tests of problem-solving, pattern
matching, and reasoning. Although there is evidence that Gf can be improved through memory training in adults^4^, the efficacy
of memory training in improving acquired skills, such as Gc and academic attainment, has yet to be established. Furthermore,
evidence of transfer effects from gains made in the trained tasks is sparse^5^. Here we demonstrate improvements in Gc and
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2009
Natural Selection: A Deselection vs Proselection Analysis
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Raymond Hardy.
Since the dawn of Darwinian evolution theory evolutionists have assumed that evolution favors adaptive traits. In this analysis
article the author explores the usefulness of assuming that natural selection works only by disfavoring deleterious traits.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Over-Imitation in the Kalahari Desert and the Origins of Human Cultural Cognition
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Mark Nielsen; Keyan Tomaselli.
Children grow up in environments saturated with tools and objects which they must learn to use. One of the most efficient ways in
which children do this is by imitating. Recent work has shown that, in contrast to non-human primates, when young children learn
by imitating they focus more on reproducing the specific actions used than the actual outcomes achieved. From about 18 months
'over-imitation'. By documenting similarities exhibited by children from a large, industrialised city and
children from remote Bushman communities in southern Africa, we provide here the first indication that over-imitation is a
universal human trait. We...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Circadian Preference and Sexual Selection: A Novel Evolutionary Approach
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Davide Piffer.
Human sleep patterns differ across age groups and between males and females, and their association with age and gender suggest
that they might have been the target of sexual selection during human evolutionary history. In this study, I will test the hypothesis
that a phase-delayed circadian phase is a sexually selected trait in humans. A short version of the Horne and Ostberg questionnaire
and a questionnaire on sexual behaviour were administered to 134 males and 140 females. A significant negative relationship was
found between the MEQ score and the number of sexual partners among males, with evening types reporting more sexual partners
than morning types. No significant relationship between females MEQ and number of sexual partners was found. Findings...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Ligand induced cleavage and nuclear localization of the rice XA21 immune receptor
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Chang-Jin Park; Pamela C. Ronald.
The rice XA21 receptor confers immunity to the Gram-negative bacterial pathogen, _Xanthomonas oryzae_ pv. _oryzae_ (_Xoo_)
upon recognition of the conserved microbial signature AxY^S^22. Here, we demonstrate that the intracellular kinase domain of
XA21 translocates to the nucleus upon AxY^S^22-mediated perception and that this translocation event is required for
XA21-mediated immunity.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2012
Evolution of Cooperation on Playing Prisoner's Dilemma Game in the Finite-Capacity
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Hiroshi Toyoizumi.
Explaining the evolution of cooperative behavior has been one of main challenges in evo- lutionary theory^1-6^. Cooperation may
collapse a surge of defectors who enjoy the benefit without cooperation in situation called prisoner's dilemma. In the
concept of evolutionary game theory, there are many proposals to explain the evolution of cooperation by adding further
mechanism such as, kin selection^1^, reciprocity^7^, punishment^8,9^ and the finiteness of the population^6^. In evolutionary
game theory, a pair is randomly picked from population, and play a prisoner's dilemma game. Here we also show the
finiteness encourages cooperation but use different approach: in spite of random-pick, individuals join and leave a spot or territory
with a...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Development and validation of a method for the detection of altered resistance in transgenic plants
against herbivore-pathogen-complexes
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Nadine Drechsler; Antje Habekuß; Thomas Thieme; Jörg Schubert.
Enhanced or reduced uptake of viruses by vectors and changes in resistance level can be sensitive indicators for metabolic
changes in transgenic plants caused by the new trait and not observed by conventional methods. In addition, the plant
transformation process itself can lead to such changes. To be able to investigate this hypothesis in cereals we decided to use two
highly important insect-transmitted viruses infecting them - _Barley yellow dwarf virus_ (BYDV) and _Wheat dwarf virus_
(WDV). Corresponding molecular tools for their quantification in plants as well as virus vectors had to be developed.

Both viruses cause similar symptoms: dwarfing, stunting, leaf discoloration leading to yield losses or death
of plant. BYDV...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Design and development of a Europe-wide case specific monitoring method
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Angelika Ziegler; Wenke Mönkemeyer; Ralf Wilhelm; Kerstin Schmidt.
Directive 2001/18 EC demands the cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMO) to be accompanied by post-market
environmental monitoring (PMEM). It is composed of a general surveillance for unanticipated adverse effects and case specific
monitoring (CSM), which is set up to reduce substantial uncertainties in relevant risk scenarios identified in the environmental
risk assessment. PMEM should also allow early identification of potential long-term effects of cultivating GMOs. It should
facilitate decisions in risk management.
In this project, a method for a Europe-wide CSM was to be
developed. Starting with critical questions from ERA, exposure scenarios (first for non target organisms, later for all other
partitions of the ERA) were...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Chorionic Structures in Maternal Blood
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Nilo Pereira Luz.
Chorionic villi are the exchange structures of the placenta where human fetuses receive oxygen and nutrients from maternal blood,
this article reports an improvement of a published method to recover them from the blood of pregnant, women, quotes their
number and illustrates their size and trypsin impregnation. The reasons to explain the presence of chorionic structures and villi in
the circulating maternal blood, the possible significance of their existence in maternal blood and the mechanisms to remove them
are discussed. Their size and trypsin impregnation are illustrated. This paper discusses the significance of the presence of such
allogeneic structures in the circulating blood of pregnant women and presents a brief discussion on the role of trypsin...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2007
Gene diversity among some endogamous population of Amravati District, Maharashtra, India.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rupali P. Tekade; Nandkishor E. Warghat; M. M. Baig.
The present work deals with the distribution of ABO, Rh and sickling alleles as markers to study the genetic structure and
micro-demarcation among castes and tribal populations from the Amravati district of Maharashtra. Three loci namely, ABO, Rh
and sickling were selected to measure the relative frequency of respective alleles in ten (10) endogamous populations inhabiting
the Amravati District. The ABO locus was found to be less polymorphic when compared with other loci. On the other hand, Rh
and sickling loci were found to be more polymorphic. Construction of a dendrogram using allele frequency data reveals an
interesting relationship among the caste and tribe. An analysis shows three major clades comprising A, B and C. Clade A
comprises Islamic Dawoodi...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
An insight into the kinships of the fungi
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Riddhi Datta; Joy Sarkar; Krishnendu Acharya.
The evolutionary origin of fungi is important in determining the phylogenetic relationships between fungi, animals and plants.
However, determining the true relationship of fungi has been somewhat difficult owing to their simple morphology and presence
of convergent characters. With the advent of newer molecular techniques, analysis of conserved protein sequences, cytochrome
systems, mitochondrial and nuclear genetic material and rRNAs are being employed in elucidating
phylogenetic kinships
among the eukaryotes. These emerging evidences suggest that the derivation of the fungi from plants or algae would require more
evolutionary changes than its derivation from protozoa, the unicellular ancestor of the animals. To gain an overview of the current
state of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Pro-social motive promotes early understanding of false belief
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Tomoko Matsui; Yui Miura.
Ever since Premack & Woodruff's classic article^1^, which introduced the term "theory of
mind", researchers have claimed that strategic deception is the most natural behavioural consequence of understanding
false belief. Here we challenge that claim, and provide evidence for the first time that the earliest manifestation of false belief
understanding in human development is found in young children's emerging pro-social behaviours. In a modified false
belief task, children were asked either to choose one protagonist they should help to find the object (the pro-social context), or to
choose one they need to deceive so that none of the protagonists can find the object (the competitive context). The results show...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2008
Circadian Preference and Sexual Selection: A Novel Evolutionary Approach
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Davide Piffer.
Human sleep patterns differ across age groups and between males and females, and their association with age and gender suggest
that they might have been the target of sexual selection during human evolutionary history. In this study, I will test the hypothesis
that a phase-delayed circadian phase is a sexually selected trait in humans. A short version of the Horne and Ostberg questionnaire
and a questionnaire on sexual behaviour were administered to 134 males and 140 females. A significant negative relationship was
found between the MEQ score and the number of sexual partners among males, with evening types reporting more sexual partners
than morning types. No significant relationship between females MEQ and number of sexual partners was found. Findings...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Laboratory culture of stem borer, _Aeolesthes holosericea_ F., method developed
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ravi Bhushan Sinha; Anil Kumar Debnath; Bishwa Mohan Kumar Singh; Bhagwan Chandra Prasad.
_Aeolesthes holosericea_, a polyphagous stem borer has been reported to damage up to 40% of tropical tasar silkworm host-plants
wherever infestation is high. Known control measures are not very effective as information on its life cycle and susceptible stages
against insecticides and bio-agents are insufficient. Laboratory culture of the insect is inevitable for developing control measures
as the insect passes most of its life within stem tissues. Culture method of other borer species was not applied to it due to
sophistication of process. A convenient laboratory culture method has been developed for the insect. The culture includes
complete larval rearing; preservation of pupa; rearing and mating of adults followed by oviposition, incubation and hatching....
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2011
Genetic similarity promotes evolution of cooperation under lethal intergroup competition
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Oleg Smirnov; John Orbell.
Altruism (helping others at a cost to oneself) may evolve via group selection if the cost of altruism to the individual is
compensated for by growth differences among groups when (1) there is high genetic variation among members of different
groups; (2) more altruistic groups grow faster and (3) between-group migration is low. Nevertheless, group selection may not fully
explain the actual evolution of helping behaviour if between-group migration was sufficiently common to have reduced
between-group genetic variance. Lethal intergroup competition, which amplifies such growth differences between groups, appears
to have been frequent in humans'; ancestral environments and could bear importantly on the evolution of altruism.
Here we show that...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
The EuropaBio approach to general surveillance for cultivation of GM crops
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Christine Wandelt; Esteban Alcalde; Katrina Hayter; Gaston Legris; Beth J. Patterson; Bruno Tinland; Pieter
The objective of general surveillance is to identify the occurrence of unanticipated adverse effects of GM crops on human health
or the environment that were not covered in the environmental risk assessment. EuropaBio is harmonizing an approach to
non-hypothesis driven post-market environmental monitoring relating to the cultivation of different GM crops, comprising a
farmer questionnaire, existing surveillance systems as well as other data sources. As an unanticipated adverse effect is most likely
to occur where the level of environmental exposure is highest, general surveillance focuses on the agricultural environment and
those agronomic zones that are representative of commercial GM crop cultivation. The farmer questionnaire is one element of
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Why Intelligent People Live Longer
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Robert Hauser; Alberto Palloni.
Numerous studies find a positive relationship between cognitive ability, IQ as measured in childhood or youth, and subsequent
survival. Explanations range from the idea that low ability is an indicator of adverse systemic events in early life to the idea that
high cognitive functioning is required continuously to maintain health and reduce threats to survival. The Wisconsin Longitudinal
Study (WLS) has followed a large cohort of Wisconsin high school seniors from ages 18 to 69. As expected, in the WLS survival
varies positively with adolescent IQ. However, rank in high school class accounts completely for the relationship between IQ and
survival, and it has a much larger effect on survival. These findings suggest that cognitive functioning improves...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2010
Cortical Bone Ontogeny: Activity, Nutritional Stress and Archaeology
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Gwen Robbins.
This poster introduces the idea that femoral compact bone growth and development demonstrates a very different pattern among
infants and children in a contemporary sample of well-nourished active children versus archaeological samples of stressed,
malnourished children.
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Novel phytosynthesis of nanoparticles using Indigeneous Australian Plants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: N V K V Prasad Tollamadugu; S R Venkata Kambala; Benjamin Convery; Ravi Naidu.
Nanoparticles are considered to be the building blocks of nanotechnology. Biosynthesis of nanoparticles using plant material is an
exciting and relatively new developing research area in nanobiotechnology. In the present study, Eucalyptus leaves were collected
from Olive pink botanical garden, Alice Springs, Australia and were used to synthesize silver nanoparticles. Cubical structured
and well monodispersed silver nanoparticles were formed with an average size of 50nm. The formed silver nanoparticles are
found to have promising applications in medicine as good antimicrobial agents. To the best of our knowledge this is the first
report on exploiting indigeneous Australian plant sources for the synthesis of metallic nanoparticles.
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2011
Crossing Lilium Orientals of different ploidy creates Fusarium-resistant hybrid
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Zheng Sixiang; Wu Hongzhi; Zhao Yan; Liu Feihu.
Oriental hybrid lily is of great commercial value, but it is susceptible to Fusarium disease that causes a significant loss to the
production. A diploid Oriental hybrid resistant to Fusarium, Cai-74, was diploidized from triploid obtained from the offspring of
‘Acapulco’) by screening the hybrids of different cross combinations following inoculating Fusarium
oxysporum to the tissue cultured plantlets in a greenhouse. By analyzing saponins content in bulbs of a number of lily genotypes
with a known Fusarium resistance, it was found that the mutant Cai-74 had a much higher content of saponin than its parents.
Highly resistant wild _L....
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
The response of two legume crops (hyacinth bean and Kidney bean) to the parasitism of field dodder
(_Cuscuta campestris_)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Awad F. Farah.
Abstract: Microscopic examinations and chemical studies were performed to study the response of two legume crops, hyacinth
bean (_Lablab purpureus L._) Sweet and kidney bean (_phaseolus vulgaris L._) to the filed dodder (FD) (_Cuscuta campestris
Yuncker_) parasitism. Hyacinth bean, showing no effective resistance mechanisms,was found to be a highly susceptible host to
FD. However, kidney bean, displaying resistant reactions towards the parasitism of FD,was found to be an incompatible host.The
possible reasons for the resistance of kidney bean to FD were anatomical (hypersensitivity) and chemical (high contents of
phenolic acids and lignin) stimulated defence mechanisms, which developed during the actual intrusion of FD haustorial cells
inside its tissues.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Reply to “Limusaurus and bird digit identity”
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Xing Xu; James Clark; Jonah Choiniere; David Hone; Corwin Sullivan.
Vargas et al. agree with us that a lateral shift in theropod dinosaur digits occurred prior to the origin of birds, but contend that it
occurred as a single “frameshift” with little outward change to the three main digits involved^1^. We
consider the digital morphology of Limusaurus, other ceratosaurs, and non-avian tetanurans to provide evidence that the shift was
stepwise, and that a stepwise shift better explains theropod manual morphology than a hidden frameshift.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Influence of different iron availability on phosphoenolpiruvate carboxilase and malate dehydrogenase
in roots of maize (Zea Mays L.) plants grown under iron deficiency
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Marco Antonio Russo; Adalgisa Belligno.
The effect of the different nitrate availability on some enzymatic activities has been evaluated in iron deficient and iron sufficient
maize plants (Zea mays L.). In order to evaluate if the induction of sensitive to pH enzymatic activities is affected by the variation
of the apoplast reaction due to the different nitrate availability, two experimental tests were done on maize plants grown in
nutrient solution with different NO3- availability and with Fe-sufficiency (+Fe) (added with 80 uM Fe(III)-EDTA) and
Fe-deficiency (-Fe) (added with 0.1 uM Fe(III)-EDTA).
As regards 0.4 mM NO3- (NS2), independently of
iron availability, phosphoenolpiruvate carboxilase and malate dehydrogenase inductions are higher than those recorded for the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Functional analysis of βC1 protein encoded by Tomato leaf curl Java virus, a
monopartite begomovirus
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Pradeep Sharma; Tatsuya Kon; Masato Ikegami.
Tomato leaf curl disease is among the most important limiting factors that affect tomato production in world wide including south
East Asia. Recently, we have isolated tomato leaf curl Java virus, a whitefly-transmitted monopartite begomovirus, which belongs
to the family Geminiviridae. ToLCJAV have been shown to be associated with a novel signal stranded DNA satellite, known as
[beta]DNA. Post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) in plants is a natural defense response against virus infections, and as a
counter defense strategy, viruses have evolved to encode silencing suppressor proteins. The present work we have identified the
suppressor activities encoded by [beta]C1 protein encoded by ToLCJAV DNA[beta] satellite, which poses a serious threat to...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
Critical studies on systematics of Murdannia lanuginosa (Wall. EX C. B. Cl) Brueck.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: M D. Nandikar; R V. Gurav.
_Murdannia lanuginosa_ (C. B. Cl.) Brucek. (Commelinaceae), an endemic plant to Western Ghats of Peninsular India. It is
categorized as regionally endangered taxon owing to its restricted habitat and low population status in ateritic plateaus of
Maharashtra and Karnataka. It is observed in higher abundance in lateritic plateaus and hilly slopes at an altitude range of 900 to
1600 m. _M. lanuginosa_ found on open grassy plateaus along with herbs like _M. simplex_, _M. versicolor_, _Ischaemum
impressum_, _Glyphochloa forficulata_, _Paspalum canarae_, _Smithia bigemina_, _S. purpurea_, _Rotala densiflora_,
_Pogostemon deccanensis_, etc. Extent of occurrence of _M. lanuginosa_ estimated to be 4,000 sq. km and found only at few
locations. This paper presents...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
The Relationship between Physical Activity and Body Mass Index: Issues in Model Specification
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Gizachew Tiruneh.
*Design:* Cross-sectional analyses of physical activity and BMI data.Subjects: 107 obese,
overweight, and healthy college students (mean duration of physical activity for the normal, overweight, and obese students: 89,
59, and 24 months, respectively; mean BMI for the normal, overweight, and obese students: 21.61, 27.07, and 35.54 kg/m^2^,
*Measurements:* Inverse linear, inverse logarithmic, and inverse logistics models were used
to analyze survey data for physical activity (measured by both frequency and duration of exercise) and BMI. Gender, age, and
physical intensity variables were also...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2009
Constructing ABC summary statistics: semi-automatic ABC
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Paul Fearnhead; Dennis Prangle.
To analyze complex datasets efficiently, ABC algorithms require well-chosen low dimensional summary statistics of the data. We
present a method to construct appropriate summary statistics for ABC in a semi-automatic manner. Previous attempts at this have
been based around constructing statistics that are sufficient (or approximately sufficient). However, in most real applications it is
difficult to know if low-dimensional sufficient statistics exist, or how to approximate them if they do. We take an alternative
approach of aiming for summary statistics which will enable inference about certain parameters of interest to be as accurate as
possible.  This talk describes our method, the underpinning theory, and promising empirical results on a range...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Extending the Modern Synthesis: The evolution of ecosystems
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
The Modern Evolutionary Synthesis formalizes the role of variation, heredity, differential reproduction and mutation in population
genetics. Here we explore a mathematical structure, based on the asymptotic limit theorems of information theory, that instantiates
the punctuated dynamic relations of organisms and their embedding environments. The mathematical overhead is considerable,
and we conclude that the model must itself be extended even further to allow the possibility of the transfer of heritage information
between different classes of organisms. In essence, we provide something of a formal roadmap for the modernization of the
Modern Synthesis.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Evolution of Co-operation When the Strategies are Hidden: The Human Mating Game
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Milind Watve; Anuja Damle; Bratati Ganguly; Anagha Kale.
Defection is frequently seen in co-operative systems [1-3]. Game theoretical solutions to stabilize cooperation rely on reciprocity
and reputation in iterated games[4-5]. One of the basic requirements for reciprocity or reputation building is that the strategies of
players and the resulting payoffs should be open at the end of every interaction. For games in which the strategies and payoffs
remain hidden, these stabilizing factors are unlikely to work. We examine the evolution of cooperation for hidden-strategy games
using human mating game as an example. Here faithful parenting can be considered as cooperation and extra-pair mating (EPM)
or cuckoldry as defection. Cuckoldry may get exposed only occasionally and the genetic benefits of cuckoldry also...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2007
Birth Control Does Not Significantly Alter Women’s Preferences for Variants of
Men’s Voices
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jason W. J. W. W. Whitaker; Ryan R. S. Setten; Ulv U. A. Ankerstjerne.
Research shows that women‘s preferences for masculine voices (low pitch) vary as a function of the menstrual
cycle, becoming positively augmented around ovulation. The proximate cause catalyzing this effect is attributed to fluctuating
estrogen levels. Thus, the introduction of hormonally based birth control has been to shown to have a dampening effect in
experiments researching women‘s preference of dimorphic secondary sexual characteristics. However, this
dampening effect has not yet been explored in respect to women‘s preferences for masculine voice types. This
experiment sought, first, to investigate the effect of birth control on subjects off and on birth control; and, second, to replicate past
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Comment on "Embryological evidence identifies wing digits in birds as digits 1, 2, and
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Xing Xu; Jonah Choiniere; Corwin Sullivan; Fenglu Han.
Tamura et al. (Science, 11 Febuary 2011, p. 753) claim that the three avian wing digits should be identified as digits I-III based on
new embryological data and suggest that these identifications help to remove the conflict between the paleontological data and
developmental data concerning the homology of the avian digits. However, their results are not novel, and the authors fail to
address the critical problems relating to this interesting issue.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Asymmetric development of Cotyledons of Tomato Embryo: Testing the prediction of
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Chalapathy Reddy.
Developmental biologists have long strived to understand how organisms acquire shape and form. The architecture of the mature
plant is established during embryogenesis. They have learned much about how gene expression controls the specification of cell
type and about how cells interact with one another to coordinate such specific decisions. Far less is known about autocatalytic
feedback flow of resource molecules regulating a plant and its parts, shape and form. Indeed, it has even been proposed that the
development of shape is not under genetic control but rather is determined by physical forces. Asymmetric development of sinks
that depend on common resource pool has been viewed as a consequence of autocatalytic feedback process of flow of resource
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
Porous Chitsan-Gelatin Scaffolds Embedded with PLGA Nanoparticles for Bone Repair
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Vijay Kumar Nandagiri; Piergiergio Gentile; Valeria Chiono; Clara Muttu; Gianluca Ciardelli; Franco Maria
Montevecchi; Ziebun Ramtoola.
Bone regeneration can be accelerated by localized delivery of appropriate growth factors/bio active molecules. Localized delivery
can be achieved by incorporating bioactive molecules within biodegradable particulate carrier system followed by embed them in
a suitable porous scaffolds. These carrier system facilitates the impregnated growth factor(s) to release at a desirable rate and
concentration, and to linger at injury sites for a sufficient time to recruit progenitors and stimulate tissue healing processes. In this
study, an attempt has been made to engraft the porous chitosan-gelatin scaffolds with PLGA nanoparticles for localized delivery
of bioactive components. Scaffolds loaded with PLGA nanoparticles were subjected to physical and mechanical...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2010
Parameter Estimation for Hidden Markov models with Intractable Likelihoods
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ajay Jasra; Thomas A. Dean; Sumeetpal S. Simgh; Gareth W. Peters.
In this talk I consider sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods for hidden Markov models. In the scenario for which the
conditional density of the observations given the latent state is intractable we give a simple ABC approximation of the model
along with some basic SMC algorithms for sampling from the associated filtering distribution. Then, we consider the problem of
smoothing, given access to a batch data set. We present a simulation technique which combines forward only smoothing (Del
Moral et al, 2011) and particle Markov chain Monte Carlo (Andrieu et al 2010), for an algorithm which scales linearly in the
number of particles.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
The community of herbivorous arthropods as an indicator for biological control function in the Post
Market Environmental Monitoring of the cultivation of stacked Bt maize
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Eva Schultheis; Alan J. Slusarenko; Stefan Rauschen.
In field experiments on the potential impacts of the genetically engineered Bt maize events MON 810, MON 88017, and MON
89034 x MON 88017, data were gathered on a diverse range of non-target organisms (NTO). These experiments were performed
at different trial locations since 2001.

Surveying herbivores serves two purposes: (i)
to assess direct effects on these NTO, and (ii) indirectly analyse disturbances in the biological control function of natural enemies
(Sanvido et al., 2009).

Herbivores of interest for this approach should be exposed to
Plant bugs...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
p-hydroxybenzoic acid inhibited photosynthetic efficiency, yield and non-photochemical fluorescence
quenching in Lactuca sativa
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: M. Iftikhar Hussain; Luis Gonzalez; Manuel Joaquin Reigosa.
The p-hydroxybenzoic acid (BA) is a widespread phenolic compound often cited as allelochemical [1], released into soil by root
exudates of _Avena fatua_ [2], leaf leachates, and decomposed plant tissues of _Triticum aestivum_ L. [3]. Because of the
herbicidal potential of BA on crops [4] and weed species [5], commercially available BA was tested on photosynthetic efficiency,
yield and non-photochemical fluorescence quenching in _Lactuca sativa_ in a glass house study. The stock solution (3mM) of BA
was made in Methanol: Water (20:80). Methanol was evaporated in a rotary vaporizer and stock solution was adjusted to
concentration of 1.5 mM. Lettuce (_Lactuca sativa_ L. cv. Great Lakes California) seeds were grown in perlite culture in plastic
pots, irrigated...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Natural Selection _In Utero_ Contributes to the Male Longevity Deficit in Contemporary Human
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ralph Catalano.
Much literature invokes natural selection to explain the pervasive deficit in the average lifespan of men compared to women.^1^
The explanation assumes that mothers, not fathers, provisioned children over much of human existence, and that women who
lived long enough to help their children and grand children survive to reproductive age had more grandchildren and
great-grandchildren than did shorter-lived women.^2^ Although this argument implies that natural selection would conserve
mutations that conferred longevity on mothers but not fathers,^3,4^ it offers no explanation of the considerable changes over
historic time in the male longevity deficit thereby implying that these arise solely from culture.^5^ I show, however, that natural
selection _in utero_...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Paleolinguistics brings more light on the earliest history of the traditional Eurasian pulse crops
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Aleksandar M. Mikic; Aleksandar P. Medovic; Branko T. Cupina; Vojislav M. Mihailovic; Aleksandra M.
Ignjatovic-Cupina; Vuk B. Djordjevic; Borislav D. J. Kobiljski.
Traditional pulse crops such as pea, lentil, field bean, bitter vetch, chickpea and common vetch originate from Middle East,
Mediterranean and Central Asia^1^. They were a part of human diets in hunter-gatherers communities^2^ and are one of the most
ancient cultivated crops^3,4^. Europe has always been rich in languages^5^, with individual families still preserving common
vocabularies related to agriculture^6,7^. The evidence on the early pulse history witnessed by the attested roots in diverse
Eurasian proto-languages remains insufficiently clarified and its potential for supporting archaeobotanical findings is still
non-assessed. Here we show that the paleolinguistic research may contribute to archaeobotany in understanding the role
traditional Eurasian...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Natural Biomolecules from Marine Snail Telescopium telescopium and structure of its sperm: A
Phylogenetic Study
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Uttam Datta; Manik Lal Hembram; Subhasis Roy; Prasenjit Mukherjee.
Biochemical analysis of the cytosol fraction isolated from the ovotestis / spermatheca glands of
marine mollusc Telescopium telescopium and it’s sperm microtubular structure revealed that relatively similar
biomolecules like different enzymes, hormones, minerals and structures of the sperm are also exist in humans. Moreover,
antiserum of the cytosol fraction was found to cross-react with the human sperm antigen indicated presence of a common sperm
surface antigenicity between these two diversified species. These findings might support and / or hypothesize about the origin and
diversification of the vertebrate molecules from its ancestral form (s) from the invertebrates, and basic physiological functions of
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
The Relationship between Physical Activity and Body Mass Index: Issues in Model Specification
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Gizachew Tiruneh.

*Subjects*: 107 obese, overweight, and healthy college students (mean duration of physical activity for the
normal, overweight, and obese students: 89, 59, and 24 months, respectively; mean BMI for the normal, overweight, and obese
students: 21.61, 27.07, and 35.54 kg/m2, respectively).
*Measurements*: Inverse linear, inverse
logarithmic, and inverse logistics models were used to analyze survey data for physical activity (measured by both frequency and
duration of exercise) and BMI. Gender, age, and physical intensity variables...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2009
Some statistical aspects of the monitoring of GM plants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Joe N. Perry.
There are several challenges in the monitoring of: (1) long-term effects of GM plants on the environment, and (2) effects that may
be small in terms population change but significant in terms of the conservation of biodiversity. The difficulties are compounded
by variability in environmental conditions between sites and years. Some examples will be given from the Farm Scale Evaluations
(1)	LandsFACTS software developed during the SIGMEA project for modeling
rotations that might be used in risk management 
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
The Evolutionary Seesaw: Origins of biodiversity?
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Carl Boettiger.
I consider the problem of evolutionary branching in adaptive dynamics without applying the limits of separation of timescales
between ecological and evolutionary processes. I derive expressions for the waiting time for a branching event to occur and
survive in terms of both ecological and evolutionary parameters, and show how demographic stochasticity alone can result in the
frequent failure of adaptive branching.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Overcoming high temperature inhibition of flower formation and fruit production without bees
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Albert Liptay; Ron A. Salzman; Jerry H. Stoller; Michael D. Orzolek.
Flower formation in the Cucurbitaceae family is compromised at high temperatures; both male and female flowers and therefore
fruit productivity are greatly reduced as the growing temperatures for these vegetable crops are increased above 26C. This
intractable phenomenon has been documented both with outdoor field experiments at various latitudes on the eastern seaboard in
the USA and in a laboratory, temperature-regulated setting. We now report that an agricultural product, FP, which has been, and is
used globally on many commercial crops to increase flower number and strength during blossom formation and development,
overcomes the apparent refractory floral initiation and development at high temperatures. This is a new and unexpected finding....
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
A condition of cooperation. Games on network
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Tomohiko Konno.
Natural selection is often regarded as a result of severe competition. Defect seems beneficial for a single individual in many
cases.However, cooperation is observed in many levels of biological systems ranging from single cells to animals, including
human society. We have yet known that in unstructured populations, evolution favors defectors over cooperators. On the other
hand, there have been much interest on evolutionary games^1,2^ on structured population and on graphs^3-16^. Structures of
biological systems and societies of animals can be taken as networks. They discover that network structures determine results of
the games. Together with the recent interest of complex networks^17,18^, many researchers investigate real network structures.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Hypothesis: Klotho can decouple insulin resistance from the associated pathophysiology
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Milind Watve; Ulfat Baig.
A very fundamental paradox of insulin resistance is that in a wide variety of animal models impairment of insulin signaling
increases life span. But in humans it increases the risk of a range of fatal disorders. The Klotho protein appears to resolve this
paradox. Overexpression of the Klotho gene increases longevity in mammals by inducing insulin resistance. But the Klotho
protein is simultaneously anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and pro-angiogenesis. A number of other studies have indicated that
systemic inflammation, angiogenesis dysfunction and oxidative stress are the main causes of pathological complications of
diabetes. The Klotho protein has demonstrated that insulin resistance can be decoupled from these pathogenic mechanisms and if
decoupled it...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Critical studies on systematics of Murdannia lanuginosa (Wall. EX C. B. Cl) Brueck.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: M D. Nandikar; R V. Gurav.
_Murdannia lanuginosa_ (C. B. Cl.) Brucek. (Commelinaceae), an endemic plant to Western Ghats of Peninsular India. It is
categorized as regionally endangered taxon owing to its restricted habitat and low population status in ateritic plateaus of
Maharashtra and Karnataka. It is observed in higher abundance in lateritic plateaus and hilly slopes at an altitude range of 900 to
1600 m. _M. lanuginosa_ found on open grassy plateaus along with herbs like _M. simplex_, _M. versicolor_, _Ischaemum
impressum_, _Glyphochloa forficulata_, _Paspalum canarae_, _Smithia bigemina_, _S. purpurea_, _Rotala densiflora_,
_Pogostemon deccanensis_, etc. Extent of occurrence of _M. lanuginosa_ estimated to be 4,000 sq. km and found only at few
locations. This paper presents...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Population development of beet cyst nematodes and their damage potential to sugar beets under
different temperature regimes
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Bart Vandenbossche; Björn Niere; Stefan Vidal.
_Heterodera schachtii_, the white beet cyst nematode, is considered as one of the most important nematode pests on sugar beet
and is present in most sugar-beet growing areas. The yellow beet cyst nematode, _Heterodera betae_, is less prevalent but has also
been found damaging beet crops. However, knowledge about the damage potential and population dynamics of the yellow beet
cyst nematode is limited. The amount of damage inflicted by nematodes is dependent on different factors. An important factor
influencing the sugar beet yield decline by beet cyst nematodes is the soil temperature. Relationships between soil temperature,
_H. schachtii_ population densities and sugar beet yields have been reported previously. Until present, most studies have been...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Words make people think, ... but pictures make people feel: The effect negative vs. positive images on
charitable behavior
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Carolina Perez Dueñas; Maria Fernanda Rivas; Olusegun A. Oyediran; Alberto Acosta; Pablo
Brañas Garza.
We ran an experiment where the subjects initially played a four-round dictator game, after which each subject was shown either a
set of positive images or a set of negative images. Finally the subjects played another four-round dictator
The effect of the sign of images shown is clear on the players’ behaviors: positive
We could therefore infer from our experimental results that showing negative images of the Haitian
and Chilean catastrophes to the international public would have significant positive impacts on international donations to the
victims and the rebuilding programs in both countries.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
A novel superior factor widely controlling the rice grain quality
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Kao-Chih She; Hiroaki Kusano; Kazuyoshi Koizumi; Hiromoto Yamakawa; Makoto Hakata; Tomohiro Imamura;
Masato Fukuda; Natsuka Naito; Yumi Tsurumaki; Ken'ichiro Matsumoto; Mari Kudoh; Eiko Itoh; Shoshi Kikuchi;
Naoki Kishimoto; Junshi Yazaki; Tsuyu Ando; Masahiro Yano; Takashi Aoyama; Tadamasa Sasaki; Hikaru Satoh; Hiroaki
Synthesis of storage starch and protein accumulation is the main action of endosperm organogenesis in term of the economic
importance of rice. This event is strongly disturbed by abiotic stresses such as high temperature; thus, the upcoming global
warming will cause a crisis with a great impact on food production^1,2^. The enzymes for the protein storage and starch synthesis
pathway should work in concert to carry out the organogenesis of rice endosperm^3-5^, but the regulatory mechanism is largely
unknown. Here we show that a novel regulatory factor, named OsCEO1, acts as the conductor of endosperm organogenesis during
the rice grain filling stage. The physiological properties of _floury-endosperm-2_ (_flo2_) mutants showed many similarities to
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
The demonstration of the invariant lipid-free composition and the mechanism varying energy and the
main components of some mammal meats consisting of muscle and adipose tissue
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Mitsugu Inoue; Kazuyo Tsugita.
Background: The assumption of an invariant fat-free or lipid-free composition is prerequisite for most methods of the estimation
of body composition in mammals including human but has not been theoretically demonstrated.
To demonstrate theoretically and practically the invariant lipid-free composition and to understand the mechanism varying the
main components of muscle and adipose tissue which have intimate relationships to lipid accumulation or obesity in mammals.

Design: Whether the combinations of correlations among energy and main components in the hypothetical
lipid-ratio variation model (L-varied model), which reflects the invariant lipid-free composition, are consistent with those in the
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2009
Evaluation of resistance in wheat against Rhopalosiphumpadi (L.) (Homoptera:Aphididae) Under
laboratory Conditions
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Naheed Akhtar; Noreen Moin; Ghulam Jilani; Ata U. Mohsin; Shaheena Yasmin; Afzala Afzala; Munir Goraya; Atif
A. Baig.
Aims and introduction
All over the world aphids are pests of economic importance, affecting all varieties of
plants like cereal crops, vegetables, ornamental plants and fruits. Aphids damage plants either directly or indirectly. Aphids are
one of the major agricultural pests. There are only a few plants that are not susceptible to infestation by this destructive pest. They
cause direct damage by sucking the sap of leaves, blocking photosynthesis which results in leaf distortion, gall production,
discoloration, stunting, leaf curling, wilting, twisting and premature leaf falls. They are directly involved in transmission of plant
viruses and indirectly by depositing honey dew that reduces photosynthetic activity and induces sooty mold...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Development and Evaluation of an Efficient Process for the Detoxification of Jatropha Oil and Meal
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Sarthak Gaur; Balaji Viswanathan; Rachadaporn Seemamahannop; Shubhender Kapila; Neil L. Book.
The poster deals with an often mentioned bioenergy plant - Jatopha curcas. The potential of the plant as a sustainable energy
source has been hampered by toxicity of its oil and protein rich seeds. The research done by our group describes a simple process
for detoxification of the protein rich Jatropha meal thereby making it suitable for animal feed. The process will accelerate use of
Jatropha as an energy and feed source thereby enhancing its economic viability. 

Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Exaptation and emergence as mechanisms to cross fitness valleys during evolution: an example using
simulated homing behaviour
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Richard Stafford.
Evolution is often considered a gradual hill climbing process, slowly increasing the fitness of organisms. I investigate the
evolution of homing behaviour in simulated intertidal limpets. In order to evolve path integration as a homing mechanism, a
temporary reduction in an organism’s fitness is required – since high developmental costs occur
before a successful homing strategy evolves. Simple hill-climbing algorithms, therefore, only rarely result in the evolution of a
functional homing behaviour. The inclusion of a second behaviour (trail-following) greatly increases the frequency of success of
evolution of a path integration strategy. Initially an emergent homing behaviour is formed combining path integration with trail
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
It is better than you think: fluid intelligence across the lifespan
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Tracy Packiam Alloway; Ross Alloway.
The growth and decline of fluid intelligence is associated with brain structural changes. For example, development of fluid IQ is
associated with cortex thickness during the critical period between 6 to 12 years old. On the other end of the lifespan, poor
performance in cognitive functioning is attributed to a decrease of frontal gray matter density in elderly populations. In particular,
there is a sharp decline in fluid IQ scores after 65 years of age. There is substantial evidence that working memory and fluid
intelligence (Gf) share neural substrates, such as the prefrontal and parietal cortices. However, very little research has examined
whether the pattern of growth and decline in working memory mirrors that of fluid intelligence. For example, does...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
The Opisthokonta and the Ecdysozoa may be clades: An update on Philip et al. (2005)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Marko Prous.
To test the monophyly of Opisthokonta (animal-fungal clade) and Ecdysozoa (nematode-arthropod clade), Philip et al [Mol. Biol.
Evol. 22: 1175–1184 (2005)] used sequence data from 10 eukaryotic genomes (an alveolate, a plant, two
ascomycetous yeasts, a nematode, two dipterans, and three vertebrates). Strict criteria were used to select genes for phylogenetic
analyses: single-gene families were identified and from these families, genes capable of recovering the uncontroversial parts of the
phylogenetic tree (for example animal and vertebrate monophyly) were selected. Only five single-copy genes were found to be
universally distributed across the analyzed taxa and capable of recovering all the uncontroversial parts of the tree. Phylogenetic...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Modulation of iron responsive gene expression and enzymatic activities in response to changes of the
iron nutritional status in _Cucumis sativus_ L.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Patrizia De Nisi; Gianpiero Vigani; Graziano Zocchi.
Regulation exerted by the iron status of the plant on the iron deficiency responses was investigated in cucumber roots (_Cucumis
sativus_ L.) both at the biochemical and molecular level. Absence of iron induced the expression of the CsFRO1, CsIRT1, CsHA1
and the Cspepc1 transcripts that was followed by an increase in the corresponding enzymatic activities. Supply of iron repressed
gene expression, in particular those of the Fe(III)-chelate reductase and for the high affinity iron transporter and reduce the
enzymatic activities. Our results confirm and extend the hypothesis of a coordinate regulation of these responses. Besides these
two activities strictly correlated with iron deficiency adaptation, we considered also the H+-ATPase and the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Dicroidium: no more a Triassic Gondwana index fossil
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ashwini Srivastava; Rashmi Srivastava; Deepa Agnihotri.
A large number of _Dicroidium_-frond, considered as the marker of Early Triassic Gondwana flora, are discovered for the first
time with well preserved cuticle from Early Permian (Lower Gondwana) sequence of Barakar Formation, Satpura Gondwana
Basin, India. The presence of _Dicroidium_ in Late Permian mixed floral zone of Jordan has been viewed as its possible origin in
paleotropics but the evidence in hand exhibits its Gondwanic derivation and threatens the recognition of _Dicroidium_ flora for
Middle Gondwana in association with Lower Gondwana Glossopteris and Upper Gondwana Ptilophyllun flora.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Systema Naturae. Classification of living things.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alexey Shipunov.
Original classification of living organisms containing four kingdoms (Monera, Protista, Vegetabilia and Animalia), 60 phyla and
254 classes, is presented. The classification is based on latest available information.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2007
A Hypothetic Mechanism of Ordering and Shaping Cells within Discrete Regions
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yaroslav Strokovskyy.
We propose a hypothetic mechanism of ordering and shaping cells during _C. elegans_ embryogenesis. The mechanism is based
on the assumption that during each round of division of cells, daughter cells acquire electric charges from its mother cells (charge
conservation law is taken into account). Between the acts of division, the total electric field, generated by a system of charged
cells, change relative positions of the charged cells within the region. In one’s turn, the positions of the charged
cells determine the pattern of the electrostatic field. A mathematical model of such self-consistent mechanism is developed. The
process of developing the sixteen-cell structure starting with one cell is simulated. The results correspond to the known...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2010
ABC for Temporally Sampled Genetic Data
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Mark A. Beaumont.
ABC for Temporally Sampled Genetic Data
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
The beauty of the mammalian vascular system
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Julio Gil; Rafael Lahoz-Beltra; Miguel Gimeno; Jesús Laborda; Javier Nubiala.
Beauty is a characteristic of objects that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure. In nature, aesthetic appreciation thereof has
given rise to the mathematical search for good series (e.g. the Fibonacci series) and proportions (e.g. the Golden proportion) as
important elements of beauty. In 1928 the mathematician George David Birkhoff introduced a formula for aesthetic measurement
of an object. Birkhoff equation defines the aesthetic value as the amount of order divided by the complexity of the product. These
two features can be measured easily in poetry, music, painting, architecture, etc. In the fine arts, it is the artist who manipulates
both these features, but how does nature manage order and complexity in living organisms or their parts? Here...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2009
Formation of Plant Battery from Xerophytic Plants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: R.V.K. Charan.
Nature has supplied abundant energy to plants in form of electricity and among them the xerophytics and specially the Opuntias
have got the maximum due to adaptness of dry condition. Several researchers have already found voltage across their cells but the
present endeavour to harness the total electrical energy conserved in plants in form of a Plant Battery, however of low potential,
but is a step forward towards non-conventional energy.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Adoption of simultaneous different strategies against different opponents enhances cooperation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Lucas Wardil; Jafferson K. L. da Silva.
The emergence of cooperation has been widely studied in the context of game theory on structured populations. Usually the
individuals adopt one strategy against all their neighbors. The structure can provide reproductive success for the cooperative
strategy, at least for low values of defection tendency. Other mechanisms, such punishment, can also be responsible for
cooperation emergence. But what happens if the players adopt simultaneously different strategies against each one of their
opponents, not just a single one? Here we study this question in the prisoner dilemma scenario structured on a square lattice and
on a ring. We show that if an update rule is defined in which the players replace the strategy that furnishes the smallest payoff,
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
A Note On The Denisova Cave mtDNA Sequence
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Niccolo Caldararo.
The recently published Altai fossil sequence from Denisova Cave was purported to be so different from anatomically modern
humans, yet have the physiological landmarks of that species designation. When the published sequence was examined it was
found that segments in the mtDNA hypervariable regions could be found to align with that of anatomically modern humans if one
introduced an insertion at a position found in Neanderthals. Some other points of interest arise from a reconsideration of the
sequences for other published samples and Neanderthals from the same perspective.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
The Relationship between Physical Activity and Body Mass Index: Issues in Model Specification
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Gizachew Tiruneh.
*Design:* Cross-sectional analyses of physical activity and BMI data.Subjects: 107 obese,
overweight, and healthy college students (mean duration of physical activity for the normal, overweight, and obese students: 89,
59, and 24 months, respectively; mean BMI for the normal, overweight, and obese students: 21.61, 27.07, and 35.54 kg/m^2^,
*Measurements:* Inverse linear, inverse logarithmic, and inverse logistics models were used
to analyze survey data for physical activity (measured by both frequency and duration of exercise) and BMI. Gender, age, and
physical intensity variables were also...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2009
Visualization of Minute Mechanical-Excitation/Relaxation Wave-front Propagation in Myocardial
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Hiroshi Kanai; Motonao Tanaka.
Unlike the case of skeletal muscle, the direction of myocardial contraction does not coincide with the direction of work necessary
to eject the intraventricular blood, contributing to great complexity of the wall deformation sequence of cardiac contraction. The
advent of advanced techniques (CT^1^, MRI^2,3^, SPECT^4^, echocardiology^5-9^, electrocardiography^10^, and
magnetocardiography^11,12^) has enabled to the evaluation of cardiac function and disorders by the measurement of blood flow,
pressure, electrical reaction process, and other factors. However, complexity of the contraction sequence is still not fully
understood because the dynamic mechanical excitation process, which directly correlates with contraction, cannot be accurately
measured based on...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
A New Behavior of Nuclei during Mitosis of Lilium Hybrids
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Zheng Sixiang; Liu Feihu; Zhang Chaojun; Chen Zhilin; Ma Yuhua; Meng Pinghong; Zhao Yan.
Mitosis is nuclear division plus cytokinesis,and produces two identical daughter cells during prophase, prometaphase, metaphase,
anaphase, and telophase. However, a new nucleus behavior in interspecific hybrid progenies of Lilium was observed in our
experiment. Very unusual behaviors of nuclei surprisingly presented during the mitosis, such as sprouting or germination,
tube-like elongation, penetrating cell membrane into a neighbor cell, the top of nuclei tube expanding, intruding and splitting of
the tube-like nucleus, and micronucleus formation, and so on. Furthermore, the tetrad of meiosis was founded in mitosis of

Routine of the unusual nucleus behaviors observed in our experiment may be
summarized as nucleus...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Development of a method for phenotyping Black Rot (_Guignardia bidwellii_) resistance on grapevine
(_Vitis_ spp.)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Friederike Rex; Iris Fechter; Ludger Hausmann; Reinhard Töpfer.
Black Rot of grapevine is caused by the Ascomycet _Guignardia bidwellii_. The pathogen was introduced from North America to
Europe in the 19th century. Since 2002, increased effects of the disease have been noticed, causing significant yield losses in the
region of Mosel and infections in all German wine-growing regions. For that reason, it is important to breed Black Rot-resistant
grapevine cultivars. A method has been developed to characterize lots of vines in a fast and reliable way concerning their
susceptibility. Initial data has been collected and can be used for genetic analysis (here QTL). The aim of the project is to develop
a molecular marker correlating with Black Rot resistance which can be used to select juvenile plants and therefore support...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Tracking patterns of body mass index and triceps skinfold thickness from childhood to young
adulthood: a 12-year prospective cohort study in Slovenia
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Gregor Starc; Janko Strel.
OBJECTIVE: To examine tracking patterns of body mass index (BMI), triceps skinfold thickness (TSF), height and weight from
childhood to young adulthood in a rapidly developing society.DESIGN: Prospective 12-year cohort study of the Slovenian
children, born during 1990-1991.SUBJECTS: A subsample of 4 833 Slovenian children from the 1990-1991 national cohort (n =
21 777) who were included in the SLOFIT monitoring system from 1997 to 2008, with complete data at age 7 and 18
y.MEASUREMENTS: Height, weight and TSF were measured at ages 7, 11, 14 and 18 y. The IOTF BMI cutoff points were used
to identify overweight and obesity. RESULTS: Height, weight, and BMI at age 18 y were well predicted from childhood and grew
more predictable with age, while TSF was not....
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2009
The Relationship between Physical Activity and Body Mass Index: Issues in Model Specification
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Gizachew Tiruneh.

*Subjects*: 107 obese, overweight, and healthy college students (mean duration of physical activity for the
normal, overweight, and obese students: 89, 59, and 24 months, respectively; mean BMI for the normal, overweight, and obese
students: 21.61, 27.07, and 35.54 kg/m2, respectively).
*Measurements*: Inverse linear, inverse
logarithmic, and inverse logistics models were used to analyze survey data for physical activity (measured by both frequency and
duration of exercise) and BMI. Gender, age, and physical intensity variables...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2010
Development and validation of an analysis method for the detection of altered resistance in transgenic
plants to herbivore-pathogen-complexes
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Anja Hühnlein; Jörg Schubert; Thomas Thieme.
Genetically modified plants (GMPs) have to pass several safety evaluations before they can be approved but identification of
undesired changes in metabolism is hard to achieve due to its complexity. Such unexpected changes could be reflected by changes
in virus resistance and feeding behaviour of herbivores such as aphids. Altered behaviour can be determined by so- called life
table statistics where e. g. the lifetime and the reproduction rate are analysed. Such experiments are time consuming and costly.
The behaviour alterations should also be detectable by changes in virus uptake und transmission. Thus, quantitative detection
methods are needed in order to measure the absolute virus content in plants and in aphids. _Potato leafroll virus_ (PLRV) and...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Accounting for molecular stochasticity in systematic revisions: species limits and phylogeny of
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Liliana M. Dávalos; Ana L. Porzecanski.
Different frameworks have been proposed for using molecular data in systematic revisions, but there is ongoing debate on their
applicability, merits and shortcomings. In this paper we examine the fit between morphological and molecular data in the
systematic revision of Paroaria, a group of conspicuous songbirds endemic to South America. We delimited species based on
examination of > 600 specimens, and developed distance-gap, and distance- and character-based coalescent
simulations to test species limits with molecular data. The morphological and molecular data collected were then analyzed using
parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian phylogenetics. The simulations were better at evaluating the new species limits
than using genetic distances....
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Interaction ammonium-nitrate: Response to oxidative stress in chicory plants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Marco Antonio M. A. Russo; Sonja Veljovic-Jovanovic; Adalgisa Belligno.
The aim of this work was to study, as a function of the different availability of nitrogen in the reduced form, mineral and organic,
the induction of the synthesis of some ROS-scavenging molecules and the evolution of some enzymatic activities such as
ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and polyphenoloxidase (PPO). 
Chicory seedlings were grown in nutritive
solution for 35 days in controlled conditions. On the 14th day, one third of the plants was transferred into a nutritive solution
containing (NH4)2SO4 60 mM, one third was transferred into a medium containing Urea 60 mM, and the remaining was let
grow into the nutrition solution, as a control. Three samplings of leaves were performed, respectively after 21, 28 and 35 days of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Why are women smaller than men? When anthropology meets evolutionary biology
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Priscille Touraille; Pierre-Henri Gouyon.
There are large variations of size among humans but in all populations, men are larger on average than women. For most
biologists this fact can be easily explained by the same processes that explain the size dimorphism in large mammals in general
and in apes in particular. Due to fights between males for the possession of females, sexual selection has favoured bigger males.
Indeed, this factor certainly explains why males are selected for being large but lets aside the question of selection on the female
side. Actually, it has been shown that larger females are also favoured by natural selection. This is particularly relevant for women
because their probability of dying when giving birth is then reduced. In this paper, the common view that size dimorphism...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Plants switch photosystem at high temperature to protect photosystem II
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yasuo Yamauchi; Yukihiro Kimura; Seiji Akimoto; Yoko Marutani; Masaharu Mizutani; Yukihiro Sugimoto.
Plants are often exposed to temperatures of around 40^o^C. These temperatures can cause serious damage to photosystems, yet
plants can survive with minimum damage. Here, we show that plants switch photosystem to protect photosystem II (PSII) at
40^o^C. Using wheat and Arabidopsis seedlings, we investigated the mechanisms of heat-derived damage in the dark and
avoidance of damage in the light. Heat treatment at 40^o^C in the dark caused serious damage to PSII: the maximum quantum
yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) and oxygen evolution rapidly decreased. The damage was due to the degradation of the D1 protein (shown
by immuno-chemical analysis) and the disturbance of energy transfer in PSII core chlorophyll-binding proteins CP43 and CP47
(shown by time-resolved...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Detection of Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Luteovirus of India
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rajarshi K. Gaur; G.P Rao; Axel Lehrer.
A luteovirus was found associated with midrib yellowing symptoms of sugarcane in India. The virus was earlier identified as
sugarcane yellow leaf virus (SCYLV) on the basis of particle morphology and serological relationships. In this study, we
attempted molecular characterization of an Indian isolate of SCYLV through reverse trascriptase-polymerase chain reaction
(RT-PCR). Comparison showed that the deduced amino acid sequence share 98% homology with an isolate from Texas (cultivar
CC85-964) and 100% homology with corresponding sequences of an Australian isolate of SCYLV (found in cultivar CP 65-357).
Phylogenetic analysis also suggests that the coat protein of the SCYLV genome possesses different taxonomic affinities with other
members of the family...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
La importancia de ser grande
Provedor de dados: 20
Autores: Baisre, J. A.
Se responde a las preguntas ¿por qué los mamíferos marinos son los animales más grandes del planeta?, ¿Por qué los peces no
pueden ser más grandes?. Éstas y otras interrogantes son respondidas de forma sencilla y clara.
Tipo: Journal Contribution
Palavras-chave: Marine biology.
Ano: 2007
Le chinchard Ouest africain (Trachurus trecae) biologie et recommandations pour l'exploitation
optimale du stock sénégalo-mauritanien de la zone économique mauritaniennes
Provedor de dados: 20
Autores: Overko, S.; M'Bareck; Ly, B.; Tchernichkov, P. P.
Tipo: Journal Contribution
Palavras-chave: Biology; Exploitation.
Ano: 1985
Modelling long term carbon and radiocarbon development
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Petersen, B.M.; Berntsen, J.; Jensen, L.S.; Hansen, S.
In order to achieve predictive abilities for both short- and long-term simulations, SOM models should be developed on the basis of
as large and diverse a data-set as possible. Many soil organic matter (SOM) models have parameters, where the criteria for
estimating their values do not seem transparent, and few have been subject to a formal sensitivity analysis regarding the influence
of parameter settings.
One of the major problems in most SOM models is to estimate the soil content of very slowly
decomposing or perhaps even inert organic matter ("refractory" SOM).
In view of these possible limitations of present SOM
models, the following model development criteria were chosen for this study: 1) use of a comprehensive data-set from both
laboratory and...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2003
Auswirkung der Nährstoffgehalte im Boden auf Pflanzen und Umwelt
Provedor de dados: 21
Die effiziente und nachhaltige Nutzung von Phosphor, Kalium und Magnesium im Boden und in Düngemitteln ist sowohl
bezüglich der Produktion von gesunden Nahrungsmitteln als auch der Schonung der Umwelt unerlässlich. Diese Nährstoffe sind
langfristigen Umsetzungsprozessen unterworfen, was bei der Betrachtung der Stoffflüsse im System Boden-Pflanze-Wasser zu
berücksichtigen ist. Mittels Bodenuntersuchungen ist der Nährstoffgehalt des Bodens (Menge, Form) und die Nährstoffzufuhr in
Abhängigkeit des Pflanzenbedarfs (Aneignungsvermögen, Aufnahme) und der Standorteigenschaften zu optimieren. Gleichzeitig
soll das Risiko für Nährstoffverluste minimiert werden. Interpretationsmöglichkeiten von Bodenuntersuchungsresultaten sowie
der Einfluss verschiedener...
Tipo: Project description
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2016
C-TOOL version 1.1. A tool for simulation of soil carbon turnover. Description and users guide
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Petersen, B.M.
The program C-TOOL (v. 1.1) can enhance SOM model development by aiding the construction, revision and testing of soil
carbon turnover models. Models can be created directly, without the aid of programmers. The program can use any time step
between one day and one year, and can be run either for a predefined period or continue until specified steady-level criterions for
carbon pools are reached. Development in soil carbon content at any desired time span can be simulated. Simulation of carbon
isotopes 13C and 14C is facilitated, and it is possible to simulate a specific isotope tagging in order to investigate carbon flow
properties in the implemented model. Standard driving variables are temperature (in air or soil), soil water content (either
Tipo: Web product
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2003
Can higher legume diversity reduce clover soil fatigue?
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Søegaard, Karen; Møller, Kaare.
White clover soil fatigue is an increasing problem in Danish organic dairy farms. The clover cyst nematode (Heterodera trifolii)
has been found to play a major role in the problem. Grassland legume species less readily attacked by H. trifolii and less
favourable for its reproduction than white clover may offer possibilities for relieving the soil fatigue.
In 2005, screenings were
made of nine grass-land legume species / varieties in a field with a rather high level of H. trifolii infestation, pre-cropped with
grass/white clover, and in a field with a low infesta-tion level, pre-cropped with maize.
The species grouped in two: 1) White,
red, alsike and kura clovers and lucerne had medium to high percentages of nematode attacks and numbers of nematodes...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2006
Mykorrhiza im ökologischen Landbau
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Mäder, Paul; Viehweger, Anja; Koller, Martin; Wiemken, A.; Bruns, C.; George, E.
The mycorrhizal symbiosis plays a major role in plant nutrient acquisition, pathogen control and soil stabilisation in land use
systems with a low input of external resources. The use of inocula of mycorrhizal fungi for the development of sustainable
agricultural production systems in Europe is still scarce. Since it was found that even in organically managed soils and particularly
in substrates mycorrhizas can be limited, a set of recently introduced commercial inocula and 10 pre-selected strains of
mycorrhizal fungi were multiplied and screened under farm conditions. Poinsettia, Pelargonium, leak and strawberry were used as
test plants, which were inoculated in the seeding or potting substrates. There was a strong interaction between mycorrhizal fungi...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2005
Simulating root growth
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pedersen, Anders; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian; Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Berntsen, Jørgen.
Dynamic plant/soil models are used to predict crop production, N dynamics and nitrate leaching loss of different cropping
systems. To do this, the models simulate various aspects of plant biology, soil biology and soil physics. Correct simulation of root
growth is critical for the simulation of nitrate leaching losses. Measurements have been made on crop root growth on two soil
types, and the data used to improve the simulation of root growth within the FASSET model. The paper presents the results from
root measurements on winter wheat, spring barley and sugar beets, and the root modelling approach we have developed.
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2004
Land use alters the resistance and resilience of soil food webs to drought
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: de Vries, Franciska T.; Liiri, M.E.; Bjørnlund, Lisa; Bowker, M.A.; Christensen, Soren; Setälä, Heikki; Bardgett,
Soils deliver several ecosystem services including carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling, which are of central importance to
climate mitigation and sustainable food production. Soil biota play an important role in carbon and nitrogen cycling, and, although
the effects of land use on soil food webs are well documented, the consequences for their resistance and resilience to climate
change are not known. We compared the resistance and resilience to drought — which is predicted to increase under climate
change 2,7 — of soil food webs of two common land-use systems: intensively managed wheat with a bacterial-based soil food
web and extensively managed grassland with a fungal-based soil food web. We found that the fungal-based food web, and the
processes of...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2012
Effect meerjarige toepassing groenbemester en organische mest op bodemkwaliteit bij continuteelt
maïs : 2e rapport project Zorg voor Zand
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: van Schooten, H.A.; van Eekeren, N.; Hanegraaf, M.C.; van der Burgt, G.J.; de Visser, M.
In 2005 is onderzoek gedaan naar het effect van meerjarige toepassing van groenbemester en organische bemesting op diverse
bodemkwaliteitskenmerken bij continuteelt van snijmaïs op zandgrond. De conclusie is dat het effect op de bodemkwaliteit en
gewasopbrengst van organische bemesting wat groter was dan van groenbemester. De biologische activiteit werd nauwelijks
beïnvloed door beide behandelingen.
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2006
Post cold-storage conditioning time affects soil denitrifying enzyme activity
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Chirinda, Ngonidzashe; Olesen, J.E.; Porter, J.R.
Soil denitrifying enzyme activity (DEA) is often assessed after cold storage.Previous studies using the short-term acetylene
inhibition method have not considered conditioning time (post-cold storage warming-up time prior to soil analysis) as a factor
influencing results. We observed fluctuations in DEA following cold storage, suggesting a need to consider conditioning time
when planning and interpreting results.
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2011
Soil microbial biomass in organic farming system.
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Araújo, Ademir Sérgio Ferreira de; Melo, Wanderley José de.
Agricultural production systems have to combine management practices in order to sustain soil's profitability and quality. Organic
farming is gaining worldwide acceptance and has been expanding at an annual rate of 20% in the last decade, accounting for over
24 million hectares worldwide. Organic practices avoid applications of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, rely on organic inputs
and recycling for nutrient supply, and emphasize cropping system design and biological processes for pest management, as
defined by organic farming regulation in the world. In comparison with conventional farming, organic farming has potential
benefits in improving food quality and safety. Plant production in organic farming mainly depends on nutrient release as a
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2010
Modelling Long Term Soil Carbon and Radiocarbon Dynamics with CN-SIM
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Petersen, B.M.; Berntsen, J.
In order to achieve predictive abilities for both short- and long-term simulations, soil organic matter (SOM) models should be
developed on the basis of as large and diverse a data-set as possible.
Many SOM models have parameters, where the criteria
for estimating their values are not transparent, and few models have been subject to a formal sensitivity analysis regarding the
influence of parameter settings. One of the major problems in most SOM models is to estimate the soil content of very slowly
decomposing or perhaps even inert organic matter ("refractory" SOM).
There is presently a lack of experimental methods to
verify the partitioning of SOM into conceptual compartments or pools, and to determine the turnover rate and other
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2004
Soil suppressiveness and functional diversity of the soil microflora in organic farming systems
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Postma, Joeke; Schilder, Mirjam; Speksnijder, Arjen.
Arable fields of 10 organic farms from different locations within the Netherlands were sampled in four subsequent years. The soil
samples were analysed for disease suppressiveness against Rhizoctonia solani, Streptomyces scabies and Verticillium dahliae.
Furthermore, a variety of microbial characteristics and chemical and physical soil properties were assessed. All these
characteristics and different environmental factors were correlated by multivariate analyses.
Significant differences in soil
suppressiveness were found for all three diseases. Suppressiveness against Rhizoctonia was more or less consistent between the
sampled fields in 2004 and 2005. This suppressiveness correlated with higher numbers of Lysobacter and Pseudomonas
antagonists, as well...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2007
Mikrobiologische Indikatoren der Bodenfruchtbarkeit in einem Zweikulturen-Nutzungssystem
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Raubuch, Markus; Pyttlik, Claudia; Jörgensen, Rainer Georg.
In dieser Untersuchung wurden die Auswirkungen die C- und N-Mineralisation und die Rolle der mikrobiellen Biomasse als
möglicher Stickstoffpuffer bzw. Zwischenspeicher
in einem Zweikulturennutzungssystem erfasst. Die Ergebnisse der
Untersuchung beziehen sich auf den pflanzenbaulichen Versuch von Graß und Scheffer 2002 auf der Hessischen Staatsdomäne
Frankenhausen. Dabei sollte die Auswirkung von Bodenbearbeitungsmaßnahmen und Düngerapplikationen unterschiedlicher
Intensität durch die monatlichen Erhebungen zur Erfassung des mikrobiell gebundenen Kohlen- und Stickstoffes, der C- und
N-Mineralisationsleistung abgeschätzt werden. Da der Versuch zum Zeitpunkt der Tagungsanmeldung noch nicht abgeschlossen
war, sind in dieser Kurzfassung nur die unvollständigen...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2003
Zimevit: un biofungicida que combina la acción de una bacteria y una levadura para el control del
moho gris de la vid ocasionado por Botrytis cinerea.
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Mondino, Pedro; Casanova, Leticia; Calero, Graciela; Bentancur, Oscar; Alaniz, Sandra.
Botrytis cinerea, provoca pérdidas importantes en la producción de vid. Zimevit, un biofungicida desarrollado en Uruguay que
combina la acción de una bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, UYBC38) y una levadura (Metschnikowia pulcherrima, M26) fue evaluado a
campo en las variedades Cabernet Franc y Gewurztraminer. Los tratamientos fueron: Zimevit; iprodione como tratamiento
convencional y agua como testigo. En los tres ensayos efectuados la aplicación de Zimevit resultó en una menor incidencia y
severidad del moho gris en los racimos al momento de la cosecha sin diferenciarse del fungicida iprodione. El hecho de que
Zimevit haya logrado reducir tanto la incidencia como la severidad de la enfermedad estaria demostrando la existencia de un
doble efecto inhibitorio,...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2012
Molekulare mikrobielle Ökologie in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Bodensystemen
Provedor de dados: 21
Die Beurteilung von Bodenqualität stellt für die landwirtschaftliche Praxis ein wichtiges Instrument für die Sicherstellung einer
nachhaltigen Bodennutzung dar. Die Erhebung chemischer, physikalischer und biologischer Bodendaten werden routinemässig zu
diesem Zweck herangezogen. Bodenbiologische Qualitätscharakteristika werden weitgehend durch Summenparameter wie
Biomasse, Basalrespiration und Enzymaktivitäten erfasst. Solche Methoden haben sich als äusserst hilfreiche Instrumente
erwiesen, jedoch sind sie nicht geeignet, um Strukturen mikrobieller Populationen, deren Biodiversität und spezifische Aktivität in
Böden zu erfassen. Ein intaktes mikrobielles Bodengefüge und die Vielzahl der mikrobiellen Umsetzungsprozesse und
Funktionen stellen wichtige...
Tipo: Project description
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2016
Spreading of Glomus mosseae, a vesicular-arbuscular micorrhizal fungus, across the rhizosphere of
host and non-host plants
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Vierheilig, H.; Alt, M.; Mäder, P.; Boller, T.; Wiemken, A.
No Abstract in this publication.
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 1995
Are soil biological properties and microbial community structure altered by organic farm
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Stark, Dr C.H.
Environmental conditions and farm management practices have a considerable impact on soil biota, affecting nutrient cycling
processes and ecosystem functioning. Understanding how management practices influence soil fertility and agricultural
productivity is essential to improve the sustainability of agroecosystems. The effect of farming history on microbial soil properties
was assessed by analysing soil samples from two organic and conventionally managed sites. Cmic and Nmic, enzyme activities,
bacterial community composition (PCR-DGGE) and total numbers of fungi and bacteria (soil dilution plating) were determined.
Results suggested that organic farming practices did not have a clear positive effect on soil microbial biomass and activity;
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2008
Effects of Biodynamic, Organic and Conventional Production Systems on Earthworm Populations
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pfiffner, Lukas; Mäder, Paul.
In a long-term trial, the earthworm populations of two biological farming systems, two conventional systems and one control
treatment were compared in a seven year crop rotation on a Luvisol from loess. The earthworms were investigated by handsorting
at four dates during 1990-92. Nicodrilus longus (Ude), N. noctumus (Evans), N. caliginosus (Savigny) and Allolobophora rosea
(Savigny) were the dominant earthworm species in all treatments. The earthworm biomass and density, the presence of anecic
species, and the number of juveniles were significantly higher in the biological than in the conventional or unfertilized plots. In
addition, more earthworm species were found in the biological plots. In this trial, plant protection management seems to be the
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 1997
Does organic agriculture reduce soil erodibility? The results of a long-term field study on loess in
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Siegrist, S.; Schaub, D.; Pfiffner, L.; Mäder, P.
In a long-term field trial in northwestern Switzerland, the effects of organic and conventional land-use management on earthworm
populations and on soil erodibility were investigated. A silt loam soil which had developed in deep deposits of alluvial loess
characterised the study site. Three methods were applied to analyse soil erodibility, at three different periods between autumn
1992 and 1993: aggregate stability (measured in the laboratory by a high energy rainfall simulation and by percolation) and soil
particle detachment (measured in the field by splash erosion). Earthworm biomass and density, as well as the population diversity,
were significantly greater on the organic plots than on the conventional plots. Likewise, the aggregate stability of the...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 1998
Very low uptake of organic N from dual-labelled (13C and 15N) green manure by wheat
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Larsen, T.; Magid, J.; Krogh, P.H.; Gorissen, A.
Experimental data is still lacking for determining the significance of plant uptake of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in
agricultural soils amended with organic fertilizers. Pulse-injection studies with dual-labelled amino acids have confirmed that
non-mycorrhizal crops possess the capacity to take up DON but failed to quantify the uptake relative to total N uptake. In this
study, dual-labelled green manure was added to soils with wheat plants. An advantage of using dual-labelled green manure as
opposed to pulse injection of dual-labelled amino acids is that the amino acids in the fertilizer are released gradually, thus more
naturally, and are therefore less susceptible to immediate microbial immobilization. The plants were harvested on days 27, 56,
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2005
Long-term effects of organic farming on fungal and bacterial residues in relation to microbial energy
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Joergensen, Rainer Georg; Mäder, Paul; Fließbach, Andreas.
Samples from the bio-dynamic, bio-organic, and conventional trial, Therwil, Switzerland, were analyzed with the aim of
determining the effects of organic land use management on the energy metabolism of the soil microbial biomass and on the
fraction of microbial residues. The contents of adenylates, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), glucosamine, muramic acid, and
galactosamine were significantly largest in the biodynamic organic farming (BYODIN) treatment and significantly lowest in the
conventional farming treatment with inorganic fertilization (CONMIN). In contrast, the ergosterol-to-ATP ratio and fungal
C-to-bacterial C ratios were significantly lowest in the BYODIN treatment and significantly largest in the CONMIN treatment. No
clear treatment effects were...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2010
Modelling short term carbon and nitrogen development
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Petersen, B.M.; Jensen, L.S.; Berntsen, J.; Hansen, S.; Pedersen, A.
Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) transformations are highly interdependent, driven by the C metabolism. Though many details of the
transformations of C and N forms in soil are well known, basic knowledge about the mechanisms determining substrate
availability, and the chemical and physical properties determining the stabilisation of organic matter are still lacking. The soil
biota furthermore constitutes an extremely complex food web, consisting of a vast number of bacteria, fungi and fauna species,
each having their own feeding preferences and characteristic life cycle. A good quantitative description of the main processes
involved is required. This involves both the long-term build-up and degradation of soil organic matter, and the more short-termed
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2003
Fünfherziger Weltbürger
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pfiffner, Lukas; Forster, Jacqueline.
Pro Natura stellt den Tauwurm (Lumbricus terrestris) aus der Familie der Regenwürmer ins Rampenlicht. Über das Tier des
Jahres 2011 gibt es Bemerkenswertes zu berichten.
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2011
Simulating trends in crop yield and soil carbon in a long-term experiment – effects of rising CO2, N
deposition and improved cultivation
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Berntsen, J.; Petersen, B.M.; Olesen, J.E.
Measurements of crop yield and soil carbon in the Bad Lauchstädt long-term fertiliser experiment were analysed with the
FASSET model. The model satisfactorily predicted yield and soil carbon development in four treatments with no fertiliser,
mineral fertiliser, farm yard manure and farm yard manure plus mineral fertiliser, respectively. However, there was a residual
between the observed and simulated yield, which was correlated with year. This could be attributed to an increase in observed
yields during the last six decades. Scenario analysis showed that the most probable explanation for this yield increase was the use
of new crop varieties and/or pesticides, while the increase in atmospheric CO2 and changes in local N deposition were of lesser
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2006
How effective are ‘Effective microorganisms® (EM)’? Results from a field study in temperate climate
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Mayer, Jochen; Scheid, Susanne; Widmer, Franco; Fließbach, Andreas; Oberholzer, Hans-Rudolf.
Effective microorganisms® (EM) is a microbial inoculant promoted to stimulate plant growth and soil fertility in agriculture. In
our study we investigated the effects of EM on crop yields and soil microbial parameters in a 4-year field experiment under
organic management (2003–2006) in Zurich, Switzerland. Treatments of the EM preparations (i) the spraying agent EMA, (ii)
EMA with the EM enriched organic substrate Bokashi and (iii) EMA with Bokashi and farmyard manure were applied in each
year. As controls to treatments (i)–(iii) the same treatments were included with sterilised EM preparations and a control without
EM application. Crop yields in each year and the soil microbiological parameters soil respiration, microbial biomass (SIR, CFE),
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2010
Simulating trends in crop yield and soil carbon in a long-term experiment - effects of rising CO2, N
deposition and improved cultivation
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Berntsen, J.; Petersen, B.M.; Olesen, J.E.
Measurements of crop yield and soil carbon in the Bad Lauchstädt long-term fertiliser experiment were analysed with the
FASSET model. The model satisfactorily predicted yield and soil carbon development in four treatments with no fertiliser,
mineral fertiliser, farm yard manure and farm yard manure plus mineral fertiliser, respectively. However, there was a residual
between the observed and simulated yield, which was correlated with year. This could be attributed to an increase in observed
yields during the last six decades. Scenario analysis showed that the most probable explanation for this yield increase was the use
of new crop varieties and/or pesticides, while the increase in atmospheric CO2 and changes in local N deposition were of lesser
Tipo: Book chapter
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2007
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Wang, Run-Chi; Zong, Liang-Gang; Yan, Jia; Luo, Min; Hu, Yun-Feng.
Soil beneficial microbe products are allowed to apply in organic farming system as soil amendment. Effects of different organic
fertilization on soil organic carbon (SOC) and microbes were analyzed in this study in order to improve fertilization technology.
Simulation culture experiment was designed and operated in the laboratory to exclude uncertainties, such as environment and
human operations of the organic farm. Results showed that more soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) was discovered in the soil
fertilized by beneficial microbes with organic fertilizer compared to single organic fertilizer treatment. Meanwhile, beneficial
microbe application in soil significantly accelerated decomposition of SOC. Photosynthetic Bacterium (PSB) liquid application
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2014
Estimation by PLFA of Microbial Community Structure Associated with the Rhizosphere of Lygeum
spartum and Piptatherum miliaceum Growing in Semiarid Mine Tailings
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Carrasco, Lucía; Gattinger, Andreas; Fließbach, Andreas; Roldán, Antonio; Schloter, Michael; Caravaca, Fuensanta.
The objective of this study was to compare the microbial community composition and biomass associated with the rhizosphere of
a perennial gramineous species (Lygeum spartum L.) with that of an annual (Piptatherum miliaceum L.), both growing in semiarid
mine tailings. We also established their relationship with the contents of potentially toxic metals as well as with indicators of soil
quality. The total phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) amount was significantly higher in the rhizosphere soil of the annual species
than in the rhizosphere soil of the perennial species. The fungal/bacterial PLFA ratio was significantly greater in the perennial
species compared to the annual species. The fatty acid 16:1ω5c, the fungal/bacterial PLFA ratio and...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2009
Veränderung der Effizienz der Regenwurmaustreibung mit Senfsuspensionen im Tagesverlauf
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Kautz, Timo; Lee, J.; Görtz, M.; Täufer, Frank.
We tested the effect of sampling time on the efficiency of mustard extractions for earthworms in a field study. On an organic
experimental farm (alluvial loams; Hennef/Germany) earthworm extractions were started on two consecutive days hourly from 10
am to 5 pm and 6 pm respectively. Significant effects of daytime on extracted earthworm biomass occurred on both days.
Maximum biomass was extracted in the early afternoon in each case. Additional pot experiments have shown a significant
temperature dependence of the mustard extraction method which at least partially explains the differences in on-site extracted
earthworm biomass in the course of the day. We conclude that daytime has to be considered as a factor when using mustard
extraction methods. When used...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2011
Effects of organic management on water-extractable organic matter and C mineralization in
European arable soils
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Marinari, S.; Liburdi, K.; Fliessbach, A.; Kalbitz, K.
In this study we tested the hypothesis that water-extractable organic carbon (WEOC) content and its properties can be used to
distinguish conventionally (CONV) from organically (ORG) managed arable soils as responsible for C mineralization. We
sampled soils at three different European sites located in Mediterranean (Italy) and continental (Switzerland) regions under
conventional and organic management. The Mediterranean sites are here called CVI and LSI and the continental one DOK. The
main difference between the two management systems (ORG and CONV) at all sites was the amount of organic fertilizer yearly
added into the soil: in the ORG systems 2.2–2.5 Mg C year−1 were added as organic fertilizer, while in the CONV systems only
mineral fertilizers were...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2010
Bioackerbau fördert Bodenbiodiversität: Artenvielfalt von nützlichen Mykorrhizapilzen in
landwirtschaftlichen Böden
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: van der Heijden, Marcel G.A; Verbruggen, Erik; Zihlmann, Urs; Oehl, Fritz.
The effects of organic and conventional arable farming on the species richness of beneficial soil fungi (arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungi) was assessed in 26 arable fields on sandy soil in the Netherlands and in 2 arable fields on a loamy soil in Switzerland.
Organically managed fields contained on average 42% more mycorrhizal fungal species than their conventional counterparts. This
study shows that organic arable farming has a positive impact on the species richness of these beneficial soil fungi
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2011
Entomopathogenic nematodes in agricultural cropping systems
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Nielsen, Otto.
The ecology of entomopathogenic nematodes in relation to cruciferous crops has been studied in Denmark. The main objectives
were to obtain information about nematode occurrence, host range and regulatory effect on insects. This included a range of
studies in the field and in the laboratory.
In one set of experiment, cabbage fields were surveyed and Steinernema affine, S.
bicornutum, S. intermedium and S. feltiae were isolated. The presence of nematodes was correlated to pupal numbers of the
cabbage root fly, D. radicum. The conclusion was that the presence of nematodes at cabbage plants did not reduce the number of
Another approach was to quantify the proportion of larvae or pupae of D. radicum infected with entomopathogenic
nematodes during...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2001
Effect of different levels of collembolan grazing on interspecific competition between microfungi,
decomposition of organic matter and bio-availability of nitrogen
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Bach, Lisbet; Jørgensen, Helene B; Axelsen, Jørgen.
The effect of selective grazing by a collembolan (Folsomia fimetaria) on the reproduction and ability to degrade wheat straw by 2
species of microfungi was measured. The experiment was performed with 3 different grazing pressures and a control without
grazing. The 3 grazing pressures correspond to an initial density of 10.000, 20.000 or 100.000 collembolans/m2. The density
cannot however be directly related to a field density, because the soil column was only approximately 2 cm high. Results show
that the most preferred fungus to F. fimetaria, Alternaria infectoria, were only affected in terms of reproduction at the highest
grazing pressure of 30 collembolans (as initial density). Both respiration rates and the content of bio-available nitrogen in the...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2002
Microbial response of soils with organic and conventional management history to the cultivation of
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)-maize under climate chamber conditions
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Fließbach, Andreas; Nietlispach, Bruno; Messmer, Monika; Rodríguez- Romero, Ana-Sue; Mäder, Paul.
An experiment was carried out in a climate chamber to analyse if Bt-maize may cause particular changes in soils with different
levels of microbial biomass and activity due to long-term management history. Among the soils selected, the ones managed
organically for 30 years exhibited twice the microbial biomass and 2.6 times the dehydrogenase activity (DHA) of the soil from a
field with long-term conventional maize monoculture. Soils were cultivated twice in a row with Bt-maize, its near-isogenic line
and a conventional breeding line. We tested the hypotheses that (a) soil microbial biomass and activity are affected by the
cultivation of Bt-maize and that (b) the influence of Bt-maize depends on the level of soil microbial biomass and activity. Shoot
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2013
Hög skördepotential hos jordgubbe i ekologisk odling beror på markens biologiska egenskaper
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Vestberg, Mauritz.
Ett långliggande fältförsök med olika odlingssystem utnyttjades för jämförelse av skördepotentialen hos jordgubbe i konventionell
respektive ekologisk odling. Skördepotentialen var högre på de ekologiskt odlade försöksytorna och kunde höjas ännu med genom
tillförsel av torv.
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2003
The difference in transfer of all-rac-a-tocopherol stereo-isomers to milk from cows and the effect on
its oxidative stability
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Slots, T.; Skibsted, L.H.; Nielsen, J.H.
Milk from cows fed high concentration of synthetic all-rac-a-tocopheryl acetate (2-3 g day-1) were shown not to have improved
oxidative stability, when oxidation were initiated by light exposure or Cu(II) addition. For milk with high fraction of unsaturated
lipids as obtained through feed with toasted soybeans, the high a-tocopherol content even acted prooxidative. Stereo-selective
analysis of the milk showed that among the 8 stereo-isomers of all-rac-a-tocopherol, only the 2R-stereo-isomers were excreted
into the milk and among these mainly the native RRR-stereo-isomer. Feeding studies of dairy cows should accordingly be
reevaluated in two respect: (i) the use of high level supplementation of a-tocopherol, as it may induce lipid oxidation, (ii) the use
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2007
Linking microbial genetic- and functional diversity in compost: DGGE-profiling separated different
types of compost regarding chitinase activity
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Poulsen, P.H.B; Møller, J.; Magid, J.
Using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and simultaneously measure the enzymatic activity of chitinase, we could
link genetic and functional diversity of the indigenous microbial communities in compost samples. Two types of compost, a
garden/park waste compost (D-Gro A) and a source separated organic household waste compost (Biovækst), showed different
genetic diversity as measured by PCR-DGGE of total DNA extracted from the composts. The composts also had different
chitinase activity, 0.46 and 3.97 µmole 4MU/hour x g dry matter for the D-Gro A and Biovækst composts, respectively. To
increase chitinase activity the two composts were amended with chitin. This addition induced a change in both the bacterial and
fungal genetic diversity when...
Tipo: Working paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2005
Transport of 15N from a soil compartment separated by a polytetrafluoroethylene membrane to plant
roots via the hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Mäder, P.; Vierheilig, H.; Streitwolf-Engel, R.; Boller, T.; Freyer, B.; Christie, P.; Wiemken, A.
We studied the transport of "&N from a soil compartment separated from a plant root compartment by a hydrophobic
polytetrafuoroethylene (PTFE) membrane to plants in the presence and absence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). We have
previously shown that this type of membrane efficiently inhibits mass fow and diffusion of mobile ions in the soil solution in an
abiotic system, but can be penetrated by the hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhizal tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum)
colonized by Glomus mosseae were grown at two N fertilizer concentrations in a root compartment. A PTFE membrane was
placed between the root compartment and an adjoining soil compartment that was inaccessible to the roots but accessible to the
AMF hyphae (hyphal...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2000
Fungal/bacterial ratios in grasslands with contrasting nitrogen management
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: de Vries, Franciska T; Hofland, Ellis; van Eekeren, Nick; Brussaard, Lijbert; Bloem, Jaap.
It is frequently hypothesised that high soil fungal/bacterial ratios are indicative for more sustainable agricultural systems.Increased
F/B ratios have been reported in extensively managed grasslands.To determine the shifts in fungal/bacterial biomass ratio as in
fluenced by grassland management and to find relations with nitrogen leaching potential,we sampled a two-year-old field
experiment at an organic experimental farm in the eastern part of The Netherlands.The effect of crop (grass and grass-clover),N
application rate (0, 40, 80,120 kg N/ha 1 )and manure type (no manure,farm yard manure and slurry)on the F / B ratio within three
growing seasons was tested, as well as relations with soil and crop characteristics,nitrate leaching and partial N balance....
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2006
The turnover of soil organic matter on different farm types
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Petersen, B.M.; Berntsen, J.
One of the prime factors determining soil fertility is the content of soil organic matter. A huge amount of nitrogen (N) is bound in
organic matter, and the yearly mineralisation of N in the field is only a small fraction of the total organic nitrogen.The release and
incorporation of organic N is of special relevance for organic farms, where the crop supply mainly depends on N mineralised from
organic matter.In order to study the long-term balance between build-up and degradation of organic matter, a simple simulation
model was made, calibrated on the basis of long-term data from Sweden, U.K. and Denmark. Briefly, it is a 3-pool model (Figure
1) employing first-order kinetics, which is implemented in C-TOOL. The long-term build up or breakdown of organic N...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2003
Austausch von Aminosäuren und Proteinen zwischen Pflanzen und Böden über die erdnahen
Luftschichten [Exchange of amino acids and proteins between plants and soils through the air]
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Scheller, Edwin; Cuendet, Catherine; Müller, Jens; Werren, Dagmar.
Fazit: Es gibt einen Austausch bzw. Kreislauf von Aminosäuren und Proteinen zwischen dem Boden, Pflanzen und der
Atmosphäre. Blütenpollen dominieren im Frühling die Proteingehalte in den erdnahnen Luftschichten, während in der übrigen
Jahreszeit Böden und Pflanzen die Hauptquellen zu sein scheinen. Aminosäuren und Proteine der erdnahen Luftschichten werden
durch Tau und Regen auf die Pflanzen und die Böden wieder niedergeschlagen. In der Luft werden sie von Mensch und
Tiereingeatmet oder über die Schleimhäute aufgenommen. In einem Ökosystem besteht ein Stoffaustausch über die erdnahen
Luftschichten zwischen den einzelnen Kompartimenten, über deren Bedeutung für Mensch, Tier und Pflanzenwachstum wir noch
sehr wenig wissen.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2003
Soil amendment with Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0: lasting effects on soil biological properties in
soils low in microbial biomass and activity
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Fliessbach, Andreas; Winkler, Manuel; Lutz, Matthias P.; Oberholzer, Hans-Rudolf; Mäder, Paul.
Pseudomonas fluorescens strains are used in agriculture as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). Nontarget effects of
released organisms should be analyzed prior to their large-scale use, and methods should be available to sensitively detect possible
changes in the environments the organism is released to. According to ecological theory, microbial communities with a greater
diversity should be less susceptible to disturbance by invading organisms. Based on this principle, we laid out a pot experiment
with field-derived soils different in their microbial biomass and activity due to long-term management on similar parent
geological material (loess). We investigated the survival of P. fluorescens CHA0 that carried a resistance toward rifampicin and
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2009
Soil Microbial Biomass Under the Canopy of Coastal Sand Dune Shrubs
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Sarig, S.; Fliessbach, A.; Steinberger, Y.
Coastal sand dunes are affected by seasonal fuctuations in salinity due to seawater spray and precipitation. Salinity was found to
be very high in summer soil samples and was about 15-20 times lower in the preceding rainy winter. High microbial biomass
values of 234.6 and 173.1 µgC gˉ¹ dry soil were found under Artemisia monosperma and Retama raetam, respectively, even at
elevated salinity. The metabolic quotient for CO2 which may serve as an indicator for changes in microbial diversity or
environmental stress, was unexpectedly high (58.5 and 48.8 µg mg ˉ¹ d ˉ¹ under A. monosperma and R. raetam, respectively) in
low-saline samples from the winter when compared to the summer (a maximal value of 20 µg mg ˉ¹ d ˉ¹), probably indicating a
shift in community...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 1999
Seasonal population dynamics of inoculated and indigenous steinernematid nematodes in an organic
cropping system
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Nielsen, Otto; Philipsen, Holger.
This study was based on naturally occurring and inoculated populations of steinernematid nematodes. The nematode populations
were monitored spring and autumn in two following years in an organic cropping system and changes in population size were
related to the presence of potential insect hosts. Nematode population were estimated in terms of nematode incidence (percentage
of positive soil samples) by using Tenebrio molitor larvae as bait. The population of naturally occurring nematodes (Steinernema
affine (Bovien) and S. feltiae (Filipjev)) was generally at a low level (0-17 % incidence for S. affine and 0-18 % incidence for S.
feltiae). Inoculated S. feltiae established well in half of the plots where inoculation had been performed and reached incidences...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2004
Survival of the biocontrol agents Coniothyrium minitans and Bacillus subtilis MBI 600 into
pasteurised, sterilised and non-sterile soils
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Bennett, Amanda J.; Leifert, Carlo; Whipps, John M.
The biocontrol agents Coniothyrium minitans and Bacillus subtilis MBI 600 were added separately to three soil types that had
been either sterilised, pasteurised or left non-sterile. Applied as a conidial suspension of 1 X 10(6) cfu g(-1) soil, C. minitans
showed good survival in all sterilised, pasteurised and non-sterile soils, remaining at the numerical level at which it was applied
for the duration of the 30 d experiment. Applied at a lower rate of 1 X 10(3) cfu g(-1) Soil, C Minitans proliferated in sterilised
soil to numbers slightly over 1 X 10(6) cfu g(-1) Soil, whereas no increase was seen in pasteurised or non-sterile soils from this
lower application rate. However, although C. minitans was not easily recovered on plates from non-sterile soil, it...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2003
Analysis of the soil food web structure under grass and grassclover
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Eekeren, N.J.M. van; Smeding, F.W.; Vries, F.T.; . Bloem, J.
The below ground biodiversity of soil organisms plays an important role in the functioning of the the soil ecosystem, and
consequently the above ground plant production. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of grass or grass-clover in
combination with fertilisation on the soil food web structure.
In 2003 a fertilisation trial on grass and grassclover was sampled
for soil organisms. Data were agglomerated in seven trophic groups, and classified by means of TWINSPAN.
clearly distinguished three main soil food web structures:
Type 1: Grass plots with a high biomass of bacteria and fungi;
2: Grass-clover plots with a high biomass of earthworms;
Type 3: Grass and grass-clover plots, that received relativily high...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2005
Kvælstofudvaskning og –balancer i konventionelle og økologiske produktionssystemer
Provedor de dados: 21
Der eksisterer kun få undersøgelser, som fortæller om tabet af kvælstof fra økologiske brug. Med den stigende udbredelse af
økologiske jordbrug er det imidlertid nødvendigt at få et større indblik i, hvorledes forskellige økologiske sædskifter og
dyrkningspraksis bidrager til en mere hensigtsmæssig dyrkningspraksis med henblik på at opnå en forbedret kvælstofhusholdning
i såvel økologisk som konventionelt jordbrug.
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 1998
Mikrobiella interaktioner i mykorrizosfären och deras betydelse för uthållig "ekologisk" produktion
Provedor de dados: 21
Vi har efterhand fått mycket klara insikter om att vid all praktisk växtodling spelar markmikroorganismer och särskilt de
näringsupptagning, tillväxt och utveckling. I takt med ett ökande miljömedvetande och en strävan att minimera olika insatsmedel
såsom handelsgödsel och kemiska bekämpningsmedel, blir denna nyckelroll också alltmer viktig att hantera och utnyttja. För att
klara detta behövs dock betydligt bättre baskunskaper än vi nu har, bl.a. för att förstå hur helheten samt hur systemen fungerar och
kan påverkas. Traditionellt har olika typer av markmikroorganismer såsom,
mykoorhizasvampar, växtpatogener,
rhizosfärbakterier, nedbrytare...
Tipo: Project description
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2016
Genomic methods in analyzing the communities of soil bacteria
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Blasco, Lucia; Kahala, Minna; Palojärvi, Ansa; Joutsjoki, Vesa.
Culture-independent examination of complex microbial communities has been made possible by recent advances in molecular
biology. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism is one of such techniques that allow rapid assessment of the diversity
of microbial community.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2008
Østrogener fra human urin i miljøet
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Lindedam, J.; Jensen, K.S.; Luxhøi, J.; Magid, J.
Human urin indeholder mange værdifulde næringsstoffer. I stedet for at oprense næringsstofferne fra spildevandet, kan urin med
fordel tilbageføres til landbruget som organisk gødning. Samtidig ville man mindske østrogenbelastningen til de meget sårbare
vandmiljøer. Men hvordan vil østrogenbelastningen i jord være ved brug af human urin i forhold til almindelige organiske
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2006
Strukturelle und funktionelle Charakterisierung von mikrobiellen Gemeinschaften in ökologisch und
konventionell bewirtschafteten Agrarböden
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Esperschuetz, Dipl. Ing. Agr. J; Gattinger, Dr. A; Schloter, Dr. M; Fließbach, Dr. A.
Soil samples from the DOK long-term field trial were investigated to study influences of different farming systems on structure
and function of soil microbial communities. The DOK long-term field trial in Switzerland consists of plots managed
bio-dynamically (D), bio-organically (O), conventionally (K) and of those which are managed conventionally but only receive
mineral fertilizer (M). In spring 2003 soil samples from these differently managed plots were taken. All investigated fields were
planted with winter wheat in 2003, but with different croppings in 2002: potato and maize cultivation, respectively. Analyses of
phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) and phospholipid etherlipids (PLEL) were carried out to determine bacterial, eukaryotic and
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2005
Soil organisms in organic and conventional cropping systems.
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Bettiol, Wagner; Ghini, Raquel; Galvão, José Abrahão Haddad; Ligo, Marcos Antônio Vieira; Mineiro, Jeferson Luiz de
Apesar do crescente interesse pela agricultura orgânica, são poucas as informações de pesquisa disponíveis sobre o assunto.
Assim, num Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico foram comparados os efeitos de sistemas de cultivo orgânico e convencional,
para as culturas do tomate (Lycopersicum esculentum) e do milho (Zea mays), sobre a comunidade de organismos do solo e suas
atividades. As populações de fungos,bactérias e actinomicetos, determinadas pela contagem de colônias em meio de cultura,
foram semelhantes para os dois sistemas de produção. A atividade microbiana, avaliada pela evolução de CO2, manteve-se
superior no sistema orgânico, sendo que em determinadas avaliações foi o dobro da evolução verificada no sistema convencional.
O número de espécimes de...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2002
Wirkungen von ‚Effektiven Mikroorganismen EM’ auf pflanzliche und
Parameter im Feldversuch
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Mayer, Jochen; Scheid, Susanne; Widmer, Franco; Fließbach, Andreas; Oberholzer, Hansruedi.
The effectiveness of the bio-fertilizer ‚Effective Microorganisms’ (EM) was investigated in a four years field experiment
(2003-2006) at Zürich, Switzerland. The experiment was arranged to separate the effect of the microorganisms in the EM
treatments (Bokashi and EMA) from its substrate (sterilized treatments). Crop yields and soil microbiological parameters as soil
respiration and microbial biomass were determined. The EM treatments showed no effect on yield and soil microbiology which
were caused by the EM microorganisms. Observed effects could be related to the effect of the carrier substrate of the EM
preparation. The sampling time showed stronger ef-fects on soil microbial biomass (SIR) and soil respiration compared to the
effect of the treatments....
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2007
Boundaries between soil compartments formed by microporous hydrophobic membranes
(GORE-TEX®) can be crossed by vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi but not by ions in the soil
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Mäder, P.; Vierheilig, H.; Alt, M.; Wiemken, A.
Various container systems have been described in which soil regions available to hyphae only are separated from the mycorrhizal
root region by 30–60 μm mesh screens to study nutrient exchange between plants and fungi in the mycorrhizal symbiosis. The
screens designed up to now prevent penetration by roots but allow easy passage of fungal hyphae as well as diffusion or mass flow
of water and nutrient solutions. We tested hydrophobic microporous polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) membranes (GORE-TEXR)
with 5 to 15 μm diameter pores in an attempt to obtain a better seal between compartments and to prevent uncontrolled nutrient
transport by diffusion or mass flow. We found that these membranes completely prevented diffusion or mass flow of ions between
two soil...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 1993
Dynamics of a pasture soil microbial community after deposition of cattle urine amended with
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Petersen, Søren O.; Roslev, Peter; Bol, Roland.
Within grazed pastures, urine patches are hot-spots of nitrogen turnover since dietary N surpluses are excreted mainly as urea in
the urine. This short-term experiment investigated 13C uptake in microbial lipids after simulated deposition of cattle urine at 10.0
and 17.1 g urea-C m-2. Confined field plots without or with cattle urine amendment were sampled after 4 and 14 days, and soil
from 0-5 and 10-20 cm depth was analyzed for content and composition of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs), and for the
distribution of urea-derived 13C among individual PLFAs. Carbon dioxide emissions were quantified and the contributions
derived from urea assessed. Initial changes in PLFA composition were greater at the lower level of urea, as revealed by a
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2004
Effects of past and current crop management on leaching losses, soil microbial community
composition and activity
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Stark, Christine; Condron, Leo M.; Stewart, Alison; Di, Hong J.; O’Callaghan, Maureen.
A lysimeter experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of past and current management practices on soil microbial
biomass, activity and community composition. Intact monolith lysimeters were taken from sites of the same soil type that had
been under long-term organic and conventional crop management. They were subjected to the same crop rotation and managed
according to best organic and conventional practices. Mineral N loss was determined in leachates and soil samples taken before
the experiment and after 30 months were analysed for biological soil properties, including microbial diversity. Results indicated
that leaching losses were similar for all treatments and that crop was the main influence on microbial biomass composition and
size, while...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2005
Influence of organic farming on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal populations in a Mediterranean
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Bedini, Dr. Stefano; Cristani, Dr. Caterina; Avio, Dr. Luciano; Sbrana, Dr. Cristiana; Turrini, Dr. Alessandra;
Giovannetti, Prof. Manuela.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are key components of the soil microbiota, fundamental for soil fertility, plant nutrition and
functioning of agroecosystems. Data on the interactions between organic practices and AMF populations are limited and
inconsistent. Here we compared AM fungal communities and glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) content occurring in a recently
converted organically farmed soil with those occurring in a conventionally managed soil. The results show that the two farming
systems did not significantly differ in AM fungal spore populations and glomalin-related soil protein. We hypothesize that in our
experimental system, which was converted from conventional to organic farming only recently (5 years), there may not have been
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2008
Modelling soil C and 14C development
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Petersen, B.M.; Berntsen, J.
In order to achieve predictive abilities for both short- and long-term simulations, soil organic matter (SOM) models should be
developed on the basis of as large and diverse a data-set as possible.
Many SOM models have parameters, where the criteria
for estimating their values are not transparent, and few models have been subject to a formal sensitivity analysis regarding the
influence of parameter settings.
There is presently a lack of experimental methods to verify the partitioning of SOM into
conceptual compartments or pools, and to determine the turnover rate and other characteristics for each. These pool characteristics
can thus only be determined indirectly by model calibration. If the model has several SOM pools, then several parameters may
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2004
Meitemark - de viktigste husdyra?
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pommeresche, Reidun.
Enkelte arter meitemark er helt rå til å spise planterester. Andre liker eller best å gnafse jord. Stor meitemark fjerner over 90 %
av løvet på bakken innen neste vår. For å få flere meitemark i jorda, er det bra med husdyrgjødsel og flerårig kløver.
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2005
Studies on the attractional effect of root exudates on hyphal growth of an arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungus in a soil compartment-membrane system
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Vierheilig, H.; Alt-Hug, M.; Engel-Streitwolf, R.; Mäder, P.; Wiemken, A.
The effects of tomato and bean rhizospheres on hyphal spreading of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus mosseae
were studied using a soil compartment system in combination with hydrophobic polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) membranes. Both
the nylon screen and the PTFE membrane were freely permeable to hyphae but not to roots. Furthermore, the hydrophobic PTFE
membrane seemed to be a barrier to the flux of soil solutions containing root exudates. The results show that water soluble
exudates of tomato and bean roots greatly stimulate hyphal growth in the soil compartment system used. Moreover, water soluble
root exudates of bean exert a clear attractional effect on AM hyphal growth.
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 1998
Microbial biomass and size-density factions differ between soils of organic and conventional
agricultural systems
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Fliessbach, Andreas; Mäder, Paul.
Agricultural production systems have to combine management practices in order to sustain soil quality and also pro®tability. We
investigated microbial biomass and size-density fractions of soils from a long-term field trial set up in 1978 at Therwil,
Switzerland. It compares the economic and ecological performance of organic and conventional agricultural systems. Main
differences of the systems were the amount and form of fertiliser as well as the plant protection strategy, whilst crop rotation and
soil tillage were the same. Microbial biomass C and N as well as their ratios to the total and light fraction C and N pools in soils of
the organic systems were higher than in conventional systems. This is interpreted as an enhanced decomposition of the easily...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2000
Biotisation des plants de fraisiers en agriculture biologique
Provedor de dados: 21
Cette étude vise à évaluer l’effet bénéfique de la biotisation pour favoriser la croissance et améliorer la production de cultures de
fraisiers en sol. Trois micro-organismes (une souche de Fusarium oxysporum non pathogène Fo47, une souche de Pseudomonas
fluorescens A6, une espèce de champignon endomycorhizogène Glomus intraradices) sont incorporés en combinaisons binaires
dans le substrat d’acclimatation des plantules. Après quatre semaines, les plantes sont transplantées dans quatre sols différents.
Les analyses microbiologiques montrent la bonne installation de Fo47 et P.f. A6 dans les quatre sols naturels. Aucun effet négatif
de la co-inoculation n’est observé. Une augmentation non significative de la production est observée pour les fraisiers...
Tipo: Project description
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2016
Simplified and rapid method for extraction of ergosterol from natural samples and detection with
quantitative and semi-quantitative methods using thin-layer chromatography
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Larsen, Cand.scient Thomas; Ravn, Senior scientist Helle; Axelsen, Senior Scientist Jørgen.
A new and simplified method for extraction of ergosterol (ergoste-5,7,22-trien-3-beta-ol) from fungi in soil and litter was
developed using pre-soaking extraction and paraffin oil for recovery. Recoveries of ergosterol were in the range of 94 - 100%
depending on the solvent to oil ratio. Extraction efficiencies equal to heat-assisted extraction treatments were obtained with
pre-soaked extraction. Ergosterol was detected with thin-layer chromatography (TLC) using fluorodensitometry with a
quantification limit of 8 ng. Using visual evaluation of images of TLC plates photographed in UV-light the quantification limit
was 16 ng.
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2004
Impact of land use intensity on the species diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in
agroecosystems of central Europe
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Oehl, Fritz; Sieverding, Ewald; Ineichen, Kurt; Mäder, Paul; Boller, Thomas; Wiemken, Andres.
The impact of land use intensity on the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) was investigated at eight sites in the
“three-country corner” of France, Germany, and Switzerland. Three sites were low-input, species-rich grasslands. Two sites
represented low- to moderate-input farming with a 7-year crop rotation, and three sites represented high-input continuous maize
monocropping. Representative soil samples were taken, and the AMF spores present were morphologically identified and counted.
The same soil samples also served as inocula for “AMF trap cultures” with Plantago lanceolata, Trifolium pratense, and Lolium
perenne. These trap cultures were established in pots in a greenhouse, and AMF root colonization and spore formation were
monitored over...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2003
Fauna i landbruksjord-mangfold av virvelløse dyr og deres funksjoner
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pommeresche, Reidun.
Ved Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk (NORSØK) bygges det opp kompetanse innen feltet biologisk mangfold, blant annet om
virvelløse dyr på og i jordbruksjord. Reidun Pommeresche har utarbeidet denne rapporten som en del av denne
kompetanseoppbyggingen. Rapporten er basert på et litteraturstudium. Hensikten er å presentere en del temaer angående livet i
jordbruksjord, med hovedvekt på jordfaunaen i lys av økologisk landbruk. Bakerst i rapporten finnes en ordliste som vil være
nyttig for den som er lite kjent innen fagområdet. Økt kunnskap om livet i jorden, øker mulighetene for en bedre forvaltning av det
naturlige mangfoldet i norsk landbruksjord og bidrar til interessant og nyttig kunnskap for utviklingen av økologisk landbruk.
Dette ved å belyse hvilke...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2000
Improvement in soil nutrient status and beneficial microbial populations using compost, plant juice
and home-made fertiliser preparations
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Aini, Z.; Zulkefli, M.; Krishnen, G.
Natural farming (NF) techniques use farm inputs such as indigenous microbes (IMO), composts, fermented fruit and plant juices,
fish amino acids and other home made fertiliser preparations in managing the soil fertility. Experiments were carried out on
farmers’ plots at two different sites, Air Kuning and Serdang to quantify the effectiveness of the technique using long beans
(Vigna sesquipedalis) as the test crop. Soil qualities such as the carbon content, total nitrogen and cation exchange capacity
especially that of calcium, increased significantly after planting in the NF plots compared to the conventional farming (CF) plots.
A higher number of beneficial microbes such as Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Actinomycete, Lactobacillus, was obtained during...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2005
The impact of soil structure on euedaphic Collembola
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Thomas, Larsen; Schjonning, Per; Axelsen, Jørgen.
Tillage operations and field traffic can lead to soil compaction and alter the pore structure in soil. These practices often lead to a
reduction in habitable pore space for euedaphic Collembola. In the present study the reproduction of some euedaphic Collembola
species was investigated under a range of soil bulk densities normally found in agricultural soils.
The study was performed
using microcosms with defaunated and remolded raw soil that was compressed to bulk densities between 1.02 – 1.56 g cm-3. One
of the following species was added to each series: Mesaphorura macrochaeta, Protaphorura armata, and Folsomia fimetaria. The
number of individuals and ergosterol concentrations (used to estimate fungal biomass) were measured after each experiment and...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2004
How are nematode communities affected during a conversion from conventional to organic farming in
southern French vineyards?
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Coll, Patrice; Le Cadre, Edith; Villenave, Cécile.
The rate of conversion from conventional vineyards to organic farming practices is increasing. Organic farming improves some
soil properties, although some organic practices have negative effects on soils. The objective of this work was to study the
long-term effects of organic farming through the use of soil nematodes as bioindicators of soil processes. Our experimentation
was conducted in a commercial vineyard where plots belonged to two types of viticulture: conventional viticulture and organic
viticulture (for 7, 11 and 17 years). The nematode community structure and nematode indices were determined. The main result
was that organic practices increased soil nematode density. An increase in the available resources, as measured by a higher
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2011
Arbuscular mycorrhizae in a long-term field trial comparing low-input (organic, biological) and
high-input (conventional) farming systems in a crop rotation
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Mäder, Paul; Edenhofer, Stephan; Boller, Thomas; Wiemken, Andres; Niggli, Urs.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) root colonization was studied in a long-term field trial in which four farming systems currently in
use in Switzerland were continuously applied to a randomized set of plots at a single field site from 1978 till 1993. There were
two low-input farming systems (organic and bio-dynamic) and two high-input (conventional) farming systems (according to Swiss
guidelines of integrated plant production with and without farmyard manure). The systems had an identical 7-year crop rotation
and tillage scheme and differed essentially only in the amount and type of fertilizer supplied and in plant protection management.
The percentage of root colonization by AM fungi was determined in field samples 2–3 times over the growing season in crops in...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2000
Korttidseffekter av grønngjødsel og biorest på meitemark
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pommeresche, Reidun; Hansen, Sissel.
se pdf
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology.
Ano: 2012
Age and origin of enigmatic megaherbs from the subantarctic islands
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Steven J. Wagstaff; Ilse Breitwieser; Christopher Quinn; Motomi Ito.
Biogeographic relationships in the southern hemisphere have puzzled biologists for the last two centuries. Once joined to form the
supercontinent Gondwana, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, New Zealand and South America are widely separated by the Pacific and
Indian oceans. Sir Joseph Hooker was the first to suggest that Antarctica served as a corridor for plant migration not unlike the
land-bridges in the northern hemisphere. While the Antarctic flora was largely erased by glaciation during the Pleistocene, at least
some of these Antarctic plant communities found refuge on the subantarctic islands. Here we provide support for the hypothesis
that giant herbs persisted in the subantactic islands prior to the onset of Pleistocene glaciation, then dispersed...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2007
Mitochondrial Molecular Adaptations and Life History Strategies Coevolve in Plants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Neeraja M. Krishnan; Basuthkar J. Rao.
Messenger RNA secondary structure prevents mutations at functionally important sites. Mutations at exposed sites would cause
micro-adaptations, niche-specialization, and therefore, can be thought to promote K-strategists. Exposing, rather than protecting,
conserved sites, is also potentially adaptive because they probably promote macro-adaptive changes. This presumably fits
r-strategists: their population dynamics tolerate decreased survival. We found that helix-forming tendencies are greater at
evolutionary conserved sites of plant mitochondrial mRNAs than at evolutionary variable sites in a majority (73%) of
species–gene combinations. K-strategists preferentially protect conserved sites in short genes, r-strategists protect
them most in larger...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Living unicellular eukaryote Tetrahymena pyriformis as a model for study of mitochondrial
energetics in mammalian cells under conditions of reduced oxidative metabolism.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Elena Mokhova.
Some “animal-like” protozoa are used instead of mammalian cells in diverse investigations.
_Tetrahymena pyriformis_ cells in stationary phase of growth and washed from oxidative substrates (_T.pyriformis_) function
under conditions of reduced oxidative metabolism. To elucidate if _T.pyriformis_ can be applied as a model for mitochondrial
energetics study in
mammalian cells during hibernation, the features of _T.pyriformis_ mitochondria were compared with that
of liver mitochondria isolated from hibernating animals; the published earlier data were used. Based on the respiration recording
and observation of Mito Tracker Red fluorescence in living _T.pyriformis_ we tentatively concluded that the mitochondrial
electrical membrane...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Ambiguous Dependence Of Minimal Plant Generation Time On Nuclear DNA Content
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Victor B. Ivanov.
Ivanov The minimum generation time (MGT) of plant development was suggested to depend on nuclear DNA content, which
varies in plants over wide limits1. In ephemeral species with the shortest MGT, the average C values were significantly lower than
in annual species, whereas the average C values in annual species were lower than those in perennial plants. However, nobody has
paid attention to the ratio of annual to perennial species number as a function of C values. Here I show that with increasing C the
ratio of annual to perennial species increases to C values equal to 7-8 pg (monocots) and 6-7 pg (eudicots) and then decreases and
that the fraction of annuals is abundant...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Structural changes in intestinal enteroendocrine cells after ileal interposition in normal rats
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Gilmara S. Aguiar-Yamaguchi; João-Luiz M. C. Azevedo; Marcelo C. Carlini; Paolo H. B. Lourenco;
Wellington Cardia; Maria T. S. Alves; Aparecida E. Hirata; Lucas P. F. F. Leal; Bianca Marigliani; Linda O. A. Bernardes; Karina
F. Neves; Rudy N. Rocha; José-Francisco Borborema; João-Luiz C. Azevedo; Otavio C. Azevedo; Gustavo
P. S. Miguel.
INTRODUCTION: No therapeutic approach has significantly impacted the progression of diabetes. As early improvement of
glicaemic control is observed after bariatric surgeries, there is currently a search for surgical procedures that can promote
euglycemia also in non-obese patients. Glicaemic control can be achieved by increasing the blood concentration of GLP-1, a
hormone produced by L cells that are more densely concentrated in the terminal ileum. The interposition of ileal segment to a
more anterior region (proximal jejunum) can promote a greater stimulation of the L cells by poorly digested food, increasing the
production of GLP-1 and reflecting on glicaemic control.
AIMS: To investigate long-term histological
modifications of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Evaluation of effective parameters on fabrication of BSA nanoparticles
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Mostafa Rahimnejad; Ghasem Najafpour; Mohsen Jahanshahi.
Coacervation technique was implemented in fabrication of BSA nanoparticle for the purpose of drug delivery system.
Nanoparticle was purified with 48,800 g centrifuge, and then followed by dialysis, micro and ultra filtration. The fabricated
nanoparticles were subjected to physical, morphological and biochemical characterization. The analyzed samples by SEM and
AFM proved the semi-spherically shape of the particles whilst the size distribution was measured by photon correlation
spectroscopy. Fourier transforms infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR) spectrum indicated that the fabricated nanoparticles were pure.
The impact of various parameters upon the particle size was extensively investigated. The concentration of glutaraldehyde at fixed
temperature had absolutely...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Fuzzy logic as a decision-making support system for the indication of bariatric surgery based on an
index (MAFOI) generated by the association between body fat and body mass index.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Susana A. Miyahira; Joao L. M. C. Azevedo; José E. Araujo Filho.
Background: A fuzzy obesity index (MAFOI) for use as an alternative to bariatric surgery indication (BSI) is presented. The
search for a more accurate method to evaluate obesity and to indicate a better treatment is important in the world health context.
BMI (body mass index) is considered the main criteria for obesity treatment and BSI. Nevertheless, the fat excess related to the
percentage of Body Fat (%BF) is actually the principal harmful factor in obesity disease that is usually neglected. This paper
presents a new fuzzy mechanism for evaluating obesity by associating BMI with %BF that yields a fuzzy obesity index for obesity
evaluation and treatment and allows building up a Fuzzy Decision Support System (FDSS) for BSI. Methods: Seventy-two
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Vermiculiphily: Larvae Pollinating Orchids!
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Pankaj Kumar; Gopal S. Rawat.
Orchids are truly extraordinary organisms exhibiting a wide range of pollination mechanism, many of which awaits discovery.
Epipactis veratrifolia is a terrestrial orchid that has been reported to be pollinated by various species of hoverflies in Israel1,2.
This orchid is known to emit the smell of aphid pheromone that attracts hoverflies, which lay eggs inside the flower and in the
process pollinate them. Recently, we observed a species of hoverfly (Ischiodon scutellaris) pollinate the same orchid species in the
Western Himalaya while laying eggs inside the flowers. Ischiodon scutellaris is being reported for the first time as pollinator of
this orchid. However, all flowers don’t get pollinated, even though insects visit them and lay eggs...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Living unicellular eukaryote Tetrahymena pyriformis as a model for study of mitochondrial
energetics in mammalian cells under conditions of reduced oxidative metabolism.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Elena Mokhova.
Some “animal-like” protozoa are used instead of mammalian cells in diverse investigations.
_Tetrahymena pyriformis_ cells in stationary phase of growth and washed from oxidative substrates (_T.pyriformis_) function
under conditions of reduced oxidative metabolism. To elucidate if _T.pyriformis_ can be applied as a model for mitochondrial
energetics study in
mammalian cells during hibernation, the features of _T.pyriformis_ mitochondria were compared with that
of liver mitochondria isolated from hibernating animals; the published earlier data were used. Based on the respiration recording
and observation of Mito Tracker Red fluorescence in living _T.pyriformis_ we tentatively concluded that the mitochondrial
electrical membrane...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Living unicellular eukaryote Tetrahymena pyriformis as a model for study
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Elena N. Mokhova.
Some animals are able to survive for a long time under conditions of drastically reduced oxidative metabolism, called metabolic
depression. The most investigated type of metabolic depression is hibernation. Research into the basic properties of liver
mitochondria energetics during hibernation is essential for fundamental biology and medicine. However, the absence of a suitable
hepatocyte culture makes it impossible to study the characteristic features of mitochondrial metabolic states in living cells during
hibernation. We proposed that under selected conditions, the unicellular eukaryote Tetrahymena pyriformis resembles hepatocytes
under hibernation, as (i) both cell types survive under condition of restricted food supply, hypoxia, and accumulation of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Characterization of Fut10 and Fut11, Putative Alpha-1-3/4 Fucosyltransferase Genes Important for
Vertebrate Development
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Santosh K. Patnaik.
Two new, putative alpha-1-3/4 fucosyltransferases ([alpha]1-3/4 Fuc-Ts), Fuc-TX and Fuc-TXI, were identified in the vertebrate
genome and transcriptome sequence databases through sequence homology-based queries. These proteins have a significant
sequence similarity to only [alpha]1-3/4 Fuc-Ts, and possess peptide motifs that are evolutionarily conserved among the known
vertebrate [alpha]1-3/4 Fuc-Ts. However, Fuc-TX and Fuc-TXI lack the HH[R/W][D/E] sequence that determines the specificity
for type 1 or 2 substrates among the known vertebrate enzymes, and Fuc-TXI proteins do not possess a transmembrane domain.
The Fut10 and Fut11 genes that encode these proteins are expressed ubiquitously in the adult mouse and in the mouse embryo
throughout development....
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Living unicellular eukaryote Tetrahymena pyriformis as a model for study
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Elena Mokhova.
Some animals are able to survive for a long time under conditions of drastically reduced oxidative metabolism, called metabolic
depression. The most investigated type of metabolic depression is hibernation. Research into the basic properties of liver
mitochondria energetics during hibernation is essential for fundamental biology and medicine. However, the absence of the
suitable hepatocyte culture makes it impossible to study the characteristic features of mitochondrial metabolic states in living cells
during hibernation. We proposed that under selected conditions, the unicellular eukaryote Tetrahymena pyriformis resembles
hepatocytes under hibernation, as (i) both cell types survive under condition of restricted food supply, hypoxia, and accumulation
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Idiosyncratic evolution of conserved eukaryote proteins that are similar in sequence to archaeal or
bacterial proteins
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Roy J. Britten.
	Sequence comparisons have been made between the proteins of 571 prokaryote species including 46 archaea and 525
bacteria and the set of human proteins. Highly conserved eukaryotic proteins are often strikingly similar in sequence to archaeal
and bacterial proteins. Yet in many cases similarity to archaeal proteins is not correlated to the similarity to bacterial proteins. In
these comparisons there are hundreds of eukaryote proteins that match well archeal proteins, but do not match recognizably to
bacterial proteins, while thousands of proteins match well to bacterial proteins but not recognizably to archeal proteins. Forty
percent of the 21,440 human proteins that significantly match prokaryote proteins are in this extreme idiosyncratic...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Variety in evolutionary strategies favours biodiversity in habitats of moderate productivity
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Simon Pierce.
The mechanism whereby biodiversity varies between habitats differing in productivity is a missing link between ecological and
evolutionary theory with vital implications for biodiversity conservation, management and the assessment of ecosystem services.
A unimodal, humped-back relationship, with biodiversity greatest at intermediate productivities, is evident when plant, animal and
microbial communities are compared across productivities in nature. However, the mechanistic, evolutionary basis of this
observation remains enigmatic. We show, for natural and semi-natural plant communities across a range of bioclimatic zones, that
biodiversity is greatest where communities include species with widely divergent values for phenotypic traits involved in
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Stress responsive miR-23a attenuates skeletal muscle atrophy by targeting MAFbx /atrogin-1
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Shogo Wada; Yoshio Kato; Mitsuharu Okutsu; Shigeru Miyaki; Katsuhiko Suzuki; Zhen Yan; Hiroshi Asahara; Takashi
Ushida; Takayuki Akimoto.
Muscle atrophy occurs in many pathological states and results primarily from accelerated protein degradation by the
ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. We used dexamethasone to induce muscle wasting and investigated the role of a microRNA
(miRNA) in the control of muscle-specific E3 ubiquitin ligase MAFbx/atrogin-1. Here we show that miR-23a suppresses
MAFbx/atrogin-1 translation by binding to 3'UTR of the mRNA. Furthermore, ectopic expression of miR-23a is
sufficient to protect myocytes from atrophy in vitro and in vivo in response to dexamethasone treatment, and heat stress-induced
miR-23a protects muscle from dexamethasone-induced muscle atrophy. Our surprising discovery of the physiological role of
miR-23a in preventing the atrophy program should...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Third-codon transversion rate-based _Nymphaea_ basal angiosperm phylogeny -- concordance with
developmental evidence
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Xiaohan Yang; Gerald A. Tuskan; Timothy J. Tschaplinski; (Max) Zong-Ming Cheng.
Flowering plants (angiosperms) appeared on Earth rather suddenly approximately 130 million years ago and underwent a massive
expansion in the subsequent 10-12 million years. Current molecular phylogenies have predominantly identified _Amborella_,
followed by _Nymphaea_ (water lilies) or _Amborella_ plus _Nymphaea_, in the ANITA clade (_Amborella_, Nymphaeales,
Illiciaceae, Trimeniaceae and Austrobaileyaceae) as the earliest angiosperm. However, developmental studies suggest that the
earliest angiosperm had a 4-cell/4-nucleus female gametophyte and a diploid endosperm represented by _Nymphaea_, suggesting
that _Amborella_, having an 8-cell/9-nucleus female gametophyte and a triploid endosperm, cannot be representative of the basal
angiosperm. This...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2007
Future Predictions of _Cyclamen_ Distribution in the Mediterranean Region
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Claudia Ciotir; Chris Yesson; Alastair Culham.
_Cyclamen_ (Myrsinaceae) occupy the Mediterranean region, with highest diversity in Greece and Turkey, with a few species
endemic to islands. _Cyclamen_ species have a phenological preference for dry summers and wet winters. A recent study
developed models of the climatic niches of _Cyclamen_. These models were projected into future climate scenarios for 2050. The
area of climatic suitability for every _Cyclamen_ species is predicted to decrease. A limited dispersal capacity places them at high
risk of extinction. Half of the species are threat ened with extinction due to their potential area loss, indicating that conservation
and protection for these species has to be implemented by adding them to the red list.
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
The Size-Weight Illusion Is Not an Illusion When Picking the Best Objects to Throw
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Qin Zhu; Geoffrey Bingham.
Heaviness perception involves a misperception of weight known, since the 19th century, as the Size-Weight Illusion ^1^. The
larger of two objects of equal mass is reported to be lighter than the smaller when they are lifted. The illusion has been found to be
reliable and robust. It persists even when people know that the masses are equal and handle objects properly ^2^. It has been
exhibited by children of only 2 years of age ^3,4^. All this suggests that the effect might be intrinsic to humans. Although
different hypotheses have been advanced to account for the illusion over the 100+ years it has been studied ^5-11^, its origin
remains unknown. More recently, people's perception of optimal objects for long distance throwing was found to
exhibit a...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Fuzzy logic as a decision-making support system for the indication of bariatric surgery based on an
index (OBESINDEX) generated by the association between body fat and body mass index
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Joao L. M. C. Azevedo; Susana A. Miyahira; Lucas P. F. F. Leal; Glicia C. Azevedo; Otavio C. Azevedo; Joao L. C.
Azevedo; Gustavo P. S. Miguel.
Background: A Fuzzy Obesity Index (OBESINDEX) for use as an alternative in bariatric surgery indication (BSI) is presented.
The search for a more accurate method to evaluate obesity and to indicate a better treatment is important in the world health
context. BMI (body mass index) is considered the main criteria for obesity treatment and BSI. Nevertheless, the fat excess related
to the percentage of Body Fat (%BF) is actually the principal harmful factor in obesity disease that is usually neglected. This
paper presents a new fuzzy mechanism for evaluating obesity by associating BMI with %BF that yields a fuzzy obesity index for
obesity evaluation and treatment and allows building up a Fuzzy Decision Support System (FDSS) for...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Identification of the prebiotic translation apparatus within the contemporary ribosome
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ilana Agmon; Chen Davidovich; Anat Bashan; Ada Yonath.
A structural element that could have existed independently in the prebiotic era was identified at the active site of the contemporary
ribosome. It is suggested to have functioned as a proto-ribosome catalyzing peptide bond formation and non-coded elongation in
the same manner that contemporary ribosomes exert positional catalysis, namely by accommodating the reactants in
stereochemistry favourable for inline nucleophilic attack. This simple apparatus is a dimer of self-folding RNA units that could
have assembled spontaneously into a symmetrical pocket-like structure, sufficiently efficient to be preserved throughout evolution
as the active site of modern ribosomes, thus presenting a conceivable starting point for translation.Here we discuss the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Some Studies on Circadian Rhythm in the Culture of Omphalina Quelet sp. (Basidiomycota,
Agaricales) A Mycobiont of an Unidentified Basidiolichen
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jyoti Kalangutkar; Nandkumar Kamat.
This paper reports the discovery of circadian rhythm in Omphalina Quelet, in pure culture under laboratory conditions. The
species was collected as a mycobiont from an unidentified basidiolichen.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Microbiology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Human metabolic adaptations and prolonged expensive neurodevelopment: A review
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: John R. Skoyles.
1.	After weaning, human hunter-gatherer juveniles receive substantial (≈3.5-7 MJ day^-1^), extended
(≈15 years) and reliable (kin and nonkin food pooling) energy provision.
2.	The
childhood (pediatric) and the adult human brain takes a very high share of both basal metabolic rate (BMR) (child: 50-70%; adult:
3.	The pediatric brain for an extended period (≈4-9
years-of-age) consumes roughly 50% more energy than the adult one, and after this, continues during adolescence, at a high but
declining rate. Within the brain, childhood cerebral gray matter has an even higher 1.9 to...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Neuroscience; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Extreme energy lability in human children: An overlooked and central aspect of human biology
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: John Skoyles.
A four year old child devotes half their total energy expenditure (TEE) to their brains. Even by 10 years-of-age it is still 30%
(compared to an adult’s ≈12%). This extreme energy use results from a high brain/body size ratio
– combined with a doubling of cerebral gray matter energy utilization (due to synaptic exuberance during cognitive

With extreme energy expenditure goes extreme vulnerability to
hypoglycemia: (1) children become hypoglycemic after 24-36 hours of fast (compared to 60-72 hours in adults), and (2) their
brains suffer neurological impairment (shown in disrupted P300 potentials) at a lower decrease in plasma glucose: 3.6 - 4.2 mmol
L-1 in children rather...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Neuroscience; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Trichoplax, the simplest known animal, contains an estrogen-related receptor but no estrogen
receptor: Implications for estrogen receptor evolution
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Michael E. Baker.
Although, as their names imply, estrogen receptors [ERs] and estrogen-related receptors [ERRs] are related transcription factors,
their evolutionary relationships to each other are not fully understood. To elucidate the origins and evolution of ERs and ERRs,
we searched for their orthologs in the recently sequenced genome of _Trichoplax_, the simplest known animal, and in the
genomes of three lophotrochozoans: _Capitella_, an annelid worm, _Helobdella robusta_, a leech, and _Lottia gigantea_, a snail.
BLAST searches found an ERR in _Trichoplax_, but no ER. BLAST searches also found ERRs in all three lophotrochozoans
and invertebrate-like ERs in _Capitella_ and _Lottia_, but not in _Helobdella_. Unexpectedly we find that the _Capitella_ ER
sequence is...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
GreenPhylDB: A Gene Family Database for plant functional Genomics
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Matthieu G. Conte; Marie-Angélique Laporte; Christophe Périn; Mathieu Rouard.
With the increasing number of genomes being sequenced, a major objective is to transfer accurate annotation from characterised
proteins to uncharacterised sequences. Consequently, comparative genomics has become a usual and efficient strategy in
functional genomics. The release of various annotated genomes of plants, such as _O. sativa_ and _A. thaliana_, has allowed
setting up comprehensive lists of gene families defined by automated methods. However, like for gene sequence, manual curation
of gene families is an important requirement that has to be undertaken. GreenPhylDB comprises protein sequences of 12 plant
species fully sequenced that were grouped into homeomorphic families using similarity-based methods. Clusters are finally
processed by...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Human neuromaturation, juvenile extreme energy liability, and adult cognition/cooperation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: John Skoyles.
Human childhood and adolescence is the period in which adult cognitive competences (including those that create the unique
cooperativeness of humans) are acquired. It is also a period when neural development puts a juvenile’s survival at
risk due to the high vulnerability of their brain to energy shortage. The brain of a 4 year-old human uses ≈50% of its
total energy expenditure (TEE) (cf. adult ≈12%). This brain expensiveness is due to (1) the brain making up
≈6% of a 4 year-old body compared to 2% in an adult, and (2) increased energy metabolism that is
≈100% greater in the gray matter of a child than in an adult (a result of the extra costs of synaptic neuromaturation).
The high absolute number of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Neuroscience; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
A logistic regression model for microalbuminuria prediction in overweight male population
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: BaoDe Chen; WeiYi Xu; Chen Yu; ZhenYun Ni; XueFen Li; DaWei Cui.
Background: Obesity promotes progression to microalbuminuria and increases the risk of chronic kidney disease. Current

Design and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. The relationship
between metabolic risk factors and microalbuminuria was investigated. A regression model based on metabolic risk factors was

Results: The prevalence of MA reached up to 17.6% in Chinese overweight
men. Obesity, hypertension, hyperglycemia and hyperuricemia were the important risk factors for microalbuminuria in the
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Homeoprotein Hbx4 represses adhesion molecule governing cytokinesis and development
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ji-Sun Kim; Ji-Hui Seo; Hyung-Soon Yim; Sa-Ouk Kang.
Homeobox genes encode proteins with a highly conserved DNA-binding motif and provoke morphological diversification of body
segments by differentially controlling the expression of downstream targets. Here, we have identified _hbx4_, one of many
homeobox genes in _Dictyostelium discoideum_ and investigated its role during growth and development. In suspension,
Hbx4-overexpressing cells, Hbx4^OE^, showed defects in cytokinesis and growth rate. During development, Hbx4^OE^ and
_hbx4_-disrupting cells, _hbx4¯_ made differences in shape of mound and slug, cell-type proportioning from wild type
KAx3 cells. These phenotypes were similar to those of mutant defective in _cadA_ encoding Ca^2+^-dependent cell adhesion
molecule so that we investigated the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Origin and diversification of steroids: Co-evolution of enzymes and nuclear receptors
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Michael E. Baker.
Recent sequencing of amphioxus and sea urchin genomes has provided important data for understanding the origins of enzymes
that synthesize adrenal and sex steroids and the receptors that mediate physiological response to these vertebrate steroids.
Phylogenetic analyses reveal that CYP11A and CYP19, which are involved in the synthesis of adrenal and sex steroids, first
appear in the common ancestor of amphioxus and vertebrates. This correlates with recent evidence for the first appearance in
amphioxus of receptors with close similarity to vertebrate steroid receptors.
Other CYP450 enzymes involved in steroid
synthesis can be traced back to invertebrates, in which they have at least two functions: detoxifying xenobiotics and catalyzing the
synthesis of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Bio-Communication of Bacteria and its Evolutionary Interrelations to Natural Genome Editing
Competences of Viruses
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Guenther Witzany.
Communicative competences enable bacteria to develop, organise and coordinate rich social life with a great variety of behavioral
patterns even in which they organise themselves like multicellular organisms. They have existed for almost four billion years and
still survive, being part of the most dramatic changes in evolutionary history such as DNA invention, cellular life, invention of
nearly all protein types, partial constitution of eukaryotic cells, vertical colonisation of all eukaryotes, high adaptability through
horizontal gene transfer and co-operative multispecies colonisation of all ecological niches. Recent research demonstrates that
these bacterial competences derive from the aptitude of viruses for natural genome editing....
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Trichoplax, the simplest known animal, contains an estrogen-related receptor: Implications for the
evolution of vertebrate and invertebrate estrogen receptors
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Michael E. Baker.
Although, as their names imply, vertebrate and invertebrate estrogen receptors [ERs] and estrogen-related receptors [ERRs] are
related transcription factors, their evolutionary relationships to each other are not fully understood. We searched recently
sequenced genome of _Trichoplax_, the simplest known animal, and genomes from three lophotrochozoans: _Capitella_, a worm,
_Helobdella robusta_, a leech, and _Lottia gigantea_, a snail, to elucidate the origins and evolution of ERs and ERRs. BLAST
found an ERR in _Trichoplax_, but no ER. BLAST searches of the lophotrochozaons found ERRs in all three and invertebrate
ERs in _Capitella_ and _Lottia_, but not in _Helobdella_. These database searches and a phylogenetic analyses indicate that
invertebrate ERs...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
"Ribopepzymes" are probably a link from ribozymes to protein enzymes
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yongjie Sheng; Dazhi Jiang; Zhen Zeng; Feng Pan; Jin Zhang.
The evolutionary relationship between RNA- and protein-based biocatalysts was key to the evolution of living systems. This
relationship is thought to have depended upon the transfer of both genetic information and catalytic function in living systems. We
investigated whether ribozymes could transfer genetic information and catalytic function at the chemical level. We identified a
family of peptides encoded by ribozymes: 13-residue peptide encoded by the hammerhead ribozyme, a 19-residue peptide
encoded by the genomic hepatitis delta virus (HDV+) ribozyme, a 25-residue peptide encoded by the antigenomic HDV (HDV-)
ribozyme, a 15-residue peptide encoded by the smallest trans-acting genomic HDV (SHDV) ribozyme, and a 22-residue peptide
encoded by an open...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Codonopsis pilosula twines either to the left or to the right
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Gonghua Lin; Fang Zhao; Eviatar Nevo; Tongzuo Zhang; Jianping Su.
We report the twining handedness of Codonopsis pilosula, which has either a left- or right-handed helix among different plants,
among different tillers within a single plant, and among different branches within a single tiller. The handedness was randomly
distributed among different plants, among the tillers within the same plants, but not among the branches within the same tillers.
Moreover, the handedness of the stems can be strongly influenced by external forces, i.e. the compulsory left and right forming
inclined to produce more left- and right-handed twining stems, respectively, and the reversing could make a left-handed stem to be
right-handed and vice versa. We also discuss the probable mechanisms these curious cases happen.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Intra-specific variation in plant hydraulic sectoriality along a latitudinal gradient
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Angela Zeng; Roberto Salguero-Gomez; Agustin Santos-Alvarez; Amy Zanne; Brenda Casper.
High temperatures and nutrient limitations in deserts challenge plant survival. Large temperature oscillations and droughts typical
of cold deserts can result in cavitation, the precipitation of dissolved air within a xylem vessel. If xylem vessels are closely
packed, then a cavitation event may expand to neighboring vessels, resulting in runaway embolism, and potentially paralyze the
vital functions of the plant.

Hydraulic sectoriality, where the plant is functionally composed of
independent hydraulic units, has been suggested as a strategy to decrease the risk associated with cavitation. This can occur by
increasing xylem vessel isolation and/or increasing the physical modularity of the plant. Furthermore, hydraulic sectoriality...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Marquage des langoustes en Mauritanie
Provedor de dados: 20
Autores: Maigret, J.
Tipo: Journal Contribution
Palavras-chave: Biology; Ecology; Aquatic biology; Lobsters.
Ano: 1977
Crosstalk and the spectrum of biological global broadcasts: Toward generalization of the Baars
consciousness model across physiological subsystems
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
Once cognitive biological phenomena are recognized as necessarily having 'dual' information sources, it is
easy to show that the information theory chain rule implies isolating coresident information sources from crosstalk requires more
metabolic free energy than permitting correlation. This provides conditions for an evolutionary exaptation leading to dynamic
global broadcasts of interacting cognitive biological processes analogous to, but slower than, consciousness, itself included within
the paradigm. The argument is closely analogous to the well-studied exaptation of noise to trigger stochastic resonance
amplification in physiological systems.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology; Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience; Evolutionary
Ano: 2012
Enhancing Jatropha Productivity by Canopy Management
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Chalapathy K. Reddy; Vishal V. Naole.
Jatropha seed and oil yield is function of planting material used, growing conditions, plant architecture development and
maintenance. Jatropha is hardy plant; thrives well in arid and semi arid regions with an average rainfall ranging from 500 to 1200
mm. It has been planted in varied soil types, marginal and waste lands; where in utilization of in situ resources by agronomic
practices and development and management of canopy by pruning are very crucial for harvesting higher seed for biodiesel
production. Building ideal canopy by pruning during first growing season is very important. Pruning is done during winter season
when plants are in dormant condition.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Earth & Environment; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Bio-communication of Plants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Guenther Witzany.
Plants communicate with a great variety of symbiotic partners, above and below ground. Constant monitoring of signals of biotic
origin as well as abiotic environmental influences allows plants to generate appropriate response behavior. These communication
processes are primarily sign-mediated interactions and not simply an exchange of information. They involve active coordination
and active organization of a great variety of different behavioural patterns – mediated by signs.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Ecology; Molecular Cell Biology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2007
Tuning and regulating the repertoire of glycan determinants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace; Deborah Wallace.
We apply Tlusty's information-theoretic index theorem analysis of the genetic code to the glycome, using a cognitive
paradigm by which external information sources constrain and tune the glycan code error network, in the context of available
metabolic energy. The model suggests spontaneous symmetry breaking of the glycan code as a function of metabolic energy
intensity, an effect that may be currently present, or embedded in evolutionary trajectory, recording large-scale ecosystem
resilience shifts in energy availability such as the aerobic transition. Once focused on a subset of the glycan error code network
however, the glycan production machinery must then be regulated by an elaborate cognitive process to ensure that what is
produced matches...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology; Ecology; Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology; Evolutionary
Ano: 2011
Detection of substrate binding motifs for morphine biosynthetic pathway intermediates in novel
wound inducible (R,S)-reticuline 7-O-methyltransferase of Papaver somniferum
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Sonal Mishra; Abha Meena; Sema Singh; Dharmendra Kumar Yadav; Feroz Khan; Rakesh K. Shukla.
The benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BIA) comprise a large and diverse group of nitrogen-containing secondary metabolites with
about 2500 compounds identified in plants. BIA biosynthesis begins with the condensation of the tyrosine derived precursors
dopamine and p-hydroxyphenylacetaldehyde to (S)-norcoclaurine. Subsequent regiospecific O- and N-methylations and aromatic
ring hydroxylation lead to (S)-reticuline, which is the central intermediate for almost all BIAs. For morphinan alkaloid
biosynthesis, (S)-reticuline undergoes an inversion of stereochemistry to (R)-reticuline, followed by C-C phenol coupling
catalyzed by a unique cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenase to yield salutaridine. The cDNA sequence of enzymes leading
to (S)-reticuline, as well as...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Novel Techniques for Microspectroscopy and Chemical Imaging Analysis of Soybean Seeds and
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I. C. Baianu; Tiefeng You; Doina M. Costescu.
soybean seeds as well as developing 
mature soybean embryos by FT-IR/NIR
Microspectroscopy. This is the first report of FT-NIR Chemical Images obtained with 1 micron resolution. NIR spectra of
Proteins, Oil and DNA fibers are obtained for regions as small as 1μ^2^.
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
The biotechnological perspective of Beta-Glucosidases
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Israr Khan; Muhammad waheed Akhtar.
Biotechnology is the art and science of making and technology to process biological materials for the welfare of human being.
This discussion includes the beta glucosidase classification, its structure, application, and recent research interests in relation to its
significance and comparison with eukaryotic Beta glucosidases including plant, animal and yeast as well. The study also comprise
of the various stress factors and modifications thereby the organism to cope it. The focus of the study is on the various kinetics
principles and their full potential exploitation to increase the activity of the enzyme. As such making the enzyme a potent vehicle
for various industrial, pharmaceutical and research purposes. It also include the various glycosylhydrolases...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Mechanistic mechanisms of competition and biodiversity
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Lev V. Kalmykov; Vyacheslav L. Kalmykov.
The nature of competition and biodiversity are open basic questions since Darwin. To investigate mechanisms of interspecific
competition and their contribution in biodiversity as closely as possible we offer a white-box modelling method based on
physically interpreted ecological axioms. These models are implemented as deterministic individual-based cellular automata and
able to give a direct physico-mechanistic insight into studied phenomena. Competition of two trophically identical but fitness
different species, competing for one limiting resource in one stable uniform habitat (which is closed for immigration, emigration,
predation, herbivory and parasitism) has been investigated in conditions, which are the most unfavourable for their coexistence.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Microbiology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Thermal characterization of Plasmodium falciparum species specific proteins in Indian geographical
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Mohit Bhardwaj; Leena Bharadwaj; Kritika Trigunayat; Madan Mohan Trigunayat.
The paper reveals thermal characteristics of _P.falciparum_ species specific proteins. These proteins determine why _P. vivex_
species are dominant over _P.falciparum_ in Indian geographical area. Outside human host plasmodium parasite survives in
poikilothermal mosquitoes. Climatic temperature conditions greatly affect native state of _P.falciparum_ species specific proteins
in mosquitoes. Study of climatic temperature conditions in Indian geographical area reveals that Pfsd protein for _Plasmodium
falciparum_ can remain in native state between ≥7 degree centigrade and ≤42.6 degree centigrade
temperature conditions. While their best optimum functions (activity) was noted between 25.3 degree centigrade to 33degree
centigrade. Pfsd...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
When Spandrels Become Arches: Neural crosstalk and the evolution of consciousness
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
Once cognition is recognized as having a 'dual' information source, the information theory chain rule
implies that isolating coresident information sources from crosstalk requires more metabolic free energy than permitting
correlation. This provides conditions for an evolutionary exaptation leading to the rapid, shifting global neural broadcasts of
consciousness. The argument is quite analogous to the well-studied exaptation of noise to trigger stochastic resonance
amplification in neurons and neuronal subsystems. Astrobiological implications are obvious.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Ecology; Neuroscience; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Motif analysis of amphioxus, lamprey and invertebrate estrogen receptors and amphioxus and human
estrogen-related receptors: Towards a better understanding of estrogen receptor evolution
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Michael E. Baker; Charlie Chandsawangbhuwana.
*Background.* The origins of steroid-dependent regulation of the vertebrate estrogen receptor (ER) are poorly understood.
Genes with statistically significant sequence similarity to vertebrate ERs have been found in lamprey, a basal vertebrate, and
amphioxus, a basal chordate. Motif analysis of these sequences provides an opportunity to investigate early events in the
evolution of the ER.
*Results.* We used artificial intelligence-based software to construct twelve motifs
specific to the estrogen-binding domain of ER[alpha] and ER[beta] in land vertebrates and teleosts.
We mapped these
ER-specific motifs onto the sequences of lamprey, amphioxus, invertebrate and selected vertebrate ERs and amphioxus, Ciona
and human estrogen-related...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Developmental Biology; Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Reversal of an immunity associated plant cell death program by the growth regulator auxin
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Suresh Gopalan.
One form of plant immunity against pathogens involves a rapid host programmed cell death at the site of infection accompanied
by resistance, termed the hypersensitive response (HR). Here it is shown that the HR programmed cell death program initiated by
the bacterial type III secretion system dependent proteinaceous elicitor harpin from Erwinia amylovora can be reversed till very
late in the process by the plant growth regulator auxin. Early inhibition or late reversal of this cell death program does not affect
marker genes tightly correlated with local and systemic resistance. Cross-regulation between cell death programs and growth
regulators is prevalent in different kingdoms. Thus, the concept that cell death program can be reversed till late provides a...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2007
Frizzled Proteins are bona fide G Protein-Coupled Receptors
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Vladimir L. Katanaev; Silke Buestorf.
Receptors of the Frizzled family initiate Wnt ligand-dependent signaling controlling
multiple steps in
organism development and highly conserved in evolution.
Misactivation of the Wnt/Frizzled signaling is
cancerogenic. Frizzled receptors
launch several signaling cascades: the canonical pathway regulating
beta-catenin-dependent transcription; the planar cell polarity pathway polarizing the
cytoskeleton within the
epithelial plane; and the calcium pathway. Frizzled
receptors possess seven transmembrane domains and
their signaling depends on
trimeric G proteins in various organisms. However, Frizzleds constitute
distinct group within the G...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2009
3D model of amphioxus steroid receptor complexed with estradiol
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Michael E. Baker; David J. Chang.
The origins of signaling by vertebrate steroids are not fully understood.
An important advance was the report that an
estrogen-binding steroid receptor [SR] is present in amphioxus, a basal chordate with a similar body plan as vertebrates. To
investigate the evolution of estrogen binding to steroid receptors, we constructed a 3D model of amphioxus SR complexed with
estradiol. This 3D model indicates that although the SR is activated by estradiol, some interactions between estradiol and human
ER[alpha] are not conserved in the SR, which can explain the low affinity of estradiol for the SR. These differences between the
SR and ER[alpha] in the steroid-binding domain are sufficient to suggest that another steroid is the physiological regulator of the
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Developmental Biology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Modeling Three-Dimensional Spatial Regulation of Bacterial Cell Division (Dissertation)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Satya N. V. Arjunan.
Many important cellular processes are regulated by reaction-diffusion (RD) of molecules that takes place both in the cytoplasm
and on the membrane. To model and analyze such multicompartmental processes, we developed a lattice-based Monte Carlo
method, Spatiocyte that supports RD in volume and surface compartments at single molecule resolution. Stochasticity in RD and
the excluded volume effect brought by intracellular molecular crowding, both of which can significantly affect RD and thus,
cellular processes, are also supported. We verified the method by comparing simulation results of diffusion, irreversible and
reversible reactions with the predicted analytical and best available numerical solutions. Moreover, to directly compare the
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2010
Thermal characterization of Plasmodium falciparum species specific proteins in Indian geographical
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Mohit Bhardwaj; Leena Bharadwaj; Kritika Trigunayat; Madan Mohan Trigunayat.
The paper reveals thermal characteristics of _P.falciparum_ species specific proteins. These proteins determine why _P. vivex_
species are dominant over _P.falciparum_ in Indian geographical area. Outside human host plasmodium parasite survives in
poikilothermal mosquitoes. Climatic temperature conditions greatly affect native state of _P.falciparum_ species specific proteins
in mosquitoes. Study of climatic temperature conditions in Indian geographical area reveals that Pfsd protein for _Plasmodium
falciparum_ can remain in native state between ≥7 degree centigrade and ≤42.6 degree centigrade
temperature conditions. While their best optimum functions (activity) was noted between 25.3 degree centigrade to 33degree
centigrade. Pfsd...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
A unified mechanistic model of niche, neutrality and violation of the competitive exclusion principle
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Lev V. Kalmykov; Vyacheslav L. Kalmykov.
The origin of species richness is one of the most widely discussed questions in ecology. The absence of unified mechanistic model
of competition makes difficult our deep understanding of this subject. Here we show such a two-species competition model that
unifies (i) a mechanistic niche model, (ii) a mechanistic neutral (null) model and (iii) a mechanistic violation of the competitive
exclusion principle. Our model is an individual-based cellular automaton. We demonstrate how two trophically identical and
aggressively propagating species can stably coexist in one stable homogeneous habitat without any trade-offs in spite of their 10%
difference in fitness. Competitive exclusion occurs if the fitness difference is significant (approximately more than 30%)....
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Off-target response to decoy oligodeoxynucleotide treatment
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ewan J. D. Robson; Aaron R. Jeffs; Michael R. Eccles.
*Background:* The transcription factor PAX2 regulates key developmental processes, including mediation of resistance to
apoptosis. Inappropriate PAX2 expression has been implicated in facilitating tumour survival, and we have previously shown that
siRNA-mediated blockade of PAX2 signalling at the transcript level in EJ bladder carcinoma cells promotes cell death. In this
study, we attempted to disrupt PAX2 transcriptional activity in EJ cells by using a decoy oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN).

*Results:* We could not show an interaction between PAX2 and our PAX2 decoy ODN, and in both

PAX2-positive EJ and PAX2-negative HEK293 control cells, decoy and control ODN transfection resulted
in a marked retardation of cell growth,...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
11[beta]-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-type 2 evolved from an ancestral 17[beta]-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase-type 2
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Michael E. Baker.
11[beta]-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type-2 (11[beta]-HSD2) regulates the local concentration of cortisol that can activate the
glucocorticoid receptor and mineralocorticoid receptor, as well as the concentration of 11-keto-testosterone, the active androgen in
fish. Similarly, 17[beta]-HSD2 regulates the levels of testosterone and estradiol that activate the androgen receptor and estrogen
receptor, respectively. Interestingly, although human 11[beta]-HSD2 and 17[beta]-HSD2 act at different positions on different
steroids, these enzymes are paralogs. Despite the physiological importance of 11[beta]-HSD2 and 17[beta]-HSD2, details of
their origins and divergence from a common ancestor are not known. An opportunity to understand their evolution is...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Developmental Biology; Pharmacology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Many in vivo 'protein folding codes' can be inferred from empirical
classifications using Tlusty's topological approach
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
Tlusty's topological rate distortion approach to the genetic code is applied to the problem of protein symmetries and to
the analysis of protein folding rates. Unlike the genetic case, numerous 'protein folding codes' can be
identified from empirical classifications. Protein folding rates follow from a topologically-driven rate distortion argument. These
results imply markedly different evolutionary trajectories for the genetic and protein folding codes, and suggest that the
'protein folding code' is, in fact, a complicated composite, distributed across protein production and a
cellular, or higher, regulatory apparatus acting as a canalizing catalyst that drives the system to converge on particular transitive...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
High-Throughput Transcriptome Profiling Of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Reveals A Role For
Wnt/GSK-3 Signaling In Their Hypoimmunomodulation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Gurudutta Gangenahalli; Neeraj Satija; Farhat Afrin; Rajender Prasad Tripathi.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are gaining importance among clinicians following recent demonstration of safe allogeneic
transplantation due to their ability to modulate the immune response. However,the molecular machinery regulating the expression
of immunomodulatory factors in MSCs is unknown. We, therefore, inhibited glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3),a Wnt signaling
inhibitor, to elucidate the role of Wnt signaling in mediating immunoregulatory effects of human MSCs using gene expression
profiling. Our results highlight enhanced ability of GSK-3 inhibitor (lithium) treated MSCs to evade immune response as a result
of decreased expression of immune stimulatory cytokines and chemokines.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology; Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
BioenergyProduction From Plant Biomass: Bioethanol From Concept To Reality
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Israr Khan; Muhammad Waheed Akhtar.
Natural energy reserves like petrol and diesel etc are depleting. As such, it is of paramount importance to find alternative fuels.
Solar energy is trapped as biomass in plants. Biomass provide an excellent reserve for trapping solar energy on field. Complex
enzymatic machinery comprising of hydrolytic reactions and consolidated bioprocessing is needed to make viable bioenergy,
mostly biofuels like bioethanol for locomotives, industries and general use in the future.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Inter-Tunneling Mechanism of Colliding Population Waves
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Lev V. Kalmykov; Vyacheslav L. Kalmykov.
Here we show a new interaction mechanism of colliding population waves. It provides a stable coexistence of two similar but
different species competing for the same limiting resource during their asexual propagation in a limited homogeneous
environment under constant conditions. The revealed mechanism opens new opportunities in conservation biology.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) in Vector Systems Played Sense Role of Epigenetic in Plants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Hany A. El-Shemy; Mutasim M. Khalafalla; Masao Ishimoto.
The green fluorescent protein (GFP) of jellyfish (_Aequorea victoria_) has significant advantages over other reporter genes,
because expression can be detected in living cells without any substrates. Recently, epigenetic phenomena are important to
consider in plant biotechnology experiments for elucidate unknown mechanism. Therefore, soybean immature cotyledons were
generated embryogenesis cells and engineered with two different gene constructs (pHV and pHVS) using gene gun method. Both
constructs contain a gene conferring resistance to hygromycin (_hpt_) as a selective marker and a modified glycinin (11S
globulin) gene (_V3-1_) as a target. However, sGFP(_S65T_) as a reporter gene was used only in pHVS as a reporter gene for
study the relation between...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2008
Weight matrix based identification of terpene synthases conserved motifs in Arabidopsis thaliana
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Suchita Srivastava; Suaib Luqman; Feroz Khan.
Terpenes comprise the most diverse collection of natural products. Out of more than 30,000 individual terpenoids identified, at
least half are synthesized by plants. A relatively small, but quantitatively significant, number of terpenoids are involved in primary
plant metabolism. However, the vast majorities are classified as secondary metabolites; compounds not required for plant growth
and development but presumed to have an ecological function in communication or defense and are widely used in industrial
applications. Terpene hydrocarbon scaffolds are generated by the action of the mechanistically intriguing family of mono-,
sesqui-, and diterpene synthases collectively termed as terpene synthases, that catalyze multistep reactions with
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2012
A Systems Biology Approach to the Evolution of Codon Use Pattern
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ines Thiele; Ronan M. T. Fleming; Richard Que; Aarash Bordbar; Bernhard O. Palsson.
The genetic code is redundant as amino acids are encoded by synonymous codons that are unequally used.This codon usage bias
(CUB) affects gene expression and cellular functions yet the underlying mechanisms have not been elucidated. We used a
sequence-specific, stoichiometric model of metabolism and macromolecular synthesis for Escherichia coli K12 MG1655 to test
the effect of randomly changed CUB on growth maximization under various environmental conditions. Amongst CUB mutant
strains, we identified reduced growth phenotypes, which were caused by tRNA supply shortage. We propose, supported by
computations and bibliomic data, that expansion of tRNA gene content or tRNA reading is a mechanism to respond to changes in
CUB. Our systems biology modelling...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Tracing blastomere fate choices of early embryos in single cell culture
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yunhan Hong; Haobin Zhao; Ni Hong; Zhendong Li; Meisheng Yi; Rong Liu; Mingyou Li; Yan Yan; Yongming Yuan;
Chang Ming Li; Ruowen Ge; Jianxin Song.
Blastomeres of early vertebrate embryos undergo numerous fate choices for division, motility, pluripotency maintenance and
restriction culminating in various cell lineages. Tracing blastomere fate choices at the single cell level in vitro has not been
possible because of the inability to isolate and cultivate early blastomeres as single cells. Here we report the establishment of
single cell culture system in the fish medaka, enabling the isolation and cultivation of individual blastomeres from 16- to 64-cell
embryos for fate tracing at the single cell level in vitro. Interestingly, these blastomeres immediately upon isolation exhibit
motility, lose synchronous divisions and even stop dividing in ≥50% cases, suggesting that the widely accepted...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Collective cell guidance by cooperative intercellular forces
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Dhananjay T. Tambe; Charles C. Hardin; Jeffrey J. Fredberg; Xavier Trepat.
Cells comprising a tissue migrate as part of a collective. In order to coordinate collective multi- cellular migration, each
constituent cell integrates local information including chemical signals and mechanical stresses.	The boundary between
a constituent cell and its immediate neighbors comprises cell-cell junctions and cryptic lamellipodia, but the state of local
mechanical stress exerted at that boundary has not been accessible experimentally. As such it is not clear how collective
mechanical processes could be coordinated over length scales spanning large multi-cellular assemblies. We report here maps of
the stresses exerted within and between cells comprising a monolayer. Within the cell sheet there arise unanticipated fluctuations
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Strong and weak competitors can coexist in the same niche
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Lev V. Kalmykov; Vyacheslav L. Kalmykov.
The competitive exclusion principle postulates that two trophically identical but fitness different species can not stably coexist in
the same niche. However, this principle contradicts the observed nature's species richness. This fact is known as the
biodiversity paradox. Here, using a simple cellular automaton model, we mechanistically show how two trophically identical, but
fitness different species may stably coexist in the same niche. As environment is stable and any trade-offs are absent in this model,
it strongly violates the competitive exclusion principle.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Phylogeny of conserved adenines in linkers of Group-I introns
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Natarajan Ganesan; Chandrasekhar Kesavan.
We have analyzed the linkers in group-I introns, a characteristic region that is crucial to the folding and splicing process of the
folded RNA, in seventy sequences spreading across r-RNA, t-RNA and organelle genes from various organisms including algae,
fungi and protozoa. The study revealed a high degree of consensus of specific adenine residues in J3/4, J6/7 and J8/7 stems of the
linker regions that were required to stabilize the local orientation, either as single residue or by forming unusual base pairs along
with divalent metal ions. Conservation of these residues in the Group-I intron linkers suggests their significant contribution to the
folded structure whose bonding and geometry recruit metal ions to interact in stabilizing the folded nature of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Strong and weak competitors can coexist in the same niche
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Lev V. Kalmykov; Vyacheslav L. Kalmykov.
The competitive exclusion principle postulates that two trophically identical but fitness different species can not stably coexist in
the same niche. However, this principle contradicts the observed nature's species richness. This fact is known as the
biodiversity paradox. Here, using a simple cellular automaton model, we mechanistically show how two trophically identical, but
fitness different species may stably coexist in the same niche. As environment is stable and any trade-offs are absent in this model,
it strongly violates the competitive exclusion principle.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Activation of Ras-ERK pathway by Fgf8 and its downregulation by Sprouty2 for the isthmus
organizing activity
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Asuka Suzuki-Hirano; Tatsuya Sato; Harukazu Nakamura.
In the previous studies, we showed that strong Fgf8 signaling activates the Ras-ERK pathway to induce cerebellum. Here, we
show importance of negative regulation of this pathway. 'Prolonged' activation of ERK by misexpression
of _Fgf8b_ and dominant-negative _Sprouty2_ (_dnSprouty2_) did not change the fate of the mesencephalic alar plate.
Downregulation of ERK activity using a MEK inhibitor, U0126, or by tetracycline dependent Tet-off system after co-expression
of _Fgf8b_ and _dnSprouty2_, forced the mesencephalic alar plate to differentiate into cerebellum. We then paid attention to
Mkp3. After misexpression of _dnMkp3_ and _Fgf8b_, slight downregulation of ERK activity occurred, which may be due to
Sprouty2, and the mesencephalon...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2008
Solubilization of M2 Transmembrane Peptide of Influenza A in Pure Water: Implications for
Emergence of Proteins and Protein-embedded Primeval Membranes in Unsalted Oceans
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jianxing Song; Linlin Miao.
We demonstrated that M2 transmembrane peptide, one of the most hydrophobic sequences in nature, can be solublized to at least
~100 µM in unsalted water without any lipid molecules. Strikingly, the M2 peptide also forms a highly-helical
conformation in water which remains almost unchanged even at 95 ºC, as characterized by CD spectroscopy. Our
result has critical implications in understanding emergence of proteins and protein-embedded primeval membranes in unsalted
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Two 'protein folding codes' can be inferred from empirical classifications
using Tlusty's topological approach
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
Tlusty's topological arguments regarding the genetic code are applied to the classification of tertiary irregular protein
symmetries. Unlike the genetic case, two protein folding codes are found, a 'normal' globular and a
'pathological' amyloid version. The underlying normal 'protein folding code error
network' is found to have one major, highly dominant, 'spherical' component, a minor
attachment handle in the Morse Theory sense, and as many as three additional subminor handles. The basic amyloid folding code
error network appears to be more complicated, of genus two, giving the eightfold symmetry of the steric zipper. Like many before
us, we conjecture that the elaborate...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
3D models of lamprey corticoid receptor complexed with 11-deoxycortisol and deoxycorticosterone
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Michael E. Baker; Kayla Y. Uh; Paiyuam Asnaashari.
The serum of Atlantic sea lamprey, a basal vertebrate, contains two corticosteroids, 11-deoxycortisol and deoxycorticosterone.
Only 11-deoxycortisol has high affinity [Kd~3 nM] for the corticoid receptor [CR] in lamprey gill cytosol. To investigate the
binding of 11-deoxycortisol to the CR, we constructed 3D models of lamprey CR complexed with 11-deoxycortisol and
These 3D models reveal that Leu-220 and Met-299 in lamprey CR have contacts with the
17[alpha]-hydroxyl on 11-deoxycortisol. Lamprey CR is the ancestor of the mineralocorticoid receptor [MR] and glucocorticoid
receptor [GR]. Unlike human MR and human GR, the 3D model of lamprey CR finds a van der Waals contact between Cys-227
in helix 3 and Met-264 in helix 5. Mutant...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Developmental Biology; Pharmacology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
When Spandrels Become Arches: Neural crosstalk and the evolution of consciousness
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
Once cognition is recognized as having a 'dual' information source, the information theory chain rule
implies that isolating coresident information sources from crosstalk requires more metabolic free energy than permitting
correlation. This provides conditions for an evolutionary exaptation leading to the rapid, shifting global neural broadcasts of
consciousness. The argument is quite analogous to the well-studied exaptation of noise to trigger stochastic resonance
amplification in neurons and neuronal subsystems. Astrobiological implications are obvious.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Ecology; Neuroscience; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Atributos microbiológicos do solo podem explicar níveis de produtividade de soja em áreas sob plantio
direto no Paraná.
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Microbiologia do solo; Soil biology.
Ano: 2013
Atividade microbiana e enzimática em um latossolo ácido sob doses de resíduo de reciclagem de papel.
Provedor de dados: 119
A reciclagem de papel gera resíduos denominados lodo de Estação de Tratamento de Efluentes (ETE). Sua utilização na
agricultura como corretivo de acidez do solo reduz a disposição em aterros sanitários, além de diminuir os custos de produção
com calagem. O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes doses de reciclagem de papel sobre os atributos microbiológicos de um
Latossolo Ácido. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos completos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas (com aplicação
em 2004 e reaplicação em 2008). Foram conduzidos sete tratamentos constituídos de 7 doses de resíduo de reciclagem de papel: 0;
63,6; 127; 191; 254; 382; 510 t/ha e um tratamento com 10,7 t/ha de calcário dolomítico, em três repetições. O delineamento
experimental foi o...
Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Microbiologia do solo; Soil biology.
Ano: 2012
Efeitos da aplicação de lixiviado de aterro sanitário em atributos microbiológicos do solo.
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Microbiologia do solo; Soil biology.
Ano: 2013
A role in sugar and redox handling of maize aldose reductase.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: SOUSA, S. M. de; KIYOTA, E.; YUNES, J. A.; KOCH, K. E.
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Biologia molecular; Molecular biology.
Ano: 2011
Biologia de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley em ovos de Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier).
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: ALENCAR, J.A. de; HAJI, F.N.P.; OLIVEIRA, J.V. de; MOREIRA, A.N.
Estudaram-se, em laboratório, aspectos biológicos de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) em
ovos do hospedeiro alternativo Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), visando à obtenção de informações
básicas sobre a biologia desse parasitóide em condições de laboratório. Não houve controle de temperatura, umidade relativa e
fotoperíodo, com o objetivo de simular as condições do Submédio do Vale do São Francisco, Estado de Pernambuco. A
temperatura média registrada durante o desenvolvimento do trabalho foi 25,9±0,9oC. Os resultados mostraram uma duração
média do período ovo-adulto de 9,42 dias e uma viabilidade de ovos parasitados de 88%. O número médio de T. pretiosum
emergido por ovo do hospedeiro foi de 1,41, com...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Trichogramma pretiosum; Biologia; Biology.
Ano: 2000
Biologia da Lymnaea columella say 1817 (Motlusca, Gastropoda, Basommatophora, Lymnaeidae).
Provedor de dados: 119
ARAUJO, J. L. de B.; MELLO, R. P. de.
Foi estudado o ciclo da Lymnaea columella em condições de laboratório. Os dados foram coletados em diferentes locais do Estado
do Rio de Janeiro.
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Biologia; Lymnaea columella; Biology.
Ano: 1975
Biomassa microbiana na identificação de alterações decorrentes do uso agrícola.
Provedor de dados: 119
Modificações no ambiente do solo decorrentes de práticas agrícolas podem ter efeitos sobre as propriedades microbiológicas do
solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o carbono e o nitrogênio da biomassa microbiana, pelo método de fumigação-extração e
correlacionar os parâmetros microbianos com o rendimento de grãos de soja e milho. A biomassa microbiana foi analisada na
camada de 0- 10 cm em dois experimentos de longa duração. Experimento 1: constituído de (1) plantio direto (PD), (2) plantio
convencional (PC), (3) preparo com escarificador (Es) e (4) preparo com grade pesada (GP) com sucessão soja (verão)/ trigo
(inverno). Experimento 2: constituído de PC e dois sistemas de PD com diferentes épocas de instalação, sob dois sistemas de
rotação de...
Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Microbiologia do solo; Soil biology.
Ano: 2010
Teste de eficiência alimentar para adultos de Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera,
noctuidae) visando monitoramento via feromônio sexual.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: MATRANGOLO, W. J. R.; CRUZ, I.
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Biologia; Spodoptera frugiperda; Biology.
Ano: 1991
Biology and fertility life table of Eriopis connexa, Harmonia axyridis and Olla v-nigrum (Coleoptera:
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Biology; Coccinellids; Biological control.
Ano: 2015
Transcriptomics and systems biology analysis in identification of specific pathways involved in cacao
resistance and susceptibility to witches.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: HORA JUNIOR, B. T. da; POLONI, J. de F.; LOPES, M. A.; DIAS, C. V.; GRAMACHO, K. P.; SCHUSTER, I.;
This study reports on expression analysis associated with molecular systems biology of cacao-Moniliophthora perniciosa
interaction. Gene expression data were obtained for two cacao genotypes (TSH1188, resistant; Catongo, susceptible) challenged
or not with the fungus M. perniciosa and collected at three time points through disease. Using expression analysis, we identified
154 and 227 genes that are differentially expressed in TSH1188 and Catongo, respectively. The expression of some of these genes
was confirmed by RT-qPCR. Physical protein?protein interaction (PPPI) networks of Arabidopsis thaliana orthologous proteins
corresponding to resistant and susceptible interactions were obtained followed by cluster and gene ontology analyses. The
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Cacao; Molecular systems biology.
Ano: 2012
Indicadores microbiológicos e bioquímicos de qualidade em solo de baixa fertilidade natural que
recebeu calagem e adubação fosfatada.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: RUY, R.
RESUMO: A sustentabilidade dos sistemas de produção agrícola pode ser medida pelo seu impacto na qualidade do solo.
Atributos microbiológicos e bioquímicos foram utilizados como bioindicadores de qualidade em solo de baixa fertilidade natural
que recebeu duas fontes de adubação fosfatada (superfosfato triplo e fosfato natural reativo) e dois modos de calagem (calagem
superficial e incorporada), além dos respectivos controles, em arranjo fatorial 3 x 3. Amostraram-se quatro profundidades de solo
(0-5, 5-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm), sendo que os efeitos mais pronunciados nas propriedades microbiológicas e bioquímicas foram
observados nas camadas superficiais. A calagem superficial aumentou a atividade das enzimas do solo, a respiração basal e
diminuiu a biomassa...
Tipo: Teses/dissertações (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Microbiologia do solo; Soil biology.
Ano: 2014
Três décadas de estudos sobre biomassa microbiana nos ecossistemas brasileiros: lições aprendidas
sobre qualidade do solo e indicadores de sustentabilidade.
Provedor de dados: 119
Desde a publicação do método de determinação do carbono da biomassa microbiana (CBM), foram realizados dezenas de estudos
no Brasil sobre os efeitos dos diferentes usos do solo sobre o CBM e parâmetros relacionados. Nesse trabalho, tais estudos foram
compilados com o objetivo de identificar as melhores estratégias para assegurar a sustentabilidade do uso do solo. Foram
avaliadas as práticas de plantio direto (PD) e convencional (PC), rotações de culturas, pastagens, agricultura orgânica, queimadas,
e aplicação de resíduos industriais e agroquímicos. Os efeitos do PD sobre o PC para aumentar o CBM e reduzir o qCO2
(quociente metabólico: respiração basal/CBM) foram confirmados por uma meta-análise abrangendo 233 observações
experimentais. A agricultura...
Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Microbiologia do solo; Soil biology.
Ano: 2010
Relação entre os diferentes sistemas de manejo e profundidades na atividade microbiana do solo.
Provedor de dados: 119
RESUMO ? As vantagens do plantio direto (PD) sobre o plantio convencional (PC) em relação à qualidade ambiental são
resultantes das propriedades físicas, químicas e biológicas que ocorrem no solo. No entanto, a maioria das avaliações considera
apenas as camadas superficiais do solo, não corrigindo seus valores pela densidade para realmente explicar as alterações ocorridas
no solo. Neste estudo foram avaliados os parâmetros de carbono orgânico total (COT), nitrogênio total (NT) e biomassa
microbiana (BM) pelo método de incubação e extração em um Latossolo Vermelho Escuro de Londrina, PR, com sucessão das
culturas de soja (verão) / trigo (inverno), sob PD e PC por 20 anos. As amostras de solo foram coletadas nas entrelinhas em pleno
florescimento da cultura...
Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Microbiologia do solo; Soil biology.
Ano: 2010
Quantificando os efeitos de diferentes usos agrícolas na biomassa microbiana do solo nos biomas
Provedor de dados: 119
O Brasil ocupa hoje a terceira colocação na produção agropecuária mundial. Por isso, a manutenção da qualidade do solo nas
áreas agrícolas deve ser um dos principais objetivos de agricultores, ambientalistas e governo. Diversos atributos têm sido
considerados como indicadores de qualidade do solo, entre eles, o C da biomassa microbiana do solo (CBM) e atributos
relacionados. Neste estudo, é apresentada uma meta-análise de 68 experimentos sobre os efeitos de diferentes usos agrícolas na
CBM e parâmetros relacionados nos biomas da Amazônia, Mata Atlântica, Caatinga, Cerrados, Pantanal e Pampas. A
meta-análise mostrou uma redução generalizada, em todos os usos agrícolas verificados, no CBM, no carbono orgânico total
(COT), na razão CBM/COT e de maneira geral,...
Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Biologia do solo; Soil biology.
Ano: 2010
Biologia da polinização em Lecythidaceae
Provedor de dados: 39
Autores: Mori,Scott Alan.
A família Lecythidaceae apresenta grande diversidade em matas higrófilas localizadas abaixo de 1000 m de altitude. Poucas
espécies ocorrem em cerrados, várzeas, e em matas acima de 1000 m. O Brasil, onde ocorrem 54% das espécies de Lecythidaceae
do Novo Mundo, tem mais espécies desta família que qualquer outro país no mundo, sendo especialmente rico ém espécies com
flores zigomorfas. A evolução floral ocorreu principalmente no androceu que pode ser do tipo actinomorfo ou do tipo zigomorfo.
Os polinizadores principais são abelhas sendo a única exceção a polinização por morcegos em Lecythis poiteaui. As abelhas da
tribo Euglossini parecem ser muito importantes na evolução de Lecythidaceae com flores zigomorfas. As flores de Lecythidaceae
oferecem três...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Lecythidaceae; Floral biology.
Ano: 1987
Exigências térmicas para o desenvolvimento de Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) em
pupas de cinco espécies de lepidópteros
Provedor de dados: 76
Autores: Bittencourt,Maria Aparecida L.; Berti Filho,Evoneo.
The thermal requirements of Palmistichus elaeisis Delvare & LaSalle, 1993 were determined by rearing this pupal
parasitoid in the following lepidopteran hosts: Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Crambidae), Anticarsia gemmatalis
(Hübner, 1818), Heliothis virescens (Fabricius, 1777), Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Noctuidae) and Thyrinteina
arnobia (Stoll, 1782) (Geometridae). The experiment was set in laboratory conditions (temperatures between 18ºC and 30ºC,
RH=70 ± 10% and 14-hour photoperiod). The life cycle (egg-adult) ranged from 40.4 ± 0.63 days
(18ºC, H. virescens) to 18.1 ± 0.13 days (28ºC, D. saccharalis). The thermal constant of the egg-adult period ranged
from 353.1 (D. saccharalis) to...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Lepidoptera; Parasitoids; Biology; Temperature.
Ano: 2004
Biologia reprodutiva de Apidoras fuscoguttatus (Siluriformes, Callichthyidae) em riacho de cabeceira
da bacia do alto Rio Paraná
Provedor de dados: 76
Autores: Araujo,Renato Braz de; Garutti,Valdener.
The reproductive biology of Aspidoras fuscoguttatus Nijssen & Isbrücker, 1976 from a stream in São José do Rio Preto,
northwestern São Paulo State, Brazil, was monthly investigated in the period of August 1999 to July 2000. Measurements of total
length, body weight, gonadal weight and macroscopic assessment of gonadal maturation were performed. Environmental
parameters were considered in order to verify associations with the reproductive period. Populational structure showed total length
amplitude between 14.2 and 50.8 mm. Pronounced sexual dimorphism was verified. The largest mean values of gonadosomatic
relation for females coincided with the rainy season (November to March). Mean length at first sexual maturity was different for
males (30.5 mm)...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Biology; Aspidoras; Callichthyidae; Brazil.
Ano: 2002
Eggs and larvae of fishes and their role in systematic investigations in fisheries.
Provedor de dados: 5
The stages of fishes that are discussed in this conference are those that are collected by hauling plankton nets in the oceans. These
are the eggs, larvae and less frequently the juveniles of marine fishes. There are three principal reasons why ichthyoplankton
surveys are made. Firstly, the surveys are often directed toward a single target species in order to use the distribution and
abundance of the pelagic eggs to obtain an estimate of the biomass of the adult spawning population. Secondly, the larvae of a
target species are studied in order to estimate the success of the year brood resulting from its spawn and hopefully to understand
the factors underlying fluctuations in survival. The third reason is to use ichthyoplankton surveys to evaluate fish...
Tipo: Text
Palavras-chave: Fishery biology; Ichthyoplankton surveys.
Ano: 1976
Taxonomy as a critical science
Provedor de dados: 16
Autores: Wattel, Jan.
The critical function is an important aspect of the science of taxonomy. Every classification is built upon a critical evaluation and
emendation of a previously existing one. Ultimately, this reaches back to pre-scientific classifications which are, like scientific
ones, hierarchically structured. The critical function is strongly developed in phylogenetic systematics in which some
time-honoured taxa are no longer considered natural groups. Rejection of paraphyletic taxa has given rise to opposition against the
phylogenetic methodology. It is suggested that paraphyletic taxa may be retained for administrative reference, but not for
scientific evaluation of biogeography and evolutionary differentiation.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Palavras-chave: Taxonomy; Classification; Theoretical biology.
Ano: 1990
Effect of Stimulators upon Human Hepatic Adenylate Cyclase Activity: A Tool of Nitroimidazole
Cytotoxicity Assessment
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rakesh Sharma; Soonjo Kwon.
Nitroimidazole is an antibiotic and radiosensitizer chemical with great potentials in imaging. The hepato-cytoxicity evaluation of
nitroimidazole and possible energy status changes in liver cells due to its anti-inflammatory characteristics are crucial in tumor
imaging and chemotherapy. Adenylate cyclase is key enzyme to cause energy imbalance leading to cytotoxicity. To evaluate
energy status in hepatocytes and Kupffer cells, adenylate cyclase activities in isolated liver cells were compared in presence of
stimulators. To evaluate the effect of effectors on adenylate cyclase in cultured hepatocyte cells, adenylate cyclase enzyme was
stimulated by different GITP, GTP, progesterone and nitroimidazole effectors. In cultured Kupffer cells, prostaglandin E~2~...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2009
Biological taxonomy and ontology development: scope and limitations
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Nico M. Franz; David M. Thau.
The prospects of integrating full-blown biological taxonomies into an ontological reasoning framework are reviewed. We contrast
the common usage of a static 'snapshot' hierarchy in ontological representations of taxonomy with a more
realistic situation that involves dynamic, piece-meal revisions of particular taxonomic groups and requires alignment with relevant
preceding perspectives. Taxonomic practice is characterized by a range of phenomena that are orthogonal to the logical semantic
background from which ontological entities and relationships originate, and therefore pose special challenges to ontological
representation and reasoning. Among these phenomena are: (1) the notion that there is a single phylogenetic hierarchy in nature...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Extending the Modern Synthesis: The evolution of ecosystems
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
The Modern Evolutionary Synthesis formalizes the role of variation, heredity, differential reproduction, and mutation in
population genetics. Here we explore a mathematical structure, based on the asymptotic limit theorems of communication theory,
that instantiates the punctuated dynamic relations of organisms with their embedding environments, including the possibility of
the transfer of heritage information between different classes of organisms. In essence, we provide something of a formal roadmap
for the modernization of the Modern Synthesis, making application to both relatively rapid evolutionary punctuated equilibrium
and to the conservation of ecological interactions across deep evolutionary time.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
To be resistant or tolerant: the evolution of mixed defence strategies
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Etzel Garrido; Juan Fornoni.
Theory predicts that resistance and tolerance represent mutually exclusive strategies of host defence. However, empirical evidence
reveals that individual hosts simultaneously allocate resources to both mechanisms. Understanding the maintenance of this
defence pattern remains controversial because empirical evidence is at odds with theoretical assumptions. Here, we present a
novel host-enemy dynamic that considers: the differential effect of each defence strategy upon the evolutionary response of
natural enemies; the process of local adaptation of the natural enemies to their hosts and the effect of negative and positive
frequency-dependent selection acting on resistance and tolerance respectively. Our analysis suggests that a mixed pattern of
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Adaptive evolution and then what?
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Richard Svanbäck; Mario Pineda-Krch; Michael Doebeli.
Traits determining ecological interactions and dynamics are generally subject to natural selection. That genetically based
individual variation in ecological traits can influence population dynamics has interested population biologist from various
perspectives. Population ecologists recognized the need to incorporate individual variation in models of population regulation,
while evolutionary biologists wish to understand genetic and evolutionary dynamics, e.g. of life history traits, in density-regulated
populations. But how does adaptation in ecological traits affect population dynamics? In this project we investigated how
ecological dynamics changes as a consequence of adaptive evolution in ecological traits using an individual-based predator-prey
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2007
The disease mutation A77V in Ryanodine receptor RyR2 induces changes in energy conduction
pathways in the protein
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Burak Erman; Nazan Walpoth.
Energetically responsive residues of the 217 amino acid N-terminal domain of the cardiac Ryanodine receptor RyR2 are identified
by a simple elastic net model. These residues lie along a hydrogen bonded path through the protein. The evolutionarily conserved
residues of the protein are all located on this path or in its close proximity. All of the residues of the path are either located on the
two Mir domains of the protein or are hydrogen bonded to them. Two calcium binding residues, E171 and E173, are proposed as
potential binding residues, based on insights gained from the elastic net analysis of another calcium channel receptor, the inositol
1,4,5-triphosphate receptor, IP3R. Analysis of the disease causing A77V mutated RyR2 showed that the path is...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2011
Invariant mRNA content and mitotic protein breakdown as a solution to the Russian Doll problem of
the mammalian cell cycle
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Stephen Cooper; Kerby Shedden; Dang Vu-Phan.
It is widely accepted that numerous genes are expressed in a cell-cycle dependent manner, with cycle-specific variations in mRNA
content or peaks of protein content during the cell cycle. These proposed variations raise the problem of how varying cell cycle
gene expression is regulated. This is the "infinite regression" problem or Russian Doll problem where
postulating a cell-cycle specific control element merely pushes the explanation of cell-cycle variation back one step to the problem
of how that control element itself appears and disappears at particular times during the cell cycle. We present evidence that cyclin
mRNA content is invariant during the cell cycle and calculations reveal that mRNA variation does not account for observed...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Enhancing RNAi efficiency by inserting Nuclear factor-κB binding sequence into SiRNA
expression cassette
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jianzhong Yi; Chenqian Liu.
RNAi based applications have been widely used to manipulate cellular phenotypes, analyze gene function and as a promising
molecular therapy, however, there are rare reports in how to target the SiRNA expression constructs from the cytoplasm to
nucleus. In this study, we inserted NF-κB binding sequence into the SiRNA expression cassette to enhance RNAi
efficiency, tested this propose by use of tRNAval and human H1 promoters, and eGFP and luciferase as reporter protein. The
results showed that inserting NF-κB binding sequence at the 3’-terminal of the SiRNA expression
construct could enhance RNAi efficiency.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Thermal signatures of human pheromones in sexual and reproductive behaviour
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Andrea Mazzatenta; Gian Luca Romani; Luca Tommasi; Arcangelo Merla.
Chemically mediated sexual communication in humans has been largely neglected due to its non-conscious and relatively
concealed nature. However, menstrual cycle synchronisation, puberty onset in young pre-pubertal girls exposed to their stepfather,
and consanguinity avoidance suggest a function in the physiological regulation of sexual and reproductive behaviour in humans.
These phenomena are related to activation of the limbic system by pheromones. On the basis of sexually dimorphic activation of
brain hypothalamic areas and the control of body temperature via the hypothalamus, our hypothesis is that human sexual
pheromones can induce thermal effects that can be revealed by high-resolution thermal infrared imaging. Here we show that in
women, male sexual...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Neuroscience; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Bio::Phylo - Phyloinformatic Analysis Using Perl
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rutger Vos.
Recent years have seen the emergence of the field of phyloinformatics. In the course of a phyloinformatic analysis, data and
metadata are generated, transformed, filtered, analyzed and summarized before they can be interpreted to answer meaningful
biological questions. Based on first principles of good science such steps should be reproducible; and, in practice, analysis steps
often need to be redone by the researcher multiple times anyway and are too error-prone, tedious and time-consuming to do by
hand. Hence, phyloinformatic analyses benefit from increased automation. 

Bio::Phylo toolkit promotes this by giving easy access to phylogenetic data objects (trees, taxa, character state matrices) read from
a variety of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Overexpression of an isoform of AML1 in acute leukemia and its potential role in leukemogenesis
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Xiangrong Liu; Qing Zhang; Dong-er Zhang; Chunlin Zhou; Haiyan Xing; Zhen Tian; Qing Rao; Min Wang; Jianxiang
AML1/RUNX1 is a critical transcription factor in hematopoietic cell differentiation and proliferation. From the _AML1_ gene, at
least three isoforms, _AML1a_, _AML1b_ and _AML1c_, are produced through alternative splicing. AML1a interferes with the
function of AML1b/1c, which are often called AML1. In the current study, we found a higher expression level of _AML1a_ in
ALL patients in comparison to the controls. Additionally, AML1a represses transcription from promotor of macrophage-colony
simulating factor receptor (M-CSFR) mediated by AML1b, indicating that AML1a antagonized the effect of AML1b. In order to
investigate the role of _AML1a_ in hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis _in vivo_, bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMNCs)
from mice were transduced with...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Estimation of DNA Sequence Context-dependent Mutation Rates Using Primate Genomic Sequences:
Application to Estimation of Selection Bias in Protein (Human TP53) Evolution
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Wei Zhang.
Understanding of the mechanism of DNA mutation process is critical for studying the functional consequences of genetic
variation in clinical medicine (eg. drug response) as well as other complex traits (eg. gene expression and cause of common
diseases). During the last several decades, many probabilistic models of DNA nucleotide substitution have been proposed for
studying this process. A common feature of these mutation models is that they assume the nucleotides evolve independently at
each site. In other words, they are sequence context-independent models. However, based on various biochemical studies, it is
now recognized that the DNA mutation process resulting in substitutions in both coding and non-coding regions may depend on
sequence context. We...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2007
Identification of transcription regulation associated proteins in plants and stramenopiles
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Diego Mauricio Riaño Pachón; Silvia Restrepo; Bernd Mueller-Roeber; Francisco Buitrago
The generation of biodiversity is tied to the evolution and re-wiring of gene regulatory networks (GRNs). One component of these
GRN are transcription factors and other transcriptional regulators. We have devised a pipeline for the identification of TFs and
TRs, exploiting the domain architecture of these proteins. Currently we have a set of rules, representing 138 proteins families, that
we have applied to the identification of ~20 different plant species and several species of Stramenopiles, where important plant
pathogens are found. Results for plant species are available at; we are now developing a newer
interface for Stramenopiles.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Are plants with anti-cancer activity resistant to crown gall? : A test of hypothesis
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: R Srirama; BT. Ramesha; G. Ravikanth; R. Uma Shaanker; KN Ganeshaiah.
The Crown gall tumour assay (CGTA) is one of several bench top bioassays recommended for the rapid screening of plants with
anti-cancer activity. The rationale for the use of the bioassay is that the tumorogenic mechanism initiated in plant tissues by
_Agrobacterium tumefaciens_ is in many ways similar to that of animals. Several plant species with anti-cancer activity have
already been discovered using this bioassay. However till date no explicit test of an association between anti-cancer activity of
plants and their resistance to crown gall formation has been demonstrated. Demonstration of an association could have exploratory
potential when searching for plants with anti-cancer activity. In this paper, we determined whether or not a statistically...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Pharmacology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2007
Extragenic Suppression analysis of TS mutations using Sec61p
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Sterling Smith.
During synthesis, secretory and membrane proteins are cotranslationally translocated into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum
through an aqueous gated channel. Proper folding, degradation, and transport of many polypeptides depend on a diverse set of
helper proteins termed chaperone. I hypothesize that
Sec 61p is a membrane chaperone, which actively
directs membrane protein folding.

Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Cholesterol Esterification During Differentiation by Hexamethylene Bisacetamide of Friend
Virus-Induced Erythrokeukemia
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Maria F. Mulas; Antonella Mandas; Claudia Abete; Sandra Dessi; Mario Pani; Rosa Manconi; Alessandra Mocali;
Francesco Paoletti.
Cholesterol is an essential constituent of all mammalian cell membranes, and its availability is therefore a prerequisite for cellular
growth and other functions. Several lines of evidence are now indicating an association between alterations of cholesterol
homeostasis and cell cycle progression in cancer cells. However, the role of cholesterol in cell differentiation is still largely
unknown. To begin to address this issue, in this study we examined changes in cholesterol metabolism and in the mRNA levels of
proteins involved in cholesterol import and esterification (multi-drug resistance, MDR-3) and acylCoA:cholesterol acyltransferase
(ACAT) and cholesterol export (caveolin-1) in Friend virus-induced erythroleukemia cells (MELC), in the absence or in the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Comparative genomics and disorder prediction identify biologically relevant SH3 protein interactions
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Pedro Beltrao; Luis Serrano.
Protein interaction networks are an important part of the post-genomic effort to integrate a part-list view of the cell into
system-level understanding. Using a set of 11 yeast genomes we show that combining comparative genomics and secondary
structure information greatly increases consensus-based prediction of SH3 targets. Benchmarking of our method against positive
and negative standards gave 83% accuracy with 26% coverage. The concept of an optimal divergence time for effective
comparative genomics studies was analyzed, demonstrating that genomes of species that diverged very recently from
_Saccharomyces cerevisiae_ (_S. mikatae_, _S. bayanus_, and _S. paradoxus_), or a long time ago (_Neurospora crassa_ and
_Schizosaccharomyces pombe_), contain less...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2007
Control of cell division in the adult brain by heparan sulfates in fractones and vascular basement
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Frederic Mercier; Vanessa Douet.
Regulation of cell division in adult tissues and organs requires the coordination of growth factors at the surface of
potentially-dividing cells in specific anatomic loci named germinal niches. However, the biological components and physiological
system that control growth factors in the germinal niches are unknown. In the adult brain, no function has been attributed to
fractones, the fractal-shaped extracellular matrix structures located in the subventricular zone (SVZ) next to neural stem and
progenitor cells. Here, we show that BMP-7 (bone morphogenetic protein-7) and FGF-2 (fibroblast growth factor-2) modulate cell
division in the SVZ only if the growth factors bind to heparan sulfates localized in fractones and adjoined vascular basement
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2010
Speciation of chilean Rhinocryptidae (Avian) based on their behaviour
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alejandro Correa Rueda; Jorge Mpodozis.
The current classification of the chilean representatives of the passerine family Rhinocryptidae includes eight species. Three of
them contain subspecies that don’t exhibit clear differences. Moreover, differences among two lineages of
_Scytalopus_ genera and two species of _Pteroptochos_ are very scarce. We propose a new methodology based on ecological
and behavioural patterns in order to understand the concept of speciation in this group of birds. According to our results, we
postulate that there is not a cut criteria to establish differences among three sister lineages of current classification. This way the
methodology developed by us does not allow to establish divergence for a given common ancestor. Our methodology allows to
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Positive Darwinian Selection And The Birth Of An Olfactory Receptor Clade In Teleost Fish
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ashiq Hussain; Luis Saraiva; Sigrun Korsching.
Trace amine-associated receptors (TAARs) in mammals recently have been shown to function as olfactory receptors. We have
delineated the taar gene family in jawless, cartilaginous and bony fish (zero, two, and more than hundred genes, respectively). We
conclude that taar genes are evolutionary much younger than the related OR and ORA/V1R olfactory receptor families, which are
present already in lamprey, a jawless vertebrate. The two cartilaginous fish genes appear to be ancestral for two taar classes, each
with mammalian and bony fish (teleost) representatives. Unexpectedly, a whole new clade, class III, of taar genes originated even
later, within the teleost lineage. Taar genes from all three classes are expressed in subsets of zebrafish olfactory receptor...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Neuroscience; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
A potential cyanobacterial ancestor of Viridiplantae chloroplasts
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Wriddhiman Ghosh; Prabir Haldar; Sabyasachi Bhattacharya; Jaideb Chatterjee; Prosenjit Pyne; Masrure Alam.
The theory envisaging the origin of plastids from endosymbiotic cyanobacteria is well-established but it is difficult to explain the
evolution (spread) of plastids in phylogenetically diverse plant groups. It is widely believed that primordial endosymbiosis
occurred in the last common ancestor of all algae^1^, which then diverged into the three primary photosynthetic eukaryotic
lineages, viz. the Rhodophyta (red algae), Glaucocystophyta (cyanelle-containing algae) and Viridiplantae (green algae plus all
land plants)^2^. Members of these three groups invariably have double membrane-bound plastids^3^, a property that endorses the
primary endosymbiotic origin of the organelles. On the other hand, the three or four membrane-bound plastids of the
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Microbiology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Effects of surface passivation on gliding motility assays
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Andy Maloney; Lawrence J. Herskowitz; Steven J. Koch.
In this study, we report differences in the observed gliding speed of microtubules dependent on the choice of bovine casein used
as a surface passivator. We observed differences in both speed and support of microtubules in each of the assays. Whole casein,
comprised of [alpha]~s1~, [alpha]~s2~, [beta], and [kappa] casein, supported motility and averaged speeds of 966 ± 7
nm/s. Alpha casein can be purchased as a combination of s1 and s2 and supported gliding motility and average speeds of 949
± 4 nm/s. Beta casein did not support motility very well and averaged speeds of 870 ± 30 nm/s. Kappa
casein supported motility very poorly and we were unable to obtain an average speed. Finally, we observed that mixing alpha,
beta, and kappa...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
EAG K+ channel joins the p53−miR-34−E2F1 signaling pathway as a
terminal effecter component for its oncogenic overexpression and action
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Zhiguo Wang; Chang Chen; Zhe Li; Xiaobin Luo; Jiening Xiao; Huixian Lin; Jianchun Zhang; Deli Dong; Yanjie Lu;
Baofeng Yang.
The human ether-à-go-go-1 (h-eag1) voltage-dependent K+ channel is necessary for cell cycle progression and its
overexpression stimulates tumorigenesis; specific inhibition of h-eag1 expression leads to a reduction in tumor cell proliferation in
vitro and in vivo. On the other hand, the tumor-suppressor gene p53 and its downstream genes consist of a complex molecular
signaling network and p53 is at the center of this network regulating diverse physiological responses to cancer-related stresses.
We report here that h-eag1 expression is controlled by the p53−miR-34−E2F1 pathway through a
negative feed-forward mechanism. We first established E2F1 as a transactivator of h-eag1 gene. We then revealed that miR-34, a
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
WikiPathways: Community Curation of Biological Pathways
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alexander Pico.
Assembling biological pathways from information in scientific literature and biological databases is a challenging task. Building a
pathway requires domain knowledge from specialists in various biological research areas. Furthermore, research is generating new
biological knowledge continuously, making pathway curation an ongoing and dynamic process. To facilitate this process we
developed "WikiPathways": ^1^, a wiki where users can curate pathways,
using an easy to use pathway drawing tool. WikiPathways currently has over 1200 registered users and contains more than 1300
pathways for various organisms, spanning human, mouse, zebrafish, fruit fly, worm, yeast, plants and bacteria. WikiPathways is
entering a phase...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2010
The Sonic Hedgehog Pathway Stimulates Prostate Tumor Growth by Paracrine Signaling and
Recaptures Embryonic Gene Expression in Tumor Myofibroblasts
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Aubie Shaw; Jerry Gipp; Wade Bushman.
The Hedgehog (Hh) pathway contributes to prostate cancer growth and progression. The presence of robust Shh expression in
both normal prostate and localized cancer challenged us to explain the unique growth promoting effect in cancer. We show here
that paracrine Hh signaling exerts a non-cell autonomous effect on xenograft tumor growth and that Hh pathway activation in
myofibroblasts alone is sufficient to stimulate tumor growth. Nine genes regulated by Hh in the mesenchyme of the developing
prostate were found to be regulated in the stroma of Hh over-expressing xenograft tumors. Correlation analysis of gene expression
in matched specimens of benign and malignant human prostate tissue revealed a partial 5 gene fingerprint of Hh-regulated
expression in...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2009
Formal Systems Architectures for Biology
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Bradly Alicea.
When the word "systems" is used in systems biology, it invokes a variety of assumptions about what
defines the subject under investigation, which in turn can lead to divergent research outcomes. We will take the position that
systems are defined by their potential organizing and "control" mechanisms, which distinguishes complex,
living systems from a primordial soup. This will be accomplished by defining and investigating three interesting control motifs in
biological systems: dominoes and clocks, futile cycles, and complex feedforward regulation. Additional mechanisms that combine
feedback and feedforward mechanisms will also be briefly elaborated upon. Throughout these examples, our focus will be on the
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2011
The Olfactory Nervous System Of Terrestrial And Aquatic Vertebrates
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ashiq Hussain.
Animals in their natural milieu are surrounded by odors. These odors are rich source of information, and are perceived by
sophisticated olfactory systems, that have evolved over time. The sense of smell helps species to localize prey, evade predators,
explore food and recognize viable mates. In humans, memoirs, thoughts, emotions, and associations are more readily reached
through the sense of smell than through any other channel. This suggests that olfactory processing is imperative and may differ
fundamentally from processing in other sensory modalities. The molecular age in olfaction initiated in 1991 with the significant
discovery of a large, multigene family of olfactory receptors in rat by Linda Buck and Richard Axel (Buck and Axel, 1991). The
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Neuroscience; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
An innovative method for the biological control of Alternanthera philoxeroides
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yusong Cao; Huiming Wang.
Biological invasion has become a serious global environmental problems and been considered as an important component of
global change^1-2^. Invasions by alien species can have an impact at several levels of ecological complexity from genes to
ecosystems^3-4^. Invasive alien species had seriously threated the biodiversity and natural ecosystems in China^5^, and caused
economic losses by more than US$7 billion every year^6^. Alternanthera philoxeroides, commonly known as Alligator weed, is
an invasive amphibious plant^7^. The effect of physical methods such as mechanical or artificial salvage, removal of A.
philoxeroides were very limited. Moreover, these measure should be carried out very carefully or would easy lead to its
rebound^8^. The mainly biological...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Chemical Profiles of Essential Oils and Non-Polar Extractables from Sumac (Rhus spp.)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Sierra Rayne.
Sumac is the common name for a genus (Rhus) with >250 individual species of flowering plants in the family
Anacardiaceae. These plants are globally distributed in temperate and tropical regions and can grow on marginal lands, making
them strong candidates for renewable bioproduct sources. Despite the extensive historical use of some members of Rhus spp. for
tannins and other commercial phenolics, little is known about the non-phenolic components of extracts and essentials oils. The
current review highlights opportunities available to extend these limited prior studies to other sumac species, and for obtaining
value-added compounds to complement already established phenolic extractions in these commercial plant species. To date, a
number of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Interaction of the TNFR-receptor associated factor TRAF1 with I-kappa B kinase 2 (IKK2, IKK-beta,
IKBKB) and TRAF2 indicating a dose dependent regulatory function of TRAF1 for NF-kappa B
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Johannes A. Schmid; Andreas Birbach.
IKK2 is one of the most crucial signaling kinases for activation of the transcription factor NF-kappa B. Since many NF-kappa B
activating pathways converge at the level of IKK2, we searched for interaction partners of this kinase using the C-terminal part (aa
466-756) as bait in a yeast two-hybrid system. We identified the N-terminal part (aa 1-228) of the TNF-receptor associated factor
TRAF1 as putative interaction partner, which was subsequently confirmed in mammalian cells by coimmunoprecipitation
experiments. However, this interaction seemed weaker than the interaction between TRAF1 and TRAF2, an important activating
adapter molecule of NF-kappa B signaling indicating that relative levels of IKK2, TRAF1 and TRAF2 might be important for the
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Antidiabetic, Anti-hyperlipidemic & Hepatoprotective effect of a Polyherbal Unani
formulation “Qurs Tabasheer” in STZ-diabetic wistar rats
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Danish Ahmed; Manju Sharma; Alok Mukerjee; Raja Kamal Kant; Vikas Kumar.
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the antihyperglycemic, antihyperlipidemic and hepatoprotective effect of a
traditional unani formulation “Qurs Tabasheer” in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic wistar rats.
Up until now, no study was undertaken to appraise the efficacy of “Qurs Tabasheer” in the diabetic
rats. Qurs Tabasheer is a unani formulation restraining preparations from six various herbs namely Tukhme Khurfa (Portulaca
oleracea seed), Gule Surkh (Rosa damascena flower), Gile armani (Arminium bole), Gulnar (Punica granatum flower), Tabasheer
(Bambusa arundinasia dried exudate on node), Tukhme Kahu (Lactuca sativa Linn seed). The effect of Qurs Tabasheer was
assessed in STZ (60 mg/kg, i.p...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Pharmacology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2012
Electron Transfer Pathways in Cell
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yan Liu.
Analysis of the electron salvation process data indicates that the electron transfer between the electron donor and acceptor is
hindered by the electron salvation process. It is proposed that the electron transfer in the cell environment must be assisted by
intermediate messenger called the “transport protein”.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2012
ACBD: Database for Ascidian Chemical Genomics
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yuichiro Hira; Jun Terai; Mitsuru Nakamura; Etsu Tashiro; Masaya Imoto; Kotaro Oka; Kohji Hotta.
Chemical biology approach enables us to understand the complex biological systems,using small molecules such as a specific
activator or inhibitor of protein, a hormone-likeinducer, or a neurotransmitter etc. When such approach is performed
genome-widely, that research is especially called "chemical genomics". We are planning to make a new
start of chemical genomics using one of chordate model animal, ascidian. As a first step, we constructed a database called ACBD
(Ascidians Chemical Biology Database).

First, we reviewed and annotated past
articles which describe the uses of small chemicals in the field of ascidians biology. In ACBD, chemical information and effects
on ascidian are manually extracted...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Data Standards.
Ano: 2010
The Effect of a Reduced-Calorie Diet on alpha-2 Adrenergic Receptor Responsiveness in Abdominal
Adipose Tissue in Obese Men During Exercise
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Roy R. Estrada; Joseph O. Schmelz; David Turbow; Edith Neumann.
There is at present an imperfect understanding of the effect of diet on availability of inhibitory receptors in fat cells during
exercise among obese men. 

*Objective:* The purpose of this study was to determine
whether diet results in downregulation of alpha-2 adrenergic receptor ([alpha]~2-AR~) messenger RNA (mRNA), improving
metabolism in exercise in obese men. 

*Design:* One group, pre-test, post-test

*Measurements:* Subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue was tested for
physiologic response, such as changes in catecholamines and other markers of lipolysis measured during periods of exercise,
before and after a 12-week diet. Plasma markers of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
A general model of continuous character evolution
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Carl Boettiger.
I present a general model for continuous character evolution, review some of the common challenges that emerge in such complex
methods and review strategies for handling them.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Integrated disease management using environmental control in tea fields
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Tsuyoshi Tomihama; Nonaka Toshiyuki; Nishi Yatsuka; Arai Kei.
The occurrence of plant disease depends on interactions between the host plant, a pathogen, and the environment in a dynamic
called "the disease triangle". Bacterial shoot blight (BSB) disease, caused by _Pseudomonas syringae_ pv.
_theae_ (_Pst_), is a major bacterial disease of tea plants in Japan and substantially reduces tea productivity. BSB mainly occurs
in the low-temperature season, and lesion formation by _Pst_ is enhanced by both low temperature and the presence of ice
nucleation-active _Xanthomonas campestris_ (INAX), which catalyses ice formation at -2 to -4^o^C and is frequently co-isolated
with _Pst_ from tea plants^5^. Low temperature is thus the most important environmental factor to influence the incident;
however, the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Microbiology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2008
Life fingerprints of nuclear reactions in the body of animals
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jun Zeng; Ji-hui Han; Tao Sun; Ji-hui Su; Qi-yin Sun; Quan-shi Zhang; Wen-hui Xie; Ci-yi Liu; Xiao-jia Cai.
Nuclear reactions are a very important natural phenomenon in the universe. On the earth, cosmic rays constantly cause nuclear
reactions. High energy beams created by medical devices also induce nuclear reactions in the human body. The biological role of
these nuclear reactions is unknown. Here we show that the in vivo biological systems are exquisite and sophisticated by nature in
influence on nuclear reactions and in resistance to radical damage in the body of live animals. In this study, photonuclear reactions
in the body of live or dead animals were induced with 50-MeV irradiation. Tissue nuclear reactions were detected by positron
emission tomography (PET) imaging of the induced beta+ activity. We found the unique tissue...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2010
The Earliest Perfect Flower
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Xin Wang; Shaolin Zheng.
Despite of angiosperms in the Yixian Formation (>125 Ma, early Cretaceous), there is no perfect flower typical of
angiosperms to date. Here we report _Euanthus dilaensis_ gen. et sp. nov as the earliest perfect flower known to date. The flower
includes tepals, androecium and gynoecium. The anthers are globose in form, with bristles atop and in situ round-triangular pollen
grains. The gynoecium is composed of probably two carpels with plumose stigmas and a carpel-enclosing receptacle. The
discovery of _Euanthus_ increases the diversity of early angiosperms, and indicates that perfect flowers occurred as early as 125
Ma ago.

Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2007
Transgene effects on rhizodeposition: Evidence from molecular-chemical screening by Pyrolysis-Field
Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (Py-FIMS)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Andre Schlichting; Christel Baum; Dana Zimmer; Peter Leinweber.
Rhizodeposition plays an important role in the C and N cycle of ecosystems, since it essentially reflects the interaction between
plant, soil and soil microorganisms. The molecular-chemical characterisation of rhizodeposition is often limited to selected
compound classes (e.g., carbohydrates and amino acids). A more comprehensive analytical approach is based on the
molecular-chemical “fingerprint” revealed by Pyrolysis-Field Ionisation Mass Spectrometry

The presented results give evidence of specific effects in conjunction
with soil type, crop, variety, transgenes and mycorrhizal colonisation on the molecular-chemical composition of rhizodeposition.
The experiments included various crops...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Phenex: Ontological Annotation of Phenotypic Diversity
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: James P. Balhoff; Wasila M. Dahdul; Cartik R. Kothari; Hilmar Lapp; John G. Lundberg; Paula Mabee; Peter E.
Midford; Monte Westerfield; Todd J. Vision.
Phenex is a platform-independent desktop application designed to facilitate efficient and consistent annotation of phenotypic
variation using Entity-Quality syntax, drawing on terms from community ontologies for anatomical entities, phenotypic qualities,
and taxonomic names. Despite the centrality of the phenotype to so much of biology, traditions for communicating information
about phenotypes are idiosyncratic to different disciplines. Phenotypes seem to elude standardized descriptions due to the variety
of traits that compose them and the difficulty of capturing the complex forms and subtle differences among organisms that we can
readily observe. Consequently, phenotypes are refractory to attempts at data integration that would allow computational...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Shaping neurons: how morphological constraints affect axonal polarity
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Catherine Villard; Annie Andrieux.
Neuronal differentiation is under the tight control of biochemical and physical information arising from micro-environment. Here,
through a panel of poly-L-lysine micropatterns, we wished to assay how external geometrical constraints of neurons may
modulate axonal polarization. Constraints applied to either the cell body or to the neurite directions revealed the existence of a
differential mechanical tension between the nascent axon and other neurites. Also, we show that centrosome location is not
predictive of axonal polarization but responds to the force exerted by the nascent axon. Using curved trajectories for neurite
growth inhibited axonal differentiation and prevented formation of multiple axons normally induced by cytochalasin or taxol
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2011
The Diet of the Rhinolophidae in the “Kabylia of the Babors” Region,
Northern Algeria
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ahmim Mourad; Moali Aissa.
Many bats of the Rhinolophidae family are currently threatened all over the world. In Algeria they are represented by six species
listed in the IUCN red list and whose hunting habits and diet are, at best, poorly known. This paper describes the diet composition
of four of these species (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, R. hipposideros, R. euryale and R. blasii) in the Bejaia and Jijel districts,
and in Kabylia of the Babors region, in northern Algeria. Between March 2007 and January 2008 guano was sampled every
fortnight in the different sites used by the species and preys remains identified under microscope. Results show that these Algerian
Rhinolophidae prey on three groups of Arthropodes (Insects, Chilopodes and Spiders) whose frequencies vary from one...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Ecology.
Ano: 2012
Molecular implications of prolonged aggression experience: Th, Dat1, Snca and Bdnf gene expression
in the ventral tegmental area of the victorious male mice
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: N. P. Bondar; U. A. Boyarskikh; I. L. Kovalenko; M. L. Filipenko; N. N. Kudryavtseva.
Th, Dat1, Snca and Bdnf were the genes whose mRNA levels in the ventral tegmental area of the midbrain were measured in male
mice that were victorious in 20 daily agonistic interactions and in a group of such victorious mice that had later not been allowed
to fight for 14 days. This experiment demonstrated increased Th, Dat1 and Snca but not Bdnf mRNA levels in the former group as
compared to the controls. In the latter group, the expression of the Th and Dat1 genes was still enhanced, while the level of Snca
mRNA did not differ from that in the controls. These findings suggest that positive fighting experience enhances the expression of
the genes concerned with dopaminergic systems and this enhanced expression is preserved for a long time afterwards....
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2008
Molecular implications of prolonged aggression experience: Th, Dat1, Snca and Bdnf gene expression
in the ventral tegmental area of the victorious male mice
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Natalia P. Bondar; Ul'yana A. Boyarskikh; Irina L. Kovalenko; Maxim L. Filipenko; Natalia N.
Th, Dat1, Snca and Bdnf were the genes whose mRNA levels in the ventral tegmental area of the midbrain were measured in male
mice that were victorious in 20 daily agonistic interactions and in a group of such victorious mice that had later not been allowed
to fight for 14 days. This experiment demonstrated increased Th, Dat1 and Snca but not Bdnf mRNA levels in the former group as
compared to the controls. In the latter group, the expression of the Th and Dat1 genes was still enhanced, while the level of Snca
mRNA did not differ from that in the controls. These findings suggest that positive fighting experience enhances the expression of
the genes concerned with dopaminergic systems and this enhanced expression is preserved for a long time afterwards....
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2008
Potential pathways of indole acetic acid (IAA) biosynthesis in Euphorbia abyssinica
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Raf Aerts; Els Prinsen; Bart Muys.
Desert candle (_Euphorbia abyssinica_ J.F. Gmel.) (further referred to as EAG) is a succulent tree of dry deciduous and evergreen
montane forest, woodland and shrub savanna. It occurs widely throughout dryland Africa, where it is appreciated as a live fence
because it is easily propagated from untreated mature branch cuttings.
Earlier we argued that the ability of
large EAG branches to regenerate with ease in dry soil may be related to the natural plant growth regulator hormone indole acetic
acid (IAA) contained in the latex of the plant. EAG latex samples from northern Ethiopia (n = 3) that were chemically analyzed
contained on average 0.06 mg/l latex, as well as the IAA metabolites indole lactate (ILA) and indole ethanol (IEt). One...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Beyond Structure: KiSAO and TEDDY -- Two Ontologies Addressing Pragmatical and Dynamical
Aspects of Computational Models in Systems Biology
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Dagmar Köhn; Nicolas Le Novère; Christian Knüpfer.
Computational models are becoming more and more the central scientific paradigm for understanding the complexity of living
systems. With the increasing number and size of these models there is a growing need for model reuse and exchange.
Furthermore, detailed models are not manageable without computer support. There are efforts to formalise the mathematical
structure of models (e.g. SBML) and to standardise the kinetic and biological meaning of model components (e.g. SBO, GO,
UniProt). However, formalising only the structure of computational models is not sufficient to easily exchange and reuse models
and to achieve full computer support for modelling. We also need to formalise the pragmatical and dynamical aspects of...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2009
Biological Activities of Extracts from Sumac (Rhus spp.): A Review
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Sierra Rayne; Giuseppe Mazza.
Sumac is the common name for a genus (Rhus) that contains over 250 individual species of flowering plants in the family
Anacardiaceae. These plants are found in temperate and tropical regions worldwide, often grow in areas of marginal agricultural
capacity, and have a long history of use by indigenous peoples for medicinal and other uses. The research efforts on sumac
extracts to date indicate a promising potential for this plant family to provide renewable bioproducts with the following reported
desirable bioactivities: antifibrogenic, antifungal, antiinflammatory, antimalarial, antimicrobial, antimutagenic, antioxidant,
antithrombin, antitumorigenic, antiviral, cytotoxic, hypoglycaemic, and leukopenic. As well, the bioactive components can be
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Pharmacology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2007
Ancient fossil specimens of extinct species are genetically more distant to an outgroup than extant
sister species are
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Shi Huang.
There exists a remarkable correlation between genetic distance as measured by protein or DNA dissimilarity and time of species
divergence as inferred from fossil records. This observation has provoked the molecular clock hypothesis. However, data
inconsistent with the hypothesis have steadily accumulated in recent years from studies of extant organisms. Here the published
DNA and protein sequences from ancient fossil specimens were examined to see if they would support the molecular clock
hypothesis. The hypothesis predicts that ancient specimens cannot be genetically more distant to an outgroup than extant sister
species are. Also, two distinct ancient specimens cannot be genetically more distant than their extant sister species are. The
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Where did Words Come from? A Linking Theory of Sound Symbolism and Natural Language
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jamie Reilly; David Biun; Wind Cowles; Jonathan Peelle.
Where did words come from? The traditional view is that the relation between the sound of a word and its meaning is arbitrary.
An alternative hypothesis, known as sound symbolism, holds that form-meaning correspondence is systematic. Numerous
examples of sound symbolism exist across natural language phyla. Moreover, cross-linguistic similarities suggest that sound
symbolism represents a language universal. For example, many unrelated languages affix an "ee" sound to
words in order to emphasize size distinctions or express affection (e.g., look at the teeny weeny baby); other such phonetic
universals are evident for object mass, color, brightness, and aggression. We hypothesize that sound symbolism reflects sensitivity
to an ecological law...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Ecology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2008
The monoclonal antibody nBT062 conjugated to maytansinoids has potent and selective cytotoxicity
against CD138 positive multiple myeloma cells _in vitro_ and _in vivo_
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Hiroshi Ikeda; Teru Hideshima; Robert J. Lutz; Hiroshi Yasui; Yutaka Okawa; Tanyel Kiziltepe; Sonia Vallet;
Samantha Pozzi; Loredana Santo; Giulia Perrone; Mariateresa Fulciniti; Yu-Tzu Tai; Diana Cristea; Noopur S. Raje; Christoph
Uherek; Benjamin Dälken; Silkie Aigner; Frank Osterroth; Nikhil C. Munshi; Paul Richardson; Kenneth C. Anderson.
CD138 (Syndecan1) is highly expressed on multiple myeloma (MM) cells. In this study, we examined the anti-MM effect of
murine/human chimeric CD138-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) nBT062 conjugated with highly cytotoxic maytansinoid
derivatives _in vitro_ and _in vivo_. These agents significantly inhibited growth of CD138-positive MM cell lines and primary
tumor cells from MM patients, without cytotoxicity against peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy volunteers. In MM
cells, they induced G2/M cell cycle arrest followed by apoptosis associated with cleavage of PARP and caspase-3, -8 and -9.
Non-conjugated nBT062 completely blocked cytotoxicity induced by nBT062-maytansinoid conjugate, confirming that binding is
required for inducing...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Robust information from phylogenetic trees?
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Carl Boettiger.
Traditional information criteria approaches can lead to misleading model choice in comparative phylogenetics. I present both
these weaknesses and a more robust comparison by likelihood ratio. I then discuss a new class of models to capture the transition
process between evolutionary regimes.
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Studies on the Accumulation of Chromium in Fenugreek
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Xanthate D S; Murthy Ch V R; Rajan S C S; Sekhar D M R.
Studying Cr uptake by Fenugreek, we note that the maximum concentration of Cr takes place in the shells of the pods followed by
leaves, stems and seeds in that order. Interestingly, applied higher doses of Cr does not increase accumulation of Cr in the stems,
rather Cr content in the stems levels off. However, the maximum dispersal/distribution of Cr taken up is in the leaves.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Pharmacology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2012
The Teleost Taxonomy Ontology
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Peter E. Midford; James P. Balhoff; Wasila Dahdul; Cartik R. Kothari; Hilmar Lapp; John Lundberg; Paula Mabee;
Todd J. Vision; Monte Westerfield.
The Teleost Taxonomy Ontology (TTO) is an ontology of taxonomic groups and associated names for fish (not just teleosts). This
ontology has served as a source of names and taxonomic structure within the Phenoscape project since early 2008. Although the
TTO is based on Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes (CoF) and incorporates all valid species and genus names, it is also
extended by the curation needs of the Phenoscape project. Names of fossil taxa not included in the CoF as well as references to
specimens identied only to genus (e.g., _Eigenmannia sp._ (Fink and Fink 1981)) are incorporated into the TTO as
required by the curation needs of the Phenoscape project. As Phenoscape receives updates to the CoF, a tool called TTOUpdate
merges the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Phyloinformatics in the age of Wikipedia
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Roderic Page.
This talk describes a mapping between the NCBI taxonomy database and Wikipedia. These two databases were chosen because
the NCBI taxonomy contains all the taxa for which sequences are publicly available, and for many taxa Wikipedia is the first site
returned in a Google search on that taxon's scientific name. The NCBI web pages for nearly 53,000 NCBI taxa now
have a link to the corresponding page in Wikipedia.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
mRNA diffusion explains protein gradients in Drosophila early development
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rui Dilao; Daniele Murro.
We propose a new model describing the production and the establishment of the stable gradient of the Bicoid protein along the
antero-posterior axis of the embryo of _Drosophila_. In this model, we consider that _bicoid_ mRNA diffuses along the
antero-posterior axis of the embryo and the protein is produced in the ribosomes localized near the syncytial nuclei. Bicoid protein
stays localized near the syncytial nuclei as observed in experiments.We calibrate the parameters of the mathematical model with
experimental data taken during the cleavage stages 11 to 14 of the developing embryo of _Drosophila_. We obtain good
agreement between the experimental and the model gradients, with relative errors in the range 5-8%. The inferred diffusion
coefficient of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2009
A novel predicted calcium-regulated kinase family implicated in neurological disorders
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Małgorzata Dudkiewicz; Anna Lenart; Krzysztof Pawłowski.
Protein kinases are essential effectors of cellular signaling. Surprisingly, using bioinformatics tools, we predicted protein kinase
structure and function for proteins of unknown function (FAM69 family) coded by five related human genes and their Metazoan
homologues. Analysis of three-dimensional structure models and conservation of the classic catalytic motifs of protein kinases in
four of human FAM69 proteins suggests they might have retained catalytic phosphotransferase activity. The FAM69 genes,
FAM69A, FAM69B, FAM69C, C3ORF58 and CXORF36, are by large uncharacterized molecularly, yet linked to several
neurological disorders in genetics studies. An EF-hand Ca2+-binding domain in FAM69A and FAM69B proteins, inserted within
the structure of the kinase...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2012
Plant Transcription Factors @
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Diego Mauricio Riaño-Pachón; Ingo Dreyer; Slobodan Ruzicic; Bernd Mueller-Roeber.
We present the Plant Transcription Factor Database (PlnTFDB), and the putative complete set of TFs in the algae
_Chlamydomonas reinhardtii_, _Ostreococcus tauri_ and the vascular plants _Oryza sativa_ and _Arabidopsis thaliana_.
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2007
Towards a Taxonomically Intelligent Phylogenetic Database
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Roderic Page.
This note outlines some of the key intellectual obstacles that stand in the way of creating a usable phylogenetic database. These
challenges include the need to accommodate multiple taxonomic names and classifications, and the need for tools to query trees in
biologically meaningful ways. Until these problems are addressed, and a taxonomically intelligent phylogenetic database created,
much of our phylogenetic knowledge will languish in the pages of journals.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2007
The Evolution Ontology
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Adam M. Goldstein.
Existing ontologies model components of evolution, but none synthesize them or describe the framework of ideas used to
conceptualize evolution. The Evolution Ontology (EO) aims to do just this. EO models processes (e.g. natural selection); contexts
(e.g. habitats); the entities that undergo evolution; and the theories, methods, and disciplines of evolutionary science. Uses include
data curation, data mining, and literature curation, EO’s developers working on the latter two for works of Darwin
and the Biodiversity Heritage Library.
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Injury in Chronic Multisymptom Conditions: From Gulf War
Illness to Autism Spectrum Disorder
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Beatrice A. Golomb.
Background: Overlapping chronic multisymptom illnesses (CMI) include Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia,
irritable bowel syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity, and Gulf War illness (GWI), and subsets of autism spectrum disorder
(ASD). GWI entails a more circumscribed set of experiences that may provide insights of relevance to overlapping
Objectives: To consolidate evidence regarding a role for oxidative stress and mitochondrial
dysfunction (OSMD), as primary mediators in CMI, using GWI as a departure point.
Methods: Exposure
relations, character, timecourse and multiplicity of symptoms, and objective correlates of GWI are compared to expectation for
OSMD. Objective correlates of OSMD in GWI and...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2012
Creatine kinase in energy metabolic signaling in muscle
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Olav Kongas; Johannes H. G. M. van Beek.
There has been much debate on the mechanism of regulation of mitochondrial ATP synthesis to balance ATP consumption during
changing cardiac workloads. A key role of creatine kinase (CK) isoenzymes in this regulation of oxidative phosphorylation and in
intracellular energy transport had been proposed, but has in the mean time been disputed for many years. It was hypothesized that
high-energy phosphoryl groups are obligatorily transferred via CK; this is termed the phosphocreatine shuttle. The other important
role ascribed to the CK system is its ability to buffer ADP concentration in cytosol near sites of ATP hydrolysis.

Almost all of the experiments to determine the role of CK had been done in the
steady state, but...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
Capturing Protein Sequence Data: UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB) submissions and Journal
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Paul Browne; Ruth Eberhardt.
Most sequences in UniprotKB are derived from the translation of nucleotide sequence, but we also add sequences obtained
through direct sequencing of peptides by Edman degradation and tandem mass spectrometry. This allows us to capture protein
sequences for which no nucleotide sequence is available, and can also confirm that a predicted protein exists and elucidate the
post-translational processing it undergoes. Scientists submit protein sequences to UniProtKB via the web-based submission tool
"SPIN": Curators use a range of sequence analysis tools
to check the submission and frequently discuss the sequence and supporting evidence with the submitter. Submitted entries can be
kept confidential...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2009
Rabbit Muscle Actin Polymerization changes by Ultraviolet –B radiation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Anita Mukherjee; Arun Kumar Attri.
Increase in Ultraviolet-B flux from the Sun has the potential to alter the protein in mammals. Rabbit muscle was processed and
filtered to extract G-actin, which was tested for its protein concentration before exposing to UV-B. It was found that
polymerization of actin does get affected exposure of actin monomers to UV-B radiation. Inside the cell, there are many actin
binding proteins which might be playing crucial role in G-actin to F-actin formation.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2009
A dynamical model of genetic networks describes cell differentiation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Roberto Serra; Villani Marco; Alessia Barbieri.
Cell differentiation is a complex phenomenon whereby a stem cell becomes progressively more specialized and eventually gives
rise to a specific cell type. Differentiation can be either stochastic or, when appropriate signals are present, it can be driven to take
a specific route. Induced pluripotency has also been recently obtained by overexpressing some genes in a differentiated cell. Here
we show that a stochastic dynamical model of genetic networks can satisfactorily describe all these important features of
differentiation, and others. The model is based on the emergent properties of generic genetic networks, it does not refer to specific
control circuits and it can therefore hold for a wide class of lineages. The model points to a peculiar role of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2010
Modeling of ARS-interacting multifunctional proteins p18 and p38.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Viktor V. Deineko.
ARS-interacting multifunctional proteins (auxiliary components) – are nonezymatic proteins, associated with
aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases – enzymes that catalyse the joining of amino acids with their corresponding tRNAs.
All these proteins are complexed into large macromolecular multisynthetase complex in eukaryotes. It includes nine different
ARSs and three auxiliary components. Their spatial structures precisely defined by X-ray analysis are still not known.
Nevertheless, it very useful to have this structure while making biochemical studies. Bioinformatical tools were used to create
structural models of two auxiliary components of multisynthetase complex – p18 and p38.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
Protective effect of (-) α-bisabolol on markers of oxidative stress in erythrocytes subjected
to oxidative insult
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Suaib Luqman; Suchita Srivastava.
(-)-α-bisabolol is a sesquiterpene alcohol found as a major component of essential oil of chamomile (Matricaria
recutita L., Chamomilla recutita L., Matricaria chamomilla L.; Family Asteraceae). Chamomile, one of the most ancient and
widely recognized herbs to mankind, has been used traditionally for centuries as an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic,
carminative, mild astringent and healing medicine. It is also known to be very helpful as an external agent for encouraging the
rapid healing of ulcers and burns without infection, as well as persistent skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis. Since
clinical trials and human studies are limited, we have investigated the effect of (-)-α-bisabolol on markers of oxidative
stress in human...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2012
Development of a sampling regime for research with environmental relevance based on variability of
transgene expression in plants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Carla Struzyna-Schulze; Heike Mikschofsky; Wenke Mönkemeyer; Jörg Schmidtke; Kerstin
Schmidt; Inge Broer.
Transgenic plants often produce proteins that are unknown in conventional crops. Therefore, it requires a fundamental analysis
before approval of a new genetically modified plant is given. Since the EFSA-guidelines for risk assessment on transgenic plants
provide only recommendations but no detailed instructions, we wanted to develop a valid test scheme that defines sample size and
sampling organ to enable a statically valid and efficient analysis of transgene expression and its variability. The scheme will be
based on data obtained for the variability in expression i. of different recombinant proteins in one variety; ii. of different
integration sites of one transgene in one variety; iii. of the same recombinant protein between different varieties and...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Factors influencing impala distribution patterns in Nairobi National Park, Kenya
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Vincent Obade; Eva Clercq.
Monitoring the distribution of wild animals using appropriate methods and survey techniques is essential not only for sustainable
management but also to avoid wastage of resources. This study applied remote sensing to investigate the factors influencing the
distribution of herbivores in Nairobi National Park, Kenya. Impala was selected as indicator specie for the herbivores within the
park, because the population of impala had drastically reduced over time. The influence of food availability, water and disturbance
on herbivore presence was investigated. A positive significant statistical relationship between impala population density and feed
availability was observed. However, the correlation between impala population density and water distance was...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
Deterministic individual-based cellular automata modelling of single species population dynamics
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Lev Kalmykov; Vyacheslav Kalmykov.
This presentation was created to characterise foundations of cellular automata modelling of single species population dynamics.
We show models of single species population growth based on deterministic birth-death-regeneration process and demonstrate a
relationship between fecundity rate and population growth rate. Our models provide mechanistic simulation of logistic-like and
double logistic-like curves of population growth that is not possible in the classical Verhulst model (logistic growth model). This
method is deterministic individual-based and is based on logical “if-then” statements only. As this
method is bottom-up mechanistic and provides a direct visual insight into dynamics of complex systems, we used it to study...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
A Discrete State Model for Kinesin-1 with Rate Constants Modulated by Neck Linker Tension
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Steven J. Koch; Lawrence J. Herskowitz.
Kinesin-1 is a homodimeric molecular motor protein that uses ATP and a hand-over-hand motion to transport cargo along
microtubules. How kinesin converts chemical energy into directed motion is a question that has been actively studied since its
discovery. Even at the most coarse-grained level of chemical kinetics, understanding is still lacking. Minimal kinetic models are
often developed to both explain kinesin’s hand-over-hand forward-stepping behavior and to infer important kinetic
rate constants from experimental data. These minimal models are often limited to a handful of two-headed states on a core cycle
and have been essential for the current level of understanding. However, it is not always clear how to evolve these core-cycle
models to...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Phosphatidylserine polarization is required for proper Cdc42 localization and for development of cell
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Gregory Fairn; Sergio Grinstein.
We used genetically-encoded fluorescent probes to visualize the distribution of phosphatidylserine (PS) in live S. cerevisiae. The
majority of the PS was found to reside in the cytosolic leaflet of the plasma membrane. Remarkably, PS was polarized,
accumulating in bud necks, the bud cortex and the tips of mating projections. Polarization required vectorial delivery of
PS-enriched secretory and recycling vesicles. Rapid dissipation of the PS gradient is prevented by the slow diffusion of lipids
along the plasmalemmal inner leaflet, estimated by photobleaching recovery measurements to be over an order of magnitude
slower than in mammalian cells. In mutants lacking PS-synthase the absence of PS was associated with, and likely responsible for
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Did nature also choose arsenic?
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Felisa Wolfe-Simon; Paul C. W. Davies; Ariel Anbar.
P<sub>i</sub> serves as the backbone of the nucleic acids that constitute genetic
material and as the major repository of chemical energy for metabolism in polyphosphate bonds. Arsenic (As) lies directly below
P on the periodic table and so the two elements share many chemical properties, although their chemistries are sufficiently
dissimilar that As cannot directly replace P in modern biochemistry. Arsenic is toxic precisely because As and P are similar...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
An optimized energy potential can predict SH2 domain-peptide interactions
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Zeba Wunderlich; Leonid Mirny.
Peptide recognition modules (PRMs) are used throughout biology to mediate protein-protein interactions, and many PRMs are
members of large protein domain families. Members of these families are often quite similar to each other, but each domain
recognizes a distinct set of peptides, raising the question of how peptide recognition specificity is achieved using similar protein
domains. The analysis of individual protein complex structures often gives answers that are not easily applicable to other
members of the same PRM family. Bioinformatics-based approaches, one the other hand, may be difficult to interpret physically.
Here we integrate structural information with a large, quantitative data set of SH2-peptide interactions to study the physical
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008
Development of Incentives for Data Sharing in Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Clifford S. Duke.
Ready access to data is a key concern in both basic research and problem-solving in the biological sciences, as the scale and scope
of the questions that researchers ask expand, and as global problems demand data collected from around the world. With a grant
from the National Science Foundation, from 2004 through 2009, the Ecological Society of America (ESA) has led a series of five
workshops on data sharing, to help the ecology, evolution, and organismal biology communities find common ground on how to
make data more readily discoverable and accessible in their own disciplines. The most recent of these focused in the development
of incentives for data sharing, both at the individual and organizational level. This presentation will summarize the workshop...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
RNA Vaccine: novel approach for cancer treatment
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: L K Dwivedi; Prateeksha Goswami; Kanika Bhalla.
Cancer is still an unsolved puzzle and a major cause of mortality and morbidity in the world. Today, about one in every thousand
people is dying due to cancer. No effective agent has yet been found which can cure cancer in its metastatic stage. However,
attempts in the shape of chemotherapy, immunotherapy and vaccines are made worldwide to find a remedy through a proper
regimen. In continuation, tumor specific mRNA has been introduced as part of vaccines in recent days. It is mostly used in
transfection with Dendritic Cells (DCs) for better effectiveness and safety. The DCs are selected for transfection because they are
highly potent Antigen Presenting Cells (APCs) with the ability to take up & process tumor antigen in peripheral blood
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Mizoribin as a inhibitor for leukocyte immunoglobulin receptor sub family A member3
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Varala Sravani; I Vani Priyadarshini; Amineni Umamaheswari.
The Leukocyte Immunoglobulin-like Receptors (LILRs) are a family of receptors that was broadly expressed on all leukocytes
and have the ability to regulate their function. The increased levels of human LILRA3 in rheumatoid arthritis patients leads to
stroke. In quest of designing novel inhibitors against LILRA3 an accurate homology model for the protein was based on crystal
structures of 1GOX and 3P2T using Modeller 9V9. The use of multiple templates for structure prediction led us to propose a
structure comprising all 439 amino acids of human LILRA3 for the first time. The best model was selected based on GA341 and
DOPE score and further assessed through ProSA and PROCHECK. The validated structure was subjected to CASTp analysis
ligand binding site...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
LibSBGN: current status and future plans
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alice C. Villeger.
LibSBGN is a community project started in 2009: it aims at facilitating the development of SBGN-compliant tools, and improving
interoperability between these tools.
These goals will be achieved by defining a standardized electronic
implementation of the Systems Biology Graphical Notation: an XML-based file format (SBGN-ML), complemented by a software
library (LibSBGN).
The project is organized around a number of online tools, which allow the community
to discuss problems, share ideas, and formalize solutions.
Current versions of SBGN-ML and LibSBGN
have already been adopted by three different SBGN-compliant tools. The first official release of SBGN-ML is

Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2010
Towards an Open Taxonomy
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Roderic Page.
Taxonomy is in many ways still predigital. Most taxonomic databases are little more than digitized index cards linking names to
often-cryptic bibliographic citations, oblivious to the growing volume of scientific literature that is now online. A growing
fraction of taxonomic literature is becoming freely available, either through adoption of Open Access publishing models, or
through digitizing efforts such as the Biodiversity Heritage Library. Yet much of the most basic information about biodiversity,
namely taxonomic description, remains either behind a pay wall, or only available in paper form. This talk sketches the goal of an
"Open Taxonomy." The first step towards this goal is digitally linking scientific names to the primary...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Pathogenetic role of tissue factor in graft-versus-host disease
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Li Quan; Li Weiming; Zhang Jian; Zou Ping.
Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a serious complication after allogeneic stem cell transplantation, the mechanism of it is still
not elucidated. Recent findings suggest that host endothelial cells are a target of alloreactive donor cytotoxic T lymphocytes in
GVHD and tissue factor (TF) plays an important role not only in coagulation-inflammation cycle, but also in transplant
immunology. We postulate TF expression in vascular endothelial cells(VEC) may play an pivotal role in the pathogenesis of
GVHD. TF gene andprotein expression in target organs of GVHD in aGVHD mice was significantly elevated compared to that of
controls as determined by real-time PCR and Western blotting. Allogeneic CD4^+^T cell and CD8^+^T cells enhanced TF,
VCAM-1, TNF-[alpha],...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
The Effects of Climate Change on the Phenological Interactions of Plants and Pollinators
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: David W. Inouye.
Symposium title: Interdisciplinary Canary: Linkages between Ecology and Sustainable Decision Making in a Dynamic

responses of pollinators to climate change could include changes in phenology of migratory pollinators and in the routes or
destinations for their migration, changes in the phenology and distribution of non-migratory species, and changes in the host
plants they visit for nectar and pollen.
Plants face similar challenges with regard to changes in their distributions, their
reproductive phenology, and interactions with both co-flowering species and pollinators (competition, facilitation, etc.). Unless
pollinators and their host plants are...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
Attentional control and engagement with digital technology
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Tracy Alloway; Ross Alloway.
Multiple demands comprise the efficiency of attentional control. There is abundant evidence that when an individual attempts two
or more attentionally demanding activities at the same time, the allocation of attention to the tasks is limited and performance
suffers as a result. Yet, recent technological innovations require many individuals to manage multiple digital technologies
simultaneously or to switch attentional control between tasks. The ability to multitask with various digital technologies involves
dividing attention, switching between tasks, and keeping track of multiple strands of information in working memory.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2011
Diet transition to a high-fat diet for 3 weeks reduces brain omega-3-fatty acid levels, alters BDNF
signaling and induces anxiety & depression-like behavior in adult rats
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Sandeep Sharma; Yumei Zhuang; Fernando Gomez-Pinilla.
Background: The consumption of diets high in calories and low in nutrient value is becoming increasingly common in modern
society, which can lead to metabolic disorders like diabetes and obesity, and potentially to psychiatric disorders. We have
performed studies to assess how the shift from a healthy diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids to a diet rich in saturated fatty acid affects
the substrates for brain plasticity and function, and anxiety and depression-like behavior. Methods: Pregnant rats were fed with
omega-3 supplemented diet from their 2nd day of gestation period as well as their male pups for 12 weeks. Afterwards, the
animals were randomly assigned to either a group fed on the same diet or a group fed on a high-fat diet (HFD) rich in saturated
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Neuroscience; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2012
Inhibition of Acid Phosphatase Enzyme Activity in the Presence of Noncrystalline Calcium Phosphate
and Nanocrystalline Calcium Apatite: a Preliminary Study
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yassen Pekounov.
“healthy” bone tissue replaces the old one. Accordingly, the bone degrading cells, the osteoclasts,
prefer old and fatigued bone. The young bone mineral, i.e. calcium apatite, is less crystalline than the mature one. Is it possible

phosphatase is an enzyme largely expressed by the osteoclasts during resorption and therefore used as a marker of the cells
activity. This study explores whether its enzymatic activity would be decreased in the presence of biomimitetically...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2009
Tendril, adhesive disc and super adhesive effect of climbing plant
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Wenli Deng.
Understanding the super adhesion mechanism of biological system is of great scientific interest and a prerequisite for bioinspired
design of adhesive systems. To investigate the versatile climbing plant requires the development of new methods. Here I present
strategies to fully study the super adhesive effect of climbing plant _Parthenocissus tricuspidata_ by the first time measuring the
mass and the attached area of single adhesive disc, by further determining the microscopic structure and the adhesive strength of
single adhesive disc and by finally elucidating the adhesion mechanism in cellular and molecular level using the classical theories
and the proposed new hypothesis and model. I have measured that a single mature adhesive disc has an average mass...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2008
(Corrected) Osmotic stress and water isotope effects in kinesin-1 gliding motility assays
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Steven J. Koch; Andy Maloney; Lawrence J. Herskowitz.
The osmotic pressure and kinetic properties of water play important roles in biomolecular interactions. As pointed out by
Parsegian, Rand, and Rau, these crucial roles are often overlooked[1]. In some fields, osmotic stress and isotope effects have
been exploited for probing the role water plays in binding interactions of biomolecules. To our knowledge, there have been no
studies of osmotic stress and water isotope effects for kinesin, and only a handful for myosin. We're currently using
the gliding motility assay to see whether we can extract new information about kinesin-1 / microtubule interactions by changing
osmotic stress and water isotopes. We will describe our open-source, automated analysis platform for extracting microtubule
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
A probabilistic model of plasmid replication regulation by a combination of handcuffing, iteron
number and dimerization of RepA protein.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Milind Watve; Gauri Tendulkar; Ketaki Ghate.
Plasmids are small circular DNA molecules in bacteria which replicate sharing the replication machinery with the bacterial
chromosome. Since plasmids are much smaller than the chromosome, unless their replication is tightly regulated, their copy
numbers can escalate quickly. A number of mechanisms of plasmid replication regulation are known in P1 plasmid of E. coli.
Mechanisms such as autorepression of the replication initiator protein (RepA) and its dimerization are unable to explain copy
number regulation by themselves. The number of RepA binding sites (iterons) is inversely related to copy numbers. Handcuffing
of plasmids by RepA dimer is believed to be the main mechanism of arresting replication. We show here with a probabilistic
model that for the...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
ABC for ancestral inference
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Richard Wilkinson; Simon Tavare.
ABC for ancestral inference
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
EGFP-FMRP Granules Are Proto-Granules That Can Be Shunted to Stress Granules During a Stress
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Robert Denman.
Overexpressed EGFP-FMRP has been used as a substitute for endogenous fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) in
protein-protein interaction studies, and in studies concerning the composition, the formation and the localization of neuronal
granules. However, the question of whether this tool truly recapitulates the properties of the endogenous protein has not been
addressed. Here we demonstrate that overexpressed EGFP-FMRP forms three distinct granule types based on colocalization with
various marker proteins. The majority of EGFP-FMRP-containing granules are larger and more amorphous than known granule
types. Consistent with this, there is only partial colocalization with stress granule or P-body markers and no colocalization with a
putative Drosophila...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2010
Cationic State Distributions over Chlorophyll Pairs in Photosystem I and II
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Keisuke Saito; Hiroshi Ishikita.
Photosystem I (PSI) and II (PSII) possess chlorophyll pairs P~A~/P~B~ and P~D1~/P~D2~, respectively. These chlorophylls are
the primary electron donors in the light-induced electron transfer. After the electron transfer, the radical cation remains on these
chlorophyll pairs, forming [P~A~/P~B~]^·+^ and [P~D1~/P~D2~]^·+^. The positive charge distributions
over the two chlorophylls were reported to be 10/90-50/50 for P~A~^·+^/P~B~^·+^ [1,2] and 70/30-80/20
for P~D1~^·+^/P~D2~^·+^ [3,4]. To clarify the origin of the distributions, we calculated ratios of
mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) approach and the...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
The dynamic consequences of invasion: negative plant-soil feedbacks on natives increase ver the time
course of invasion
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Elizabeth H. Schultheis; Jennifer A. Lau.
*a) Background/Questions/Methods*
Exotic species can negatively impact native community members,
directly through interference competition, or indirectly by altering interactions between native species and other species such as
pathogens and mutualists. Soil microbial communities have been shown to respond to invasive species, yet are relatively stable
and may take time to respond to perturbations. For this reason, microbe-mediated effects of invasives on natives may take time to
develop and may change throughout the invasion process. Few studies have investigated how species interactions between natives
and exotics change during invasions.

_Acer platanoides_ was introduced into the US
from Europe in 1756...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Specification of spatial relationships in directed graphs of cell signaling networks
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Azi Lipshtat; Susana R. Neves; Ravi Iyengar.
Graph theory provides a useful and powerful tool for the analysis of cellular signaling networks. Intracellular components such as
cytoplasmic signaling proteins, transcription factors and genes are connected by links, representing various types of chemical
interactions that result in functional consequences. However, these graphs lack important information regarding the spatial
distribution of cellular components. The ability of two cellular components to interact depends not only on their mutual chemical
affinity but also on co-localization to the same subcellular region. Localization of components is often used as a regulatory
mechanism to achieve specific effects in response to different receptor signals. Here we describe an approach for...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008
Eukaryotic translation initiation machinery can operate in a prokaryotic-like mode without eIF2
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ivan N. Shatsky; Ilya Terenin; Sergey Dmitriev; Dmitri Andreev.
Unlike prokaryotes, a specialized eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2), in the form of the ternary complex
eIF2*GTP*Met-tRNAiMet is utilized to deliver the initiator tRNA to the ribosome within all eukaryotic cells1. Phosphorylation
of eIF2 is known to be central to the global regulation of protein synthesis under stress conditions and infection2. Another
distinctive feature of eukaryotic translation is scanning of mRNA 5'-leaders, whose origin in evolution may be
relevant to the appearance of eIF2 in eukaryotes. Translation initiation on the hepatitis C virus (HCV) internal ribosome entry site
(IRES) occurs without scanning3,4. Whether these unique features of the HCV IRES account for the formation of the final 80S
initiation complex is unknown....
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
A bestiary of non-linear functions for growth analysis
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: C. E. Timothy Paine; Toby Marthews; Deborah Vogt; Drew Purves; Mark Rees; Andy Hector; Lindsay Turnbull.
Plant growth is an essential ecological process, integrating across scales from physiology to community dynamics. Predicting the
growth of plants is essential to understand a wide range of ecological issues, including competition, plant-herbivore interactions
and ecosystem functioning.
A challenge in modeling plant growth is that growth rates almost universally
decrease with increasing size, for a variety of reasons. Traditional analyses of growth are hampered by the need to remain within
the structures of linear models, which handle this slowing poorly. We demonstrate the implementation of a variety of non-linear
models that are more appropriate for modeling plant growth than are the traditional, linear,...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
A test of _psbK-psbI_ and _atpF-atpH_ as potential plant DNA barcodes using the flora of the Kruger
National Park (South Africa) as a model system
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Renaud R. Y. Lahaye; Vincent Savolainen; Sylvie Duthoit; Olivier Maurin; Michelle van der Bank.
A DNA barcode consists of a standardized short sequence of DNA (400-800bp) used to identify the taxonomic species a small
organic fragment belongs to. Even though it has been easy to discriminate animal species by using the mitochondrial gene _cox1_,
this is still difficult for plants seeing that the mitochondrial genome is not variable enough on the species level. During the Second
International Barcode of Life Conference in Tapei (September 2007), different plastid regions were proposed as potential plant
DNA barcodes, such as _atpF-atpH_ and _psbK-psbI_, but no consensus on which region to use was reached during the meeting.
The largest plant DNA barcoding study to date proposed _matK_ as the best candidate and suggested that in combination with...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2008
ABC SMC for parameter estimation and model selection with applications in systems biology
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Tina Toni.
Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) methods can be used in situations where the evaluation of the likelihood is
computationally prohibitive. They are thus ideally suited for analyzing the complex dynamical models encountered in systems
biology, where knowledge of the full (approximate) posterior is often essential.

talk gives an overview of an ABC algorithm based on Sequential Monte Carlo (ABC SMC). Different uses of the algorithm will
be presented, depending on the application question of interest. The first is the general parameter estimation framework, where the
interest lies in estimating the posterior parameter distribution from available experimental data. In the second context we ask
whether the model can...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2011
Comparison of Cholesterol Lowering Diets: Apple, Casein Cytochrom P450 protein and Cholesterol
7α Hydroxylase Activities in Hamsters
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rakesh Sharma; Rakesh K. Tandon.
Lithogenic diet, casein and apple fiber diets were fed to hamsters for 3-5 weeks. For control group, animals were fed on normal
Purina chow without any supplement. The cholesterol lowering effect of lithogenic diet, casein and apple diets were compared.
After dietary regimen, animals were screened for any gall stone formation. The isolated liver microsomes were separated from
animals and tested for the cholesterol-7α Hydroxylase (CH) enzyme activity measurement in all three groups. The
control animals did not show any gall stone formation and their CH enzyme activities were normal. The lithogenic diet showed
significantly enhanced CH enzyme activities while animals fed on casein and apple diet regimen showed moderate increase in
microsomal CH...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Just-in-time assembly of cell-cycle protein complexes
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Lars J. Jensen; Ulrik de Lichtenberg; Thomas S. Jensen; Søren Brunak; Peer Bork.
Our comparative analysis of eukaryotic cell-cycle complexes reveals that the identity of the periodically expressed subunits differs
significantly between organisms and is often mirrored by changes in cell-cycle-dependent phosphorylation of the protein products.
This indicates that many different solutions have evolved for just-in-time assembly of the same molecular machines.
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008
Gene Expression Profiling of the Hepatic Transcriptome in Presence of TNF-alpha
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Amit Kumar Pandey; Neha Munjal; Malabika Datta.
Diabetes mellitus, often simply termed Diabetes, is a syndrome characterized by disordered metabolism and high blood sugar. It is
caused due to low levels of insulin hormone or from abnormal resistance to insulin in its target tissues. World Health Organization
estimates that India will alone have 79.4 million diabetic patients in 2030. One of its major form Type 2 diabetes, is often
associated with obesity, hypertension, elevated cholesterol and metabolic syndrome. Changes in life style, such as consumption of
high-calorie diet and lack of exercise, have increased the global prevalence not only of diabetes but also of obesity. Type 2
diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance in target tissue, occurs due to several reasons and one of them being the...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
SED-ML Web Tools
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Frank T. Bergmann.
This presentation gives a brief update of the current state of the libSedML library and its new capabilities (like the simulation of
CellML models) and the SED-ML Script Editor. 
Following I introduce the SED-ML Web Tools, an online
application for creating, editing, simulating and validating SED-ML documents. The web application also provides a W3C Web
Service, exposing all functionality.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2011
Deficiency of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist causes spontaneous femoral artery aneurysms
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Kikuo Isoda; Tomiharu Niida; Harumi Kondo; Fumikaka Ohsuzu.
Interleukin (IL) -1, a proinflammatory cytokine, increases in aneurysm, and the IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) modulates IL-1
activity endogenously. We show here that IL-1Ra-deficiency in hematopoietic cells disrupts immune system homeostasis and
causes spontaneous femoral artery aneurysms in mice lacking interventions such as drugs or surgery. Thus, IL-1Ra-deficient mice
provide easy observations with age and diminish mortality that typically follows surgical procedures. Furthermore, since
IL-1Ra-deficient mice contain the entire spectrum of lesions observed during inflammatory aneurysm, this mouse model likely
will provide numerous opportunities to study the pathogenesis and therapy of inflammatory aneurysm.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2009
Money handling influences BMI: a survey of cashiers
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Shraddha Karve; Ketaki Shurpali; Neelesh Dahanukar; Maithili Jog; Milind Watve.
Money is a recent phenomenon in the evolutionary history of man and therefore no separate brain centre to handle money is likely
to have evolved. The brain areas activated by food reward and money reward are extensively overlapping. In an experimental
set-up, hunger was demonstrated to influence money related decisions and money related thoughts to influence hunger. This
suggests that the brain areas evolved for handling food related emotions are exapted to handle money and therefore there could be
a neuronal cross-talk between food and money. If this is true then attitude and behavior related to money and wealth could
influence obesity. We conducted a survey of 211 individuals working as full time cashiers in order to test whether ownership over
the cash,...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Ecology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2008
PlnTFDB: Plant Transcription Factor Database – Update
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Diego Mauricio Riaño-Pachón; Luiz Gustavo Guedes Correa; Bernd Mueller-Roeber.
PlnTFDB is a publicly available computational resource comprising putative complete sets of transcription factors from plants.
The original database listed the putative complete sets of TFs from five different green plant (viridiplantae) species. Up to date,
summer 2007, PlnTFDB have had more than one hundred thousand hits from more than one thousand different clients, showing
the importance that this resource had acquired for the plant community. In this first major update, we extended the coverage of the
database to additional completed viridiplantae genomes, i.e., the moss _Physcomitrella patens_ and the rice _Oryza sativa_ spp
_indica_. The scope of PlnTFDB was broadened to encompass other eukaryote photosynthetic organisms, such as the
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2007
(Corrected) Speed effects in gliding motility assays due to surface passivation, water isotope, and
osmotic stress.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Andy Maloney; Lawrence J. Herskowitz; Steven J. Koch.
The molecular motor kinesin-1, an ATPase, and the substrate it walks along, microtubules, are vital components of eukaryotic
cells. Kinesin converts chemical energy to linear motion as its two motor domains step along microtubules in a process similar to
how we walk. Cells create systems of microtubules that direct the motion of kinesin. This directed motion allows kinesin to
transport various cargoes inside cells.

During the stepping process, the kinesin motor
domains bind and unbind from their binding sites on the microtubules. Binding and unbinding rates of biomolecules are highly
dependent on hydration and exclusion of water from the binding interface. Osmotic stress will likely strongly affect the binding
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Some Secrets of Fluorescent Proteins: Distinct Bleaching in Various Mounting Fluids and
Photoactivation of cyan fluorescent proteins at YFP-Excitation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Johannes Schmid; Naila Malkani.
The use of spectrally distinct variants of green fluorescent protein (GFP) such as cyan or
yellow mutants (CFP and YFP, respectively) is very common in all different fields of life sciences, e.g. for marking specific
proteins or cells or to determine protein interactions. In the latter case, the quantum physical phenomenon of fluorescence
energy transfer
is exploited
by specific
microscopy techniques to
proximity of

Methodology/Principal Findings
When we applied a
commonly used FRET microscopy technique - the increase in donor (CFP)-fluorescence after bleaching of acceptor fluorophores
(YFP), we obtained good signals in live cells, but very...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Collagen-bound low density lipoprotein modifies endothelial cell adhesion to type V collagen:
Implications for atherosclerosis
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Stefan Lorkowski; Jürgen Rauterberg; Bärbel Harrach-Ruprecht; David Troyer.
Low density lipoprotein (LDL) is retained in the extracellular matrix of the arterial wall where it is considered to be atherogenic,
but little is known about how cell adhesion to the matrix is affected by collagen-bound LDL. We tested the effect of native,
oxidized and acetylated LDL reacted with adsorbed monomeric type I, III and V collagen on endothelial cell adhesion to collagen
using a colorimetric adhesion assay. We found that none of the LDL species affected adhesion to type I and III collagen, but that
collagen-bound native and acetylated LDL enhanced attachment to type V collagen, whereas bound oxidized LDL inhibited
adhesion to this collagen. We suggest that oxidized LDL associated with type V collagen in the arterial wall would favor...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Statistical analysis of network data and evolution on GPUs: High-performance statistical computing
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Thomas W. Thorne; Michael P. H. Stumpf.
Network analysis typically involves as set of repetitive tasks that are particularly amenable to poor-man's
parallelization. This is therefore an ideal application are for GPU architectures, which help to alleviate the tedium inherent to
statistically sound analysis of network data. Here we will illustrate the use of GPUs in a range of applications, which include
percolation processes on networks, the evolution of protein-protein interaction networks, and the fusion of different types of
biomedical and disease data in the context of molecular interaction networks. We will pay particular attention to the numerical
performance of different routines that are frequently invoked in network analysis problems. We conclude with a review over
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Ultrasonic frogs show extraordinary sex differences in auditory frequency sensitivity
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jun-Xian Shen; Zhi-Min Xu; Zu-Lin Yu; Shuai Wang; De-Zhi Zheng.
Acoustic communication plays an important role in the reproductive behavior of anurans. Males of concave-eared torrent frog
(_Odorrana tormota_) have ultrasonic communication capacity 1, 2, but it is unknown whether females communicate with
ultrasound. Here we show that _O. tormota_ exhibits great sex differences in the auditory frequency sensitivity. Acoustic playback
experiments demonstrated that the male's advertisement calls evoke gravid females' positive phonotaxis
and vocal responses, whereas ultrasonic components of the male's calls (frequencies above 20 kHz) do not elicit
female phonotaxis or vocalization. The behavioral study was complemented by electrophysiological recordings from the auditory
midbrain and by laser...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Neuroscience; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Angiogenesis and Vasculogenesis at 7-Day of Reperfused Acute Myocardial Infarction
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Sheng Kang; Yue-jin Yang; Qing-zhi Wang; Yue L. I. Li; Yi Tian; Yu-tong Cheng; Wei-feng Shen.
This study is to investigate the angiogenesis and vasculogenesis at the first week of reperfused
acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
16 of mini-swines (20 to 30 Kg) were
randomly assigned to the sham-operated group and the AMI group. The acute myocardial infarction and reperfusion model was
created and the pig tail catheter was performed to monitor hemodynamics before left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD)
occlusion, 90 min of LAD occlusion and 120 min of LAD reperfusion. Pathologic myocardial tissue was collected at 7-day of
LAD reperfusion and further assessed by immunochemistry, dual immunochemistry, in-situ hybridization, real-time quantitative
polymerase chain reaction and...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008
Development and application of molecular and bioinformatic tools for the genetic monitoring of wild
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Matthias Enders; Lothar Frese; Marion Nachtigall.
Crop Wild Relatives (CWR) are an economically important plant genetic resource (PGR) for plant breeding. One strategy to
conserve PGR in the natural habitat (in situ) is the genetic reserve technique. This approach protects the existing intraspecific
diversity and allows, in contrast to the ex situ approaches, the emergence of new diversity. 
The genetic
reserve conservation technique will be tested in practice with the Genus _Beta_ within the framework of the EU Project
“AEGRO”. _Beta patula_ (Ait.) (BP) and _Beta vulgaris_ (L.) _maritima_ (Arcang.) (BVM) are used
as models. Both species are important resources for sugar beet breeding. BP is a rare and endangered species with a very limited
habitat. In contrast BVM...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Controlling sap-sucking insect pests with recombinant endophytes expressing plant lectin
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Xiuyun Zhao; Gaofu Qi; Xianfang Zhang; Nan Lan; Xinrong Ma.
We developed a novel pest management strategy, which uses endophytes to express anti-pest plant lectins. Fungal endophyte of
Chaetomium globosum YY-11 with anti-fungi activities was isolated from rape seedlings, and bacterial endophytes of SJ-10
(Enterobacter sp.) and WB (Bacillus subtilis) were isolated from rice seedlings. Pinellia ternate agglutinin gene was cloned into
SJ-10 and WB for expression by a shuttle vector, and YY-11 was mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Positive transformants
were evaluated using PCR and Western blot assay. Recombinant endophytes colonized most of crops, and resistance of rice
seedlings, which were inoculated with the recombinant endophytic bacteria, to white backed planthoppers was dramatically
enhanced by decreasing...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Microbiology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
PML-RARα enhances autophagic activity through inhibiting Akt/mTOR pathway
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Guo-Qiang Chen; Ying Huang; Xu-Yun Zhao; Ting-Ting Chen; Jia-Kai Hou; Jing Zhang; Jie Yang; Scott C. Kogan.
Autophagy is a highly conserved, closely-regulated homeostatic cellular activity that allows for the bulk degradation of long-lived
proteins and cytoplasmic organelles. Its roles in cancer initiation and progression and in determining the response of tumor cells to
anticancer therapy are complicated, and the potential significance of autophagy in the pathogenesis and therapeutic response of
acute myeloid leukemia has a little investigation. Here, we demonstrate that induction of acute promyelocytic leukemia
(APL)-specific PML-RARα but not PLZF-RARα/NPM-RARα fusion protein up-regulates
constitutive autophagic activation in leukemic and non-leukemic cells. The significant increase of autophagic activity is also
found in the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Detection strategies for non-authorized GMO products on the European market
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Patrick Gürtler; Esther Meissner; Ulrich Busch.
Import and planting of biotech crops is strictly regulated in Europe. In order to observe these strict regulations, an efficient
surveillance of the European market is required. In Europe, data on authorised biotech crops from foreign countries are on hand,
however, only scarce information on non-authorised biotech crops is available. Experience of the last years has shown that
non-authorized biotech crops (e.g. biotech-papaya, Bt10-maize, LL601-rice and Bt63-rice) were detected on the European market.
The Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority is responsible for the detection of illegal imports and for labelling control of Food
and Feed in Bavaria (Germany). The quantitative real-time PCR is the method of choice for the detection of genetic...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
GMOD for Evolutionary Biology
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Robert Buels; Dave Clements.
The Generic Model Organism Database (GMOD, "": project provides
interoperable, open source software tools for managing, visualizing and annotating biological data. GMOD is also a community
of people addressing common challenges with biological data. Some well known software in GMOD includes GBrowse and
JBrowse for genome browsing, Apollo for genome annotation, Chado for managing data, CMap for comparative map viewing,

This talk will focus on three areas of particular interest to iEvoBio participants.

1) GBrowse_syn comparative genomics viewer
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Oncogenic Product HMGA1a Might Function as an Aberrant Splicing Inducer of Estrogen Receptor
[alpha] in Breast Cancer
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Kenji Ohe; Toshiaki Utsumi; Akila Mayeda.
Estrogen receptor (ER)-[alpha]46 is known as an important isoform for ER[alpha]. It inhibits the function of full length ER[alpha]
in MCF-7 mammary carcinoma cells and associated with cell cycle arrest. On the other hand, the oncogene _HMGA1_ (formally
_HMG I/Y_) is known to have increased expression in mammary carcinoma correlating with the degree of malignancy. We
present here that HMGA1a (HMG I) induces the exon skipped product, ER[alpha]46 mRNA, by tethering U1 snRNP to an
upstream pseudo 5' splice site, which is quite analogous to the PSI-mediated splicing regulation of _Drosophila_

Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2009
Control of konzo in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: J. Howard Bradbury; Chretienne Mandombi; D Nahimana; J. P. Banea; Ian C. Denton; N Kuwa.
Konzo is an upper motor neuron disease that causes irreversible paralysis of the legs mainly in children and young women^1,2^,
due to consumption of large amounts of cyanogens from poorly processed cassava, the staple food of tropical Africa^3^. Konzo
occurs in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),Mozambique, Tanzania, Cameroon, Central African Republic and Angola. In
March 2010 the wetting method, which removes cyanogens from cassava flour^4,5,6^, was taught to and used by the mothers of
Kay Kalenge village. This reduced the total cyanide content of cassava flour to the FAO/WHO limit of 10ppm^7^. Cyanogen
intake of school children, monitored by urinary thiocyanate analyses, decreased from mean values of 332 to 130
μmole/L. The percentage of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Neuroscience; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Cell Adhesion: A surprising cohesive force
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Hugues H. Vasseur.
When an experimentalist or a biological mechanism applies an external force onto a cell chemically sticking to its substrate, a
reacting "suction" force, due to the slow penetration of the surrounding fluid between the cell and the
substrate, opposes to the dissociation. This force can overcome other known adhesive forces when the process is sufficiently
violent (typically 10^5^ pN). Its maximal contribution to the total adhesive energy of the cell can then be estimated to 2 10^-3^
J/m2. The physical origin of this effect is quite simple, and it may be compared with that leaning a
"suction-cup" against a bathroom wall. We address the consequences of this effect on (i) the separation
energy, (ii) the motion of the fluid...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Increased regeneration efficiency of _Brassica napus_ L. cultivars Star, Westar and Cyclone from
hypocotyle and cotyledonary explants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Israr Khan; Waqar Ali; Zahir Ali Takar; Arfa Farooqi; Sikandar Khan; Muhammadwaheed Akhtar.
The comparative organogenesis of _Brassica napus_ L cultivars Cyclone, Star and Westar was studied. The cotyledonary explants
gave a higher response to all the combinations of 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D and BAP (0.5, 1.0,1.5 and 2.0 mg/L} used for optimizing the
conditions for callus induction. The best mean weight and mean length of callus was obtained at 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D and 1.5mg/L
BAP for Star cotyledonary explants. For the complete plant regeneration the new method of exposing the explants culture to
Growth regulator free medium was performed. The method was applicable to both hypocotyl and cotyledonary explants. The
Shoot Induction Frequency for hypocotyl (6-34%) in the three cultivars is higher than the cotyledonary explants (3-23%). The
method is speedy and...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Integrin-mediated membrane blebbing is dependent on the NHE1 and NCX1 activities.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yung-Hsiang Yi; Yu-Sun Chang; Chi-Hung Lin; Tien-Shen Lew; Chih-Yung Tang; Tsung-Yu Chen; Wei-Lien Tseng;
Ching-Ping Tseng; Szecheng J. Lo.
Integrin-mediated signal transduction and membrane blebbing have been well studied to modulate cell adhesion, spreading and
migration^1-6^. However, the relationship between membrane blebbing and integrin signaling has not been explored. Here we
show that integrin-ligand interaction induces membrane blebbing and membrane permeability change. We found that
sodium-proton exchanger 1 (NHE1) and sodium-calcium exchanger 1 (NCX1) are located in the membrane blebbing sites and
inhibition of NHE1 disrupts membrane blebbing and decreases membrane permeability change. However, inhibition of NCX1
enhances cell blebbing to cause cell swelling which is correlated with an intracellular sodium accumulation induced by NHE17.
These data suggest that sodium influx induced...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Copper and other heavy metals in specialized crops and their effects on soil coenosis
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Anna Steindl; Thomas Strumpf; Frank Riepert.
The background of the project are claims of the EU regulation to generate reliable data considering the extent of copper

2522 single soil samples were collected on 85 vineyard and 13 hop areas
with different management histories. Samples were taken from sites presently under cultivation, formerly cultivated, and sites
without anthropogenic copper contamination as control, indicating natural background values. In addition to Aqua Regia
extraction for determining total copper contents, available plant copper content was analyzed in NH~4~NO~3~ extraction. Soil
parameters such as pH-value, C/N ratio, soil type etc....
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Synergistic Induction of NR4A Orphan Nuclear Receptors by LPS and cAMP in Murine Macrophage
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Harish Shandilya; Sidney M. Morris.
Although NR4A orphan nuclear receptors have been implicated in inflammatory gene expression and atherosclerosis, there is little
information regarding their regulation by combinations of stimuli likely to be found in vivo, such as LPS and inducers of cAMP.
LPS rapidly induced Nur77 and NOR1 mRNAs but had little effect on expression of Nurr1 mRNA. All three NR4As were rapidly
induced by 8-bromo-cAMP and remained elevated for at least 8 h. Maximum induction of NOR1 by 8-bromo-cAMP was much
greater than with LPS, but maximum induction of Nur77 was similar with both agents. Whereas Nurr1 mRNA had very little
response to LPS, it was strongly induced by 8-bromo-cAMP, and Nurr1 mRNA levels remained elevated for at least 20 h. The
combination of 8-bromo-cAMP and...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Toward a Complete Phyloreferencing Language
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: T. Michael Keesey.
A phyloreference is a statement indicating a taxon within a phylogenetic context. A common use for phyloreferences is in
phylogenetic definitions, which tie taxonomic names to taxa via such statements. Several conventions for writing phyloreferences
have been proposed, but most only cover a few “standard” forms (node‑,
branch‑, and perhaps apomorphy‑based clades) without the capacity to represent more
“exotic” forms (e.g., ancestor‑based clades and qualified/modified references). In order
to build a complete phyloreferencing language, the mathematical underpinnings of phylogenetic contexts must be clarified. A
phylogenetic context may be modeled as a directed, acyclic...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Density alteration in non-physiological cells
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yu Liu; Yuan-Chang Zhu; Bin-Bin Wu; Xiao-Hua Wu; Fei-Fei Lan; Jian-Ge Wei; Ming Wang; Hai-Cheng Li; Lin-Na
Li; Ju-Xiang Li; Jia Fei.
In the present study an important phenomenon of cells was discovered: the change of intracellular density in cell's
response to drug and environmental factors. For convenience, this phenomenon is named as "density alteration in
non-physiological cells" ( DANCE). DANCE was determined by discontinuous sucrose gradient centrifugation
(DSGC), in which cells were separated into several bands. The number and position of the bands in DSGC varied with the change
of cell culture conditions, drugs, and physical process, indicating that cell's response to these factors was associated
with alteration of intracellular density. Our results showed that the bands of cells were molecularly different from each other, such
as the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Interruption of [beta]-Catenin Signaling Reduces Neurogenesis in Alzheimer's Disease
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ping He; Matthias Staufenbiel; Yong Shen.
Although studies show new neurons generated from progenitor cells in a healthy adult neocortex, neurogenic potential derived
from stem/progenitor cells in the cortex of Alzheimer's patients still remains unsolved. In this study, we isolated the
glial progenitor cells (GPCs) from the cortex of healthy (HC) and Alzheimer's disease (AD). The AD-GPCs displayed
reduced capability to renew and decreased production of new neurons. Interestingly, we found significant reduction of
[beta]-catenin in AD-GPCs compared to HC while glycogen synthase kinase 3[beta] (GSK-3[beta]) was promoted. Moreover, we
found both increased phosphorylation of [beta]-catenin in AD-GPCs and their progeny cells. Amyloid [beta] peptide (A[beta])
treatment results in...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2008
Processing of insect retrotransposons by self-cleaving ribozymes
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Dana J. Ruminski; Chiu-Ho T. Webb; Nathan J. Riccitelli; Andrej Luptak.
We show that several classes of insect non-LTR retrotransposons harbor self-cleaving ribozymes of the HDV family at their
5′ termini. In Drosophila the R2 ribozymes exhibit highly differential in vivo expression and robust in vitro activity,
modulated by an upstream sequence originating from the insertion site. Our data suggest a role for self-cleaving ribozymes in
co-transcriptional processing of retrotransposons with implications for downstream events, including translation and
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) allows the automatic identification of follicles in
microscopic images of human ovarian tissue
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Tom Kelsey; Benedicta Caserta; Luis Castillo; Hamish Wallace; Francisco Cóppola Gonzálvez.
Background: Human ovarian reserve is defined by the population of non-growing follicles (NGFs) in the ovary. Direct estimation
of ovarian reserve involves the identification of NGFs in prepared ovarian tissue. Previous studies involving human tissue have
used hematoxylin and eosin (HE) stain, with NGF populations estimated by human examination either of tissue under a
microscopic, or of images taken of this tissue.
Methods: In this study we replace HE
with Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA), and automate the identification and enumeration of NGFs that appear in the
resulting microscopic images. We compared the automated estimates to those obtained by human experts, with the gold standard
taken to be the average of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2010
Purification and physicochemical studies of metalloprotease, cotinifolin from Euphorbia cotinifolia
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Reetesh Kumar.
A detailed procedure for the purification of cotinifolin from the latex of Euphorbia cotinifolia using ion exchange chromatography
and hydrophobic interaction chromatography is described.
Various biochemical characteristics of cotinifolin
and other enzymatic properties along with spectroscopic parameters like circular dichorism and fluorescence have been reported.
Cotinifolin is stable over a wide range of pH and under extreme conditions of chaotrops and organic solvents where most proteins
lost their functions. Further studies on the identification of physiological substrates, biophysical and structural studies will give
insight into the utility of the enzyme in the biotechnological industries and protein engineering.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
The biological cost of consciousness
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Bernard J. Baars.
Some philosophers maintain that consciousness as subjective experience has no biological function. However, conscious brain
events seem very different from unconscious ones. The cortex and thalamus support the reportable qualitative contents of
consciousness. Subcortical structures like the cerebellum do not. Likewise, attended sensory stimuli are typically reportable as

Reports of conscious experiences in normal humans always involve subjectivity and
an implicit observing ego. Unconscious brain events are not reportable, even under optimal conditions of report. While there are
claimed exceptions to these points, they...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Neuroscience; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
New species from the deep Pacific suggest that carnivorous sponges date back to the Early Jurassic
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jean Vacelet; Michelle Kelly.
Some deep-sea poecilosclerid sponges (Porifera) have developed a carnivorous feeding habit that is very surprising in sponges^1^.
As shown by the typical morphology of their spicules, they most probably evolved from "normal sponges"
under the difficult conditions of a deep-sea environment. Such evolution, which implies the loss of the diagnostic character of the
phylum Porifera, i.e. a filter feeding habit through a complex aquiferous system, should be of great interest in the understanding of
the origin of metazoans. Some scenarios, based on the hypothesis of the paraphyly of Porifera, allege that metazoans could derive
from a sponge filter-feeding body plan. A difficulty, however, is to imagine the transition from a sponge grade of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Cost effective mass multiplication of Gymnema sylvestre in hydroponic system
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Raju Karthic; Sundaram Seshadri.
Present experiment was designed with an objective to develop a cost efficient mass multiplication method for Gymnema sylvestre
using hydroponic system. A plastic tub, with polyethylene cover, containing 1/10 strength of MS salts supplemented with Indole
butyric acid (IBA) at different concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 2.5 mg/L) was studied. Medium containing 0.5mg/L of IBA produced
highest rooting (66%) with 96 % survival. This protocol will serve as an alternative to the existing in vitro and clonal
multiplication protocols.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
Phylontal: Using Phylogenies to Align Phenotype Ontologies
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Peter Midford.
Phylontal is a simple approach to generating alignments of ontologies or constructs based on controlled vocabularies that
correspond to tips on a phylogeny. The method requires only a downpass (tips to root) and thus constructing alternative
alignments from multiple or uncertain phylogenies may be relatively inexpensive.
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Regulated peristalsis into the acidic region of the _Drosophila_ larval midgut is controlled by a novel
component of the Autonomic Nervous System
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Dennis Richard LaJeunesse; Brooke Ann Johnson; Jason Presnell; Kathleen K. Catignas; Grzegorz Zapotoczny.
The underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate and coordinate critical physiological processes such as peristalsis
are complex, often cryptic, and involve the integration of multiple tissues and organ systems within the organism. We have
identified a completely novel component of the larval autonomic nervous system in the _Drosophila_ larval midgut that is
essential for the peristaltic movement of food from the anterior midgut into the acidic region of the midgut. We have named this
region the Superior Cupric Autonomic Nervous System or SCANS. Located at the junction of the anterior and the acidic portions
of the midgut, the SCANS is characterized by a cluster of a novel neuro-enteroendocrine cells that we call Lettuce Head Cells, a
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2009
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alan Garny.
A description of the OpenCOR project. What has been done so far, the choices that were made, etc., as well as the direction in
which we are heading.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2011
p53 Response to DNA Damage in S-phase
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: David Reisman; Paula Takahashi; Amanda Polson.
p53 induces the transcription of genes that negatively regulate progression of the cell cycle in response to DNA damage or other
cellular stressors, and thus participates in maintaining genome stability. Under stress conditions, p53 must be activated to prohibit
the replication of cells containing damaged DNA. However, in normal, non-stressed cells, p53 activity must be inhibited. Previous
studies have demonstrated that p53 transcription is activated before or during early S-phase in cells progressing from G0/G1 into
S-phase. In that this is not what would be predicted from a gene involved in growth arrest and apoptosis, in this study, we provide
evidence that this induction occurs to provide available p53 mRNA in order to prepare the cell for DNA damage...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
GabiPD: Gabi Primary Database - a plant integrative ‘omics’ database in
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Diego Mauricio Riaño-Pachón; Axel Nagel; Robert Wagner; Elke Weber; Birgit Kersten.
GabiPD ("": was established within GABI-I and further developed in
GABI-II and constitutes a repository and analysis platform for a wide array of heterogeneous data arising from high throughput
experiments developed by members of the GABI/WPG community. Currently, data from different fronts (genomics,
transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics) are incorporated in GabiPD, representing 14 different biological species. Last year
GabiPD moved to the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology. In the progressing GABI-FUTURE phase, the GabiPD
team has been creating a more integrative data view, expanding the tools and information provided by our well-known
GreenCards. Links to different...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2008
Optimizing automated preprocessing streams for brain morphometric comparisons across multiple
primate species
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Daniel Mietchen; Robert Dahnke; Christian Gaser.
Introduction: MR techniques have delivered images of a wide array of species, ranging from invertebrates to birds to elephants
and whales. However, their potential to serve as a basis for comparative brain morphometric investigations has rarely been tapped
so far (Christidis and Cox, 2006; Van Essen & Dierker, 2007). In order to address one of the potential reasons behind
this, we tested various automated segmentation streams (using CARET, FSL and lab-written code) that have been mainly

Methods: T1-weighted MR images from individuals representing 11 primate
species have been acquired by Rilling and Insel...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Neuroscience; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Development of a Decision Support System (DSS) for an integrated test system towards the effective
and competitive risk assessment on transgenic plants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Christine Höflich; Andreas Müller; Jörg Schmidtke; Kerstin Schmidt; Inge
Transgenic plants need specific approaches to analyse their potential impact on environment and consumer. The procedures used
to date are often too extensive and time-consuming and associated with high costs. The BioOK network was established to
develop an effective and competitive risk assessment on transgenic plants based on interdisciplinary research. New and effective
methods for the risk assessment were established which focus on transgene-specific effects measured in in vitro systems in the
laboratory or greenhouse whenever possible. Nevertheless event-specific field experiments have to be carried out in addition to

Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Quality decay and shelf-life study of fresh celery (Apium graveolens L.) grown under different
nitrogen fertilization
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Valeria Rizzo; Giuseppe Muratore; Marco Antonio Russo; Riccardo Iacona; Adalgisa Belligno.
Nitrogen fertilization is useful and widespread to obtain higher growth and quality of productions. To evaluate the influence of
nitrogen-rich fertilizers on the quality characteristics, shelf-life tests of celery grown with two levels (80-120 kg ha-1) of two
different nitrogen fertilizers were performed. Celery plants were selected and packed in two plastic films (anti-fog polyolefin and
micro-perforated polypropylene). Nitrate contents, weight loss, hardness, changes in colour parameters and total phenols, were
studied in both packaging solutions during storage. Results showed that celery fertilized with organic nitrogen and packed in
anti-fog polyolefin reached a shelf-life of 37 days. Not treated sample packed in micro-perforated polypropylene was not...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Organic Control of Oilseed Rape Pests through Natural Pesticides and Mixed Cultivation with Turnip
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Tobias Ludwig; Eva Jansen; Benjamin Trost; Julia Mayer; Stefan Kühne; Herwart Böhm.
A mixed cropping system of rapeseed and 10 % turnip rape as trap crop was compared with oilseed rape in pure stand to
demonstrate the reduction of infestation by insect pests. Furthermore the application of bio-pesticides like pyrethrum/rape oil
(Spruzit® Neu), spinosad (SpinTor), diatomeen earth (SiO~2~) /sunflower-oil and rock powder/water was tested.
Oilseed rape showed a higher infestation by stem weevils (_Ceutorhynchus_ spp.) in the mixed cropping system compared to
rapeseed in pure stand. The reduction of the pollen beetle (_Meligethes aeneus_) on the rapeseed buds resulted from higher
attractiveness of turnip rape as a consequence of advanced growth. The faster development of turnip rape seems to be the
important key of successful pollen...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Interaction of the TNFR-Receptor Associated Factor TRAF1 with I-kappa B Kinase-2 and TRAF2
Indicates a Regulatory Function for NF-kappa B Signaling
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Kalsoom A. Sughra; Andreas Birbach; Rainer de Martin; Johannes A. Schmid.
I-kappa B kinase 2 (IKK2 or IKK-beta) is one of the most crucial signaling kinases for
activation of NF-kappa B, a transcription factor that is important for inflammation, cell survival and differentiation. Since many
NF-kappa B activating pathways converge at the level of IKK2, molecular interactions of this kinase are pivotal for regulation of
NF-kappa B signaling.

*Methodology/Principal Findings*
searched for proteins interacting with IKK2 using the C-terminal part (amino acids 466-756) as bait in a yeast two-hybrid system
and identified the N-terminal part (amino acids 1-228) of the TNF-receptor associated factor TRAF1 as putative interaction
partner. The interaction...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
On The Dangers Of Aligning RNA Sequences Using “Conserved” Motifs
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Roderic Page.
Aligning RNA sequences can be a challenging task. Automatic sequence alignment programs typically align sequences only with
respect to primary sequence, and as a result may yield spurious alignments. Incorporating information on RNA secondary
structure can improve the alignment, but this must usually be done by hand. One approach to aligning RNA sequences uses
"conserved motifs", however relying on these motifs may lead to gross errors of alignment if, in fact, those
motifs are not conserved.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2007
BHL, The Biodiversity Heritage Library: An Expanding International Collaboration
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Constance Rinaldo; Catherine Norton.
"":, one of the cornerstones of the
Encyclopedia of Life (, now contains nearly 13 million digitized pages of 12,000 titles comprised of 32,000 volumes of
the published literature of biodiversity held in the collections of major natural history libraries. The BHL has made this literature
available for open access and responsible use as a part of a global “biodiversity commons.” The BHL
partnership is working with the global taxonomic community, publishers, organizations such as JSTOR and BIOONE, and the
Internet Archive, to ensure that the biodiversity...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Astrobiological Perspectives on Consciousness
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
The Stanley Miller experiment suggests that amino acid-based life is ubiquitous in our universe, although its varieties are not
likely to have followed the particular, highly contingent and path-dependent, trajectory found on Earth. Are many of these life
forms likely to be conscious in ways that we would recognize? Almost certainly. Will many conscious entities develop high order
technology? Less likely. If so, will we be able to communicate with them? Only on a basic level, and only with profound
difficulty. The argument is straightforward.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Neuroscience; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Molecular evidence for the hadrosaur B. canadensis as an outgroup to a clade containing the dinosaur
T. rex and birds
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Shi Huang.
Molecular analysis of collagen sequences from an 80 million year old hadrosaur _B. canadensis_ and a 68 million year old
dinosaur _T. rex_ suggest strongly that _B. canadensis_ is an outgroup to a clade containing _T. rex_ and birds, fully consistent
with the well-established phylogeny based on morphological analyses of fossils.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Determination of linkage disequilibrium region suggests association of the ancient haplotype, hX with
neural function
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Makoto Shimada; Tsutomu Kanasashi.
Modern human populations are known to contain "ancient haplotypes" that originated from archaic humans
by hybridization. Some of them had been reported before the development of human genomic diversity databases, such as
HapMap. Consequently, some of them have no information about linkage disequilibrium (LD) regions. Because genetic
information within LD is tightly linked, to know LD region containing ancient haplotypes will be useful to estimate basic
parameters of admixture events, and to infer biological functions that linked with the ancient haplotypes. One of these ancient
haplotypes, haplotype X (_hX_) was found in a 10.1 kb-region located on Xp11.22, which diverged at 1.4 M years ago, with low
diversity within the cluster in...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Inactivation of the Retinoblastoma Protein by Mutant B-Raf in Malignant Melanoma
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yusuke Furukawa; Yukiko Kobayashi; Takahisa Kobayashi; Jiro Kikuchi; Taeko Wada; Ken Futaki; Eiji Kusano;
Satoru Murata; Mamitaro Ohtsuki.
Although activating mutations of B-Raf are the most common genetic abnormalities in human melanomas, the mechanism by
which mutant B-Raf transforms melanocytes is poorly understood. Here we show that the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein
(pRB) is a direct target of B-Raf and is inactivated by phosphorylation in melanomas carrying B-Raf mutations. In contrast, pRB
is undetectable in melanomas with wild-type B-Raf. Mutant B-Raf directly interacts with pRB and induces its phosphorylation at
serine-249 and threonine-252 (S249/T252). Inhibition of B-Raf activity results in dephosphorylation of pRB at S249/T252 along
with other sites in melanoma cells. S249/T252 are phosphorylated earlier than other sites during cell cycle entry of normal
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
The use of coral as a graft in a large cortical bone defect
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Hassan Z. Eskandar; Wan Zulmi; Abdul Hamid Suzina; Abd Rani Samsudin.
The use of coral as space filler in a large cortical bone defect was studied. Twelve Australian White Rabbit were divided into 8
and 12 week group. All rabbits were operated to create a 2.5cm defect in right tibia and replaced with coral; partially covered with
the free autologous non-vascularized periosteum harvested from contralateral tibia. The coral was transfixed and the leg was
immobilized with Plaster of Paris. At the end of 8th and 12th week, all the rabbits were assessed clinically, radiologically and
sacrified for histology evaluation. Bony union achieved in 3 out of 5 rabbits at 8th week while 3 out of 4 at 12th supported by
radiological studies. Histological examination showed healing at coral-cortical junction by callus formation with...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Ecological dynamics and the basis of sympatric phenotypic diversification
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Mario Pineda-Krch; Richard Svanbäck; Michael Doebeli.
Theoretical and empirical studies are showing evidence in support of evolutionary branching and sympatric speciation due to
frequency‐dependent competition. However, phenotypic diversification due to underlying genetic diversification is
only one possible evolutionary response to disruptive selection. Another potentially general response is phenotypic diversification
in the form of phenotypic plasticity. It has been suggested that genetic variation is favored in stable environments, whereas
“competition” between the processes of evolutionary branching and the evolution of phenotypic
plasticity in a predator‐prey model...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
The Shape and Dimensionality of Phylogenetic Tree-Space Based on Mitochondrial Genomes
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: James C. Wilgenbusch; Wen Huang; Kyle A. Gallivan.
Phylogenetic analyses of large and diverse data sets generally result in large sets of competing phylogenetic trees. Consensus tree
methods used to summarize sets of competing trees discard important information regarding the similarity and distribution of
competing trees. A more fine grain approach is to use a dimensionality reduction method to project tree-to-tree distances in 2D or
3D space. In this study, we systematically evaluate the performance of several nonlinear dimensionality reduction (NLDR)
methods on tree-to-tree distances obtained from independent nonparametric bootstrap analyses of genes from three mid- to
large-sized mitochondrial genome alignments.

Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Constraints of FL Motif on the Targeting and Function of Sodium-Bicarbonate Cotransporter 1
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Hong C. Li; Ali Shawki; YoonKyung Park; Emily Y Li; Kyung-Soo Hahm; Joel H. Collier; Bryan Mackenzie;
Manoocher Soleimani.
A C-terminal dihydrophobic FL motif plays a vital role in the basolateral targeting of sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1. To
further characterize the role of dihydrophobic FL motif, 1). the FL motif in wild type (PFLS) was reversed to LF (PLFS), 2). the
FL motif (PFLS) was shifted upstream (FLPS), and 3). the FL motif (PFLS) was shifted downstream (PSFL). The wild type
(PFLS) and its mutant (PLFS) were exclusively expressed on the basolateral membrane by con-focal microscopy, however, the
mutant (FLPS) and (PSFL) were predominantly mistargeted to the apical membrane and the cytoplasm, respectively. Functional
studies showed that the mutant (PSFL) displayed a remarkably reduced current (p value<0.05 vs wild type). The
mutant (PSFL) displayed a...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Modelling Hepatic Endoderm Development: Highly Efficient Differentiation of Human Embryonic
Stem Cells to Functional Hepatic Endoderm Requires ActivinA and Wnt3a Signalling.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: David Hay; Judy Fletcher; Catherine Payne; John D. Terrace; Ronald C. J. Gallagher; Jan Snoeys; Jim Black; Davina
Wojtacha; Kay Samuel; Zara Hannoun; Anne Pryde; Celine Filippi; Ian S. Currie; Stuart J. Forbes; James A. Ross; Philip
Newsome; John Iredale.
Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are a valuable source of pluripotential primary cells. However, their homogeneous cellular
differentiation to specific cell types _in vitro_ has proven difficult thus far. Wnt signalling has been shown to play important roles
in coordinating development and we demonstrate that Wnt3a is differentially expressed at critical stages of human liver
development _in vivo_. The essential role of Wnt3a in hepatocyte differentiation from hESCs is paralleled by our _in vitro_
model, demonstrating the importance of a physiological approach to cellular differentiation. Our studies provide compelling
evidence that Wnt3a signaling is important for coordinated hepato-cellular function _in vitro_ and _in vivo_. In addition, we
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2007
A coordinated phosphorylation cascade initiated by MSK1 directs RAR alpha recruitment to target
gene promoters
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Nathalie Bruck; Dominique Vitoux; Christine Ferry; Vanessa Duong; Annie Bauer; Hughes de The; Cecile
The nuclear retinoic acid (RA) receptor alpha (RARα) is a transcriptional transregulator that controls the expression
of specific gene subsets through binding at response elements and dynamic interactions with coregulators, which are coordinated
by the ligand. Here, we highlighted a novel paradigm in which the transcription of RARα-target genes is controlled
by phosphorylation cascades initiated by the rapid RA activation of the p38MAPK/MSK1 pathway. We demonstrate that MSK1
phosphorylates RARα at S369 located in the Ligand Binding Domain, allowing the binding of TFIIH and thereby
phosphorylation of the N-terminal domain at S77 by cdk7/cyclin H. MSK1 also phosphorylates Histone H3 at S10. Finally, the
phosphorylation cascade...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Toward a Complete Phyloreferencing Language
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: T. Michael Keesey.
A phyloreference is a statement indicating a taxon within a phylogenetic context. A common use for phyloreferences is in
phylogenetic definitions, which tie taxonomic names to taxa via such statements. Several conventions for writing phyloreferences
have been proposed, but most only cover a few “standard” forms (node‑,
branch‑, and perhaps apomorphy‑based clades) without the capacity to represent more
“exotic” forms (e.g., ancestor‑based clades and qualified/modified references). In order
to build a complete phyloreferencing language, the mathematical underpinnings of phylogenetic contexts must be clarified. A
phylogenetic context may be modeled as a directed, acyclic...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Molecular phylogenies and evolutionary behavior of AhR (aryl hydrocarbon receptor) pathway genes
in aquatic animals
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Hailong Zhou; Ying Qu; Qinzhao Xue.
Phylogenetic analysis of AhR pathway genes and their evolutionary rate variations were studied on aquatic animals. The gene
sequences for the proteins involved in this pathway were obtained from major phylogenetic groups of mollusc, amphibian, fish
and aquatic mammal. These genes were distributed under four major steps of toxicology regulation: formation of cytosolic
complex, translocation of AhR, heterodimerization of AhR and induction of CYP1A. The NJ, MP and ML algorithm were used on
protein coding DNA sequences to deduce the evolutionary relationship for the respective AhR pathway gene among different
aquatic animals. The rate of nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions per nonsynonymous site (d~N~) and synonymous nucleotide
substitutions per synonymous...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Kinase independent inhibition of NFκB transcriptional activity by GRK5 through
IκBα stabilization.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Daniela Sorriento; Michele Ciccarelli; Gaetano Santulli; Alfonso Campanile; Giovanna Giuseppina Altobelli;
Vincenzo Cimini; Gennaro Galasso; Dalila Astone; Federico Piscione; Lucio Pastore; Bruno Trimarco; Guido Iaccarino.
Members of the G protein receptor kinase (GRK) family that regulates receptor desensitization and members of the nuclear
transcription factors family NF[kappa]B have been recently and convincingly demonstrated to interact, although the effects on
transcription and gene expression have not yet been described. Using overexpression, knockdown (small interfering RNA) and
mutagenesis experiments, we demonstrate that GRK5 couples to and stabilizes the NF[kappa]B inhibitor I[kappa]B[alpha], and
inhibits NF[kappa]B activity. Studies with minigenes suggest that the N-terminal Regulation of G protein Signaling (RGS)
homology (RH) domain confers GRK5 such ability. GRK5-RH domain overexpression affects NF[kappa]B dependent
phenotypes, such as apoptosis protection,...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Post-market monitoring: legal framework in Brazil and first results
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Marcia A. Melo; Ederson A. Kido; Paulo P. Andrade.
Brazil is presently (2010) the second largest producer of Genetically Modified (GM) crops. The legal framework to support both
research activities and the commercial release of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) is, however, very recent, as the
Biosafety Law dates back from 2005. After the indispensable risk analysis, done by National Technical Committee for Biosafety
(CTNBio), a GM plant can be approved for commercial release. Nevertheless, as stated in the Normative Resolution nr. 5 (NR-5),
2008, the post-market monitoring is mandatory. However, the first GM crop in Brazil, the herbicide tolerant soybean, was
harvested in 2005. The CTNBio asked, then, for a monitoring plan and the applicant designed a complex study focused on
case-specific monitoring....
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Understanding Consciousness: An Online Workshop on Contemporary Theories
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alfredo Pereira Jr; Jonathan Edwards; Dietrich Lehmann; Chris Nunn; Arnold Trehub; Max Velmans.
An invited workshop on ‘Theories of Consciousness’ was organized in the format of a Nature
Network closed group during the second semester of 2009. There were presentations by each of 15 authors active in the field,
followed by debate with other presenters and invitees. A week was allocated to each of the theories proposed; general discussion
threads were also opened from time to time, as seemed appropriate. We (who had been participants in the workshop) offer here an
account of the principal outcomes. It can be regarded as a contemporary, ‘state of the art’ snapshot of
thinking in this field.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Neuroscience; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Treemap Versus BPA (Again): A Response to Dowling
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Roderic Page; Michael Charleston.
TreeMap is a computer program for analysing host-parasite cospeciation. We respond to Dowling’s (Cladistics, 18:
416-435) recent comparison of TreeMap and Brooks Parsimony Analysis (BPA) by showing that Dowling’s
comparison suffers from several mistakes and flaws. We discuss the problems with both BPA and TreeMap, and show that BPA
incorrectly counts the true number coevolutionary events more often than TreeMap 1. We also discuss the two main limitations of
TreeMap 1 correctly identified by Dowling, namely its inability to handle widespread parasites, and its coarse optimality criterion
(the number of cospeciation events). We suggest a simple fix for widespread parasites. The newly released TreeMap 2 uses a more
sensitive optimality...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2007
A new phylogenetic comparative method: detecting niches and transitions with continuous characters
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Carl Boettiger.
Traditional information criteria approaches can lead to misleading model choice in comparative phylogenetics. I present examples
of these weaknesses using a classic data set on Anoles lizards. I describe a more robust comparison by likelihood ratio. I then
discuss a new class of models to capture the transition process between evolutionary regimes.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Effect of 2-H and 18-O water isotopes in kinesin-1 gliding assay
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Andy Maloney; Lawrence J. Herskowitz; Steven J. Koch.
We show here the effects of heavy-hydrogen water (^2^H~2~O) and heavy-oxygen water (H~2~^18^O) on the gliding speed of
microtubules on kinesin-1 coated surfaces. Increased fractions of isotopic waters used in the motility solution decreased the
gliding speed of microtubules by a maximum of 21% for heavy-hydrogen and 5% for heavy-oxygen water. We discuss possible
interpretations of these results and the importance for future studies of water effects on kinesin and microtubules. We also discuss
the implication for biomolecular devices incorporating molecular motors.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2012
The unique mouse pollination in an orchid species
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yong Wang; Yang Zhang; Xiao-Kai Ma; Li Dong.
The Chinese orchid, _Cymbidium serratum_, is pollinated by the wild mountain mouse _Rattus fulvescens_. The flowers use both
odor and colour as attractants, and provide labellum as food reward for the pollinators. The mice pollinate the flowers during their
endeavour to eat the labellums.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
EvoIO: Community-driven standards for sustainable interoperability
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Arlin Stoltzfus; Karen Cranston; Hilmar Lapp; Sheldon McKay; Enrico Pontelli; Rutger Vos; Nico Cellinese.
Interoperability is the property that allows systems to work together independent of who created them, or how or for what purpose
they were implemented. It is crucial for aggregating data from different online resources and for integrating different kinds of
data. Interoperability is based on effective standards that become and remain broadly adopted. We argue that to develop and apply
such standards for evolutionary and biodiversity data sustainably, we need a community-driven, open, and participatory approach.
With the goal to build such an approach, the EvoIO collaboration emerged in 2009 from several NESCent-sponsored activities.
EvoIO aims to be a nucleating center for developing, applying and disseminating interoperability technology that connects...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Optimizing automated preprocessing streams for brain morphometric comparisons across multiple
primate species
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Daniel Mietchen; Robert Dahnke; Christian Gaser.

MR techniques have delivered images of brains from a wide array
of species, ranging from invertebrates to birds to elephants and whales. However, their potential to serve as a basis for
comparative brain morphometric investigations has rarely been tapped so far (Christidis and Cox, 2006; Van Essen &
Dierker, 2007), which also hampers a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind structural alterations in
neurodevelopmental disorders (Kochunov et al., 2010). One of the reasons for this is the lack of computational tools suitable for
morphometrci comparisons across multiple species. In this work, we aim to characterize this gap, taking primates as an...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Neuroscience; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Structural basis of the allosteric trigger of the Hsp70 chaperone proteins.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Akash Bhattacharya; Alexander Kurochkin; Grover Yip; Eric Bertelsen; Erik Zuiderweg.
This work solves a decades-old dilemma that stood in the way of understanding the allosteric mechanism of Hsp70 (heat shock 70
kDa) chaperone proteins. Hsp70s are central to protein folding, refolding, and trafficking in organisms ranging from Archae to
Homo Sapiens, both at normal and at stressed cellular conditions. Hsp70s are comprised of two main domains: a 44 kDa
N-terminal nucleotide-binding domain (NBD), and a 25 kDa substrate-binding domain (SBD) that harbors the substrate binding
site. The nucleotide binding site in the NBD and the substrate binding site in the SBD are allosterically linked: ADP binding
promotes substrate binding, while ATP binding promotes substrate release. It has long been a goal of structural biology to
characterize the nature...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
The novel adiponectin-resistin (AR) and insulin resistance (IR~AR~) indexes
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Cia-Hin Lau; Sekaran Muniandy.
Serum hypoadiponectinemia and hyperrestinemia independently links insulin resistance to type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and metabolic
syndrome (MS). Thus, the aim of this study was propose a novel adiponectin-resistin (AR) index by unifying the effect of
adiponectin and resistin. Then, a novel insulin resistance (IR~AR~) index was proposed by taking into account the AR index.
Serum adiponectin and resistin levels as well as other insulin resistance, T2DM and MS risk factors were tested. Experimental
results showed the AR index was more stronger correlated with insulin resistance risk factors and had stronger association (df=5;
F=51.154; P<0.001) with T2DM and MS susceptibility rather than the serum adiponectin (df=5; F=15.680;
P<0.001) and...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Altruism among relatives and non-relatives
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Howard Rachlin; Bryan A. Jones.
The amount of their own monetary reward that undergraduate participants claimed they were willing to forgo, in order to give $75
to another person, decreased hyperbolically as social distance increased between the participant and the other person. Relatives
tended to be ranked at closer social distances than were non-relatives. However, even at the same social distance, participants
were willing to forgo significantly more money for the benefit of relatives than for the benefit of non-relatives. These results
imply that altruism is determined by factors in addition to social distance.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Archaebacterial Whole-Genome Duplication and Origin of Eukaryots
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Milanko Stupar.
Division of the ancestral prokaryotic pragenome into two circular double-stranded DNA molecules by genetic recombination, is a
base for the future separate evolution of the nuclear and mitochondrial gene compartment. This suggests monophyletic origin of
both mitochondrion and nucleus. Presumed organism which genome undergoes genetic recombination has to be searched among
an aerobic, oxygen non-producing archaeon with no rigid cell wall, but a plasma membrane. Plastids evolve from an aerobic,
oxygen producing proto-eukaryot, after mitoplastide genome duplication and subsequent functional segregation.In this proposal
origin of eukaryots occur by a three-step mechanism. First, replication fork pauses and collapses generating a breakage in the
genome of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Optimal control circuitry design for the digital p53 dynamics in cancer cell and apoptosis
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rosario M. Ardito Marretta.
Experimental work and theoretical models deduce a "digital" response of the p53 transcription factor when
genomic integrity is damaged. The mutual influence of p53 and its antagonist, the Mdm2 oncogene, is closed in feedback. This
paper proposes an aerospace architecture for translating the p53/Mdm2/DNA damage network into a digital circuitry in which the
optimal control theory is applied for obtaining the requested dynamic evolutions of some considered cell species for repairing a
DNA damage. The purpose of this paper is not to improve the analysis of the actual mathematical models but to demonstrate the
usefulness of such digital circuitry design capable to predict and detect the cell species dynamics for finding more information...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2009
Production of Transgenic Cloned Miniature Pigs with Membrane-bound Human Fas Ligand (FasL)
by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jae Goo Seol; Soo Hyun Kim; Dong-Il Jin; Seung Pyo Hong; Ji Yeon Yoo; Ki Myung Choi; Young Chul Park; Yun Jin
Yun; Kwang Wook Park; Jae Young Heo.
Cell-mediated xenograft rejection, including NK cells and CD8+ CTL, is a major obstacle in successful pig-to-human
xenotransplantation. Human CD8+ CTL and NK cells display high cytotoxicity for pig cells, mediated at least in part by the
Fas/FasL pathway. To prevent cell-mediated xenocytotoxicity, a membrane-bound form of human FasL (mFasL) was generated as
an inhibitor for CTL and NK cell cytotoxicity that could not be cleaved by metalloproteinase to produce putative soluble FasL.
We produced two healthy transgenic pigs harboring the mFasL gene via somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). In a cytotoxicity
assay using transgenic clonal cell lines and transgenic pig ear cells, the rate of CD8+ CTL-mediated cytotoxicity was significantly
reduced in transgenic...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology; Immunology.
Ano: 2010
Copyrights and digitizing the systematic literature: the horror... the horror...
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: N. Dean Pentcheff.
It is time for us to take full advantage of the investment that our societies have made in documenting the biodiversity of the world.
It is time for us to fully, and legally, make systematic literature available worldwide. Using U.S. "Fair Use"
guidelines, we can.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
SC1/PRDM4 recruits PRMT5 to control the timing of neural precursor differentiation in developing
neural stem cells
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alexandra Chittka; Ursula Grazini.
During cortical development, neural stem cells (NSCs) switch from proliferative to neuron-generating asymmetric divisions. Here
we investigated the role of Schwann cell factor 1 (SC1/PRDM4), a transcriptional repressor highly expressed in the developing
nervous system, during NSCs development. We found that SC1 protein levels were down-regulated in newly differentiating
neurons, while remaining high in undifferentiated NSCs, suggesting an asymmetric inheritance of SC1. Knockdown of SC1 in the
NSCs led to precocious differentiation of neurons and its overexpression led to an increase in Nestin-expressing precursors. We
found that SC1, through its amino-terminus, recruits the chromatin modifier PRMT5, a histone arginine methyltransferase that
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2010
Upstream Stimulatory Factor (USF) and CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein δ
(C/EBPδ) Compete for overlapping Sites in the Negative Regulatory Region of the HIV-1
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Torik T. A. Ayoubi; Sandra M. P. Meulemans; Wim W. J. M. Van de Ven.
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is a human retrovirus and the causative agent of the acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome. Genetic analysis has revealed that the HIV-1 LTR contains a potential negative regulatory element (NRE) with an E
box, the recognition sequence for the helix-loop-helix (HLH) family of transcription factors. Furthermore, the upstream
stimulatory factor (USF) has been implicated as a negative regulator of HIV-1 expression. Here, we report that the NRE is a
composite element and that both C/EBPδ and USF can specifically bind to the NRE. The recognition sequence for
C/EBPδ overlaps with the E box in the NRE of HIV-1. Competition experiments showed that either USF or
C/EBPδ binds to this NRE but not...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Development of GCP Ontology for Sharing Crop Information
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rosemary Shrestha; Ramil Mauleon; Reinhard Simon; Jayashree Balaji; Stephanie Channelière; Adriana
Alercia; Martin Senger; Kevin Manansala; Thomas Metz; Guy Davenport; Richard Bruskiewich; Graham McLaren; Elizabeth
"": is a globally distributed crop research
consortium directed toward crop improvement through the application of comparative biology and genetic resources
architecture’ to achieve the interoperability and integration of diverse GCP data types that are available through
distributed data sources and consumed by end-user data analysis tools. Its objective is to ensure semantic compatibility across the
Consortium that will lead to the creation of robust global public goods from GCP research results....
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
Speed effects in gliding motility assays due to surface passivation, water isotope, and osmotic stress.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Andy Maloney; Lawrence J. Herskowitz; Steven J. Koch.
The molecular motor kinesin-1, an ATPase, and the substrate it walks along, microtubules, are vital components of eukaryotic
cells. Kinesin converts chemical energy to linear motion as its two motor domains step along microtubules in a process similar to
how we walk. Cells create systems of microtubules that direct the motion of kinesin. This directed motion allows kinesin to
transport various cargos inside cells.

During the stepping process, the kinesin motor
domains bind and unbind from their binding sites on the microtubules. Binding and unbinding rates of biomolecules are highly
dependent on hydration and exclusion of water from the binding interface. Osmotic stress will likely strongly affect the binding
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Transduction Pathways Regulating The Trophic effects of Saccharomyces boulardii in Rat small
intestinal mucosa
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jean-Paul Buts; Nadine De Keyser.
_S . boulardii_ is a probiotic yeast widely prescribed in a lyophilized form that determines in human and rat small intestine several
effects including endoluminal secretion of enzymes and of polyamines, stimulation of microvillous enzymes, of sIgA ,increased
Aim: The objective of this study was to determine the pathway(s) by which these effects generated
by the yeast are transduced into the cell.
Methods: Litters of 6 growing Wistar rats each (30 days post
partum) were treated with _S .boulardii_ (50[micro]g per g body wt) or with saline during 72 hours. For each animal, the cyto sol
was prepared from the whole mucosa...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Microbiology.
Ano: 2009
Music can reduce cognitive dissonance
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Nobuo Masataka; Leonid Perlovsky.
The fundamental cognitive functions of music in the brain have not been known and evolutionary reasons for musical abilities
seem mysterious. A recent hypothesis suggested that a fundamental function of music has been to help mitigating cognitive
dissonances. A cognitive dissonance is "a discomfort caused by holding conflicting cognitions"
simultaneously; it usually leads to devaluation of conflicting knowledge. Since every concept implies some degree of
contradictions to other knowledge, unmitigated cognitive dissonances could prevent evolution of cognition. Thus music might be
fundamental for the evolution of cognition. Here we provide experimental confirmation of this hypothesis using a classical
paradigm known to induce a cognitive...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Neuroscience; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
An RNA _cis_-element upstream of the HMGA1a binding site affects exon exclusion caused by
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Kenji Ohe; Takayuki Manabe; Taiichi Katayama; Masaya Tohyama; Akila Mayeda.
In addition to its characteristics as a DNA binding transcription factor, HMGA1a is known to bind RNA, sequence specifically
and regulate aberrant splicing of the _Presenilin-2_ gene in sporadic Alzheimer’s disease^1,2^. We show here that
an RNA _cis_-element, immediately upstream the HMGA1a binding site, induces exon inclusion upon mutating a GU sequence to
CA. Psoralen mediated UV crosslinking showed U1 snRNP did not bind this sequence but oligonucleotide-mediated RNase H
digestion showed it important for U1 snRNP to recognize the authentic 5’ splice site. This sequence
(5’-AAGUAC-3’) was tested for hnRNPA1 binding and function. Coimmunoprecipitation of
endogenous HMGA1a and hnRNPA1 in HeLa nuclear extract,...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2009
High Perceptual Load Makes Monocular Attention Different
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Dingyuan Tan.
Attention is a fundamental function of the human which is important in our daily life. Perceptual load is thought to play an
important role in selective attention^1,2^. When perceptual load is high, the distracting information will be kept out of perception
and will not affect us. When perceptual load is low, the distracting information will be processed deeply by us and will influence
us^3^. However, most of the past research was concerned with binocular attention instead of monocular attention. In spite of the
differences such as visual acuity^4^, stereopsis^5,6^ between binocular and monocular vision, there were few reports of their
difference regarding to perceptual load which means more items and features in our research. Here we show their difference...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Neuroscience; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Bioinformatics Approach for Functional Glycomics
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: James C. Paulson.
Presentation in the Human Glycomics Proteomics Disease Initiative (HGPI) session.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
In silico comparative analysis of conserved genes expressed in solanaceous plants under abiotic
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: sanchita gupta; sunita singh dhawan; ashok sharma.
The gene expression data was studied in order to analyze genes involved in different abiotic stresses in solanaceous plants. Salt,
temperature (heat & cold) and drought are the main abiotic stresses to the plants. Abiotic stress responses are important
for sessile organisms like plants because they have to cope with environmental changes to survive. The idea was to analyze those
differentially expressed genes, which show common expression in response to different abiotic stress conditions in each plant.
Mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) are important mediators in signal transmission, connecting the perception of external
stimuli to cellular responses. In plants, MAPKs plays a major role in the signaling of abiotic stresses. The expression...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Perumal P.
Endoscopy is a minimally invasive diagnostic medical procedure that is used to assess the interior surfaces of an organ by
inserting a tube into the body. The instrument may have a rigid or flexible tube and not only provide an image for visual
inspection and photography, but also enable taking biopsies and retrieval of foreign objects. Endoscopy is the vehicle for
minimally invasive surgery and patients may receive conscious sedation so they do not have to be consciously aware of the
discomfort. Many endoscopic procedures are considered to be relatively painless and, at worst, associated with moderate
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Microbiology.
Ano: 2012
Estimated carboxylic acid ester hydrolysis rate constants for food and beverage aroma compounds
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Sierra Rayne; Kaya Forest.
Aroma compounds in the Flavornet database were screened for potentially hydrolyzable carboxylic acid ester functionalities. Of
the 738 aroma compounds listed in this database, 140 molecules contain carboxylic acid ester groups that may be amenable to
hydrolysis in various food and beverage products. Acid- (k~A~) and base- (k~B~) catalyzed and neutral (k~N~) hydrolysis rate
constants in pure water at 25°C were estimated for these aroma compounds. Where available, good agreement between
theoretical and experimental hydrolytic half-lives was obtained at various pH values. Wide ranges and broad frequency
distributions for k~A~, k~B~, and k~N~ are expected among the various hydrolyzable aroma compounds, with estimated k~A~
ranging from...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
A schistosome [beta] subunit remodels inactivation of a calcium channel _via_ an N-terminal
polyacidic motif
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Vicenta Salvador-Recatala; Robert M. Greenberg.
The beta subunit of high voltage-activated Ca (Cav) channels targets the pore forming [alpha]~1~ subunit to the plasma
membrane and defines the biophysical phenotype of the Cav channel complex. Cav channel inactivation following activation and
opening is tightly regulated and is an essential property that not only prevents excessive entry of Ca^2+^ into the cell but may also
have functions in signal transduction. The [beta] subunit modulates Ca^2+^-dependent and voltage-dependent components of Cav
channel inactivation via its interaction with the I-II linker of the [alpha]~1~ subunit. Here, using Cav2.3 and whole-cell
patch-clamp, we show that a [beta] subunit from the human parasite _Schistosoma mansoni_ ([beta]~Sm~) accelerates
inactivation via a unique,...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2010
Remarks on the number of tubulin dimers per neuron and implications for Hameroff-Penrose Orch
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Danko Georgiev.
Stuart Hameroff has wrongly estimated that a typical brain neuron has 10^7^ tubulin dimers and wrongly attributed this result to
Yu and Baas, J. Neurosci. 1994; 14: 2818-2829. In this letter we show that Hameroff’s estimate is based on
misunderstanding of the results provided by Yu and Baas, who actually measured the total microtubule length in a single axonal
projection with length of 56 μm in a differentiating in vitro stage 3 embryonic hippocampal neuron. In order to
visualize how big Hameroff’s error is, we have reconstructed two of the studied by Yu and Baas embryonic
hippocampal neurons with Neuromantic v1.6.3 and compared them with previously published reconstructions of adult
hippocampal neurons. Correct calculations...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2009
Mass Cultivation of _Chroococcus turgidus_ and _Oscillatoria sp._ and Effective Harvesting of
Biomass by Low-cost methods
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Mohan N; Hanumantha Rao P; Ranjith Kumar R; Sivasubramanian V.
The potential of microalgal biomasses for the production of biochemicals such as pigments, vitamins, antibiotics, polysaccharides,
proteins, essential fatty acids, bio-flocculants, enzymes, etc. is well known. The purpose of this study was to cultivate two
cyanobacterial species namely _Chroococcus turgidus_ and _Oscillatoria sp._, isolated from industrial effluents, using a suitable
growth medium in a large-scale High Rate Algal (HRA) pond. The biomolecules such as total protein, total carbohydrate and total
lipid, and the pigments chlorophyll, phycobilins, β-carotene, were analysed at regular intervals during cultivation. In
addition, the total bacterial cell numbers were enumerated during the study and their influence on algal growth was...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Atmospheric hypoxia limits selection for large body size in insects
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: C Jaco Klok; Jon Harrison.
Recent geological models indicate a marked increase in atmospheric oxygen partial pressure (aPO~2~) to 32 kPa in the
Permo-Carboniferous (approx. 300 million years ago), subsequently falling to 13 kPa in the Triassic^1^.These aPO~2~ changes
have been hypothesized to cause multiple major evolutionary events^2^ including the appearance and subsequent extinction of
giant insects and other taxa^3, 4^. Patterns of increasing tracheal investment in larger insects support this hypothesis^5^, as do
observations of positive relationships between aPO~2~ and body size in single- or multi-generational experiments with
_Drosophila melanogaster_ and other insects^6^. Large species likely result from many generations of selection for large body
size driven by predation,...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Phenex: Ontological Annotation of Phenotypic Diversity
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: James P. Balhoff; Wasila M. Dahdul; Cartik R. Kothari; Hilmar Lapp; John G. Lundberg; Paula Mabee; Peter E.
Midford; Monte Westerfield; Todd J. Vision.
Phenotypic differences among species have long been systematically itemized and described by biologists in the process of
investigating phylogenetic relationships and trait evolution. Traditionally, these descriptions have been expressed in natural
language within the context of individual journal publications or monographs. Thus, this rich store of phenotype data has been
largely unavailable for statistical and computational comparisons across studies or integration with other biological
Here we describe Phenex, a platform-independent desktop application designed to facilitate
efficient and consistent annotation of phenotypic similarities and differences using Entity-Quality syntax, drawing on terms from
community ontologies...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
The development of a simple basal area increment model
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Georg Erich Kindermann.
In most cases forest practice in Austria use yield tables to predict the growth of their forests. Common yield tables show the
increment of pure even-aged stands which are treated in a way the table developer recommends. The usage of these tables in
stands which are either uneven-aged, mixed or treated in another way, may lead to inaccurate predictions. To avoid these
problems, forest growth models have been developed. Until now they are not widely used in Austria. One reason may be, that
most of the models need some input parameters which are usually not gathered by companies. In this work a basal area increment
per hectare model has been developed which is based on the input parameters: diameter at breast height, height to diameter ratio,
top height at...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Endogenous Viral Etiology of Prion Diseases
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Claudiu I. Bandea.
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), or prion diseases, are a group of incurable neurodegenerative disorders,
including Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans, “mad cow” disease in cattle, and scrapie in
sheep. This paper presents structural, genetic, and evolutionary evidence supporting an endogenous TSE virus model that
integrates the three major traditional views on the nature of TSE pathogens, the conventional virus view, the prion hypothesis, and
the virino concept, into a novel conceptual and evolutionary framework. According to this model, the TSE pathogens are
symbiotic endogenous viruses that inadvertently produce transmissible viral particles that lack the viral genome and are composed
primarily of the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Microbiology; Neuroscience; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Reactome - a knowledgebase of human biological pathways
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Peter D'Eustachio; David Croft; Bernard de Bono; Gopal Gopinath; Marc Gillespie; Bijay Jassal; Lisa
Matthews; Esther Schmidt; Imre Vastrik; Guanming Wu; Suzanna Lewis; Ewan Birney; Lincoln Stein.
Pathway curation is a powerful tool for systematically associating gene products with functions. Reactome ( is
a manually curated human pathway knowledgebase describing a wide range of biological processes in a computationally
accessible manner. The core unit of the Reactome data model is the Reaction, whose instances form a network of biological
interactions through entities that are consumed, produced, or act as catalysts. Entities are distinguished by their molecular
identities and cellular locations. Set objects allow grouping of related entities. Curation is based on communication between
expert authors and staff curators, facilitated by freely available data entry tools. Manually curated data are subjected to quality
control and peer...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
Formation of an SIR-Nucleosome Filament in vitro and Its Modulation by O-Acetyl-ADP-Ribose
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yu-Yi Wu; Jia-Yang Hong; Sue-Ping Lee; Hsiao-Hsuian Shen; Shu-Ping Tsai; Gunn-Guang Liou.
It is not possible to clearly visualize how chromatin condenses to heterochromatin in vivo. However, in an in vitro system for
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the requirements for heterochromatin filament formation mirror those found in vivo. Here we report
that the nucleosomes and the Sir2, Sir3 and Sir4 proteins, which are required for in vitro filament assembly, are also components
of these filaments, confirming that the filaments are SIR-nucleosome filaments. We show the individual localization patterns of
the Sir proteins on this SIR-nucleosome filament, and demonstrate that the metabolite, AAR, plays a specific and essential role in
promoting the formation of this SIR-nucleosome filament.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Snca and Bdnf gene expression in the VTA and raphe nuclei of midbrain in chronically victorious and
defeated male mice
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Natalia N. Kudryavtseva; Natalia P. Bondar; Ul'yana A. Boyarskikh; Maxim L. Filipenko.
The study aimed to analyze the mRNA levels of Snca and Bdnf genes in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and raphe nuclei of the
midbrain in male mice that had each won or defeated 20 encounters in daily agonistic interactions. Groups of animals that had the
same winning and losing track record followed by a no-fight period for 14 days were also studied. Snca mRNA levels were
increased in the raphe nuclei in the losers and in the VTA of the winners. After fighting deprivation Snca mRNA levels were
decreased to the control level in both groups. Snca mRNA levels were similar to the control level in the VTA of the losers and in
the raphe nuclei of the winners. However Snca gene expression was increased in these areas after no-fight period in the winners
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2010
Quantification of Cell Movement Reveals Distinct Edge Motility Types During Cell Spreading
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Benjamin J. Dubin-Thaler; Jake M. Hofman; Harry V. Xenias; Ingrid A. Spielman; Anna H. Shneidman; Lawrence
David; Hans-Guenther Dobereiner; Chris Wiggins; Michael P. Sheetz.
Actin-based motility is central to cellular processes such as migration, bacterial engulfment, and cancer metastasis, and requires
precise spatial and temporal regulation of the cytoskeleton. We studied one such process, fibroblast spreading, which involves
three temporal phases: early, middle, and late spreading, distinguished by differences in cell area growth. In these studies, aided
by improved algorithms for analyzing edge movement, we observed that each phase was dominated by a single, kinematically and
biochemically distinct cytoskeletal organization, or motility type. Specifically, early spreading was dominated by periodic
blebbing; continuous protrusion occurred predominantly during middle spreading; and periodic contractions were prevalent in...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Novel role of substance-p as a systemic wound messenger to mobilize mesenchymal stem cell from
bone marrow and be engaged in the wound healing epithelial layer
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Hyun Sook Hong; Jung Sun Lee; Young Sam Kwon; Eun Kyung Lee; Woosung Ahn; Jae Chan Kim; Youngsook Son.
Tissue injury may bring up the systemic participation of bone marrow stem cells in the repair. In this study, we report that
substance-p is a systemically acting messenger to mobilize mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) probably from the bone marrow and be
engaged in the wound healing process. This was supported by the injury-inducible substance-p detection in the tissue and the
peripheral blood and subsequent MSC mobilization in the alkali-burn rabbit eye model, whose kinetics were dependent on the
wound size. Furthermore, i.v. injection of exogenous substance-p stimulated MSC mobilization in the uninjured rabbits and those
mobilized cells showed multipotent differentiation capacity. We demonstrated that earlier substance-p elevation in the circulation
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Protein folding disorders: Toward a basic biological paradigm
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
Mechanistic 'physics' models of protein folding fail to account for the observed spectrum of protein
folding and aggregation disorders, suggesting that a cognitive paradigm for protein folding regulation will be needed for
understanding the etiology, prevention, and treatment of these diseases.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2010
Changes in Antioxidant Enzymes Activity and Oxidative Damage in Four Argania spinosa Ecotypes
Under Water Stress Conditions
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Abdelghani Chakhchar; Abderrahim Ferradous; Mouna
Lamaoui; Said Wahbi; Cherkaoui El Modafar.
_Argania spinosa_ L. Skell, a tree endemic of Morocco, grows in semiarid and arid areas. Biochemical response to drought in four
ecotypes of the _A. spinosa_ was compared. Choice of ecotypes was based on evident differences in geographical features in
south-west Morocco: two coastal ecotypes (Essaouira and Agadir) and two paralittorale ecotypes (Aoulouz and Lakhssas). Lipid
peroxidation (malonyldialdehyde (MDA)), content of endogenous hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and antioxidant enzyme system
(Catalase (CAT), Ascorbate peroxidase (APX), Total peroxidase (POD) and Polyphenoloxidase (PPO) were measured in control
(100% relative humidity (RH) at field capacity (FC)) and water-stressed plants (50 and 25% RH at FC). For all ecotypes, drought
stress significantly...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Dating the cyanobacterial ancestor of the chloroplast
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Luisa Falcon; Susana Magallon; Amanda Castillo.
Cyanobacteria have played a pivotal role in the history of life on Earth being the first organism to carry out oxygenic
photosynthesis, which changed atmospheric chemistry and allowed the evolution of Eukarya. Chloroplasts are the cellular
organelles of photoautotrophic eukaryotes in which photosynthesis is conducted. Although the initial suggestion from
Mereschkowsky (1905) that cyanobacteria are the ancestors of chloroplasts was greeted with skepticism, the idea is now widely
accepted. Here we attempt to resolve and date the cyanobacterial ancestry of the chloroplast using phylogenetic analysis and
molecular clocks, because until now, the long-standing question of, from which, among the vast diversity of cyanobacteria, did
chloroplasts evolve, has not...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Microbiology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Technical Note: The Use of RNA-interference as a Tool to Find Proteins Involved in Melanosome
Formation or Transport
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Eva M. Amsen; Daniela Rotin.
Melanosomes are lysosome-related organelles that produce and transport the pigment melanin within melanocytes. Mutations in
proteins required for melanosome transport and formation lead to a range of pigmentation defects, manifested at the cellular level
as perinuclear clustering of melanosomes, or reduced sorting of melanosomal cargo such as tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TYRP1).
A pilot screen was carried out to investigate whether a combination of cellular imaging and RNA interference could be used to
identify new proteins involved in pigmentation pathways. In this study, eleven genes known to play a role in melanosome
transport/formation or other pigmentation properties were knocked down in mouse melanocytes with shRNAmir constructs. The
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2009
Effective Phylogenetic Compression with TreeZip
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Suzanne J. Matthews; SeungJin Sul; Tiffani L. Williams.
Phylogenetic trees are family trees that represent the relationships between a group of organisms, or taxa. The most popular
techniques for reconstructing phylogenetic trees intelligently navigate an exponentially-sized tree space by solving NP-hard
optimization problems that that best hypothesize the evolutionary history for a given set of taxa. Instead of reconstructing a single
tree, these heuristics often return tens to hundreds of thousands of trees that represent equally-plausible hypotheses for how the
taxa of interest evolved from a common ancestor. As biologists attempt to reconstruct increasingly larger phylogenies, these tree
collections only continue to grow in size. To combat the cost of storage and to facilitate the transfer of these large...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
On the reliability of Bayesian posterior clade probabilities in phylogenetic analysis
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Graham Jones.
This article discusses possible reasons why posterior clade probabilities obtained from Bayesian phylogenetic analyses might be
inaccurate. It attempts to list all possible sources of uncertainty and error in Bayesian phylogenetic analysis. The choice of priors
on trees has been suggested by several authors as a cause of inaccurate posterior clade probabilities. I argue strongly for using
priors based on biological knowledge. Two possible sources of bias which do not seem to have been published before are also
discussed. One is a computational problem and the other related to majority rule consensus trees.

Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Insular gigantism and dwarfism in a snake, adaptive response or spandrel to selection on gape size?
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Shawn Vincent; Matthew Brandley; Takeo Kuriyama; Akira Mori; Anthony Herrel; Masami Hasegawa.
In biology, spandrels are phenotypic traits that evolve through their underlying developmental, genetic, and/or structural links to
another trait under selection^1, 2, 3^. Despite the importance of the concept of spandrels in biology, empirical examples of
spandrels are exceedingly rare at the organismal level^2, 3^. Here we test whether body size evolution in insular populations of a
snake (_Elaphe quadrivirgata_) is the result of an adaptive response to differences in available prey, or the result of a non-adaptive
spandrel resulting from selection on gape size. In contrast to previous hypotheses, Mantel tests show that body size does not
coevolve with diet. However, gape size tightly matches diet (birds vs. lizards) across populations, even after...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Myosin VI Lever Arm Rotation: Fixed or Variable?
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yujie Sun; Harry W. Schroeder III; John F. Beausang; Kazuaki Homma; Mitsuo Ikebe; Yale E. Goldman.
Two recent articles addressed the power-stroke of myosin VI molecules during stepping. Although both groups measured the
angles of fluorescent probes attached on the myosin VI molecule lever arm using polarized fluorescence techniques, they differ
about whether the myosin VI lever arm rotation is fixed1 or variable2. Here we discuss the causes of the discrepancy between the
two studies and the implications for myosin VI processive motility.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
TMEPAI, a transmembrane TGF-β-inducible protein, sequesters Smad proteins in
TGF-β signaling
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Susumu Itoh; Yukihide Watanabe; Kiyotoshi Satoh; Masako Inamitsu; Liang Shi; Naoko Nakano; Aya Tanaka; Eliza
Wiercinska; Hiroshi Shibuya; Peter ten Dijke; Mitsuyasu Kato.
Transforming growth factor-[beta] (TGF-[beta]) is a multifunctional cytokine of key importance for controlling embryogenesis
and tissue homeostasis. How TGF-[beta] signals are attenuated and terminated is not well understood. Here, we show that
TMEPAI, a direct target gene of TGF-[beta] signaling, antagonizes TGF-[beta] signaling by interfering with TGF-[beta] type I
receptor (T[beta]RI)-induced R-Smad phosphorylation. TMEPAI can directly interact with R-Smads via a Smad interaction motif
(SIM). TMEPAI competes with Smad anchor for receptor activation (SARA) for R-Smad binding, thereby sequestering R-Smads
from T[beta]RI kinase activation. In mammalian cells, ectopic expression of TMEPAI inhibited TGF-[beta]-induced PAI-1
production, whereas specific...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Isolated ileal interposition in enteroendocrine L cells differentiation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Bianca Marigliani; Joao-Luiz M. C. Azevedo; Lucas P. F. F. Leal; Karina F. Neves; Linda O. A. Bernardes; Gilmara S.
Aguiar-Yamaguchi; Wellington Cardia; João L. C. Azevedo; Otavio C. Azevedo; Jose F. Borborema; Gustavo P.
S. Miguel.
Due to the progressive nature of type 2 diabetes, its complexity and drug treatment
perpetuity, there is currently a search for surgical procedures that can promote euglycemia also in non-obese patients. Diabetic
patients glycemic control can be achieved by increasing the blood concentration of GLP-1, a hormone produced by L cells that are
more densely concentrated in the terminal ileum. Early and extended improvement of diabetes in patients submitted to bariatric
surgeries awakened the necessity of investigating the isolated ileal interposition as a surgical alternative for the treatment of
diabetes. The interposition of this ileal segment to a more anterior region (proximal jejunum) can promote a greater stimulation of
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
New methods for analyzing serological data with applications to influenza surveillance
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Wilfred Ndifon.
Two important challenges to the use of serological assays for influenza surveillance include the substantial amount of
experimental effort involved, and the inherent noisiness of serological data. Here, informed by the observation that
log-transformed serological data (obtained from the hemagglutination-inhibition assay) exist in an effectively one-dimensional
space, computational methods are developed for accurately and efficiently recovering unmeasured serological data from a sample
of measured data, and systematically minimizing noise found in the measured data. Careful application of these methods would
enable the collection of better-quality serological data on a greater number of circulating influenza viruses than is currently
possible, and improve...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Modeling, Simulation and Application of Bacterial Transduction in Genetic Algorithms
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Carlos Perales-Gravan; Javier de Vicente Buendia; Rafael Lahoz-Beltra.
At present, all methods in Evolutionary Computation are bioinspired in the fundamental principles of neo-Darwinism as well as
on a vertical gene transfer. Thus, on a mechanism in which an organism receives genetic material from its ancestor. Horizontal,
lateral or cross-population gene transfer is any process in which an organism transfers a genetic segment to another one that is not
its offspring. Virus transduction is one of the key mechanisms of horizontal gene propagation in microorganism (e.g. bacteria). In
the present paper, we model and simulate a transduction operator, exploring a possible role and usefulness of transduction in a
genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm including transduction has been named PETRI (abbreviation of Promoting...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Microbiology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ayse Aksoy; Erol Erduran; Yusuf Gedik.
Heparin has an apoptotic effect in addition to its anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, and antiproliferative effects.
In this study, we detected the effect of heparin on the cell cycle of lymphoblasts by flow cytometry (FCM) and tried to determine
which phase in the cell cycle of lymphoblasts contains heparin-sensitive points. Twelve children with newly diagnosed acute
lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) were included in the study. Lymphoblasts were incubated in different levels of heparin
concentrations (0, 10, and 20 U/mL) and the percentages of lymphoblasts at each phase of the cell cycle were simultaneously
measured by FCM at 0, 1, and 2 hours (h). The percentages of lymphoblasts at the G2/M and S phases were significantly
increased in 20 U/mL...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Adenovirus-mediated transfer of siRNA against survivin enhances the radiosensitivity of human
non-small cell lung cancer cells
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Cheng-Ta Yang; Jhy-Ming Li; Hsu-Huei Weng; Ya-Chin Li; Miao-Fen Chen.
Expression of survivin has been reported to be correlated with shorter survival in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
(NSCLC), and overexpression of survivin may lead to radioresistance in various human cancers. In this study, we inhibited
survivin expression by using an adenoviral vector (AdsiSurvivin)-mediated RNAi to elucidate the combined effect of
survivin-targeting gene therapy and radiotherapy on the NSCLC cells. Our data revealed that AdsiSurvivin exerted survivin gene
silencing, induced apoptosis, and significantly attenuated the growth potential in NSCLC cells within 72 hours after infection. The
combined treatment modalities with AdsiSurvivin infection and radiation were significantly more potent on cell-growth inhibition
than monotherapy....
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Lightning Talk: Biopython (bio) Geography Module
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Nicholas J. Matzke.
For Google Summer of Code 2009/NESCENT Phyloinformatics Summer of Code 2009, I built a Geography module for
Biopython. The purpose of the module is to search, download, and process biogeographical data from GBIF, much as Biopython
currently accesses Genbank.
Application of the tool to a historical biogeography study on bivalves will be

As required by Google Summer of Code and Biopython, the code is open

The module is described, and a tutorial is presented, on the
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Phytochemical Approach and Bioanalytical Strategy to Develop Chaperone-Based Medications
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Bernd Kastenholz.
Currently, no pharmaceuticals for the etiological treatment of degenerative protein-misfolding diseases (e.g., ALS,
Alzheimer’s or prion diseases) are commercially available. Therefore, in this technical note theoretical
considerations and practical approaches concerning the development of chaperone-based medications from medicinal plants (e.g.,
Ginkgo biloba) are reviewed and discussed in detail. Phytochaperones and other agents isolated from medicinal plants are
proposed to serve as the general basis of drug development in protein-misfolding diseases.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Pharmacology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2008
Dual expression recombinase based (DERB) single vector system for high throughput screening and
verification of protein interactions in living cells
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jian-Ping Lu; Laura Beatty; Jehonathan Pinthus.
Identification of novel protein interactions and their mediators is fundamental in understanding cellular processes and is necessary
for protein-targeted therapy. Evidently high throughput formatting of these applications in living cells would be beneficial,
however no adequate system exists. We present a novel platform technology for the high throughput screening and verification of
protein interactions in living cells. The platform’s series of Dual Expression Recombinase Based (DERB) destiny
vectors individually encode two sets of recombinase recognizable sequences for inserting the protein open reading frame (ORF) of
interest, two sets of promoters and reporter tags in frame with the ORFs for detecting interactions. Introduction into living...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Structural Modeling and Validation of Rep protein of Begomovirus Strains (TLCBV and TYLCTHV)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rajneesh Prajapat; Vivek Bajpai; Rajarshi Kumar Gaur.
Homology modeling involves taking a known sequence with an unknown structure and mapping it against a known structure of
one or several similar (homologous) proteins. It would be expected that two proteins of similar origin and function would have
reasonable structural similarity. Therefore it is possible to use the known structure as a template for modeling the structure of the
unknown structure. Proteins that share the same function generally have similar structures. During alignment if two proteins show
maximum sequence identity they also show a similar folding pattern. This principal has became the foundation of homology
The Geminivirus taxonomic group of plant viruses is characterized by geminate particles and
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Transcriptional complex assembly represented in SBGN PD
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alexander Mazein; Steven Watterson; Peter Ghazal.
This poster shows how transcriptional complex assembly can be represented in SBGN Process Description language. Example:
LPS-induced TNF-alpha enhancer complex formation.
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2010
Towards a web-based simulation experiment description repository
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Michael Guravage; Roeland M. H. Merks.
Modellers are producing more and more complex models. Unless these models are sufficiently characterised and made available
to the research community their reuse will be minimal, and reproducing simulation experiments incorporating them will prove
problematic. Consensus on the content and form of experiment recipes that combine models and simulations will encourage model
sharing and facilitate reuse.

A set of guidelines specifying the 'Minimum
Information About a Simulation Experiment'(MIASE) proposes a common set of information necessary to reproduce
simulation experiments that incorporate quantitative models.

We have instantiated
these guidelines in a web-based...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Plant Biology; Data Standards.
Ano: 2011
My experiment with open science: Why the benefits of sharing go beyond source code
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Carl Boettiger.
I briefly describe three themes that help maximize the benefits of an open science approach towards code, literature, discussions,
and lab notebooks.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction – A method for detection of volatiles from potato plants?
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Katrin Beyer; Angelika Ziegler; Detlef Ulrich; Kirsten Weiß; René Grünwald; Ralf
The application of Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE) as a method for extraction of emitted volatile compounds of potato leaves
using GC/MS will be studied. A suitable efficient method shall be developed to describe differences in the spectrum of volatile
compounds of potato varieties. It was shown that SBSE yields results similar to other established methods but with less effort. The
method will be optimized further. The use of the spectrum of volatile compounds as a parameter for variety assessment (e.g.: plant
health, plant protection, biosafety) is planned.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Dynamic hydration valve controlled ion permeability and stability of NaK channel
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rong Shen; Wanlin Guo; Wenyu Zhong.
The K^+^, Na^+^, Ca^2+^ channels are essential to neural signalling, but our current knowledge at atomic level is mainly limited
to that of K^+^ channels. Unlike a K^+^ channel having four equivalent K^+^-binding sites in its selectivity filter, a NaK channel
conducting both Na^+^ and K^+^ ions has a vestibule in the middle part of its selectivity filter, in which ions can diffuse but not
bind specifically. However, how the NaK channel conducts ions remains elusive. Here we find four water grottos connecting with
the vestibule of the NaK selectivity filter. Molecular dynamics and free energy calculations show that water molecules moving in
the vestibule-grotto complex hydrate and stabilize ions in the filter and serve as a valve in conveying ions through...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
NamesforLife Semantic Resolution Services for the Life Sciences
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Charles T. Parker; Dorothea K. Taylor; Kara Mannor; Sarah Wigley; Nicole Osier; Catherine Lyons; George M. Garrity.
A major challenge in bioinformatics, life sciences, and medicine is using correct and informative names. While this sounds simple
enough, many different naming conventions exist in the life sciences and medicine that may be either complementary or
competitive with other naming conventions. For a variety of reasons, proper names are not always used, leading to an accumulated
semantic ambiguity that readers of the literature and end users of databases are left to resolve on their own. This ambiguity is a
growing problem and the biocuration community is aware of its consequences. 

assist those confronted with ambiguous names (which not only includes researchers but clinicians, manufacturers, patent
attorneys, and others...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Microbiology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Nitric oxide synthase in skeletal muscle fibres of patients with type 2 diabetes
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Karla Punkt; Katharina Kandt; Andreas Oberbach; Volker Adams; Igor Buchwalow; Matthias Blueher.
Muscle-derived nitric oxide (NO) mediates fundamental physiological actions on skeletal muscle including glucose uptake into
muscle cells. Recently, we have shown that the altered glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle of patients with type 2 diabetes
(T2D) is associated with changes in the metabolic profile of individual muscle fibres, but fibre-type specific changes in NO
synthase (NOS) expression in skeletal muscle of T2D patients remain to be elucidated. Here we investigated fibre-type related
NOS expression in vastus lateralis muscle of T2D patients compared with healthy individuals with normal glucose tolerance
(NGT). Cytophotometrical assay and Western blotting did not reveal any quantitative differences between NOS expression in
muscles from NGT and...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2012
Effects of surface passivation on gliding motility assays
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Andy Maloney; Lawrence J. Herskowitz; Steven J. Koch.
In this study, we report differences in the observed gliding speed of microtubules
dependent on the choice of
bovine casein used as a surface passivator. We observed
differences in both speed and support of
microtubules in each of the assays. Whole
casein, comprised of [alpha]~s1~, [alpha]~s2~, [beta], and
[kappa] casein, supported motility and averaged speeds of
966 ± 7 nm/s. Alpha casein can be
purchased as a combination of s1 and s2 and
supported gliding motility and average speeds of 949
± 4 nm/s. Beta casein did not
support motility very well and averaged speeds of 870 ±
30 nm/s. Kappa casein
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
A novel regulator of the p53-mediated mitochondrial apoptotic pathway
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Bo Young Ahn; Diane Trinh; Laura Zajchowski; Sung-Woo Kim.
The p53 tumor suppressor protein induces apoptosis in response to genotoxic and environmental stress. Recent studies have
revealed the existence of a transcription-independent mitochondrial p53 apoptosis pathway, however the mechanism regulating
p53 translocation to mitochondria and subsequent initiation of apoptosis was not known. Here, we show that Tid1, also known as
mtHsp40 or Dnaja3, interacts with p53 and directs its translocation to mitochondria in cells exposed to hypoxia. Overexpression
of Tid1 in tumor cells promoted mitochondrial localization of both wildtype and mutant forms of p53 and was able to restore the
pro-apoptotic activity of mutant p53 proteins that were otherwise unable to induce apoptosis. Tid1's mitochondrial
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Identification of transcription factor genes and their correlation with the high diversity of
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Francisco Buitrago; Silvia Restrepo; Diego Riaño-Pachón.
In this study we identify, and classify into families, transcription factors (TFs) and other transcriptional regulators (TRs) in
genome sequences available from the Stramenopile group. For this we exploit the presence of protein domains and their
combinations to build rules in the form of boolean rules, that are specific for each family of TFs and TRs. We found a correlation
between the family size and some traits that has been described to be involved in the complexity of organisms. Furthermore, we
found specific gains, losses and families that shows higher abundance in different lineages, which may be involved in the
regulation of specific traits for some Stramenopile species.
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Precocious activation of APC/C-Cdh1 at pre-anaphase causes genome instability
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ayumu Yamamoto; Takashi Ushimaru; Takanori Ohyoshi; Asuka Suzuki; Kazuhiro Toda; Masaru Ueno; Masahiro
Faithful chromosome segregation and thereby accurate gene transmission are crucial for all organisms. Until proper attachment of
the mitotic spindle to the kinetochore is established, the ubiquitin ligase (E3) Cdc20-activated APC/C (anaphase promoting
complex/cyclosome) is repressed by the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) and sister chromatin cohesion is protected. Mutants
defective in SAC fail to arrest at metaphase even in the presence of damaged microtubules. Interestingly, a similar phenomenon
occurs in yeast cells defective in Bub2, a negative factor of the mitotic exit network (MEN), which is required for telophase onset,
although its precise molecular mechanism is unknown. Here, we show that chromosome missegregation occurs frequently in...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Principal basis for enzyme power
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alexander G. Foigel.
The reaction rate enhancement that enzymes produce had not been fully appreciated. The object of the article is to present the
mechanism of the enormous catalytic power of the enzymes. I conclude that during substrate conversion to product the enzyme
transfers firstly some additional small reactant group that must be initially presented in the active site of the enzyme to bound
substrate (i) ; the enzyme regenerates during second substrate group transfer (ii); the active enzyme acts as a reactant of the
enzymatic reaction (iii). The detailed chemical mechanisms of enzymatic reactions, such as a the well-studied reaction of the
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Pancreas islets in metabolic signaling - focus on the β-cell
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jakob Suckale; Michele Solimena.
Taken together the Islets of Langerhans form a nutrient sensing network spread throughout the pancreas. They are tightly
connected to the source organ - the intestine - and the target organs - liver, muscle, and fat cells. The expression of a unique set of
proteins enables [beta] cells, the most frequent islet cell type, to detect elevated blood glucose levels and secrete insulin
accordingly. Neighbouring [beta]-cells achieve tighter regulation of glucose-induced insulin secretion by coordination through cell
surface proteins. They also adjust their secretory pathway capacity and flow to avoid being damaged. The immediate
reaction of the [beta] cell to nutrients is regulated by translational mechanisms, while longer term adaptations involve...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Family values: Maternal care in rattlesnakes is more than mere attendance
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Melissa Amarello; Jeffrey J. Smith; John Slone.
Parental care is important in many diverse taxa because of its positive impact on the parent's fitness. Relatively
simple forms of parental care, such as female attendance and defense, which is present in many squamate reptiles, will likely
provide insight into the evolution of more complex forms observed in crocodilians, birds, and mammals. Historically,
observations of adult and newborn rattlesnakes in close proximity were dismissed as mere coincidence of live-birth, and only
recently acknowledged as examples of parental care. In 2010, we monitored 11 pregnant Arizona black rattlesnakes (_Crotalus
cerberus_): 4 solitary individuals and 2 aggregations composed of three and four individuals. We documented various forms of
parental care,...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Computational Prediction and Analysis of the NAPP - DR6 Interaction: Implications for
Alzheimer's Research
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Josheph Audie; Sergei Ponomarev.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that involves a devastating clinical course and
lacks an effective treatment. A biochemical model for neuronal development that might have implications for AD, recently
proposed by Nikolaev and co-workers, hinges on a novel protein-protein interaction between the death cell receptor six (DR6)
ectodomain and an N-terminal fragment of amyloid precursor protein (NAPP). The model provides a coherent and satisfying
framework for better understanding AD pathophysiology. Moreover, the DR6-NAPP interaction offers a tempting target for novel
pharmacological intervention. Given all of this, we constructed a structural model of the DR6-NAPP interaction using the
neurotrophin p75 receptor as...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2010
Why plants lose their inhibitions in the Arctic: functional traits, phylogenetics and respiration in the
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Nicholas Mirotchnick; Owen Atkin; Marc Cadotte; Matthew Turnbull; Kevin Griffin.
respiration, the latter of which is poorly understood in arctic
ecosystems and yet is
highly sensitive to global environmental change.
 Mitochondrial respiration can confound measurements of
extrapolations from...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Genetic vehicle comprising majority of lowly expressed genes guides cell fate decision
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Masa Tsuchiya; Vincent Piras; Masaru Tomita; Alessandro Giuliani; Kumar Selvarajoo.
Cells remarkably take a specific differentiation path among the multiple possibilities that can arise through the multi-dimensional
regulation of genome activities. Such deterministic processes suggest the existence of cellular attractors. However, the origins
and drivers of the attractors still remain elusive. Here we analyzed the temporal neutrophil differentiation microarray data for two
different stimuli, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and all-trans-retinoic acid (atRA), and expressed their collective dynamics by
temporal Pearson correlation and mutual information coordinates. We constructed ensemble of the genes which showed reduction
of correlation fluctuations following the inverse square root law. Evaluating their temporal probability density...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2010
Temporal dynamics of travelling theta wave activity in infants responding to visual looming
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ruud F. R. van der Weel; Audrey van der Meer.
A fundamental property of most animals is the ability to see whether an object is approaching on a direct collision course and, if
so, when it will collide. Using high-density electroencephalography in 5- to 11-month-old infants and a looming stimulus
approaching under three different accelerations, we investigated how the young human nervous system extracts and processes
information for impending collision. Here we show that infants' looming related brain activity is characterized by
theta oscillations. Source analyses reveal clear localised activity in the visual cortex. Analysing the temporal dynamics of the
source waveform, we provide evidence that the temporal structure of different looming stimuli is sustained during processing in
the more...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2009
Osmotic stress and water isotope effects in kinesin-1 gliding motility assays
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Steven J. Koch; Andy Maloney; Lawrence J. Herskowitz.
The osmotic pressure and kinetic properties of water play important roles in biomolecular interactions. As pointed out by
Parsegian, Rand, and Rau, these crucial roles are often overlooked[1]. In some fields, osmotic stress and isotope effects have
been exploited for probing the role water plays in binding interactions of biomolecules. To our knowledge, there have been no
studies of osmotic stress and water isotope effects for kinesin, and only a handful for myosin. We're currently using
the gliding motility assay to see whether we can extract new information about kinesin-1 / microtubule interactions by changing
osmotic stress and water isotopes. We will describe our open-source, automated analysis platform for extracting microtubule
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Open Source Kinesin-1 Stochastic Simulation and Gliding Assay Tracking Software
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Lawrence J. Herskowitz; Anthony L. Salvagno; Brian P. Josey; Andy Maloney; Steven J. Koch.
Kinesin-1 (conventional kinesin) is a homodimeric motor protein important for axonal transport. It has been well studied through
ensemble and single-molecule assays. However, the enzymatic stepping cycle is complex, with many rate constants that are
modulated by interaction of the two motor domains. This makes it difficult to predict how changes in a given rate constant may
affect observable properties such as processivity, velocity, or stall force. We have written a simulation of kinesin walking using a
Stochastic Simulation Algorithm. The model allows for interactions between the heads, and includes states that are not considered
part of the normal cycle. This adds to the complexity of the model but also allows for probing rare events, such as those that...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Topological network alignment uncovers biological function and phylogeny
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Oleksii Kuchaiev; Tijana Milenkovic; Vesna Memisevic; Wayne Hayes; Natasa Przulj.
Sequence comparison and alignment has had an enormous impact on our understanding of evolution, biology, and disease.
Comparison and alignment of biological networks will likely have a similar impact. Existing network alignments use information
external to the networks, such as sequence, because no good algorithm for purely topological alignment has yet been devised. In
this paper, we present a novel algorithm based solely on network topology, that can be used to align any two networks. We apply
it to biological networks to produce by far the most complete topological alignments of biological networks to date. We
demonstrate that both species phylogeny and detailed biological function of individual proteins can be extracted from our
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2009
CDAO-Store: A New Vision in Data Integration
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Brandon Chisham; Trung Le; Enrico Pontelli; Tran Son; Ben Wright.
The Comparative Data Analysis Ontology (CDAO) 1 is an ontology developed, as part of the EvoInfo2 and EvoIO3 groups
supported by NESCent4, to provide semantics to the descriptions of data and transformations commonly found in the domain of
phylogenetic inference. The core concepts of the ontology enables the description of phylogenetic 
trees and
associated character data matrices. 

Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
In vitro shoot regeneration from cotyledon of redgram
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Telugu Raghavendra; Palagiri Sudhakar; K Balakrishna Reddy; Keerthi Venkaiah; Putta Latha; Tollamadugu NVKV
Prasad; Lakkireddi Prasanthi.
Pigeonpea is one of the most popular legume grains in the world, especially in the Indian sub-continent. Keeping in view the
importance of the crop, an efficient protocol for rapid in vitro plant regeneration from cotyledon of redgram has been reported in
this paper. The concentraion of the hormones played an important role in shoot and root regeneration.
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2012
The Starving Cell: Metabolic Syndrome as an Adaptive Process
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Beatrice A. Golomb.
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is commonly presumed to stem from obesity, with both propelled by energy surfeit: positive balance
of calories consumed to energy expended. A complementary thesis is proposed: that episodes of cell energy deficit (not expressly
calorie deficit) drive MetS – the “Starving Cell.” 
Risk factors for
MetS include hypoxemia from sleep apnea, severe calorie debt, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress; and sleep restriction,
illness, surgery, trauma, cold. Each fosters inadequate cell energy, hampering production or boosting demand. MetS factors
support energy: glucose, triglycerides, abdominal/visceral fat – and blood pressure, sustaining perfusion.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Speciation & the origin of communities
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Philippe Desjardins-Proulx.
Patterns of biodiversity predicted by the neutral theory rely on a simple phenomenological model of speciation. To further
investigate the effect of speciation on neutral biodiversity, we define the metacommunity as a system of populations exchanging
migrants and use this framework to study allopatric & parapatric speciation. We find that with realistic mutation rates,
our metacommunity model driven by neutral processes cannot support more than a few species. Adding natural selection in the
population genetics of speciation increases the number of species in the metacommunity but the level of diversity found in Barro
Colorado Island is difficult to reach.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Isolation of new racemic sugar (D/L galacturonic acid) from leaves of Paederia foetida Linn.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Vikas Kumar; Yadav Pankajkumar S; Udaya Pratap Singh; Hans Raj Bhatt; Kamaruz Zaman; Md. Ali.
New racemic sugars (D/L galacturonic acid) were isolate from the leaves of Paederia foetida Linn by the column chromatography.
Identification of these isolated compound achieved by TLC, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, FTIR and Mass spectral data.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Endothelial Massive Calcium Accumulation Death (MCAD): Mechanism, Target, and Predictive
Biomarker for Anti-Angiogenic Therapy
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Larry Weisenthal.
We cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells with bevacizumab, with tyrosine kinase inhibitors known to be AA, and with
traditional cytotoxic drugs. The images below show that, in the presence of physiological saline and non-favorable culture
conditions, the vast majority of the endothelial cells undergo a "non-specific" type of cell death (NSCD),
not associated with calcium accumulation, but with loss of cell membrane integrity, allowing uptake of the Fast Green dye,
staining these dead dells a pale blue green. In the presence of known AA agents (e.g. bevacizumab, some TK inhibitors) a large
percentage of the endothelial cells undergo death associated with massive calcium accumulation (MCAD), with these cells
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Effect of Stimulating Magenetic Field on Plants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: R. V. K. Charan.
A plant's metabolism contains 90-95 percent of diamagnetic water and rest contains several apra, ferro and dia metals
and non-metals.The present work is to study stimulating magnetic effect on plants. In result I find abrupt rising of the pulse rate
which may enhance the growth of the plant resulting in removing of necessity of using fertilizers and chemicals for plant growth if
it is for human consumption. A relation can also be established in between plant pulsation and the applied field.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
Ferric reducing antioxidant power and free radical scavenging activity of Moringa oleifera:
Relevance in oxidative stress
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Suaib Luqman.
Moringa oleifera of family Moringaceae, commonly known as Horseradish-tree or the Ben-oil tree is an exceptionally nutritious
vegetable tree with a variety of medicinal uses, distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The tree's
bark, roots, fruit (pod), flowers, leaves, seeds and gum are used as an antiseptic, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective
‘drumsticks’ are probably the most valued and widely used part of the tree for water purification (e.g.
desalination of ocean salt water). The leaves are highly nutritious, being a significant source of beta-carotene, vitamin C, protein,
iron and potassium...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2012
Evolvability of Chaperonin Substrate Proteins
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Emanuele Raineri; Paolo Ribeca; Luis Serrano; Tobias Maier.
Molecular chaperones ensure that their substrate proteins reach the functional native state, and prevent their aggregation.
Recently, an additional function was proposed for molecular chaperones: they serve as buffers (_capacitors_) for evolution by

Using pairwise alignments of _E. coli_ genes with genes from other
gamma-proteobacteria, we showed that the described buffering effect cannot be observed among substrate proteins of GroEL, an
essential chaperone in _E. coli_. Instead, we find that GroEL substrate proteins evolve less than other soluble _E. coli_ proteins.
We analyzed several specific structural and...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Comparative Enumeration Gene Expression
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Leonardo Varuzza; Carlos A. D. E. B. Pereira.
This paper is about differential gene expression measured by transcript counting methods such as SAGE or MPSS. It introduces
two significance tests for detection of differential expressed tags: frequentist and Bayesian. Under the frequentist view, it is
proposed a test that computes the critical level as a function of each tag total frequency. Under the Bayesian view the Full
Bayesian Significance Test is used considering the logistic normal distribution. The two proposed significance levels, the
frequentist and the Bayesian, are compared for a data set with four libraries. The linking function between them is a Beta
distribution function with mean 0.39 and standard deviation 0.30.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008
Human Transcript Database Search Showed Existence Of Extremely Short Introns
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Makoto Shimada; Noriko Haraguchi; Akila Mayeda.
Since pre-mRNA splicing is processed by a spliceosome that is a huge complex consists of RNAs and as many as 200 proteins, it
is considered that minimum intron size is limited by molecular size of the spliceosome. To understand splicing mechanism, we
investigate human intron size distribution using annotated transcriptome database, H-InvDB. Distribution of obtained intron
length shows that there is a mode at 83 nt in length with 4049 transcripts and number of introns decreases drastically in shorter
than 65 nt, where numbers of transcripts in each locus also decrease. However, some introns less than 65 nt are observed, both
shows high Codon Adaptation Index (CAI) and also observed orthologous transcripts in other mammals. These suggests that
there is a...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Quantum probabilities in competing lizard communities
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Diederik Aerts; Marek Czachor; Bart D'Hooghe; Maciej Kuna; Barry Sinervo; Sandro Sozzo.
Despite predictive success, population dynamics and evolutionary game theory still pose fundamental problems. Violation of the
competitive exclusion principle in plankton communities provides an example. A promising solution of this
‘paradox of the plankton’ comes from theories involving cyclic competition, an evolutionary
analogue of the classical rock-paper-scissors (RPS) game. However, modeling probabilistic RPS structures, one encounters a
fundamental difficulty: the pairs rock-scissors, scissors-paper, and paper-rock possess representations in separate Kolmogorovian
probability spaces, but a single global probability space for entire triplets does not exist. Populations that take part in cyclic
competition should therefore...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Can ABC be Used for Model Selection?
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Xavier Didelot; Rich Everitt; Adam Johansen; Dan Lawson.
Over the past ten years, Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) has become hugely popular to estimate the parameters of a
model when the likelihood function cannot be computed in a reasonable amount of time. ABC can in principle be used also to
perform Bayesian model comparison, but this raises the
question of which summary statistic should be used for such
applications. Here we present a general method for constructing a summary statistic that is sufficient for the model choice
problem. We apply this construction to models from the exponential family. Unfortunately, in more complex models, our
construct often results in statistics with too high dimensionality to use in ABC. We therefore discuss the possibility of applying
ABC with non-sufficient...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Toward a complete model of radial growth in Pinus edulis: the effects of CO2 and prior years
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: C. Susannah Tysor; Amy Whipple; George Koch.
_Pinus edulis_ (piñon pine) is found across 35% of the Colorado Plateau and is a foundation species in the
piñon-juniper woodlands of the Southwest. Piñon pine mortality in the recent drought has been high and
climate change models forecast a warmer future for the region, which will increase piñon pine water stress. In order to
predict the fate of piñon pine, we must understand how various climatic factors influence piñon growth.
Tree rings provide a climate sensitive record of growth ideal for exploring the relationship between growth and climate. We used
78 piñon pine trees cored at Red Mountain in northern Arizona in 1998 to predict tree ring width and piñon
pine mortality, using...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
Induction of Stress Granule Assembly is Essential for the Orchestration of DNA Damage Response
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Nicole S. Verkaik; Stephan Persengiev.
DNA damage provokes several responses including DNA repair, cell cycle regulation and apoptosis that collectively represent the
DNA damage response (DDR). Here, we demonstrate that the DDR incorporates the activation of stress granule (SG) formation
pathway as a mechanism to process destabilized RNAs. UV irradiation induced the assembly of SGs during the G2 phase and
newly formed SGs appeared exclusively in the early G1 phase. SG assembly pathway was activated within the first hours after
DNA damage, suggesting that the processing of destabilized RNAs is activated at an early stage. The induction of SGs and RNAi
effector protein Argonaute 2 recruitment after UV exposure was independent of ATM and ATR signaling cascades. Apoptosis
occurred only in...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Phenotypic Plasticity and the Invasiveness of Three _Taraxacum_ Species
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jing Luo; John Cardina.
Many factors have been found to be associated with the success of
invasive species. Phenotypic plasticity, the ability of a plant genotype to respond to different environmental conditions by
producing different phenotypes, is thought to play an important role plant invasions. In three major experiments, I tested the
hypothesis that the invasive _Taraxacum officinale_ (common dandelion) and its non-invasive congener _T. laevigatum_ will
exhibit different phenotypic plasticity in germination, growth, and reproduction. I also proposed that their responses to various
environments could be used to assess the invasive behavior of a potential crop species: _T....
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
Inhibition of Acid Phosphatase Enzyme Activity in the Presence of Noncrystalline Calcium Phosphate
and Nanocrystalline Calcium Apatite: a Preliminary Study
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yassen Pekounov.
“healthy” bone tissue replaces the old one. It has been shown that the bone degrading cells, the
osteoclasts, prefer old and fatigued bone. The young bone mineral, i.e. calcium apatite, is less crystalline than the mature one. Is it

phosphatase is an enzyme abundantly expressed by the osteoclasts during resorption and therefore used as a marker of the
cells’ activity. This study explores whether its enzymatic activity would be decreased in...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Cooperative effect of ribosomal protein s19 and Pim-1 kinase on murine c-Myc expression and
myeloid/erythroid cellularity
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Anne-Sophie Frojmark; Jitendra Badhai; Joakim Klar; Maria Thuveson; Jens Schuster; Niklas Dahl.
Diamond Blackfan anemia (DBA) is a bone marrow failure syndrome associated with heterozygous mutations in the ribosomal
protein S19 (RPS19) gene in a subgroup of patients. One of the interacting partners with RPS19 is the oncoprotein PIM-1 kinase.
We intercrossed Rps19+/- and Pim-1-/- mice strains to study the effect from the disruption of both genes. The double mutant
(Rps19+/-Pim-1-/-) mice display normal growth with increased peripheral white- and red blood cell counts when compared to the
w.t. mice (Rps19+/+Pim-1+/+). Molecular analysis of bone marrow cells in Rps19+/-Pim-1-/- mice revealed up-regulated levels
of c-Myc and the anti-apoptotic factors Bcl2, BclXL and Mcl-1. This is associated with a reduction of the apoptotic factors Bak
and Caspase 3 as...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2009
ACAT1, Cav-1, and PrP expression in brains and skin fibroblasts from Sarda breed sheep with
scrapie-resistant and scrapie-susceptible genotype.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alessandra Pani; Marirosa Putzolu; Claudia Mulas; Cristina D. Orrù; Claudia Abete; Claudia Norfo; M.
Dolores Cannas; Sergio Laconi; Paolo La Colla; Sandra Dessì.
Scrapie is an infective ovine neurodegenerative disease; the only identified component of the infectious agent being an aberrant
isoform (PrPSc) of the cellular prion protein (PrPC). So far, no means for ante-mortem diagnosis are available for Scrapie as well
as for any other mammal Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopaties. We recently found a strong relationship between cell
susceptibility to scrapie-infection and intracellular cholesterol homeostasis alterations. In brain tissues as well as in ex vivo
cultures of skin fibroblasts and PBMCs from healthy and scrapie-affected sheep carrying a scrapie-susceptible (ARQ/ARQ)
genotype, the levels of cholesterol esters were consistently higher than in tissues and cultures derived from animals with a...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
ABC Methods for Bayesian Model Choice
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Christian P. Robert.
Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), also known as likelihood-free methods, have become a standard tool for the analysis
of complex models, primarily in population genetics but also for complex financial models. The development of new ABC
methodology is undergoing a rapid increase in the past years, as shown by multiple publications, conferences and even software.
While one valid interpretation of ABC based estimation is connected with nonparametrics, the setting is quite different for model
choice issues. We examined in Grelaud et al. (2009, Bayesian Analysis) the use of ABC for Bayesian model choice in the specific
of Gaussian random fields (GRF), relying on a sufficient property only enjoyed by GRFs to show that the approach was
legitimate. Despite...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Plant Functional Types and Plant Trait Measurements in the Eastern Ghats, South India
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: K. Anupama; A. Stephen; S. Aravajy; G. Orukaimani.
Classifying terrestrial plant species on the basis of function rather than on taxonomy facilitates addressing ecological questions at
the scale of ecosystems, landscapes or Biomes. The concept of plant functional types (PFTs) helps handle taxonomic diversity, as
it groups together species that share common attributes with respect to, e.g. life-form, phenology and bioclimatic limits. For some
time now, large international efforts promoted by the IGBP-GCTE programme are underway to measure for a large number of
species a shortlist of significant plant traits that would underlie such functional plant classification systems. The idea here is to
help address vegetation responses to and vegetation effects on environmental changes such as climate changes, but...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2007
Accelerated Macromolecular Solution Structure Recovery
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Petrus Zwart; Haiguang Liu.
Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) is a standard technique for the determination of low-resolution shapes of macromolecules
and their complexes, adding important insights in understanding biological function. We present a novel and computationally
efficient method for shape reconstruction from SAXS data. High-quality molecular shapes are calculated in less than two minutes,
providing real-time feedback during SAXS experiments.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2011
(Corrected) Osmotic stress and water isotope effects in kinesin-1 gliding motility assays
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Steven J. Koch; Andy Maloney; Lawrence J. Herskowitz.
The osmotic pressure and kinetic properties of water play important roles in biomolecular interactions. As pointed out by
Parsegian, Rand, and Rau, these crucial roles are often overlooked[1]. In some fields, osmotic stress and isotope effects have
been exploited for probing the role water plays in binding interactions of biomolecules. To our knowledge, there have been no
studies of osmotic stress and water isotope effects for kinesin, and only a handful for myosin. We're currently using
the gliding motility assay to see whether we can extract new information about kinesin-1 / microtubule interactions by changing
osmotic stress and water isotopes. We will describe our open-source, automated analysis platform for extracting microtubule
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Folding pathway of the B1 domain of protein G explored by a multiscale modeling
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Andrzej Kolinski; Sebastian Kmiecik.
The understanding of the folding mechanisms of single domain proteins is an essential step in the understanding of protein folding
in general. Recently, we developed a mesoscopic CABS protein model which was successfully applied in protein structure
prediction, studies of protein thermodynamics and modeling of protein complexes. In the present research this model is employed
in a detailed characterization of the folding process of a simple globular protein, the B1 domain of IgG-binding protein G (GB1).
There is a vast body of experimental facts and theoretical findings for this protein. Performing unbiased, _ab initio_ simulations,
we demonstrated that the GB1 folding proceeds via the successive formation of an extended folding nucleus, followed by slow...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
Crinumin, a novel substitute of chymotrypsin, may control pancreatic insufficiency and
inflammation: Purification and characterization
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Kunwar Awaneesh Singh; Chandan Singh; G.R.K. Rao; M.V. Jagannatham.
Crinumin, a glycosylated serine protease with chymotrypsin like catalytic specificity was purified from a medicinally important
plant _Crinum asiaticum_ of family _Amaryllidaceae_. Ethno-botanical information and Pharmacological studies confirming
about the presence of active bio- molecules in the _Crinum_ played crucial role in injury, inflamed joint, local pain and arthritis.
Biomedical research suggests chymotrypsin was not only used as digestive aid but also helpful in the above disease. These
findings support towards the crinumin may be the active bio-molecule. Crinumin shows activity over a wide range of pH (4.5-11.5
and optimum at 8.5), temperature (75 °C and optimum at 70 °C) and is also functional against chaotrophs,
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Pharmacology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Numbers, not value, motivate cooperation in humans and orangutans
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ellen E. Furlong; John E. Opfer.
Cooperation among competitors-whether sharing the burden of wind resistance in the Tour de France, forming price-fixing cartels
in economic markets, or adhering to arms-control agreements in international treaties-seldom spreads in proportion to the potential
benefits. To gain insight into the minds of uncooperative agents, economists and social psychologists have used the
prisoner's dilemma task to examine factors leading to cooperation among competitors. Two types of factors have
emerged in these studies: the relative rewards of defecting versus cooperating and breakdowns in trust, forgiveness and
communication. The generalizability of economic and social psychological factors, however, relies on the assumption that
agents' comparisons...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Ecology.
Ano: 2007
ACBD: Database for Ascidian Chemical Genomics
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yuichiro Hira; Jun Terai; Masaya Imoto; Etsu Tashiro; Kohji Hotta.
Chemical biology approach enables us to understand the complex biological systems, using small molecules such as a specific
activator or inhibitor of protein, a hormone-like inducer, or a neurotransmitter. When such approach is performed genome-widely,
that research is especially called "chemical genomics". We are planning to make a new start of chemical
genomics using one of chordate model animal, ascidian. As a first step, we constructed a database called ACBD (Ascidians
Chemical Biology Database). 

 First, we reviewed and annotated past articles which
describe the uses of small chemicals in the field of ascidians biology. In ACBD, chemical information and effects on ascidian are
manually extracted...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2010
Nano-enabled Biological Materials
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Bradly J. Alicea.
This talk is an attempt to define a new field called “Nano-enabled Biological Tissues”. As such, this


* in the first section (slides 3-4), the concept of nano-enabled tissues are introduced
as a complex system that can be engineered at multiple scales.

* the second section
(slides 5-12) contains three essential ingredients to achieve the technological vision. Current examples of each ingredient are
introduced separately.

* in the third section (slides 13-17),...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Protein Ontology and Community Curation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Cecilia Arighi.
The Protein Ontology (PRO) is designed as a formal and well-principled Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) Foundry ontology
for proteins. The components of PRO extend from the classification of proteins, on the basis of evolutionary relationships at the
homeomorphic level, to the representation of the multiple protein forms of a gene, such as those resulting from alternative
splicing, cleavage and/or post-translational modifications. As an ontology, PRO differs from a database in that it provides
description about the protein types and their relationships. In this way PRO can be integrated with or cross-referenced by other
ontologies and/or databases. The representation of specific protein entities in PRO allows precise definition of objects in
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2009
Isolated ileal interposition in enteroendocrine L cells differentiation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Bianca Marigliani; Joao-Luiz M. C. Azevedo; Lucas P. F. F. Leal; Ismael D. C. G. Silva; Valderez B. V. Lapchick;
Sang W. Han; Karina F. Neves; Linda O. A. Bernardes; Gilmara S. A. Yamaguchi; Wellington Cardia; Jose F. Borborema; Joao
L. C. Azevedo; Otavio C. Azevedo; Gustavo P. S. Miguel.
Due to the progressive nature of type 2 diabetes, its complexity and drug treatment
perpetuity, there is currently a search for surgical procedures that can promote euglycemia also in non-obese patients. Diabetic
patients glycemic control can be achieved by increasing the blood concentration of GLP-1, a hormone produced by L cells that are
more densely concentrated in the terminal ileum. Early and extended improvement of diabetes in patients submitted to bariatric
surgeries awakened the necessity of investigating the isolated ileal interposition as surgical alternative for the treatment of
diabetes. The interposition of this ileal segment to a more anterior region (proximal jejunum) can promote a greater stimulation of
the L...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Heat shock transcription factor 1 preserves cardiac angiogenesis and adaptation during pressure
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jiming Li; Junbo Ge; Jie Yuan; Hong Jiang; Hong Ma; Yanyan Liang; Yuhong Niu; Hui Gong; Ning Zhou; Aili Guan;
Zhen Ma; Lingyan Yuan; Aijun Sun; Yuqi Wang; Akira Nakai; Issei Komuro; Yunzeng Zou.
To examine how heat shock transcription factor 1 (HSF1) protects against maladaptive hypertrophy during pressure overload, we
subjected HSF1 transgenic (TG), knockout (KO) and wild type (WT) mice to a constriction of transverse aorta (TAC), and found
that cardiac hypertrophy, functions and angiogenesis were well preserved in TG mice but were decreased in KO mice compared to
WT ones at 4 weeks, which was related to HIF-1 and p53 expression. Inhibition of angiogenesis suppressed cardiac adaptation in
TG mice while overexpression of angiogenesis factors improved maladaptive hypertrophy in KO mice. In vitro formation of
vasculatures by microvascular endothelial cells was higher in TG mice but lower in KO mice than in WT ones. A siRNA of p53
but not a HIF-1...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Can Vision Exist Without Somatosensation?
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Manivannan Muniyandi; Pawan Kumar Suresh.
The interconnection between vision and somatosensation is already well-established and is further supplemented by the
evolutionary link between eyes and photoreceptors, and the functional connection between photosensation and thermoreception.
However, our analysis hypothesizes a possibility that vision is not just linked to somatosensation, but may not exist without
somatosensation. Surprisingly, our photoreceptor itself needs somatosensory proteins for its functioning, and our entire visual
pathway depends on somatosensory cues for its functioning.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2009
Transformation of metabolism with age and lifestyle in Antarctic seals: a case study of systems
biology approach to cross-species microarray experiment
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Andrey Ptitsyn; Shane Kanatous.
*_Background:_* The metabolic transformation that changes Weddell seal pups born on land into aquatic animals is not only
interesting for the study of general biology, but it also provides a model for the acquired and congenital muscle disorders which
are associated with oxygen metabolism in skeletal muscle. However, the analysis of gene expression in seals is hampered by the
lack of specific microarrays and the very limited annotation of known Weddell seal (_Leptonychotes weddellii_)

*_Results:_* Muscle samples from newborn, juvenile, and adult Weddell seals
were collected during an Antarctic expedition. Extracted RNA was hybridized on Affymetrix Human Expression chips.
Preliminary studies showed a detectable...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Ecology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2009
Changes in Cholesterol Metabolism in Peripheral Cells of Alzheimer Disease Patients and Their
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alessandra Pani; Paolo La Colla; Claudia Abete; Claudia Mulas; Marirosa Putzolu; Claudia Norfo; Sergio Laconi; Anna
Borgia; Christina Zaru; Manuela Palmas; Paolo F. Putzu; Alessandra Mocali; Francesco Paoletti; Sandra Dessi.
Background. Previous epidemiological and experimental studies indicated cholesterol as a central player in Alzheimer disease
(AD). Here, we utilized skin fibroblasts and PBMC as possible ex vivo models for the study of dysfunctions of cholesterol
homeostasis which may be related to AD development. 
Methods. We analyzed cholesterol homeostasis
using colorimetric, thin layer chromatography (TLC), and histologic technique in ex vivo cultures of skin fibroblasts and PBMCs
from patients with probable AD and their first-degree relatives. Additionally, healthy age-matched individuals served as controls.

Findings. As compared to controls, skin fibroblasts and PBMCs from AD patients, displayed an evident
alteration of cholesterol...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2007
Modelling Hepatic Endoderm Development: Highly Efficient Differentiation of Human Embryonic
Stem Cells to Functional Hepatic Endoderm Requires ActivinA and Wnt3a Signalling.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: David C. Hay; Judy Fletcher; Catherine Payne; John D. Terrace; Ronald C. J. Gallagher; Jan Snoeys; Jim Black; Davina
Wojtacha; Kay Samuel; Zara Hannoun; Anne Pryde; Celine Filippi; Ian S. Currie; Stuart J. Forbes; James A. Ross; Philip
Newsome; John P. Iredale.
Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are a valuable source of pluripotential primary cells. However, their homogeneous cellular
differentiation to specific cell types _in vitro_ has proven difficult thus far. Wnt signalling has been shown to play important roles
in coordinating development and we demonstrate that Wnt3a is differentially expressed at critical stages of human liver
development _in vivo_. The essential role of Wnt3a in hepatocyte differentiation from hESCs is paralleled by our _in vitro_
model, demonstrating the importance of a physiological approach to cellular differentiation. Our studies provide compelling
evidence that Wnt3a signaling is important for coordinated hepato-cellular function _in vitro_ and _in vivo_. In addition, we
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2008
Regulation of Phosphatase Homologue of Tensin Protein Expression by Bone Morphogenetic Proteins
in Prostate Epithelial Cells
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Travis Jerde; Zhong Wu; Dan Theodorescu; Wade Bushman.
Phosphatase homologue of tensin (PTEN) is the key endogenous inhibitor of phosphoinositide signaling and is the most
commonly mutated gene in human prostate cancer. The bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are secreted developmental
signaling molecules known to promote differentiation in the prostate. BMP ligands have been shown to inhibit prostate cancer cell
line proliferation and tumor growth and expression of BMPs, BMP ligands, receptors and signaling effectors are diminished in
prostate cancer. A previous report in the colon led us to investigate the potential mechanistic relationship between PTEN and
BMP signaling in prostate epithelial cells. We show here that BPM signaling positively regulates PTEN in normal and malignant
prostate cells by increasing...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2010
Novel Cell type-specific aptamer-siRNA delivery system for HIV-1 therapy
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jiehua Zhou; Haitang Li; Shirley Li; John Zaia; John Rossi.
The successful use of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) for therapeutic purposes requires safe and efficient delivery to specific
cells and tissues. Here we demonstrate cell type-specific delivery of anti-HIV siRNAs via fusion to an anti-gp120 aptamer. The
envelope glycoprotein is
expressed on the surface of HIV-1 infected cells, allowing binding and interalization of the
aptamer-siRNA chimeric molecules. We demonstrate that the anti-gp120 aptamer-siRNA chimera is specifically taken up by cells
expressing HIV-1 gp120, and the appended siRNA is processed by Dicer, releasing an anti-tat/rev siRNA which in turn inhibits
HIV replication. We show for the first time a dual functioning aptamer-siRNA chimera in which both the aptamer and the siRNA
portions have...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Phyloclimatic Modelling: Phylogenies, Palaeo-climate and Environmental Preferences
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Chris Yesson; Alastair Culham.
A new technique is demonstrated for the interpretation of the role played by climate in plant diversity through the optimisation of
climate variables on phylogenetic trees. This is achieved by calculating climate preferences for individual species based on
established bioclimatic modelling techniques using point
distribution data from distributed sources. We
demonstrate a new technique for optimising the component parameters on phylogenetic trees. These parameters can be
re-combined into
bioclimatic models for ancestral nodes throughout the phylogenetic tree. The combination
of DNA-sequence data and the fossil record is used to establish time-calibrated phylogenies. Using these chronograms,
bioclimatic models can in turn...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2007
Endothelin-Induced Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Depletion Waves in Vascular Smooth Muscle
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Mitra Esfandiarei; Yohan Choi; Arash Y. Tehrani; Jeremy G. Hoskins; Nicola Fameli; Cornelis van Breemen.
Agonist-stimulated waves of elevated cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i ) regulate blood vessel tone and vasomotion in
vascular smooth muscle. Previous studies employing cytoplasmic Ca2+ indicators revealed that these Ca2+ waves were generated
by a combination of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) and Ca2+ induced Ca2+ release (CICR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
(SR); although, some of the mechanistic details remain uncertain. However, these findings were derived indirectly from observing
agonist-induced [Ca2+]i fluctuations in the cytoplasm.
Here, for the first time, we have recorded
Endothelin-1 (ET-1) induced waves of Ca2+ depletion from the SR lumen in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) using a
calsequestrin-targeted Ca2+...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2011
Pregnancy Obstructs Involution Stage II of the Mammary Gland in Cows: General Biological
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Nissim Silanikove; Gabriel Leitner; Ana-Maria Anug; Uzi Merin.
Repeated research findings over the last 4 decades show that involution of mammary glands

advantage of a rare event in the normal modern dairy farming: A cow that was false-positively identified as being pregnant was
"dried up" (i.e., induced into involution) conventionally about 60 before her expected parturition. This cow
was culled, and samples of her mammary gland tissue were examined for gross histology. In this study we demonstrate for the
first time that modern dairy cow may undergo extensive obliteration of the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Developmental Biology; Immunology.
Ano: 2007
Trophoblastic hormones direct early human embryogenesis
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Miguel J. Gallego; Prashob Porayette; Maria M. Kaltcheva; Richard L. Bowen; Sivan Vadakkadath Meethal; Craig S.
Division of the human zygote leads to the formation of the blastocyst that contains human embryonic stem cells (hESC) which
develop into the embryo. Little is known about the physiological signals that direct hESC division and differentiation during
early embryogenesis. A number of growth factors, including the pregnancy-associated hormone human chorionic gonadotropin
(hCG), are secreted by trophoblasts^1-3^ that lie adjacent to the embryoblast in the blastocyst, but it is not known whether these
growth factors directly signal the epiblast. Here we show that hCG promotes the division of embryoblast-derived inner mass
cells (hESC), and their differentiation during blastulation and neurulation. Inhibition of LH/hCG receptor (LHCGR) signaling
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2008
Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency as a risk factor in proliferative disorder development
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Antonella Mandas; Enrico Peiretti; Pierluigi Cocco; Claudia Norfo; Claudia Abete; Fabrizio Angius; Alessandra Pani;
Giacomo Diaz; Sandra Dessì; Maurizio Fossarello.
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is an important site of metabolic control in the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP)
which provides reducing power (NADPH) and pentose phosphates. The former is mainly involved in the detoxification of
chemical reactive species; the latter in the regulation of cell proliferation. G6PD deficiency is the most common enzymopathy in
the human population, characterized by decreased G6PD activity, mainly in red blood cells, but actually also in nucleated cells.
This decreased activity is not due to enzyme synthesis impairment, but rather to reduced enzyme stability, which leads to a
shortening of its half-life. Therefore, a major problem is to understand the underlying mechanisms linking G6PD deficiency to
oxidative stress...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2009
Formal Systems Architectures for Biology
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Bradly Alicea.
When the word "systems" is used in systems biology, it invokes a variety of assumptions about what
defines the subject under investigation, which in turn can lead to divergent research outcomes. We will take the position that
systems are defined by their potential organizing and "control" mechanisms, 
distinguishes complex, living systems from a primordial soup. This will be accomplished by defining and investigating three
interesting control motifs in biological systems: dominoes and clocks, futile cycles, and complex feedforward regulation.
Additional mechanisms that combine feedback and feedforward mechanisms will also be briefly elaborated upon. Throughout
these examples, our focus will be on...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2011
Pancreas islets in metabolic signaling - focus on the β-cell
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jakob Suckale; Michele Solimena.
Taken together the Islets of Langerhans form a nutrient sensing network spread throughout the pancreas. They are tightly
connected to the source organ - the intestine - and the target organs - liver, muscle, and fat cells. The expression of a unique set of
proteins enables [beta] cells, the most frequent islet cell type, to detect elevated blood glucose levels and secrete insulin
accordingly. Neighbouring [beta]-cells achieve tighter regulation of glucose-induced insulin secretion by coordination through cell
surface proteins. They also adjust their secretory pathway capacity and flow to avoid being damaged. The immediate
reaction of the [beta] cell to nutrients is regulated by translational mechanisms, while longer term adaptations involve...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
PIM1-dependent phosphorylation of Histone H3 at Serine 10 is required for MYC-dependent
transcriptional activation and oncogenic transformation.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Salvatore Oliviero; Alessio Zippo; Alessandra De Robertis; Riccardo Serafini.
The serine/threonine kinase PIM1, cooperates with MYC in cell cycle progression and tumorigenesis. However, the nature of this
cooperation remains elusive. Here we show that PIM1 contributes to the transcriptional activation of MYC-target genes by
phosphorylating the histone H3 nucleosome at Serine 10 (H3S10). Recombinant PIM1 directly phosphorylates H3S10 on the
nucleosome _in vitro_. Following growth factor stimulation, PIM1 accumulates in the nucleus where it forms a complex with the
MYC/MAX dimer via the MYC BoxII domain (MBII). Immunofluorescence analysis coupled with _in vivo_ run-on shows a high
degree of PIM1 and MYC co-localization in the nucleus at sites of active transcription. Expression profile analysis revealed that
PIM1 contributes to the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Chromium uptake by Fenugreek
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Xanthate D S; Murthy Ch V R; Rajan S C S; Sekhar D M R.
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum- graecum) is both herb (leaves) and a spice (seed) belonging to the family Fabaceae. Fenugreek
leaves and seeds are used in the cuisine of India. Fenugreek also has medicinal value. Fenugreek seeds are known to reduce serum
glucose and improve glucose tolerance and hence are prescribed to diabetic patients. In the recent past supplemental Chromium is
being prescribed to diabetic patients to activate (increased- insulin binding, insulin receptor number, insulin receptor
phosphorylation) insulin. Plants can uptake substantial quantities of toxic metals from contaminated soils if these soils are well

It is then probable that the medicinal efficacy of Fenugreek in the case
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Pharmacology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2012
The Dryad Digital Repository: Published evolutionary data as part of the greater data ecosystem
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Todd Vision.
Here we describe the motivation and workings of Dryad, a digital repository for data underlying published articles in the
biosciences, that grew out of a grassroots effort to support a joint data archiving policy adopted by a consortium of journals in
ecology and evolutionary biology.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Reduction of circulating histone toxicity is a major function of C-reactive protein after extensive tissue
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Cheng-Hock Toh; Florence Baluwa; Nan Zhang; Joanna Manson; Caroline Dar; Susan Siyu Wang; Tingting Liu; Simon
Abrams; Karim Brohi; Anja Kipar; Weiping Yu; Jecko Thachil; Yasir Alhamdi; guozheng Wang.
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a major acute phase protein. Although known to interact with chromatin, nucleosomes and histones,
its functional roles are not clearly understood. Using both in vitro and in vivo models and samples from patients, this study
demonstrates for the first time that CRP plays important roles in reducing the toxic effects of histones released into the circulation
after extensive cell death. CRP protects endothelial cells by preventing histone integration into the cell membrane and thus
reducing Ca2+ influx. In vivo, circulating histones cause endothelial damage, increased microvascular permeability, coagulation
activation and IL-6 secretion. The latter induces CRP production in hepatocytes to form a negative feedback loop, a possible...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Dust in the wind – drift of dust containing insecticides – a risk for honey
bees (_Apis mellifera_ L.)?
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Pablo T. Georgiadis; Jens Pistorius; Udo Heimbach.
In late April 2008, dust drift containing insecticide resulted in the largest bee poisoning in Germany for 30 years. The reason for
these incidents was the contamination of flowering bee forage plants with dust particles abraded from maize seeds treated with
Clothianidin recorded in the Upper Rhine Valley, Baden-Wuerttemberg and in parts of Bavaria during sowing of

neonicotinoids, works as agonist at the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors with broad spectrum of efficacy. Clothianidin is also used
as a seed dressing of maize (agent for seed treatment “Poncho Pro®”; 1,.25 mg a.i.
Clothianidin./kernel) for the control of the...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Water and the Biology of Prions and Plaques
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Graham K. Steel; Phillippa M. Wiggins.
This is an attempt to account for the insolubility and/or aggregation of prions and plaques in terms of a
microdomains. Hydrophobic molecules,
including proteins, 
populations, enriched in high density water, at 
charged sites on biopolymers. In enriched high
density water, proteins are probably 
partially unfolded and may precipitate out when released. All
extracellular matrices 
contain such charged polymers. Prions, which have been shown to accumulate in
and clays containing...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Azadirachta indica induced suppression of Mycobacterium tuberculosis secreted proteins in human
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jawed Iqbal; Ajay Kumar; Najmul Islam.
The H37Rv strain of MTB was grown in modified Sauton’s medium till mid-log phase. Peripheral blood
mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated by density gradient sedimentation on Ficoll-Paque separation medium. Adherent
monocytes obtained from PBMC’s were infected with H37Rv for 90 min. in the ratio of 1:1 (1 bug: 1 cell).
Thereafter, after washing, infected cells were co-cultured with varying doses of neem extract for 24 hrs, and harvested
subsequently. Modulation of secreted TNF-[alpha], iNOS and MTB Ag85 complex expressions in culture supernatants was
estimated by ELISA.
We report the high basal expression of secreted tumor necrosis factor-[alpha]
(TNF-[alpha]), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and MTB Ag85...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Concentration-dependent free radical scavenging and ferric reducing ability of Vetiveria zizanioides
(L.) Nash: Protective effect of vetiver root extract during oxidative stress
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Suaib Luqman; Ritesh Kumar; Shubhangi Kaushik; Suchita Srivastava; Mahendra P. Darokar; Suman P. S.
Vetiveria zizanioides, popularly known as ‘KHUS’ grass, has been known to India since ancient
times. It is the major source of well-known oil of vetiver, which is used in medicine and in perfumery. A concentration-dependent
ferric reducing, free radical scavenging and antioxidant activity of two genotypes, namely KS 1 and gulabi of vetiver (Vetiveria
zizanioides L. Nash) root, were evaluated by using in vitro assays: the ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), 1,
1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), total phenolic content (TPC), total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and reducing power (RP)
assay. A positive co-relation was observed between FRAP, DPPH and TPC of cv KS 1, whereas TAC and RP showed a negative
co-relation. A significant...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2012
On ARS-interacting multifunctional protein p18
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Viktor Deineko.
Nine aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases with three auxiliary components are forming a multisynthetase complex which is essential
component of protein biosynthesis machinery. The smallest auxiliary component p18 takes part in biosynthesis channeling. It is
also a regulator of p53 and has tumor suppressing function. Particular structure of this protein is still unknown. Here methods of
structural bioinformatics were applied to generate a model of p18 spatial structure suitable for further research. The structure was
created using homology modeling. DNA-binding residues of p18 were also derived both from raw sequence and from
three-dimensional structure model.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008
Mammalian cells in culture actively export specific microRNAs
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Kai Wang; Shile Zhang; Jessica Weber; David Baxter; David J. Galas.
The discovery of microRNAs (miRNAs) as a new class of regulators of gene expression has triggered an explosion of research,
but has left many unanswered questions about how this regulation works and how it is integrated with other regulatory
mechanisms. A number of miRNAs have been found to be present in blood plasma and other body fluids of humans and mice in
surprisingly high concentrations. This observation was unexpected in two respects: first, the fact that these molecules are present
at all outside the cell at significant concentrations; and second, that these molecules appear to be stable outside of the cell. In light
of this it has been suggested that the biological function of miRNAs may also extend outside of the cell and mediate cell-cell...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2009
Plants at risk from climate change
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Chris Yesson; Alastair Culham.
The popular garden flower Cyclamen grows natively in the Mediterranean. Climate change could make the region unsuitable for
18/21 species in 50 years time. Ant-dispersed Cyclamen can’t hope to migrate to suitable new areas without

Background: The impact of global climate change on plant distribution,
speciation and extinction is of current concern. Examining species climatic preferences via bioclimatic niche modelling is a key
tool to study this impact. There is an established link between bioclimatic niche models and phylogenetic diversification. A next
step is to examine future distribution predictions from a phylogenetic perspective. We present such a study using Cyclamen
(Myrsinaceae), a group...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2007
Asynchronous Rhythm of Steroidogenic Factor 1 and Period Homolog 2 mRNA Expression in Mouse
Y1 Adrenocorticol Tumor Cells
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Kenji Ohe; Kouichirou Sonoda; Makoto Akashi; Koichi Oba; Masatoshi Nomura; Taijiro Okabe; Koichi Node; Ryoichi
Takayanagi; Hajime Nawata; Toshihiko Yanase.
The relationship between the expression of Steroidogenic factor 1 (Sf1) and the circadian-related gene, period homolog 2 (Per2),
in the adrenal cortex is still unknown. We show here that in Y1 adrenocortical tumor cells, expression of steroidogenic-related
genes such as P450scc mRNA and Sf1 mRNA were asynchronous with Per2 mRNA. SF1 promoter analyses showed that the
E-box element functions in a rhythmic pattern. Rhythmic expression of Upstream factor 1 mRNA, correlated well with Sf1
mRNA expression. We propose that tumorigenesis of adrenocortical lesions cause disruption of synchronous expression of
steroidogenic-related and circadian-related genes.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
A Meta-analysis of Studies on Plant Growth Rate and Allocation to Roots and Shoots
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Daniel R. Taub.
I performed a meta-analysis of studies examining the relationships among nutrient availability, plant growth rate and allocation to
roots vs. shoots. Species characteristic of high fertility habits grew faster than species characteristic of less fertile habitats. While
species were highly plastic in root/shoot ratio, there was a strong correlation in root/shoot across fertility levels when plants were
grown across fertility gradients. This suggests that the proportional mass allocation to roots is a consistent characteristic of
individual species relative to other species. There was no consistent relationship between allocation to roots and either growth rate
or the fertility of habitats that species typically are found in.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2007
Primate phylogeny: molecular evidence for a pongid clade excluding humans and a prosimian clade
containing tarsiers
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Shi Huang.
Interpretations of molecular data by the modern evolution theory are often sharply inconsistent with paleontological results. This
is to be expected since the theory is only true for microevolution and yet fossil records are mostly about macroevolution. The
maximum genetic diversity (MGD) hypothesis is a more coherent and complete account of evolution that has yet to meet a single
contradiction. Here, molecular data were analyzed based on the MGD to resolve key questions of primate phylogeny. A new
method was developed from a novel result predicted by the MGD: genetic non-equidistance to a simpler taxon only in slow but
not in fast evolving sequences given non-equidistance in time. This ‘slow clock’ method showed
that humans are...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Current status of herbal and their future perspectives
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ramar Perumal R. Samy; Ponnampalam Gopalakrishnakone.
Traditional medicine is the synthesis of therapeutic experience of generations of practicing physicians of indigenous systems of
medicine. Throughout the history of mankind, many infectious diseases have been treated with herbals. The traditional medicine is
increasingly solicited through the tradipractitioners and herbalists in the treatment of infectious diseases. Among the remedies
used, plant drugs constitute an important part. A number of scientific investigations have highlighted the importance and the
contribution of many plant families i.e. Asteraceae, Liliaceae, Apocynaceae, Solanaceae, Caesalpinaceae, Rutaceae, Piperaceae,
Sapotaceae used as medicinal plants. Medicinal plants play a vital role for the development of new drugs (export and import...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Pharmacology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2007
Beneficial role of allicin from garlic in cervical cancer
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Irfan Ahmad Ansari; Najmul Islam.
Introduction: Cervical cancer remains a global health concern for females. Thus, in order to control cervical cancer, attempts are
being made by researchers globally to somehow induce programmed cell death in the said cancerous cells. Wide spectrums of
molecules are being probed for its ability to induce apoptosis in cervical cancer cells. Focus has now shifted in exploring natural
compounds having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecules that may induce apoptosis in cancerous cells. Thus, we have
employed allicin from garlic- a natural antioxidant, to probe the above in the present study.
Objective: To
probe whether or not allicin from garlic, a natural antioxidant, induces apoptosis in monocytes from patients with cervical...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Community content building for evolutionary biology: Lessons learned from LepTree and
Encyclopedia of Life
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Cynthia Parr; Dana Campbell; John Park.
Online resources to aid large-scale ecological and evolutionary biology are beginning to take root, only a decade behind fields
such as genomics and molecular biology. One barrier has been a long tradition, in evolutionary biology at least, of work by
individuals on the order of a few hundred of species rather than the thousands or hundreds of thousands necessary to understand
the general evolutionary or ecological processes that explain species characteristics and distributions. Advances in collaborative
and semantic software offer promise – it should be possible to develop high quality online species-level datasets for
comparative analyses and even to integrate, via machine reasoning, across highly customized datasets. In this talk we will...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
ER localized bestrophin1 activates Ca2+ dependent ion channels TMEM16A and SK4
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: René Barro-Soria; Fadi AlDehni; Joana Almaça; Jiraporn Ousingsawat; Ralph Witzgall; Rainer
Schreiber; Karl Kunzelmann.
Bestrophins form Ca2+ activated Cl- channels and regulate intercellular Ca2+ signaling1. We demonstrate that bestrophin 1 is
localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where it physically interacts with stromal interacting molecule 1 (Stim1), the
ER-Ca2+ sensor2,3. Intracellular Ca2+ transients in HEK293 cells elicited by stimulation of purinergic P2Y2-receptors were
augmented but more transient after expression of hBest1, in contrast to dominant negative hBest1-R218C, which attenuated Ca2+
increase. The p21-activated protein kinase Pak2 was found to phosphorylate hBest1, thereby enhancing Ca2+ signaling and
activation of Ca2+ dependent Cl- (TMEM16A)4 and K+ (SK4)5 channels. Lack of bestrophin 1 expression in respiratory
epithelial cells of mBest1...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2009
Phenoscape: Ontologies for Large Multi-species Phenotype Datasets
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Peter Midford; Paula Mabee; Todd Vision; Hilmar Lapp; Jim Balhoff; Wasila Dahdul; Cartik Kothari; John Lundberg;
Monte Westerfield.
The Phenoscape project is developing ontologies and tools to integrate morphological and genomic data to address comparative
questions in evolutionary biology. We are currently curating 81 publications describing ~5000 phenotypic characters in 4,000
species of Ostariophysian fishes, and will be making our database of ontology-based annotations concurrently with this meeting
via a web-based interface at "":
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Comparative Litter Quality and Recalcitrance Among Native Grasses and the Invasive,
Non-indigenous KR Bluestem (_Bothriochloa ischaemum_)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Amanda Benbow; Kelly G. Lyons.
KR Bluestem (_Bothriochloa ischaemum_) is a non-indigenous, invasive, C4 grass that was introduced throughout the
Midwestern and Southwestern U.S. short- to midgrass prairies with the aim of improving degraded rangelands. The aggressive
nature of KR bluestem has led to dramatic alterations of natural and managed ecosystems. Comparative studies of decomposition
often show that non-indigenous, invasive plant species have higher rates of nutrient cycling than indigenous species; however, KR
bluestem appears to deviate from this trend. Large amounts of litter are observed in KR-dominated grasslands as compared to
intact native grasslands, suggesting that the species has a relatively lower decomposition rate and may slow nutrient cycling in
these systems....
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
Evolution of malaria virulence in cross-generation transmission through selective immune pressure
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: David E. Gurarie.
Theoretical arguments and some mathematical models of host-parasite coevolution (e.g. [1- 6]) suggest host immunity as the
driving source for the evolution of parasite virulence. Imperfect vaccines in particular, can play the role and recent work [7] sets to
test these ideas experimentally, using the mouse malaria model, Plasmodium chabaudi. To this end the authors evolve parasite
lines in immunized and nonimmunized (“naïve”) mice using serial passage of infected
blood samples. They find parasite lines evolved in immunized mice become more virulent than those evolved in naive mice.

Here we develop a...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2007
Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH) from Hordeum vulgare- an in-silico study
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Kaushal Kumar Bhati; Vijay Kumar Singh.
Glycine Betaine is a quaternary amino compound that accumulates in stress conditions, mainly abiotic stresses like drought and
salinity & synthesized
aldehyde dehydrogenase
the intermediate
sequence analysis of key enzymes of Glycine betaine biosynthesis i.e. BADH was carried out using various online proteomic tools
available on Expasy and EBL, and then homologous modeling of this enzyme was performed using automated mode
SWISS-MODEL & GENO 3D and models were analyzed on QMEAN. This was an attempt to find the possible
model of BADH, because no physical model of BADH is yet available on...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
ChemTextMiner: An open source tool kit for mining medical literature abstracts
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Muthukumarasamy Karthikeyan; Yogesh Pandit; Deepak Pandit; Ganesh Nainaru; Sunil Nalwade; Renu Vyas;
Esha Jain.
Text mining involves recognizing patterns from a wealth of information hidden latent in unstructured text and deducing explicit
relationships among data entities by using data mining tools. Text mining of Biomedical literature is essential for building
biological network connecting genes, proteins, drugs, therapeutic categories, side effects etc. related to diseases of interest. We
present an approach for textmining biomedical literature mostly in terms of not so obvious hidden relationships and build
biological network applied for the textmining of important human diseases like MTB, Malaria, Alzheimer and Diabetes. The
methods, tools and data used for building biological networks using a distributed computing environment previously used for
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2011
Enhanced display of scientific articles using extended metadata
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Roderic D. M. Page.
Although the Web has transformed science publishing, scientific papers themselves are still essentially "black
boxes", with much of their content intended for human readers only.
Typically, computer-readable metadata
associated with an article is limited to bibliographic details. By expanding article metadata to include taxonomic names,
identifiers for cited material (e.g., publications, sequences, specimens, and other data), and geographical coordinates, publishers
could greatly increase the scientific value of their digital content. At the same time this will provide novel ways for users to
discover and navigate through this content, beyond the relatively limited linkage provided by bibliographic...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Ant Species Richness Around Amravati City Maharashtra, India
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Aravind B. Chavhan; Santosh S. Pawar; Mumtaz M. Baig.
Ants deserve a special place in the study of ecology, including behavior, given their species richness, social habits, and high
densities, contributing to much of the animal biomes on earth (Gadagkar 1993). As ants can be studied virtually everywhere
from forest interiors below ground, right up to the kitchen, we attempted a study to assess the ant species richness in a variety of
habitats in and around Amravati city. The prime objective of this study is to prepare a partial checklist of ants of Amravati and to
compare species richness between selected study sites. Eight study sites with different levels and types of vegetation were selected
for the study.
We employed an “all out search” method for collection...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Long-term Benefits of GM crops: Potential for Diabrotica Suppression in Europe using Bt Maize
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Nicholas P. Storer; Peter Schlotter; Kevin L. Steffey.
Transgenic crops producing insecticidal proteins from _Bacillus thuringiensis_ (Bt) have been widely adopted since 1996 in the
United States of America to combat important pests of maize and cotton. There is growing evidence that several target pest
populations have been dramatically reduced in areas where the Bt crops have been most intensively adopted over multiple years.
The evidence is most dramatic for nonmigratory monophagous and oligophagous species that show high mortality on Bt crops,
such as European corn borer (_Ostrinia nubilalis_), and tobacco budworm (_Heliothis virescens_). Bt cotton is currently being
used in the southwestern USA as part of an area-wide eradication program for pink bollworm (_Pectinophora gossypiella_).
Single, stacked, and...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
The potential of Manitoba chokecherry as a source of high natural antioxidants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Wende Li; Farah S. Hosseinian; Arnold W. Hydamaka; Lynda Lowry; Trust Beta.
Consumption of fruits and vegetables is shown to be beneficial for protecting health and preventing some chronic diseases such as
cancer, cardiovascular disease, and stroke. The positive health effects have been mainly due to the contributions of their natural
antioxidant capacity. Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana), a unique fruit, is a member of the Rose family and native to North
America. Here we demonstrate that chokecherry fruit with strong antioxidant capacity is available in Manitoba, and that its potent
antioxidant potential can be developed for health benefits in value-added applications.These findings are useful for developing
novel value-added antioxidant products from chokecherry because of its phytochemical profile associated with health...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Chemistry; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2008
SBGN support in BIOCHAM
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Dragana Jovanovska; François Fages; Sylvain Soliman.
BIOCHAM - BioChemical Abstract Machine is an environment for modeling biological systems and formalizing experimental
knowledge. Mainly, it is
composed of:
* a rule-based language for modeling biochemical systems
(compatible with SBML)
* several simulators (boolean, differential, stochastic)
* a
temporal logic based language to formalize the temporal properties of a biological system and validate models with respect to
such specifications,
* unique features for developing/correcting/completing/reducing/coupling models,

BIOCHAM is presented with a user...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2010
Detection of MicroRNAs in Dried Serum Blots
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Santosh K. Patnaik; Reema Mallick; Sai Yendamuri.
MicroRNAs are short RNAs which can be utilized as biomarkers for a variety of conditions. They are detectable in serum, and
changes in the levels of circulating microRNAs have been associated with different diseases. We tested for the presence of
microRNAs in serum that is dried on paper and stored unrefrigerated instead of being kept frozen. MicroRNAs were readily
detectable in such blots, and their detectability was improved by using paper made of cellulose instead of glass fiber, and by
re-hydrating dried blots with Trizol™ instead of water, phosphate-buffered saline, or guanidine hydrochloride before
RNA extraction. MicroRNA preservation was not diminished by drying of blots at 37, 45 or 60 ºC instead of room
temperature or by...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Robustness of self-organised systems to changes in individual level behaviour: an example from real
and simulated self-organised snail aggregations
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Richard Stafford; Mark S. Davies; Gray A. Williams.
Perfect behaviours that are optimal to the environment an agent operates within rarely exist in real animals or in robotic systems.
The costs (be they biological or economic) of building sensors and processing the information they capture become excessive
compared to the small advantages that occur from the modifications of behaviour. Many self-organised systems are thought to
change their properties as a result of changes in individual behaviour. Here, using both natural systems and computer simulations,
we demonstrate that intertidal snail aggregations slightly decrease in size when individuals forage for shorter periods due to hotter
and more desiccating conditions – a non-optimal behaviour for the snails since aggregation reduces desiccation...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Wikipedia as an encyclopaedia of life
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Roderic Page.
In his 2003 essay E O Wilson outlined his vision for an “encyclopaedia of life” comprising
“an electronic page for each species of organism on Earth”, each page containing “the
scientific name of the species, a pictorial or genomic presentation of the primary type specimen on which its name is based, and a
summary of its diagnostic traits.” Although the “quiet revolution” in biodiversity
informatics has generated numerous online resources, including some directly inspired by Wilson's essay (e.g.,
we are still some way from the goal of having...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Mechanisms to overcome ecosystem nitrogen and phosphorus limitation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rebecca Ostertag.
Nutrients limit plant growth in many ecosystems, and many species develop adaptations to either obtain more nutrients or to avoid
losses. Much past ecological work has focused either on temperate nitrogen-limited systems or has addressed infertile soils as a
single entity, rather than addressing the nature of the limitation. Although low nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) soils are found
worldwide, the consequences of N and P limitation for plants may vary due to fundamental differences in the soil mobility,
availability, uptake, and cellular uses of N and P. Using a well-studied chronosequence in the Hawaiian Islands, which contains
both low N and P soils but which is dominated by similar plant communities, foliar N and P plant responses to fertilization...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2008
Significance tests for comparing digital gene expression profiles
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Leonardo Varuzza; Arthur Gruber; Carlos A. B. Pereira.
Most of the statistical tests currently used to detect differentially expressed genes are based on asymptotic results, and perform
poorly for low expression tags. Another problem is the common use of a single canonical cutoff for the significance level
(p-value) of all the tags, without taking into consideration the type II error and the highly variable character of the sample size of
the tags.

This work reports the development of two significance tests for the
comparison of digital expression profiles, based on frequentist and Bayesian points of view, respectively. Both tests are exact, and
do not use any asymptotic considerations, thus producing more correct results for low frequency tags than the chi-square test.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008
Myth about neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the sarcolemma of skeletal muscles
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Igor Buchwalow; Werner Boecker.
In skeletal muscles, neuronal NO synthase (nNOS, designated also as NOS1) was reported to be restricted to the sarcolemma.
With the advent of modern powerful immunocytochemical techniques this commonly accepted view appears to be a delusion and
has to be re-evaluated.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Biodiversity is a cauliflower under the sunlight
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Roberto Gatti Cazzolla.
For a long time ecologists have questioned the variations of biodiversity across the latitudinal gradient. Recently it has emerged
that the changes in [beta]-diversity are caused simply by changes in the sizes of species pools. I combined the species pool size
and the fractal nature of ecosystems to clarify some general patterns of this gradient. Considering temperature, humidity and NPP
as the main variables of an ecosystem niche and as the axis of the polygon in the Cartesian plane, it is possible to build fractal
hypervolumes, whose the fractal dimension rises up to three, moving towards the equator. It follows that the best figure that
graphically synthesizes the evolutionary forces that fit this ecosystem hypervolume is the fractal cauliflower.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Human metabolic adaptations and prolonged expensive neurodevelopment: A review
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: John R. Skoyles.
1.	After weaning, human hunter-gatherer juveniles receive substantial (≈3.5-7 MJ day^-1^), extended
(≈15 years) and reliable (kin and nonkin food pooling) energy provision.
2.	The
childhood (pediatric) and the adult human brain takes a very high share of both basal metabolic rate (BMR) (child: 50-70%; adult:
3.	The pediatric brain for an extended period (≈4-9
years-of-age) consumes roughly 50% more energy than the adult one, and after this, continues during adolescence, at a high but
declining rate. Within the brain, childhood cerebral gray matter has an even higher 1.9 to...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Ecology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2008
Findings From an Accelerated _In Vivo_ Corrosion Model of Magnesium
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Chi Keung Yuen; Wing Yuk Ip.
In this article, we are presenting some findings of magnesium corrosion in an _in vivo_ model. While there is consensus that
subcutaneous bubbles will occur, it was found in our corrosion-accelerated model that magnesium corrosion is more severe in
areas under the gas bubbles. This finding may bring insights to novel methods in reducing the uneven corrosion.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Bird pollination of Canary Island endemic plants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jeff Ollerton; Louise Cranmer; Ralph Stelzer; Steve Sullivan; Lars Chittka.
The Canary Islands are home to a guild of endemic, threatened bird pollinated plants. Previous work has suggested that these
plants evolved floral traits as adaptations to pollination by flower specialist sunbirds, but subsequently they appear to be have
co-opted passerine birds as sub-optimal pollinators. To test this idea we carried out a quantitative study of the pollination biology
of three of the bird pollinated plants, Canarina canariensis (Campanulaceae), Isoplexis canariensis (Veronicaceae) and Lotus
berthelotii (Fabaceae), on the island of Tenerife. Using colour vision models, we predicted the detectability of flowers to bird
and bee pollinators. We measured pollinator visitation rates, nectar standing crops, as well as seed set and pollen...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2008
Allergological and toxicological risk assessment of genetically modified (GM) plants - Development of
a model system
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alain Steinmann; Kristin Entzian; Birgit Grümmer; Udo Meyer.
Technical advances in biotechnology lead to a rising number of genetically modified plants and derived food and feed. Therefore,
the international interest in adequate and standardized analytical methods increases to assess health risks in a rapid and low cost
To address this issue a decision support system (DSS), which will be based on baseline data and
thresholds of key parameters, is going to be established in the framework of a joint project (BioOK). Determination of the
potential allergenicity or toxicity of novel proteins caused by the genetic modification compared to near isogenic variants (NIV) is
a key issue in this context. For the development of DSS the model plant “potato” was used to
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Natural Selection of Paths in Networks
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Chrisantha Fernando; Vera Vasas; Eörs Szathmáry; Philip Husbands.
We present a novel algorithm that exhibits natural selection of paths in a network. If each node and weighted directed edge has a
unique identifier, a path in the network is defined as an ordered list of these unique identifiers. We take a population perspective
and view each path as a genotype. If each node has a node phenotype then a path phenotype is defined as the list of node
phenotypes in order of traversal. We show that given appropriate path traversal, weight change and structural plasticity rules, a
path is a unit of evolution because it can exhibit multiplicative growth (i.e. change it’s probability of being
traversed), and have variation and heredity. Thus, a unit of evolution need not be a spatially distinct physical individual. The...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Neuroscience; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Regulation and feedback of cholesterol metabolism
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alexander Mazein; Steven Watterson; Holly C. Gibbs; Wayne Hsieh; Mohammed Ba Abdullah; Mathieu Blanc;
William J. Griffiths; Tom C. Freeman; Peter Ghazal.
Cholesterol biosynthesis serves as a central metabolic hub for numerous biological processes in health and disease. An integrative
knowledge representation of how the cholesterol pathway is structured and how it interacts with other pathway systems is lacking.
Here we provide using Systems Biology Graphical Notation the research synthesis of a process diagram integrating the regulatory
and feedback systems for cholesterol synthesis.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2011
Stem Cell Antigen CD34 In Native And Engineered Form Alter Its Binding Ability To Stromal Cells
And Ligands: A Classical Example Of Clinical Benefits Of Therapeutic Genetic Engineering Of Stem
Cells In Transplantation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Gurudutta Gangenahalli; Vimal Kumar Singh; Rajendra Prasad Tripathi; Yogesh Kumar Verma; Pallavi Gupta;
Neeraj Kumar Satija.
CD34 is a highly glycosylated surface-expressed sialomucin and, because it is present on hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), has
demonstrated immense clinical utility in their enumeration in aphaeresis products, immunoaffinity purification for transplantation,
and disease monitoring. The success of CD34 based reagents in identifying hematopoietic progenitors led to the assumption that
CD34 is expressed on cells with regenerative potential and is sufficient for hematopoietic reconstitution in marrow-ablated
recipients. However, its role has not been identified in substantial detail. 

With the
advent of the fact that CD34 binds adapter protein like CRK-L in cytosol and CD34 knock out studies identified a a signaling
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Efficient learning in Approximate Bayesian Computation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Mohammed Sedki; Pierre Pudlo.
Efficient learning in Approximate Bayesian Computation
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
WikiPathways: Community Curation of Biological Pathways
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alexander Pico.
Assembling biological pathways from information in scientific literature and biological databases is a challenging task. Building a
pathway requires domain knowledge from specialists in various biological research areas. Furthermore, research is generating new
biological knowledge continuously, making pathway curation an ongoing and dynamic process. To facilitate this process we
developed "WikiPathways": ^1^, a wiki where
users can curate pathways, using an easy to use pathway drawing tool. WikiPathways currently has over 1200 registered users and
contains more than 1300 pathways for various organisms, spanning human, mouse, zebrafish, fruit fly, worm, yeast, plants and
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2010
(Corrected) Speed effects in gliding motility assays due to surface passivation, water isotope, and
osmotic stress.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Andy Maloney; Lawrence J. Herskowitz; Steven J. Koch.
The molecular motor kinesin-1, an ATPase, and the substrate it walks along, microtubules, are vital components of eukaryotic
cells. Kinesin converts chemical energy to linear motion as its two motor domains step along microtubules in a process similar to
how we walk. Cells create systems of microtubules that direct the motion of kinesin. This directed motion allows kinesin to
transport various cargos inside cells.

During the stepping process, the kinesin motor
domains bind and unbind from their binding sites on the microtubules. Binding and unbinding rates of biomolecules are highly
dependent on hydration and exclusion of water from the binding interface. Osmotic stress will likely strongly affect the binding
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
MIF-AMPK cascades
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Heng Ma; Jingying Wang; Erin Lane; Lin Leng; Wenkui Wang; Jun Ren; Richard Bucala; Ji Li.
Withdrawn for publication
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2009
Shear stress activation of nitric oxide synthase and increased NO levels in human red blood cells
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Pinar Ulker; Nazmi Yaras; Ciler Celik-Ozenci; Herbert Meiselman; Oguz Baskurt.
Since the discovery of nitric oxide (NO) as a vasoactive molecule, red blood cells (RBC) have been considered to participate in
NO-mediated control of the circulation. The classical role attributed to RBC was scavenging of NO, thereby impacting the local
bioavailability of this important regulator of vascular tone^1^. RBC have been shown to be a source of NO, primarily via its
transport bound to haemoglobin^2, 3^. Under specific conditions, haemoglobin plays an active role in converting NO derivatives
(e.g., nitrite) to NO^4, 5^, with this NO originating from RBC being an effective modulator of vascular smooth muscle tone^6^.
Interestingly, RBC contain a NO synthase (NOS) protein^7^, can actively synthesize NO using L-arginine as a substrate^8^, and
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
An open source LABVIEW platform for simulating image series of
gliding assays
fluorescent microtubules in
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Lawrence J. Herskowitz; Steven J. Koch.
We describe an open-source LabVIEW software platform for generating simulated images of microtubules in gliding motility
assays. We describe how the software works and how to obtain the software.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Copper induced peroxidase, CCPP form Caribbean copper plant
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Reetesh Kumar.
Plant peroxidase exhibit broad substrate specificity and is active in a wide range of pH and temperature, and in the presence of
organic compounds as well as other additives. The peroxidase is known to be involved in many physiological and regulatory
processes in plants. This ppt presents an introduction on plant peroxidase and their applications. A purification protocol has been
developed and the purified protein, named as CCPP is biochemically and physiologically characterized. The physiochemical
properties such as molecular weight, isoelectric point have been experimentally determined. The enzymatic efficiency has been
evaluated through temperature optimum, pH optimum, Km and other enzymatic properties along with spectroscopic parameters
like circular...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
A novel alveolar Krebs cycle-triggered CO2 sensing mechanism regulates regional pulmonary
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rainer Kiefmann; Paula Keller; Oliver Tritt; Kai Heckel; Sascha Tank; Martina Kiefmann; Leoni Schulte-Uentrop;
Alwin Goetz.
Pulmonary perfusion disorders provoke atelectasis in order to minimize ventilation/perfusion mismatch. However, the underlying
mechanisms remain unknown. Because intraalveolar CO2 concentration ([CO2]iA) declines as a consequence of poor pulmonary
perfusion we postulated the existence a novel alveolar CO2-sensing mechanism which adapts the ventilation to perfusion.
Real-time fluorescence imaging of rat lungs revealed that low [CO2]iA decreased cytosolic and increased mitochondrial Ca2+ in
alveolar epithelial cells (AEC), leading to reduction of surfactant secretion and alveolar ventilation. Mitochondrial inhibition by
ruthenium red or rotenone blocked the hypocapnia-induced responses. In cultured Type 2 AEC hypocapnia decreased cytosolic
Ca2+ independently...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Biophysical Effects Of Ion Concenteration On The Affinity Between Nanopore, OmpF Lumen and
Passing Nucleotide
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Saeid Hadi; Hamid Mobasheri.
OmpF an outer-membrane porin channel of _E. Coli_ posses beta-barrel structure, whose conductivity and gating phenomena are
affected by changes in pH, salt concentration and so on. The distribution of amino acids in OmpF induces a non homologous
electric potential in channel lumen. The intrinsic charge distribution caused be amino acid may be affected by lipid bilayer, extra
and intra cellular ion concentration, and other physico-chemical condition of environment including, pH, temperature,
polyelectrolytes etc. Nucleotides are considered as one of most important metabolite in the cell that have pass through membrane
whenever necessary. The experimental study of translocation of such a molecules through channels have provided invaluable
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Aging-associated Alteration in the Cardiac MIF-AMPK Cascade in Response to Ischemic Stress
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Heng Ma; Jingying Wang; Erin Lane; Lin Leng; Wenkui Wang; Jun Ren; Richard Bucala; Ji Li.
An important role for a macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF)-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling pathway
in ameliorating myocardial damage following ischemia/reperfusion has been described. An aging-associated reduction in AMPK
activity may be associated with a decline in the ability of cardiac cells to activate the MIF-AMPK cascade, thereby resulting in
reduced tolerance to ischemic insults. To test this hypothesis, _in vivo_ regional ischemia was induced by occlusion of the left
anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery in young (4-6 months) and aged (24-26 months) mice. The ischemic AMPK activation
response was impaired in aged hearts compared to young ones (p<0.01). Notably, cardiac MIF expression in aged
hearts was lower...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2008
Using Trees: Myrmecocystus Phylogeny and Character Evolution and New Methods for Investigating
Trait Evolution and Species Delimitation (PhD Dissertation)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Brian C. O'Meara.
1) Rates of phenotypic evolution have changed throughout the history of life, producing variation in levels of morphological,
functional, and ecological diversity among groups. Testing for the presence of these rate shifts is a key component of evaluating
hypotheses about what causes them. General predictions regarding changes in phenotypic diversity as a function of evolutionary
history and rates are developed, and tests are derived to evaluate rate changes. Simulations show that these tests are more powerful
than existing tests using standardized contrasts. 
2) Species delimitation and species tree inference are
difficult problems in the case of recent divergences, especially when different loci have different histories. I quantify the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
New source for L-iditol and taxanes
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Liu Xi-Kui; Liu Jian-Jun.
We describe the first report of the recovery of L-iditol and Taxane from an angiosperm- Yunnanopilia longistaminata (W.Z.Li)
C.Y.Wu et D.Z.Li (Opiliaceae). Two taxane compounds and L-iditol were isolated from the tender burgeon of Yunnanopilia
longistaminata, and their structure were identified as Taxayunnansin B, Taxumairol E and L-iditol on the basis of NMR and MS
spectrum, respectively. It is a new plant source for L-iditol and taxanes.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Pharmacology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2008
The non-obligatory role of endothelial cells in the relaxation of arterial smooth muscle by
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Igor Buchwalow; Sona Cacanyiova; Joachim Neumann; Vera Samoilova; Werner Boecker; Frantisek Kristek.
The concept of Endothelium Derived Relaxing Factor (EDRF), put forward by Furchgott in the earlier 80s of the past century,
implies that nitric oxide (NO) produced by NO synthase (NOS) in the endothelium in response to acetylcholine (ACh) passively
diffuses to the underlying vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) thereby reducing vascular tension. It was thought that VSMC do
not express NOS by themselves, but to the time of those studies immunohistochemical techniques were not what they are now.
State-of-the-art immunohistochemistry permits nowadays to localize NOS both to the endothelium and to VSMC. However, the
principal question remained unanswered, is the NO generation by VSMC physiologically relevant? We hypothesized that the
destruction of the vascular...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
The harlequin ladybird _Harmonia axyridis_ – Sensory thresholds of the
“ladybird taint” in wine under different processing conditions
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Susanne Kögel; Jürgen Gross; Christoph Hoffmann.
Introduced as a biological control agent in North America and middle Europe the Harlequin Ladybird _Harmonia axyridis_ has
spread all over the countries and are capable to become an increasing problem for winegrowers and also households. Due to its
preference to overwinter indoors _H. axyridis_ enters private homes and people may have allergic reactions to its odor or bites.
During harvests, the beetles feed on grapes and may get crushed with them during processing causing release of hemolymph into
the must. The hemolymph of ladybirds contains specific substances which consist mainly of pyrazines like the
3-isopropyl-2-methoxypyrazine. These chemical compounds are responsible for a specific alteration of the smell and taste of wine
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Precise Atomic Structures of two Important Molecules in Biochemistry:
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Raji Heyrovska; Saraswathi Narayan; Lakshmi Atchison.
This work celebrates the “International Year of Chemistry – 2011”, by providing
“for the first time”, the structures at the atomic level of two important molecules, namely, ascorbic
acid and aspirin. Ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, was discovered as a cure for scurvy which claimed many human lives
and hence got its name. It is also supposed to be an antioxidant and to prevent flu. Aspirin is synthesized from salicylic acid and is
widely used as a remedy for flu and has other medical uses such as saving the lives of cardiac patients as an anticoagulant of
blood. The biochemistry and chemistry of both these compounds have been evolving for nearly a century ever since their
discoveries. Here, the...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2011
CDAO-Store: A New Vision in Data Integration
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Brandon Chisham; Trung Le; Enrico Pontelli; Tran Son; Ben Wright.
The Comparative Data Analysis Ontology (CDAO) is an ontology developed, as part of the EvoInfo and EvoIO groups
supported by NESCent, to provide semantics to the descriptions of data and transformations commonly found in the domain of
phylogenetic inference. The core concepts of the ontology enables the description of phylogenetic trees and associated character
data matrices. 

CDAO-store is a repository providing a rich set of API’s
for querying and visualizing phyloinformatics data. It is a triple-store encoding data as RDF triples constructed according to the
CDAO concept vocabulary. CDAO-store provides three classes of services: a service for importing data in CDAO format, a
PhyloWS interface supporting an...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
A PI3K-mediated negative feedback regulates Drosophila motor neuron excitability
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Eric Howlett; Curtis C. J. Lin; William Lavery; Michael Stern.
Negative feedback can act as a homeostatic mechanism to maintain neuronal activity at a particular specified value. At the
Drosophila neuromuscular junction, a mutation in the type II metabotropic glutamate receptor gene (mGluRA) increased motor
neuron excitability by disrupting an autocrine, glutamate-mediated negative feedback. We show that mGluRA mutations increase
neuronal excitability by preventing PI3 kinase (PI3K) activation and consequently hyperactivating the transcription factor Foxo.
Furthermore, glutamate application increases levels of phospho-Akt, a product of PI3K signaling, within motor nerve terminals in
an mGluRA-dependent manner. In humans, PI3K and type II mGluRs are implicated in epilepsy, neurofibromatosis, autism,
schizophrenia and...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2008
Stop-and-go kinetics in amyloid fibrillation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jesper Ferkinghoff-Borg; Jesper Fonslet; Christian B. Andersen; Sandeep Krishna; Simone Pigolotti; Hisashi Yagi; Yuji
Goto; Daniel Erik Otzen; Mogens H. Jensen.
Many human diseases are associated with protein aggregation and fibrillation. Using glucagon as a model system for protein
fibrillation we show that fibrils grow in an intermittent fashion, with periods of growth followed by long pauses. Remarkably,
even if the intrinsic transition rates vary considerably in each experiment, the probability of being in the growing (stopping) state
is very close to 1/4 (3/4), suggesting the presence of 4 independent conformations of the fibril tip. We discuss this possibility in
terms of existing structural knowledge.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Solvent Induced Disulfide Bond Formation in 2,5-dimercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Palanisamy Kalimuthu; Palraj Kalimuthu; S. Abraham John.
Disulfide bond formation is the decisive event in the protein folding to determine the conformation and stability of protein. To
achieve this disulfide bond formation in vitro, we took 2,5-dimercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole (DMcT) as a model compound. We found
that disulfide bond formation takes place between two sulfhydryl groups of DMcT molecules in methanol. UV-Vis, FT-IR and
mass spectroscopic as well as cyclic voltammetry were used to monitor the course of reaction. We proposed a mechanism for the
solvent induced disulfide bond formation on the basis of the results we obtained.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Smoking-induced long-lasting modifications of human platelet serotonin catabolism through a MAO
epigenetic regulation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jean-Marie Launay; Muriel Del Pino; Gilles Chironi; Jacques Callebert; Katell Peoc'h; Jean-Louis
Mégnien; Jacques Mallet; Alain Simon; Francine Rendu.
Postulating that serotonin, secreted from smoking-activated platelets, could be involved in smoking-induced vascular
modifications, we studied 115 men distributed in smokers (S), former smokers (FS) and never smokers (NS). The platelet
serotonin content was similar in S and NS but lower in FS. This was unexpected because the monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity,
which catabolizes serotonin, was inhibited during smoking. However, the amount of platelet MAO was higher in S and FS than in
NS. The persistent elevated MAO amount in FS prompted us to study the methylation of its gene promoter in an additional series
of patients: it was markedly lower for S and FS vs. NS due to cigarette smoke-induced increase of nucleic acid demethylase
activity. This...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
In Vitro Bactericidal Activities of Extracts From Ripe and Unripe Fruit of
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rajarajan Swaminathan; Shanthi Sabari; Nisha K John.
In an era of nutraceuticular research, ‘Noni’ fruit is considered as a panacea because of the profound
claim on its medicinal uses in treating many diseases inclusive of infections of microbial origin. Hence, the present study was
done to know the antibacterial activity of aqueous extracts from ripe and unripe fruits of ‘Noni’
Morinda citrifolia L on gastroenteritic and pyogenic bacteria. The study was done for eight gastroenteritic bacteria and six
pyogenic bacteria. The estimation of antibacterial activity of the ripe fruit & unripe fruit extract were carried out by
serial two fold tube dilution techniques. Minimum Bactericidal Concentration of the ripe as well as unripe fruit extracts for the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2009
The effects of anti-sense interleukin-5 gene transferred by recombinant adeno-associated virus in
allergic rats
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Daxiong Zeng; Yong Cao; Qingfeng Song; Chao Cao; Xiansheng Liu; Yongjian Xu; Weining Xiong.
The accumulation and infiltration of eosinophils in airways is one of the most important characteristics of asthma, and is mediated
partly by secretion of IL-5 from Th2 lymphocytes. It is well known that interleukin-5 (IL-5) played an important role in the
regulation of eosinophils. In this study, an anti-sense IL-5 gene transferred by recombinant adeno-associated virus
(rAAV-ASIL-5) was prepared to transfect allergic rats. It was found that the expression of IL-5 protein in plasma and BALF were
inhibited significantly. The rAAV-ASIL-5-mediated suppression of total cell counts in peripheral blood and BALF were also
observed. Moreover, rAAV-ASIL-5 remarkably reduced the eosinophil counts in peripheral blood and BALF, as well as the
expression of ECP protein...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
In-group/out-group bias in contagious yawning
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: J. Ryan Porter; Steven M. Platek.
Bias for an in-group is a social phenomenon characterized by an affinity for one’s in-group over a perceived
out-group. Activation in the amygdala, which is implicated in social and emotional processes, is increased when humans view
other-race faces. This increase in activation is associated with implicit racial bias as indicated by scores on an implicit attitude test.
Contagious yawning is a social process that appears to subserve empathic processes enabling the inferential modeling of the
mental states of others and is exhibited in few species other than humans, including chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), stumptail
macaques (Macaca arctoides), dogs (Canis familiaris), and budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus). Despite these comparative
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Neuroscience; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Iron (FeSO4) Bioavailability in Obese Subjects Submitted to Bariatric Surgery
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Luciana Bueno; Juliana Pizzo; José Ernesto dos Santos; Julio Sérgio Marchini; José
Eduardo Dutra de Oliveira.
Objective: To determine iron bioavailability in obese subjects after the ingestion of a nutritional supplement containing multiple
nutrients. Methods: Fourteen persons were studied before and after bariatric surgery after the ingestion of a nutritional formulation
containing 25 mg iron, 25 g fiber and 800 mg calcium. Serum iron levels were measured basally and every hour after the ingestion
of 200 mL of the formulation, and serum ferritin, unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC), hemoglobin, albumin, total proteins,
total triglycerides, total cholesterol and fractions (LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol) sere determined at the same time
points.Results: The following ferremia values (median/minimum - maximum) were obtained before and after bariatric...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Developmental Biology.
Ano: 2009
HMGA1a induces aberrant splicing of estrogen receptor α in MCF-7 breast cancer cells
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Kenji Ohe; Toshiaki Utsumi; Akila Mayeda.
The well known transcription factor, HMGA1a, also known as an oncogene, causes aberrant splicing of Presenilin-2 found in
sporadic Alzheimer's disease, through sequence specific RNA binding. Since HMGA1 protein levels correlate with
tumorigenic malignancy, we are interested in the potential of HMGA1a as an aberrant splicing factor in cancer. The N-terminal
truncated isoform of Estrogen Receptor alpha, ERα46, is known to increase expression when breast cancer cells
(MCF-7) become hyperconfluent. Transiently expressed HMGA1a induced ERα46 mRNA expression. Plasmid
driven micro RNA containing the presenilin-2 HMGA1a RNA binding site and a micro RNA nuclear localization signal
(miR_HMGBS_NLS), inhibited ERα46 mRNA...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
An experimental and modelling exploration of the host-sanction hypothesis in legume-rhizobia
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Diana Marco; Juan Carbajal; Sergio Cannas; Rebeca Perez-Arnedo; Angeles Hidalgo-Perea; Jose Olivares; Jose
Ruiz-Sainz; Juan Sanjuán.
Despite the importance of mutualism as a key ecological process, its persistence in nature is difficult to explain since the existence
of exploitative, 'cheating' partners that could erode the interaction is common. By analogy with the
proposed policing strategy stabilizing intraspecific cooperation, host sanctions against non N2 fixing, cheating symbionts have
been proposed as a force stabilizing mutualism in legume-Rhizobium symbiosis. Following this proposal, penalizations would
include decreased nodular rhizobial viability and/or early nodule senescence in nodules occupied by cheating rhizobia. In this
work, we analyze the stability of Rhizobium-legume symbiosis when "cheating" strains are present, using
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Microbiology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
The Gramene Genetic Diversity Module: a resource for genotype-phenotype association analysis in
grass species
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Charles Chen; Genevieve DeClerck; Terry Casstevens; Ken Youens-Clark; Jon Zhang; Doreen Ware; Pankaj Jaiswal;
Susan McCouch; Edward Buckler.
("": is specifically designed to handle
data from high-throughput sequencing and array-based genotyping plateforms. Empowered by the Genomic Diversity and
Phenotype Data Model, Gramene Genetic Diversity module provides live database connectivities of RFLP, SSR and SNP allele
data, information about QTL, passport data for wild and cultivated germplasm from rice, maize, wheat, and _Arabidopsis_, and
quantitative phenotypic data for some of these accessions. Large datasets of SNP variation are searchable via genomic positions of
interest by SNP Query tool on a sequenced genome; and, trait associations, patterns of linkage...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Analysis of plant metabolites – the baseline-threshold principle
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Katja Neubauer; Jenny Bandomir; Anett Grunenberg; Andreas Müller; Udo Kragl; Kerstin Schmidt.
With the environmental risk assessment (ERA) for genetically modified plants (GMP) the identification of equivalence or
differences in the composition of ingredients of GMPs and non-GMPs has to be investigated. The strategy is based upon the idea
that traditionally cultivated crops have been used safely for many years, thus every divergence within the compounds of a GMP in

The BioOK company offers the opportunity to analyse very different
aspects from the ERA of GMPs in one hand. Beside toxicological analysis and the determination of environmental effects via soil
analysis, we can look into several plant metabolites to identify...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Altered cholesterol ester cycle in _ex vivo_ skin fibroblasts from Alzheimer patients
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alessandra Pani; Sandra Dessi; Giacomo Diaz; Claudia Abete; Claudia Mulas; Claudia Norfo; Marirosa Putzolu; Maria
Dolores Cannas; Christina Doriana Orru; Alessandra Mocali; Pier Luigi Cocco; Paolo La Colla; Francesco Paoletti.
Recent studies in both animal and cell models of Alzheimer's disease (AD) indicated that sub-cellular cholesterol
distribution seems to regulate amyloid-beta (A[beta]) generation in the brain. In particular, cholesterol-esters (CE), rather than
total cholesterol levels, appear directly correlated with A[beta] production. Here we observed that, similarly to brain cells, skin
fibroblasts obtained from AD patients produce and accumulate more CE than skin fibroblasts from age-matched healthy controls
do. AD fibroblasts also exhibited a 2 fold increase in the expression of ACAT1, in addition to lower levels of SREBP2, nCEH,
Caveolin-1 and ABCA1 mRNA levels, all of which are involved in the CE cycle. HMGCoA-reductase and LDL-receptor mRNAs
levels did...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2008
Early Life Relict Feature in Peptide Mass Distribution
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Roman A. Zubarev; Konstantin Artemenko; Alexander R. Zubarev; Corina Mayrhofer; Eva Y. M. Fung.
Molecular mass of a biomolecule is characterized in mass spectroscopy by the monoisitopic mass M~mono~ and the average
isotopic mass M~av~. We found that peptide masses mapped on a plane made by two parameters derived from M~mono~ and
M~av~ form a peculiar global feature in form of a band-gap 5-7 ppm wide stretching across the whole peptide galaxy, with a
narrow (FWHM 0.2 ppm) line in the centre. The a priori probability of such a feature to emerge by chance is less than 1:100.
Peptides contributing to the central line have elemental compositions following the rules S=0; Z = (2C - N - H)/2 =0, which nine
out of 20 amino acid residues satisfy. The relative abundances of amino acids in the peptides contributing to the central line
correlate with the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Development of a Decision Support System (DSS) for an integrated test system towards the effective
and competitive risk assessment on transgenic plants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Christine Höflich; Andreas Müller; Jörg Schmidtke; Kerstin Schmidt; Inge
Transgenic plants need specific approaches to analyse their potential impact on environment and consumer. The procedures used
to date are often too extensive and time-consuming and associated with high costs. The BioOK network was established to
develop an effective and competitive risk assessment on transgenic plants based on interdisciplinary research. New and effective
methods for the risk assessment were established which focus on transgene-specific effects measured in in vitro systems in the
laboratory or greenhouse whenever possible. Nevertheless event-specific field experiments have to be carried out in addition to

Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Yeast Features: Identifying Significant Features Shared Among Yeast Proteins for Functional
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Michel Dumontier; James R. Green; Ashkan Golshani; Myron L. Smith; Nadereh Mir-Rashed; Md Alamgir;
Veronika Eroukova; Frank Dehne; James J. Cheetham.
High throughput yeast functional genomics experiments are revealing associations among tens
to hundreds of genes using numerous experimental conditions. To fully understand how the identified genes might be involved in
the observed system, it is essential to consider the widest range of biological annotation possible. Biologists often start their search
by collating the annotation provided for each protein within databases such as the Saccharomyces Genome Database, manually
comparing them for similar features, and empirically assessing their significance. Such tasks can be automated, and more precise
calculations of the significance can be determined using established probability measures....
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008
A similarity criterion for forest growth curves
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Georgii A. Alexandrov; Georgy S. Golitsyn.
Comparison of forest growth curves has led many to the conclusion that there is a similarity between forest stands growing in
different conditions. Here we treat the same subject from the viewpoint of similarity theory. Our goal is to form a dimensionless
ratio of biophysical entities that could parameterize the diversity of forest growth curves. (Such ratios are called similarity
criteria.) Pursuing this goal, we focus on the analogy between tree crown growth and atomic explosion. A blast wave is formed
when the rate of energy release is much higher than the rate of energy dissipation. The difference between the rates of energy
release and dissipation is the essence of this phenomenon. The essential feature of crown growth is the difference between the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
TreeBASE2: Rise of the Machines
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rutger A. Vos; Hilmar Lapp; William H. Piel; Val Tannen.
TreeBASE is a public repository of peer-reviewed phylogenetic knowledge. Researchers submit their results to TreeBASE when
they are writing a manuscript based on them for publication in a suitable journal. The submitted data are assigned permanent,
unique identifiers and web addresses that authors can refer to in their article. Anyone can locate and access the data once the study
has been published by TreeBASE and by the targeted journal.

A prototype of this
system has served the phylogenetics community well for a number of years, accumulating the results of thousands of studies. The
usage model was that of a silo where data could only be accessed through a web browser, and only be downloaded in
representations that...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
A snake of a different color: physiological color change in Arizona black rattlesnakes
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Melissa Amarello; Jeffrey J. Smith.
Coloration may serve a variety of behavioral (e.g., crypsis, communication) and physiological (e.g., thermoregulation, protection)
functions for terrestrial ectotherms. However, optimal coloration for a given function may vary over environments (spatial or
temporal) or conflict with other functions. Physiological color change (rapid change due to movement of pigment granules
within chromatophores) may be an adaptation to resolve conflicting selective pressures on coloration. The proximate factors
related to physiological color change are well known in many animals, but few studies have investigated the ecological or
evolutionary implications of this behavior. Here, we present alternative hypotheses for physiological color change and discuss
biotic and...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
The SOL Genomics Network Model: Making Community Annotation Work
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Naama Menda; Isaak Tecle; Anuradha Pujar; Aureliano Bombarely; Tom York; Adri Mills; Joseph Gosselin; Robert
Buels; Lukas Mueller.
The concept of community annotation is a growing discipline for achieving participation of the research community in depositing
up‐to‐date knowledge in biological databases.
The Solanaceae Genomics
Network ("SGN": is a clade‐oriented database (COD) focusing on
plants of the nightshade family, including tomato, potato, pepper, eggplant, and tobacco, and is one of the bioinformatics nodes of
the international tomato genome sequencing project. One of our major efforts is linking Solanaceae phenotype information with
the underlying genes, and subsequently the genome. As part of this goal, SGN has introduced a database for locus names and
descriptors, and a database for...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
Intracellular Regulatory Networks are close to Monotone Systems
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Avi Ma'ayan; Ravi Iyengar; Eduardo D. Sontag.
Several meso-scale biological intracellular regulatory networks that have specified directionality of interactions have been
recently assembled from experimental literature. Directed networks where links are characterized as positive or negative can be
converted to systems of differential equations and analyzed as dynamical systems. Such analyses have shown that networks
containing only sign-consistent loops, such as positive feed-forward and feedback loops function as monotone systems that
display well-ordered behavior. Perturbations to monotone systems have unambiguous global effects and a predictability
characteristic that confers advantages for robustness and adaptability. We find that three intracellular regulatory networks:
bacterial and yeast...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
CDAO-Store: A New Vision in Data Integration
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Brandon Chisham; Trung Le; Enrico Pontelli; Tran Son; Ben Wright.
The Comparative Data Analysis Ontology (CDAO) 1 is an ontology developed, as part of the EvoInfo2 and EvoIO3 groups
supported by NESCent4, to provide semantics to the descriptions of data and transformations commonly found in the domain of
phylogenetic inference. The core concepts of the ontology enables the description of phylogenetic 
trees and
associated character data matrices. 

Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Hacking the JPEG/PDF tree format
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Joseph Hughes.
We have been illustrating the relationships between species and genes as trees for over a century. Whilst in the early years of
morphological and molecular phylogenetics, embedding illustrations into manuscripts might have been the most appropriate way
to disseminate knowledge, this has resulted in the locking up of phylogenetic hypotheses into the pages of journals and books
without an easy way to access this information. As a result, most phylogenetic knowledge is lost upon publication. I will explain
the reasons for re-using published trees, discuss ways to liberate this information and avoid these problems in the future.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Evaluation of Antimicrobial Studies of Traditional Medicine
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ramar Perumal Samy; S. Ignacimuthu; Vincent TK Chow.
Synthetic drugs, which are having serious side effects, are cytotoxic to human beings. Moreover, bacteria slowly become resistant
against antibiotics. In order to overcome these problems, scientists are continuing to search for antibacterial and novel principles
from plants. Zanthoxylum limonella has been popularly used in traditional systems of medicine for the treatment of dental caries,
cardiac, respiratory diseases and stomach problems. The present study was therefore focused on finding out the medicinal
properties of the bark of Z. limonella tested against some selected bacteria using disc-diffusion method at the concentration of
100, 200 and 300 mg/ml. The methanol and water extracts of the bark exhibited effective antibacterial activity against S....
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Microbiology; Pharmacology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
The likelihood that two proteins interact might depend on the proteins' age
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Pedro Beltrao.
It has been previously shown [1] that _S. cerevisiae_ proteins preferentially interact with proteins of the same estimated likely
time of origin. To study this observation further, the protein interaction networks of _S. cerevisiae_ and _H. sapiens_ were
analyzed taking into account an estimate for the age of the proteins in these species. These estimates were obtained by studying
the presence and absence of putative orthologs in other eukaryotic species. In this work preliminary results are described that point
to a dependence of the likelihood of protein interaction on the proteins’ age. The probability of two proteins
interactions was found to be linearly dependent on the time the proteins have co-existed in the species.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2007
PMEM of carabid beetles in the agro-ecosystem: Prospects and problems
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Kai U. Priesnitz; Ullrich Benker.
The comparison of carabid communities sampled at three different field sites during 5 years of ecological biosafety research
provides useful information for the design of a post market environmental monitoring of this arthropod family. Each evaluated
field site demonstrated a unique composition of carabid species. A baseline for the carabid beetle communities would therefore be
necessary for each field site to detect any changes in its composition over time. Aside from the influence of the location, the
impacts of weather, the date of sampling and of course the chosen sampling method have to be considered. A standardized method
is a basic requirement for a replicable assessment. The number of traps per square meter, and the size and the design of the traps...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Endothelin-Induced Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Depletion Waves in Vascular Smooth Muscle
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Mitra Esfandiarei; Yohan Choi; Arash Y. Tehrani; Jeremy G. Hoskins; Nicola Fameli; Cornelis van Breemen.
Agonist-stimulated waves of elevated cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i ) regulate blood vessel tone and vasomotion in
vascular smooth muscle. Previous studies employing cytoplasmic Ca2+ indicators revealed that these Ca2+ waves were generated
by a combination of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) and Ca2+ induced Ca2+ release (CICR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
(SR); although, some of the mechanistic details remain uncertain. However, these findings were derived indirectly from observing
agonist-induced [Ca2+]i fluctuations in the cytoplasm.
Here, for the first time, we have recorded
Endothelin-1 (ET-1) induced waves of Ca2+ depletion from the SR lumen in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) using a
calsequestrin-targeted Ca2+...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2011
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transcription Factor PU.1 with Mutated β3/β4
Domain Selectively Elicits Myeloid Differentiation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Pallavi Gupta; Gurudutta U. Gangenahalli; Daman Saluja; Yogesh K. Verma; Jyoti Zack; Vimal K. Singh; Neeraj K.
Satija; Rajendra P. Tripathi.
In many hematopoietic malignancies such as lymphomas & leukemias, aberrant differentiation is the major feature of
malignant phenotype that often results from a single genetic alteration and provides a site-specific target for therapy. Therefore,
targeting of protein-protein interactions that have been identified as mediators of transcriptional repression that blocks normal
hematopoietic differentiation holds great promise for therapeutic applications. An example is GATA-1, a critical erythroid
transcription factor that is capable of suppressing the myeloid phenotype by down-regulating PU.1 in a dose-dependent manner.
PU.1 is the most crucial transcription factor known to be required for myeloid differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells or...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Impact of polyplex micelles installed with cyclic RGD peptide as ligand on gene delivery to vascular
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Hiroyuki Koyama; Hideo Kagaya; Makoto Oba; Yutaka Miura; Takehiko Ishii; Tsuyoshi Takato; Kazunori Kataoka;
Tetsuro Miyata.
Gene therapy is expected to open a new strategy for the treatment of refractory vascular diseases, so the development of
appropriate gene vectors for vascular lesions is needed. To realize this requirement with a non-viral approach, cyclo(RGDfK)
peptide (cRGD) was introduced to block copolymer, poly(ethylene glycol)-block-polycation carrying ethylenediamine units
(PEG-PAsp(DET)). cRGD recognizes αvβ3 and αvβ5 integrins, which are
abundantly expressed in vascular lesions. cRGD-conjugated PEG-PAsp(DET) (cRGD-PEG-PAsp(DET)) formed polyplex
micelles through complexation with plasmid DNA (pDNA), and the cRGD-PEG-PAsp(DET) micelles achieved significantly more
efficient gene expression and cellular uptake as compared with...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
In silico Protein Structural Modeling and Active binding site Evaluation of Streptococcus pneumoniae
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: M. Balakrishnan; R.C. Srivastava; M. Ramachandran.
Structure function relation of glucose kinese in Streptococcus pneumoniae. However, a solved structure for _Streptococcus
pneumoniae_ glucose kinese is not available at the protein data bank. Glucose kinase is a regulatory enzyme capable of adding
phosphate group to glucose in the first step of streptomycin biosynthesis. The activity of glucose kinase was regulated by the
Carbon Catabolite Repression system. So, we created a model of glucose kinese from _Streptococcus pnemoniae_ using the X-ray
crystallography structure of glucose kinese enzymes from _Enterobacteria faecalis_ as template with Molsoft ICM v3.5 software.
The model was validated using protein structure checking tools such as PROCHECK, WHAT IF: for reliability. The active site
amino acid...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2009
Intact mitochondria migrate in membrane tubular network connections formed between human stem
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Attila Csordas; Attila Cselenyák; Ferenc Uher; Marianna Murányi; Simone Hennerbichler; Heinz
Redl; Márk Kollai; Zsombor Lacza.
The hypothesis of mitochondrial transfer between eukaryotic animal cells is intriguing, although its route of action and
physiological role is unknown. Our goal was to examine intercellular connections among several types of stem cells and to
observe whether intact functional mitochondria may travel via these connections. Time-lapse laser scanning confocal microscopy
has shown that human amnion-derived stem cells as well as bone marrow derived mouse and human mesenchymal stem cells
form cell-to-cell connections via a tubular membrane network. The maximal length of these micrometer-thick tubes is around 180
?m. Interestingly, freshly isolated amniotic epithelial stem cells did not form these connections, only after several passages when
the morphology of...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Activation of TRF3 Transcription Factor by Small Interfering RNAs
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Stephan Persengiev.
RNA interference (RNAi) is a conserved biological response to double-stranded RNAs that results in posttranscriptional silencing
of target gene expression. Double-stranded processed RNAs of 21-23 nt were found to affect in a non-specific manner a number
of signaling and transcription pathways, including interferon and PKR cascades. We report here that siRNAs induce the
expression of general transcription factor TRF3, which can trigger an interferon response in mammalian cells.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Differential photosynthetic adaptation between size-classes of Spruce and Fir juveniles help to
explain the co-existence of the two species.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Edgard Bontempo e Silva; Toshihiko Hara; Akihiro Sumida; Kiyomi Ono.

(Glehn’s Spruce) are major components of the sub-boreal forests of Hokkaido, Japan. Similar Spruce-Fir forests can
be found in many other places in the northern hemisphere and will probably be impacted by global warming. Therefore, detailed
knowledge of these species’ physiology and life-history strategies at different growth stages is important to
understand present communities and to support reliable prediction of possible consequences of global climate change.

Accordingly, the objective of this study was to establish relations between community dynamics,
life-history strategies and photosynthetic adaptation of...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Logical implications for regulatory relations represented by verbs in biomedical texts
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Sine Zambach.
Relations used in biomedical ontologies can be very general or very specific in respect to the domain. However some relations are
used widely in for example regulatory networks. This work focuses on positive and negative regulatory relations, in particular
their usage expressed as verbs in different biomedical genres and the properties of the relations.
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2009
Roots and Emergence of Cognition in Evolution
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Walter Riofrio.
Trying to understand when and how the cognitive phenomena arise in evolution continues being a hard problem of confronting.
One important task is to find the ways in which we will be able to arrive at those explanations that will enable us to understand
how living beings put together perceived sensory information as well as how they represent it. In this presentation, we address
some conceptual questions involved in the relationships between sensorial information perceived by brains and its representational

Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Neuroscience; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2007
Is there a Weed Shift in Roundup Ready Maize?
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Arnd Verschwele.
The cultivation of transgenic glyphosate-resistant crop varieties can simplify weed control in crops such as maize and others. On
the other hand, the repeated use of broadly effective herbicides like glyphosate, especially in the same crop, can have a negative
effect on biodiversity. Additionally there is a risk for a spread of more tolerant or even resistant weed

It was the aim of a 6-years field study (2003-2008) to investigate weed
effects of use of glyphosate in a continuous transgenic herbicide-resistant maize rotation at three sites in Germany. These sites
differed significantly in terms of soil, climate and initial weed spectrum. The studies focussed on the comparison between local
herbicide standards and...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
On the status of the Michaelis-Menten equation and its implications for enzymology
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Sosale Chandrasekhar.
The Michaelis-Menten equation (MME) is considered to be the fundamental equation describing the rates of enzyme-catalysed
reactions, and thus the 'physicochemical key' to understanding all life processes. It is the basis of the
current view of enzymes as generally proteinaceous macromolecules that bind the substrate reversibly at the active site, and
convert it to the product in a relatively slow overall sequence of bonding changes ('turnover'). The
manifested 'saturation kinetics', by which the rate of the enzymic reaction (essentially) increases linearly
with the substrate concentration ([S]) at low [S] but reaches a plateau at high [S], is apparently modelled by the MME. However,
it is argued herein...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Why not "do simple things in a simple way": Use of the Pap test as the first
step in screening genetic stability for human cultured stem cell therapy?
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Katherine Athayde Teixeira de Carvalho; Ana Carolina Irioda; Larissa Zocche; Carolina Maria Costa de Oliveira Souza;
Reginaldo J. Ferreira; Eduardo Aliprandini; Ricardo C Cunha; Julio C Francisco; Luiz Cesar Guarita-Souza; Mariester Malvezzi;
Miriam Beltrame; Lismary Mesquita; Diogo Kuczera; Rafael Vargas.
The aim of this study was to analyze adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (AT-MSCs) using the Pap test as a first
screening step to evaluate genetic stability. Human adipose tissue from six healthy female donors was obtained from elective
liposuction procedures. The cells were isolated, cultivated at P2/P3, characterized by flow cytometric analysis, and differentiation
induced. The AT-MSCs were stained by Papanicolaou staining and analyzed according to the Bethesda classification, and
viability-apoptosis relationships were evaluated. The results of the Pap test for Sample I indicated high-grade alterations
consistent with genetic instability; for Samples II-V, atypical cells of undetermined significance; and for Sample VI, normal cells.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Sensory adaptation in the light of information and energy
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Nikon Rasumov; Jeremy Niven; Michael Baker; Simon Laughlin.
Signal processing in neurons is constrained by internal noise and energy consumption. Neural systems often invest energy in
amplifying signals to protect them against internal noise. There is no general expression for the trade-off between energy and
information, because it is strongly dependent on the properties of signal, noise and underlying mechanism. We present the first
analysis of this energy-information trade-off in a specific system, the R1-6 photoreceptors of the blowfly, Calliphora vicina. These
photoreceptors adapt to light level by adjusting their transduction gain (number of light-gated channels opened per photon) and
potassium conductance. By combining experimental measures of photoreceptor impedances, transfer functions and signal
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Neuroscience; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Gain-of-function oncogenic mutations in TP53 enhance defined factor-mediated cellular
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jeong Ho Moon; Hideshi Ishii; Dyah Laksmi Dewi; Yoshihiro Kano; Kazuyoshi Yamamoto; Shinpei Nishikawa;
Yoshiyuki Fujiwara; Yuichiro Doki; Masaki Mori.
Cancer is a disorder with various genetic and epigenetic alterations. Genetic alterations such as mutations, i.e., substitutions,
amplifications, and deletions of nucleotide sequences, are largely irreversible, whereas epigenetic alterations can be modified by
pharmacological agents that target components of the epigenetic machinery. Recent studies have showed that introduction of
defined factors such as those encoded by c-MYC, SOX2, OCT3/4, and KLF4 in normal somatic cells results in their
dedifferentiation into induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. In addition, we have reported that these iPS factors induce the
development of induced multipotent cancer (iPC) cells from gastrointestinal cancer cells by reducing tumor aggressiveness. The
efficiency of iPS...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Seeds banks of desert annuals in an aridity gradient in the southern Atacama Desert
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Diego A. Sotomayor; Julio R. Gutiérrez.
Annual plant communities are important components of the biodiversity
found in the coastal southern Atacama Desert in Chile. Moreover, they are an important economic resource for the human
communities living in that area. These plant communities develop, after heavy rainfall episodes, a phenomenon locally known as
the “blooming of the desert”. Although the minimum rainfall thresholds for these plants to emerge are
relatively well known, little is known about their seed banks, its composition, dynamics and variation across the latitudinal aridity
gradient from south to north. This system is interesting to study species coexistence, as well as, to look for exotic plants invasion,
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
Global Network Alignment
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Oleksii Kuchaiev; Natasa Przulj.
Motivation: High-throughput methods for detecting molecular interactions have lead to a plethora of biological network data with
much more yet to come, stimulating the development of techniques for biological network alignment. Analogous to sequence
alignment, efficient and reliable network alignment methods will improve our understanding of biological systems. Network
alignment is computationally hard. Hence, devising efficient network alignment heuristics is currently one of the foremost
challenges in computational biology. 

Results: We present a superior heuristic
network alignment algorithm, called Matching-based GRAph ALigner (M-GRAAL), which can process and integrate any number
and type of similarity measures...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2010
Pregnancy Obstructs Involution Stage II of the Mammary Gland in Cows: General Biological
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Gabriel Leitner; Ana-Maria Anug; Uzi Merin; Nissim Silanikove.
Repeated research findings over the last 4 decades show that involution of mammary glands

advantage of a rare event in the normal modern dairy farming: A cow that was false-positively identified as being pregnant was
"dried up" (i.e., induced into involution) conventionally about 60 before her expected parturition. This cow
was culled, and samples of her mammary gland tissue were examined for gross histology. In this study we demonstrate for the
first time that modern dairy cow may undergo extensive obliteration of the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Developmental Biology; Immunology.
Ano: 2007
Names on Nodes: Automating the Application of Taxonomic Names within a Phylogenetic Context
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: T. Michael Keesey.
_Names on Nodes_^1^ is an open‑source^2^ Flex application which utilizes a mathematical approach to automate
the application of phylogenetically‑defined names to phylogenetic hypotheses. Phylogenetic hypotheses are
modeled as directed, acyclic graphs, and may be read from bioinformatics or graph files (NEXUS, NexML, Newick, and
GraphML) or created de novo. Hypotheses may also be merged from multiple sources. _Names on Nodes_ stores hypotheses as
MathML, an XML‑based language for representing mathematical content and presentation. Phylogenetic definitions
may be constructed using a visual editor and exported in MathML. Thus, it is possible to create a dictionary of defined names and
automatically apply them to phylogenetic...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Using TreeBASE from R
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Carl Boettiger.
I introduce an R package allowing programmatic access to the phylogenetic data in the TreeBASE archive and highlight why this
is important.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Water soluble carbon nanotubes affect growth of the common gram (Cicer arietinum)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Shweta Tripathi; Sumit Kumar Sonkar; Abhishek Kumar; M.Y. Khan; Sabyasachi Sarkar.
Multi-walled Carbon nanotube, its role and implications in biological systems are currently under evaluation and became
interesting for many researchers primarily working on the interface of chemistry, physics and biology. However, concerns about
the potential toxicity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes have been raised. To carry such affords, herein we investigate the effects
of carboxylic acid functionalized water soluble carbon nanotube (wsCNT) on the growth of gram Cicer arietinum plant. The
growth of gram plants was observed with and without the presence of wsCNT to demonstrate that carboxylated functionalized
multi-walled carbon nanotubes showed better growth and under more wsCNT, the growth was enhanced without showing
apparent toxicity. Although...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
Gene Transfer of Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Inhibits Macrophages and Inflammatory
Mediators in Vein Graft Disease
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Xiaoning Zhang; Jian Zhuang; Hongsui Wu; Zhihong Chen; Jian Su; Shiliang Chen; Jianguang Chen; Yuhui Zheng;
Huanxin Yang.
Vein graft disease is a chronic inflammatory disease and limits the late results of coronary revascularization. Calcitonin
gene-related peptide (CGRP) inhibits macrophages infiltrated and inflammatory mediators, we hypothesized that transfected
CGRP gene inhibits macrophages infiltrated and inflammatory mediators in vein graft disease. Autologous rabbit jugular vein
grafts were incubated ex vivo in a solution of mosaic adeno-associated virus vectors containing CGRP gene (AAV2/1.CGRP)
、escherichia coli lac Z gene (AAV2/1.LacZ) or saline and then interposed in the carotid artery. Intima/media ratio
were evaluated at postoperative 4 weeks, Macrophages were marked with CD68 antibody by immunocytochemistry.
Inflammatory mediators were mensurated with...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Analysis of plant metabolites – the baseline-threshold principle
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Katja Neubauer; Jenny Bandomir; Anett Grunenberg; Andreas Müller; Udo Kragl; Kerstin Schmidt.
With the environmental risk assessment (ERA) for genetically modified plants (GMP) the identification of equivalence or
differences in the composition of ingredients of GMPs and non-GMPs has to be investigated. The strategy is based upon the idea
that traditionally cultivated crops have been used safely for many years, thus every divergence within the compounds of a GMP in

The BioOK company offers the opportunity to analyse very different
aspects from the ERA of GMPs in one hand. Beside toxicological analysis and the determination of environmental effects via soil
analysis, we can look into several plant metabolites to identify...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
Tumor-associated EGFR over-expression specifically activates Stat3 and Smad7 resulting in
desensitization of TGF-β signaling
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodney Luwor; Lauren Taylor; Bo Wang; Hong-Jian Zhu.
Transforming Growth Factor-[beta] (TGF-[beta]) and Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) signaling pathways are both independently
implicated as key regulators in tumor formation and progression. Here, we demonstrate that activation of the tumor-associated and
over-expressed EGFR desensitizes TGF-[beta] signaling and its cytostatic regulation through specific Stat3 activation and Smad7
induction. In normal and tumor human cell lines, reduction of TGF-[beta]-mediated Smad2 phosphorylation, nuclear translocation
and Smad3 target gene activation were observed where EGFR is over-expressed, but not in cells which expressed EGFR at normal
levels. The EGFR downstream signaling molecules phosphatidyinositol-3 Kinase (PI3K) or mitogen-activated protein kinase/ERK
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Deciphering the phylogenetic history of neuroserpin orthologs across metazoans by analysis of
synteny and rare genomic characters
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Abhishek Kumar; Hermann Ragg.
The superfamily of serine proteinase inhibitors (serpins) is involved in wide arrays of fundamental biological processes such as
blood coagulation, complement activation, fibrinolysis, angiogenesis, inflammation and tumor suppression. The average protein
size of a serpin family member is 350-400 amino acids, but gene structure varies in terms of number and position of exons and
introns. All known serpins can be grouped into 16 clades and 10 orphan sequences. Vertebrate serpins can be conveniently
classified into six sub-groups, based on three independent biological features - genomic organization, diagnostic amino acid sites
and rare indels.
The objective of this study was to elucidate the phylogenetic kinships of serpins involved
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Modeling miRNA regulation in signaling networks: miR-34a regulation of the p53/Sirt1 module
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Xin Lai.
Micro RNAs are a family of small regulatory RNAs whose function is to regulate the activity and stability of specific messenger
RNA targets through post-translational regulatory mechanisms. We studied a signaling module composed by p53, Sirt1 and the
small regulatory miRNA, miR-34a, based on the integration of experimental evidence and quantitative data, with mathematical
modeling. We further used the model to investigate different possible designs of the silencing mechanisms exerted by miR-34a on
Sirt1, and to simulate the dynamics of the system under pathological conditions of deregulation of its components.

Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
GabiPD: GABI primary database - a plant integrative 'omics' database
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Diego Mauricio Riaño-Pachón; Axel Nagel; Robert Wagner; Jost Neigenfind; Elke Weber; Svenja
Diehl; Birgit Kersten.
The GABI Primary Database, GabiPD, was established eight years ago in the frame of the German initiative for Genome Analysis
of the Plant Biological System (Genomanalyse im biologischen System Pflanze, GABI), funded by the German Federal Ministry
of Education, Research and Technology (BMBF) as well as a number of private enterprise companies. The main goal of GabiPD
is to collect, integrate, visualize and link primary information from GABI projects. GabiPD, in contrast to other plant databases
constitutes a repository and analysis platform for a wide array of heterogeneous data arising from high-throughput experiments in
several plant species. Currently, data from different 'omics' fronts are incorporated in GabiPD (i.e.,
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2008
Shelling the Voronoi interface of protein-protein complexes predicts residue activity and conservation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Benjamin Bouvier; Raik Grünberg; Michael Nilges; Frederic Cazals.
The accurate description of protein-protein interfaces remains a challenging task. Traditional criteria, based on atomic contacts or
changes in solvent accessibility, tend to over or underpredict the interface itself and cannot discriminate active from less relevant
parts. A recent simulation study by Mihalek and co-authors (2007, JMB 369, 584-95) concluded that active residues tend to be
`dry', that is, insulated from water fluctuations. We show that patterns of `dry' residues can, to a large
extent, be predicted by a fast, parameter-free and purely geometric analysis of protein interfaces. We introduce the shelling order
of Voronoi facets as a straightforward quantitative measure of an atom's depth inside an interface. We...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008
ARHI (DIRAS 3), an Imprinted Tumor Suppressor Gene, Binds to Importins, and Blocks Nuclear
Translocation of Stat3
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Shaoyi Huang; In Soon Chang; Wenbo Lin; Robert Luo; Zhen Lu; Yiling Lu; Ke Zhang; Warren Liao; Tao Tao; Robert
Bast, Jr.; Xiaomin Chen; Yinhua Yu.
ARHI (DIRAS3) is an imprinted tumor suppressor gene whose expression is lost in the majority of breast and ovarian cancers.
Unlike its homologs Ras and Rap, ARHI functions as a tumor suppressor. Our previous study showed that ARHI can interact with
transcription activator Stat3 and inhibit its nuclear translocation in human breast and ovarian cancer cells. To identify proteins that
interact with ARHI in nuclear translocation, we have performed proteomic analysis and identified several importins that can
associate with ARHI. To further explore this novel finding, we have purified 10 GST-importin fusion proteins (importin 7, 8, 13,
b1, a1, a3, a5, a6, a7 as well as mutant a1). Using a GST-pull down assay, we found that ARHI can bind strongly to most...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
CFP and YFP photostabilities are differentially affected by common mounting fluids
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Johannes A. Schmid.
The use of spectrally distinct variants of green fluorescent protein (GFP) such as cyan or yellow mutants (CFP and YFP,
respectively) is very common in all different fields of life sciences, e.g. for marking and tracing of specific proteins or cells or to
determine protein interactions. In the later case, the quantum physical phenomenon of fluorescence resonance energy transfer
(FRET) is visualized by specific microscopy techniques. When we applied a commonly used FRET microscopy technique - the
increase in CFP-fluorescence after bleaching of YFP, we noticed that it worked well for live cells, but that most of the
FRET-signal was lost in fixed cells mounted in commercial microscopy mounting fluids. Subsequently, we could show that CFP
bleached much faster...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Circadian rhythmic kinase CK2α phosphorylates BMAL1 to regulate the mammalian
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Teruya Tamaru; Jun Hirayama; Yasushi Isojima; Katsuya Nagai; Shigemi Norioka; Ken Takamatsu; Paolo
Clock proteins govern circadian physiology and their function is regulated by a variety of signaling pathways. Here, we show that
p45^PFK^, a previously reported circadian rhythmic kinase, corresponds to CK2[alpha]. Rhythmic phosphorylation of the core
clock protein BMAL1 by CK2[alpha] occurs in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), the mammalian central pacemaker. Circadian
BMAL1 phosphorylation controls its nucleocytoplasmic localization. Gene silencing for CK2[alpha] and BMAL1 mutagenesis of
a highly conserved CK2 phosphorylation site (Ser 90) result in impaired BMAL1 accumulation in the nucleus and subsequent
disruption of clock function. These findings reveal that circadian rhythmic kinase CK2 is an essential regulator of the mammalian
circadian system.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Is your phylogeny informative? Measuring the power of comparative methods
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Peter Ralph; Graham Coop; Carl Boettiger.
Phylogenetic comparative methods have become all but ubiquitous in only a few decades, forcing us to reconsider if information
from a phylogenetic tree can justify the results. Existing approaches to this question have been inadequate and do not scale with
tree size or the ability to resolve branches. For instance, selection between phylogenetic models typically based on information
criteria fails to adequately reflect this uncertainty, and can lead to preference for arbitrarily complicated models. Common
measures of phylogenetic signal tend to characterize the goodness-of-fit of a Brownian motion model to the data, rather than
indicate whether the data is sufficient to confidently distinguish between different hypotheses. We present a Monte Carlo based...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Evidence of mature adipocyte proliferation regulated by proliferin
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Kazuo Kajita; Ichiro Mori; Takayuki Hanamoto; Wu Zhiliang; Takahide Ikeda; Kei Fujioka; Masahiro Yamauchi;
Hideyuki Okada; Aki Minami; Toshiko Kajita; Yoshihiro Uno; Hiroyuki Morita; Isao Nagano; Masao Takemura; Mitsuru
Seishima; Yuzo Takahashi; Tatsuo Ishizuka.
5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU)-labelling of mature adipocytes. Although BrdU incorporation into subcutaneous
adipocytes was less than that in visceral adipocytes, pioglitazone (Pio) treatment increased BrdU incorporation in subcutaneous,
but not visceral, adipocytes in rats. Fully differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes exhibited an increase in cell number and BrdU
incorporation with time, with this increase enhanced by Pio treatment. We therefore screened for genes that encode growth factors
regulated by Pio, and selected proliferin (PLF). Both gene silencing of PLF by small interfering RNA and treatment with anti-PLF
antibody suppressed proliferation...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Specificity and Evolvability in Eukaryotic Protein Interaction Networks
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Pedro Beltrao; Luis Serrano.
Progress in uncovering the protein interaction networks of several species has led to questions of what underlying principles might
govern their organization. Few studies have tried to determine the impact of protein interaction network evolution on the observed
physiological differences between species. Using comparative genomics and structural information, we show here that eukaryotic
species have rewired their interactomes at a fast rate of approximately 10?5 interactions changed per protein pair, per million
years of divergence. For Homo sapiens this corresponds to 103 interactions changed per million years. Additionally we find that
the specificity of binding strongly determines the interaction turnover and that different biological processes show...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2007
Modeling reaction-diffusion of molecules on surface and in volume spaces with the E-Cell System
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Satya N. V. Arjunan; Masaru Tomita.
The-Cell System is an advanced open-source simulation platform to model and analyze biochemical reaction networks. The
present algorithm modules of the system assume that the reacting molecules are all homogeneously distributed in the reaction
compartments, which is not the case in some cellular processes. The MinCDE system in Escherichia coli, for example, relies on
intricately controlled reaction, diffusion and localization of Min proteins on the membrane and in the cytoplasm compartments to
inhibit cell division at the poles of the rod-shaped cell. To model such processes, we have extended the E-Cell System to support
reaction-diffusion and dynamic localization of molecules in volume and surface compartments. We evaluated our method by
modeling the in...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Microbiology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2009
The Roles of Membrane Rafts in CD32A-Mediated Phagocytosis
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Timothy P. Tolentino; Periasamy Selvaraj; Cheng Zhu.
Membrane rafts are highly dynamic heterogeneous sterol- and sphingolipid-rich micro-domains on cell surfaces. They are
generally believed to provide residency for cell surface molecules (e.g., adhesion and signaling molecules) and scaffolding to
facilitate the functions of these molecules such as membrane trafficking, receptor transport, cell signaling, and
The governing, or overall hypothesis, for this project is that membrane rafts provide residency
for Fc[gamma]RIIA (CD32A) on K562 cells, and that by doing so they provide a platform from which Fc[gamma]RIIA initiate or
carry out their functions, which include migration, signaling, phagocytic synapse formation, and internalization of IgG
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
A new multicompartmental reaction-diffusion modeling method links transient membrane
attachment of E. coli MinE to E-ring formation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Satya N. V. Arjunan; Masaru Tomita.
Many important cellular processes are regulated by reaction-diffusion (RD) of molecules that takes place both in the cytoplasm
and on the membrane. To model and analyze such multicompartmental processes, we developed a lattice-based Monte Carlo
method, Spatiocyte that supports RD in volume and surface compartments at single molecule resolution. Stochasticity in RD and
the excluded volume effect brought by intracellular molecular crowding, both of which can significantly affect RD and thus,
cellular processes, are also supported. We verified the method by comparing simulation results of diffusion, irreversible and
reversible reactions with the predicted analytical and best available numerical solutions. Moreover, to directly compare the
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Microbiology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2009
Sparse bayesian step-filtering for high-throughput analysis of molecular machine dynamics
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Max A. Little; Nick S. Jones.
Nature has evolved many molecular machines such as kinesin, myosin, and the rotary flagellar motor powered by an ion current
from the mitochondria. Direct observation of the step-like motion of these machines with time series from novel experimental
assays has recently become possible. These time series are corrupted by molecular and experimental noise that requires removal,
but classical signal processing is of limited use for recovering such step-like dynamics. This paper reports simple, novel Bayesian
filters that are robust to step-like dynamics in noise, and introduce an L1-regularized, global filter whose sparse solution can be
rapidly obtained by standard convex optimization methods. We show these techniques outperforming classical filters on...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2010
p53 independent epigenetic-differentiation treatment in xenotransplant models of acute myeloid
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yogen Saunthararajah; Quteba Ebrahem; Soledad Negrotto; Reda Mahfouz; Kevin Link; Zhenbo Hu; Xiaorong Gu;
Anjali Advani; Matt Kalaycio; Ronald Sobecks; Mikkael Sekeres; Edward Copelan; Tomas Radivoyevitch; Jaroslaw
Maciejewski; James C. Mulloy, PhD; Kwok-Peng Ng.
Suppression of apoptosis by TP53 mutation contributes to resistance of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) to conventional cytotoxic
treatment. Using differentiation to induce irreversible cell cycle exit in AML cells could be a p53-independent treatment
alternative, however, this possibility requires evaluation. In vitro and in vivo regimens of the cytosine analogue decitabine that
deplete the chromatin modifying enzyme DNA methyl-transferase 1 (DNMT1) without phosphorylating p53 or inducing early
apoptosis were determined. These decitabine regimens but not equimolar DNA-damaging cytarabine up regulated the key late
differentiation factors CEBPε and p27/CDKN1B, induced cellular differentiation, and terminated AML cell-cycle,
even in...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Proapoptotic Bid Association with Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 Complex is Indispensable for Checkpoint
Activation after DNA Damage
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Van B. T. Ta; Karel Bezstarosti; Jeroen A. A. Demmers; Timurs Maculins; Karlyn Schellekens; Dik C. C. van Gent;
Stephan P. Persengiev.
The proapoptotic protein Bid is phosphorylated by ATM after double strand breaks (DSBs) induction and induces S-phase arrest
by a mechanism that remains to be elucidated. Here we show that in mammalian cells, Bid is associated with Mre11, a subunit of
the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) complex. We demonstrate that Bid activation is abrogated in Mre11 and Nbs1 deficient primary
mouse fibroblasts and cells from patients with ataxia talangiectasia-like disorder. Bid depletion by RNA interference inhibited the
S-phase checkpoint activation and G2/M arrest after genotoxic insult, but had no effect on MRN complex formation. Our results
explain the mechanism of Bid phosphorylation by ATM in response to DNA damage and suggest that Bid functions as a link
between the MRN...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Molecular mechanisms of the regulation of ATPase cycle in striated muscle
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yuri S. Borovikov; Olga E. Karpicheva; Charles S. Redwood.
New data on the molecular mechanism of the regulation of ATPase cycle by troponin-tropomyosin system have been obtained in
reconstructed muscle fibers by using the polarized fluorescence technique, which allowed us following the azimuthal movements
of tropomyosin, actin subdomain-1 and myosin SH1 helix motor domain during the sequential steps of ATPase cycle. We found
that tropomyosin strands "rolling" on thin filament surface from periphery to center at ATPase cycle
increases the amplitudes of multistep changes in special arrangement of SH1 helix and subdomain-1 at force generation states.
These changes seem to convey to actin monomers and to myosin "lever arm", resulting in enhance of the
effectiveness of each...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Aspectos biológicos de Cyclocephala verticalis burmeister (coleoptera: scarabaeidae)
Provedor de dados: 82
Autores: Rodrigues,Sérgio R; Nogueira,Gerson A L; Echeverria,Rodrigo R; Oliveira,Vilma S.
Several coleopterans of the Scarabaeidae family (Pleurosticti) are reported as important pests of agricultural crops, but little
information on their biology is available. We describe our observations on the biology of adult Cyclocephala verticalis Burmeister
collected with light traps from January, 2006 to December, 2007, in Aquidauana, MS, Brasil. Field collected adults were taken to
the laboratory and kept in plastic containers containing soil and seedlings of Brachiaria decumbens under controlled conditions
(26 ± 1ºC with 12h of photophase). The embrionary period of C. verticalis took 17.2 days in the average. The duration of first-,
second- and third-instar larvae was 22.0, 23.7 and 138.1 days in the average, respectively. The prepupal stage took 12.7...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Coleopteran; Biology; Dynastinae; Pleurosticti.
Ano: 2010
Life cycle of Retracrus johnstoni Keifer (Acari: Phytoptidae)
Provedor de dados: 82
Autores: Gondim Jr.,Manoel G.C.; Moraes,Gilberto J. de.
Eriophyoid mites are commonly associated to palm trees, although few of them have been reported causing economic damage to
those plants. One exception is Retracrus johnstoni Keifer, a pest of Bactris gasipaes Kunth, plant used for palm heart production.
R. jonhstoni is frequently found in large numbers on Arecaceae in southeast Brazil. The biology of this mite was studied under
laboratory condition. Sections of leaves of the palm tree Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman, with ca. 15 leaflets, were kept
alive by maintaining their bases in distilled water. Ca. 20 field collected adults of R. johnstoni were transferred onto each leaflet
for oviposition. After 24h, mites were removed, leaving only one egg laid. Once a day, the eggs and the subsequent stages...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Biology; Eriophyoidea; Arecaceae.
Ano: 2003
Development, longevity, gonotrophic cycle and oviposition of Aedes albopictus Skuse (Diptera:
Culicidae) under cyclic temperatures
Provedor de dados: 82
Autores: Löwenberg Neto,Peter; Navarro-Silva,Mário A.
The effects of cyclic temperatures on Aedes albopictus Skuse development, longevity, gonotrophic cycle and the number of
oviposited eggs were assessed by means of laboratory experiments. The experiments were carried out with mosquitoes from
Registro, São Paulo, Brazil, kept in insectary for two years. The development of the insect was followed from egg to adult
emergence under 25/18ºC and 27/20ºC and adult stage under 27/20ºC, both associated with LD 12:12h. The eggs received two
treatments: (A) maintenance of water volume; (B) periodical and complete change of water. Blood meal was offered daily and it
was interrupted after haematophagy and restarted after first oviposition. The immature development was significantly different
under the temperature...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Insecta; Biology; Vector; Mosquito.
Ano: 2004
Argyrotaenia sphaleropa (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in citrus in the State of Paraná, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 82
Autores: Meneguim,Ana M.; Hohmann,Celso L.
Argyrotaenia sphaleropa (Meyrick) is associated with various fruit species in South America. This tortricid was first detected in
citrus, Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, in Brazil, in commercial groves in northern Paraná, during the 1994/95-crop season. The aim
of this work was to study the biology of this lepidopteran under laboratory conditions (28 ± 2ºC, 70 ±
10% UR, 14h photofase) using the citrus cultivar Pêra. Larvae obtained from egg masses collected in a commercial citrus grove in
Rolândia, PR, were individually placed on citrus terminal leaves inside glass shell vials (8.5 x 2.5 cm) until adulthood. A male and
a female moth were then transferred to acrylic cages (13 x 10 cm) containing inside a bouquet made with new citrus flush...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Occurrence; Biology; Citrus sinensis.
Ano: 2007
Comparative study of the nesting behaviour of Tachysphex inconspicuus (Kirby) (Hymenoptera:
Crabronidae) in two locations in southeast Brazil
Provedor de dados: 82
Autores: Buys,Sandor C.
The nesting behaviour of the solitary wasp Tachysphex inconspicuus (Kirby) was comparatively studied based on observations
made in two environmentally distinct locations in southeast Brazil: upper portions of two sandy beaches and a dirt road in a
forested area. Motor patterns related to nest construction were similar in all observed wasps, but some behavioural features, which
were different among the observed wasps in the two environments, seem to be constrained by ecological factors. T. inconspicuus
can be behaviourally differentiated from several other species of the genus by the following combination of features: they close
the nest temporarily during its provision, do not let the excavated sand to form into a mound in front of the nest entrance,...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Amobia; Biology; Ethology; Parasitoid.
Ano: 2007
Biologie, abondance et cartographie de deux espèces de bivalves : l’huitre perlière <Pinctada
radiata> et la coque glauque <Cerastoderma glaucum> dans le golfe de Gabes
Provedor de dados: 20
Autores: Derbali, Abdelkarim.
The pearl oyster Pinctada radiata and the cockle Cerastoderma glaucum are among the most abundant bivalve molluscs in
southern Tunisian waters. These species are not currently subject to any investigation despite their important economic value in
the world. For this reason, their biological parameters, their spatial distribution and their stock assessment were undertaken in the
Gulf of Gabes. The reproductive cycle was studied in relation to variations of the environment parameters. The specimens were
collected monthly during one year (2007) in sites of El Kraten and El Jorf (Kerkennah Islands) for the first species and sites of
Sidi Mansour and El Hicha (North of Sfax and Gabes) for the second. An intraspecific polymorphism biometric trait for P.
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations
Palavras-chave: Abundance; Biology; Shellfish.
Ano: 2011
Marine biological research in Mozambique: past, present and future
Provedor de dados: 20
Autores: Paula, J.; Paula e Silva, R.; Hernroth, L.; Guissamulo, A.T.; Bandeira, S.O.; Gove, D.Z.; Macia, A.
This synopsis describes the development of marine biological research, including fisheries, in Mozambique. With around 3000 km
of coastline, the living resources of the sea playa major role in the Mozambican society, mainly as a source of protein and income
for the population, and of foreign revenue through exports. In the first years, after independence, in 1975, research activities in
marine sciences were limited and mainly concentrated to fisheries through cooperation with Norway and the Soviet Union. A new
era for biology started in 1985 when the Faculty of Biology at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane was re-opened. A 5yr curriculum
towards a licentiate degree was introduced with a strong marine profile. Since the 1990s, a very dynamic de-velopment in...
Tipo: Journal Contribution
Palavras-chave: Marine biology; Fisheries.
Ano: 2002
Review of Fisheries Biology of Scomberomorus and Acanthocybium Species in the Western Indian
Ocean (FAO Area 51)
Provedor de dados: 20
Autores: Siddeek, M. S. M.
The seerfish group (Scomberomorus and Acanthocybium species) contributes less than 2% to the total landings from the western
Indian Ocean (FAO Area 51, Fig. 1) (FAO 1994). Although its contribution is minor in quantity when compared with the landings
of other major fish groups, it is considered as the prime fish in almost all the countries bordering this area. Seerfish fetch a higher
price per kilogram than any other marine fin-fish landed in these countries. It is also a valuable export product in some of these
countries (e.g., Oman). The high demand appears to have triggered over-exploitation of some stocks living in this region.
Therefore, research studies are needed to assess these stocks to formulate appropriate management and development plans....
Tipo: Working Paper
Palavras-chave: Fisheries biology; Fish species.
Ano: 1995
National Report: The Marine Biodiversity of Mauritius
Provedor de dados: 20
Autores: Bhikajee, M.
The coastline of the island of Mauritius is 322 km long and is almost completely surrounded by fringing coral reefs enclosing a
lagoon area totaling 243 km. The volcanic nature of the island's origin, the existence of coral reefs and the access to the lagoons of
more than 50 rivers and rivulets, determine the diversity of the coastal habitats, flora and fauna. The island has several sandy
beaches, protected bays and calm lagoons - factors that have favoured a prosperous tourism industry. Economically, the coastal
zone is by far the most valuable segment of the Mauritian territory. Located here are the tourist facilities, secondary residences,
ports, fisheries infrastructure and public beaches. Figure 3 gives the changes in coastal land distribution from...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: Marine biology; Biodiversity.
Ano: 2004
Estado actual de las carpas chinas en la acuicultura cubana.
Provedor de dados: 20
Autores: Damas Pérez, T.; Millares Dorado, N.
La acuicultura cubana, tiene como objetivo principal la alimentación de la población y contar con reservas vivas de alimento.
Las carpas chinas se introdujeron al país en las décadas del 60-70 del siglo pasado como respuesta a la necesidad de desarrollar
el cultivo de peces. Hoy estas carpas constituyen el mayor volumen de materia prima en el procesamiento industrial de
productos pesqueros destinados a la población. El estado actual de la producción acuícola cubana
se basa fundamentalmente
en el cultivo de las carpas chinas en sistema extensivo; en el año 2012 se produjo 23 108 990 t, el 61.71 % del total lo aportaron
estas, el 27.31% las clarias y el 8.62 % por las tilapias. Las adecuaciones a la transferencia tecnológica de las carpas chinas...
Tipo: Preprint
Palavras-chave: Cultures; Reproduction (biology).
Ano: 2013
Diversity and density of springtails (Collembola) in grass-clover ley in North-west Norway
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pommeresche , Reidun; Løes, Anne-Kristin.
The diversity and density of springtails (Collembola) were studied in an organically managed grass-clover ley at Tingvoll
experimental farm in NW Norway during 2011–2012. In total after one sampling in 2011 and 3 samplings in 2012, 42 species
were identified. Our results included a new species for the Norwegian fauna, Onychiurus edinensis (Bagnall, 1935) and one
species very unusual to agricultural soils, Oligaphorura ursi (Fjellberg, 1984). The most abundant species was Parisotoma
notabilis (Schäffer, 1896), followed by three species of Mesaphorura Börner, 1901, two species of Protaphorura Absolon, 1901
and Isotomurus graminis Fjellberg, 2007. A high number of P. notabilis has also been found in pastures in Iceland (Gudleifsson
& Bjarnadottir 2008),...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil.
Ano: 2014
Eiweißstoffwechsel und Bodenfruchtbarkeit
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Scheller, Edwin.
Die Lebensprozesse im Boden werden in hohem Maße durch den Eiweißstoffwechsel getragen. Je ausgewogener und besser der
Eiweißstoffwechsel, desto besser sind auch die Parameter der Bodenfruchtbarkeit. Zudem scheint es einen Zusammenhang
zwischen der durch die Kupferchloridkristallisation erfassbaren Produktqualität und dem Eiweißstoffwechsel im Boden zu geben.
(aus: Bioland 1/2002)
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover; Soil biology.
Ano: 2002
New Approaches to Organic Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) Production in Alkaline Field
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Schmid, Andi; Suter, Francisco; Weibel, Franco; Daniel, Claudia.
Production of Vaccinium corymbosum L. is limited to acidic soils with high organic matter content. This specific soil requirement
is limiting the possibilities to cultivate V. corymbosum L. in many regions of Central Europe. The aim of this study was to
overcome the limiting production factors occurring under the soil and climate conditions of Switzerland: (1) evaluation of natural
growing substrates without peat as required for organic production; (2) adjustment of the optimal pH in the growing substrate; (3)
regulation of water issues (water quality and mulching) and (4) development of a suited planting system.
Pine sawdust was
evaluated to be the best alternative growing substrate compared to peat moss. Optimal pH adjustment in pine sawdust substrate...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Fruit and berries.
Ano: 2009
Plant-probiotic microorganisms for a sustainable buffer of input reduction in organic and low-input
tomato production systems
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Baruffa, Miss Elisa; Picard, PhD Christine; Sabbioni, Mister Fabio; Petrozza, PhD Angelo; Giovannetti, PhD Giusto;
Bosco, Prof Marco.
A consortium of plant-probiotic microorganisms is under investigation in open field conditions, at the ICEA-certified Organic
Farm “La Carioncella”, for its ability to ensure durable soil fertility while buffering nutritional inputs reduction. The primary
objective of our QLIF-WP333 three-years-long project is to produce scientific data to help farmers in managing soil probiotics, as
a way to reduce inputs, production costs, while keeping quality and sustainability of organic and low-input tomato production
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil; Soil biology.
Ano: 2008
Microbiota do solo em vinhedos agroecológico e convencional e sob vegetação nativa em Caxias do
Sul, RS.
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Rech, Morgana; Pansera, Márcia Regina; Sartori, Valdirene Camatti; Ribeiro, Rute Terezinha da Silva.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o impacto de diferentes formas de manejo agrícola na produção de videiras sobre a
microbiota do solo. Foram feitas duas coletas de solo em um vinhedo sob manejo agroecológico, um vinhedo sob manejo
convencional e em área de mata nativa em Caxias do Sul, RS. A partir da diluição do solo e plaqueamento em meios de cultura,
quantificou-se a população microbiana e foram identificados os gêneros de fungos filamentosos. O solo sob vegetação nativa
apresentou maior densidade de fungos filamentosos e menor densidade bacteriana quando comparado aos vinhedos. O solo do
vinhedo sob manejo agroecológico apresentou maior densidade bacteriana e de fungos filamentosos quando comparado ao manejo
convencional, indicando que áreas sob...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Soil biology.
Ano: 2013
Ekologisk jordbruks- och trädgårdsproduktion, Formasprogrammet 2001-2004 - markvetenskap
Provedor de dados: 21
Regeringen gav våren 2001 Forskningsrådet för miljö, areella näringar och samhällsbyggande (Formas) 69 miljoner kronor för ett
treårigt forskningsprogram om ekologisk jordbruks- och trädgårdsproduktion. Pengarna delades ut till 23 projekt inom
insatsområdet ekologisk produktion.
Tipo: Research Programme description
Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover; Soil biology.
Ano: 2016
Auswirkungen mehrjähriger ökologischer Bewirtschaftung auf ausgewählte Bodeneigenschaften
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Kahle, Dr. Petra; Baum, Dr. Christel; Borchwardt, Monika.
The effects of ecological vs. conventional farming on several biological, chemical and physical soil properties were investigated at
the arable test site Gülzow (Northeast Germany). After ten years of ecological farming increased activities of dehydrogenase,
β-glucosidase and alkaline phosphatase in the soil were measured. Low effects on the chemical soil properties like content of
Corg, Nt and soil organic matter and no signifi-cant effects on physical soil properties like density, porosity and water retention
were observed.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil quality.
Ano: 2005
Dezente Helfer im Untergrund - Bodenlebewesen reduzieren Nährstoffauswaschung im Ackerbau
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Denzler, Lukas.
Weniger Bodenbearbeitung im Ackerbau schont die Böden und fördert die Bodenlebewesen. Das zahlt sich offenbar aus
ökonomisch wie ökologisch.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil tillage.
Ano: 2015
Efeito da Gliricidia sepium sobre nutrientes do solo, microclima e produtividade do milho em sistema
agroflorestal no Agreste Paraibano.
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Marin, Aldrin Martin Pérez; Menezes, Rômulo Simões César; Silva, Emanuel Dias; Sampaio, Everardo Valadares de Sá
Gliricidia sepium é uma leguminosa arbórea que tem sido utilizada em sistemas em aléias no semi-árido nordestino por apresentar
bom desenvolvimento em condições de estresse hídrico. Entretanto, há pouca informação disponível sobre o efeito da introdução
dessa espécie nos agroecossistemas da região. No presente estudo, objetivou-se avaliar a influência da distância de plantas de
Gliricidia sepium sobre características da cultura do milho e do solo e microclima no Agreste Paraibano. O estudo foi realizado no
município de Esperança (PB), em área de 0,5 ha, onde, em 1996, foram plantadas fileiras de G. sepium espaçadas 6 m entre si e
com 1 m entre as árvores. Nesta área, em 2002, foram delimitadas quatro parcelas de 6 x 8 m e, em cada parcela, foi
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil.
Ano: 2006
Amino acid and soil organic matter content of topsoil in a long term trial with farmyard manure and
mineral fertilizers
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Scheller, Edwin; Raupp, Joachim.
Commencing in 1980, a long-term experiment is carried out to compare mineral fertilizers (MIN), composted manure (CM) and
composted manure with application of biodynamic preparations (CMBD) at three different fertilizer application rates. With
mineral fertilizer the lowest contents of 0.80% C and 0.069% N, with manure 0.90% C and 0.080% N, and with manure and
biodynamic preparations 1.08% C and 0.094% N were achieved in the topsoil. 42.9 to 53.7% of Nt was bound in 18 protein amino
acids including asparagine and glutamine. Amino acid contents in the hydrolysates of the topsoil were significantly different
according to fertilizer type: MIN < CM < CMBD. The higher contents in manure fertilized plots were observed even at the
lowest rate of fertilizer...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Composting and manuring.
Ano: 2005
Soil biota in grassland, its ecosystem services and the impact of management
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: van Eekeren, N.; Murray, P.J.; Smeding, F.W.
In the search for sustainable grassland systems, self-regulating processes in the soil become increasingly important. Soil biota play
an important role in these processes and in the provision of various ecosystem services. For grassland systems important
ecosystem services are supply of nutrients, soil structure maintenance and water retention. For developing and optimising
sustainable grassland systems, insight is needed into the mechanisms by which soil biota are influenced by management and what
it means for the functioning of the soil-plant system. Interactions between soil and plants can be represented by a cyclic
conceptual framework including plant/roots, soil biota and soil properties. The challenge for sustainable grassland is to allow this
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover; Soil biology.
Ano: 2007
Reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung im Ökologischen Landbau: Einfluss auf Leistung und Struktur der
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Emmerling, C.; Gattinger, A.; Embacher, A.
Problemstellung/Ziele: Im Projekt ‚Ökologische Bodenbewirtschaftung’ (PÖB) der Stiftung Ökologie und Landbau, Bad
Dürckheim, wird seit 1995 am Standort Rommersheim, Rheinhessen, eine differenzierte Grundbodenbearbeitung mit den
Varianten Pflug (P), Zweischichtenpflug (LP) und Schichtengrubber (LC) durchgeführt. Ziel der Untersuchungen war es,
vertiefende Einsichten in die Reaktion der mikrobiellen Biomasse auf die differenzierte Bodenbearbeitung unter den besonderen
Bedingungen des Ökologischen Landbaus zu erhalten.
Hypothesen: Eine reduzierte (LP) und konservierende (LC)
Bodenbearbeitung führt im Vergleich zum Pflug (P) zu einer Anreicherung und Sequestrierung sowie einer qualitativen
Modifikation von organischer Bodensubstanz und mikrobieller...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil tillage.
Ano: 2003
Video: Der DOK-Versuch - Eine Internationale Forschungsplattform
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Alföldi, Thomas.
Agroscope und FiBL starteten 1978 den DOK-Versuch bei Therwil BL. Die drei Buchstaben D, O und K stehen für die drei
Anbausysteme, die hier verglichen werden: D für das biologisch-dynamische, O für das biologisch-organische und K für
Jedes Jahr wird ein Feldtag durchgeführt, um über die neuesten Projekte und Versuche zu informieren. Die
zahlreichen Projekte des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms 68 “Ressource Boden“ (NFP 68) unterstreichen, wie aktuell der
DOK-Versuch heute immer noch ist.
Eines von 16 Projekten, die derzeit im DOK-Versuch laufen, untersucht die
Auswirkungen der Bewirtschaftung auf die Bodenmikroorganismen, die Lachgas auf- oder abbauen. Es konnte gezeigt werden,
dass Bio bezogen auf die Flächeneinheit weniger Lachgas...
Tipo: Video
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Environmental aspects.
Ano: 2015
Einfluss von Pestiziden auf die Bodenfruchtbarkeit
Provedor de dados: 21
Stand der Forschung:
In diesem Projekt werden die kurz- und langfristigen Auswirkungen von praxisüblichen
Pflanzenschutzmittelspritzfolgen, die in der integrierten Produktion (IP) gebräuchlich sind, auf die Bodenlebewesen gemessen.
Dazu werden in einem Feld, das zuvor langfristig biologisch bewirtschaftet wurde, chemische Pflanzenschutzmittel in einer
Fruchtfolge angewendet. Des weiteren werden auf einem anderen Betrieb die Auswirkungen einer Umstellung von IP auf
biologischen Landbau (Bio) auf ausgewählte Parameter der Bodenfruchtbarkeit erfasst. Auf diesem Betrieb werden vier Schläge
in vierfacher Wiederholung (10 x 10 m Teilflächen) alle drei Jahre nach Referenzmethoden beprobt und analysiert. Die
Ergebnisse von vorangestellten Modellversuchen in...
Tipo: Project description
Palavras-chave: Environmental aspects; Soil biology.
Ano: 2016
Wie sich reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung auswirkt
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Emmerling, Christoph; Hampl, Ulrich.
Im seit 1994 laufenden Projekt Ökologische Bodenbewirtschaftung zeigt sich, dass die Bodenbelebung und -stabilisierung mit
intensiver Durchwurzelung im ökologischen Ackerbau relativ schnell verbessert werden kann. Allerdings sind bei konsequent
nichtwendender Bearbeitung keine Höchsterträge zu erzielen.
- Nichtwendend – niedrigere Erträge
- Bodenchemie – keine großen Veränderungen
- Mehr und aktivere Bodenmikroben
Schlussfolgerungen für die Praxis
Abschnitte: - Pflug ja oder nein? - Standörtliche Variabilität
- Reduzierte Bearbeitung – höhere
- Bodenschonende Bearbeitung – mehr Regenwürmer
Tabellen und Abbildungen: Abb. 1: Im PÖB verwendete Grundbodenbearbeitungssysteme
Abb. 2: Hektarerträge von Gerste und Winterweizen,...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil tillage.
Ano: 2002
Crop yield and soil fertility response to reduced tillage under organic management
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Berner, Alfred; Hildermann, Isabell; Fliessbach, Andreas; Pfiffner, Lukas; Niggli, Urs; Mäder, Paul.
Conservation tillage (no-till and reduced tillage) brings many benefits with respect to soil fertility and energy use, but it also has
drawbacks regarding the need for synthetic fertilizers and herbicides. Our objective was to adapt reduced tillage to organic
farming by quantifying effects of tillage (plough versus chisel), fertilization (slurry versus manure compost) and biodynamic
preparations (with versus without) on soil fertility indicators and crop yield. The experiment was initiated in 2002 on a Stagnic
Eutric Cambisol (45% clay content) near Frick (Switzerland) where the average annual precipitation is 1000 mm. This report
focuses on the conversion period and examines changes as tillage intensity was reduced. Soil samples were taken from the 0-10...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology.
Ano: 2008
Einfluss von biologischer und konventioneller Bewirtschaftung auf biologische
Bodenqualitätsparameter: Entwicklungen im DOK Langzeitversuch nach pH-Regulierung
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Oberholzer, Hans-Rudolf; Fließbach, Andreas; Mäder, Paul; Mayer, Jochen.
In the long-term DOK field trial at Therwil, Switzerland, agricultural farming systems are compared since 1978: CONFYM
(mineral and organic fertilisers, synthetic pesticides), BIOORG (organic fertilisers, mechanical weeding and biological disease
and pest control) and BIODYN (with composted manure and bio-dynamic preparations), all of them at two fertiliser intensities
of 0.7 and 1.4 livestock units per ha, respectively. They are compared with CONMIN (conventionally managed, exclusively
minerally fertilised) and NOFERT (unfertilised control). CONFYM and CONMIN were limed with 2.7 t CaCO3 ha-1 in 1999,
CONMIN with additional 2 t CaCO3 ha-1 in 2005, since pH values had dropped below officially recommended values. In
spring of 1998 and 2006 soil...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil quality.
Ano: 2009
Soil microbial community and microbial residues respond positively to minimum tillage under
organic farming in Southern Germany
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Sun, Hanyin; Koal, Philipp; Liu, Dong; Gerl, Georg; Schroll, Reiner; Gattinger, Andreas; Joergensen, Rainer Georg;
Munch, Jean Charles.
In a field trial comprising organic farming and minimum tillage management strategies in Scheyern, Germany, we evaluated the
long-term (21-year) effects of organic farming (use of a diverse crop rotation with legume cover crop and without application of
synthetic fertilizer or pesticides) and minimum tillage (6–8 cm depth) on the microbial community structure and microbial
residues in Cambisols. Organic farming had a positive effect on microbial biomass, total phospho-lipid fatty acids (PLFA), Gram
(+) bacteria, Gram (-) bacteria and the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) indicator PLFA 16:1v5 and amino sugars. The
increase in presence of Gram (+) bacteria when compared to integrated farming was also reflected by increased content of
bacterial muramic acid...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Crop husbandry.
Ano: 2016
Propriedades do solo e propensão à desertificação na Microbacia do Riacho do Tronco, Boa Vista, PB.
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Melo, Josandra Araújo Barreto de; Pereira, Ronildo Alcântara; Dantas Neto, José; Lima, Eduardo Rodrigues Viana de.
A ocupação do solo quando ocorre de forma desordenada é responsável pela aceleração do processo de desertificação, cujas
causas originam dos desmatamentos e queimadas até as formas de uso e manejo do solo que, quando mal conduzidas, afetam as
suas propriedades físicas e químicas. Mediante o exposto, analisou-se alguns parâmetros físicos e químicos dos solos da
microbacia do Riacho do Tronco, visando identificar suas propensões à desertificação. Pela caracterização física realizada,
pode-se afirmar que existe potencial dos solos amostrados para desencadear e acelerar o processo de desertificação. As amostras
analisadas podem ser classificadas em um grupo maior, formado por solos que possuem pouca coesão em virtude da pequena
quantidade de partículas...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil.
Ano: 2010
Biological profitability of maize inoculation with selected rhizosphere micro organisms (Pseudomonas
fluorescens and Glomus intraradices) under Water Deficit Stress
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Aghaalikhani, Dr. Majid; Ehteshami, Dr. Seyyed Mohammad Reza.
This research focused on evaluating the usefulness of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Glomus intraradices) and a plant
growth-promoting rhizobacterium (Pseudomonas fluorescens) to maize growth under water deficit stress. Field experiment was
conducted at Soil and water research institute, Karaj Station, Iran, during 2006 growing season. Biological positive effects of the
micro organisms on plant growth, nutrient uptake, grain yield and yield components in maize plants was recorded in the
treatment receiving mixed inoculums of G. intraradices
and P. fluorescens.
Maize shoot
P content, grain yield, yield
components, harvest index, grain N and P, soil available P, root colonization percentage and water use efficiency increased
significantly with the G....
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Irrigation and drainage.
Ano: 2008
Biological soil quality as a factor of efficient resource utilization in organic farming systems
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Fliessbach, A.; Mäder, P.
In 1978 the DOK long-term field experiment was installed at Therwil close to Basel comparing the farming systems
„bio-Dynamic“, „bio-Organic“ and „(K)conventional“. In the first years of the trial, crop yield and feasibility of organic farming
were investigated. Soils were analysed with respect to long-term effects on fertility and were evaluated in the view of farming
effects on the environment. Today the interrelation of diversity and efficiency and the quality of organic products is the research
focus. Long-term trials like the DOK-trial offer unique opportunities for this kind of research. The DOK-trial compares the three
systems mentioned above on the basis of the same intensity of organic fertilization (i.e. the same number of animals per area),
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil quality.
Ano: 2005
Strukturelle und funktionelle Charakterisierung von mikrobiellen Gemeinschaften in ökologisch und
konventionell bewirtschafteten Ackerböden
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Esperschütz, Jürgen; Gattinger, Andreas; Schloter, Michael; Fließbach, Andreas.
Strukturelle und funktionelle Charakterisierung von mikrobiellen Gemeinschaften in ökologisch und konventionell
bewirtschafteten Ackerböden.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil quality.
Ano: 2005
Mineralization and microbial assimilation of 14C-labeled straw in soils of organic and conventional
agricultural systems
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Fliessbach, Andreas; Mäder, Paul; Niggli, Urs.
An incubation experiment on straw decomposition was carried out with soils from a long-term field trial at Therwil, Switzerland.
Two conventional agricultural systems, one with (CONFYM) and one without manure, an organic system managed according to
bio-dynamic farming practice (BIODYN) and an unfertilized control were compared. CONFYM received stacked manure and an
additional mineral fertilizer. BIODYN received composted farmyard manure and no mineral fertilizers. Both systems received the
same amount of manure based on 1.4 livestock units haˇ1. The aim of the investigation was to explain the large differences in soil
microbial biomass and activity between the systems, especially between the manured soils. Di€erences in microbial C-utilization
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Production systems; Soil biology.
Ano: 2000
Effects of ploughing depth on decomposition of barley straw in organically managed soil
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pommeresche, Reidun; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Meisingset, Erling L.; Hansen, Sissel.
Litterbag were used to study the effects of different ploughing depths on decomposition rate of barley straw with different
ploughing depths. The burying depth of the litter (13 vs 25 cm) affected the decomposition rate of barely straw more than the
different ploughing depths (13 vs 25 cm). From our results we suggest that slowly decomposable organic matter, such as leached
barley straw, may be incorporated deeply by ploughing in organic cereal production systems, in order to regulate perennial weeds.
In soils with good structure and porosity, the decomposition rate of straw can even be larger with deep ploughing. In dense, clayey
soils it is important to be very accurate in ploughing time in order to secure that the ploughing is in fact loosening the...
Tipo: Web product
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil tillage.
Ano: 2006
Meitemark og jordforbedring
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pommeresche, Reidun; Hansen, Sissel; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Sveistrup, Tore E.
This leaflet presents knowledge about earthworms and their impact on soil structure, based on research projects conducted in
Norway. Target group : Farmers and gardeners.
Tipo: Teaching resource
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology.
Ano: 2007
Et yrende liv rundt planterøttene
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pommeresche, Reidun.
Rhizosfæren er sonen med jord og jordliv nærmest rundt en planterot. Det er sonen der biologien og kjemien i jorda er påvirket av
rota og omvendt. Vi kaller den også for rotsonen. Denne sonen er omtrent 1 mm tykk, men har ingen klar grense. Det er et område
med intens biologisk og kjemisk aktivitet som er påvirket av stoffer skilt ut av rota og av mikroorganismer som lever av disse
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil.
Ano: 2011
Der Zusammenhang von Aminosäurenstoffwechsel im Boden und Humusniveau im Darmstädter
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Scheller, Dr Edwin; Raupp, Dr Joachim.
Since 1980 a long-term experiment has been carried out to compare mineral fertilizers (MIN), composted manure (RM) and
composted manure with application of biodynamic preparations (RMBD) at three different fertilizer application rates. The total C
and N contents in the topsoil were significantly different between all three fertilizer types. 42.9 to 53.7 % of Nt was bound in 18
total hydrolysable protein amino acids (THAA) including asparagine and glutamine. Amino acid contents in the hydrolysates of
the topsoil were significantly different according to fertilizer type: MIN < RM < RMBD. The higher contents in manure
fertilized plots were observed even at the lowest rate of fertilizer application. This indicates that differences between the
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Composting and manuring.
Ano: 2005
Reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung weiterentwickeln
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Mäder, Paul; Fliessbach, Andreas; Willer, Helga; Krauss, Maike.
Gewendeter, ungeschützter Boden ist erosionsanfällig. Weltweit ging so schon ein Drittel aller Ackerflächen verloren. Eine
reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung wirkt dem entgegen. Es entsteht ein reicheres Bodenleben und bei zusätzlicher Gründüngung gibt
es sogar ebenso viel Ertrag wie auf konventionellen Äckern. Das System muss noch verbessert und mehr Biolandwirten
nahegebracht werden.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil tillage.
Ano: 2015
Meitemarkens rolle i omdanning av planterester
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pommeresche, Reidun; Meisingset, Erling L.
Ulike arter meitemark har forskjellig adferd og ulik betydning for omdanning av planterester. Stor meitemark, skogsmeitemark og
kompostmeitemark spiser store mengder planterester og heller lite jord. Grå, rosa og delvis lang meitemark spiser mer omdannede
planterester og større andel jord. Grå, stor, lang og rosa meitemark graver ganger av ulike typer i jorda. Meitemarkens
fordøyelsessystem har krås til å "knuse" og blande jord og planterester. Omdanningen av planterester er også et tett samspill
mellom mark og mikroorgansimer. God smakelighet og passe størrelse på planterestene er positivt for marken. Meitemarken
utnytter ikke selv all næringen som er i planterestene. Ekskrementene er derfor fulle av næring for planterøtter og jordlivet ellers.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover; Soil biology.
Ano: 2005
Sådan får man en god jordstruktur
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Elmholt, S.
En tung og knoldet jord er vanskelig at bearbejde. Det kan medføre et dårligt såbed og dårlig fremspiring. Og da en sådan jord
også har få porer begrænses transporten af vand og ilt til planternes rødder. Herved forringes leveforholdene smådyr og
mikroorganismer og der bliver en dårligere forsyning med næringsstoffer til planterne. For at få et godt såbed skal jorden have en
god struktur – den skal gerne danne krummer (aggregater). De bygges op af jordens grunddele eller 'primærpartikler' ler og sand.
Til at binde primærpartiklerne sammen kræves bindemidler. I danske jorde er biologiske bindemidler de vigtigste. Der findes to
slags. Det ene er klisterstoffer, der dannes af planterødder, bakteri-er og svampe. Det andet er svampetråde (hyfer), der...
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil tillage.
Ano: 2005
University of Newcastle: Laboratory
Provedor de dados: 21
State of the art soil physics, chemistry and biological assessment labs.
Tipo: Research facility description
Palavras-chave: Soil; Soil biology.
Ano: 2016
Bodemgezondheid in de biologische kasteelt Deel 1: definitiestudie
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Cuijpers, Willemijn; Smeding, Frans; van der Burgt, Geert-Jan.
Bodemkwaliteit is een containerbegrip dat biologische, chemische en fysische componenten omvat. Bodemgezondheid is een
nauwer begrip dat beschreven kan worden vanuit een ecosysteem benadering. De begrippen stabiliteit en zelfregulatie, vitaliteit,
ecologische veerkracht, organisatiegraad en biodiversiteit worden ten opzichte van elkaar gepositioneerd. Ziektewerendheid is
een weer nauwere invulling van het begrip bodemkwaliteit en heeft uitsluitend betrekking op het vermogen van gronden om,
ondanks de aanwezigheid van pathogenen, de expressie van de pathogeen in het gewas laag te houden. Negen mechanismen
waarop de ziektewerendheid gebaseerd kan zijn worden beschreven.
Het feitelijk vaststellen (meten) van ziektewerendheid
gebeurt in biotoetsen met...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Greenhouses and coverings.
Ano: 2008
Variability of soil fertility and crop yield on a sandy field site in western Poland under bio-dynamic
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Fließbach, Andreas; Baars, Ton; Huisman, Sebastiaan; Jorgas, Thorsten; Lewandowska-Robak, Maja; Strässer,
Cornelius; Mäder, Paul.
Variability of crop yield and soil quality was analysed before the start of a field experiment on a bio-dynmaic farm in Western
Poland. The field site showed two zones of contrasting soil quality that partly correlated with crop yields. The procedure allowed
to define high and low yielding zones and was suitable to design a balanced comparison trial.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil tillage.
Ano: 2014
Ranking the magnitude of crop and farming system effects on soil microbial biomass and genetic
structure of bacterial communities
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Hartmann, Martin; Fliessbach, Andreas; Oberholzer, Hans-Rudolf; Widmer, Franco.
Biological soil characteristics such as microbial biomass, community structures, activities, and functions may provide important
information on environmental and anthropogenic influences on agricultural soils. Diagnostic tools and detailed statistical
approaches need to be developed for a reliable evaluation of these parameters, in order to allow classification and quantification of
the magnitude of such effects. The DOK long-term agricultural field experiment was initiated in 1978 in Switzerland for the
evaluation of organic and conventional farming practices. It includes three representative Swiss farming systems with biodynamic,
bio-organic and conventional fertilization and plant protection schemes along with minerally fertilized and unfertilized...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil quality.
Ano: 2006
Einfluss der Düngung mit Gärrückständen aus der Biogaserzeugung auf den Ertrag von Silomais und
auf die bodenmikrobielle Aktivität
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Kautz, Timo; Rauber, Rolf.
Organic manuring with slurry from biogas plants may contribute to plant nutrition and maintenance of soil fertility in organic
farming. However, the chemical properties of biogas slurry depend markedly on substrate input and process technology. The aim
of this study was to gain more insights into the relationship between the quality of biogas slurry and its influences on plant and
soil parameters when applied as organic ma-nure. We studied the effects of slurries from two different biogas plants on yield of
maize and soil microbial activity in a two-year field experiment. The investigation took place on a loam-clay soil near Göttingen,
Lower Saxony. Biogas slurry A was obtained from a biogas plant with liquid pig manure as main input, slurry B originated...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Composting and manuring.
Ano: 2007
Composition of hydrolysable amino acids in soil organic matter and soil microbial biomass
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Friedel, Jürgen K.; Scheller, Edwin.
We hydrolysed (6 M HC1) soll organic matter (SOM) from mineral top-soil horizons, litter, and the fraction rendered extractable
by 0.5 M K2SO4 after Chloroform fumigation from eight soils under arable, grassland and forest use. covering a wide ränge of
site conditions. Our aims were to quantify amino acid contents in the hydrolysate derived from whole soil. litter and soil microbial
biomass, respectively. We also wanted to test if the pattern of hydrolysable amino acids of the whole soil is uniform irrespective
of site conditions and land use. and if there i s a relation with the amino acid pattern of the respective soil microbial Community.
The content of hydrolysable amino acids in the whole soil was higher in the soil samples from grassland and forest...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover; Soil biology.
Ano: 2002
Earthworms: Interactions with management; impacting plant growth?
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pommeresche, Reidun; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Hansen, Sissel; Riley, Hugh.
This paper reviews several studies of earthworms in agricultural soil in Norway. Crops and management significantly influence
the earthworm fauna.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology.
Ano: 2012
Fungal population and diversity in organically amended agricultural soils of Meghalaya, India
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Swer, H; Dkhar, MS; Kayang, H.
The effect of different organic fertilisers (farm yard manure [FYM]; vermicompost [VC]; plant compost [PC] and integrated
compost [INT], i.e. a combination of FYM, VC and PC in a 1:1:1 ratio) on the population and diversity of soil fungi was
investigated in a maize-French bean trial. Fungal populations were much higher in organically fertilised plots as compared to the
control (CTRL) and showed a decreasing trend in the order FYM>PC>INT>VC>CTRL. Altogether, 122 fungal
species and two sterile mycelia were isolated from all the plots of which 25 fungal genera belonged to Deuteromycotina, seven to
Ascomycotina, four to Zygomycotina and one to Mastigomycotina. The most common genera isolated from all the plots include
Penicillium, Aspergillus,...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Composting and manuring.
Ano: 2011
Organische Substanz in ökologisch bewirtschafteten Böden,Quantität, Qualität und ihr Einfluss auf
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Schmidt, Harald; Schüler, Christian; Jörgensen, Rainer Georg.
In an on-farm investigation a total of 39 fields of 9 organic managed farms (main crop winter cereals) were sampled in the years
2005 and 2006. Several soil variables were evaluated as well as crop yield, weather data and the field history. Results of statistical
analyses (mean, range, standard deviation, correlation and multiple linear regression) are presented. Comparable to physical and
chemical variables certain fields were also characterised by soil biological variables. Main factors of cereal N-yield were pre crop,
crop rotation, soil type and soil organic matter content (SOM). Soil biological variables had only a low influence. Nitrogen
availability was affected by physical and biological soil factors, the weather and management measures as straw...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Crop husbandry.
Ano: 2007
Modelling soil pore characteristics from measurements of air exchange: the long-term effects of
fertilization and crop rotation
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Schjønning, P.; Munkholm, L.J.; Moldrup, P.; Jakobsen, O.H.
Long-term cultivation of soils for arable crops and without application of organic manure is thought to reduce the soil quality for
crop production. We studied the porosity of two sandy loam soils from organic dairy farms with a ley cropping system and
compared them with a conventionally managed dairy farm growing arable crops only and an arable soil receiving only mineral
fertilizers, respectively. Saturated hydraulic conductivity, water retention characteristics, air diffusivity and air permeability were
determined in the plough layer of the soil.
The soil of one of the organic dairy farms contained many more earthworm burrows
and had a significantly larger hydraulic conductivity than the counterpart soil of the conventionally managed dairy farm. In...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology.
Ano: 2002
Einfluss von Pseudomonas fluorescens auf Ertrag von Weizen und mikrobielle Biomasse des Bodens
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Fließbach, Andreas; Mäder, Paul.
P. fluorescens is used in agriculture and horticulture as a plant growth promoting rhizobacterium. It colonizes root surfaces
effectively and excretes compounds that are influencing plant nutrient uptake and plant health. Soils with different initial
biological fertility were analysed 18 and 60 days after inoculating the freshly sown wheat plants with a suspension of a
rifampicine tolerant strain of P. fluorescens CHA0, in order to evaluate its survival and lasting effect on soil microbial biomass.
P. fluorescens had a lasting effect in soils with low initial biomass, but no lasting effects were found in biologically active soils.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil quality.
Ano: 2009
Earthworm populations under different tillage systems in organic farming
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Peigné, Joséphine; Cannavaccuiolo, Mario; Gautronneau, Yvan; Aveline, Anne; Giteau, Jean-Luc; Cluzeau, Daniel.
To understand how earthworms could improve soil porosity in no-tillage organic farming systems, the aim of our study was to
compare the effect of different tillage systems on earthworm populations, from conventional (traditional mouldboard ploughing,
MP and shallow mouldboard ploughing, SMP) to conservation tillage (reduced tillage, RT, direct drilling or very superficial
tillage, NT) in three organic arable systems in France (sites A–C). In a second stage, the effect of earthworm activity on soil
porosity under the four tillage systems was assessed at sites A and B. Earthworm abundance, biomass and diversity were
measured over a 2–3-year period at the 3 sites. During the same period, soil structure (soil profile description and soil bulk
density) and open...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil tillage.
Ano: 2009
Soil organism in organic and conventional cropping systems.
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Bettiol, Wagner; Ghini, Raquel; Galvão, José Abrahão Haddad; Ligo, Marcos Antônio Vieira; Mineiro, Jeferson Luiz de
Despite the recent interest in organic agriculture, little research has been carried out in this area. Thus, the objective of this study
was to compare, in a dystrophic Ultisol, the effects of organic and conventional agricultures on soil organism populations, for the
tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) and corn (Zea mays) crops. In general, it was found that fungus, bacterium and actinomycet
populations counted by the number of colonies in the media, were similar for the two cropping systems. CO2 evolution during the
cropping season was higher, up to the double for the organic agriculture system as compared to the conventional. The number of
earthworms was about ten times higher in the organic system. There was no difference in the decomposition rate of...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Soil biology.
Ano: 2002
Lichtangebot und Bodentemperatur in Winterroggen unterschiedlicher Bestandesdichte und deren
Konsequenzen für die Stickstoffmineralisation
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Raupp, Dr Joachim.
According to literature reports farmyard manure application caused higher amounts of microbial activity in soils compared to
mineral fertilizers. If lab tests have been carried out (e.g. enzyme activity, microbial biomass) results can be attributed to soil
properties, as experimental conditions have been constant. With plots of a long-term field trial it has been studied whether organic
or mineral fertilization has any effect on soil temperature (depending on different crop density in each treatment) and, by this way,
also on N mineralization. Soil temperature was higher in organically than in minerally fertilized winter rye, but only on sunny
days, not on cloudy ones. Differences have been measured to a soil depth of 15 cm. However, N mineralization did...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover; Soil biology.
Ano: 1999
Relations between Agronomic Practice and Earthworms in Norwegian Arable Soils
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pommeresche, Reidun; Løes, Anne-Kristin.
This paper presents Norwegian studies of earthworms (density, biomass, burrows density, species, juvenile to adult ratios) in
arable soil in Norway conducted during the last 20 years. The effects of crop rotations, fertilization, soil tillage and compaction on
earthworms are presented, based on various field experiments. Geophagous (soil eating) species such as Aporrectodea caliginosa
and A. rosea dominate the earthworm fauna in Norwegian arable soil. Lumbricus terrestris is also present; in our studies even
frequently found in an all-arable crop rotation with annual ploughing. In southern Norway, L. rubellus, and A. longa are
commonly found. Earthworm density, recorded in autumn varied between 30 and 350 individuals m-2 in different studies, with
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil tillage.
Ano: 2009
Bodenuntersuchungen im Biobetrieb
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Mäder, Paul; Koller, Martin; Kranzler, Andreas; Lindenthal, Thomas.
Das Merkblatt bietet einen Überblick über die Methoden zur Ermittlung des Bodenzustandes und ihre jeweilige Eignung. Im
Mittelpunkt des Merkblatts stehen die chemischen Bodenuntersuchungen als ein wertvolles Mittel, um die Nährstoffsituation im
Betrieb und damit die eigene Düngungsstrategie zu überprüfen. Eingegangen wird insbesondere auf die empfohlenen
Analysemethoden, deren Interpretation und das Vorgehen für die Probenahme. Am Schluss sind die Bodenlabors in Österreich
gelistet, welche die Methoden anbieten.
Tipo: Book
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology.
Ano: 2008
Microbial Biomass and Numbers
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Fliessbach, A.; Widmer, F.
With growing concern about the protection of soil quality and biodiversity many countries have established regional and national
programmes to monitor soil quality. This book reviews the theory and practice of a range of the various microbiological methods
used within these programmes. The first section gives an overview of approaches to monitoring, evaluating and managing soil
quality. The second section provides a practical handbook with detailed descriptions of the methods. The methods are described in
chapters on soil microbial biomass and numbers, soil microbial activity, soil microbial diversity and community composition, and
plant-microbe interactions and soil quality. Finally, a census is given of the main methods used in over 30 European...
Tipo: Book chapter
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil quality.
Ano: 2005
A Conceptual Framework for Soil management and its effect on Soil Biodiversity in Organic and Low
Input Farming
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Koopmans, Dr. C.J.; Smeding, Dr. F.W.
Learning how to manage beneficial soil biological processes may be a key step towards developing sustainable agricultural
systems. We designed a conceptual framework linking soil management practices to important soil-life groups and soil fertility
services like nutrient cycling, soil structure and disease suppression. We selected a necessary parameter set to gain insight
between management, soil life and soil support services. The findings help to develop management practices that optimise yields,
soil fertility and biodiversity in organic farming.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil quality.
Ano: 2008
Quantification of root fungi using signature fatty acids
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Ravnskov, Sabine; Jensen, Birgit; Nielsen, Steen Lykke; Larsen, John.
Both deleterious (pathogenic) and beneficial (mycorrhizal) fungi inhabit plant roots with strong impact on plant growth and
health. Various methods have been used to quantify these fungi, such as indirect measurements of plant parameters, disease index,
staining techniques and serological/genetic/biochemical markers. The objective of this work is to evaluate the possibility of using
signature fatty acids to quantify root-inhabiting fungi in planta and in soil. Different fatty acid-based methods can be used to
quantify fungi. Phospholid fatty acids (PLFA) can be used for biomass estimation and neutral lipid fatty acids (NLFA) for
estimation of fungal energy reserves and the NLFA/PLFA ratio can give information on the physiological status of the fungus. It...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Specific methods; Soil biology.
Ano: 2004
Bodenuntersuchungen für Biobetriebe
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Mäder, Paul; Heller, Stefan; Koller, Martin.
Das Merkblatt erläutert, warum Bodenuntersuchungen notwendig sind und befasst sich mit der Probenentnahme sowie der
Interpretation der Analyseergebnisse.
Tipo: Book
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil quality.
Ano: 2002
Collembola in grassland - included in the new project SoilEffects
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pommeresche , Reidun; Løes, Anne-Kristin.
This paper presents preliminary results on Collembola, studied in a field experiment at Tingvoll research farm, NW Norway as a
part of the project SoilEffects. The aim of the project is to compare effects on soil biology and fertility of digested (in a biogas
plant) and undigested slurry (from milking cows)in a perennial grass/clover-system and in an arable system.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology.
Ano: 2012
Changes in mineral content and CO2 release from organic greenhouse soils incubated under two
different temperatures and moisture conditions
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pepin, Steeve; Dorais, Martine; Gruyer, Nicolas; Ménard, Claudine.
In organic greenhouse vegetable productions, the turnover rate of organic amendments may be a limiting factor for optimal crop
productivity and quality. Hence, we determined the mineralization potential of several organic greenhouse soils maintained at two
temperatures (17, 23 C) and water potentials (–35, –250 mbars). Replicate cores of structurally intact soils were collected in
plastic cylinders, saturated with water and adjusted to the appropriate matric potential. Additional soil samples were sieved, placed
in glass jars and incubated under the same treatment conditions. Soil nutrients, gas concentration (O2, CO2, N2O) and microbial
activity (CO2 release) were measured over a 25-week period during aerobic incubation. Large variations in nutrient and...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover; Soil biology.
Ano: 2008
Bodemgezondheid in de biologische kasteelt, Deel 2: ziektewerendheid tegen bodemgebonden
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Cuijpers, Willemijn; Janmaat, Leen; van der Burgt, Geert-Jan.
In dit tweede deel van dit literatuuronderzoek naar bodemgezondheid in de biologische glastuinbouw is informatie verzameld over
6 belangrijke schimmelpathogenen die in de biologische vruchtgroententeelt van belang zijn: Fusarium, Phomopsis
(zwartwortelrot), Pyrenochaeta (kurkwortel), Pythium, Sclerotinia (rattenkeutelziekte) en Verticillium. Behalve aan het herkennen
van de ziekte en de ecol ogie van de pathogenen, is specifiek aandacht besteed aan mogelijkheden die biologisch werkende
glastuinders hebben om met teeltmaatregelen de ziekten te bestrijden. Afhankelijk van het soort pathogeen zal de keuze op een
andere set maatregelen vallen. • Algemene maatregelen zijn het gebruik van compost of andere organische toevoegingen, en de
introductie van...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Greenhouses and coverings.
Ano: 2008
Kann man mit Nahinfrarot-Spektroskopie die Bodenfruchtbarkeit bestimmen?
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Terhoeven-Urselmans, Thomas; Ilein, Florian; Schmidt, Harald; Ludwig, Bernard.
Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy is known for its inexpensiveness, rapidity and accuracy and may become a useful tool for
the assessment of soil fertility. The objec-tives of this study were (i) to evaluate the ability of near-infrared reflectance
spectros-copy (NIRS) to predict several soil chemical and biological characteristics of organi-cally managed arable land and (ii) to
test if different sample pre-treatments yield comparable results. Spectra of the VIS-NIR region (400-2500 nm) from 56 either
fresh or pre-treated (quick-freezing, freeze-drying and grinding) soil samples were recorded. A modified partial least square
regression method and cross-validation were used to develop an equation over the whole spectrum (1st to 3rd derivation). Soil...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil quality.
Ano: 2007
Do Farm Management Practices Alter Soil Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function?
Sustainable Land Management
Implications for
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Philipps, Ms Lois; Stockdale, Dr Elizabeth A.; Waston, Dr Christine A.
Maintaining ecosystem functions is a key issue for sustainable farming, while recent reviews (Hole et al, 2005, Fuller et al 2005)
have highlighted that a wide range of taxa, including birds and mammals, benefit from organic management of land, there is a
need to bring together the evidence for the impact of agricultural management practices on belowground biodiversity. A focus
simply on the biodiversity of below-ground species is however not enough and there is a need to consider the contribution of
below-ground biological processes to the maintenance and enhancement of a range of ecosystem services. A recent literature
review on the impacts of land management practices on soil ecology and function shows clearly that farm management practices
do alter...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil quality.
Ano: 2006
10 Jahre differenzierte Grundbodenbearbeitung im Ökologischen Landbau. Auswirkungen auf die
Besiedlung mit Collembolen
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Bassemir, Ursula K.
During 10 years a crop rotation schedule consisting of different crops (green fallow; intercrop: winter wheat; peas; intercrop:
winter rye; summer barley) was combined with three different tillage techniques (plough, inverting to 30 cm depth, intensive;
two-layer plough, inverting to 15 cm depth and loosening to 30 cm depth, reduced inverting; layer cultivator, loosening to 30 cm
depth, conservation tillage). First results show a significant effect of crop on springtails. There is no significant effect of tillage
techniques, although there is a tendency in slightly increased population density of springtails by using plough and layer
cultivator. Further detailed results will be reported elsewhere.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil tillage.
Ano: 2005
Organic viticulture and soil quality: A long-term study in Southern France
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Coll, Patrice; Le Cadre, Edith; Blanchart, Eric; Hinsinger, Philippe; Villenave, Cécile.
The rate of conversion of conventional vineyards into organic farming is currently increasing. This results in modifications of
agricultural practices such as the application of organic manure, the use of tillage or grass-cutting to control weeds and the
application of natural pesticides with preventive action. One of the aims of organic farming is to preserve the environment. In this
context, the objective of our work was to evaluate the long-term effects of organic viticulture on soil quality. The study was
conducted in a commercial vineyard where plots which had been organically managed for 7 (Organic7), 11 (Organic11) and 17
years (Organic17) were compared to conventionally managed plots (Conventional). Soil physical and chemical parameters (bulk...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology.
Ano: 2011
Vergleich von flach- und tiefenwendender Bodenbearbeitung beim Anbau von Sommererbsen in
Reinsaat und im Gemenge mit Hafer
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Gronle, Annkathrin; Böhm, Herwart.
Die Grundbodenbearbeitung beeinflusst biologische, chemische und physikalische Bodeneigenschaften und hat daher eine große
Bedeutung für die Erhaltung der Leistungsfähigkeit des ökologischen Pflanzenbaus. Eine Integration von reduzierten schonenden
Eigenschaften von besonderem Interesse. Ziel ist es daher, die Auswirkungen einer flach- und tiefwendenden Bodenbearbeitung
bei einem zentralen Fruchtfolgeglied, dem Anbau von Sommererbsen in Reinsaat und im Gemenge, zu untersuchen.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil tillage.
Ano: 2011
Las micorrizas y las poblaciones bacterianas en secuencias de cultivos: efectos sobre los rendimientos.
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Nelson, Manuel Riera; Basso, Nicolás Medina.
Se desarrolló un grupo de estudios sobre un suelo Ferralsol ródico (FAO UNESCO, 1990) com el objetivo de evaluar la inlluencia
de la Irecuencia de inoculación con hongos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA) sobre las poblaciones de rizobacterias inoculadas y
el electo de estas combinaciones sobre los rendimientos en dilerentes secuencias de cultivos. Para ello se Ilevaron a cabo 4
experimentos de campo, establecido con un disefio de bloques ai azar, repetidos durante dos afios, donde se alternaron tres
cultivos dilerentes, teniendo en cuenta las características dei sistema radical, las extracciones de cultivos y el aporte ai suelo de
massa seca y nutrientes para establecer el orden dentro de cada secuencia. Los resultados mostraron que las poblaciones de...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Crop husbandry.
Ano: 2007
Communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in arable soils are not necessarily low in diversity
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Hijri, Isabelle; Sýkorová, Zuzana; Oehl, Fritz; Ineichen, Kurt; Mäder, Paul; Wiemken, Andres; Redecker, Dirk.
Communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in five agricultural field sites of different management intensities were
studied. Variable regions of the ribosomal RNA genes were used to detect and identify AMF directly within colonized roots.
Roots from a continuous maize monoculture showed low AMF diversity, in agreement with previous reports on molecular
diversity of AMF in agricultural soils. In contrast, a substantially higher diversity of AMF was found throughout the long term
`DOK' field experiment, where organic and conventional agricultural practices have been compared side by side since 1978. In
this experiment, a 7-year crop rotation is performed under lower levels of inorganic fertilizer input and chemical pest control.
These results are in...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil quality.
Ano: 2007
Collembola in grassland – included in the new project SoilEffects
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pommeresche, Reidun; Løes, Anne-Kristin.
Little is known about Collembola in arable soil, at least in Norway. Recently, a study including this group has been initiated in a
Norwegian field experiment Soileffects).
Collembola (springtails) are a group of small animals (1-3 mm) living in
vegetation,litter and in the pores and caves in the soil to a depth of ca 15 cm. They are important decomposers of dead plant
material, eating fungi, algae and
microorganisms in soil and on organic debris. Their grazing and decomposing activity
contribute significantly to the nutrient circulation in the soil. The name springtail refers to a furca on their back, usually folded in
under the body, but released in need of a rapid escape. In one jump, Collembola can jump more than 50 times their own body
length. In...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology.
Ano: 2012
Langzeitversuch Burgrain: Bodenmikrobiologische Parameter in biologisch und integrierten
Anbausystemen im Vergleich
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Oberholzer, Hans-Rudolf; Zihlmann, Urs.
In a large scale field experiment near Lucerne (Switzerland) the effect of integrated and organic farming systems on soil microbial
parameters was investigated. Three farming systems, IP intensive, IP extensive and organic farming (“Bio”) were com-pared on
six plots during 18 years. The six year crop rotation with two years of ley (grass-clover mixture) was identical for all treatments,
as was soil tillage, except that tillage in IP extensive was switched to non-inversion tillage starting in 2003. Soil sam-ples from 0
to 20 cm depth were taken in spring, between 1993 to 1996 every year and after 1998 every second year. The samples were
analysed for soil microbial biomass (substrate induced respiration SIR and since 2002 chloroform fumigation extraction...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Soil biology.
Ano: 2011
Soil quality indicators for intensive vegetable production systems in Java, Indonesia
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Moeskops, Bram; Buchan, David; Sukristiyonubowo, -; De Neve, Stefaan; De Gusseme, Bart; Widowati, Ladiyani
Retno; Setyorini, Diah; Sleutel, Steven.
We explored the value of ergosterol, phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles and neutral lipid fatty acid (NLFA) 16:1 5c as soil
quality indicators for the intensive systems of vegetable production in the humid tropical climate of West Java, by comparing
organic and conventional management. Additionally, we measured dehydrogenase and
-glucosidase activity. A secondary forest
was included to obtain reference values under undisturbed conditions. Organic and conventional agriculture, and secondary forest
each differed in the composition of the microbial community measured by PLFA profiles. Ergosterol appeared not to be
universally applicable as a fungal biomarker and in this respect seemed to be inferior compared to PLFA fungal markers. NLFA
16:1 5c may...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology.
Ano: 2012
Brassica spp cover crop affects soil microbial activity, carbon and nitrogen nutrient dynamics
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Marinari, S.; Papp, R.; Marabottini, R.; Moscatelli, M.C.
A general positive effect of Brassica on soil microbial biomass and its activity was observed at all European sites in no tilled soil
at both sampling date. Conversely, Brassica under tillage may produce a negative effect on biochemical properties after CC
suppression. The effect of Brassica on C and N dynamics differed among the european sites when soil was tilled. These
preliminary results establish the bases for the evaluation of the interaction between the pedoclimatic conditions and Brassica spp
effect on soil properties.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Nutrient turnover.
Ano: 2015
Bodenuntersuchungen für Biobetriebe
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Mäder, Paul; Koller, Martin.
Das Merkblatt erläutert, warum Bodenuntersuchungen notwendig sind und befasst sich mit der Probenentnahme sowie der
Interpretation der Analyseergebnisse.
Tipo: Book
Palavras-chave: Farm economics; Soil biology.
Ano: 2006
Life cycle of Phoebemima ensifera Tippmann (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
Provedor de dados: 92
Autores: Clarke,Robin O. S.; Zamalloa,Sonia.
An account of host plant selection, larval development and behaviour, and behaviour of adult Phoebemima ensifera. Illustrations
of the host plant, plant parts, larva, pupa, and adult are provided.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Biology; Ethology; Hemilophini; Lamiinae.
Ano: 2009
Vector competence of Culex quinquefasciatus Say, 1823 exposed to different densities of microfilariae
of Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy, 1856)
Provedor de dados: 92
Autores: Carvalho,Gílcia Aparecida de; Alves,Leucio Câmara; Maia,Rafael Trindade; Andrade,Carlos Fernando Salgueirosa de;
Ramos,Rafael Antonio do Nascimento; Faustino,Maria Aparecida da Glória.
The metropolitan region of Recife, Brazil is endemic for Dirofilaria immitis and has an environment favorable to the development
of Culex quinquefasciatus. The goal of this study was to evaluate the vector competence of the Cx. quinquefasciatus RECIFE
population for D. immitis transmission. A total of 2,104 females of Cx. quinquefasciatus RECIFE population were exposed to
different densities of D. immitis microfilariae blood meals, ranging from 1,820 to 2,900 mf/ml of blood, in a natural membrane
apparatus. The results showed a variation between 92.3% and 98.8% of females fed. The exposure of the Cx. quinquefasciatus
RECIFE population to different densities of microfilariae did not influence the mortality of the mosquitoes. Infective larvae from
D. immitis...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Biology; Experimental infections; Mosquitoes.
Ano: 2008
Nesting behaviour and larval biology of Sphex opacus Dahlbom (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from
Provedor de dados: 104
Autores: Buys,Sandor C.
Aspects of the nesting behaviour of Sphex opacus Dahlbom, 1845 are presented for the first time, based on observations carried
out in a coastal habitat from southeastern Brazil. Larval behaviour and development were studied in laboratorial conditions.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Biology; Reproduction; Larva; Wasp.
Ano: 2005
Comportamento reprodutivo de Sporophila lineola (Linnaeus) (Passeriformes, Emberizidae)
Provedor de dados: 104
Autores: Marcondes-Machado,Luiz Octavio.
This study on the biology and reproductive behavior of Sporophila lineola (Linnaeus, 1758) was carried in a Citrus reticulata
Blanco plantation near Campinas, Brazil. A blind was used for observations near the four nests. These were built on the branches
of C. reticulata, and were made of grass roots. The clutch varies from two to three eggs. Both male and female or only female,
feed the nestings with insects such as dragonfly and caterpillar, carried across their bill.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Reproductive behavior; Sporophila; Biology.
Ano: 1997
Pronounced segregation of donor mitochondria introduced by bovine Ooplasmic tranfer to the female
Provedor de dados: 119
Ooplasmic transfer (01) has been used in basic mouse research for studying lhe segregation of mtDNA, as well as in human
assisted reproduction for improving embryo development in cases of persistent developmental failure. Using cattle as a
large-animal model, we demonstrate that lhe moderate amount of mitochondria introduced by OT is transmitted to lhe offspring's
oocytes; e.g., modifies lhe germ fine. The danar mtDNA was detectable in 25% and 65% of oocytes collected from two females.
Its high variation in heteroplasmic oocytes, ranging from 1.1% to 33.5% and from 0.4% to 15.5%, can be explained by random
genetic drift in lhe female germ line. Centrifugation-mediated enrichment of mitochondria il1 lhe pole zone of lhe recipient
zygote's ooplasm and its...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Bovine; Developmental biology; Embryo; Gamete biology; Ooplasmic; Dna.
Ano: 2010
Molecular biology of mycoplasmas: from the minimum cell concept to the artificial cell
Provedor de dados: 42
ABSTRACT Mycoplasmas are a large group of bacteria, sorted into different genera in the Mollicutes class, whose main
characteristic in common, besides the small genome, is the absence of cell wall. They are considered cellular and molecular
biology study models. We present an updated review of the molecular biology of these model microorganisms and the
development of replicative vectors for the transformation of mycoplasmas. Synthetic biology studies inspired by these pioneering
works became possible and won the attention of the mainstream media. For the first time, an artificial genome was synthesized (a
minimal genome produced from consensus sequences obtained from mycoplasmas). For the first time, a functional artificial cell
has been constructed by...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Mycoplasma; Molecular biology; Microbial genetics; Synthetic biology; Gene transfer techniques.
Ano: 2016
Signatures of spatial organizations – From the universe of proteins to the universe in
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Aditya Mittal.
Pattern generation and recognition in 3-D space have been of wide interest in fields varying from atomic and molecular structures
to organization of celestial objects. Our thoughts towards investigating patterns (and elucidation of geometrical rules) followed by
a known number of points with specific or specified coordinates are guided by the assumption/belief that there must be some
thermodynamic and/or kinetic basis leading to the organization of coordinates of the known points. In terms of biomolecular
structures, the DNA double helix is one of the strongest examples of such structures with coordinates of atoms in the phosphate
backbone and the side-chains provide a helical geometrical configuration. It needs to be appreciated (and emphasized) that,...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Evolutionary descent of prion genes from a ZIP metal ion transport ancestor
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Gerold Schmitt-Ulms; Sepehr Ehsani; Joel C. Watts; David Westaway; Holger Wille.
In the more than 20 years since its discovery, both the phylogenetic origin and cellular function of the prion protein (PrP) have
remained enigmatic. Insights into the function of PrP may be obtained through a characterization of its molecular neighborhood.
Quantitative interactome data revealed the spatial proximity of a subset of metal ion transporters of the ZIP family to mammalian
prion proteins. A subsequent bioinformatic analysis revealed the presence of a prion-like protein sequence within the N-terminal,
extracellular domain of a phylogenetic branch of ZIPs. Additional structural threading and ortholog sequence alignment analyses
consolidated the conclusion that the prion protein gene family is phylogenetically derived from a ZIP-like ancestor...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
A Micropropagation, Molecular and Physiochemical Analysis of Canola Brassica napus L. From
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Israr Khan; Muhammad Shuaib; Sikandar Khan; Muhammad Amir Zia; Haji Akbar.
Canola is important for its oil, anticarcinogenic phytochemicals and low saturated fat content and has wide scope for further
improvement through genetic transformations. Micropropagation is the practice of rapidly multiplying stock plant material to
produce a large number of disease free progeny plants, using modern asceptic plant tissue culture methods and also to conserve
germ plasm. A combination of auxin and cytikinin and a shock on growth regulator free medium is used for micropropagation.
Molecular and physiochemical analysis done to know variation in seeds protein content and electric conductivity.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
In vitro Evolution and Engineering for Improved Ribozyme Polymerase Production
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Israr Khan; Muhammad Waheed Akktar; Ayaz Ali Khan.
According to the "RNA World Hypothesis" the first self replicating molecule formed from the prebiotic
chemicals is the ribozyme. A model compartmentalized self replicating system for ribozyme polymerases is designed and used to
improve activity, fidelity and generality of the enzyme.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Kinetic control of eukaryotic chromatin structure by recursive topological restraints
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Dominika Borek; Zbyszek Otwinowski.
Chromatin structure undergoes many changes during the cell cycle and in response to regulatory events. A basic unit of chromatin
organization is the nucleosome core particle. However, very little is known about how nucleosomes are arranged into higher-order
structures in vivo, even though the efficiency and precision of cell division imply high levels of structural organization. We
propose abandoning the current paradigm of chromatin organization based on thermodynamics of the lowest energy state and
replace it with the idea of a topologically restrained, high-energy structure. We propose that DNA is subject to a recursive
topological restraint, and is anchored by hemicatenates that are part of the chromosomal scaffold. Long-distance _cis_-regulation
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Expanding the modern synthesis II: Formal perspectives on the inherent role of niche construction in
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
Expanding the modern synthesis requires elevating the role of interaction within and across various biological scales to the status
of an evolutionary principle. One way to do this is to characterize genes, gene expression, and embedding environment as
information sources linked by crosstalk, constrained by the asymptotic limit theorems of information theory (Wallace, 2010a).
This produces an inherently interactive structure that escapes the straightjacket of mathematical population genetics or other
replicator dynamics. Here, we examine fitness from that larger perspective, finding it intimately intertwined with niche
construction. Two complementary models are explored: niche construction as mediating the connection between environmental
signals and gene...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Ecology; Genetics & Genomics; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Structural dynamics and divergence of the polygalacturonase gene family in land plants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Soon-Jae Kwon; Jae-Han Son; Kyong-Cheul Park; Hae-Young Oh; Pyeung-Hyeun Kim; Woo-Hyeon Byeon; Nam-Soo
A distinct feature of eukaryotic genomes is the presence of gene families. The polygalacturonase (PG) (EC3.2.1.15) gene family is
one of the largest gene families in plants. PG is a pectin-digesting enzyme with a glycoside hydrolase 28 domain. It is involved in
numerous plant developmental processes. The evolutionary processes accounting for the functional divergence and the specialized
functions of PGs in land plants are unclear. Here, phylogenetic and gene structure analysis of PG genes in algae and land plants
revealed that land plant PG genes resulted from differential intron gain and loss, with the latter event predominating. PG genes in
land plants contained 15 homologous intron blocks and 13 novel intron blocks. Intron position and phase were not...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Genetics & Genomics; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Self-organization of intrinsically disordered proteins with folded N-termini
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Philip C. Simister; Fred Schaper; Nicola O'Reilly; Simon McGowan; Stephan M. Feller.
Thousands of human proteins lack recognizable tertiary structure in most of their chains. Here we hypothesize that some use their
structured N-terminal domains (SNTDs) to organise the remaining protein chain via intramolecular interactions, generating
partially structured proteins. This model has several attractive features: as protein chains emerge, SNTDs form spontaneously and
serve as nucleation points, creating more compact shapes. This reduces the risk of protein degradation or aggregation. Moreover,
an interspersed pattern of SNTD-docked regions and free loops can coordinate assembly of sub-complexes in defined
loop-sections and enables novel regulatory mechanisms, for example through posttranslational modifications of docked regions.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Nuclear DNA and protein content evaluation in Taxus plant cell cultures using multiparameter flow
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Vishal Gaurav; Amit Shavit; Susan C. Roberts.
Plant cell cultures of Taxus provide the most reliable production methods for the anti-cancer drug paclitaxel. In order to
comprehend the inherent culture heterogeneity and production variability in cell cultures, it is essential that the cellular
metabolism is studied at the genomic level. Genomic stability in plant cell cultures is crucial as it affects cell growth and division,
metabolite accumulation and protein synthesis. A rapid and efficient method to prepare nuclei suspensions from aggregated cell
cultures of Taxus was employed. Methods were subsequently developed to simultaneously stain them for DNA and protein
content using Propidium Iodide and Fluorescein Isothiocyanate respectively. Flow cytometry was used to analyze and quantify the
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
Without magic bullets: the biological basis for public health interventions against protein folding
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
Protein folding disorders of aging like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases currently present intractable
medical challenges. 'Small molecule' interventions - drug treatments - often have, at best, palliative
impact, failing to alter disease course. The design of individual or population level interventions will likely require a deeper
understanding of protein folding and its regulation than currently provided by contemporary 'physics' or
culture-bound medical magic bullet models. Here, a topological rate distortion analysis is applied to the problem of protein folding
and regulation that is similar in spirit to Tlusty's (2010a) elegant exploration of the genetic code. The formalism
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2010
Without magic bullets: the biological basis for public health interventions against protein folding
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
Protein folding disorders of aging like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases currently present intractable
medical challenges. 'Small molecule' interventions - drug treatments - often have, at best, palliative
impact, failing to alter disease course. The design of individual or population level interventions will likely require a deeper
understanding of protein folding and its regulation than currently provided by contemporary 'physics' or
culture-bound medical magic bullet models. Here, a topological rate distortion analysis is applied to the problem of protein folding
and regulation that is similar in spirit to Tlusty's (2010a) elegant exploration of the genetic code. The formalism
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2010
Genome Structural-Functional Peculiarities Affecting Plant Epigenetic Variability and Evolution
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Evgenii Levites.
There is an attempt to explain some evolutionary processes in plants such as saltatory changes on the base of multidimensionality
of plant inherited information coding. According to the suggested hypothesis, inherited information is coded by not only a
nucleotide sequence but also by chromosome differential endoreduplication. It is supposed that chromosomes compete among
each other for the contact with the nuclear membrane, but a change in the endoreduplication degree of various chromosome sites
can result in a change of a competition ability for the contact with a nuclear membrane. A simultaneous increase of chromosome
endoreduplication degree of many sites can lead to an increase of nuclear membrane surface and to a change in chromosome
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Genetics & Genomics; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Strong violation of the competitive exclusion principle
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Lev V. Kalmykov; Vyacheslav L. Kalmykov.
Bacteria and plants are able to form population waves as a result of their consumer behaviour and propagation. A soliton-like
interpenetration of colliding population waves was assumed but not proved earlier. Here we show how and why colliding
population waves of trophically identical but fitness different species can interpenetrate through each other without delay. We
have hypothesized and revealed here that the last mechanism provides a stable coexistence of two, three and four species,
competing for the same limiting resource in the small homogeneous habitat under constant conditions and without any fitness
trade-offs. We have explained the mystery of biodiversity mechanistically because (i) our models are bottom-up mechanistic, (ii)
the revealed...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Ecology; Microbiology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Deciphering the genome structure and paleohistory of _Theobroma cacao_
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Xavier Argout; Jerome Salse; Jean Marc Aury; Gaetan Droc; Jerome Gouzy; Mathilde Allegre; Cristian Chaparro;
Thierry Legavre; Mark Guiltinan; Siela Maximova; Michael Abrouk; Florent Murat; Olivier Fouet; Julie Poulain; Manuel Ruiz;
Yolande Roguet; Maguy Rodier-Goud; Jose Fernandes Barbosa-Neto; Francois Sabot; Dave Kudrna; Jetty Siva S. Ammiraju;
Stephan C. Schuster; John E. Carlson; Erika Sallet; Schiex T.; Anne Dievart; Melissa Kramer; Laura Gelley; Zi Sh;
Aurélie Bérard; Christopher Viot; Michel Boccara; Ange Marie Risterucci; Valentin Guignon; Xavier
Sabau; Michael Axtell; Zhaorong Ma; Yufan Zhang; Spencer Brown; Mickael Bourge; Wolfgang Golser; Xiang Song; Didier
Clement; Ronan Rivalan; Mathias Tahi; Joseph Moroh Akaza; Bertrand Pitollat; Karina Gramacho; Angélique
D’Hont; Dominique Brunel; Diogenes Infante; Ismael Kebe; Pierre Costet; Rod Wing; W. Richard McCombie;
Emmanuel Guiderdoni; Francis Quetier; Olivier Panaud; Patrick Wincker; Stephanie Sidibe-Bocs; Claire Lanaud.
We sequenced and assembled the genome of _Theobroma cacao_, an economically important tropical fruit tree crop that is the
source of chocolate. The assembly corresponds to 76% of the estimated genome size and contains almost all previously described
genes, with 82% of them anchored on the 10 _T. cacao_ chromosomes. Analysis of this sequence information highlighted specific
expansion of some gene families during evolution, for example flavonoid-related genes. It also provides a major source of
candidate genes for _T. cacao_ disease resistance and quality improvement. Based on the inferred paleohistory of the T. cacao
genome, we propose an evolutionary scenario whereby the ten _T. cacao_ chromosomes were shaped from an ancestor through
eleven chromosome...
Tipo: Marker Paper / Data Plan
Palavras-chave: Genetics & Genomics; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology; Data Standards.
Ano: 2010
Protein folding disorders: Toward a basic biological paradigm
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
Mechanistic 'physics' models of protein folding fail to account for the observed spectrum of protein
folding and aggregation disorders, suggesting that a more appropriately biological paradigm will be needed for understanding the
etiology, prevention, and treatment of these diseases.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience; Pharmacology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2010
Design of a dynamic model of genes with multiple autonomous regulatory modules by evolution in
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alexander V. Spirov; David M. Holloway.
A new approach to design a dynamic model of genes with multiple autonomous regulatory modules by evolution in silico is
proposed. The approach is based on Genetic Algorithms, with new crossover operators especially designed for these purposes.
The approach exploits the subbasin-portal architecture of the fitness functions suitable for this kind of evolutionary modeling. The
effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated on a series of benchmark tests.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
A Tobacco Homolog of DCN1 is Involved in Cellular Reprogramming and in Developmental
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Julia Hosp; Alexandra Ribarits; Katarzyna Szaszka; Yongfeng Jin; Alisher Tashpulatov; Marina Baumann; Tatiana
Resch; Christina Friedmann; Elisabeth Ankele; Viktor Voronin; Klaus Palme; Alisher Touraev; Erwin Heberle-Bors.
Plant proteomes show remarkable plasticity in reaction to environmental challenges and during developmental transitions. Some
of this adaptability comes from ubiquitin-mediated protein destruction regulated by cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligases (CRLs).
CRLs are activated through modification of the cullin subunit with the ubiquitin-like protein RUB/NEDD8 by an E3 ligase called
defective in cullin neddylation 1 (DCN1). Here we show that tobacco DCN1 binds ubiquitin and RUB/NEDD8, and associates
with cullin. When knocked down by RNAi, tobacco pollen formation stopped and zygotic embryogenesis was blocked around the
globular stage. Additionally, we found that RNAi of DCN1 inhibited the stress-triggered reprogramming of cultured microspores
from their intrinsic...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Transpiration in plants: A thermodynamic imperative
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Carmen Noemi Hernandez Candia; Karo Michaelian.
In this article we determine the importance of transpiration in plants at three different levels of organization: the plant itself, the
ecosystem, and the biosphere, all in terms of entropy production due to transpiration. We propose that transpiration is a
thermodynamic imperative rather than a physiological burden for the plant. Plants have not replaced their prevalent metabolism
C3 with those of less loss of water, C4 or CAM. We argue that the fact that plants retain higher rates of transpiration along
evolution could be explained using thermodynamic criteria.

Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Earth & Environment; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Regrowing the adult brain: NF-κB controls functional circuit formation and tissue
homeostasis in the dentate gyrus
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yvonne Imielski; Jens C. Schwamborn; Patrick Lüningschrör; Peter Heimann; Magdalena
Holzberg; Hendrikje Werner; Oliver Leske; Andreas W. Püschel; Sylvie Memet; Rolf Heumann; Alain Israel; Christian
Kaltschmidt; Barbara Kaltschmidt.
Cognitive decline during aging is correlated with a continuous loss of cells within the brain and especially within the
hippocampus, which could be regenerated by adult neurogenesis. Here we show that genetic ablation of NF-κB
resulted in severe defects in the neurogenic region (dentate gyrus) of the hippocampus. Despite increased stem cell proliferation,
axogenesis, synaptogenesis and neuroprotection were hampered, leading to disruption of the mossy fiber pathway and to atrophy
of the dentate gyrus during aging. Here, NF-κB controls the transcription of FOXO1 and PKA, regulating axogenesis.
Structural defects culminated in behavioral impairments in pattern separation. Re-activation of NF-κB resulted in
integration of newborn...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2011
Balancing noise and plasticity in gene expression
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Djordje Bajic; Juan F. Poyatos.
Coupling the control of expression stochasticity (noise) with the capacity to expression change (plasticity) can constrain gene
function and limit adaptation. Which factors contribute then to modulate this coupling? Transcription re-initiation is generally
associated with coupling and this is commonly related to strong chromatin regulation. We alternatively show how strong
regulation can however lead to plasticity uncorrelated to noise. The character of the regulation is also relevant, with plastic but
noiseless genes usually subjected to broad expression activation whereas plastic and noisy genes experience targeted repression.
This differential action is similarly noticed in how histones influence these genes. In contrast, we find that translational...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
On the origin of the mitochondrial genetic code: Towards a unified mathematical framework for the
management of genetic information
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Diego Luis Gonzalez; Simone Giannerini; Rodolfo Rosa.
The origin of the genetic code represents one of the most challenging problems in molecular evolution. The genetic code is an
important universal feature of extant organisms and indicates a common ancestry of different forms of life on earth. Known
variants of the genetic code can be mainly divided in mitochondrial and nuclear classes. Here we provide a new insight on the
origin of the mitochondrial genetic code: we found that its degeneracy distribution can be explained by using a mathematical
approach recently developed for the description of the Euplotes nuclear variant of the genetic code. The results point to a primeval
mitochondrial genetic code composed of four base codons, which we call tesserae, that, among other features, exhibit
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
FAIRE-seq data analysis of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under carbon deprivation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: David Urbina-Gómez; Flavia Vischi Winck; Bernd Müller-Röber; Diego Mauricio
For the genome-wide identification of nucleosome depleted regions under carbon deprivation, we analyze an available set of data
from an assay of formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements followed by sequencing (FAIRE-seq). Mapping to the
sequenced nuclear genome of C.reinhardtii, followed by the identification of the enrichment-sequenced fragments was performed.
We examined the location of these fragments relative to annotated genes. The related genes were associated to the corresponding
Gene-Ontology (GO), for an evaluation of over-representate GO categories. Some genes, link with functions or locations, that
have been previous described, indicating the success of the method finding carbon-metabolism related fragments.
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2012
Barlow-Hall in vitro Evolution Protocol
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Barry G. Hall; Miriam Barlow.
The Barlow-Hall method for in vitro evolution is a simple alternative to methods such as DNA shuffling and is particularly
applicable to predicting the evolution of target genes in nature. This detailed protocol includes the procedure itself and, as
Appendices, describes particularly effective protocols for electroporation and for preparation of electrocompetent cells.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Organic consequences of ileal transposition in rats with diet-induced obesity
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Lucas P. F. F. Leal; Joao Luiz M. C. Azevedo; Gilmara S. Aguiar-Yamaguchi; Wellington Cardia; Bianca
Marigliani; Karina F. Neves; Paolo H. B. Lourenço; Marcelo C. Carlini; Joao L. C. Azevedo; Otávio
C. Azevedo; Gui M. Ko; Gustavo P. S. Miguel; Valderez B. V. Lapchick.
INTRODUCTION: The clinical management of metabolic syndrome - especially diabetes mellitus type 2 - is notoriously complex
due to the progressive nature of this disease. At present, there is a need for a surgical procedure that is effective for the treatment
of diabetes mellitus type 2, even in non-obese individuals. The isolated ileal transposition theory could lead to an effective
alternative therapy. This intervention has not yet been performed in humans, and there are no reports of its use in an experimental
model of diet-induced metabolic syndrome.
 OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to evaluate the
physiological effects of ileal transposition in rats with diet-induced metabolic syndrome. The effects of this procedure on...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Migration potential as a new predictor of long-distance dispersal rate for plants
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Tianhua He; Byron B. Lamont; Neal Enright; Siegy Krauss; Laura Merwin.
How biotic and abiotic factors interact to shape the overall pattern of dispersal of propagules is critical in understanding the
evolution of dispersal mechanisms as well as predicting dispersal rates between patchily-distributed habitats. But which plant
traits, demographic and/or habitat factors best predict the capacity for dispersal? We introduce the concept of migration potential
(v), a readily interpretable parameter that combines recruitment efficiency (recruits per adult / seeds per adult per dispersal cycle)
with level of habitat occupancy for predicting effective long-distance dispersal (LDD) of seeds. Using our empirical (genotype
assignment) estimates of LDD and statistics on life-history traits and demographic features for contrasting...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Earth & Environment; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Transcriptional memory emerges from cooperative histone modifications
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Hans Binder; Lydia Steiner; Thimo Rohlf; Sonja Prohaska; Joerg Galle.
Transcriptional regulation in cells makes use of diverse mechanisms to ensure that functional
states can be maintained and adapted to variable environments; among them are chromatin-related mechanisms. While
mathematical models of transcription factor networks controlling development are well established, models of transcriptional
We here introduce a mathematical model of transcriptional
regulation governed by histone modifications. This model describes binding of protein complexes to chromatin which are capable
of reading and writing histone marks. Molecular interactions between...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2011
Complex Systems Biology of Organisms
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I. C. Baianu.
Complex Systems Biology models and theories are axiomatically defined in terms of concrete categories and organismic
supercategories (OS) to include both complete self-reproduction of logically defined pi-entities founded in Quine's
logic and dynamic system diagrams subject to both algebraic and topological transformations. Mathematical models of complex
organisms are expressed in terms of category theory and organismic supercategories (OS). OS theories have applications in:
Bioinformatics, Developmental Biology, Genomics and Molecular Cell Biology
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2012
Beyond the fuzzy lock-and-key: spontaneous symmetry shifts and glycan/lectin logic gates
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
Changes in the molecular topology of glycan/lectin interaction may explain observed reaction punctuation driven by experimental
gradients in reactant concentration. Adoption of a 'biological renormalization' perspective from statistical
physics for the analysis of such phase transitions suggests, in marked contrast to conventional physical systems, a broad spectrum
of possible universality class behaviors. This spectrum may, in typical perverse biological manner, be of central scientific interest.
Generalization, via formalism abducted from coevolutionary theory, suggests that glycan/lectin molecular switches instantiate
logic gates that may be as sophisticated as those characterizing basic neural process, if on a different scale.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Immunology; Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Design of a dynamic model of genes with multiple autonomous regulatory modules by evolution in
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alexander V. Spirov; David M. Holloway.
A new approach to design a dynamic model of genes with multiple autonomous regulatory modules by evolution in silico is
proposed. The approach is based on Genetic Algorithms, with new crossover operators especially designed for these purposes.
The approach exploits the subbasin-portal architecture of the fitness functions suitable for this kind of evolutionary modeling. The
effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated on a series of benchmark tests.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Independent elaboration of steroid hormone signaling pathways in Metazoans
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Gabriel V. Markov; Raquel Tavares; Chantal Dauphin-Villemant; Barbara A. Demeneix; Michael E. Baker; Vincent
Steroid hormones regulate many physiological processes in vertebrates, nematodes and arthropods through binding to nuclear
receptors (NR), a metazoan-specific family of ligand-activated transcription factors.
The main steps controlling the
diversification of this family are now well understood. In contrast, the origin and evolution of steroid ligands remain mysterious
although this is crucial for understanding the emergence of modern endocrine systems. Using a comparative genomic approach,
we analyzed complete metazoan genomes to provide a comprehensive view of the evolution of major enzymatic players
implicated in steroidogenesis at the whole Metazoan scale. Our analysis reveals that steroidogenesis has been independently
elaborated in the three main...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Developmental Biology; Bioinformatics; Earth & Environment; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Nucleosome-mediated cooperativity between transcription factors
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Leonid A. Mirny.
Cooperative binding of transcription factors (TFs) to cis-regulatory regions (CRRs) is essential for precision of gene expression in
development and other processes. The classical model of cooperativity requires direct interactions between TFs, thus constraining
the arrangement of TFs sites in a CRR. On the contrary, genomic and functional studies demonstrate a great deal of flexibility in
such arrangements with variable distances, numbers of sites, and identities of the involved TFs. Such flexibility is inconsistent
with the cooperativity by direct interactions between TFs. Here we demonstrate that strong cooperativity among non-interacting
TFs can be achieved by their competition with nucleosomes. We find that the mechanism of nucleosome-mediated...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2009
Ablation of smooth muscle myosin heavy chain SM2 increases smooth muscle contractility and results
in postnatal death in mice
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Mei Chi; Yingbi Zhou; Srikanth Vedamoorthyrao; Gopal Babu; Muthu Periasamy.
The smooth muscle myosin heavy chains (SMHC) are motor proteins powering smooth muscle contraction. Alternate splicing of
SHMC gene at the C-terminus produces SM1, and SM2 myosin isoforms; SM2 (200 kDa) contains a unique 9-amino-acid
sequence at the carboxyl terminus, whereas SM1 (204 kDa) has a 43 amino acid non-helical tail region. To date the functional
difference between C-terminal isoforms has not been established; therefore, we used an exon-specific gene targeting strategy and
generated a mouse model specifically deficient in SM2. Deletion of exon-41 of the SMHC gene resulted in a complete loss of
SM2 in homozygous (_SM2^-/-^_) mice, accompanied by a concomitant down-regulation of SM1 in bladders. While
heterozygous (_SM2^+/-^_) mice appeared normal...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Soluble oligomerization provides a beneficial fitness effect on destabilizing mutations.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Shimon Bershtein; Eugene Shakhnovich.
Protein stability is widely recognized as a major evolutionary constraint. However, the relation between mutation-induced
perturbations of protein stability and biological fitness has remained elusive. Here we explore this relation by introducing a
selected set of mostly destabilizing mutations into an essential chromosomal gene of E.coli encoding dihydrofolate reductase
(DHFR) to determine how changes in protein stability, activity and abundance affect fitness. Several mutant strains showed no
growth while many exhibited fitness higher than wild type. Overexpression of chaperonins (GroEL/ES) buffered the effect of
mutations by rescuing the lethal phenotypes and worsening better-fit strains. Changes in stability affect fitness by mediating the
abundance of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Fundamentally different strategies for transcriptional regulation are revealed by analysis of binding
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Zeba Wunderlich; Leonid Mirny.
To regulate a particular gene, a transcription factor (TF) needs to bind a specific genome location. How is this genome address
specified amid the presence of ~10^6^-10^9^ decoy sites? Our analysis of 319 known TF binding motifs clearly demonstrates that
prokaryotes and eukaryotes use strikingly different strategies to target TFs to specific genome locations; eukaryotic TFs exhibit
widespread nonfunctional binding and require clustering of sites in regulatory regions for specificity.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2008
Evidence of salt secretion at the stem of _Melaleuca cuticularis_ Labill.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Amanda J. Twomey; Bodapati P. Naidu; Shu Fukai.
It has been observed that _Melaleuca cuticularis_ Labill. has the ability to secrete salt solution to the surface of its stem. No
literature has been found to illustrate other species' capacity to secrete salts at the stem and with what little literature
there is on _M. cuticularis_ under saline conditions ^1, 2^, there was no evidence documented by those authors to have witnessed
salt secreting at the stem. Most recorded observations of salt secretion by plants has usually been on leaf salt secretion through
specialized glands or bladders often in mangroves, salt bushes and grass species, among others ^3-8^. This observation is the first
known record of a plant species capable of secreting salts mostly at the stem.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Earth & Environment; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2008
The Necessity of Darwin
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Stanley K. Sessions; Herbert C. Macgregor.
February 12th, 2009 was Charles Darwin's 200th birthday, and November 2009 represents the 150th anniversary of
the publication of his transformative book, The Origin of Species. It seems a good time to look back and assess
Darwin's legacy within the perspective of current knowledge of genetics, cytogenetics, and molecular biology in
general. Although a comprehensive understanding of evolution would no doubt have emerged eventually, it is difficult to imagine
how anyone could have matched Darwin’s prodigious and sustained efforts, as well as his talent for explaining
things in simple terms.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
On the social induction of Alzheimer's disease: An index theorem aging model for amyloid
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace; Deborah Wallace.
The central 'risk factor' for Alzheimer's disease (AD) is age. From first principles, we
construct a mathematical model of protein folding and its in vivo regulation that gives this result in a natural manner. We extend
the basic approach using topological information theory methods, and examine a case history of socially-induced premature aging
in the United States.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2011
Expanding the modern synthesis II: Formal perspectives on the inherent role of niche construction in
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
Expanding the modern synthesis requires elevating the role of interaction within and across various biological scales to the status
of an evolutionary principle. One way to do this is to characterize genes, gene expression, and embedding environment as
information sources linked by crosstalk, constrained by the asymptotic limit theorems of information theory (Wallace, 2010a).
This produces an inherently interactive structure that escapes the straightjacket of mathematical population genetics or other
replicator dynamics. Here, we examine fitness from that larger perspective, finding it intimately intertwined with niche
construction. Two complementary models are explored: niche construction as mediating the connection between environmental
signals and gene...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Ecology; Genetics & Genomics; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Lost in translation: Toward a formal model of multilevel, multiscale medicine
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
For a broad spectrum of low level cognitive regulatory and other biological phenomena, isolation from signal crosstalk between
them requires more metabolic free energy than permitting correlation. This allows an evolutionary exaptation leading to dynamic
global broadcasts of interacting physiological processes at multiple scales. The argument is similar to the well-studied exaptation
of noise to trigger stochastic resonance amplification in physiological subsystems. Not only is the living state characterized by
cognition at every scale and level of organization, but by multiple, shifting, tunable, cooperative larger scale broadcasts that link
selected subsets of functional modules to address problems. This multilevel dynamical viewpoint has implications...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Developmental Biology; Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2012
Human Heart Development Pathways
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Samuel Sklar; Alexander Pico.
This pathway has been largely adapted from an article by Deepak Srivastava, Cell. 2006 Sep 22;126(6):1037-48. In this pathway
are known transcription factors, miRNAs and regulatory proteins that impact the regional specificity of the human heart.
Activating signals are indicated by arrows while inhibitory signals are indicated by T-bars. Special thanks to Kim Cordes for her
assistance in revising this pathway, based on recent heart development research. A live version of the pathway can be found at
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2011
Applying of novel subtraction method Genetically Directed Differential Subtraction Chain (GDDSC)
in plant genomes
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ewa Siedlecka; Aneta Hromada-Judycka; Magdalena Pawełkowicz; Rafał
Wóycicki; Monika Rakoczy-Trojanowska; Zbigniew Przybecki.
We present a simple subtraction procedure of GDDSC as a modification of the original DSC and GDRDA methods. Genetically
Directed Differential Subtraction Chain (GDDSC) is a process by which highly related genomes are compared in order to isolate
tags carrying the polymorphisms. 
To detect specific DNA fragment (tag), we can then monitor offspring
plants for efficient molecular breeding. The GDDSC protocol was applied to isolation of new sex related clones from cucumber
plants (_Cucumis_ _sativus_ L.) and new tissue culture response clones from rye (_Secale_ _cereale_ L.). The newly identified
tags, obtained by GDDSC represent pools of candidate genes and other sequences, which could serve as potential markers for
requested traits.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Mega- change gene copies are produced by reverse transcription of precursor RNA with replaced
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Drew Schwartz.
This report describes the presence of copy genes in plants where the sequence similarity to their parental genes is almost
completely limited to limited to the exons. Evidence is presented that indicates that they arose via a novel processing of
transcribed precursor RNA during which the introns are replaced rather than excised, followed by reverse transcription and
incorporation into the chromosomes. Intron replacement may play an important role in evolution as it results in megagene
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Genetics & Genomics; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Applying of novel subtracted method Genetically Directed Differential Subtraction Chain (GDDSC)
in plant genomes
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ewa Siedlecka; Aneta Hromada-Judycka; Magdalena Pawełkowicz; Rafał
Wóycicki; Monika Rakoczy-Trojanowska; Zbigniew Przybecki.
We present a simple subtraction procedure of GDDSC as a modification of the original DSC and GDRDA methods. Genetically
Directed Differential Subtraction Chain (GDDSC) is a process by which highly related genomes are compared in order to isolate
tags carrying the polymorphisms. 
To detect specific DNA fragment (tag), we can then monitor offspring
plants for efficient molecular breeding. The GDDSC protocol was applied to isolation of new sex related clones from cucumber
plants (_Cucumis_ _sativus_ L.) and new tissue culture response clones from rye (_Secale_ _cereale_ L.). The newly identified
tags, obtained by GDDSC represent pools of candidate genes and other sequences, which could serve as potential markers for
requested traits.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
"Dark Mediators" of Proteins as Revealed by NMR in Water:
Residue-selective Anion Bindings that are Masked by Pre-existing Buffer
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jianxing Song; Linlin Miao; Haina Qin.
Ions are commonly believed to impose their effects on proteins by unspecific electrostatic screening. Here, by NMR we reveal
that in water sulfate, chloride and thiocyanate are able to bind a well-folded WW domain at distinctive residues and affinities,
which is surprisingly masked by the pre-existing buffer. Our study reveals that the specific anion binding is so ubiquitous and
consequently no longer negligible in establishing "postreductionist framework" for protein biochemistry.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology; Earth & Environment; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Entomofauna visitante de Belamcanda chinensis (L.) DC (Iridaceae) durante o período de floração
Provedor de dados: 104
Autores: Vitali,Maria de Jesus; Dutra,João Clovis Stanzani; Machado,Vera Lígia Letízio.
A study of the reproductive biology of B. chinensis (L.) DC. (Iridaceae) was realized comprising floral biology and breeding
systems. The floral biology studies included analyses of nectar production, occurence of osmophores, corolla pigments, ultraviolet
reflexion and absortion patterns, viability of pollen, pollinators and flower visitors. The breeding systems were studied taking into
account the results of manual pollinators tests. B. chinensis is self-compatible bul cross-pollination is more frequent. The effective
pollinators are Plebeia droryana (Friese, 1906) (45,7%), Trigona spinipes (Fabricius, 1793) (27,3%), Tetragonisca angustula
(Latreille, 1811) (9,3%). Others insects visitors are considered nectar and pollen thieves. The flowering begins...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Belamcanda chinensis; Pollination; Insect visitors; Floral biology; Reproductive biology.
Ano: 1995
Biological quality of the soil seasonally evaluated in different land uses in Santa Catarina, sourthern
Provedor de dados: 119
The objective of this study was to evaluate seasonally the biological quality of the soil under different land uses at Santa Catarina
state, south of Brazil.
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Biology soil; Productivity for plant; Ecosystem.
Ano: 2012
Development of Pachycoris torridus (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) on Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae),
Psidium cattleianum (Myrtaceae) and Aleurites fordii (Euphorbiaceae).
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: BORGES FILHO, R. da C.; PRATISSOLI, D. P.; NAVA, D. E.; MONTE, F. G.; GUIDONI, A. L.; SILVA, S. D. dos
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Hemiptera; Stinkbug of jatropha; Hosts; Biology.
Ano: 2013
Dynamics and vertical distribution of a Hrabeiella periglandulata (Annelida) population in South
Moravia, Czech Republic.
Provedor de dados: 119
Abstract - The objective of this work was to evaluate the density, dynamics and vertical distribution of a Hrabeiella periglandulata
population in a forest soil at Brno, Czech Republic. From December 2003 to November 2004, two plots covered by mixed stands
and two covered by coniferous stands were sampled monthly. Six soil cores per plot were taken down to 15 cm and subdivided
into layers, which were subjected to wet funnel extraction. Missing in one of the coniferous stands H. periglandulata was abundant
in the mixed stand with the highest soil pH. In this stand, monthly sampling continued until November 2005, with three additional
samplings up to January 2007. Mean annual density was 2,672±1,534 individuals m-2. Population dynamics differed from those...
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Soil fauna; Polychaeta.
Ano: 2009
Monitoramento de Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797) com armadilhas, utilizando-se fêmeas virgens
e feromônio comercial.
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Biologia; Spodoptera frugiperda; Biology; Inseto.
Ano: 1990
Atypical distyly in Psychotria goyazensis Mull. Arg. (Rubiaceae), an intramorph self-compatible
Provedor de dados: 39
Autores: Rodrigues,Ebenezer Barbosa; Consolaro,Hélder.
Distyly is a genetically controlled floral dimorphism, characterized by the reciprocal positioning of pin and thrum morphs, a
heteromorphic incompatibility system and a balanced morph ratio (isoplethy). This study aimed to investigate the phenology,
features of distyly, reproductive biology, and floral visitors of Psychotria goyazensis Mull. Arg. (Rubiaceae), an intramorph
self-compatible species, in a tropical semideciduous forest in the municipality of Catalão, located in the state of Goiás, Brazil. The
phenology was recorded for a sample of individuals, the floral morphology being described using fresh and fixed material. The
incompatibility system was tested using controlled hand pollinations. Floral visitors were collected and identified. Blooming...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Heterostyly; Monomorphism; Cerrado; Reproductive biology.
Ano: 2013
Insect taxonomy in species-rich countries: the way forward?
Provedor de dados: 44
Autores: Mound,Laurence A.
There are two extremes in taxonomic behavior - publishing quickly as new taxa become available, and waiting a lifetime in the
hope of publishing results that cannot be faulted. Neither of these extremes meets the needs of contemporary biologists in
furthering our understanding of the evolution and maintenance of biological diversity. Part of the reason for these extremes is our
failure to define suitable objectives for taxonomy. Instead of emphasising the units of biological diversity, we should concentrate
on investigating patterns, structural, biological, ecological, temporal, and geographical, because it is these patterns that will
generate novel ideas about the evolutionary history of organisms, and that will be most likely to be of interest to the...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Insecta; Biodiversity; Systematics; Tropical biology.
Ano: 1998
Studies of the floral biology and reproductive system of Brassica napus L.(Cruciferae)
Provedor de dados: 52
Autores: Mussury,Rosilda Mara; Fernandes,Wedson Desidério.
Studies of the floral biology of canola were accomplished with the objective of enlarging the system and reproductive strategies
knowledge of its CTC-4 cultivar in Dourados, Centerwest, Brazil. Brassica napus is self pollinated, presenting however, many
resources for the allogamy accomplishment, e.g., abundant pollen, nectar and scent production. The smaller anther were
responsible for the production of fruit with smaller and less growth seeds, when compared to the autogamy, autopollination and
cross pollination tests.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Brassica napus; Canola; Floral biology.
Ano: 2000
Reproductive biology of a tetragonopterinae (osteichthyes, characidae) of the Ubatiba fluvial system,
Maricá - RJ
Provedor de dados: 52
Autores: Mazzoni,Rosana; Petito,Jaqueline.
Aspects of the reproductive biology of one Tetragonopterinae was assessed in the Ubatiba river - Maricá / RJ. Length structure
and mean size suggested sexual dimorphism, females reaching larger sizes than males. The onset of sexual maturity occured at
2.8cm for both the sexes. Fecundity, determined on ripe ovaries, showed positive correlation to females size and weight and
varied from 595 to 5520 for 3.9cm and 6.2cm lengths respectively. The spawning type, defined as total, was determined by the
oocyte diameter frequency from ovaries in different development stages. The frequency distribution of ovarian/testis maturation
stages, associated with the temporal variation of the gonadosomatic index, suggested that the reproduction period was prolonged
along the...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Tetragonopterinae; Coastal stream; Reproductive biology.
Ano: 1999
Molecular biology and clinical implication of hepatitis C virus
Provedor de dados: 56
Autores: Lyra,A.C.; Fan,X.; Di Bisceglie,A.M.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) was first described in 1989 as the putative viral agent of non-A non-B hepatitis. It is a member of the
Flaviviridae family and has been recognized as the major causative agent of chronic liver disease, including chronic active
hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. HCV is a positive RNA virus with a genome containing approximately 9500
nucleotides. It has an open reading frame that encodes a large polyprotein of about 3000 amino acids and is characterized by
extensive genetic diversity. HCV has been classified into at least 6 major genotypes with many subtypes and circulates within an
infected individual as a number of closely related but distinct variants known as quasispecies. This article reviews aspects of the...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Hepatitis C; Molecular biology; Quasispecies.
Ano: 2004
Biological aspects of the leafminer Liriomyza sativae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on melon (Cucumis
melo L.)
Provedor de dados: 65
Autores: Araujo,Elton Lucio; Nogueira,Carlos Henrique Feitosa; Menezes Netto,Alexandre Carlos; Bezerra,Carlos Eduardo
The leafminer Liriomyza sativae Blanchard is an important insect pest on melon crops in Brazil. However, the information about
its biology on melon (Cucumis melo L.) is scarce. Therefore, the aim of this research was to know some biological aspects of this
pest, reared on melon plants, under laboratory conditions at 25°C. Our results showed that the biological cycle of L. sativae lasts
15.9±0.04 days (egg-adult), namely: egg (2.7±0.01 days), larva (4.1±0.03 days) and pupa (9.1±0.03 days). The sex ratio is 0.51
and the females live (19.3±1.09 days) longer than males (16.2±0.96 days). These results can help in the integrated management of
L. sativae on melon crops and improve the systems for rearing this leafminer in laboratory.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Insect pest; Cucurbitaceae; Biology; Semiarid.
Ano: 2013
Provedor de dados: 72
Autores: Muñoz-Pedreros,Andrés; Lang,Brian K; Bretos,Marta; Meserve,Peter L.
The reproductive biology of Dromiciops gliroides is described from five females collected during spring (October, December
1984) in southern continental Chile. Developmental morphology of intra-uterine embryos (October litters) was examined by
microscopic analysis and compared with morphological attributes of 8 pouched young (December litters). Intra-uterine embryos
demonstrate ontogenetic features characteristic of altricial neonates, which migrate from the urogenital opening to the marsupium
in order to complete the later stages of development. D. gliroides apparently is a monoestrus, seasonal breeder producing one litter
per year. Maximum recorded litter size is four, with birth occurring in early spring (October). The life cycle of D. gliroides is...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Dromiciops gliroides; Embryogenesis; Reproductive biology.
Ano: 2005
Teaching evolutionary biology
Provedor de dados: 74
Autores: Tidon,Rosana; Lewontin,Richard C.
Evolutionary Biology integrates several disciplines of Biology in a complex and interactive manner, where a deep understanding
of the subject demands knowledge in diverse areas. Since this knowledge is often inaccessible to the majority of specialized
professionals, including the teachers, we present some reflections in order to stimulate discussions aimed at the improvement of
the conditions of education in this area. We examine the profile of evolutionary teaching in Brazil, based on questionnaires
distributed to teachers in Secondary Education in the Federal District, on data provided by the "National Institute for Educational
Studies and Research", and on information collected from teachers working in various regions of this country. Issues related to...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Education; Evolutionary biology; Misconception; Teaching.
Ano: 2004
Imaturos de pentatomídeos (Hemiptera, Heteroptera): morfologia e biologia de Acrosternum
Provedor de dados: 76
Autores: Matesco,Viviana C.; Fortes,Nora D. F.; Grazia,Jocélia.
The morphological characteristics of the egg and five immature stages of Acrosternum obstinatum (Stål, 1860), fed on passion
fruit, are described and illustrated. Biological data are also provided.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Pentatomidae; Acrosternum; Immatures; Morphology; Biology.
Ano: 2003
Efeito da inoculação de bactérias solubilizadoras de fosfato sobre o crescimento de milheto
(Pennisetum glaucum) fertilizado com fosfato de rochas.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: GOMES, E. A.; PAIVA, C. A. O.; DIAS, F. E. S.; SANTOS, F. C. dos; MARRIEL, I. E.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da inoculação de bactérias solubilizadoras de P sobre o crescimento e a absorção de P
do milheto, adubado com fosfato de Araxá e fosfato de Itafós, sob condições controladas. Foram avaliados dois métodos de
inoculação, um de forma direta na semente e outro indireto, pelo pré-processamento da rocha in vitro com os microrganismos.
Tipo: Boletim de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Microbiologia do solo; Adubação; Soil biology.
Ano: 2011
Biologia sintética.
Provedor de dados: 14
A Biologia Sintética, em franca expansão nos dias de hoje, consiste no uso de bioinformática e técnicas de engenharia genética e
bioquímica com o objetivo de desenhar circuitos biológicos modulares, por meio do redirecionamento ou construção de novas
rotas metabólicas e a criação de organismos artificiais, visando maximizar o seu funcionamento. Não se trata de uma técnica
específica, mas de um conceito que pode utilizar diferentes abordagens de edição genômica para alcançar a meta final. Esse
documento tem como objetivo fornecer uma visão abrangente desse novo ramo da biologia, de modo a ampliar a nossa percepção
sobre as possibilidades futuras que podem ser vislumbradas sobre o desenvolvimento e as aplicações dessa nova abordagem
Tipo: Documentos (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Genética; Gene; Synthetic biology; Genetics.
Ano: 2015
Biologia molecular aplicada à sanidade.
Provedor de dados: 14
Autores: SIDER, L. H.
Tipo: Artigo de divulgação na mídia (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Biologia molecuar; Sanidade; Molecular biology.
Ano: 2009
Relações do teor de matéria orgânica com teor de argila e histórico de uso de solos do cerrado, na
sucessão milheto-soja (2007).
Provedor de dados: 14
Tipo: Folderes / Folhetos / Cartilhas (INFOTECA-E)
Palavras-chave: Solo; Matéria orgânica; Soil biology.
Ano: 2007
The biomass of the bottom fauna in the English Channel off Plymouth
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Holme, N.A.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1953
Fluctuations in the distribution and abundance of inter-tidal barnacles
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Southward, A.J.; Crisp, D.J.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1956
Marine Habitats and Species: Chapter 2: State of Plankton
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Reid, P.C.; Edwards, M.; Beaugrand, G.; Stevens, D.; Wootton, M.
Tipo: Book Section
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2005
Differences in performance among four indices used to evaluate diversity in planktonic ecosystems
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Beaugrand, G.; Edwards, M.
The performance of four common estimators of diversity are investigated using calanoid copepod data from the Continuous
Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey. The region of the North Atlantic and the North Sea was divided into squares of 400 nautical
miles for each 2-month period. For each 144 possible cases, Pielou's pooled quadrat method was performed with the aims of
determining asymptotic diversity and investigating the CPR sample-size dependence of diversity estimators. It is shown that the
performance of diversity indices may greatly vary in space and time (at a seasonal scale). This dependence is more pronounced in
higher diverse environments and when the sample size is small. Despite results showing that all estimators underestimate the
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2001
An overview of Calanus helgolandicus ecology in European waters
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Bonnet, D.; Richardson, A.; Harris, R.; Hirst, A.; Beaugrand, G.; Edwards, M.; Ceballos, S.; Diekman, R.;
Lopez-Urrutia, A.; Valdes, L.; Carlotti, F.; Molinero, J.C.; Weikert, H.; Greve, W.; Lucic, D.; Albania, A.; Yahia, N.D.; Umani,
S.F.; Miranda, A.; Santos, A. dos; Cook, K.; Robinson, S.; Puelles, M.L.F. de.
We review current knowledge and understanding of the biology and ecology of the calanoid copepod Calanus helgolandicus in
European waters, as well as provide a collaborative synthesis of data from 18 laboratories and 26 sampling stations in areas
distributed from the northern North Sea to the Aegean and Levantine Seas. This network of zooplankton time-series stations has
enabled us to collect and synthesise seasonal and multi-annual data on abundance, body size, fecundity, hatching success and
vertical distribution of C. helgolandicus. An aim was to enable comparison with its congener Calanus finmarchicus, which has
been studied intensively as a key component of European and north east Atlantic marine ecosystems. C. finmarchicus is known to
over-winter at...
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2005
Plankton production off Plymouth and the mouth of the English Channel in 1939
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Mare, M.F.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1940
Fathers in hot water: rising sea temperatures and a north-eastern Atlantic pipefish baby boom
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Kirby, R.R.; Johns, D.G.; Lindley, J.A.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2006
Biodiversity of North Atlantic and North Sea calanoid copepods
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Beaugrand, G.; Reid, P.C.; Ibanez, F.; Planque, B.
Spatial patterns in pelagic biodiversity are the result of factors acting from a global to a local scale. The global patterns have been
studied intensively using taxa such as foraminifera and euphausiids. However, these studies do not allow direct comparisons of
neritic and oceanic regions or examination of relationships between local and regional patterns of pelagic diversity. Here we
present a map of the diversity of calanoid copepods, a key planktonic group, summarising 40 yr of continuous monthly
investigations in the North Atlantic and North Sea. The high number of samples (168 162) allowed mesoscale patterns in diversity
to be detected for the first time at an ocean-basin level. Our results demonstrate pronounced local spatial variability in...
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2000
A record of plankton on the echo-sounder
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Cushing, D.H.; Richardson, I.D.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1956
A quantitative method for estimating the periodicity of diatoms
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Abdel Aleem, A.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1949
Impact of climate change on marine pelagic phenology and trophic mismatch
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Edwards, M.; Richardson, A.J.
Phenology, the study of annually recurring life cycle events such as the timing of migrations and flowering, can provide
particularly sensitive indicators of climate change. Changes in phenology may be important to ecosystem function because the
level of response to climate change may vary across functional groups and multiple trophic levels. The decoupling of phenological
relationships will have important ramifications for trophic interactions, altering food-web structures and leading to eventual
ecosystem-level changes. Temperate marine environments may be particularly vulnerable to these changes because the
recruitment success of higher trophic levels is highly dependent on synchronization with pulsed planktonic production. Using
long-term data of 66...
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2004
Investigations on the microfauna inhabiting seaweeds on rocky coasts. IV. Studies on the vertical
distribution of the fauna inhabiting seaweeds below the Plymouth Laboratory
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Wieser, W.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1952
Studies on the interrelationships of zooplankton and phytoplankton
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Bainbridge, R.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1953
Observations on the night tidal migrant Crustacea of Kames Bay
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Emrys Watkin, E.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1941
A note on the isolation of small marine algae and flagellates for pure cultures
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Droop, M.R.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1954
Observations of flounders Pleuronectes flesus L. marked in the estuaries of the Tamar and Lynher
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Hartley, P.H.T.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1947
Arctic boreal plankton species in the Northwest Atlantic
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Johns, D.G.; Edwards, M.; Batten, S.D.
The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey has sampled regularly in the Northwest Atlantic since the early 1960s. Over the
last decade there has been a dramatic increase in the abundance of a number of arctic boreal plankton species, notably Calanus
hyperboreus (Kroyer), Calanus glacialis (Jaschnov), and Ceratium arcticum, and a southerly shift of the copepod C. hyperboreus
in the CPR survey. In 1998, C. hyperboreus was recorded at its farthest position south in the survey, 39 degrees N, off the Georges
Bank shelf edge. Other studies have reported similar parallel biological responses on three trophic levels. During the late 1990s,
production of Labrador Sea Water (LSW) has been at a high, a direct response to the phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation...
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2001
Experiments with radioactive strontium (90Sr) on certain molluscs and polychaetes
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Fretter, V.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1953
Exceptional abundance of the snake pipefish (Entelurus aequoreus) in the north-eastern Atlantic
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Lindley, J.A.; Kirby, R.R.; Johns, D.G.; Reid, P.C.
Pipefish (Syngnathidae) have occurred with unprecedented frequency in Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) samples to the
west of the British Isles from 2003 to 2005. Identification by mtDNA sequencing established that they were snake pipefish,
Entelurus aequoreus. The geographical range of the records were from the outer continental shelf of the Celtic Sea and north-west
of Ireland to the mid-Atlantic Ridge between 40° and 57°N, with the greatest abundance near the shelf edge and adjacent oceanic
waters south of Ireland and west of Brittany. There were records in every month from February to November but most were in late
spring and summer. A proposed mechanism for the increase in abundance of the species is that recent climate change has had
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2006
Chlorocruoroporphyrin - a simple method of preparation
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Kennedy, G.Y.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1953
A new dredge for collecting burrowing animals
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Forster, G.R.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1953
Experiments on the humane killing of crabs
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Baker, J.R.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1955
Congruent trends in long-term zooplankton decline in the north-east Atlantic and basking shark
(Cetorhinus maximus ) fishery catches off west Ireland
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Sims, D.W.; Reid, P.C.
Trends in basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) fishery catches off Achill Island, west Ireland between 1949 and 1975 were
examined in relation to zooplankton (total copepod) abundance in four adjacent sea areas over a 27-year period. The numbers of
basking sharks caught and copepod abundance showed downward trends and were positively correlated (r-value range,
0.44–0.74). A possible explanation for the downward trend in shark catches was that progressively fewer basking sharks occurred
there between 1956 and 1975 because fewer copepods, their food resource, occurred near the surface off west Ireland over the
same period. We suggest that the decline in basking sharks may have been due to a distributional shift of sharks to more
productive areas, rather than a...
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2002
The fauna of sand and mud banks near the mouth of the Exe estuary
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Holme, N.A.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1949
An overview of plankton ecology in the North Sea
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Johns, D.G.; Reid, P.C.
The purpose of this report is to give an overview of plankton ecology in the North Sea, and the processes that effect it, as derived
from current research. The Sir Alister Hardy Foundation has extensive data for the North Sea area, and other sources have also
been used to provide information for this report. Shortfalls in current research have also been highlighted. The information
contained herein is to be contributed towards an information base for the Strategic Environmental Assessment.
The North Sea
is an extension of the North Atlantic that has an area of 574,980 km2. The deepest area is off the coast of Norway (660m), with a
number of shallow areas, such as the Dogger Bank (15m). The North Sea represents a large source of hydrocarbons that have...
Tipo: Monograph
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2001
The reactions of certain mysids to stimulation by light and gravity
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Foxon, G.E.H.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1940
How well does the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) sample zooplankton? A comparison with the
Longhurst Hardy Plankton Recorder (LHPR) in the northeast Atlantic
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Richardson, A.J.; John, E.H.; Irigoien, X.; Harris, R.P.; Hays, G.C.
The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey has collected data on basin- scale zooplankton abundance in the North Atlantic
since the 1930s. These data have been used in many studies to elucidate seasonal patterns and long-term change in plankton
populations, as well as more recently to validate ecosystem models. There has, however, been relatively little comparison of the
data from the CPR with that from other samplers. In this study we compare zooplankton abundance estimated from the CPR in the
northeast Atlantic with near-surface samples collected by a Longhurst-Hardy Plankton Recorder (LHPR) at Ocean Weather
Station India (59 degree N, 19 degree W) between 1971 and 1975. Comparisons were made for six common copepods in the
region: Acartia clausi,...
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2004
Phytoplankton change in the North Atlantic
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Reid, P.C.; Edwards, M.; Hunt, H.G.; Warner, A.J.
A marked increase in global temperature over the last century was confirmed by the second Assessment Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Here we report significant positive and negative linear trends from 1948 to 1995 in
phytoplankton measured by the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey in the northeast Atlantic and North Sea that might reflect a
response to changing climate on a timescale of decades. Spreading of unusually cold waters from the Arctic might have
contributed to the decline in phytoplankton north of 59o N. Further south, phytoplankton season length and abundance seem to
have increased.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1998
Warm-water species in the plankton off the English Channel entrance
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Fraser, J.H.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1954
A new quantitative plankton net
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Currie, R.I.; Foxton, P.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1957
Summarising spatial and temporal information in CPR data
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Beare, D.J.; Batten, S.D.; Edwards, M.; McKenzie, E.; Reid, P.C.; Reid, D.G.
The Continuous Plankton Recorder survey provides pan-oceanic data on geographic distribution, species composition, seasonal
cycles of abundance, and long-term change during the last 70 years. In this paper we compare and contrast some of the historic
data-analytic protocols of the survey, focusing primarily on the various means by which spatio-temporal information in CPR data
has been exposed. Relative strengths and limitations are assessed, followed by suggestions for future approaches to the
visualisation and summarising of CPR data.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2003
Underwater observations on rocks off Stoke Point and Dartmouth
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Forster, G.R.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1955
The use of trawl, grab and camera in estimating marine benthos
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: McIntyre, A.D.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1956
Studies of luminescence. Attraction of animals to a weak light.
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Nicol, J.A.C.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1959
The ecology of Echinus esculentus L. Quantitative distribution and rate of feeding
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Forster, G.R.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1959
A statistical study of the variation in vertical plankton hauls, with special reference to the loss of the
catch with divided hauls
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Barnes, H.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1949
Short-period fluctuations in the numbers of barnacle larvae, with notes on comparisons between
pump and net plankton hauls
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Pyefinch, K.A.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1949
Increasing prevalence of the marine cladoceran Penilia avirostris (Dana, 1852) in the North Sea
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Johns, DG; Edwards, M; John, AWG; Greve, W.
Rising sea surface temperatures in the North Sea have had consequential effects on not only indigenous plankton species, but
also on the possibility of successful colonisation of the area by invasive plankton species. Previous studies have noted the
introduction and integration into the plankton community of various phytoplankton species, but establishment of zooplankton
organisms in the North Sea is less well-documented.
Examining continuous plankton recorder (CPR) survey
data and
zooplankton results from the Helgoland Roads study, the autumn of 1999 witnessed the occurrence of the marine cladoceran
Penilia avirostris in large numbers in the North Sea. The rapid appearance of the species corresponded with exceptionally warm
sea surface...
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2005
Comparison of the different methods of estimating nanoplankton
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Ballantine, D.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1953
On the faunas inhabiting inter-tidal seaweeds
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Colman, J.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1940
Rearing animals in captivity for the study of trematode life histories. II.
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Rothschild, M.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1940
Spontaneous activity patterns in animal behaviour: the irrigation of the burrow in the polychaetes,
Chaetopterus variopedatus Renier and Nereis diversicolor O.F.Muller
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Wells, G.P.; Dales, R.P.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1951
The biology and trematode parasites of the gastropod Littorina neritoides (L.) on the Plymouth
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Lysaght, A.M.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1941
Pulses in the eastern margin current and warmer water off the north west European shelf linked to
North Sea ecosystem changes
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Reid, P.C.; Holliday, N.P.; Smyth, T.J.
The North Sea ecosystem has recently undergone dramatic changes, observed as altered biomass of individual species spanning a
range of life forms from algae to birds, with evidence for an approximate doubling in the abundance of both phytoplankton and
benthos as part of a regime shift after 1987. Remarkably, these changes, in part recorded in the Phytoplankton Colour Index of the
Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey, are notable as episodic shifts occurring in 1988/89 and 1998 imposed on a gradual
decadal trend. These biological events are shown to be a response to coincident changes in oceanic input and water temperature.
Geostrophic transports have been calculated from a hydrographic section across the Rockall Trough, and a time series of
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2001
Marking fish with the electric tattooing needle
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Hickling, C.F.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1945
Intersex in the clam Scrobicularia plana: A sign of endocrine disruption in estuaries?
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Chesman, BS; Langston, WJ.
The phenomenon of endocrine disruption is currently a source of growing concern. Feminisation of male fish in UK rivers has
been shown to occur extensively and has been linked with exposure to endocrine-disrupting compounds present in the
Much less is known of the extent and scale of endocrine disruption in estuarine and marine ecosystems,
particularly in invertebrates.
We present evidence that intersex, in the form of ovotestis, is occurring in the common
estuarine bivalve Scrobicularia plana, which is considered to be inherently gonochoristic. We report varying degrees in the
severity of ovotestis in male S. plana, and have adopted and developed a grading method to assess the extent of this intersex
These findings...
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2006
Notes on the inshore plankton of Plymouth
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Lebour, M.V.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1947
The ecology of the Amphipoda of the south of the Isle of Man
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Jones, N.S.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1948
Observations on Nephrops norvegicus (L.) and on an epizoic population of Balanus crenatus Brug.
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Barnes, H.; Bagenal, T.B.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1951
Encounter success of free-ranging marine predator movements across a dynamic prey landscape
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Sims, D.W.; Witt, M.J.; Richardson, A.J.; Southall, E.J.; Metcalfe, J.D.
Movements of wide-ranging top predators can now be studied effectively using satellite and archival telemetry. However, the
motivations underlying movements remain difficult to determine because trajectories are seldom related to key biological
gradients, such as changing prey distributions. Here, we use a dynamic prey landscape of zooplankton biomass in the north-east
Atlantic Ocean to examine active habitat selection in the plankton-feeding basking shark Cetorhinus maximus. The relative
success of shark searches across this landscape was examined by comparing prey biomass encountered by sharks with encounters
by random-walk simulations of ‘model’ sharks. Movements of transmitter-tagged sharks monitored for 964 days (16754km
estimated minimum distance)...
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2006
Some new supra-littoral Protista
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Droop, M.R.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1955
Variations in the distributions of the Centropages chierchiae and Temora stylifera (Copepoda:
Calanoida) in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean and western european shelf waters.
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Lindley, J.A.; Daykin, S.
Centropages chierchiae and Temora stylifera occurred rarely in the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey in the Bay of
Biscay, Celtic Sea, and English Channel before 1988. By 2000 they were found frequently and in abundance. The seasonal cycles
of abundance of these species differ, C. chierchiae occurring mainly in the summer while T. stylifera was found most frequently in
late autumn or winter towards the northern limits of its distribution. The increase in abundance of both species is related to
temperature. However, in the years when it was found in the samples, the frequency of occurrence of C. chierchiae was correlated
positively with the strength of the shelf edge current and negatively with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) while the reverse...
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2005
Using continuous plankton recorder data
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Richardson, A.J.; Walne, A.W.; John, A.W.G.; Jonas, T.D.; Lindley, J.A.; Sims, D.W.; Stevens, D.; Witt, M.
The continuous plankton recorder (CPR) survey is the largest multi-decadal plankton monitoring programme in the world. It was
initiated in 1931 and by the end of 2004 had counted 207,619 samples and identified 437 phyto- and zooplankton taxa throughout
the North Atlantic. CPR data are used extensively by the research community and in recent years have been used increasingly to
underpin marine management. Here, we take a critical look at how best to use CPR data. We first describe the CPR itself, CPR
sampling, and plankton counting procedures. We discuss the spatial and temporal biases in the Survey, summarise environmental
data that have not previously been available, and describe the new data access policy. We supply information essential to using
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2006
The CPR Survey (1948-1997): a gridded database browser of plankton abundance in the North Sea.
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Vezzulli, L.; Reid, P.C.
The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey provides a unique multi- decadal dataset on the abundance of plankton in the
North Sea and North Atlantic and is one of only a few monitoring programmes operating at a large spatio- temporal scale. The
results of all samples analysed from the survey since 1946 are stored on an Access Database at the Sir Alister Hardy Foundation
for Ocean Science (SAHFOS) in Plymouth. The database is large, containing more than two million records (~80 million data
points, if zero results are added) for more than 450 taxonomic entities. An open data policy is operated by SAHFOS. However, the
data are not on-line and so access by scientists and others wishing to use the results is not interactive. Requests for data are dealt
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2003
On the production of living matter in the sea off Plymouth
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Harvey, H.W.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1950
The distribution of Polychaeta in offshore deposits in the Irish Sea
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Southward, E.C.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1957
Achievements of the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey and a vision for its future - Preface.
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Reid, P.C.; Matthews, J.B.L.; Smith, M.A.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2003
On the variability of replicate plankton samples and some applications of ‘contagious’ series to the
statistical distribution of catches over restricted periods
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Barnes, H.; Marshall, S.M.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1951
Experiments of the vertical migration of plankton animals
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Hardy, A.C.; Paton, W.N.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1947
An increase in snake pipefish (Entelurus aequoreus) in the northeast Atlantic: possible causes and
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Johns, DG; Halliday, N.
Climate induced changes in the planktonic community have been reported in the North Atlantic in recent years (Beaugrand et al.,
2002), and similar responses has been seen in higher trophic levels (eg fish, Brander et al., 2003). Many of these responses have
been identified by the use of the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR), and here we discuss recent results from the survey
concerning pipefish, numbers of which have increased dramatically around the UK in recent years. This has also been reported in
both the scientific and popular press, and anecdotally by many divers. Pipefish are easily recognized, being vermiform with a long
slender ‘snout’ and an armoured outer layer, much like an elongated seahorse. This increase has raised many questions, why has...
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2007
Underwater observations on the fauna of shallow rocky areas in the neighbourhood of Plymouth
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Forster, G.R.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1958
The crevice faunas of the upper intertidal zone at Wembury
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Morton, J.E.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1954
Preliminary note on a survey of Stoke Point rocks with self-contained diving apparatus
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Forster, G.R.
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1954
Impacts of fisheries on plankton community structure
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Reid, P.C.; Battle, E.J.V.; Batten, S.D.; Brander, K.M.
There has been much debate on the extent to which resource availability (bottom-up) versus predation pressure from fish
(top-down) modulates the dynamics of plankton in marine systems. Physico/chemical bottom-up forcing has been considered to
be the main mechanism structuring marine ecosystems, although some field observations and empirical correlations support
top-down modulation. Models have indicated possible feedback loops to the plankton and other studies have interpreted a grazing
impact from long-term changes in fish stocks. In freshwater systems, evidence for top-down forcing by fish and trophic cascading
is well documented. First, evidence for equivalent top-down effects in the marine environment is presented, with an overview of
Tipo: Article
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 2000
Report on certain sediment shores in the Isles of Scilly. A report to the Nature Conservancy Council
Provedor de dados: 15
Autores: Holme, N.A.
Tipo: Monograph
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1983
A three-dimensional stochastic spatio-temporal model of cell spreading
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yuguang P. Xiong; Padmini Rangamani; Benjamin Dubin-Thaler; Michael Sheetz; Ravi Iyengar.
Cell motility is important for many physiological processes and the underlying
biochemical reactions
motility have been well characterized. Mathematical models, using
the biochemical reactions and focused
on different types of spreading behavior have been
constructed and analyzed. In this study, we build on
these previous models to develop a
three-dimensional stochastic model of isotropic spreading of mammalian
fibroblasts. The model is composed of three actin remodeling reactions that occur stochastically in space and time and are
regulated by membrane resistance forces. Numerical simulations indicate that the model qualitatively captures the experimentally
observed isotropic cell...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
Mining Co-expression Graphs: Applications to MicroRNA Regulation and Disease Analysis
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Malay Bhattacharyya.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are known to translationally repress or post-transcriptionally regulate mRNAs and are responsible for
many diseases. We are preparing a comprehensive framework of co-expression analysis to figure out co-expression, differential
co-expression and co-expression dynamics within multiple phenotypes in expression profiles. The purpose is to elucidate the
disease association of miRNAs via co-regulatory pattern analysis.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2012
A Rate Distortion approach to protein symmetry
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
A spontaneous symmetry breaking argument is applied to the problem of protein folding, via a Rate Distortion analysis of the
relation between genome coding and the final condensation of the protein molten globule. In the 'energy'
picture, the average distortion between codon message and protein structure, under constraints driven by evolutionary selection,
serves as a temperature analog, so that low values limit the possible distribution of protein forms, producing the canonical folding
funnel. A dual 'developmental' perspective sees the rate distortion function itself as the temperature
analog, and permits incorporation of chaperons or toxic exposures as catalysts, driving the system to different possible outcomes
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2010
Hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase modulates the effect of inhibitors and alternative substrates of
11[beta]-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Zoltán Balázs; Lyubomir G. Nashev; Charlie Chandsawangbhuwana; Michael E. Baker; Alex
Intracellular glucocorticoid reactivation is catalyzed by 11[beta]-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 (11[beta]-HSD1), which
functions predominantly as a reductase in cells expressing hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (H6PDH). We recently showed that
the ratios of cortisone to cortisol and 7-keto- to 7-hydroxy-neurosteroids are regulated by 11[beta]-HSD1 and very much depend
on co-expression with H6PDH, providing cosubstrate NADPH. Here, we investigated the impact of H6PDH on the modulation of
11[beta]-HSD1-dependent inter-conversion of cortisone and cortisol by inhibitors and alternative substrates. Using HEK-293 cells
expressing 11[beta]-HSD1 or co-expressing 11[beta]-HSD1 and H6PDH, we observed significant differences of 11[beta]-HSD1
inhibition by natural...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008
Analysis of acceptance of bacillus to various heavy metals and antibiotics
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yamini Singh Sisodia; Vivek Bajpai; Deeksha Gaur; Pankaj Kumar Jain.
The present study was carried out to systematically examine the pathogenic microorganisms in sewage samples isolated from the
Shekhawati region of Rajasthan. In this survey, 26 bacterial strains were isolated and identified using biochemical and molecular
methods. Molecular identification of isolates was done by DNA isolation, PCR amplification using 16S rDNA primer and partial
sequencing of purified product after sequencing, out of 26, 10 sequences were submitted to NCBI. Out of these 10 isolates
Bacillus pumilis, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis were taken for further studies. There is growing awareness of the
need for development of new antimicrobial agents for the treatment of human, animal and plant diseases. Keeping this fact in
mind, we...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2012
Screening of certain Ayurvedic plants extracts against E. turcicum
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Kaushal Kumar Bhati; R. Prasad; Rajesh Singh.
The use of chemicals against pathogens is environmentally dangerous, so use of natural inhibitors for disease management is
needed. In this work we screen botanical extracts from ayurvedic plants for their antifungal properties against economically
important plant fungal pathogen. As a test fungal pathogen, we select E. turcicum, a potent fungal pathogen responsible for
Northern leaf corn blight of Maize. This fungal pathogen was challenged by the leaf extract prepared from certain Ayurvedic
plants and these observations have shown a promising future in biocontrol of fungus by using such environmentally
antifungal agents.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Microbiology; Pharmacology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Memristive model of amoeba's learning
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yuriy V. Pershin; Steven La Fontaine; Massimiliano Di Ventra.
Recently, behavioural intelligence of the plasmodia of the true slime mold has been demonstrated. It was shown that a large
amoeba-like cell Physarum polycephalum subject to a pattern of periodic environmental changes learns and changes its behaviour
in anticipation of the next stimulus to come. Currently, it is not known what specific mechanisms are responsible for such
behaviour. Here, we show that such behaviour can be mapped into the response of a simple electronic circuit consisting of an LC
contour and a memory-resistor (a memristor) to a train of voltage pulses that mimic environment changes. We identify a possible
microscopic origin of the memristive behaviour in the Physarum polycephalum, which together with the naturally occurring
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008
Allicin from garlic suppresses TNF-α and augments IFN-γ expressions in
monocyte cultures from patients with Vaginitis
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Najmul Islam; Jawed Iqbal; Nazarul Hasan; Zeeshan Fatima; Hamida Thakur; Nazia Hasan; Abbas Ali Mahdi; Tamkin
Khan; Farzana Bano; Irfan Ahmad Ansari.
Objective: We tried to explore beneficial effects of allicin- a natural antioxidant from garlic in the possible management of
Methods: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC’s) were isolated from blood
of patients having vaginal infections as well as normal healthy subjects as per our published protocol. Monocytes
(MN’s) from above PBMC’s were adhered, rested overnight and cultured without or with varying
doses of allicin (0-500 ng/ml). Some cultures received SN50 and SN50M (100 ug/ml). After 24 hrs cultures, the cells were
harvested and the supernatants subjected to secreted TNF-α and sIFN-γ assays by ELISA.
Treated/untreated harvested cells were subjected to glutathione...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Isolation of Acidic, Basic and Neutral Metalloproteins by QPNC-PAGE
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Bernd Kastenholz; David E. Garfin.
A standard protocol for isolating metalloproteins in complex biological samples is presented using quantitative preparative native
continuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (QPNC-PAGE)
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Pharmacology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2010
A Targeted Therapeutic Rescues Botulinum Toxin-A Poisoned Neurons
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Prabhati Ray; Bal Ram Singh; Radharaman Ray; Peng Zhang; Dan Li; James Keller; Michael Adler.
Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT), a Category A biothreat agent, is the most potent poison known to mankind. Currently no antidote
is available to rescue poisoned synapses. BoNT acts specifically by blocking neurotransmission primarily at peripheral
nerve-muscle junctions causing severe flaccid muscle paralysis, which is fatal if proper medical care is not provided. The
neurotoxin acts by specifically entering the presynaptic nerve endings where it interferes with the biochemical machinery involved
in the process of neurotransmitter release, i.e., neuroexocytosis. Most serotypes of BoNT are known to remain active for weeks to
months after entering the nerves, but BoNT/A is the most potent and long lasting in causing muscle paralysis. An effective
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2008
Herbal Drugs in Mirror of Alzheimer’s Disease
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Bernd Kastenholz; Kerstin Nagel; David E. Garfin; Jürgen Horst.
Commercially available Ginkgo biloba leaf extracts may lack specificity as to the binding of copper and zinc ions in human cells.
This might be the reason why Ginkgo extracts have no predictable and clinically significant benefit for people with dementia or
cognitive impairment. A novel generation of herbal drugs is proposed as antioxidant and metal chelator in the treatment of
Alzheimer's disease.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Neuroscience; Pharmacology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2009
PID: The Pathway Interaction Database
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Carl F. Schaefer; Kira Anthony; Shiva Krupa; Jeffrey Buchoff; Matthew Day; Timo Hannay; Kenneth H. Buetow.
The Pathway Interaction Database (PID, "": is a freely available
collection of curated and peer-reviewed pathways composed of human molecular signaling and regulatory events and key cellular
processes. Created in a collaboration between the U.S. National Cancer Institute and Nature Publishing Group, the database serves
as a research tool for the cancer research community and others interested in cellular pathways, such as neuroscientists,
developmental biologists, and immunologists. PID offers a range of search features to facilitate pathway exploration. Users can
browse the predefined set of pathways or create interaction network maps centered on a single molecule or cellular process of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008
The Entropic Landscape of proteins revealing protein folding mechanism
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Kentaro Onizuka.
It has long since been a mystery why most proteins fold within a flash of time into particular structures out of astronomically large
numbers of possible conformations. Even more confusing is that protein folding in vivo is played out in rich solution containing
various organic and non-organic, big and small molecules and ions which would potentially bind the protein molecules and
prevent them folding. A possible answer to these mysteries might be, "Nature have favoured such proteins that quickly
fold in rich solution through natural selection". Then what mechanism of folding has been favoured? Here I show how
to decipher protein sequences to reveal the folding mechanism. The entropic landscape of a protein sequence tells which region
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008
Internal ribosomal entry site lacks secondary structure
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Xuhua Xia.
The search for mechanisms of translational regulation has yielded many experimentally identified internal ribosome entry sites
(IRES). Because of the lack of sequence similarity among the experimentally IRESs, it is widely assumed that IRESs posses
stable secondary structure allowing them to interact with the components of the translation machinery. Contrary to this view, here
we show that IRES activity in nine yeast IRESs, mapped to 60 nt immediately upstream of the initiation AUG, is strongly
associated with the lack of secondary structure of IRESs. Furthermore, the reverse complements of these IRESs, with their
secondary structure more stable than those of the IRESs, exhibit little IRES activity. The generality of this association is
exemplified by the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
Cancer invasion associated gene expression signature is present in differentially expressed genes in the
reprogramming of fibroblasts into stem cells
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Wei-yi Cheng; Hoon Kim; Jessica Kandel; Dimitris Anastassiou.
Tumors become invasive by penetrating adjacent connective tissue, but the underlying biological mechanisms remain obscure. We
recently identified a precise gene expression signature of fibroblastic origin associated with cancer invasion, the first step of the
metastatic cascade. The signature contains many coordinately overexpressed genes, prominent among which are COL11A1,
THBS2 and INHBA. Here we show that there is a striking similarity between the set of expressed genes in this
metastasis-associated fibroblastic (MAF) signature and the set of genes that are downregulated when fibroblasts are
reprogrammed to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Because it is known that fibroblast reprogramming involves a
mesenchymal epithelial transition (MET), the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Developmental Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2011
Protein Regge Trajectories, Phase Coexistence and Loop Aetiology in Alzheimers Disease
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Antti Niemi; Andrey Krokhotin.
Alzheimer's disease has a devastating impact on its victims by causing severe neurodegeneration in the brain that
leads to a certain death. Only in a small number of cases can the origin be traced to a variety of genetic mutations, for the greater
part the reasons for its onset are unclear.The defining factor is the formation of extracellular senile amyloid plaques in the brain,
but therapeutic approaches to remove them remain to be shown effective in humans. Here we investigate physical processes that
are involved in the release of the extracellular amyloid, by scrutinizing the intracellular domain of its precursor protein. We
identify a phenomenon that has never before been discussed in the context of protein research: Like ice and water...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2011
Extending Astrobiology: Consciousness and Culture
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
The Stanley Miller experiment suggests that amino acid-based life is ubiquitous in our universe, although its varieties are not
likely to have followed the particular, highly contingent and path-dependent, evolutionary trajectory found on Earth. Are many
alien organisms likely to be conscious in ways that we would recognize? Almost certainly. Will some develop high order
technology? Less likely, but still fairly probable. If so, will we be able to communicate with them? Only on a basic level, and only
with profound difficulty. The argument is fairly direct.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Neuroscience; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Angiogenesis in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alessandro Matarese; Gaetano Santulli.
Angiogenesis is a crucial component of lung pathophysiology, not only in cancer but also in other disorders, such as chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In COPD angiogenesis is definitely able to control and orchestrate the progression of
airway remodeling. Herein, we provide several remarkable translational aspects of angiogenesis in COPD, exploring both basic
and clinical research in this field. Indeed, we present a number of pro- and anti-angiogenic factors, which can be also used as
potential biomarkers to monitor disease progression. 

This pre-print has subsequently
been published at
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2012
Developments in CFG glycan and pathogen polysaccharide arrays
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ola Blixt.
This presentation summarizes developments in glycan and pathogen polysaccharide arrays at the Consortium for Functional
Glycomics (CFG).
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
Novel developments in SBGN-ED and applications
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Tobias Czauderna; Eva Grafahrend-Belau; Astrid Junker; Anja Hartmann; Matthias Klapperstück; Falk
Systems Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN, [1] is an emerging standard for graphical representations of
biochemical and cellular processes studied in systems biology. Three different views (Process Description, Entity Relationship,
and Activity Flow) cover several aspects of the represented processes in different levels of detail. SBGN helps to communicate
biological knowledge more efficient and accurate between different research communities in the life sciences. However, to
support SBGN, methods and tools for editing, validating, and translating of SBGN maps are necessary.
present methods for these tasks and novel developments in SBGN-ED ( [2], a tool which allows to create all
three types of SBGN maps...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Plant Biology; Data Standards.
Ano: 2011
Querying Drosophila In-Situ Expression Data using SPARQL and D2RQ
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Chris Mungall.
I describe a SPARQL endpoint for a database containing annotated images of gene expression in fruitfly embryogenesis. The
images depict the actual expression of genes at a microscopic level using a technique called insitu hybridisation. The results were
recorded in a relational database, and the images were annotated using the fly anatomy ontology.
Tipo: Marker Paper / Data Plan
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Bioinformatics; Data Standards.
Ano: 2011
The Immune Response in Patients with SARS: differential gene expression profiling.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Peter Natesan Pushparaj; Jayapal J. Manikandan; Alirio Jose A. J. Melendez.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) emerged in 2003, as a new epidemic form of life-threatening infection. As of 26th
September 2003, there were 8422 cases of SARS from 29 countries with 908 deaths (WHO). However, the pathogenesis of SARS
is poorly understood. To understand the host response to this pathogen, we profiled the gene expression patterns of peripheral
blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from SARS patients compared to healthy controls using one of the latest techniques, high
density oligonucleotide expression probe array (HG-Focus array, Gene Chip, Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA). High-density
used in many areas of biomedical...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
Herd Immunity/Herd Infection: Cultural Artifacts of Marginalization and the Dynamics of AIDS
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
We examine conditions under which high prevalence of infectious disease can become endemic within a community, in effect
constituting a state of 'herd infection' inverse to epidemiological herd immunity. For something like
AIDS, under such circumstances, a single behavioral lapse or adverse accident will probably be a death sentence.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Microbiology; Pharmacology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Development of Novel Calibrations for FT-NIR Analysis of Protein, Oil, Carbohydrates and
Isoflavones in Foods
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I Baianu; Jun Guo.
The development of calibration methodology for novel FT-NIRS analysis of soybean-based foods is presented together with
high-precision NIRS spectra and composition measurements in terms of proteins, oil and carbohydrates in soybean-based
foods/soy foods.

Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Pharmacology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Antibodies targeting Cancer stem cells, A novel pattern in Immunotherapy
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Sarfaraz Alam.
Antibody targeting of cancer is showing clinical and commercial success after deep research and development over the last 3
decades. They have the great potential to deliver long-term cures but a shift in thinking towards a cancer stem cell (CSC) model
for tumour development is certain to have an impact on how antibodies are selected and developed, the targets they bind to and
the drugs used in combination with them. CSCs have been identified from many human tumours and share many of the
characteristics of normal stem cells such as the ability to renew and metabolically or physically protect themselves from
xenobiotic and DNA damage. Targeting CSCs could be a strategy to improve the outcome of cancer therapy. Monoclonal
antibodies are clinically and...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
The NCI-Nature Pathway Interaction Database: A cell signaling resource.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Shiva Krupa; Kira Anthony; Jeffrey R. Buchoff; Matthew Day; Timo Hannay; Carl F. Schaefer.
The Pathway Interaction Database (*PID*, is a freely available
collection of curated
and peer-reviewed signaling pathways composed of human
biomolecular interactions and cellular processes.
Created in a collaboration between the
U.S. National Cancer Institute and Nature Publishing Group, the
The PID offers a range of tools to facilitate pathway exploration. Users can browse
a single molecule of interest or an extensive list...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
Spiral Tissue Microarrays as Next Evolutionary Step in the High-density Tissue Microarray
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Junya Fukuoka; Matthias Hofer; Takashi Hori; Tomonori Tanaka; Sayaka Tominaga; Ryo Ohsawa; Takeshi Uemura;
Lucian Chirieac.
Tissue microarray (TMA) is a well-established technique that connects basic research with clinical applications that allow the
validation of many pathobiologic events from gene expression dysregulation to genomic aberrations. However, conventional
TMAs have several limitations such as limited representation of tissue heterogeneity, destruction of donor tissue blocks due to
coring and usage of particular specimens that have limited evaluable material (tissue from thin specimens or needle biopsies). We
have developed a novel method, which we termed "Spiral TMA" that generates TMAs that allow for
improved representation of the donor tissue while keeping the architectural details of the donor block intact. This technology is
ideal for...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Rice Genes in Oryzabase
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yukiko Yamazaki; Rie Tsuchiya; Yuka Takahashi; Takao Asanuma; Yo Shidahara; Shingo Sakaniwa.
In addition to maintaining a rice gene list, Oryzabase, a database of rice science, has also been hosting a website to submit newly
identified genes. The current rice gene dictionary is based on a traditional rice trait gene dictionary and extended through time
with new genes which are manually retrieved from journal articles. Currently over 4000 genes are listed. However it is still
insufficient in both quantity and quality. 

Recently we started to apply automated
extraction before manual annotation to enhance the efficiency of gene extraction. To improve the quality of information, we
started collecting relevant DNA accessions and LOCUS-ID. In Oryzabase, we try to employ the help of users to overcome this
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Plant Biology; Data Standards.
Ano: 2010
Serine biosynthesis with one carbon catabolism represents a novel pathway for ATP generation in
cells using alternative glycolysis with zero net ATP production
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alexei Vazquez; Elke K. Markert; Zoltan N. Oltvai.
Recent experimental evidence indicates that some cancer cells have an alternative glycolysis pathway with net zero ATP
production, implying that upregulation of glycolysis in these cells may not be related to the generation of ATP. Here we use a
genome-scale model of human cell metabolism to investigate the potential metabolic alterations in cells using net zero ATP
glycolysis. We uncover a novel pathway for ATP generation that involves reactions from the serine biosynthesis and one-carbon
metabolism pathways. This pathway has a predicted two-fold higher flux rate in cells using net zero ATP glycolysis than those
using standard glycolysis and generates twice as much ATP with significantly lower rate of lactate- but higher rate of alanine
secretion. Thus,...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
siRNA knockdown of SPHK1 in vivo protects mice from systemic, type-I Allergy.
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jayapal J. Manikandan; Peter Natesan P. N. Pushparaj; Alirio Jose A. J. Melendez.
Systemic anaphylaxis is considered to be a typical immediate hypersensitivity response, determined by the activation of immune
via antigen-induced aggregation of IgE-sensitized FcεRI cells. Perhaps most the
important cells, in the immediate hypersensitivity responses, are mast cells. We have previously shown that SPHK1 plays a key
role in the intracellular signaling pathways triggered by FceRI aggregation on human
mast cells. More
recently, we performed a genome-wide gene expression profiling of human mast cells, sensitized with IgE alone, or stimulated by
FcεRI aggregation. We found that sphingosine kinase 1 (SPHK1) was one
of genes activated at
the earlier stages of mast cell...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2007
Motif analysis of amphioxus, lamprey and invertebrate estrogen receptors and amphioxus and human
estrogen-related receptors: Towards a better understanding of estrogen receptor evolution
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Michael E. Baker; Charlie Chandsawangbhuwana.
*Background.* The origins of steroid-dependent regulation of the vertebrate estrogen receptor (ER) are poorly understood.
Genes with statistically significant sequence similarity to vertebrate ERs have been found in lamprey, a basal vertebrate, and
amphioxus, a basal chordate. Motif analysis of these sequences provides an opportunity to investigate early events in the
evolution of the ER.
*Results.* We used artificial intelligence-based software to construct twelve motifs
specific to the estrogen-binding domain of ER[alpha] and ER[beta] in land vertebrates and teleosts.
We mapped these
ER-specific motifs onto the sequences of lamprey, amphioxus, invertebrate and selected vertebrate ERs and amphioxus and
human estrogen-related receptor...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Developmental Biology; Ecology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008
Reputation, authority and incentives. Or: How to get rid of the Impact Factor
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Björn Brembs; Peter Binfield.
A short intro into the impact factor and its limitations and potential successors.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2009
Investigating prostate cancer tumour-stroma interactions - clinical and biological insights from an
evolutionary game
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: David Basanta; Jacob G. Scott; Mayer N. Fishman; Gustavo E. Ayala; Simon W. Hayward; Alexander R. A. Anderson.
BACKGROUND: Tumours are made up of a mixed population of different types of cells that include normal structures as well as
ones associated with the malignancy, and there are multiple interactions between the malignant cells and the local
microenvironment. These intercellular interactions, modulated by the microenvironment, effect tumour progression and represent
a largely under appreciated therapeutic target. We use observations of primary tumor biology from prostate cancer to extrapolate a
mathematical model: specifically; it has been observed that in prostate cancer three disparate cellular outcomes predominate: (i)
the tumour remains well differentiated and clinically indolent - in this case the local stromal cells may act to restrain the growth of
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Pharmacology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Membrane repair against H. pylori promotes cancer cell proliferation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Li-Ling Lin; Hsuan-Cheng Huang; Satoshi Ogihara; Jin-Town Wang; Chiung-Nien Chen; Hsueh-Fen Juan.
Membrane repair is a universal response against physical and biological insults and enables cell survival. Helicobacter pylori is
one of the most common human pathogens and the first formally recognized bacterial carcinogen associated with gastric cancer.
However, little is known about host membrane repair in the context of H. pylori infection. Here we show that H. pylori disrupts
the host plasma membrane and induces Ca2+ influx, which triggers the translocation of annexin family members A1 and A4 to the
plasma membrane. This in turn activates a membrane repair response through the recruitment of lysosomal membranes and the
induction of downstream signaling transduction pathways that promote cell survival and proliferation. Based on our data, we
propose a...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2010
Cancer and the social induction of aging
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace; Deborah Wallace.
Age has long been known as the primary population 'risk factor' for cancer. We suggest that the observed
disparities in hormonal cancers by ethnicity, gender, and other indices of social structure and power relationships, imply a
differential aging by psychosocial and environmental exposures, in the context of cross-generational epigenetic heritage. A
relatively simple model of malignancy regulation illuminates the cellular root of induced aging, and explains the decline in cancer
rate with extreme old age via telomere shortening. We find that the multifactorial determinants of the disorder cannot be
effectively addressed by 'small molecule' interventions at the individual level, but must involve
comprehensive prevention...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Immunology; Pharmacology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Consortium for Functional Glycomics Overview
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: James C. Paulson.
This presentation provides an overview of the Consortium for Functional Glycomics.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
Empirical predictions of an intrinsically disordered protein theory approach to glycan/lectin reaction
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
Newly-developed methods from the theory of intrinsically disordered proteins can be applied to the flexible glycan structures that
coat cellular surfaces and provide rich channels for biological information transmission. Extension of a mechanistic
'arm-in-sleeve' model via a nonrigid molecule symmetry analysis leads to expectation of empirical
observation of punctuated 'spectral' classifications in glycan/lectin interaction, parameterized by an
appropriate index of glycan frond length or other index of topological complexity, possibly requiring groupoid classifications
analogous to quasicrystals.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2012
Stomatin-like Protein 2 Links Mitochondria to T-Cell Receptor Signalosomes at the Immunological
Synapse and Enhances T-Cell Activation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Mark G. Kirchhof; Luan A. Chau; Caitlin D. Lemke; Santosh Vardhana; Peter J. Darlington; Maria E. Marquez; Roy
Taylor; Kamilia Rizkalla; Isaac Blaca; Michael L. Dustin; Joaquin Madrenas.
T cell activation through the antigen receptor (TCR) requires sustained signalling from microclusters in the peripheral region of
the immunological synapse (IS). The bioenergetics of such prolonged signaling have been linked to the redistribution of
mitochondria to the IS. Here, we report that stomatin-like protein-2 (SLP-2) plays an important role in this process by bridging
polarized mitochondria to these signaling TCR microclusters or signalosomes in the IS in a polymerized actin-dependent manner.
In this way, SLP-2 helps to sustain TCR-dependent signalling and enhances T cell activation.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
The Physiome languages: CellML and FieldML
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Peter J. Hunter.
Discussion of the markup languages being defined by the VPH/Physiome project for multiscale, multiphysics modeling.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Data Standards.
Ano: 2010
Effect of a single Dialysis session on plasma Lp(a) levels in patients on Maintenance haemodialysis
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Varikasuvu Seshadri Reddy; MM Suchitra; Prabhakar E. Reddy; Aparna R. Bitla; Siva V. Kumar; PVLN Srinivasa Rao.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of mortality in End stage renal disease
(ESRD) patients on Maintenance haemodialysis (MHD). Lp (a), is a specialized form of glycoprotein-LDL-cholesterol complex
and is an independent risk factor for myocardial infarction. The risk is related to its atherogenic and thrombogenic properties. The
present study was taken up to evaluate changes in Lp(a) and Lipid profile in patients undergoing hemodialysis session.

Twenty seven patients with end stage renal
disease who were on maintenance hemodialysis were included. Plasma samples were collected hourly during a dialysis session
with polysulfone membrane using bicarbonate...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2011
Preen Gland-Secreted Alkanols Enhance Male Attractiveness in Parrots
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jian-Xu Zhang; Wei Wei; Jin-Hua Zhang.
The skin glands are widely used in pheromone production throughout the vertebrate worlds. Growing evidences show that birds
also have chemical communication, but the uropygial (also called preen or oil) glands, serving as only specialized skin glands of
birds, have no sex pheromones characterized. Here, by combining GC-MS analysis and bioassay, we show with the budgerigar,
Melopsittacus undulatus, that birds can used the preen gland-secreted volatiles (a blend of octadecanol, nonadecanol and eicosanol
for male budgerigars) spread over body plumage when preening to convey sex information. Here, we first report the avian
pheromones derived from the uropyginal gland and suggests that the gland has broader implications than previously known (e.g.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2008
Differences in the gene expression profile of human monocytic cells activated by high and low affinity
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jayapal J. Manikandan; Renji Reghunathan; Alirio Jose Melendez; Peter Natesan Pushparaj.
Receptors for the constant (Fc) region of immunoglobulin G, play an important role in linking the humoral and cellular arms of
immune response. Three different classes of receptors have been defined, FcγRI (CD64), FcγRII (CD
32), and FcγRIII (CD16). We have previously shown that in a human monocyte model (IFNγ-primed
U937 cells), FcγRI and FcγRII stimulation trigger two very distinct intracellular signalling pathways.
Here we show for the first time, the use of oligonucleotide microarrays to investigate the overall gene-expression profile of human
monocytes triggered with FcγRI or FcγRII. Our data indicate that several interesting genes are
differentially expressed in response...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
Looking at the Beginnings: Enquiries about Emergence of Cognition in Evolution
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Walter Riofrio.
Trying to understand when and how the cognitive phenomena arise in evolution continues being a hard problem of confronting.

One important task is to find the ways in which we will be able to arrive at those explanations that will
enable us to understand how living beings put together perceived sensory information as well as how they represent it.

In this presentation, we address some conceptual questions involved in the relationships between sensorial
information perceived by brains and its representational capacities. 

Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Ecology; Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience.
Ano: 2007
Analysis of circadian pattern reveals tissue-specific alternative transcription in leptin signaling
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Andrey Ptitsyn; Jeffrey Gimble.
It has been previously reported that most mammalian genes display a circadian oscillation in
their baseline expression. Consequently, the phase and amplitude of each component of a signal transduction cascade has
downstream consequences. 

We report our analysis
of alternative transcripts in the leptin signaling pathway which is responsible for the systemic regulation of macronutrient storage
and energy balance. We focused on the circadian expression pattern of a critical component of the leptin signaling system,
suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3). On an Affymetrix GeneChip 430A2 microarray, this gene is represented by three
probe sets targeting different...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
Genes2Networks: Connecting Lists of Proteins by Using Background Literature-based Mammalian
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jeremy I. Posner; Seth Berger; Avi M. Ma'ayan.
In recent years, in-silico literature-based mammalian protein-protein interaction network datasets have been developed. These
datasets contain binary interactions extracted manually from legacy experimental biomedical research literature. Placing lists of
genes or proteins identified as significantly changing in multivariate experiments, in the context of background knowledge about
binary interactions, can be used to place these genes or proteins in the context of pathways and protein
Genes2Networks is a software system that integrates the content of ten mammalian
literature-based interaction network datasets. Filtering to prune low-confidence interactions was implemented. Genes2Networks is
delivered as a web-based service using...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
Serine biosynthesis with one carbon catabolism represents a novel pathway for ATP generation in
cells using alternative glycolysis with zero net ATP production
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alexei Vazquez; Zoltan N. Oltvai.
Recent experimental evidence indicates that some cancer cells have an alternative glycolysis pathway with net zero ATP
production, implying that upregulation of glycolysis in these cells may not be related to the generation of ATP. Here we use a
genome-scale model of human cell metabolism to investigate the potential metabolic alterations in cells using net zero ATP
glycolysis. We uncover a novel pathway for ATP generation that involves reactions from the serine biosynthesis and one-carbon
metabolism pathways. This pathway has a predicted two-fold higher flux rate in cells using net zero ATP glycolysis than those
using standard glycolysis and generates twice as much ATP with significantly lower rate of lactate- but higher rate of alanine
secretion. Thus,...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Valid and efficient formula for free energy difference from nonequilibrium work
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Liao Y. Chen.
Atomic force microscopes and optical tweezers afford direct probe into the inner working of single biomolecules by mechanically
unfolding them.^1-15^ Critical to the success of this type of probe is to correctly extract the free energy differences between the
various conformations of a protein/nucleic acid along its forced unfolding pathways. Current studies rely on the Jarzynski
equality^16^ (JE) or its undergirding Crooks fluctuation theorem^17^ (CFT), even though questions remain on its validity^17-19^
and on its accuracy.^13,20-21^ The validity of JE relies on the assumption of microscopic reversibility.^17,18^ The dynamics of
biomolecules, however, is Langevin stochastic in nature. The frictional force in the Langevin equation breaks the time reversal...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008
Genes2Networks: Connecting Lists of Proteins by Using Background Literature-based Mammalian
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Avi Ma'ayan.
In recent years, in-silico literature-based mammalian protein-protein interaction network datasets have been developed. These
datasets contain binary interactions extracted manually from legacy experimental biomedical research literature. Placing lists of
genes or proteins identified as significantly changing in multivariate experiments, in the context of background knowledge about
binary interactions, can be used to place these genes or proteins in the context of pathways and protein
Genes2Networks is a software system that integrates the content of ten mammalian
literature-based interaction network datasets. Filtering to prune low-confidence interactions was implemented. Genes2Networks is
delivered as a web-based service using...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
Molecular crowding defines a common origin for the Warburg effect in proliferating cells and the
lactate threshold in muscle physiology
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alexei Vazquez.
Aerobic glycolysis is a seemingly wasteful mode of ATP production that is seen both in rapidly proliferating mammalian cells and
highly active contracting muscles, but whether there is a common origin for its presence in these widely different systems is
unknown. To study this issue, here we develop a model of human central metabolism that incorporates a solvent capacity
constraint of metabolic enzymes and mitochondria, accounting for their occupied volume densities, while assuming glucose
and/or fatty acid utilization. The model demonstrates that activation of aerobic glycolysis is favored above a threshold metabolic
rate in both rapidly proliferating cells and heavily contracting muscles, because it provides higher ATP yield per volume density
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2011
Myosin II isoforms with separate but linked functions determine the fate of lamellipodia extension
during cell spreading
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Venkaiah Betapudi.
Non-muscle myosin II role has been implicated in the extension of lamellipodia, a critical step in the initiation of directed cell
migration, invasion and other cellular processes, but the mechanistic details are limited to driving retrograde actin filaments. The
present study reveals distinct localization of myosin IIA and IIB with an unexpected opposite mechanical roles in mediating
lamellipodia extension during spreading. Attachment of cells to matrix is impaired in the absence of either isoforms, but
differential regulation of focal contacts formation occurs in myosin IIA^-^; and IIB^-^; cells. Spreading cells expressing both
isoforms display an organized actin network consisting of retrograde filaments, arcs and central filaments. Loss of actin arcs...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2009
Is the infection/latency/reactivation cycle of viruses an oncogenic engine?
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alessandro Ripalti.
Human oncogenic viruses are defined as necessary but not sufficient to initiate cancer. Experimental evidence suggests that the
oncogenic potential of a virus is effective only in cells that have already accumulated a number of genetic mutations leading to
cell cycle deregulation. Current models for viral driven oncogenesis cannot explain why tumor development in carriers of
tumorigenic viruses is a very rare event, occurring decades after virus infection. Considering that viruses are mutagenic agents
_per se_ and human oncogenic viruses additionally establish latent and persistent infections, I attempt here to provide a
mechanism of tumor initiation both for RNA and DNA viruses, suggesting viruses could be both necessary and sufficient in
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Neuronal plasticity: cell-based strategy for target identification and validation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Ana Mingorance-Le Meur; Timothy P. O'Connor.
While growing neurites are relatively plastic during development, their plasticity levels drop rapidly as neurons mature and
become integrated into neuronal networks. As a consequence, the central nervous system ability to reorganize itself in response to
injury or disease is insufficient. One of the main limitations for the design of therapeutic strategies to enhance neurite sprouting
following neurological diseases is our poor understanding of the mechanisms underlying neurite structural plasticity.

To overcome this limitation, we have implemented a strategy to identify,
characterize and validate the most therapeutically relevant drug targets to modulate neuronal plasticity. This strategy is based on
the hypothesis...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2009
Exploiting evolution to treat drug resistance: Combination therapy and the double bind
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: David Basanta; Robert Gatenby; Alexander R. A. Anderson.
Although many anti cancer therapies are successful in killing a large percentage of tumour cells when initially administered, the
evolutionary dynamics underpinning tumour progression mean that often resistance is an inevitable outcome, allowing for new
tumour phenotypes to emerge that are unhindered by the therapy. Research in the field of ecology suggests that an evolutionary
double bind could be an effective way to treat tumours. In an evolutionary double bind two therapies are used in combination
such that evolving resistance to one leaves individuals more susceptible to the other. In this paper we present a general
evolutionary game theory model of a double bind to study the effect that such approach would have in cancer. Furthermore we use
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Ecology; Pharmacology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Novel protein antigen (JHP940) from the genomic plasticity region of Helicobacter pylori induces
TNF-alpha and Interleukin- 8 secretion by human macrophages
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Niyaz Ahmed; Ayesha Alvi; Mohammed Rizwan.
Plasticity region of the H. pylori genome comprises strain specific gene loci. We performed genotyping and functional biology of
one such locus (jhp940) that was previously found to be functionally unknown but present in gastric cancer associated strains
from many different countries. We found its geographic prevalence to be independent of cagA presence and disease status.
Cloning, expression and purification of the JHP940 revealed a novel, ~36kDa protein in biologically active form. The same
induced strong and significant levels of TNF-alpha and Interleukin-8 in human macrophages. Induction of these cytokines by
JHP940 points to its putative role in chronic gastric inflammation and various other outcomes of H. pylori infection including
gastric cancer.
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Keratinocytes from human skin respond as typical immune cells after the stimulation with
_Trichophyton rubrum_
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alfonso E. Islas-Rodríguez; Luz A. García-Madrid.
_Trichophyton rubrum_ is the main agent causing dermatophytosis (1). Keratinocytes are
considered to be
the first physical barrier of defense against pathogens (2). But not
only a physical barrier. They recognize
antigens through Toll like receptors (TLR) (3).
The activation of this TLR, present on the surface of the
keratinocytes, induce the
expression of different pro-inflammatory cytokines, co-stimulatory molecules
antimicrobial peptides such as [beta]-defensins (4).
The main objective of this
work is to determine if lipopolysaccharides of G – bacteria
(LPS), lipotheichoic acid from G+
bacteria (LTA), and conidias,...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Immunology; Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2007
Shelling the Voronoi interface of protein-protein complexes predicts residue activity and conservation
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Benjamin Bouvier; Raik Grünberg; Michael Nilges; Frederic Cazals.
The accurate description and analysis of protein-protein interfaces remains a challenging task. Traditional definitions, based on
atomic contacts or changes in solvent accessibility, tend to over- or underpredict the interface itself and cannot discriminate active
from less relevant parts.
We here extend a fast, parameter-free and purely geometric definition of protein
interfaces and introduce the shelling order of Voronoi facets as a novel measure for an atom's depth inside the
nterface. Our analysis of 54 protein-protein complexes reveals a strong correlation between Voronoi Shelling Order (VSO) and
water dynamics. High Voronoi Shelling Order coincides with residues that were found shielded from bulk water fluctuations in
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2008
Molecular Models of DNA Structures and Dynamics: Principles, Techniques and Applications
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I. C. Baianu.
Molecular models of DNA structures are representations of the molecular geometry and topology of Deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) molecules using one of several means, such as: closely packed spheres (CPK models) made of plastic, metal wires for
'skeletal models', graphic computations and animations by computers, artistic rendering, and so on, with
the aim of simplifying and presenting the essential, physical and chemical, properties of DNA molecular structures either in vivo
or in vitro. Computer molecular models also allow animations and molecular dynamics simulations that are very important for
understanding how DNA functions in vivo.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Microbiology;
Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
A Three dimesional stochastic spatio-temporal model of cell spreading
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Yuguang P. Xiong; Padmini Rangamani; Benjamin Dubin-Thaler; Michael Sheetz; Ravi Iyengar.
Cell motility is important for many physiological processes and the underlying
biochemical reactions
motility have been well-characterized. Mathematical models, using
the biochemical reactions and focused
on different types of spreading behavior have been
constructed and analyzed. In this study, we build on
these previous models to develop a
three-dimensional stochastic model of isotropic spreading of mammalian
fibroblasts. The model is composed of three actin remodeling reactions that occur stochastically in space and time and are
regulated by membrane resistance forces. Numerical simulations indicate that the model qualitatively captures the experimentally
observed isotropic cell...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2007
Ontology-driven International Maize Information System (IMIS) for Phenotypic and Genotypic Data
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rosemary Shrestha; Hector Sanchez; Claudio Ayala; Peter Wenzl; Elizabeth Arnaud.
The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR; centres have developed the
International Crop Information System (ICIS; for the management and integration of global information
on genetic resources, and germplasm improvement for any crop. The Maize breeding programs at CIMMYT
( have different software tools to manage phenotypic, genotypic, and environmental information for their
experiments generated worldwide. These tools have the capacity of collecting information in the field, wet lab, and store it into
different relational databases. The IMIS ( is an implementation of
the ICIS, which is a...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Plant Biology; Data Standards.
Ano: 2010
Publishing re-usable phylogenetic trees, in theory and practice
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Brian O'Meara; Jamie Whitacre; Ross Mounce; Dan F. Rosauer; Rutger A. Vos; Arlin Stoltzfus.
Sharing and re-use of data are essential to the progressive and self-correcting nature of science. In recognition of this principle,
journals and funding agencies have adopted policies to encourage sharing of information ('data'),
including empirical data as well as computed inferences such as phylogenetic trees. 
Here we summarize an
ongoing analysis of 1) current practices for sharing phylogenetic trees and associated data; 2) current barriers to effective sharing
and reuse of such data; and 3) prospects for reducing these barriers to promote more widespread sharing and re-use. Currently, the
technical infrastructure is available to support (with some limitations) rudimentary archiving in conjunction with manuscript...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology; Data Standards.
Ano: 2011
Generalized Theory of Life
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Vyacheslav L. Kalmykov.
The paper is mathematically, physically and biologically inspired - it is a deductive attempt of the biologist to find the most
appropriate language for modelling of life. Applications of mathematical structures - groupoids, groups, categories, functors and
monads, which are the most effective for the description of the complex objects, are discussed. Some new conceptions and
interpretations were introduced: unified classification of complex systems; the generalized conception about stationary states of
any autonomous agent ("Statology"); the total quantitative criterions of evolutionary direction; the
generalized group of symmetry. The definitions of information, entropy, organization, behavior, evolution, creation, life, culture,...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Ecology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
Visualization of the Phosphoproteomic Data from AfCS with the Google Motion Chart Gadget
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Huilei Xu; Avi Ma'ayan.
Results from multivariate molecular biological experiments become increasingly complex. Hence, the challenge of projecting
high-dimensional data onto few dimensions for effective data visualization is becoming increasingly important in Systems
Biology. Effective data visualization can summarize the activity of many variables over time as well as display relationships
between variables. Dynamic interactive visualization tools can provide scientists with ways of visually identifying relationship
and patterns, and improve communication of results on the web and in presentations. For this, interactive systems with animation
have great potential since they add dimensions to static images limited to two dimensions. Interactivity and animation is
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2009
Effect Of A Dialysis Session On Plasma Branched Chain Aminio Acids In Hemodialysis Patients
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Varikasuvu Seshadri Reddy; PVLN Srinivasa Rao; Aparna R. Bitla; Siva V. Kumar; MM Suchitra; Prabhakar E. Reddy.
Protein and amino acid (AA) metabolism is abnormal in End stage renal disease (ESRD). Hemodialysis (HD) procedure is a
strong catabolic stimulus. Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) can affect other AA levels by reducing AA efflux from muscle
due to inhibition of muscle protein degradation. Essential amino acids and keto acid supplements including BCAA and
branched-chain keto acid (BCKA) are proposed to decrease protein intake while maintaining protein status. This study was taken
up to evaluate the effect of a dialysis session on plasma BCAA’s for which fifteen patients of ESRD on
Maintenance HD, thrice a week were recruited into the study. Analysis was done on samples drawn at the beginning (pre-HD) and
after the end of each dialysis session...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2011
Multidrug resistance of non-adherent cancer cells
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Navneet Singh; Subhas Chakrabarty; Guangming Liu.
Metastases are the cause of 90% of human cancer deaths. Cancer in _situ_ can usually be effectively removed by surgery. Once
cancer cells disseminate from the original site and start to circulate in blood, lymph, or other body fluids, the disease becomes
almost incurable. Here we show that cancer cells in a non-adherent, 3-dimentional growth pattern are highly drug resistant
compared to their adherent counterparts that grow in monolayer, attaching to the wall of tissue culture plates. The non-adherent
cancer cells retain the adhering potential and can attach to an appropriate surface to reacquire adherent phenotype. Once the
non-adherent cancer cells become attached, they regain drug response, similar to the original adherent cells. A significant
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology.
Ano: 2010
BioBrick Promoter Measurement Kit Instruction Sheets
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Jason Kelly.
Instructions for inserting a test promoter into the measurement kit plasmid for characterization as well as instructions for
measuring the activity of the test promoter in Standard Promoter Units (SPUs). These instructions were distributed to the teams
participating in the International Genetically Engineered Machines competition (iGEM).
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Microbiology; Molecular Cell Biology.
Ano: 2008
Implementation of computational methods for designing potential inhibitors against human
p38α protein
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Durga Devi M; Dibyabhaba Pradhan; Manne Munikumar; Amineni Umamaheswari.
p38α, a non-receptor serine/threonine kinase, plays an essential role in cell proliferation, cell differentiation,
apoptosis, production of cytokines such as IL1β and TNFα, senescence and tumorigenesis. Over
expression of p38α enhances the production of cytokines, leading to inflammation causing cancers. Therefore, the
protein p38α is selected as a target for the inhibition of progression of inflammatory cancers. SB203580, BIRB796,
2H-quinolizine-2-one, 7-alkyl-1,5-bis–aryl-pyrazolo pyridinones, aML3403, N-pyrimidyl amides, Fused pyrazoles,
SD0006, 4-3-(4-fluoro phenyl )-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)pyridine are the nine published inhibitors for the p38α, but they
show side effects like liver...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics.
Ano: 2010
Efeito da qualidade da água no ciclo de vida e na atração para oviposição de Aedes aegypti (L.)
(Diptera: Culicidae)
Provedor de dados: 82
Autores: Beserra,Eduardo B; Fernandes,Carlos R M; Sousa,José T de; Freitas,Eraldo M de; Santos,Keliana D.
The present research aimed at evaluating the influence of the water quality in the life cycle and attraction of Aedes aegypti (L.)
females to oviposit using different sources of water (raw sewage, effluent of UASB reactor, effluent of polishing lagoon, effluent
of anaerobic filter, rain water and de-chlorinated water). The immature development time and survivorship were evaluated on a
daily basis in two distinct feeding systems (with and without food). The quality of the water was shown to affect the egg and
larval stages, but not the pupal or the adult. In the absence of food, no development was observed in rain water and de-chlorinated
water. Immature development was faster in water sources from raw sewage, although with the lowest survivorship (37.3%)....
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Vector; Dengue; Aquatic development; Biology.
Ano: 2010
Resistance of citrus genotypes to Phyllocnitis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae)
Provedor de dados: 82
Autores: Santos,MS; Vendramim,JD; Lourenção,AL; Pitta,RM; Martins,ES.
The development and reproduction of the citrus leafminer (CLM), Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton, were evaluated in six citrus
genotypes in order to identify genotypes with resistance traits that could be applied in a program for the development of citrus
varieties resistant to the citrus leafminer. Tests were conducted under controlled laboratory conditions (25 ± 1ºC, 70 ± 10% RH,
and 14h photophase). Seedlings of each genotype tested were infested with eggs obtained from a stock colony of CLM maintained
on 'Cravo' lemon (Citrus limonia L. Osbeck), and the duration and survival of the eggs, larval and pupal stages, pupal size and
weight, fecundity and longevity of adults, and sex ratio were evaluated. No influence was observed on the duration and survival...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Citrus leafminer; Host plant; Biology.
Ano: 2011
Temperature Effects on the Immature Development Time of Culex eduardoi Casal &
García (Diptera: Culicidae)
Provedor de dados: 82
Autores: Loetti,V; Schweigmann,NJ; Burroni,NE.
The effect of constant temperatures on the development time from first instar to adult emergence was studied in Culex eduardoi
Casal & García reared at 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 or 33°C. Data were adjusted to the linear degree-day model and the
nonlinear Briére model. According to the linear model, the development time was inversely related to the rearing temperatures
between 7°C and 25°C. Maximum mortality (100%) was recorded at temperatures > 30°C. According to the linear model, the
development threshold temperature and thermal constant were 5.7°C and 188.8 degree days, respectively. The lower and upper
threshold temperatures and the optimum temperature for the nonlinear model were -2.3, 30.0 and 28.1°C, respectively.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Constant temperature; Mosquito; Thermal biology.
Ano: 2011
Effect of silicon applied to wheat plants on the biology and probing behaviour of the greenbug
Schizaphis graminum (Rond.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Provedor de dados: 82
Autores: Goussain,Marcio M.; Prado,Ernesto; Moraes,Jair C.
The effect of silicon-treated wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) on the greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rond.) (Hemiptera:
Aphididae) was evaluated. Plants were treated with silicon incorporated to the soil and by foliar spraying. Aphid development was
evaluated by observing the duration of the pre-reproductive, reproductive and post-reproductive periods, as well as fecundity and
longevity. Probing behaviour was investigated by using the DC electrical penetration graphs (EPG) technique and a "honeydew
clock". Silica treated plants had a clear adverse effect on aphid development. Stylet penetration was not affected by treatments
showing no physical barriers by the plant tissue. However, stylet was withdrawn more often on plants treated with silica,...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Insecta; Resistance; Honeydew; Biology; EPG.
Ano: 2005
Caracterização e distribuição do fitoplâncton na zona norte da costa angolana em Agosto de 2002
Provedor de dados: 20
Autores: Paulo André de Sousa Coelho.
Instittuto Nacional de Investigaçao Pesqueira, INIP, luanda , Angola
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations
Palavras-chave: Phytoplankton; Nanoplankton; Biology; Limnology; Algae.
Ano: 2007
“Histología gonadal y estudio de la reproducción en cautiverio de Panulirus argus (Latreille, 1804),
en Cuba.”
Provedor de dados: 20
Autores: Dávila Rodríguez, D.
La langosta es uno de los recursos pesqueros más cotizados a escala mundial; Panulirus argus (Latreille, 1804), es la especie
más abundante en Cuba y la que soporta una intensa explotación pesquera que ha hecho del país uno de los principales
productores. En este trabajo se colectaron 115 gónadas de langostas y animales vivos en el Golfo de Batabanó, para realizar un
estudio de la reproducción de la especie a través de análisis histológico y de la conducción de experimentos de reproducción
en cautiverio por primera vez en el país. Se proponen para las hembras una nueva nomenclatura de los tipos celulares y cinco
estadios de desarrollo gonadal, y para los machos tres estadios de desarrollo así como se brinda en éstos la descripción de
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations
Palavras-chave: Lobster culture; Reproduction (biology).
Ano: 2007
IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, twenty-first session
Palais des Congrès, Liège, Belgium, 23-26 March 2011
Provedor de dados: 20
The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange held its Twenty-first Session (IODE-XXI) at
the Palais des Congrès, Liège, Belgium between 23 and 26 March 2011. The Session was attended by 74 participants from 36 IOC
Member States and 7 organizations. The Session’s outcomes included: (i) the further steps towards the adoption of OBIS by
IODE, including the recommended establishment of an IOC Project Office for IODE/OBIS; (ii) the continuation of the IOC
Project Office for IODE in Oostende, Belgium; (iii) a statement on the IODE role in the ICSU World Data System; (iv) the
planned further expansion of OceanTeacher to include a wider range of IOC disciplines as well as the recommended development
of a 5-year training plan; (v)...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: Oceanography; Marine biology; Oceanographic data.
Ano: 2011
Efterafgrøder gavner smådyr - og dermed landmanden
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Axelsen, J.
Vi vidste dermed, at efterafgrøder kan medføre store mængder af springhaler og mider, når de anvendes som grøngødning, men
hvad med den tid de vokser på markerne? Det fik vi mulighed for at undersøge i 2000 på økologisk drevne parceller på
Forsknings-center Årslev (lerjord) og i 2003 på Forskningcenter Jyndevad (sandjord), og her faldt rekorden fra 1998, idet vi fandt
tætheder på op til 140.000 springhaler og 130.000 mider pr. m2 sidst på efteråret i Årslev (Figur 1). De højeste tal var fra
hvidkløver, rajgræs og cikorie. Der var her tale om undersåede efterafgrøder, der havde fået lov at stå urørte i marken efter høst af
hovedafgrøden. I novemberprøven var der mellem 5 og 10 gange flere dyr i disse afgrøder end i kontrollerne, der blev holdt
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2005
Een indicatorsysteem voor ecosysteemdiensten van de bodem: life support functions revisited
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Rutgers, M.; Schouten, T.; Bloem, J; Buis, E.; Dimmers, W.; Eekeren, N. van; Goede, R.G.M. de; Jagers op Akkerhuis,
G.A.J.M.; Keidel, H.; Korthals, Gerhard W.; Mulder, C.; Wattel-Koekkoek, E.W.J.
Ecosysteemdiensten en natuurlijk kapitaal van de bodem kunnen gemeten worden met een brede set indicatoren. Een
karakteristieke set bestaat uit biologische bodemindicatoren, abiotische bodemindicatoren en systeemgerichte indicatoren. Een
aantal chemische en biologische bodemindicatoren is eerder toegepast in het Landelijk Meetnet Bodemkwaliteit. Om
ecosysteemdiensten te beoordelen zijn ook fysische en systeemgerichte indicatoren nodig. Dit rapport is de uitkomst van een
multicriteria-analyse waarin de bruikbaarheid van indicatoren voor toepassing in een meetnet werd geschat door twaalf
deskundigen in de bodemkunde, de bodemecologie en het agrarisch bodemadvies. De indicatoren zijn ook bruikbaar voor
metingen van het Natuurlijk Kapitaal van de bodem en om...
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology; Soil.
Ano: 2014
Regenwurmpopulation in ökologisch und integriert bewirtschafteten Agroforstsystemen
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Huber, Julia; Papaja-Hülsbergen, Susanne; Wolfrum, Sebastian; Schmid, Harald; Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen.
Agroforestry systems provide numerous environmental services. One of the advantages is the increase of biodiversity.
Earthworms play a major role in soil fertility and have a key function in ecosystems. Abundance, biomass and the amount of
species was measured to quantify the influences of trees on the earthworm population in integrated and organic farming systems.
Results showed that in poplar stands the amount of earthworms, especially juvenile, was higher than in winter wheat or
lucerne-clover-grass fields. Furthermore the organic farming system had higher earthworm abundance and species richness than
the integrated farming system. Regarding tree species poplar had fewer earthworms in total and fewer epigeic species.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2013
Distribution, Abundance and Diversity of Fungal Entomopathogens: Foundations for Conservation
Biological Control
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Meyling, Nicolai V.
Conservation biological control (CBC) is a pest management strategy in which farming management practices are adopted to
enhance the living conditions for specific natural enemies of pests with the specific objective to suppress pest populations.
Research in CBC strategies have mostly focused on provisioning of good living conditions for arthropod predators and
parasitoids, usually ignoring entomopathogens as regulators of pest populations.
Fungal entomopathogens are widespread in
agro-ecosystems and infect a range of arthropod pests, and these fungi should therefore also be included in CBC. Knowledge of
the ecology of indigenous populations of fungal entomopathogens is a prerequisite for the evaluation of their contributions to pest
control and for...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2010
Impact of cropping system on mycorrhiza
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Kahiluoto, H.; Vestberg, M.
The impact of cropping system on field communities of mycorrhizal fungi was studied utilising a long-term experiment on a
loamy soil. Two contrasting crop rotations each with two fertilisation regimes were compared. The conventional crop rotation
(barley-barley-rye-oat-potato-oat) was fertilised at either full or half the normal recommended rate. In the low-input crop rotation,
one year with barley was replaced by clover, and oat was cultivated in mixture with pea. For this rotation biotite and raw
phosphate was used to compensate for the K and P of the harvested yield; animal manure was used at the beginning only. Clover
and straw were returned to the soil either directly or after composting. Mycorrhizal infectivity and effectiveness were studied in...
Tipo: Report chapter
Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Soil biology.
Ano: 1999
Manejo de la Fertilidad del Suelo en la Producción Orgánica
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Garibay, Salvador V.
La agricultura intensiva ha permitido aumentar los rendimientos de los cultivos sin embargo ha causado severos problemas
ambientales. La agricultura sustentable alcanza buenos rendimientos con un mínimo impacto en los factores ecológicos como en
la fertilidad del suelo. Un suelo fértil provee los nutrientes esenciales para el crecimiento de la planta, soporta una comunidad
biótica diversa y activa, exhibe una estructura del suelo típica y permite una descomposición no disturbada. Los sistemas de
producción orgánicos son una alternativa a la agricultura convencional.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology; Mexico.
Ano: 2002
Ecology of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae in temperate
agroecosystems: potential for conservation biological control
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Meyling, Nicolai V.; Eilenberg, Jørgen.
It is increasingly recognized that the biodiversity in agroecosystems deliver significant ecosystem services to agricultural
production such as biological control of pests. Entomopathogenic fungi, specifically the anamorphic taxa Beauveria bassiana and
Metarhizium anisopliae, Hypocreales (Ascomycota), are among the natural enemies of pests in agroecosystems and the fungi are
candidates for future conservation biological control in temperate regions. Conservation biological control is a biological control
strategy in which farming practices and environmental manipulations are adopted to enhance the living conditions for specific
natural enemies of pests. However, in order to manipulate the environment for the benefit of populations of the
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2007
The characterization of the soil biological quality of organic viticulture can be achieved by analyzing
soil nematofauna
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Coll, P; Le Cadre, E; Mérot, A; Villenave, C.
Soil nematofauna is a bioindicator that can highlight changes in biological functioning when changing agricultural practices. In
the present study, the effects of conversion of vineyards to organic agriculture on biological soil quality were evaluated. Twenty
four conventional plots and organic plots in Cruscades (Aude) were studied: they were divided into four groups: (1) conventional,
(2) converted for 7 years (Bio 7 years), (3) converted for 11 years (Bio 11) and (4) converted for 17 (Bio 17). The nematofau na
was analyzed in 96 soil samples (four samples per plot) taken from the surface layer of soil (0-15 cm). The more longer the
conversion of plots to organic viticulture, the higher the biological activity of the soil; it is the abundance of non-plant...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology; Soil.
Ano: 2013
Soil structure, organic matter and earthworm activity in a comparison of cropping systems with
contrasting tillage, rotations, fertilizer levels and manure use
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Riley, Hugh; Pommeresche, Reidun; Eltun, Ragnar; Hansen, Sissel; Korsaeth, Audunk.
Abstract In order to assess long-term effects on productivity, environmental impacts and soil fertility of contrasting farming
practices, six cropping systems, ranging from conventional arable without livestock to organic mixed dairy farming with few
arable crops, have been compared since 1989 on a loam soil.
A decline in soil structure quality was found in a conventional
arable system with annual ploughing with no rotational grass. This system had higher bulk density and mean aggregate size than
other systems, and lower levels of plant available water and aggregate stability. Opposite trends were related to the proportion of
grass leys in the other systems and to their levels of soil organic matter. The latter declined markedly over 15 years in the...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil; Farming Systems; Soil biology.
Ano: 2008
Einfluss von Luzernebeständen auf den mikrobiellen Kohlenstoff und Stickstoff in der Ackerkrume
und im Unterboden im pannonischen Klimaraum Ostösterreichs
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Friedel, Jürgen K; Farthofer, Renate; Pietsch, Gabriele; Freyer, Bernhard.
In ostösterreichischen Ackerbaugebieten ist auch im Ökologischen Landbau die viehlose Bewirtschaftungsform üblich. Der
Hauptanteil des Stickstoffbedarfes wird über den Einsatz von Futter- und Körnerleguminosen sowie Leguminosen im
Zwischenfruchtanbau gedeckt. Die Nutzung von Futterleguminosen erfolgt als Gründüngung, bei der der Aufwuchs am Feld
verbleibt (Mulch). Die Leguminose wird als Reinkultur oder im Gemenge mit Gras angebaut. Es sollte geklärt werden, ob durch
die Wurzelmasse und das tiefreichende Wurzelsystem unter Futterleguminosenbeständen die mikrobielle Biomasse bereits nach
einmaligem, überjährigen Anbau von Leguminosen, v.a. im Unterboden, gefördert wird. Weiters wurde untersucht, ob
Unterschiede aufgrund der Art des Nutzungsregimes (Mulch...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds.
Ano: 2002
Below- and aboveground abundance and distribution of fungal entomopathogens in experimental
conventional and organic cropping systems
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Meyling, Nicolai V.; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian; Eilenberg, Jørgen.
The below- and aboveground communities of fungal entomopathogens (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) were investigated in an
experimental conventional and organic vegetable cropping system over two seasons in Denmark. The experimental design
allowed for evaluating differences between farming practices in the occurrence of soil-borne fungal entomopathogens and as
natural infections aboveground in arthropod hosts. Belowground, Metarhizium anisopliae dominated the agricultural field with
Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium flavoviride and Isaria fumosorosea being present at lower frequencies. Abundances of M.
anisopliae were not different between conventional and organic soils. Aboveground, B. bassiana was the most common fungal
entomopathogen in arthropod host cadavers....
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2011
Effect of Field Treatments against Root-Knot Nematodes on Soil Suppressiveness against Fusarium
oxysporum f.sp. linii
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Cuijpers, Willemijn; Burgt, Geert-Jan H.M.
Organic greenhouses may cope with high loads of soil-borne pathogens: not only root knot nematodes, but also various kinds of
plant-pathogenic fungi. In a field situation in an organic greenhouse, 3 treatments were tested for their effectiveness to suppress
root-knot nematodes compared to control plots. The treatments consisted of (1) Sarepta mustard, (2) Sarepta mustard covered with
a plastic sheet for 8 days, (3) Ricasa: a mixture of Ricinus communis, Capsicum annuum and formic acid. After the field
treatments were carried out, soil was sampled and tested in a bioassay for suppressiveness against Fusarium oxysporum f.s. linii.
The field treatments had a significant effect on soil suppressiveness against Fusarium. Soil of fields treated with Ricasa were...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology; Soil.
Ano: 2013
The role of ectomychorrizal fungi in nitrogen acquisition in California oak woodlands.
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: T. AL DAMRAT, Rasha.
In northeastern California oak woodland, we measured Nitrogen uptake by ectomycorrhizal (ECM) oak roots (Quercus douglasii,
blue oak, Quercus wislizenii, live oak). In February 2005, after sampling fine roots of 5 blue and 5 live oaks, we added 15NH4+ to
soils, waited one month then resampled. ECM root tips were separated into 21 morphotypes and analyzed for 15N. Blue oak
ECM diversity was higher than that in live oak. Few morphotypes (33%) were common to both oak species. More abundant
morphotypes took up less 15N than less abundant morphotypes. We hypothesized that ECM species more ‘active’ in N uptake
would be more frequent in soil cores. However, our data did not support our hypothesis; and ECM species present in few cores
were more enriched in 15N...
Tipo: Thesis
Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover; Soil; Soil biology.
Ano: 2005
Op zoek naar het ideale bodemprofiel: Over kruimige aarde, rode en grauwe wormen, pendelaars en
wel of niet frezen
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Janmaat, Leen.
In het jaar van de bodem besteedt de Biologisch Dynamische Vereniging extra aandacht aan de bodem. Actieve boerengroepen
kijken samen met bodemdeskundigen naar bodemprofielen. Hoe ver is de bodem op het bedrijf al ontwikkeld? Welke maatregelen
zijn nodig om de bodem op een hoger niveau te brengen? Met Jan Bokhorst van Gaia Bodemonderzoek op bezoek bij Beleaf in ’s
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology; Soil.
Ano: 2015
Revisão da literatura: minhocas utilizadas como bioindicadoras de contaminação industrial por
metais pesados.
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Devide, Antonio Carlos Pries.
As minhocas são seres vivos sensíveis às transformações que ocorre no solo. essa revisão contém uma caracterização de espécies
de minhocas, seu emprego como bioindicador e a revisão de uma pesquisa que determinou o efeito bioindicador de minhocas em
função da contaminação por indústrias de metal pesado.
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2012
Dual-labelled (13C/15N) green manure to differentiate between plant uptake of organic and inorganic
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Larsen, Thomas; Krogh, Paul-Henning; Magid, Jakob; Gorissen, Antonie.
Experimental data is still lacking for determining whether plant uptake of organic nitrogen in agricultural soils contributes
substantially to the total N uptake. Pulseinjection studies with dual-labelled amino acids have confirmed that non-mycorrhizal
crops possess the capacity to take up organic N but failed to quantify the uptake relative to total N uptake.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Soil biology.
Ano: 2006
Regenwurmbestand in Fruchtfolgen mit ökologischer Bewirtschaftung
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Walter, Roswitha; Daschner, Julia.
In einem ökologisch bewirtschafteten Langzeit-Feldversuch bei Freising in Oberbayern wurde nach 14 Jahren Laufzeit im Jahr
2012 die Individuendichte und Biomasse der Regenwürmer erhoben. Untersucht wurden sechs Fruchtfolgen, welche je zur Hälfte
viehhaltende Systeme mit organischer Düngung und einer Abfuhr der oberirdischen Masse des Kleegrases sowie viehlose
Systeme mit Mulchnutzung von Kleegras charakterisieren. Innerhalb der Fruchtfolgen führten die unterschiedlichen
ackerbaulichen Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen zu Schwankungen in der Individuendichte der Regenwürmer. Der Anbau von
Kleegras erwies sich, aufgrund der Reproduktion der Regenwürmer, als fördernde Vorfurcht. Eine Untersaat von Kleegras regte
frühzeitiger als eine Blanksaat die Entwicklung der...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Soil biology.
Ano: 2014
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pfiffner, Lukas.
Im gesunden Boden einer Hektare Grünland leben eine bis drei Millionen Regenwürmer. Je mehr Würmer vorhanden sind, desto
besser ist die Bodenfruchtbarkeit. Das Merkblatt zeigt, wie die Regenwürmer leben und mit welchen Massnahmen sie gefördert
werden können.
Tipo: Book
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2013
Seleção de estirpes de rizóbios para formação de mudas de leucena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) De
Wit.) em Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo.
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Ramos, Danielle Braule Pinto; Souza, Luiz Augusto Gomes de.
O estudo objetivou avaliar a resposta à inoculação e selecionar estirpes eficientes na fixação simbiótica de N2 em mudas de
leucena em Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo, sob enviveiramento. Foi avaliada a inoculação individual de 12 estirpes de rizóbios
homólogos da coleção do INPA, um tratamento controle e um que recebeu N-mineral (ureia, 80 kg ha-1). O delineamento foi
inteiramente casualizado, com oito repetições. Aos 74 dias, as melhores estirpes foram INPA 935 e 936 que favoreceram o
desenvolvimento da biomassa das mudas e a estirpe INPA 897 que apresentou alta capacidade infectiva, avaliada pelo número de
nódulos formados. Duas outras estirpes também apresentam potencial para novos testes como inoculante, as estirpes INPA 899 e
937. As plantas inoculadas...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Soil biology; Soil.
Ano: 2013
Below- and aboveground abundance and distribution of fungal entomopathogens in experimental
conventional and organic cropping systems.
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Meyling, Nicolai V.; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian; Eilenberg, Jørgen.
The below- and aboveground communities of fungal entomopathogens (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) were investigated in an
experimental conventional and organic vegetable cropping system over two seasons in Denmark. The experimental design
allowed for evaluating differences between farming practices in the occurrence of soil-borne fungal entomopathogens and as
natural infections aboveground in arthropod hosts. Belowground, Metarhizium anisopliae dominated the agricultural field with
Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium flavoviride and Isaria fumosorosea being present at lower frequencies. Abundances of M.
anisopliae were not different between conventional and organic soils. Aboveground, B. bassiana was the most common fungal
entomopathogen in arthropod host cadavers....
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2011
Benefits of winter cover crops and no-tillage for microbial parameters in a Brazilian Oxisol: A
long-term study.
Provedor de dados: 21
Soil degradation in Brazil is a concern due to intensive agricultural production. Combining conservation practice, such as
no-tillage, with winter cover crops may increase microbial activity and enhance soil quality more than either practice alone. This
research evaluated the benefits of long-term (23 years) winter cover crops and reduced tillage on soil microbial quality indicators
in an Oxisol from Paraná State, Southern Brazil. The winter cover treatments were: fallow, black oat, wheat, radish, blue lupin,
and hairy vetch in conventional (plow) or no-tillage management; the summer crop was a soybean/maize rotation. Soil quality
parameters included organic C, microbial biomass C and N, total and labile polysaccharide, easily extractable and total...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2014
Soil Fertility and Biodiversity effects from Organic Amendments in Organic Farming
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Zanen, M.; Bokhorst, J.G.; Koopmans, C.J.
After a completed rotation of seven years, soils of the Manure as a Chance (MAC) trial were analysed for the effect of organic
amendments on soil physical, chemical and biological properties. Yields suggest significant differences due to different organic
amendments after seven years. In treatments receiving farm yard manure and bio waste compost yields increased over time. Soil
properties indicate changes in soil carbon, nitrogen mineralization en plant feeding nematodes due to different organic
amendments. No significant changes in microbial and fungal biomass were found.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil; Soil biology; Soil quality.
Ano: 2008
Estrutura da população de nematoides do solo em uma unidade de produção agroecológica no Estado
do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Figueira, Adriana França; Berbara, Ricardo Luis Louro; Pimentel, João Pedro.
Estudou-se a comunidade de nematoides do solo em quatro sistemas de manejo no Sistema Integrado de Produção Agroecológica
(SIPA): pasto, capoeira, figo com Paspalum notatum e horta. As amostras de solo foram coletadas a cada quatro meses durante um
ano. A comunidade de nematoides foi identificada e descrita com os parâmetros: riqueza de famílias, diversidade de
Shannon-Weaner, de dominância de Simpson, além da diversidade trófica e dominância trófica. Os fitoparasitas e bacteriófagos
dominaram as comunidades de nematoides nas áreas. Os onívoros foram menos abundantes em todos os sistemas estudados. O
sistema pasto apresentou maior diversidade de famílias de nematoides enquanto que, no sistema capoeira se encontraram
valores de diversidade baixos, porém...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Soil biology; Soil.
Ano: 2011
Long-term effects of cropping systems on the earthworm population in a loam soil
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pommeresche, Reidun; Hansen, Sissel; Eltun, Ragnar; Korsaeth, Audun.
Six cropping systems, ranging from conventional arable without livestock to organic livestock farming dominated by ley, have
been compared in 1990 and 2004 in SE Norway. Ley in the crop rotation increased density and biomass of earthworms and
channels in both organic and conventional systems. A ley proportion higher than 25 % only increased the density of channels.
Among the arable systems, the organic system had a higher density and biomass of earthworms as compared to the conventional
systems. Among the fodder systems, the optimised system had the highest density of earthworms in 2004, but there were no
differences between these systems in earthworm biomass or density of earthworm channels.
Tipo: Web product
Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Soil biology.
Ano: 2006
Using multi-objective classification to model communities of soil microarthropods
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Demsar, D.; Dzeroski, S.; Larsen, T.; Struyf, J.; Axelsen, J.; Bruus-Pedersen, M.; Krogh, P.H.
In agricultural soil, a suite of anthropogenic events shape the ecosystem processes and populations. However, the impact from
anthropogenic sources on the soil environment is almost exclusively assessed for chemicals, although other factors like crop and
tillage practices have an important impact as well. Thus, the farming system as a whole should be evaluated and ranked according
to its environmental benefits and impacts. our starting point is a data set describing agricultural events and soil biological
parameters. Using machine learning methods for inducing regression and model trees, we produce empirical models able to
predict the soil quality from agricultural measures in terms of quantities describing the soil microarthropod community. We are
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2006
Einfluss von Agroforst-Hecken auf die epigäische Bodenfauna
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Burmeister, Johannes.
Mit Bodenfallen wurde die epigäische Fauna eines Agroforstsystems an zwei Standorten in Bayern untersucht. Ein deutlicher
Effekt der Agroforst-Hecken auf den Artenreichtum der Laufkäfer der angrenzenden Ackerfläche wurde vier Jahre nach der
Anpflanzung der Pappelhecke noch nicht nachgewiesen. Die Pappelpflanzungen erhöhten jedoch die Vielfalt des Systems
insgesamt und boten Überwinterungsmöglichkeiten für spezifische Nützlinge, wie den Laufkäfer Anchomenus dorsalis.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2014
Development of collembolans after conversion towards organic farming
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Schrader, Stefan; Kiehne, Jahn; Anderson, Traute; Paulsen, Hans-Marten; Rahmann, Gerold.
In Northern Germany, a diverse and complex experimental farm of the Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL) was set-up in
2001 covering all main aspects of organic farming. Previously, the 600 ha farm had been managed conventionally. Adjacent
conventional farms were used as reference. The aim of this project was to study collembolans, microbial biomass and soil organic
carbon in six organically farmed fields managed as a crop rotation of six different crops compared with an adjacent conventionally
managed field. We hypothesized that the specific management in organic farming promotes soil biota. Soil samples were taken
during the growing season in 2004. Collembolan abundances and microbial biomass were lower under organic management, but,
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2006
Råtnerest er under test
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Serikstad, Grete Lene; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Dörsch, Peter; Hansen, Sissel; Johansen, Anders; Pommeresche, Reidun;
Riley, Hugh; Rivedal, Synnøve.
Utråtning av husdyrgjødsel ved produksjon av biogass kan på sikt gjøre gården mindre avhengig av fossil energi. Råtneresten har
mer lett tilgjengelig nitrogen, færre ugrasfrø og synker raskere ned i jorda enn ubehandlet husdyrgjødsel. Men vi vet lite om
effekten av råtnerest på jordliv og humus.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Farm nutrient management.
Ano: 2013
Fungi in Danish soils under organic and conventional farming
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Elmholt, S.; Labouriau, R.
A multi-soil study was conducted in Denmark including 29 sites, 8 classified as ‘Organic’, 11 as ‘Conventional with manure and
synthetic fertilisers’ and 10 as ‘Conventional with synthetic fertilisers’. The variability of fungal abundance within the three
farming systems and the long-term effects of different farming systems on fungal propagules in soil were evaluated. Fungal
abundance showed large variations within all three farming systems and this variability reduced the possibility to obtain general
conclusions on fungal composition in soils under different farming systems. This was illustrated by the results on total propagule
numbers of filamentous fungi and yeasts. Penicillium spp. and Gliocladium roseum were more abundant under organic than...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2005
Methods for isolation of entomopathogenic fungi from the soil environment - laboratory manual
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Meyling, Nicolai V.
Descriptions of methods and recommendation of laboratory procedures for the isolation of soil borne entomopathogenic fungi
(specifically Beauveria spp. and M. anisopliae) are presented. For screening of occurrences of indigenous populations of
entomopathogenic fungi the insect bait method is recommended. Further recommendations are: 1) Collect sufficient number of
soil samples to cover the area of investigation; 2) if the bait method is used, apply sufficient individuals of bait insects to each
sample to increase the likelihood of isolating the fungi present. Descriptions of isolation methods, statistical analyses of the data
and preparation of media and bait insects are given.
Tipo: Other
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2007
Trophic structure and major trophic links in conventional versus organic farming systems as
indicated by carbon stable isotope ratios of fatty acids
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Haubert, Dominique; Birkhofer, Klaus; Fliessbach, Andreas; Gehre, Matthias; Scheu, Stefan; Ruess, Liliane.
Using bulk tissue and fatty acid 13 C analysis we investigated major trophic pathways from soil microorganisms to microbial
consumers to predators in conventional versus organic farming systems planted for the first time with maize. Organic farming led
to an increase in microbial biomass in particular that of fungi as indicated by phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs). Microbial PLFAs
reflected the conversion from C3 to C4 plants by a shift in δ13C of 2‰, whereas the isotopic signal in fatty acids (FAs) of
Collembola was much more pronounced. In the euedaphic Protaphorura fimata the δ13C values in maize fields exceeded that in
C3 (soybean) fields by up to 10‰, indicating a close relationship between diet and vegetation cover. In the epedaphic Orchesella
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds.
Ano: 2009
The significance of mycorrhizal fungi for crop productivity and ecosystem sustainability in organic
farming systems
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: van der Heijden, Dr. Marcel; Rinaudo, Mrs Valeria; Verbruggen, Mr. Erik; Scherrer, Mr. Caroline; Bàrberi, Prof. Paolo;
Giovannetti, Prof. Manuela.
Mycorrhizal fungi are widespread in agricultural systems and are especially relevant for organic agriculture because they can act
as natural fertilisers, enhancing plant yield. Here we explore the various roles that mycorrhizal fungi play in sustainable farming
systems with special emphasis on their contribution to crop productivity and ecosystem functioning. We review the literature and
provide a number of mechanisms and processes by which mycorrhizal fungi can contribute to crop productivity and ecosystem
sustainability. We then present novel results, showing that mycorrhizal fungi can be used to suppress several problematic
agricultural weeds. Our results highlight the significance of mycorrhizal fungi for sustainable farming systems and point to the...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2008
Bodemmicrobiologie als indicator voor bodemkwaliteit?
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Willekens, Koen; Debode, Jane.
De Rusch-test is een relatief goedkope en eenvoudige microbiologische test die werd ontwikkeld door dokter en wetenschapper
Hans Peter Rusch uit Duitsland, maar tot hiertoe weinig toepassing gekend heeft. De doelstelling van dit project was na te gaan of
de Rusch-test kan dienen als indicator voor een goede bodemkwaliteit en of deze eenvoudige test, voor de teler interessante info
kan opleveren in verband met de gevolgde of te volgen teeltpraktijk. Hiervoor werd in het eerste luik van het project, op
verschillende biologische percelen in Vlaanderen, gedurende twee jaren, de bodemmicrobiologie door middel van drie
verschillende methodes bepaald (Rusch, PLFA en DGGE). Naast het analyseren van de bodemmicrobiologie, werden tijdens het
eerste jaar ook een...
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology; Soil.
Ano: 2016
Yield and baking quality of winter wheat cultivars in different farming systems of the DOK long-term
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Hildermann, Isabell; Thommen, Andreas; Dubois, David; Boller, Thomas; Wiemken, Andres; Mäder, Paul.
A challenge in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeding for organic farming is to provide high-yielding cultivars with appropriate
baking qualities under the limiting conditions of organic fertiliser input and without the use of pesticides. Cultivars are usually
tested on organic and conventional farms. However, field properties may differ owing to spatial variations of soils and
microclimate heterogeneity. In this study, old, organically bred and conventionally bred cultivars were tested in organic and
conventional farming systems of the DOK long-term system comparison trial.
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds.
Ano: 2009
Effects of band-steaming on microbial activity and abundance in organic farming soil
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Elsgaard, Lars; Elmholt, Susanne; Jørgensen, Martin Heide.
Band-steaming of arable soil at 80–90 °C kill off weed seeds prior to crop establishment which allows an extensive intra-row
weed control. Here we evaluated the side-effects of in situ band-steaming on soil respiration, enzyme activities, and numbers of
culturable bacteria and fungi in an organic field soil. The results showed that mechanical disturbance created by band-steaming
could be neglected as a mediator of microbial changes. Also, soil pH and water content was unaffected by band-steaming. Effects
of band-steaming on in situ soil respiration and basal respiration, respectively, were insignificant or slightly stimulatory (P <
0.05). Fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis and arylsulfatase activity were significantly (P < 0.001) inhibited by 25 and...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2010
Molecular diversity of the Metarhizium anisopliae lineage in an agricultural field
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Steinwender, Bernhardt M.; Enkerli, Jürg; Widmer, Franco; Eilenberg, Jørgen; Meyling, Nicolai V.
Entomopathogenic fungal isolates identified by morphology as Metarhizium anisopliae may belong to different species when
identified by molecular characters. We isolated Metarhizium spp. from an experimental agricultural field under both conventional
and organic farming regimes using Tenebrio molitor as bait insect to assess the molecular diversity within the soil. Isolates were
analyzed using DNA sequencing and applying SSR markers. Within the former M. anisopliae lineage, we found M. brunneum
(86.3%), M. robertsii (11.3%) and M. majus (3.4%) in the soil samples. Several genotypes of each species were identified based
on SSR markers. Differences in abundance of the species and their genotypes suggest different adaptations to the soil environment
of the...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2011
Comparison of methods for measuring soil microbial activity using cotton strips and a respirometer
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Nachimuthu, G.; King, K.; Kristiansen, P.; Lockwood, P.; Guppy, C.
In order to develop a method of measuring the level of microbial activity in soil that is suitable for use by farmers, land managers,
and other non-scientists, a simple method for determining soil microbial activity was evaluated and compared with two standard
techniques. Soils sampled from vegetable farms in south east Queensland were incubated in the laboratory under controlled
moisture and temperature conditions. Three methods were used to measure soil microbial activity, a respirometry method and two
methods using the cotton strip assay (CSA) technique (image analysis and tensometer). The standard CSA method measured loss
of tensile strength over a 35 day incubation period of buried cotton strips using a tensometer. The new CSA technique measured
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Research methodology and philosophy.
Ano: 2008
Protozoer - de minste "dyra" i jorda
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Pommeresche, Reidun; Haugerud, Øystein; Swensen, Berit.
Protozoer, eller dyreliknende protister, er organismer som består av bare en cell. De har en annen type kjerne enn bakterier, og
mange a dem kan bevege seg ved hjelp av flageller eller cilier- Protozoer er mikroskopiske og lever av bakterier, sopp, andre
encella protister og ulike typer organisk materiale.
Tipo: Report
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology; Soil.
Ano: 2011
Charakterisierung von Bioporenwandungen mit in situ Endoskopie und chemischer Analyse: Einfluss
von Regenwürmern auf Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffgehalte
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Athmann, Miriam; Fetscher, Johannes; Zemke, Daniel; Kautz, Timo; Köpke, Ulrich.
Biopores have been shown to be enriched with plant available nutrients as compared to the surrounding bulk soil and therefore are
considered hot spots for the nutrient acquisition especially in the otherwise nutrient-poor subsoil. As a result of colonization of
biopores by earthworms, pore walls are enriched with nutrients. In this study, a first attempt was made to assess the influence of
earthworm abundance on both structural pore wall characteristics as assessed with in situ endoscopy and on pore wall C and N
contents. Higher earthworm density resulted in higher N contents and significantly higher C contents in biopore walls as
compared to the surrounding bulk soil, regardless whether they showed visible earthworm coatings. In the treatment with lower...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc.
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology; Soil.
Ano: 2015
Generalist predators in organically and conventionally managed grass-clover fields: implications for
conservation biological control
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Birkhofer , K; Fließbach , A; Wise , DH; Scheu , S.
Organically managed agroecosystems rely in part on biological control to prevent pest outbreaks. Generalist predators (Araneae,
Carabidae and Staphylinidae) are a major component of the natural enemy community in agroecosystems. We assessed the
seasonal dynamics of major generalist predator groups in conventionally and organically managed grass–clover fields that
primarily differed by fertilisation strategy. We further established an experiment, manipulating the abundant wolf spider genus
Pardosa, to identify the importance of these predators for herbivore suppression in the same system and growth period. Organic
management significantly enhanced ground-active spider numbers early and late in the growing season, with potentially positive
effects of plant...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2008
High densities of Collembola and mites in organic fields with undersown catch crops
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Axelsen, J.; Thorup-Kristensen, K.; Askegaard, M.; Krogh, P.H.
The abundance and species composition of soil living mites and Collembola were investigated in autumn and winter in field plots
with five different types of catch crops and a control plot that was kept free of vegetation. The catch crops, chicory, white clover,
garden lupine, and perennial ryegrass were undersown in barley while fodder radish was sown after harvest .The investigation was
carried out at a site on sandy loam and a site on coarse sand.
At the sandy site densities up to about 250.000 and 100.000 m-2 of
mites and Collembola, respectively, were found. At the sandy loam site densities were up to 120.000 mites m-2 and 150.000
Collembola m-2.
The densities of both microarthropods were extremely high with up to 120,000 Collembola m-2 and 90,000...
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil biology; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2006
Co-designing innovative cropping systems to improve soil functioning in organic farming
Provedor de dados: 21
Autores: Lefèvre, Vincent; Capitaine, Mathieu; Peigne, Joséphine; Roger-Estrade, Jean.
Organic agriculture is called upon to raise production to meet growing demand all the while ensuring the respect of the
environment. In this context, improving the soil biological activity is crucial. Farmers are taking great interest in agroecological
practices, such as conservation tillage associated with soil cover crops. The inclusion of these practices into current organic crop
management systems calls for profound changes in the whole system.In this paper, we present aeight steps method to help farmers
designing innovative prototypes of cropping systems. The method involves three design workshops, starting with a given
decontextualized situation, before progressively integrating farmers‟ constraints. The method was run with two groups of six
Tipo: Journal paper
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology; Soil.
Ano: 2013
Abundance and Diversity of Soil Macrofauna in Native Forest, Eucalyptus Plantations, Perennial
Pasture, Integrated Crop-Livestock, and No-Tillage Cropping
Provedor de dados: 90
Autores: Souza,Sheila Trierveiler de; Cassol,Paulo Cezar; Baretta,Dilmar; Bartz,Marie Luise Carolina; Klauberg Filho,Osmar;
Mafra,Álvaro Luiz; Rosa,Marcio Gonçalves da.
ABSTRACT Intensive land use can affect macrofaunal biodiversity, which is a property that can be used as a soil quality
indicator. This study evaluated the abundance and diversity of soil macrofauna and its relation to soil chemical and physical
properties in five land use systems (LUS) in the eastern region of Santa Catarina. The following LUS were studied: native forest
(NF), eucalyptus plantations (EP), perennial pasture (PP), integrated crop-livestock (ICL), and no-tillage cropping (NT). The
macrofauna was quantified in 0.25 × 0.25 m monoliths and sampled in the 0.00-0.20 m layer in the summer (Jan/2012) and winter
(Jul/2012). For each LUS, nine points were sampled, distributed in a 30 × 30 m sampling grid. After screening the edaphic
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Soil biology; Soil quality.
Ano: 2016
Revisionary notes on the fungus-growing ant genus Mycetarotes Emery (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
Provedor de dados: 92
Autores: Mayhé-Nunes,Antonio José; Brandão,Carlos Roberto Ferreira.
Mycetarotes is a small genus of the exclusively Neotropical fungus-growing ants, that includes M. parallelus (Emery), M.
senticosus Kempf, M. acutus Mayhé-Nunes and M. carinatus Mayhé-Nunes. We hereby revise historical and recent information
regarding Mycetarotes species for the first time, providing an identification key to workers, diagnoses, synoptic illustrated
redescriptions of the species, including those of sexuals when known, updates of distributional records, and nest pictures of M.
carinatus and M. parallelus. We comment the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships among Mycetarotes and related genera,
and on their geographical distribution. The available biological information on the genus is summarized.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Attini; Biology; Myrmicinae; Phylogeny; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2006
Biological aspects of Leucothyreus alvarengai Frey and Leucothyreus aff. semipruinosus Ohaus
(Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae) in crop succession at central Brazil
Provedor de dados: 92
Autores: Pereira,Alex Furquim; Rodrigues,Sérgio Roberto; Morón,Miguel Angel.
Biological aspects of Leucothyreus alvarengai Frey and Leucothyreus aff. semipruinosus Ohaus (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae,
Rutelinae) in crop succession at central Brazil. Beetles of the family Melolonthidae make up a large group and some species are
considered pests of planted crops. Little information is available on the basic biological aspects of the genus Leucothyreus, such
as association with cultivated crops and their occurrence periods. Therefore studies were developed in soybean and corn crops in
Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso, Brazil, with the objective of studying the occurrence and biological aspects of Leucothyreus
alvarengai Frey and Leucothyreus aff. semipruinosus Ohaus. For acquisition of immature specimens of both species, in April
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Biology; Geniatini; Insecta; White grub.
Ano: 2013
Nest descriptions of Megalopta aegis (Vachal) and M. guimaraesi Santos & Silveira
(Hymenoptera, Halictidae) from the Brazilian Cerrado
Provedor de dados: 92
Autores: Santos,Leandro M.; Tierney,Simon M.; Wcislo,William T.
We present the first data on the nesting biology of Megalopta aegis and M. guimaraesi from southeastern Brazil. Nests were
collected in the Área de Proteção Ambiental Água Limpa, Bauru, São Paulo state. Our data suggest that nest architecture is
conserved throughout all species of Megalopta. Two nests of M. guimaraesi consisted of a single female with brood. Of three M.
aegis nests, two contained single females with brood and the third nest contained three adult females, with three times more brood
than any single female nest. This observation suggests that social behavior in M. aegis is facultative, as known for other
Megalopta species.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Augochlorini; Bees; Nesting biology; Nocturnal.
Ano: 2010
Nymph developmental time and survivorship, adult longevity, reproduction and body weight of
Dichelops melacanthus (Dallas) feeding on natural and artificial diets
Provedor de dados: 92
Autores: Panizzi,Antônio R.; Duo,Leandro J. S.; Bortolato,Nágila M.; Siqueira,Fábio.
The biology of nymphs and adults of the neotropical pentatomid, Dichelops melacanthus (Dallas), feeding on the natural foods,
soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill immature pods, and corn, Zea mays L. immature seeds, and on an artificial dry diet, was
studied in the laboratory. Nymph developmental time was shorter on the natural foods (ca. 21-22 days) than on the artificial diet
(28 days), and most nymphs reached adulthood on the food plants (55% on soybean and 73% on corn) than on the artificial diet
(40%). Fresh body weight at adult emergence was similar and higher for females raised as nymphs on the natural foods, compared
to females from nymphs raised on the artificial diet; for males, weights were similar on all foods. Mean (female and male)
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Biology; Food; Heteroptera; Insecta; Pentatomidae.
Ano: 2007
The lesser cotton leafworm, Anomis impasta (Guenée) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), in cotton
Provedor de dados: 92
Autores: Santos,Roberta L. dos; Torres,Jorge B.; Pontes,Itillio V. A. F.; Barros,Eduardo M.; Bastos,Cristina S.
Anomis impasta (Guenée) is a species that shows remarkable morphological and behavioral similarities with the cotton leafworm
Alabama argillacea (Hübner). During two growing cotton seasons, A. impasta was observed feeding on leaves and flower bracts
of cotton and monitored. Furthermore, a study was conducted under laboratory conditions to generate biological information about
this species with larvae feeding cotton squares and leaves. Larvae fed on cotton squares exhibited delayed development (18.5 ±
0.18 days) and lower pupal weight (140.8 ± 2.26 mg) compared to larvae fed on cotton leaves (14.0 ± 0.07 days and 169.3 ± 2.06
mg). Thus, one generation cycle of A. impasta was obtained by feeding the larvae with cotton leaves. The mean
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Biology; Cotton pest; Intercropping; Noctuidae.
Ano: 2012
Heterobathmia pseuderiocrania Kristensen & Nielsen (Lepidoptera, Heterobathmiidae):
identificación basada en DNA-barcoding y notas morfológicas e historia de vida de los estados
Provedor de dados: 92
Autores: Ramos,Rosa A.; Parra,Luis E.
Heterobathmia pseuderiocrania Kristensen & Nielsen (Lepidoptera, Heterobathmiidae): identification based on
DNA-barcoding and notes on the morphology and life history of the immature stages. The larva morphology of the species
Heterobathmia pseuderiocrania (Lepidoptera, Heterobathmiidae), a Nothofagus obliqua leafminer in Chile, is described. The
tissue-feeding first and last instars are described. Also, the number of larval stages, some aspects of the biology and life cycle of
the species are provided.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Biology; COI; Egg; Insecta; Morphology.
Ano: 2013
Fecundidade e longevidade de Aphis gossypii Glover, 1877 (Hemiptera, Aphididae) em diferentes
temperaturas e cultivares comerciais de crisântemo (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev)
Provedor de dados: 92
Autores: Soglia,Maria C. de M.; Bueno,Vanda H. Paes.; Rodrigues,Sandra M. M.; Sampaio,Marcus V.
Fecundity and longevity of Aphis gossypii Glover, 1877 (Hemiptera, Aphididae) at different temperatures and commercial
chrysanthemum cultivars (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev). The aphid A. gossypii is one of the main pests in a number of
crops both under field and protected conditions. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the fecundity and longevity of
A. gossypii under different temperatures and commercial chrysanthemum cultivars (Yellow Snowdon, White Reagan and Dark
Splendid Reagan) with different trichomes densities (11.3; 16.6 and 21.6 trichome/mm² of the leaf, respectively) The trials were
carried out in climatic chambers, at four temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 30 ±1 °C), 70 ± 10% RH and photophase 10h. The
reproductive period...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Aphis gossypii; Biology; Reproduction; Trichome.
Ano: 2003
Evolutionary steps in the reproductive biology of Annonaceae
Provedor de dados: 94
Autores: Gottsberger,Gerhard.
Flowers of Annonaceae are characterized by fleshy petals, many stamens with hard connective shields and numerous carpels with
sessile stigmas often covered by sticky secretions. The petals of many representatives during anthesis form a closed pollination
chamber. Protogynous dichogamy with strong scent emissions especially during the pistillate stage is a character of nearly all
species. Scent emissions can be enhanced by thermogenesis. The prevailing reproductive system in the family seems to be
self-compatibility. The basal genus Anaxagorea besides exhibiting several ancestral morphological characters has also many
characters which reappear in other genera. Strong fruit-like scents consisting of fruit-esters and alcohols mainly attract small...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Floral biology; Pollination; Cantharophily; Dichogamy.
Ano: 2014
Population dynamics and reproductive strategy of Scolelepis goodbodyi (Polychaeta: Spionidae) in a
subtropical atlantic beach
Provedor de dados: 103
Autores: Leão,Luciana S. Dourado; Soares-Gomes,Abílio; Costa,Tarso; Santos,Cinthya S. Gomes.
The population dynamics and reproductive strategy of the polychaete Scolelepis goodbodyi (Jones, 1962), were investigated
between June 2009 and May 2010 at Manguinhos beach, southeastern, Brazil. A total of 9,242 individuals were collected. The
density did not differ significantly from one month to another. The estimated values of the growth, recruitment, and mortality rates
were studied using the width of the third setiger and the growth curves for the populations were adjusted by the Bhattacharya
method (L'= 1.23, K = 1.2, mortality = 0.73). Two annual cohorts were identified in the period. Significant differences between
males and females were observed in the population (x² = 71.6, p < 0.01) and between sexually defined and sexually
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Annelida; Population ecology; Reproductive biology.
Ano: 2012
Reproductive behavior of the Red-crested Finch Coryphospingus cucullatus (Aves: Thraupidae) in
southeastern Brazil
Provedor de dados: 103
Autores: Zima,Paulo V.Q.; Francisco,Mercival R.
ABSTRACT Several behavioral aspects of the Red-crested Finch Coryphospingus cucullatus (Statius Müller, 1776) are poorly
studied. Here we provide reproductive information on 16 active nests. This information may be valuable to elucidate the
phylogenetic relationships of this bird, and to design plans to manage it. Nesting activities occurred from October to February.
Clutches consisted of two to three eggs (2.06 ± 0.25), which were laid on consecutive days. Incubation usually started the morning
the females laid their last egg and lasted 11.27 ± 0.47 days. Hatching was synchronous, or happened at a one-day interval. The
nestling stage lasted 12 ± 0.89 days. Only females incubated the eggs and they fed the young more often than the males did.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Birds; Breeding biology; Nesting; Tachyphoninae.
Ano: 2016
Alternation of host plants as a survival mechanism of leafhoppers Dilobopterus costalimai and
Oncometopia facialis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), vectors of the Citrus Variegated Chlorosis (CVC)
Provedor de dados: 63
Autores: Milanez,José Maria; Parra,José Roberto Postali; Magri,Denise Cristina.
Dilobopterus costalimai (Young) and Oncometopia facialis (Signoret) are two of the most important species of citrus leafhoppers,
vectors of bacterium Xylella fastidiosa which causes the Citrus Variegated Chlorosis (CVC) disease. To develop a rearing
technique for these species under laboratory conditions, the egg laying preference and nymph development were studied in
different breeding systems: Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia) and "falso boldo" (Vernonia condensata) as host plants. Trials were set
up in a randomized block design with three treatments (n=8). Females of D. costalimai had particular preference for ovipositing
on Rangpur lime leaves while O. facialis females placed a higher number of eggs on "falso boldo", but it did not differ
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Biology; Nutritional ecology; Host preference.
Ano: 2001
Biological aspects and life table of Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas, 1878) as a function of temperature
Provedor de dados: 63
Autores: Auad,Alexander Machado; Moraes,Jair Campos de.
The aphid Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas) is considered a pest of hidroponically-grown lettuce, but basic and applied information
on its control are scarce in Brazil. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different temperatures on biological aspects
and life history of U. ambrosiae (Thomas) developing on hydroponic lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) crop. Newly emerged nymphs
were placed on 4-cm discs of hydroponic lettuce, var. Verônica, which were maintained on 5-cm Petri dishes, at temperatures of
15, 20 and 25ºC and 14 h photophase, and inside a greenhouse, within micro-cages at room temperature. The duration of
development in all nymphal stages varied inversely to temperature. Nymphs maintained at 20ºC and 25ºC, had similar
development period....
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Insecta; Aphids; Biology; Climatic factors.
Ano: 2003
Biological aspects of the immature stages of Ceraeochrysa everes (Banks) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)
Provedor de dados: 63
Autores: Barbosa,Leonardo Rodrigues; Freitas,Sérgio de; Auad,Alexander Machado.
A knowledge of the behavior and biological aspects of natural enemies is extremely important for the establishment of biological
control programs. Biological aspects of the larvae, pre-pupae and pupae of the predator Ceraeochrysa everes (Banks) were
studied. Larvae of the adult F1 generation were reared in the laboratory (25 ± 2°C, 65 ± 10 % RH and 14h photophase) on eggs of
the Angoumois grain moth Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier). The duration and viability of the embryonic period, development of the
immature stages and egg-adult period were evaluated. The mean embryonic period was 5.0 days, while the mean durations of the
first, second and third instars were: 5.1 ± 0.03; 4.3 ± 0.05 and 4.5 ± 0.05 days, respectively, with viability exceeding 90%.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Insecta; Predator; Biology; Green lacewing.
Ano: 2002
Reprodução do peixe-rei, Atherinella brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard) (Atheriniformes,
Atherinidae), em uma planície de maré adjacente à gamboa do Baguaçu, Baía de Paranaguá, Paraná,
Provedor de dados: 104
Autores: Favaro,Luís Fernando; Lopes,Sabine de C. G.; Spach,Henry Louis.
The present study investigated the reproductive biology of silverside, Atherinella brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825)
in a tidal flat of Paranaguá Bay, littoral of Paraná State, Brazil. Fish were captured monthly from November 1998 to October 1999
by the mean of a seine-net. For each individual, total body length, total weight, sex, and gonadal weight were recorded. Gonadal
development stages were also defined based on the histological examination of the ovaries and on the visual aspects of the testes.
It was defined that the reproductive period of A. brasiliensis extends from June to December, based on he analyses of individual
gonadosomatic index (GSI) values distribution in relation to the sampling periods, on the monthly variation of the GSI...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Histology; Reproductive biology; Tidal flat.
Ano: 2003
Estudo do crescimento e da reprodução de Bradybaena similaris (Férussac) (Mollusca,
Xanthonychidae) em laboratório
Provedor de dados: 104
Autores: Almeida,Marcelo Nocelle de; Bessa,Elisabeth Cristina de Almeida.
Biological aspects of Bradybaena similaris (Férussac, 1821) were studied, such as: onset of sexual maturity, occurrence of
self-fertilization, oviposition, incubation period, eclosion rate and shell length measurement at different stages of development. It
was noted that in isolated B. similaris the minimum and maximum time for reaching sexual maturity were 109 and 180 days,
respectively. When kept in groups, the minimum time was 78 days. The occurrence of self-fertilization was observed in 18.4% of
specimens. The total number of eggs per oviposition varied from one to 38 (average: 3,5 ± 7,15), the total number of eggs per
mollusc varied from one to 39 (average: 7,0 ± 10,21) and the total number of oviposition per mollusc varied form one to six
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Bradybaena similaris; Biology; Growth; Reproduction.
Ano: 2001
Last instar larva of Trypoxylon (Trypoxylon) maidli Richards (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae), with
biological notes on one nest
Provedor de dados: 104
Autores: Buys,Sandor Christiano.
The last larval instar and the cocoon of Trypoxylon (Trypoxylon) maidli Richards, 1934 are described. This larva is apparently
indistinguishable from that of T. clavicerum exiguum Tsuneki, 1956. They can be distinguished from larvae of other species in the
subgenus by the following features: integument of body smooth, sensilla on both sensorial area and labrum, and distinct parietal
bands. Notes on nesting site and preys from one nest are presented. Eurycoma insigne (Millidge, 1991) (Linyphiidae) and Argiope
argentata (Fabricius, 1775) (Araneidae) are reported as preys.
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Biology; Immature; Prey; Systematic; Wasp.
Ano: 2003
Estágios imaturos de Actinote carycina Jordan (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, acraeinae)
Provedor de dados: 104
Autores: Paluch,Márlon; Casagrande,Mirna M.; Mielke,Olaf H.H.
Data on the life cycle and morphology of immature stages of Actinote carycina Jordan, 1913 are presented. The larvae feed on
leaves of Eupatorium inulaefolium H.B.K. (Asteraceae).
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Immature stages; Biology; Morphology; Hostplant.
Ano: 2001
Estudo comparado do desenvolvimento pós-embrionário de Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius)
(Diptera, Calliphoridae) em duas dietas à base de carne, em laboratório
Provedor de dados: 104
Autores: Cunha e Silva,Sandra L. da; Milward-de-Azevedo,Eliane M.
The influence of a diet based on putrid horse meat over the post-embryonic development of Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius,
1775) under controlled conditions (UR 65 10% and 14 hours of photophase) was compared with the results obtained using a meat
broth diet to which other sources of animal and vegetable protein were added. The flies were maintained at 30ºC, from egg until
mature larvae spontaneously abandoned the diet. They were then transfered to a climatized chamber at 27ºC. The larvae and pupae
viability and the weight of the mature larvae were significantly inferior, when a diet based on meat broth was used, even though
the larvae period was significantly increased with this diet. This type of diet did not charge the time of development of the...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Insecta; Blowfly diet; Biology; Blowfly.
Ano: 1994
Estágios imaturos de Actinote surima (Schaus) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Acraeinae)
Provedor de dados: 104
Autores: Paluch,Márlon; Casagrande,Mirna M.; Mielke,Olaf H.H.
Data on the life cycle and morphology of immature stages of Actinote surima (Schaus, 1902) are presented. The larva feed on
leaves of Eupatorium intermedium DC and Eupatorium casarettoi (Rob.) Steyermark (Asteraceae).
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Immature stages; Biology; Morphology; Hostplant.
Ano: 1999
Estudo do crescimento e da reprodução de Leptinaria unilamellata (D'orbigny) (Mollusca,
Subulinidae) em laboratório
Provedor de dados: 104
Autores: Almeida,Marcelo Nocelle de; Bessa,Elisabeth Cristina de Almeida.
Biological aspects of Leptinaria unlamellata (d'Orbigny, 1835) were studied, such as: onset of sexual maturity, occurrence of
self-fertilization and shell length measurement at different stages of development. In isolated specimens of L. unilamellata, sexual
maturity was reached at 74 days (minimum time) and 104 days (maximum time). For the grouped specimens, the minimum time
was 71 days. The occurrence of self-fertilization was observed in both species, 100% of specimens. The total numberof young per
birth varied from one to 22 (average: 7,35 ± 5,78), the total number of offsprings per mollusc varied from two to eight (average:
4,1 ± 1,41) and total number of young per mollusc varied from five to 46 (average: 30,21 ± 8,08). As to the shell length in...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Leptinaria unilamellata; Biology; Growth; Reproduction.
Ano: 2001
Altered copy gene function in plants following total intron replacement in precursor RNA
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Drew Schwartz.
Evidence is presented for two novel genetic mechanisms: total intron replacement in transcribedprecursor RNA by multiple short
sequences and reverse transcription of the precursor RNA followedby incorporation into the genome as copy genes, some of
which have acquired an altered function.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Plant Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
The 'consciousness' of the living state: Extending the Baars global broadcast
model across physiological subsystems
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
For the broad spectrum of cognitive biological phenomena having 'dual' information sources, isolation
from crosstalk between them requires more metabolic free energy than permitting correlation. This allows an evolutionary
exaptation leading to dynamic global broadcasts at multiple scales, similar to the well-studied exaptation of noise to trigger
stochastic resonance amplification in physiological systems. Entropy gradient models adapted from nonequilibrium
thermodynamics lead to an index theorem in which analytic solutions of empirical equations describe different possible
topological modes. Not only is the living state characterized by cognition at every scale and level of organization, but by multiple,
shifting, tunable, cooperative...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology; Ecology; Immunology; Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience;
Pharmacology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2012
The Differences Between Products Of Gene Expression In Male, Female And Hermaphrodite
Cucumber Floral Buds (Cucumis Sativus L.)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Magdalena Pawelkowicz; Ewa Siedlecka; Zbigniew Przybecki.
Cucumber is a species in which sex expression has been extensively studied. Sexual differentiation is controlled by genotypic and
environmental factors. The main genes responsible for sex determination have been described but the mechanism of their action
remains unexplained. In this study we attempted to find cDNA clones which can be connected with sex differentiation and flower
in cucumber. 
Two pairs of nearly isogenic lines: GY-3 (gynoecious –
FFMMGG) and HGY-3 (hermaphrodite - FFmmGG), B10 (monoecious - ffMMGG) and 2gg (gynoecious - FFMMgg) were used
to search for differences in gene expression in young (1 – 2mm) cucumber floral buds.
order to obtain differentially expressed cDNA...
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
NIR Spectroscopy and Microspectroscopy Analysis of Intact Soybean Seeds for Food Applications
through Composition Improvements. Version 2.0
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Tiefeng You; I. C. Baianu.
The soybean-derived products are among the most important agricultural products in the USA and the world. Conventional
analytical methods for soybean composition analysis are both time consuming and costly. Faster and less expensive methods are
required for most practical applications. To improve the accuracy, reliability and sensitivity of NIR, major advancements in
instrumentation, as well as, data analysis / calibration methodology are required. Novel NIR instruments, such as DA-NIR and
FT-NIR spectrometers developed in recent years have the potential for improving significantly the quantification of soybean
composition at a reasonable cost. We present representative calibrations and data for intact soybean composition analysis obtained
at the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology;
Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
NIR Calibrations for Soybean Seeds and Soy Food Composition Analysis: Total Carbohydrates, Oil,
Proteins and Water Contents [v.2]
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I. C. Baianu; Jun Guo; Randall L. Nelson; Tiefeng You; Doina M. Costescu.
Conventional chemical analysis techniques are expensive, time consuming, and often destructive. The non-invasive Near Infrared
(NIR) technology was introduced over the last decades for wide-scale, inexpensive chemical analysis of food and crop seed
composition (see Williams and Norris, 1987; Wilcox and Cavins, 1995; Buning and Diller, 2000 for reviews of the NIR technique
development stage prior to 1998, when Diode Arrays were introduced to NIR). NIR spectroscopic measurements obey Lambert
and Beer’s law, and quantitative measurements can be successfully made with high speed and ease of operation.
NIR has been used in a great variety of food applications. General applications of products analyzed come from all sectors of the
food industry...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell
Biology; Pharmacology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Ecological, phenological and biochemical significance of bimodal fruiting of Boletus alutaceus morgan
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Nandkumar Kamat.
Boletus alutaceus Morgan an ectomycorrhizal species was extensively studied from an ecologically fragmented microhabitt
colonized by its' host plant Ficus benghalensis L. in the Goa University campus, Taleigao, Goa, India. Qualitatively
the fruiting cycles were monitored for three years and thereafter detail ecological and morphological investigations were carried
out in May and November 2004. A bimodal temporal fruting pattern emerged which may have significant ecological,
phenological and biochemical role in EM dynamics.
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Developmental Biology; Ecology; Genetics & Genomics; Microbiology; Plant Biology;
Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
Single Cancer Cell Detection by Near Infrared Microspectroscopy, Infrared Chemical Imaging and
Fluorescence Microspectroscopy
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I. C. Baianu; Schuyler S. Korban; Doina M. Costescu.
Novel techniques are currently being developed and established for the accurate chemical analysis and detection of single cancer
cells, single embryos and single seeds by Fourier Transform Near Infrared (FT-NIR) Microspectroscopy, Fourier Transform
Infrared (FT-IR), Fluorescence and High-Resolution NMR (HR-NMR). The first FT-NIR chemical images of biological systems
approaching 1micron resolution are here reported. 400 and 500 MHz, H-1 NMR analyses were carried out that allowed the
selection of mutagenized embryos. Detailed chemical analyses are being demonstrated to be also possible by FT-NIR Chemical
Imaging/ Microspectroscopy of single cancer cells. FT-NIR Microspectroscopy and Chemical Imaging are also shown to be
potentially important in Functional...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics; Plant
Ano: 2011
Near Infrared Microspectroscopy, Fluorescence Microspectroscopy, Infrared Chemical Imaging and
High-Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis of Soybean Seeds, Embryos and Single Cells
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I. C. Baianu; Schyler S. Korban; Tiefeng You.
Chemical analysis of soybean seeds, somatic embryos and single cells were carried out by Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR),
Fourier Transform Near Infrared (FT-NIR) Microspectroscopy, Fluorescence and High-Resolution NMR (HR-NMR). The first
FT-NIR chemical images of biological systems approaching 1 micron (1μ) resolution are presented here. Chemical
images obtained by FT-NIR and FT-IR Microspectroscopy are presented for oil in soybean seeds and somatic embryos under
physiological conditions. FT-NIR spectra of oil and proteins were obtained for volumes as small as 2μ3. Related,
HR-NMR analyses of oil contents in somatic embryos are also presented here with nanoliter precision. Such 400 MHz 1H NMR
analyses allowed the selection of...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell
Biology; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Soybean Composition Database from NIR, NMR and GC-MS Analyses
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I. C. Baianu.
This novel Soybean Composition Database from the AFC-NMR & NIR Spectroscopy Facility of the College of ACES
at the University of Illinois at Urbana includes more than 12,000 NIR measurements on soybeans from the International Soybean
Germplasm Collection, such as those received from Peking at the National Soybean Collection.
Excel files
(.xls) of our novel spectroscopic data are currently available for all 80,000 + NIR and FT-NMR measurements; such data are made
available from an ultra-fast and secure supercomputer server utilizing the current version of the Scientific-Linux OS-based

A detailed account is also presented of our high-resolution nuclear
magnetic resonance (HR-NMR) and...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology;
Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Multifunction moonlighting and intrinsically disordered proteins: Information catalysis, nonrigid
molecule symmetries, and the 'logic gate' spectrum
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDP) appear far more likely to engage in functional moonlighting than well-structured proteins.
The recent use of nonrigid molecule theory to address IDP structure and dynamics produces this result directly: Mirror image
subgroup or subgroupoid tiling matching of the molecular fuzzy lock-and-key can be much richer for IDPs since the number of
possible group or groupoid symmetries can grow exponentially with molecule length, while tiling matching for 3D structured
proteins is relatively limited. A simple information catalysis model suggests how this mechanism can produce a vast spectrum of
biological 'logic gates' having subtle properties far beyond familiar AND, OR, XOR, etc. behaviors.
Inferring the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology;
Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Soybean Composition Database from NIR, NMR and GC-MS Analyses
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I. C. Baianu; Tiefeng You; Jun Guo; Doina M. Costescu; V. I. Prisecaru.
This novel Soybean Composition Database from the AFC-NMR & NIR Spectroscopy Facility of the College of ACES
at the University of Illinois at Urbana includes more than 12,000 NIR measurements on soybeans from the International Soybean
Germplasm Collection, such as those received from Peking at the National Soybean Collection.
Excel files
(.xls) of our novel spectroscopic data are currently available for all 80,000 + NIR and FT-NMR measurements; such data are made
available from an ultra-fast and secure supercomputer server utilizing the current version of the Scientific-Linux OS-based

A detailed account is also presented of our high-resolution nuclear
magnetic resonance (HR-NMR) and...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology;
Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Applications Of Microspectroscopy, Hyperspectral Chemical Imaging And Fluorescence Microscopy
In Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Molecular And Cell Biology
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I. C. Baianu.
Chemical imaging is a technique for the simultaneous measurement of spectra (chemical information) and images or pictures
(spatial information)^1,2^. The technique is most often applied to either solid or gel samples, and has applications in chemistry,
biology^3-8^, medicine^9,10^, pharmacy^11^ (see also for example: Chemical Imaging Without Dyeing), food science, Food
Physical Chemistry, Biotechnology^12,13^, Agriculture and industry. NIR, IR and Raman chemical imaging is also referred to as
hyperspectral, spectroscopic, spectral or multi-spectral imaging (also see micro-spectroscopy). However, other ultra-sensitive and
selective, chemical imaging techniques are also in use that involve either UV-visible or fluorescence microspectroscopy.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell
Biology; Pharmacology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Soybean Composition Database from NIR, NMR and GC-MS Analyses- (v.3)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I. C. Baianu; Tiefeng You; Jun Guo; Doina M. Costescu; V. I. Prisecaru.
This novel Soybean Composition Database from the AFC-NMR & NIR Spectroscopy Facility of the College of ACES
at the University of Illinois at Urbana includes more than 12,000 NIR measurements on soybeans from the International Soybean
Germplasm Collection, such as those received from Peking at the National Soybean Collection.
Excel files
(.xls) of our novel spectroscopic data are currently available for all 80,000 + NIR and FT-NMR measurements; such data are made
available from an ultra-fast and secure supercomputer server utilizing the current version of the Scientific-Linux OS-based

A detailed account is also presented of our high-resolution nuclear
magnetic resonance (HR-NMR) and...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology;
Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
_Limusaurus_ and bird digit identity
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Alexander O. Vargas; Günter P. Wagner; Jacques A. Gauthier.
_Limusaurus_ is a remarkable herbivorous ceratosaur unique among theropods in having digits II, III and IV, with only a small
metacarpal vestige of digit I. This raises interesting questions regarding the controversial identity of avian wing digits. The early
tetanuran ancestors of birds had tridactyl hands with digital morphologies corresponding to digits I, II & III of other
dinosaurs. In bird embryos, however, the pattern of cartilage formation indicates that their digits develop from positions that
become digits II, III, & IV in other amniotes. _Limusaurus_ has been argued to provide evidence that the digits of
tetanurans, currently considered to be I, II and III, may actually be digits II, III, & IV, thus explaining the...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2009
NMR and Electron Microscopy Studies of Soybean Seeds, Soybean Proteins, and Oil for Improved
Utilization in Foods and Feeds
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Doina M. Costescu; I. C. Baianu.
NMR, NIR and EM techniques are suitable methods of measuring protein and oil content in soybeans. After completion of a
measurement with NMR or NIR, a soybean sample could be either replanted or consummated. NMR techniques involved in the
present work are based on the response of nuclei, as nuclear spin flips, when set in a 7.05T magnetic field and excited with rf
pulses of 300 MHz. NIR spectroscopy is based on outer electron molecular vibrations, when excited with radiation of frequency
1012 -4×1014Hz, and =2.5Om-750 nm. 
TEM and ESEM techniques are bulk and
surface analysis techniques, respectively, working with electron beams of 15KV, and image resolution in the range of
nm’s. ESEM is based on the...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Plant
Ano: 2011
The effect of garlic (Allium sativum) on growth and immune responses of hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis
niloticus x Oreochromis aureus)
Provedor de dados: 20
Autores: Fall, J.; Ndong, D.
Juvenile hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus x O.aureus) were held in 1000 l fiberglass tanks at 27 ºC supplied with a filter and
an aeration system. Garlic (Allium sativum) was incorporated into diets (0 %, 0.5 % and 1 %) of juvenile hybrid tilapia, O.
niloticus x O. aureus (25.5 ± 1.0 g). Non-specific cellular and humoral responses were evaluated at the beginning and after 2-4
weeks. Total leucocyte count, respiratory burst, phagyctic activity, phagocytic index and lysozyme activity were enhanced in
garlic 0.5 % treated groups compared to the control group after 4 weeks. Fish fed with garlic supplemented diets at 0.5 % and 1 %
did not exhibit any improvement in growth as compared to those fed with control diet after 2-4 weeks. It is concluded that...
Tipo: Journal Contribution
Palavras-chave: Tilipia; Biology Fishery biology Fishery biology
Ano: 2007
The effect of garlic (Allium sativum) on growth and immune responses of hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis
niloticus x Oreochromis aureus)
Provedor de dados: 20
Autores: Fall, J.; Ndong, D.
Juvenile hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus x O.aureus) were held in 1000 l fiberglass tanks at 27 ºC supplied with a filter and
an aeration system. Garlic (Allium sativum) was incorporated into diets (0 %, 0.5 % and 1 %) of juvenile hybrid tilapia, O.
niloticus x O. aureus (25.5 ± 1.0 g). Non-specific cellular and humoral responses were evaluated at the beginning and after 2-4
weeks. Total leucocyte count, respiratory burst, phagyctic activity, phagocytic index and lysozyme activity were enhanced in
garlic 0.5 % treated groups compared to the control group after 4 weeks. Fish fed with garlic supplemented diets at 0.5 % and 1 %
did not exhibit any improvement in growth as compared to those fed with control diet after 2-4 weeks. It is concluded that...
Tipo: Journal Contribution
Palavras-chave: Tilipia; Biology Fishery biology Fishery biology
Ano: 2007
A Novel NIR Spectroscopy Correlation Approach to Amino Acid Analysis of Soybean Proteins for
Composition Improvements- (v.4)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Valentin Prisecaru; I. C. Baianu.
Amino acid NIR calibrations were developed in our Physical Chemistry of Foods Laboratory of the University of Illinois at
Urbana for three selected amino acid groups that include essential amino acids for identified soybean accessions. Conventional
“wet chemistry” analytical methods are time-consuming and costly. As a result, soybean breeders
and researchers have an imperative need to utilize faster and less expensive methods. NIR Spectroscopy is a rapid and inexpensive
method for composition analysis for academia and industry. Recent advancements in instrumentation design, such as the
application of the Diode Array (DA) technique and the Fourier Transform (FT) IR and NIR techniques, have significantly
improved overall instrument...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Immunology; Molecular Cell
Biology; Bioinformatics; Earth & Environment; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Determination of Soybean Oil, Protein and Amino Acid Residues in Soybean Seeds by High
Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMRS) and Near Infrared (NIRS)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I. C. Baianu; Tiefeng You; Doina Costescu; P R. Lozano; Valentin Prisecaru; Randall
L. Nelson.
A detailed account is presented of our high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (HR-NMR) and near infrared (NIR) calibration
models, methodologies and validation procedures, together with a large number of composition analyses for soybean seeds. NIR
calibrations were developed based on both HR-NMR and analytical chemistry reference data for oil and twelve amino acid
residues in mature soybeans and soybean embryos. This is our first report of HR-NMR determinations of amino acid profiles of
proteins from whole soybean seeds, without protein extraction from the seed. It was found that the best results for both oil and
protein calibrations were obtained with a Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS-1) analysis of our extensive NIR spectral data,
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Ecology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell
Biology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology; Data Standards.
Ano: 2012
Novel NIR Spectroscopy Correlation Approach to Amino Acid Analysis of Soybean Proteins for
Composition Improvements. (Version 2.0)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Valentin Prisecaru; I. C. Baianu.
Amino acid NIR calibrations were developed in our Physical Chemistry of Foods Laboratory of the University of Illinois at
Urbana for three selected amino acid groups that include essential amino acids for identified soybean accessions. Conventional
“wet chemistry” analytical methods are time-consuming and costly. As a result, soybean breeders
and researchers have an imperative need to utilize faster and less expensive methods. NIR Spectroscopy is a rapid and inexpensive
method for composition analysis for academia and industry. Recent advancements in instrumentation design, such as the
application of the Diode Array (DA) technique and the Fourier Transform (FT) IR and NIR techniques, have significantly
improved overall instrument...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Immunology; Molecular Cell
Biology; Bioinformatics; Earth & Environment; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Quantum Genetics and Quantum Automata Models of Quantum-Molecular Evolution Involved in the
Evolution of Organisms and Species
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I. C. Baianu.
Previous theoretical or general approaches to the problems of Quantum Genetics and Molecular Evolution are considered in this
article from the point of view of Quantum Automata Theory first published by the author in 1971 and further developed in several
recent articles. The representation of genomes and Interactome networks in categories of many-valued logic LMn
–algebras that are naturally transformed during biological evolution, or evolve through interactions with the
environment provide a new insight into the mechanisms of molecular evolution, as well as organismal evolution, in terms of
sequences of quantum automata.
Phenotypic changes are expressed only when certain environmentally-induced
quantum-molecular changes are coupled with an...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Ecology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology;
Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology; Data Standards.
Ano: 2012
Neural Networks, Cell Genome and Interactome Nonlinear Dynamic Models
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I. C. Baianu.
Operational logic and bioinformatics models of nonlinear dynamics in complex functional systems such as neural networks,
genomes and cell interactomes are proposed. Łukasiewicz Algebraic Logic models of genetic networks and signaling
pathways in cells are formulated in terms of nonlinear dynamic systems with n-state components that allow for the generalization
of previous logical models of both genetic activities and neural networks. An algebraic formulation of variable
Łukasiewicz Algebraic Logic subobject classifier description that represents non-random and nonlinear network
activities as well as their transformations in...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Immunology;
Molecular Cell Biology; Neuroscience; Pharmacology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Novel Techniques for Microspectroscopy and Chemical Imaging Analysis of Soybean Seeds and
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I. C. Baianu; Tiefeng You; Doina M. Costescu.
Novel methodologies are currently being evaluated for the Chemical Analysis of soybean seeds as well as developing mature
soybean embryos by FT-IR/NIR Microspectroscopy. This is the first report of FT-NIR Chemical Images obtained with 1 micron
resolution. NIR spectra of Proteins, Oil and DNA fibers are obtained for regions as small as 1μ^2^.
Tipo: Poster
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Immunology;
Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology; Bioinformatics; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Complex Systems Analysis of Cell Cycling Models in Carcinogenesis
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I. C. Baianu.
A new approach to the modular, complex systems analysis of nonlinear dynamics in cell cycling network transformations
involved in carcinogenesis is proposed. Carcinogenesis is a complex process that involves dynamically inter-connected
biomolecules in the intercellular, membrane, cytosolic, nuclear and nucleolar compartments that form numerous inter-related
pathways referred to as networks.
The variable biotopology of such dynamic networks is highly complex,
and has a number of interesting properties that can be formally characterized at one level of organization by mathematical
structures called 'biogroupoids'. 
One such family of pathways contains the cell
cyclins. Cyclins are proteins that link several...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Cancer; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Immunology;
Molecular Cell Biology; Pharmacology; Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2011
Novel NIR Spectroscopy Correlation Approach to Amino Acid Analysis of Soybean Proteins for
Composition Improvements. (v.3)
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Valentin Prisecaru; I. C. Baianu.
Amino acid NIR calibrations were developed in our Physical Chemistry of Foods Laboratory of the University of Illinois at
Urbana for three selected amino acid groups that include essential amino acids for identified soybean accessions. Conventional
“wet chemistry” analytical methods are time-consuming and costly. As a result, soybean breeders
and researchers have an imperative need to utilize faster and less expensive methods. NIR Spectroscopy is a rapid and inexpensive
method for composition analysis for academia and industry. Recent advancements in instrumentation design, such as the
application of the Diode Array (DA) technique and the Fourier Transform (FT) IR and NIR techniques, have significantly
improved overall instrument...
Tipo: Presentation
Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Immunology; Molecular Cell
Biology; Bioinformatics; Earth & Environment; Plant Biology.
Ano: 2011
Quantum Genetics and Quantum Automata Models of Quantum-Molecular Evolution Involved in the
Evolution of Organisms and Species
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: I. C. Baianu.
Previous theoretical or general approaches to the problems of Quantum Genetics and Molecular Evolution are considered in this
article from the point of view of Quantum Automata Theory first published by the author in 1971 and further developed in several
recent articles. The representation of genomes and Interactome networks in categories of many-valued logic LMn
–algebras that are naturally transformed during biological evolution, or evolve through interactions with the
environment provide a new insight into the mechanisms of molecular evolution, as well as organismal evolution, in terms of
sequences of quantum automata.
Phenotypic changes are expressed only when certain environmentally-induced
quantum-molecular changes are coupled with an...
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Cancer; Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Ecology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology;
Bioinformatics; Evolutionary Biology; Data Standards.
Ano: 2012
A Rate Distortion approach to protein symmetry
Provedor de dados: 17
Autores: Rodrick Wallace.
A spontaneous symmetry breaking argument is applied to the problem of protein form, via a Rate Distortion analysis of the
relation between genome coding and the final condensation of the protein 'molten globule'. The Rate
Distortion Function, under coding constraints, serves as a temperature analog, so that low values act to drive proteins to simple
symmetries. The Rate Distortion Function itself is significantly constrained by the availability of metabolic free energy. This work
extends Tlusty's (2007) elegant exploration of the evolution of the genetic code, suggesting that rate distortion
considerations may play a critical role across a broad spectrum of molecular expressions of evolutionary process.
Tipo: Manuscript
Palavras-chave: Chemistry; Developmental Biology; Genetics & Genomics; Molecular Cell Biology; Bioinformatics; Earth
& Environment; Evolutionary Biology.
Ano: 2010
Avaliação quantitativa da microbiota em solo de cultivo de soja transgênica em seis locais do Brasil.
Provedor de dados: 119
A biomassa microbiana é responsável por funções chave para a qualidade do solo, e o cultivo de soja transgênica bem como o uso
de herbicidas pode causar alterações sobre esse importante componente biológico do solo. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi
avaliar quantitativamente o carbono (CBM) e o nitrogênio (NBM) da biomassa microbiana de solo cultivado com soja transgênica
e aplicação de herbicidas em seis locais do Brasil na safra 2005/2006. O delineamento experimental foi de bloco ao acaso, com
seis repetições, em sistema de plantio direto. Os tratamentos foram: T1: soja transgênica + glifosato; T2: soja transgênica +
herbicidas convencionais; T3: soja parental convencional + herbicidas convencionais; T4: soja transgênica + capina manual; T5:
Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Biologia do solo; Soja; Soil biology; Soybeans.
Ano: 2012
Produtividade do milho inoculado com bactérias endofíticas e rizobactérias solubilizadoras de fosfato
na região Centro-Oeste brasileira.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: OLIVEIRA, C. A. de; RIBEIRO, V. P.; GOMES, E. A.; PINHO, J. M. R.; LANA, U. G. de P.; MARRIEL, I. E.
Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Biossolubilização de fosfato; Inoculante; Biologia do solo; Soil biology.
Ano: 2016
Biologia de Paramixia carmelitana (Carvalho, 1948) (Hemiptera: Miridae).
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Biologia; Paramixia carmelitana; Biology; Praga de planta.
Ano: 1990
Atividade microbiana em solo tratado com fertilizantes organominerais produzidos em diferentes
temperaturas de secagem e enriquecidos com micro-organismos.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: BATISTA, F. de C.; CAMILO, B. G.; OLIVEIRA, M. C.; MATTOS, B. B.; SANTOS, F. C. dos; MARRIEL, I. E.;
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Carbono; Respiração; Adubo; Carbon; Soil biology.
Ano: 2016
Variabilidade em famílias gênicas que codificam protéinas do milho ricas em aminoácidos essenciais.
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Planta; Genes; Biologia molecular; Molecular biology; Plant.
Ano: 1996
Abundância da macrofauna do solo em diferentes fases de um sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária
no arenito paranaense.
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Macrofauna do solo; Biologia do solo; Soil biology.
Ano: 2009
Desenvolvimento e sobrevivência de Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy, 1907) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) em
dois hospedeiros.
Provedor de dados: 119
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito dos hospedeios laranja cv. Pêra Rio (Citrus sinensis) e limão "cravo" (Citrus limonea)
sobre o desenvolvimento e a viabilidade de ninfas de Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy)...
Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Afideo; Biologia; Citrus sinensis; Citrus limonea; Biology.
Ano: 2004
Carbono orgânico e atributos microbiológicos em solo agrícola com diferentes níveis de produtividade
de soja em sistema de plantio direto.
Provedor de dados: 119
Atributos microbiológicos e bioquímicos do solo são geralmente negligenciados ao se relacionar a fertilidade do solo e a
produtividade das culturas, em que o carbono orgânico (C) apresenta papel chave. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alguns
bioindicadores de qualidade de solo e relacioná-los com o teor de C do solo em áreas de produção comercial com diferentes níveis
de produtividade de soja sob sistema de plantio direto. Amostras compostas de solo foram obtidas na profundidade 0-10 cm, em 6
áreas agrícolas em Ponta Grossa, PR. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de correlação de Pearson e regressão múltipla. A
regressão múltipla mostrou que a produtividade é influenciada principalmente pelo teor de C orgânico no solo, e a correlação
simples de...
Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Soja; Microbiologia do solo; Soybeans; Soil biology.
Ano: 2012
Efeito do recipiente de criação na biologia de Spodoptera frugiperda.
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: CRUZ, I.; VALICENTE, F. H.
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Lagarta do cartucho; Biologia; Spodoptera frugiperda; Biology.
Ano: 1992
Effect of photoperiod and temperature on Nymphal development and adult reproduction of
Piezodorus guildinii (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae).
Provedor de dados: 119
Autores: ZERBINO, M. S.; ALTIER, N. A.; PANIZZI, A. R.
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Piezodorus guildinii; Piezodorus guildinii; Biology; Photoperiod; Temperature.
Ano: 2013
Nymph and adult biology on cultivated and on non-cultivated plants and seasonal phenology on wild
plants of the Neotropical Stink Bug, Euschistus paranticus Grazia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera:
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Stink bug; Biology; Host plants; Phenology.
Ano: 2013
Resistance of citrus genotypes to Phyllocnitis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae).
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Citrus leafminer; Biology; Phyllocnistis citrella; Host plants.
Ano: 2011
Is a genome a codeword of an error-correcting code?
Provedor de dados: 119
Since a genome is a discrete sequence, the elements of which belong to a set of four letters, the question as to whether or not there
is an error-correcting code underlying DNA sequences is unavoidable. The most common approach to answering this question is
to propose a methodology to verify the existence of such a code. However, none of the methodologies proposed so far, although
quite clever, has achieved that goal. In a recent work, we showed that DNA sequences can be identified as codewords in a class of
cyclic error-correcting codes known as Hamming codes. In this paper, we show that a complete intron-exon gene, and even a
plasmid genome, can be identified as a Hamming code codeword as well. Although this does not constitute a definitive proof
Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Biologia; Sequência de DNA; Genome; Biology; Nucleotide sequences.
Ano: 2012
Agonistic interactions and damages in flowers of brazilian nut (Bertholletia excelsa Humb.,
Lecythydaceae) caused by Trigona sp.
Provedor de dados: 119
Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE)
Palavras-chave: Pollination; Bee; Trigona; Tranzamazônica; Floral biology.
Ano: 2012
Cholini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Molytinae) housed in the Invertebrate Collection of the Instituto
Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil
Provedor de dados: 36
Autores: Barbosa,Márcio Luís Leitão; Ferreira,Isabela Andrade; Fonseca,Claudio Ruy Vasconcelos da; Gouveia,Fernando
Bernardo Pinto.
In Brazilian Amazonia, Cholini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Molytinae) is represented by 53 species distributed in seven genera:
Ameris Dejean, 1821; Cholus Germar, 1824; Homalinotus Sahlberg, 1823; Lobaspis Chevrolat, 1881; Odontoderes Sahlberg,
1823; Ozopherus Pascoe, 1872 and Rhinastus Schoenherr, 1825. This work documents the species of Cholini housed in the
Invertebrate Collection of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil and gives the geographical and
biological data associated with them. A total of 186 Cholini specimens were identified as belonging to 14 species (13 from
Brazilian Amazonia) and five genera (Cholus, Homalinotus, Odontoderes, Ozopherus and Rhinastus). Only 24% of the Cholini
species reported from Brazilian...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Amazonia; Biology; Collection; Diversity; Geographical distribution.
Ano: 2011
Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae): a review
Provedor de dados: 42
Autores: Soares,Rodrigo P. P.; Turco,Salvatore J.
Lutzomyia longipalpis is the most important vector of AmericanVisceral Leishmaniasis (AVL) due to Leishmania chagasi in the
New World. Despite its importance, AVL, a disease primarily of rural areas, has increased its prevalence and became urbanized in
some large cities in Brazil and other countries in Latin America. Although the disease is treatable, other control measures include
elimination of infected dogs and the use of insecticides to kill the sand flies. A better understanding of vector biology could also
account as one more tool for AVL control. A wide variety of papers about L. longipalpis have been published in the recent past
years. This review summarizes our current information of this particular sand fly regarding its importance, biology,...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Sand flies; Vector biology; Lutzomyia longipalpis; Leishmania.
Ano: 2003
Assessment of the scientific-technological production in molecular biology in Brazil (1996-2007): the
contribution of genomics programs
Provedor de dados: 42
Autores: Meneghini,Rogério; Gamba,Estêvão C.
Several genome sequencing programs were launched in Brazil by the end of the nineties and the early 2000s.The most important
initiatives were supported by the ONSA program ( and aimed at gaining domain in
genomic technology and bringing molecular biology to the state of art. Two mainsets of data were collected in the 1996-2007
period to evaluate the results of these genome programs: the scientific production (Scopus and Web of Science databases) and the
register of patents (US Patent and Trademark Office), both related to the progress of molecular biology along this period. In
regard to the former, Brazil took a great leap in comparison to 17 other developed and developing countries, being only surpassed
by China....
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Science assessment; Genomics; Scientometrics; Molecular biology.
Ano: 2011
Eggshell and Histology Provide Insight on the Life History of a Pterosaur with Two Functional
Provedor de dados: 42
The counterpart of a previously described non-pterodactyloid pterosaur with an egg revealed the presence of a second egg inside
the body cavity of this gravid female. It clearly shows that pterosaurs had two functional oviducts and demonstrates that the
reduction of one oviduct was not a prerequisite for developing powered flight, at least in this group. Compositional analysis of one
egg suggests the lack of a hard external layer of calcium carbonate. Histological sections of one femur lack medullary bone and
further demonstrate that this pterosaur reached reproductive maturity before skeletal maturity. This study shows that pterosaurs
laid eggs even smaller than previously thought and had a reproductive strategy more similar to basal reptiles than to...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Pterosauria; Wukongopteridae; Reproductive Biology; Jurassic; China.
Ano: 2015
Post-embriononic development of Chrysomya putoria(Diptera: Calliphoridae) on a diet containing
ampicillin in different concentrations
Provedor de dados: 42
Here we evaluate the effects of different concentrations of the antibiotic ampicillin on the growth and development of Chrysomya
putoria. Third-generation, first instar larvae (L1) reared on 60 grams of homogenate+agar 65% were treated with ampicillin
sodium. The experiment consisted of four replicates (40 larvae/replicate) of each antibiotic concentration tested (T1: 466µg/mL ;
T2: 81.33 mg/mL and T3: 166.66mg/mL) and a T4: control. The body mass of the mature larvae, after they abandoned the diet,
were recorded in batches of five. The variation between the mean body mass of larvae and the duration of larval and pupal stages,
and overall duration of the development, viability and normal rates were analyzed by ANOVA. There were no significant
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Ampicillin; Biology; Bowfly; Callihoridae; Forensic entomology.
Ano: 2016
Fast renal trapping of porcine Luteinizing Hormone (pLH) shown by 123I-scintigraphic imaging in
rats explains its short circulatory half-life
Provedor de dados: 4
Autores: Klett, D.; Bernard, S.; Lecompte, F.; Leroux, H.; Magallon, T.; Locatelli, A.; Lepape, A.; Combarnous, Y.
Background Sugar moieties of gonadotropins play no primary role in receptor binding but they strongly affect their circulatory
half-life and consequently their in vivo biopotencies. In order to relate more precisely hepatic trapping of these glycoproteic
hormones with their circulatory half-life, we undertook a comparative study of the distribution and elimination of porcine LH
(pLH) and equine CG (eCG) which exhibit respectively a short and a long half-life. This was done first by following half-lives of
pLH in piglets with hepatic portal circulation shunted or not. It was expected that such a shunt would enhance the short half-life of
pLH. Subsequently, scintigraphic imaging of both 123I-pLH and 123I-eCG was performed in intact rats to compare their...
Tipo: Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)
Palavras-chave: QH301 Biology; QP Physiology.
Ano: 2003
Contribution à l'étude des mécanismes éthologiques et endocriniens du comportement sexuel de la
Truie (Sus scrofa L.)
Provedor de dados: 4
Autores: Signoret, J.P.
No Abstract available.
Tipo: Thesis
Palavras-chave: QP Physiology; QH301 Biology.
Ano: 1972
Detection of mutations within exons 4 to 8 of the p53 tumor suppressor gene in canine mammary
Provedor de dados: 45
Autores: Souza,D.M.B.; Barros,M.G.O.; Silva,J.S.C.; Silva,M.B.; Coleto,Z.F.; Jimenez,G.C.; Adrião,M.; Wischral,A.
Fifteen female canines with mammary tumors and 6 normal females were used to study mutations in exons 4 to 8 of the p53 gene.
DNA samples from the tumors, respective adjacent normal mammary tissue and mammary glands from healthy animals were
sequenced and analyzed for the presence of mutations. Mutations were found in 71.8% of the samples and the most frequent were
missense mutations. The most attacked exons in the mammary tumor were 5, 7 and 8, with 23.4, 31.6 and 23.4% mutations,
respectively. Canine mammary tumors are related to mutations in gene p53 and mutations mostly occur in the region of the
protein that is linked to the DNA in the cell nucleus, which can change the functionality of the cell and propitiate tumor growth.
Despite being...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Bitch; DNA; Mamma; Molecular biology; Neoplasm; PCR.
Ano: 2012
Synthetic Biology: opportunities for Chilean bioindustry and education
Provedor de dados: 48
Autores: Federici,Fernán; Rudge,Timothy J; Pollak,Bernardo; Haseloff,Jim; Gutiérrez,Rodrigo A.
In an age of pressing challenges for sustainable production of energy and food, the new field of Synthetic Biology has emerged as
a promising approach to engineer biological systems. Synthetic Biology is formulating the design principles to engineer
affordable, scalable, predictable and robust functions in biological systems. In addition to efficient transfer of evolved traits from
one organism to another, Synthetic Biology offers a new and radical approach to bottom-up engineering of sensors, actuators,
dynamical controllers and the biological chassis they are embedded in. Because it abstracts much of the mechanistic details
underlying biological component behavior, Synthetic Biology methods and resources can be readily used by interdisciplinary
teams to...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Synthetic biology; Bioengineering; Education; Engineering; Biotechnology.
Ano: 2013
Fuzzy subset approach in coupled population dynamics of blowflies
Provedor de dados: 48
This paper is a study on the population dynamics of blowflies employing a density-dependent, non-linear mathematical model and
a coupled population formalism. In this study, we investigated the coupled population dynamics applying fuzzy subsets to model
the population trajectory, analyzing demographic parameters such as fecundity, survival, and migration. The main results suggest
different possibilities in terms of dynamic behavior produced by migration in coupled populations between distinct environments
and the rescue effect generated by the connection between populations. It was possible to conclude that environmental
heterogeneity can play an important role in blowfly metapopulation systems. The implications of these results for population
dynamics of...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Fuzzy logic; Blowflies; Coupled populations; Population biology.
Ano: 2006
Pollination of Pagamea duckei Standl. (Rubiaceae): a functionally dioecious species
Provedor de dados: 49
Autores: Terra-Araujo,Mário Henrique; Webber,Antonio Carlos; Vicentini,Alberto.
The floral biology, pollination and breeding system of Pagamea duckei Standl. (Rubiaceae) were studied at the Reserva Biológica
da Campina, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Floral morphology suggested that P. duckei is a distylous species. However, crossing
experiments revealed that it is functionally dioecious. The flowers are actinomorphic, yellowish, produce nectar and a sweet odor,
which is more intense in the morning. Anthesis started in the morning between 5.00 and 6.00 AM and extended until dusk, when
the corolla tube abscissed. The flowers were visited mostly by bees of the genus Melipona. Pagamea duckei is not agamospermic
and thus needs pollen vectors for effective pollination. The results of this study strengthen the idea that, in Pagamea, species
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Floral biology; Heterostyly; Campinarana forests; Central Amazonia.
Ano: 2012
Biology and description of immature stages of Gymnetis rufilateris (Illiger, 1800) (Coleoptera:
Cetoniidae: Cetoniinae)
Provedor de dados: 49
Autores: Rodrigues,Sérgio Roberto; Garcia,Felix Placencia; Falco,Josani Silva; Morón,Miguel Angel.
Abstract Larvae, pupae and adults of Gymnetis rufilateris (Illiger, 1800) (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae: Cetoniinae) were collected in
the municipality of Rochedo, Mato Grosso do Sul State. Studies on biology and morphology were conducted at the Laboratory of
Entomology of the Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Females of couples
formed in the laboratory oviposited and allowed the biology studies. The eggs lasted for 15.5 days. Larvae of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd
instars lasted 13.5, 30.6 and 113.1 days, respectively. The pupal period lasted 12.8 days. The egg-to-adult period lasts 186.8 days.
The larvae fed on decomposing feces of poultry. In the laboratory, adults fed on ripe banana (Musa sp.) (Musaceae)....
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Biology; Behavior; Gymnetini; Immature stages; Morphology.
Ano: 2016
Effect of ivermectin on the life cycle and larval fat body of Culex quinquefasciatus
Provedor de dados: 52
Autores: Alves,Stenio Nunes; Serrão,José Eduardo; Mocelin,Giovani; Melo,Alan Lane de.
The present work investigated the behavior, survival rate and lethal effect of 1.5 ppb ivermectin on Culex quinquefasciatus larvae,
based on morphological and biological parameters, and possible alterations of their fat body. Changes in the number of eggs/egg
mass and length of the larval stage were investigated. For this experiment, 600 larvae of 3rd and 4th instars of the mosquito were
tested. The laid eggs were separated and the hatched larvae were counted. Some larvae submitted to 1.5 ppb ivermectin solution
were used to prepare samples for histological study. Results obtained showed that ivermectin in a concentration of 1.5 ppb caused
paralysis to the larvae with a mortality rate of 73.38%, mobilization of substances stored in the fat body and...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Diptera; Fat body; Insecticide; Mosquito; Reproductive biology.
Ano: 2004
Age-dependent fecundity of Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) with sublethal
doses of gammacyhalothrin
Provedor de dados: 52
Autores: Pereira,Alexandre Igor Azevedo; Ramalho,Francisco de Sousa; Bandeira,Catarina de Medeiros; Malaquias,José Bruno;
Zanuncio,José Cola.
Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) was exposed to gammacyhalothrin to study the stimulatory effect of low
concentrations of this pyrethroid. The doses studied were 23.4375, 11.7188, 5.8594, 2.9297, 1.4648, 0.7324 mg.litre-1 and water,
as control. The third, fourth, and fifth instars of P. nigrispinus were shorter with all the doses of this insecticide. The survival and
longevity of this predator was highest with the lowest doses. The oviposition period of P. nigrispinus decreased as the doses
increased. The lowest pre-and postoviposition periods were found with 11.7188 mg.litre-1 of gammacyhalothrin. The dose 0.7324
mg.litre-1 increased the clutch interval. The egg viability was similar between the treatments. The number of eggs per...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Predator; Pyrethroid; Stink bug; Hormesis; Biology.
Ano: 2009
Field studies of a Brazilian seahorse population, Hippocampus reidi Ginsburg, 1933
Provedor de dados: 52
Autores: Freret-Meurer,Natalie Villar; Andreata,José Vanderli.
This study was carried out to fill the gaps that remain under Hippocampus reidi biology. Analysis of variations of sex ratio,
density, breeding season, distribution and home range of a population of the endangered Brazilian seahorse H. reidi from a rocky
shore on Araçatiba beach, Ilha Grande, Brazil were carried out. Araçatiba beach is a tourist Environmental Protected Area,
suffering antropic pressure. A fixed population of H. reidi was studied, where al lthe individuals were visually tagged and sex,
reproductive state and location on site were identified from December 2002 to November 2004. A total of 20 individuals were
visually tagged with a mean density of 0.18 m-2. Sex ratios were skewed, with more females than males. All the males brooded
during 13...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Seahorse; Hippocampus reidi; Brazil; Natural biology.
Ano: 2008
Production and regeneration of protoplasts from orchid Mycorrhizal Fungi Epulorhiza repens and
Ceratorhiza sp.
Provedor de dados: 52
Autores: Coelho,Irene da Silva; Queiroz,Marisa Vieira de; Costa,Maurício Dutra; Kasuya,Maria Catarina Megumi; Araújo,Elza
Fernandes de.
The aim of this work was to study the standardization of conditions to obtain and regenerate Epulorhiza repens and Ceratorhiza
sp. protoplasts. For E. repens, the largest number of protoplasts (8.0 × 10(6) protoplasts/mL) was obtained in 0.6 M
KCl, using 15 mg/mL of Lysing Enzymes, and 2-day-old fungal mycelium. When 0.5 M sucrose was used as osmotic stabilizer,
the highest frequency of regeneration was achieved (8.5 %); 80.0 % of protoplasts were nucleated, and 20.0 % anucleated. For
Ceratorhiza sp., the largest number of protoplasts (4.0 × 10(7) protoplasts/mL) was achieved in 0.6 M NaCl, when 15
mg/mL of Lysing Enzymes and 15mg/mL of Glucanex, with 2-day-old fungal mycelium were used. The highest frequency of
regeneration was 6.7 %...
Tipo: Journal article
Palavras-chave: Ceratorhi