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The starter representing the electric motor посто-янного of a current with mixed excitation is applied to start-up of the engine. Элек-тродвигатель such design develops the growing twisting moment at increase of braking of an anchor that facilitates start-up двига-теля. Force of the current consumed by a starter at his(its) work, does not remain to a constant and depends on a condition of the storage battery, сопро-тивления an electric circuit and frequency враще-ния anchors. Owing to the big section and ма-лой lengths of conductors of a winding of an anchor and обмот-ки excitation the starter has very small resistance, therefore at the moment of inclusion of a starter, and also at full braking яко-ря when in his(its) winding it is not induced about ратная ЭДС. Starting force of a current, in particular at a starter 4216.3708, reaches(achieves) 600 And, at idling an anchor is reduced up to 85 And. With increase of force of a current, потреблемого start rum, grows a magnetic stream of excitation which cooperating with a magnetic stream of an anchor, creates the growing twisting moment that facilitates rotation of a cranked shaft дви-гателя. Twisting moment reaches(achieves) the greatest size at full braking an anchor - at a feed(meal) of a starter from serviceable and completely charged storage battery when in a circuit of a starter force of a current reaches(achieves) макси-мальной size (and a magnetic stream макси-мальный). On the engine of model 2106-70 lips навливается a starter 35.3708 or 425.3708, and on engines of models 331 and 3317 - a starter 4216.3708. Both starters represent themselves two-port electric motors of a direct current with the mixed excitation, электромаг-нитным inclusion шестерни a drive and дистан-ционным management. Starters are equipped with the coupling device for connection and разъе-динения a cogwheel of an anchor of a starter with a gear wreath of a flywheel of a cranked shaft of the engine. On a design and a principle дейст-вия starters are identical, differ only on мощностным to parameters, a way of fastening on the engine and connection of electricity cables. Both starters are located in a back part of the engine: a starter 35.3708 from the right party(side), a starter 4216.3708 - with left. The device of a starter 4216.3708 (fig. 40) one has 4216.3708 Starter four poles on which располо-wives of a winding возбулодения, three of which are connected among themselves consistently, - in parallel. The anchor 72 starters rotates in two брон-зографитовых bearings, lips новленных in a lobby 63 and back W крышкак. On a back cover укреплены two isolated and two closed on the case 74 щеткодержателя in which brushes are placed. Isolated щет-кодержатели are connected among themselves copper пе-ремычкой. The end of three consistently connected windings of excitation is brought to one of them. The second end of these windings at is connected to a clip of the traction relay. Brushes at жимаются to a collector springs. On the end of a shaft of an anchor there is a drive of a starter, with worth from шлицевой cartridges 65 and муфты with a cogwheel 68. Втул-ка 65 the opportunity freely has 69 free courses to move ся on лентонной to a groove of an anchor and you are connected with приводным a cogwheel 68 to the help муф-69. Муфта a free course of roller type consists of the external holder fixed on a flange шлицевой of the cartridge 65, internal обой-we, made as a single whole with a cogwheel 68, and rollers with плунжерами and пружи-us located between holders in grooves and jacks of an external holder. At inclusion of a starter rotation from a shaft of an anchor is transferred through the cartridge 65 to an external (conducting) holder муфты 69. At rotation of an external holder of a role ки, being shifted under action плунжеров with пру-жинами in a narrow part of grooves, get jammed an internal holder, and both holders with a cogwheel 68 start to rotate as one це-лое. At gearing a cogwheel from veins цом a flywheel start-up of the engine is provided. After start-up of the engine frequency of rotation махо-вика will exceed that his(its) frequency of rotation, кото-paradise was during start-up of the engine, and already the flywheel will start to rotate a cogwheel 68 with an internal holder муфты, with the greater frequency of rotation, than frequency of rotation of a shaft of an anchor of a starter with an external holder муфты. Thus rollers муфты, being shifted because of friction about внут-реннюю a holder aside the expanded part of grooves of an external holder, расклинят a holder, and twisting moment from a flywheel will not be переда-ваться on a shaft of an anchor of a starter, and gear to лесо with an internal holder it will be free to rotate on a shaft of an anchor. Inclusion of a drive is carried out electromagnetic traction ре-ле which is attached by two bolts to кор-пусу a starter. The relay has the coil with втяги-вающей 66 and holding 60 windings. Внут-ри coils there is an anchor 62, a shaft to торого is connected to the lever 64 drives start ра. On other party(side) of an anchor the dam 57 is fixed кон-тактная. On an anchor the returnable spring is established. The starter works I follow щим in the image. At turn of a key of the switch of ignition in the position appropriate вклю-чению of a starter, a current from an accumulator room ба-тареи through the plug of the lock of ignition acts on both windings of the traction relay, creating in ка-тушке a total electromagnetic field. Under action of a magnetic field the anchor traction ре-ле is involved in the coil and by means of growl га 64 drives and поводковой муфты enters a tooth чатое a wheel 68 in gearing with a wreath махо-вика. At the end of a course an anchor with the help contact ной plates closes both clips of the traction relay, including a starter, and through a contact plate 57 closes накоротко additional resistance of the coil of ignition (only at a starter of the engine 331). At the moment of short circuit of clips of the relay occurs закорачивание втяги-вающей windings then the anchor of the traction relay is kept in the involved position only by holding winding. After start-up of the engine and installation of a key of the switch for жигания in a starting position a current in a circuit пре-рывается, the anchor of the traction relay under action of a returnable spring comes back in первона-чальное position and deduces a cogwheel of a drive from gearing with a wreath of a flywheel. Thus the contact plate disconnects contact ные bolts 54. If at inclusion of a starter end faces зубьев a cogwheel of a drive слу-чайно will be rested against end faces зубьев a wreath of a flywheel the lever of the traction relay relocatable втя-гиваемым by an anchor, will compress a buffer spring шлицевой cartridges 65 and when the contact disk will connect a starter to an accumulator room батарее and the anchor of a starter will be turned, the compressed buffer spring will enter, a cogwheel of a drive in gearing with зубьями a wreath of a flywheel. At for едании a cogwheel of a drive of a flywheel at the moment of interruption of a current in a winding of the traction relay поводковая муфта, consisting of two on ловин, under action of a returnable spring яко-ря will overcome effort auxiliary пружи-ны, located with the left party(side) муфты, and will enable to allocate(remove) a contact disk from clips of the relay, having switched off a working circuit start ра, than and will prevent the category of the battery. 1, 68. A cogwheel of a drive of a gear wreath of a flywheel of a cranked shaft. 2. A roller муфты a free course. 3. An external holder муфты. 4. The case муфты 5. Rubber заглушка. 6, 64. Levers of inclusion of a cogwheel of a drive. 7. A shaft of an anchor. 8, 63. Covers on the part of a drive (lobbies). 9. A returnable spring of the relay. 10, 62. An anchor of the relay. 11. A flange of the relay. 12. A winding of the relay. 13. A rod of the relay. 14. The plastic cartridge of a rod. 15. The core. 16, 57. Contact plates. 17. 55. A cover of the relay. 18, 54. Contact bolts. 19, 47. Covers of starters on the part of a collector (back). 20. A brake disk of a cover. 21. A brake disk of a shaft of an anchor. 22, 49. Shaft of anchors of starters. 23, 40, 66. Cartridges of covers of starters (bearings). 24. A winding статора. 25. A pole статора. 26, 74. Cases статоров. 27, 52. Windings of anchors статоров. 28. The terminator of a course of a cogwheel of a drive. 29. A restrictive disk of a course of a cogwheel of a drive. 30. Поводковое a ring. 31. The bearing поводковой муфты. 32, 65. Шлицевые cartridges. 33. A buffer spring. 34. The loose leaf шлицевой cartridges. 35. The cartridge. 36. A washer. 37. Запорная a spring 38. A persistent washer. 39. An adjusting washer. 41. The plug of a brush of a starter. 42, 48. Collectors. 4 3. The crosspiece. 44, 75. Springs of brushes. 45. Щеткодержатель. 46. A brush. 50. Траверсат. 51. Щеткодержатель brushes of a negative conclusion. 53, 36. Contacts of the relay. 58. A core of an anchor. 59, 93. Involving winding 60, 92. Holding winding 61. The relay. 67. Ограничительно. A ring. 69. Муфта 70. Centering disk. 71. A bandage ring 72. An anchor of a starter. 73. The coil of a winding of a starter. 76. Щеткодержатель brushes of a positive conclusion. 77. A casing. 78. Face isolator. 79. The core. 80. A secondary winding. 81. Магнитопровод. 82. An initial winding. 83. A clip of an initial winding. 84. Выводная the plug of a high pressure(voltage). 85. A cover. 86. A clip of low pressure(voltage) ВК. 87. Шпика. 88. Isolator of the additional resistor. 89. The additional resistor. 90. The storage battery. 91. The ammeter. 94. The lock of ignition.