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Topic: Age of Exploration Documentary Notes.
Pre Renaissance
1. How old was the most widely used map of the world in the 1400's? Over a 1000 years old
2. What was the cause that would change the view of the world? New ships sailing. following Black Death new trade and exploration.
3. By the early 1500s what was the political system of most of Europe? Feudal
4. How did the Renaissance lead to new understandings of the World? New outward view toward the world post Crusades, Invention, science
and trade. Merchants, Italy dominated trade,
5. How did the printing press influence theWhat invention allowed for the rapid flow of information and increase of knowledge?
Printing Press
Far East
1. What was the primary motives for trade in the Far East? Wealth and the Rise of the Merchant Class
!!!! Spices to preserve food and make it edible!!! Luxury items silk, cotton ets.
2. What hindered West Europeans from trading in the Far East? Muslim Control of
land and water navigation routes (see below)
3. What were two primary trading routes controlled by Muslims, Far East by land to
Europe and by sea India to red sea
4. Who exclusively did Muslims sell goods to? Italian city states. Genoa and Venice
were most powerful with Venice having access to 5 key Muslim cities
5. In the Early 1400 what countries began to challenge the Italics trading monopoly?
Portugal and Spain
6. What obstacles did S and P have taking on long range explorations? the longest
they sailed was 800 miles not familiar with astronomy and navigation.
Prince Henry of Portugal
7. What role did Prince Henry the Navigator of Prodigal have? Founded a school of navigation. Gathered experts based on
science. Created new navigation tools.
8. What was the name of the newly invented ships? and what was new about them
Caravels better rudders and sails.
9. Why did the ships sails have the cross?
Prince Henry was a "Knight of Christ"
10. What continent did Prince Henry begin to explore? Coast of East Africa
11. What goals did Prince Henry Have in his explorations?
A) Bring back information for his school
B) Claim Land for his country - Imperialism (Political and Economic)
C) Bring Christianity to new lands
12.How did Portugal show the land they claimed?
by putting up stone markers.
13. What country first established the slave trade?
Portugal - Sugar was the cash crop "without sugar there would be no slavery and without slavery there would be no
Only Slavery could make the new world profitable. Europeans were not willing to go to the new world to work on sugar plantations. Terrible
work and horrible conditions and disease~~
14. What impact would this have? 12 million slaves taken - Continent split up by imperial European powers. More on this later
Spain Enters The Picture
1. How did Columbus know he could reach Asia by sailing West
He was educated he collocated the distance as 4 thousand miles. Columbus new the earth was round.
Ancient Greeks and Romans new the Earth was round.
Spain and the Importance of 1492
2. Why did King Fernando and Queen Isabella of Spain support Columbus?
1492 Spain just captured Granada which was last strong hold of the Moors
The same year was the Jewish Diaspora (Expulsion of all Jews from Spain)
Spain wanted a pure Catholic country.
Spain sought to avoid the Muslim and go straight to the Far East directly.
3. Where did Columbus first Journey take him? Bahamas
4. What did Columbus bring back to Spain? Plants, Natives foods, about 40
5. What happened to those C left behind? Killed for being cruel
6. At the time of Columbus death where did C think he was exploring? Western Asia
New World
1. Who was Amerigo Vespucci?
Merchant from Florence. Sailed and realized the newly discovered land was part of a new continent. the New World
2. How did AV promote his Ideas? The Printing Press
3. How was America Named? Amerigo Vespucci used the printing press to spread his discovery. He became more famous than Columbus.
A German Map maker called the new land America because AV was thought have discovered the area because he was so well
4. Who were the first Europeans to reach the new world? The Vikings
5. Why did John Cabot and his son Sabation get credit for reaching the East Coast of America
Here are their Real Names - Iovanni Caboto, Venetian: Zuan Chabotto; c. 1450 –1500) was an Italian navigator and explorer whose 1497
discovery of parts of North America under the commission of Henry VII of England
Age of Exploration was Eurocentric (China, the Vikings and others have been to North America long before Columbus)
Newport Tower
Rhode Island.
Predates Columbus
First Voyage Around the World 1519 - 1522
Fernand Magellan Portages Navigator. Set off from Spain with 5 ships in 1519
1. What was Magellan's view of the New World?
The NW was only an obstacle to Asia. He sailed beyond South America. M
eventually finds the Pacific Ocean in which he named - meaning peace
2, After the 3 year journey, how many returned 17 out of 224 and Magellan died
before returning.
3. What did Magellan prove. Asia could be reached by sailing West and physically
proved the world was round.
Conquest of Mexico and The Spanish
1. Who was Hernando Cortez? Spaniard set out to conquer M
2. Who was Mexico Ruled by? Montezuma the 2nd Emperor of the Aztecs. Mexico City
3. How was Cortez greeted. Warmly - the Aztecs thought he was a new god.
4. How did Cortez conquer Mexico? Guns, cannons, armor, horses and use of rival tribes
5. Who destroyed the Incan Empire? Francisco Pizarro
6. Francisco Vázquez de Coronado led expedition from Mexico to presentday Kansas through parts of the southwestern United States between 1540
and 1542.
Coronado sought to reach the legendaryl Seven Cities of Gold. His expedition was the first European sightings
of the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River,
Hernando De Soto sailed South America/Central America and arrived on the west coast of
Florida on May 30, 1539 with 10 ships carrying over 600 soldiers, priests, and explorers. They spent four years searching
for gold and silver, exploring the area, and brutally contacting native societies, including the Cherokees, Seminoles,
Creeks, Appalachians, and Choctaws. De Soto died during the exploration. Buried on the banks of the Mississippi 1542.
Exploration and Colonization Splitting Up the World.
1. What was the Treaty of Tordesillas 1494 and Line of Demarcation?
A) Pope gave all land West of Brazil to Spain and Brazil and lands east to Portugal
B) As a result Spain, would. at least by treaty, control the New World. Specifically the Caribbean, Current Haiti, México, current Florida
C) The Dutch and English and French would all join in and carve their colonies and influence.
2. By the end of the 1500s Who had colonized most of the new world? Spain and Portugal
3. How did other Western European react to Spain and Portugal's gains? They began their own colonization. Exploration expanded at a rapid
3. What was the result of colonization? Wealth, gold, furs, cotton, sugar
Political Power struggles, loss of Native cultures and languages.
Depopulation, disease, captivity
End of Part 1