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Download Commentaires de Frère Coleman du 13 juin 2010
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Commentaires de Frère Coleman du 13 juin 2010 Je vous apporte les salutations de Frère Coleman ce matin. Il vous dit : « Que Dieu vous bénisse en ce merveilleux jour ! » Eglise, ce matin nous avons une visite spéciale, Soeur Sarah Branham De Corado, la fille du prophète. Soeur Sarah, ça fait plaisir de vous avoir avec nous. Que Dieu vous bénisse ! C’est vraiment un privilège de vous avoir avec nous ce matin, Soeur Sarah. Comme nous commençons la réunion, nous voulons simplement lire quelques témoignages qui parlent de la saison dans laquelle nous sommes. Ceux parmi vous qui étaient ici mercredi soir le 9 juin, vous avez vu clairement comment dimanche passé le Saint Esprit, cette Onction du 2 mars est descendue, donnant clairement un signe de la mort et de la vie. Et comme cette Onction planait, et vous l'avez expérimentée la semaine passée, dimanche, nous avons vu les captifs être affranchis. Nous avons vu les ténèbres céder devant la lumière. Nous avons vu sous cette Onction la liberté de l'Esprit, et nous avons vu Dieu parler à nos cœurs, à nos âmes. Nous avons vu sous cette Onction Soeur Bellomo être puissamment réemplie du Saint Esprit, comme cet Être, elle dit, la Vie de Christ telle que décrite par le prophète de Dieu est entrée dans notre sœur Bellomo. C'est arrivé et tout cela s'est produit la semaine passée, cette Onction, ce nouveau remplissage, ces signes avec le message La Venue de la Pierre de Faîte. Cela montre la saison de la Nouvelle Naissance, cette Onction du 2 mars est descendue pour montrer que c'est la saison d'être né de nouveau, de naître de nouveau et d'être formé à l'Image Parole par la Vertu Puissance pour le service pour trouver notre position dans un temps de bataille. Il y a une bataille qui se déroule, mais nous allons trouver notre place. Béni soit le Nom du Seigneur ! Car ce nouveau remplissage est un signe que la Dynamique et la mécanique sont ici. Car ce nouveau remplissage qui est sorti de ce message est ce signe-là ! Le prophète a dit, Frère Branham a dit : [Que ferai-je de ce Jésus appelé Christ, 24 11 63, §116] La Dynamique de cette Église sera un remplissage du Saint-Esprit que nous avons reçu en petite mesure, alors que la Pierre de Faîte descend pour s'unir au Corps. Mais quand la Tête et le Corps s'unissent ensemble, la complète Puissance du Saint-Esprit la relèvera. Satan, tu ne pourras pas l'arrêter ! Le prophète l'a dit, ainsi en sera-t-il ! Béni soit le Nom du Seigneur ! Cela la soulèvera ! « Elle est là abattue, » non cela va la soulever ! Alléluia ! Les morts, qui sont morts en Christ depuis des centaines d'années, ressusciteront dans la beauté de Sa Sainteté et prendront leur envol dans le ciel. La Dynamique est le Saint-Esprit. Nous avons expérimenté cela ici à New York et sur l'internet et en Pennsylvanie, amen ! Donc cette Onction du 2 mars qui est descendue venait du message du 2 mars 1975 : Demande ce que tu veux. Et elle est descendue encore une fois le 6 juin pour identifier votre temps spécial et votre saison ! Elle est descendue pour prendre le contrôle, la Voix même de l'Archange qui est descendue pour parler à ses enfants. Le prophète en a parlé, il faut que cela arrive, amen ! Commentaires de Frère Coleman du 13 juin 2010 page 1 Quand Frère Billy Paul a visité NY, il y a des années de cela, et qu'il a entendu ce message, qu'il a expérimenté cette Onction, il a demandé à Frère Coleman de faire écouter le message à sa famille pour qu'ils puissent l'entendre. Et Sœur Branham et la famille ont entendu ce message du 2 mars Demande ce que tu veux, car Frère Billy savait, et nous le savons bien, les élus de Dieu le savent bien, que nous avons la révélation de la Parole par le prophète Frère Branham, Malachie 4. Et c'est lui qui a apporté cette promesse de cette Onction pour que Christ Lui-même descende, exactement comme Il l'a fait le jour de la Pentecôte. Il y avait une Épouse Alpha, et il y a une Épouse Oméga ! Et cette Épouse aura une Onction spéciale ! Donc Frère Billy l'a vu. Il a dit, je vais apporter cela à la famille. Alléluia ! Donc je veux que vous compreniez que c’est spécial ! Cette Onction du 2 mars représente ce que le prophète Malachie 4 a dit dans la Parole révélée à Son Épouse : « Il viendra une Dynamique, il y aura un temps puissant où Mon Esprit s’écoulera, Ma Voix parlera à nouveau à Mon peuple. » Cela a été promis, promis, promis par un prophète confirmé ! Et nous sommes en train de l’expérimenter ! Comme nous lisons ces témoignages, et quand Frère Nat viendra, vous entendrez plusieurs points de référence à cette Onction du 2 mars. Donc nous voulions que vous compreniez parfaitement que c’est ce que le prophète Malachie 4 a dit pour cette Épouse ; qui nous a été apporté par Sa Parole, la Parole de ce prophète, du Fils de l’homme pour nous en ce jour-ci. Donc quand nous parlons de cette Onction, nous parlons de ce qui nous a été promis, ce que le prophète a apporté pour nous ! Donc passons à nos témoignages : Témoignage de Frère Julian Brunelle ( en anglais ) Dear Brother Coleman, I wanted to encourage you with the news that I have of my Aunt Gisele Laroke. On May 27th 2010, my aunt who just turned 80 lost touch with reality, what doctors would say someone going insane. She was saying and doing things which made no sense to anyone. And she would have to be placed in the hospital where no one could visit her due to the danger of her condition. But she was still giving praise to God and still believing that God would rescue her. On May 27th I gave you a call Brother Coleman on Thursday, in which Brother Co… Brother Bellomo happened to be with you. You then began to pray - and it was quite a prayer - as you asked that God would anoint our faith, you said that we agree as we touch the Word that with God nothing is impossible. You said, ‘I speak the Word of God to go where she is at and clothe her in her right mind.’ Then you prayed, ‘May the Power of God drop down in that home and may You heal her. We cast that devil out of her.’ Brother Coleman, you then said, ‘Satan, come out of Julian’s aunt and now Lord, clothe her in her right mind. May she suddenly change just like that.’ You then repeated that a few times, ‘May she be clothed in her right mind and heal her in her right mind. May she be back normal, then he can call and investigate and see what the situation is. Almighty God, we put her in Thy hands. We send the Holy Spirit, the Angel of God to clothe her in her right mind. Amen.’ End of prayer. Just to let you know that her family would not let us talk or visit with her. Of course we know it is due to the spiritual battle. We did receive news from her son last week that she would have to spend a long time in the hospital. She wouldn’t be home for a long time due to her mental, deteriorating mental condition. They were giving her serious medications but nothing was working. Then all of a sudden this afternoon June 11th 2010, my aunt called me from her home to tell me that God had visited her in the hospital and she is completely healed! Glory to God! Amen. Amen. Praise God. Amen. 80 years old, dementia, mind gone, calling, she’s completely healed. One of the first Commentaires de Frère Coleman du 13 juin 2010 page 2 things she told me is, ‘Tell Brother Coleman that God answered his prayer. I have been clothed in my right mind.’ She even believed that while she was in the hospital you had been healed. It is then that she describes what happened to her. That the doctors mentioned that her illness is as if her mind was naked and exposed and her condition in her mind was rejecting every medication that tried to clothe her mind to protect her. But now they feel they have found the medication that has clothed her mind but we know Brother Coleman, that God has given you those special words: ‘Clothe her in her right mind.’ That was the dosage that she needed! Amen. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Praise God, amen, amen. And God answered your prayer. And may I say that despite what any critic may say, Spoken Word healing again was manifested through a time-tested minister… Ministry Pastor. Amen. May God drop down upon you now as you read this and heal you and your precious wife and renew your strength, for I know that this is another powerful sign that cannot be doubted, that the Ministry in New York City is not washed up but returning in Power. Not just any ministry but your Ministry. God bless you my precious Pastor and visit you with an Angel, Brother Julian Brunelle. [End of testimony.] Témoignage de Frère Harris de Guyane Dear Brother Bellomo, greetings in the most precious name of Jesus Christ. I would like to give a little testimony and I would like to dedicate it to Brother Coleman in whose Ministry the Voice of the Archangel was veiled. He is someone who I look up to and has always been a special person to me. Though he doesn’t know me personally, it has been for years I wanted to talk to him, but my hope was getting down because of his recent illness. God opened the door for me and I came to Trinidad and I was able to lead a brother to this Message who was bound by Satan. Then I asked Brother Theo Ovid if I … if I can give my brother… if he can give me Brother Coleman's number and he said yes. Finally my dream came through when I heard his voice and I remembered Caleb. I told Brother Coleman that we were listening to a video played on the 28th of November 1989 and he was preaching “Put On The Whole Armour Of God”. And in this Message he said, ‘I am dedicating this Message to those who have not received the Holy Ghost.’ I had made up my mind, I said, ‘God I’ve got to meet You today.’ Brother Coleman had finished preaching, but nothing happened so the song leader came to dismiss the service. I had maintained the right attitude throughout the service, for I really worshipped the Lord and when the final song was sung suddenly I felt something on the line. I did not try to work anything up. I just lifted my hands in the air and I began to press. All of a sudden the Anointing came closer, then He sent the Fire on me, I fell down, anointing was all over me. I was saying, ‘Seal me with the Holy Ghost.’ And I felt a huge Presence of Someone standing before me, It was the Angel. While I was sharing this testimony with Brother Coleman, my wife was right there with me. She had suffered a stroke and had recovered somewhat, but her left foot used to be kind of… was kind of numb and heavy. So I said, ‘Brother Coleman, my wife would like it if you could pray for her.’ And he put… he said, ‘Put her on the phone.’ As soon as that man of God prayed, the Fire fell on my wife and she started to cry and instantly the numbness went away. Amen. Praise God, amen. Amen. So you come believing, you come with faith, God will answer that faith. Amen. Praise God. Commentaires de Frère Coleman du 13 juin 2010 page 3 So it left her instantly and went away. Talk about thanksgiving! May God bless you Brother Coleman, you are going to come out of that sick-bed. God’s Word from the Prophet’s mouth cannot fail. Brother Coleman, I want to share this little inspiration with you and I caught it after Brother Nathaniel was preaching on the Fouth Seal. You may be seated. I know the hour has arrived when the Third Pull is going to be made manifest. For as sure as we see Satan bringing death with his sword, the Bride also is going to demonstrate Life. That ties right back in, death and Life. Sign went forth. Sign of death, yes but there is Life. There is a Holy Ghost Land. Amen. Hallelujah. He, Satan, has to incarnate himself in his people and God is fixing to do the same. From “The Second Seal”, the Prophet said: THE.SECOND.SEAL_ JEFF.IN TUESDAY_ 63-0319 204-6 {205} … When Jesus incarnate Himself in His people, the very Life that was in Christ is in the person. Unquote. Then this is the brother: If ye abide in Me and My Words abide in you, you shall ask what you will. Goes back to March 2nd, “Ask What You Will”. If you abide in Me and My Words in you, you have the right to ask what you will. Now remember, Peter was put in prison in Acts 5, chapter 5, but by then by the Spirit of God was already incarnated in his man, so it came to Angels. I do hope the Church is learning. So then Peter was then set free from his prison cell by the Angel. And when his testimony reached the high priest and council whose souls were in prison were cut in the heart. He, Satan, always comes to kill, but he gets killed by God’s two-edged Sword. So I say we are ready to challenge them demons in Ephesians chapter 6. Yes, we have the Helmet of Salvation, but more importantly the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, which is the incarnate of God in the believer. God bless you, Brother Harris Ivan. [End of testimony.] Témoignage de Frère Ronald Nanton Dear Brother Coleman, I don’t know where to begin the words to express what the services over the past few weeks have meant to me, but I feel the need to express my heartfelt appreciation to you for bringing us these precious counsels from the very Godhead Itself despite your worsening physical condition. It is a paradox beyond belief. It could only be God’s way of saying to us that it is nothing but the Angel of His Presence speaking to us, since, given your bodily state, there is no way a man can do this. It indeed… It is indeed perfect strength by perfect weakness literally on display. But we continue in fervent prayer for you and your wife, and indeed your entire family. God has His perfect time to bring you both from the prison house of affliction to the Throne of Power. And I say that is imminent. Your Message, “Changing From The Glory Of Christ, The Voice Of The Archangel”, which was played on June 2nd did something for me, the magnitude of which I only begun to realise today, Saturday - which was yesterday. In that Message you nailed down the fact that Seven Thunders, and that only, and that only, is the Message of Malachi 4. You said he came to introduce the Coming of the Lord by his Message according to his commission in 1933 while baptising in the Ohio River. And His Message brought on the Shout, the first fold of His Coming. You quoted from the Message “Sirs, Is This The Time?” and showed that after the Prophet revealed the written mysteries on the inside of the Book, and he listed about twenty of them in that Message, there was only one thing left, the Seven Thunders on the backside of the Book. And in that Message, too, he prophesied of the coming of the Angels to open up the Seven Seals and reveal the Seven Commentaires de Frère Coleman du 13 juin 2010 page 4 Thunders. He had already received a Joshua Commission to do so, to take us to that ‘Great Place’ on the back of the Book. Many ministers outside of this Inspiration cannot understand why we speak of the Thunders as if that is all the Prophet spoke of. To their way of seeing it, the Prophet spoke of many things: Serpent Seed; No three persons in the Godhead; Baptism in Jesus’ Name, etc. Why then do we cabbage down on Seven Thunders as if that is all the Prophet said? They fail to realise that the Seven Thunders is Christ, the Seven Spirits of Elohim, appearing in the Prophet on the earth as Son of Man according to St Luke 17:30. He comes behind the skin veil of the Prophet, He takes the Word which He already straightened out by Six Seals and He reveals Himself as the Hidden Mystery of the Word, the Seventh Seal. The Seals at the back of the Book represented what was hidden on the inside of the Book, which is Christ hidden and revealed in His own Word. The Six Seals confirmed that the Mysteries of the written Word, the lost things or the loose ends, were revealed or tied up. He had to straighten out the inside Book before He could reveal what was hidden therein. So that Prophet had to straighten that inside Book first. You cannot reveal what is hidden in something else unless you identify and clarify what that thing is. It’s like having a hidden treasure box…treasure in a box. The box must first be identified, properly described and cleaned out of unnecessary things if needs be, before one can identify the hidden treasure that is in it. Many ministers are identifying and describing the Box, but fail to disclose the Treasure hidden therein. Hallelujah. And what did the Thunders do? They take the written… the Word… the written Word Itself and reveal the Hidden Mystery of it. The Prophet said: There will be Seven Voices of these Seven Thunders that will reveal the great Revelation at that time. And in “Questions And Answers On The Seals”, he said: That’s what the Thunders was about – to reveal. Amen. So the Prophet makes it crystal clear. The Seven Voices hold the Mystery of what is hidden in the Book. They form a template on the written Word. And when you run the written Word through the Seven Voices of the Seven Church Ages, through the Pyramid, the Hidden Mysteries are then seen. Hallelujah. We all know what the seven locks of Sampson mean, what the seven golden candlesticks mean, we know what the seven Sabbaths mean, the Age of Adoption, the Masterpiece Bride, the restoration of the Temple, the Cornerstone coming back as the Headstone. All, all unfold into a beautiful picture before our spiritual eyes. Amen. It’s not for everybody to see, but it is a spiritual eye. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Why? Because we see them through Seven Church Ages as the Prophet spoke it. It’s the Thunders, the Seven Voices of the Seven Church Ages revealing these Hidden Mysteries. So Six Seal preachers can only identify the Box in which the Hidden Treasure is, but they cannot identify the Treasure Itself, so the Book is sealed to them. They hear the written Word being quoted and they say, ‘Well, I heard that already!’ But they fail to see the Hidden Mysteries, the Word, being revealed by the Word, the Seven Thunders, quoting the written Word. If they would put on glasses which have Seven Colour Rainbow lenses, they would see the Hidden Mysteries, just like infra-red lets you see what is hidden in the dark. And the Prophet told you where to go and find it. Amen. Hallelujah. But it’s not for them. It is for the Bride, because the Thunders came for a distinct purpose which is in a Threefold Mystery. First, to reveal God, Elohim with Seven Spirits, in Christ, the Logos as Seven Voices. This Christ is revealed to the Bride through the Blood of sprinkling in Seven Church Ages, the Seven Thunder Blood which comes out of Him to form that Bride. She receives the Seven Voices. She is formed by those Voices. She is in fact a manifestation of those Seven Voices. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Commentaires de Frère Coleman du 13 juin 2010 page 5 They come into Her as Hidden Mysteries, the Word. And She feeds on that Word, She becomes mature and dies out for that Word to live in Her. The Word living in the Bride is the second fold of God’s Threefold Purpose – Christ having pre-eminence in Her by Seven Living Voices. In this way She is honed and catches the Headstone, the Dynamics which is the Word. The Hidden Mysteries then turn to Spirit, the actual uttering of Voices. This will be the third fold of the Threefold Mystery – Adoption, the Kingdom that fell by Adam, now restored. The magnitude of all this struck me when I thought that these Seven Voices of the Logos were the Original Seed, you may be seated, which formed the creation in the beginning. So listen to that again. The magnitude of this struck me when I thought that these Seven Voices of the Logos were the Original Seed which formed the creation in the beginning. Seven Voices made a world and the seventh made the heir of the world, Adam. Since he was in the image of God, then the voices of God’s celestial Image, the Logos, were in him also. He would say, ‘Tree move’ and it would move, because the same voice that said, ‘Let the earth bring forth the fruit bearing tree’ was in Adam saying, ‘Tree move’! Amen. Hallelujah. Get a taste of what is gonna be residing in you, the Bride. The Seven Thunders were in Adam uttering their Voices and that made him God’s image and likeness on the earth. The Prophet said, we are returning back to that image, that first created image. When he himself raised the little fish to life in 1957, he said afterwards that it was those Thunders uttering their Voices. ‘Little fishy, I give you your life.’ Seven thundering Voices. Amen. The same Voice that said, ‘Let the water bring forth the moving creature that hath life,’ said, ‘Little fishy, I give you your life.’ Hallelujah. For the image of God was restored. Hallelujah. Glory to God. You may be seated. Amen. Hallelujah. Glory to God. He says: It further blew my mind when I thought that in the “Masterpiece” Message the Prophet described how that image which fell in Eden was restored. And we know that it was already restored in Enoch, the seventh from Adam, who put the Mystery of those Voices in the Pyramid. And after the antediluvian destruction God began to restore this image by the Patriarchs, the Fourfold Foundation, the Prophets, the Body Work, and Christ, the Headship. He was that Masterpiece image restored, the second Adam. He was that Pyramid, and it’s built on the Fourth Foundation of Joseph Perfection. When you received the Seed Revelation of ‘Jacob Grace Joseph Perfection’, it was the Voices of the Thunders uttering Itself to you, the very Message that the Prophet came to introduce uttering to you in seed-form. It was the Original Seed, the same Voices that formed the creation coming as the Seed of the Hidden Mysteries to you for us. It declared Itself on September 20 th 1974: ‘The Seven Thunders are the Seven Voices of the Seven Church Ages’ and it showed you what seeds to sow to echo the Shout, the Words of the Son of Man by the Spirit of Truth. Joseph Perfection is the Seed of Dynamics, the Seed of the Thunders uttering their Voices. Page 304. It’s the Voice Word, it’s the Bat Kol, as Seed, Latter Rain Seed, Original Seed. It is that Seed. Hallelujah. And on this Third Phase that Seed is turning to Spirit. In other words, the Thunders, the Bat Kol, will utter and that will be the Ministry of Jesus Christ identifying the second fold of the Coming of the Lord, the Voice-Word of the Archangel. This was the ‘Greater Ministry’ that the Prophet was expecting while on his Second Pull. He had already had the foretaste of it with raising that little fish, the creation of squirrels and the Spoken Word Salvation of Sister Hattie Wright’s two sons. It had not struck me before that, you may be seated, that this was not just something supernatural that we can expect to see someday, but that it was a… it was an actual Ministry, the Third Pull Ministry of Jesus Christ. That Ministry is on the basis of the Spoken Word. But the Prophet said the people didn’t have the faith at that time for it. But the Seven Thunders as the Seed of Joseph Perfection gives Faith for the Dynamics of Rapturing Grace, gives Faith to pull down the Headstone, for the Thunders to utter their Voices. That will be the Ministry of Jesus Christ in the Fivefold… as the Third Phase hooks into the Prophet’s Third Pull. While thinking on these things coming out of your Comments, I felt as if the Voice Word was being pressed into my very bones, my inward parts, and being etched in my mind. I couldn’t explain it, but Commentaires de Frère Coleman du 13 juin 2010 page 6 it came to me afterwards that if I didn’t know what being sealed by the Word was, perhaps this was a way for me to understand that. It was not a jump for joy experience, but certainly a very powerful one. Truly, the Word is in the Bride on the Third Phase and She has the Intelligence of Bat Kol to know what He wants done with that Word. The Son of God is these Voices made flesh. They are SeedSperm of God that makes the Son of God. To think that these same Voices have come back through Joseph Perfection to be in our flesh. This is my promised son-ship, this is my inheritance which the Father had for me before the foundation of the world and placed in the Logos for me. The Logos was made flesh and released it to me through the Blood. Through a Seven Thunder perfect Blood Atonement. So he says, ‘It’s for me.’ And I say, ‘It’s for me.’ I don’t care about anybody else, that’s my portion. Amen. Hallelujah. Amen. Thank you, Brother Coleman, for preaching Joseph Perfection by revelation. You spoke and are speaking the thoughts of Elohim, placing those Thunders in us, thereby making sons and daughters of God. Thank you for being sold out to the Angel of God. Indeed, you are a chosen vessel to pack the very creative Voice of God to His Bride. No wonder all hell is on earth attacking this. Your very afflictions are your own Armageddon. And your children are also very special believers to withstand this onslaught. But surely, you shall not die, but you shall live to declare the works of God. For they that sow in tears shall reap in joy, for greater is He that is in you than he that is in these afflictions! Lord, let me die with my Philistines that Your Seven Voices would live in me! God bless you, Brother Ronald Nanton. [End of testimony.] Témoignage de Frère Kevin Blewett, incluant le témoignage de Soeur Becky Brooks Dear Brother Coleman, greetings in Jesus’ wonderful Name! I want to share a mighty testimony with you, confirming the release of the March 2nd Anointing last Sunday morning, June 6th 2010. Just before that service, I received an email from Sister Esther Brooks expressing concern about her teenage daughter Becky, saying it was a battle trying to get her to come to Church, as Becky says she does not believe It. Well, we all came to that June 6th morning service under great expectation, knowing we were now in another special 6 and 9 period for the Bride. The previous two services had hailed a mighty change of season from the Shout to the Voice, with an announcement: “Changing To The Glory Of Christ, The Voice Of The Archangel.”” And now June 6th, we were about to get a Revelation of what that Glory is – even the March 2nd Anointing. As we saw the stars coming in line, we knew something tremendous was happening on earth. And then “The Coming Of The Headstone” began to play, and you blasted forth these words, quote: You, if you can just get started, God is here with the Power!’ ‘Fire! Fire! Glory! O Lord, pour out the Fire tonight! Lord, let it come right off the video tape tonight! And truly the Fire, the Headstone, that March 2nd Anointing came right off the video, and I believe that It came upon Brother Joey Bellomo Junior to make an altar call, just as It had made an altar call on March 2nd 1975. And when that Anointing made a call through Brother Joey, it was echoing back the same things as in 1975. Here is a short extract from March 2nd 1975 “Ask What You Will” - where the March 2nd Anointing dropped down. Quote: You young children, if you got a year left, or a few months left, you have nothing. And oh, how are you going to answer for this Message, if you’re over twelve years old? I’m talking about you and you, and the rest of you. Don’t think it’s smart to sneak around here in the Church here, and be all pious, and go out back outside and put on your minis, run around with the boys. You little Commentaires de Frère Coleman du 13 juin 2010 page 7 hypocrites you! Don’t you do that! You think God ain’t watching you? Repent!! Repent!! Get out of the world! Come back to God! Who do you think you’re fooling? There’s an Eye watching you! That Eye is on the earth in the Capstone! End of quote. And right here June 6th 2010, “The Coming Of The Headstone” was played, and the Capstone Anointing was being released. And as that Anointing came upon Brother Joey, he said the following words, quote: I believe there are individuals in here that really want to catch that Stone. Brother Coleman said, before the day is out, that there will those that will be ready to catch that Stone. But I believe this morning there is a space of Grace for those individu… individuals that maybe are still carrying an aught, maybe those individuals who have not lived exactly as they should. Those young people that are still running around with the boys. Those young sisters that are doing those things at school and with their friends and think nobody sees, but the Headstone sees it. Mummy, Daddy, maybe you haven't treated each other correctly. You haven't set that example in the house for the children, talking about different people in Church, talking about different things that maybe you shouldn't ought to, instead of setting that atmosphere where the Headstone could come in. End of quote. Brother Coleman, as I was listening to the Holy Spirit speaking through Brother Joey Bellomo, I knew It was God speaking directly to Becky’s heart, as well as to many others. Then Becky’s parents came to the altar, but the devil was trying to hold her. But the devil was about to find out that when that March 2nd Anointing comes, there is nothing that he can do about it! The captives go free every time! Every time. March 2nd ’75, June 6th 2010, every time! Hallelujah. And that March 2nd Anointing had already been released from the video, “The Coming Of The Headstone”. As Brother Billy-Paul says, ‘Poor devil!’ When that Anointing falls, every predestinated child of God has to go free! Satan, I don’t care what you are doing, you got to release them when that Anointing drops down, because that is Christ the Voice of the Archangel. Hallelujah. Praise God. Michael is that March 2nd Anointing, standing up in Daniel 12, delivering every name that’s written in the Book! You mean even that child? Yes! That child. Amen! ‘But she’s no good, he’s no good.’ Shut up devil, I, Michael am here. Amen. That Anointing was pouring into Handcroft Chapel, and the chains that were holding Sister Becky began to fall off, and here she come, coming down to the altar! The Power of God came upon her, the tears were pouring down her cheeks. Here she come, Michael was delivering her! Hallelujah. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. And I say that Anointing is here this very day. Amen. Praise God. Hallelujah. Next service, she was in Church before the doors opened. She couldn’t wait to get up to the Sanctuary. She started to pray, she started to do her third, even though she is in the middle of important exams. She came to Church. She sent a text to Sister Ellie King, saying: ‘The devil will try hard, but he is no match for Christ in me!’ He is no match for that Anointing! Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Hallelujah. The devil is stripped of every power. Amen. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Amen. Sister Ellie told me, ‘I was stunned to say the least. It’s like a different person!! What an amazing change! God is truly still in the saving business.’ Here is a brief testimony from Sister Becky herself. And it’s to Brother Blewett. You may be seated. Commentaires de Frère Coleman du 13 juin 2010 page 8 Dear Brother Blewett, may God richly, richly bless you and your family. I want to thank the Lord for His Grace and for His Love to me. Thank You Lord for the June 6th 2010. The devil had been fighting me with unbelief to the point where I just could not see God anymore. I refused to go to Church, and even when I did arrive for service on Sunday, the devil kept me down by reminding me off all the things I could be doing instead of sitting through a service. When everyone began to worship and praise God, I felt… I felt left out as the devil was telling me that I could never praise God like everyone else, though my heart longed to. The devil told me I couldn’t, but my heart longed to. At the altar call I knew I had to go to the altar and I tried several times to go, but something kept stopping me. But your prayers and my parents’ prayers helped me realise just who it was that was stopping me. I went straight up to the altar and immediately, immediately I could feel the chains breaking away from me. When you prayed for me, I could feel the Presence of God all around me and all I could do was weep, all I could do was thank the Lord that I had made it, I made it through the closing door, I left the world behind me. All previous cares for what the world had for me vanished that moment, and all I wanted to do was to stay in the Presence of God and to get more of Him. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you, Sister Becky Brooks. And that went to Brother Kevin. My! Here’s the rest of Brother Kevin’s, you may be seated, we’re almost there. We’re having a good time anyway. Amen. Brother Coleman, before I close - this is Brother Kevin - I just want to bring back some of your prophetic words from the Comments of that June the 6th Sunday morning service last week, entitled “Pray That You Be Counted Worthy To Stand Before The Son Of Man”. Quote: And remember Church, God never reveals Himself and shows Himself until His people are ready to receive what He shows. You see what it is now? So He would not bring that March 2 nd Anointing back here until you were ready for it. And I say as your Pastor, you will be ready at the conclusion of this day. Hallelujah. God is doing a special work for you, you will be ready for that March 2nd Anointing. That same One that called your children back then, is going to call your children today! Amen. What happened? Becky came there. The same One that called them there, dropped down June 6th between 6 and 9. I’ll bring back March 2nd Anointing. Brother Coleman says: You are ready for that Anointing! End of quote. Then in this evening service, may be seated, you came back with the following words in the evening service: So we found out this morning that all I was trying to achieve was to catch that Headstone, was to bring down the Holy Ghost, that the people might be sealed, that the people might be formed into the Word Image, that the people might come to Adoption, that the people might come to Perfection, that every shackle in hell would be broken from the people, that they might go into the Resurrection, that they might go into the Rapture. That’s what I have been trying to achieve. Nothing more, nothing less. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. And I believe as your Pastor that every elected Seed of God caught that Revelation this morning! Blessed be the Name of the Lord. There wasn’t a demon in hell that could stop you from receiving that Revelation. Hallelujah. So I believe that March 2nd Anointing can and shall be released upon His predestinated Bride. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. And after it’s released to every person, to every Seed, every seed shall come forth after its own kind. Whatever that seed is, it shall bring forth. If there’s a Seed of Perfection, I don’t care what the devil says, you shall be perfect. Commentaires de Frère Coleman du 13 juin 2010 page 9 ‘But I failed,’ the devil says, Shut up, devil. I shall be perfect. It’s the law of the seed. Glory to God! Hallelujah. What do you mean, ‘Give up’? Shut up, devil. Amen. Hallelujah. That which Christ planted in me shall come to life. This is a Seed from the Words of the Son of Man, It’s got to come to life. Amen. Hallelujah. That’s what my Ministry is all about. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. End of quote. Amen. Hallelujah. Amen. Beloved… Finally, this is Brother Kevin’s ending. Beloved Brother Coleman, truly you have brought us to the Third Phase, the Glory of Christ, the Voice of the Archangel, the March 2nd Anointing, to deliver every name in the Book. Doesn’t matter where they’re mired, they got to be delivered. Just as God gave us signs on February 21st, and just as Sister Bellomo is a sign in New York of the Dynamics being here, I believe that Sister Becky Brooks is a sign of a young teenager being delivered by that March 2nd Anointing, right off “The Coming Of The Headstone”, in direct fulfilment of your prophetic words: That same One that called your children back then, is gonna call your children today! And I just want to say this: Parents if you’ve been waiting 20, 30 years, your kids are out there. That is your promise! I don’t care if they’re 40 years old, doesn’t matter – they shall come! Amen. Hallelujah. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. House of hell has to give way in the Name of the Lord. I don’t care how long it’s been! They shall come! For that March 2nd Anointing is Christ, Michael, the Voice of the Archangel. Hallelujah! It’s got to be! Amen. Hallelujah. Amen. Amen. Glory to God. Brother Coleman, thank you for pressing on through sickness, through your exhaustion, through your pain, through your rejection, through your mockings, even wrestling to keep death itself back in order to bring us to this great Anointing of June 6th. Now the time of your healing has come with great rewards for you and Sister Coleman. And we will shout for joy to see you receive them. God bless you, Brother Kevin Blewett. [End of testimony.] Alléluia ! Alors que nous nous préparons pour le chant spécial. Chantons « Conduis-moi, Seigneur, je Te suivrai ! » Ainsi, Église, ce n’est rien d’autre que la Grâce étonnante de Dieu qui savait pourtant que les gens n’étaient pas prêts, pas prêts à se tenir devant le Fils de l’homme. Mais par le message prophétique des Paroles du Fils de l’homme, Malachie 4, qui ont été entendues en Echo au temps présent par le quintuple ministère de Dieu, je vous dis ce matin que cette Épouse est prête à recevoir sa portion et à ajouter à sa foi qui a été restaurée, à ajouter les sept Vertus pour arriver à la stature de l’Homme parfait, pour être affinée par l’Esprit-même de Christ qui est agissant au travers de Son quintuple ministère, comme le prophète en a souvent parlé. Donc rappelons-nous que le Seigneur a fait de grandes choses. Alors que nous prions, disons : « Conduis-moi, je Te suivrai ! Je peux ne pas tout comprendre, mais je sais que cette Onction du 2 mars est descendue et je Te suivrai ! » [Chant « Conduis-moi, je te suivrai. »] Commentaires de Frère Coleman du 13 juin 2010 page 10