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Scouring agent for cleaning feathers also effective against bird flu virus
Wash and disinfect in one step
Leverkusen – Recent studies have shown that Tanaterge® DPF, a
scouring agent and disinfectant for feathers and down, is also effective
against the bird flu virus. The most recent test results on the influenza A
virus from the veterinary medicine department at Giessen university
provide clear evidence of the effectiveness of the product, which is
manufactured by the Textile Processing Chemicals business unit at
LANXESS. The concentrated scouring agent is also biodegradable and
easy to use. Moreover, despite its outstanding performance in removing
natural fats and secretions, it does not cause the substratum to become
brittle. Down and feathers retain their volume and elasticity.
According to Dr. Martin Riegels, head of Global Marketing & Research
at the Textile Processing Chemicals business unit, some 175,000 metric
tons of duck and goose feathers are processed each year around the
world. Half of these are used as filler materials for comforters and
pillows and the upholstery industry accounts for a further 30 percent.
The remaining 20 percent are used in the production of outdoor articles
such as sleeping bags and down jackets. It is the excellent insulation
provided by the keratin protein – a key constituent of down and feathers
– that is of greatest interest to industry. “But there are currently several
tons sitting unused and ready to be processed in Eastern Europe, for
example, one of the most important export markets for feathers,”
comments Riegels.
It is the fear of bird flu that has discouraged many from purchasing
products that are filled with feathers. Birds that catch the highly
infectious viral disease suffer from fever, breathing difficulties and
diarrhea. The virus is excreted in droppings and other bodily secretions
and can be spread when domestic poultry such as chickens, geese and
ducks come into contact with infected migratory birds. The scouring
agent and disinfectant Tanaterge® DPF can effectively prevent the
spread of the virus – without damaging the delicate natural product and
impairing its performance. “By being able to demonstrate that this
disinfectant has been used, our customers can tap into an important
marketing argument,” states Riegels.
Feathers and down are constructed differently. Feathers consist of a
central stem or quill, from which barbs project to the left and right.
However, down, which weighs between only one and four milligrams,
has a central point from which soft fibers radiate in all directions. As this
construction traps large amounts of air, down is found around the breast
and abdomen, where its insulating properties protect against the heat in
summer and the cold in winter. After being packed into pillows and
sleeping bags, both feathers and down need to retain maximum
performance, and be hygienic and odor neutral. As a result, very gentle
products need to be used during processing, otherwise feathers and
down can stick together. Feathers and down that have been plucked by
hand or machine are washed in a perforated drum, in a process similar
to that of a domestic washing machine. However, the drum is larger
than that of a domestic appliance as it needs to contain approx. 200 to
250 kilograms of feather-light material. Tanaterge® DPF is used as a
detergent in a one percent solution. After a single wash and rinse cycle,
the machine load is drained and transferred to a special dryer. The
future fill material is then ready for processing.
Another LANXESS product that has proven extremely effective against
the highly infectious bird flu virus is the concentrated disinfectant
Preventol® CD 601. This offer a unique combination of three active
substances that is particularly suitable for cleaning areas heavily soiled
with organic material (e.g. poultry sheds) and combating enveloped
viruses such as the bird flu H5N1 virus. The formulation also works
extremely well as a bactericide, fungicide and general viruside.
The Textile Processing Chemicals business unit is part of the
Performance Chemicals Segment, which achieved sales of EUR 1.977
billion in fiscal 2005.
Information for editors:
All our news releases and photos can be found on the LANXESS
homepage at under the “Press” button. Any available
visual material can also be downloaded from there.
Leverkusen, June 21, 2006
Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains forward-looking statements based on current assumptions and forecasts
made by LANXESS AG management. Various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other
factors could lead to material differences between the actual future results, financial situation,
development or performance of the company and the estimates given here. The company assumes no
liability whatsoever to update these forward-looking statements or to conform them to future events or