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Article: Exciting plants for the south-facing windowsill
Luxuriant indoor plants bring sun and summer into your living-room, and give your home a touch of the
exotic holiday atmosphere that is one of the best things about summer.
In summer, the boundaries between our outdoor and indoor life tend to merge. You can never get enough
of the garden and nature, so it's a good idea to bring a little of the garden atmosphere indoors, too. A
bright living-room is the perfect setting for flowering plants which will fill the room with colour and life.
Created for the summer season
At the Gunnar Rosenlund nursery in Haderslev, Southern Jutland, they believe that consumers also want to
have plants indoors during the summer. The nursery has consequently found its niche in producing plants
which originally came from very warm climes, or even the desert:
"One of our main cultures is the desert rose, Adenium obesum, which thrives well in south or southwest-facing windows with direct sun," says the nursery owner, Gunnar Rosenlund. "As the name
implies, the plant originally comes from the desert, where in its wild state it forms a basal 'caudex',
which is a kind of water reservoir. This helps it to survive the merciless desert heat."
"In the breeding work, however, the desert rose behaves differently. As a house plant, instead of
developing a caudex, it blooms with the most beautiful flowers, ranging from white and pink to deep
red, and can still cope with being dried out once in a while."
Exciting and rewarding jasmine tree
Holarrhena or the jasmine tree, called 'Snowflake' by the grower due to its many small white flowers, is
another important nursery culture, which thrives under the same conditions.
"The jasmine tree loves direct sunlight and can tolerate drying out completely," says Gunnar
Rosenlund. "If you subsequently place it in water, it will recover by the following day without losing
either its flowers or its leaves."
"With this kind of plant, you're bound to have a good plant experience – they bring flowers, lushness
and a holiday atmosphere into the home, and when you come back from holidays, they're still alive. "
Other house plants suitable for south-facing windows:
Bougainvillea glabra
Dipladenia sanderi