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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
MINUTES Patient Participation Group at Station Road Surgery 21st of February 2012 DOCTORS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: PATIENTS PRESENT: APOLOGIES: Dr Catlow, Dr Sowden & Dr Mugglestone Anthony Campbell (Clinic Administrator) Rita Spencer, Lawrence Orgee, Susan Stevens, Christopher Dryburgh, Judith Gannon, Robin Thomas, Cathrine Whitworth & Susan Dawrant. Dr Kazi, Nurse Sue Wade, Rod Mellor & Linda Withington. Agenda: 1. Flu campaign 2. Appointments: appointments in general, opening hours/lunch-time opening & 0844 number 3. Website improvements: forms online 4. Osteoporosis 5. Widening patient representation 6. Allotment: hair testing 1. Flu Campaign: Lawrence Orgee 1. What are the latest figures on the flu campaign? Susan Dawrant 1. It was mentioned last time how you are telephoning many more patients this campaign due to its success last time round, has anything else you have done this year helped you improve from last years total figures? Like advertising. Susan Stevens 1. I have thought about what I mentioned last time about receiving telephone calls from the surgery & the impact it may have on patients when a message is left, so when you are doing these types of telephone calls do not leave any message. Dr Catlow 1. Presented the flu figures for the last & present campaign however the figures were incorrect at the time & need updating further ready for the next PPG meeting in March. Overall the uptake has been better this year & the advertising has no doubt had its advantages. 2. Appointments: Robin Thomas 2. Your saying that nearly 400 patients per month do not attend appointments they booked for the doctor, this is disgraceful seems we take these appointments for granted & must be some way the patient can be shamed for not attending, this must also be happening at the hospitals or it could be they feel the hospital appointment is more important than the GP. Cathrine Whitworth 2. Must admit I did ring to cancel my appointment didn’t listen to all the option & selected the receptionist option but in future will use automated cancel service. It maybe an idea to create A5 size poster that could be handed out to patients detailing what services the surgery offers the patients in terms of the internet, text, auto cancel etc. Rita Spencer 2. The number is expensive especially for mobile users can we do something about it, why not have 01422 so it can added to friends & family with BT or 0800 free number. You spend time listening to the welcome message & then you can be on hold for up to 5minutes or more before the receptionist answers. Dr Catlow 2. Patients DNA (did not attend) figures presented to the PPG, showing since the introduction of the M-jog system (text reminder service) we have reduced the DNA’S from around 500 patients to within the 360 mark per month This has been one of many steps towards increasing appointment availability & subject to collecting more & more mobile numbers this should again improve further. 2. We have also moved our practice meeting from Wednesday mornings to Monday afternoon before the afternoon surgery starts this has also increased appointments for our patients. 2. We have moved patient notes to the end of our surgery creating more appointments & we are also having building work carried out in March on Dr Kazi’s room, this will be converted into two rooms to allow more locum work again increasing appointment availability. 2. Dr Catlow explained the results from the previous survey showing most of the DNA’s are down to human error, forgetfulness & a percentage of patients are still unaware of the automated cancelling service; we have since highlighted this on our big screen to inform our patients about the text, internet & automated cancelling facilities. 2. We do send the patient a letter if they DNA three or more appointments in quick succession. 2. The percentage of patients preferring the surgery to be open during the lunchtime period is 50%. This is important but more details are required on the reasons why this would be beneficial. It is likely that if we asked patients if they would prefer the surgery to open until 10:00pm or on Sundays for example, similar percentage of patients would say yes. 2. The telephone number you ring is cheaper than when you ring a BT number but we will look at the cost to move provider or any other way to reduce the patients cost. Dr Sowden 2. I feel it is significant to see the GP & hospital, the perception is hospital is more important however both are important. The urgent appointments are mostly attended as they are triaged over the phone first & if they need to be seen the appointment is usually the same day. It is still difficult to manage as most of the DNA are routine appointments made 4-6 weeks ahead of time. This is also another reason why we do not like having appointments available for doctors further ahead than this as patients are more likely to forget if the appointment they want is available 7-8 weeks ahead. 2. Ideally we should have a doctor around when the surgery is open as we may get a patient walk in needing urgent medical help. The doctor starts at 8:30am then at the end of surgery has to do home visits & the next surgery then starts at 3:00pm. This is why we are open till 6:00pm. If we have no doctor during lunch time we are putting pressure on the receptionist to make a decision when they are not medically trained. Dr Mugglestone 2. Why not look to change the cancel option to the first message you hear on the phone system. Anthony Campbell 2. Auto cancelling service is option 2 & this has been displayed on the big screen along with registering for our online & text reminder service. 2. The cost at the moment is 7.8 pence per minute to ring a BT number & 5.1 pence per minute if you ring our 0844 number. The mobile users will not benefit from a 0800 free number as they will still get charged & all networks vary. 3. Website Improvements: Lawrence Orgee 3. Lets all have a look at the website, telephone system & within the surgery then submit your ideas/wish list at the next PPG as the doctor’s & staff do not use these facilities very often. Susan Stevens 3. Why not have a surgery leaflet for the patients with all the relevant information on it, keep refining your product to benefit you in the long term, make the patient do what you want them to do. 4. Osteoporosis: Rita Spencer 4. Thank you for the display regarding osteoporosis, I would like to start a local group how best can this be done? I could provide my telephone number for patients to ring me for more information. Dr Mugglestone 4. Not comfortable with having any personal details on show. Just have main number along with website & have your name logged with them so if anyone rings for help or information in your area they will then pass on your telephone number accordingly. Anthony Campbell 4. We can add to the display board the main website address & telephone number for osteoporosis. 5. Widening Patient Representation: Lawrence Orgee 5. The parents at Tuel Lane School are happy to do surveys in the future to try & gain different age group responses. Robin Thomas 5. It maybe worth while to look at getting someone on the PPG that has a particular condition which means regular visits to the surgery & hospital to help us improve. 6. Allotment: Lawrence Orgee 6. Rod Mellor did ask for me to mention whether we are doing anything about the local allotments, testing local patients for signs of contamination & look at having the different medical forms available online to download. Dr Catlow 6. I have only done one test, they were high risk patient but test came back negative. AOB, Date & Time of next two meetings: Date confirmed as 21st of March 2012 - 6:30 - 8:00pm