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Chapter 3: The Biosphere
Section 3-2: Energy Flow
A. What are producers?
1. Sunlight is main energy source for life on Earth.
2. Some organisms use energy stored in inorganic chemicals.
3. Organisms that capture energy from sunlight or inorganic chemicals are
called autotrophs or producers.
i. Examples: plants, algae, some bacteria
4. Energy captured from sun.
i. Photosynthesis = autotrophs use light to convert carbon dioxide
and water into oxygen and sugars/starches.
5. Life without light
i. Chemosynthesis = using chemical energy to produce carbs
B. What are consumers?
1. Heterotrophs rely on other organisms for energy/food. Also called
2. Different types of heterotrophs/consumers:
i. Herbivores = eat plants only
ii. Carnivores = eat animals
iii. Omnivores = eat plants and animals
iv. Detritivores = (e.g. earthworms, crabs, etc…) feed on
plant/animal remains
v. Decomposers = (e.g. bacteria, fungi) break down organic matter
C. How are organisms related through feeding?
1. Energy flows through ecosystem in one direction (from sun to
autotrophs to consumers)
2. Food chains are series of steps in which energy transfers by eating
3. Food webs links all the food chain in an ecosystem together.
4. Each step in a food chain/web = trophic level.
i. Producers make up first trophic level.
ii. Consumers depend on the trophic level below it for energy
D. What are Ecological Pyramids?
1. Ecological Pyramid = diagram that shows relative amounts of energy or
matter within each trophic level in a food chain/web.
i. Three types of Ecological Pyramids: energy, biomass, numbers.
2. Energy pyramid shows that only part of energy from one trophic level is
passed on to next level.
i. Only 10% of energy within one trophic level is transferred to next
3. Biomass pyramid shows total amount of tissue in each trophic level.
i. Biomass = amount of living tissue (grams of organic matter per
4. Pyramid of numbers shows number of individuals in each trophic level
i. Not always pyramid shape. One tree can support many insects.
Chapter 3: __________________________________
Section 3-2: _________________________________
A. ___________________________________
1. Sunlight is main energy source for life on Earth.
2. Some organisms use energy stored in _________________________.
3. Organisms that capture energy from sunlight or inorganic chemicals are
called ____________________ or ______________________.
i. Examples: plants, algae, some bacteria
4. Energy captured from sun.
i. Photosynthesis = autotrophs use light to convert carbon dioxide
and water into oxygen and sugars/starches.
5. Life without light
i. Chemosynthesis = using chemical energy to produce carbs
B. ___________________________________________________
1. ____________________________ rely on other organisms for
energy/food. Also called consumers.
2. Different types of heterotrophs/consumers:
i. Herbivores = eat plants only
ii. Carnivores = eat animals
iii. ________________________ = eat plants and animals
iv. ________________________ = (e.g. earthworms, crabs, etc…)
feed on plant/animal remains
v. ________________________ = (e.g. bacteria, fungi) break down
organic matter
C. ____________________________________________________
1. Energy flows through ecosystem in one direction (from sun to
autotrophs to consumers)
2. Food chains are series of steps in which energy transfers by eating
3. Food webs links all the food chain in an ecosystem together.
4. Each step in a food chain/web = ____________________.
i. Producers make up first trophic level.
ii. Consumers depend on the trophic level below it for energy
D. __________________________________________________
1. Ecological Pyramid = diagram that shows relative amounts of energy or
matter within each trophic level in a food chain/web.
i. Three types of Ecological Pyramids: energy, biomass, numbers.
2. Energy pyramid shows that only part of energy from one trophic level is
passed on to next level.
i. Only ________ of energy within one trophic level is transferred to
next level.
3. Biomass pyramid shows total amount of tissue in each trophic level.
i. _______________________ = amount of living tissue (grams of
organic matter per area)
4. Pyramid of numbers shows number of individuals in each trophic level
i. Not always pyramid shape. One tree can support many insects.