* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Consulta: subjectFacets:"Behaviour" Registros recuperados: 111 Data/hora: 09/06/2017 05:34:12 A feeding association between Wilson's Storm-petrels Oceanites oceanicus (Kuhl, 1820) and Rough-toothed Dolphins Steno bredanensis (G. Cuvier in Lesson, 1828) Provedor de dados: 49 Autores: Olmos,Fábio; Rotenberg,Elsie; Muscat,Edelcio. On 06 October 2012 a pod of Rough-toothed Dolphins Steno bredanensis (Delphinidae) was observed catching and tearing apart several Castin Leatherjacks Oligoplites saliens (Carangidae) near Montão de Trigo Island, northern coast of São Paulo, Brazil. The resulting floating masses of viscera attracted a feeding aggregation of 120-150 Wilson's Storm-petrels Oceanites oceanicus (Hydrobatidae), a transequatorial migrant passing through the area during October. This interspecific association has not been recorded before, although it could be expected given that S. bredanensis feeds on large fish and O. oceanicus is a known scavenger of kills made by cetaceans such as Killer Whales. Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Behaviour; Brazil; Feeding association; Kleptoparasitism; Oceanites oceanicus; Steno bredanensis. Ano: 2013 URL: A preliminary study of the behaviour and vitality of reseeded juvenile great scallops, of three sizes in three seasons Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Fleury, Pierre-gildas; Mingant, Christian; Castillo, A. In order to have a better understanding of recessing in great scallop, Pecten maximus and consequently the causes of mortality at reseeding, this study has monitored, at different seasons, the dispersion and recessing of different sizes of juveniles (about 15, 30 and 45 mm, called small, medium and large) after seeding. Moreover, the aim was to see when small spat (15 mm) could be seeded, and thus reduce the costs of intermediate culture. Three monitoring approaches were used together: (1) continual observations by remote video camera, of a defined area (less than 1 m2) containing 10 scallops from each size group; (2) daily monitoring of behaviour with divers along three bottom lines, with 20 × 1 m2 plots each and nine marked scallops per plot; and (3) the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Behaviour; Great scallop (Pecten maximus); Season; Seeding; Size; Vitality of spat. Ano: 1996 URL: Acoustic observations in the Bay of Biscay: Schooling, vertical distribution, species assemblages and behaviour Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Masse, Jacques. Eight acoustic surveys were carried our in the Bay of Biscay, during 1989-94, to study the distribution and abundance of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus, L.) in that area. Acoustic data were stored using the INES/MOVIES acquisition and processing system. Species-specific distribution patterns were confirmed through complementary sampling with a mid-water trawl. This paper summarises the combination of technical procedures used for acoustic assessments, and the results of acoustic surveys in the Bay of Biscay that pertain to the dynamics of this stock. Information is presented on the distribution and abundance of anchovy and co-occuring species, and on the movement patterns detected within the pelagic fish community, in relation to environmental conditions.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Acoustic; Anchovy; Engraulis encrasicolus; Schooling; Pelagic; Behaviour; Bay of Biscay. Ano: 1996 URL: Activity budget and behavioural patterns of free-ranging yellow-tailed woolly monkeys Oreonax flavicauda (Mammalia: Primates), at La Esperanza, northeastern Peru Provedor de dados: 16 Autores: Shanee, S.; Shanee, N. The critically endangered yellow-tailed woolly monkey (Oreonax flavicauda) is endemic to the cloud forests of north-eastern Peru and one of the least studied of all primate species. We conducted fifteen months of group follows using focal animal sampling techniques to gather the first behavioural data on free ranging O. flavicauda. Group follows took place in an area of disturbed primary and regenerating secondary forest near the village of La Esperanza, Amazonas department. Yellow-tailed woolly monkey activity budgets at La Esperanza average: 29.8% feeding, 26.3% resting, 29.0% travelling, 2.3% in social and 12.8% in other activities. Significant differences were observed in the frequency of behaviours between age/sex classes as well as on temporal... Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Atelidae; Behaviour; Cloud forest; Lagothrix; 42.84. Ano: 2011 URL: Antipredator and alarm reaction responses of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) juveniles exposed to waterborne ammonia Provedor de dados: 83 Autores: Weber,Paula; Vogel,Carina; Lang,Carla; Baldisserotto,Bernardo. Ammonia has relatively toxic effects on fish and other aquatic organisms. This study examined whether juvenile silver catfish exposed to alarm substances released by conspecifics and predators in water with different ammonia levels modify their behaviour in response to the perceived risk of predation. We used juvenile catfish that were naive to predators. The fish were raised from the larval stage in the laboratory and kept in 40-L aquaria at waterborne NH3 concentrations of 0, 0.05, 0.1, or 0.2 mg L-1 for 10 days. The alarm substances used were predator odour and skin extract from conspecifics. The juveniles were transferred to 2-L aquaria for the antipredator and alarm reaction behavioural tests, which were performed on days 1, 5 and 10 after initial... Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Alarm substance; Behaviour; Predator odour; Skin extract; Un-ionised ammonia. Ano: 2012 URL: Aspectos biológicos del calamar Illex argentinus Provedor de dados: 20 Autores: Leta, H.R. La creciente importancia que los recursos de calamar han adquirido en 105 últimos 30 años, los sitúa actualmente entre los más importantes recursos pesqueros del mundo. En consecuencia, paises tradicionalmente no explotadores o consumidores de productos de calamar, han orientado sus esfuerzos hacia el logro de un mejor conocimiento de las especies de cefalópodos que habitan su ambiente marino. En este sentido el aporte de disciplinas tales como la biología ha sido decisivo para desarrollar en forma exitosa pesquerías de calamar, entre otras.El programa de investigaciones del Instituto Nacional de Pesca para 1980 incluyó el estudio integral de la explotación de los calamares como un primer paso hacia el desarrollo de una pesquería del recurso. Este trabajo... Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Biology; Environmental conditions; Population structure; Spawning; Spawning grounds; Sex ratio; Sexual maturity; Reproduction; Length; Behaviour; Migrations; Growth; Population structure; Spawning; Length; Growth; Biology; Environmental conditions; Spawning grounds; Sex ratio; Sexual maturity; Reproduction; Behaviour; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http:// Ano: 1981 URL: Associative behaviour and antagonism of bovine rumen ciliate (Protista, Ciliophora) from Zona da Mata, Minas Gerais State, Brazil Provedor de dados: 104 Autores: D'Agosto,Marta; Guedes,Paulo Marcos da Matta. Aiming at obtaining the community profile and verifying the occurrence of antagonism and association among ciliates, samples of rumen content were analysed in 100 bovines soon after their death. The animals were killed at the Juiz de Fora Municipal slaughter house (Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais State, Brazil) between August 1996 and May 1997. Ciliates occurred, respectively, in the following percents and samples number: Entodinium Stein, 1859 (50,48; 100), Diplodinium Schuberg, 1888 (5,59; 98), Eudiplodinium Dogiel, 1927 (6,91; 97), Ostracodinium Dogiel, 1927 (9,68; 95), hotricha Stein, 1859 (4,15; 93), Dasytricha Schuberg, 1888 (3,31; 93), Metadi nium Awerinzew &amp; Mutafowa, 1914 (3,06; 90), Eremoplastron Kofoid &amp; MacLennan. 1932 (7,39; 87),... Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Rumen ciliate; Behaviour; Bovine; Community profile; Antagonism. Ano: 2001 URL: Avaliação da cultura do girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) em duas épocas de semeadura, em Mato Grosso do Sul. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: HECKLER, J. C.; FERNANDES, F. M. 1999 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Girassol; Comportamento; Epoca de semeadura; Cerrado; Helianthus annuus; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Sunflower; Behaviour; Sowing date; Brazil. Ano: 1999 URL: Avaliação de cultivares de aveia branca (Avena sativa) na região sul de Mato Grosso do Sul, safras 1997 e 1998. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: SOUSA, P. G. 1998 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Aveia branca; Variedade; Comportamento; Cerrado; Avena sativa; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Oats; Varieties; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 1998 URL: Avaliação de cultivares de aveia branca na região Sul de Mato Grosso do Sul, safra 1997. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: SOUSA, P. G. 1997 Tipo: Outras publicações técnicas (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Cerrado; Aveia branca; Cultivar; Comportamento; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Oats; Varieties; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 1997 URL: Avaliação de cultivares de aveia branca para cobertura do solo, produção de forragem e grãos. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: MACHADO, L. A. Z. 1999 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Aveia; Comportamento; Cobertura do solo; Forragem; Producao; Grao; Cerrado; Avena sativa; Oat; Behaviour; Soil; Cover plants; Forage; Grain; Production. Ano: 1999 URL: Avaliação de cultivares de aveia branca para produção de forragem. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: MACHADO, L. A. Z. 1999 Tipo: Outras publicações técnicas (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Aveia branca; Variedade; Comportamento; Forragem; Producao; Cerrrado; Avena sativa; Oats; Varieties; Behaviour; Forage; Production. Ano: 1999 URL: Avaliação de cultivares de aveia preta para produção de forragem e cobertura do solo. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: MACHADO, L. A. Z. 1999 Tipo: Outras publicações técnicas (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Aveia preta; Variedade; Comportamento; Forragem; Cobertura do solo; Cerrado; Oats; Varieties; Behaviour; Forage; Cover plants. Ano: 1999 URL: Avaliacao de cultivares de milho em duas epocas de semeadura, no municipio de Querencia-MT, ano agricola 1997/98. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: MUNIZ, J. A.; VIEIRA, C. P.; BARBOSA, D. J.; LAMAS, F. M. 1998 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Cerrado; Milho; Comportamento; Epoca de semeadura; Zea mays; Brasil; Mato Grosso; Querencia; Maize; Behaviour; Sowing date; Brazil. Ano: 1998 URL: Avaliação de cultivares de soja em duas épocas de semeadura, no município de Bataiporã, MS, safra 1998/99. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: VIEIRA, C. P.; MONDINI, M. 1999 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Soja; Variedade; Comportamento; Epoca de semeadura; Cerrado; Glycine max; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Bataipora; Soybean; Varieties; Behaviour; Sowing date; Brazil. Ano: 1999 URL: Avaliação de cultivares de soja no município de Querência-MT. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: VIEIRA, C. P.; LAMAS, F. M.; BARBOSA, D. J. 1998 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Cerrado; Soja; Cultivar; Comportamento; Glycine max; Brasil; Mato Grosso; Querencia; Soybean; Varieties; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 1998 URL: Avaliação de cultivares de soja sobre braquiária no sistema plantio direto, safra 1998/99, em Piacatu, SP. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: VIEIRA, C. P.; SALDANHA, O. A.; CAMBRAIA, L. A. 1999 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Soja; Variedade; Comportamento; Plantio direto; Pastagem; Cerrado; Glycine max; Brachiaria brizantha; Brasil; Sao Paulo; Piacatu; Soybean; Varieties; Behaviour; Direct soweing; Pasture; Brazil. Ano: 1999 URL: Avaliação de cultivares de sorgo granífero em Mato Grosso do Sul. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: HECKLER, J. C. 2000 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Sorgo granifero; Variedade; Comportamento; Cerrado; Sorghum bicolor; BBrasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Varieties; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 2000 URL: Avaliação de cultivares de trigo em nível estadual de experimentação, no Sul de Mato Grosso do Sul, safra 1998. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: SOUSA, P. G. 2000 Tipo: Documentos (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Trigo; Variedade; Comportamento; Pesquisa; Cerrado; Triticum aestivum; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Wheat; Varieties; Behaviour; Research; Brazil. Ano: 2000 URL: Avaliação de cultivares de trigo indicadas para cultivo em Mato Grosso do Sul, safra 1999. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: SOUSA, P. G. 2001 Tipo: Livros técnicos (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Variedade; Comportamento; Cerrado; Triticum aestivum; Brasil; Wheat; Varieties; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 2001 URL: Avaliação de cultivares e linhagens de trigo em nível final de experimentação, no Sul de Mato Grosso do Sul, safra de 1998. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: SOUSA, P. G. 2000 Tipo: Documentos (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Trigo; Variedade; Linhagem; Comportamento; Pesquisa; Cerrado; Triticum aestivum; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Wheat; Varieties; Progeny; Behaviour; Research; Brazil. Ano: 2000 URL: Avaliação de genótipos de milheto (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) nos cerrados do Distrito Federal. Provedor de dados: 119 Autores: GOCHO, H.; FARIAS NETO, A.L. de; NETTO, D. A. 1999 Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE) Palavras-chave: Milheto; Cerrado; Comportamento; Pennisetum glaucum; Milheto; Savanna; Brasil; Brazil; Behaviour; Distrito Federal. Ano: 1999 Avaliação de linhagens de trigo duro (Triticum durum) na Região Sul de Mato Grosso do Sul, safras 1997 e 1998. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: SOUSA, P. G. 1998 Tipo: Outras publicações técnicas (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Trigo duro; Linhagem; Comportamento; Cerrado; Triticum durum; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Wheat; Progeny; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 1998 URL: Avaliação de linhagens de trigo em nivel intermediario de experimentação, no Sul de Mato Grosso do Sul, safra de 1998. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: SOUSA, P. G. 2000 Tipo: Documentos (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Trigo; Linhagem; Comportamento; Pesquisa; Cerrado; Triticum aestivum; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Wheat; Progeny; Behaviour; Research; Brazil. Ano: 2000 URL: Avaliação de linhagens de trigo em nivel preliminar de experimentação, no Sul de Mato Grosso do Sul, safra 1998. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: SOUSA, P. G. 2000 Tipo: Documentos (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Trigo; Linhagem; Comportamento; Pesquisa; Cerrado; Triticum aestivum; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Wheat; Progeny; Behaviour; Research; Brazil. Ano: 2000 URL: Avalição de cultivares de aveia para produção de forragem e cobertura do solo. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: MACHADO, L. A. Z. 2000 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Aveia; Variedade; Comportamento; Cerrado; Avena sativa; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Oat; Varieties; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 2000 URL: Behaviour and growth performance of low-birth-weight piglets cross-fostered in multiparous sows with piglets of higher birth weights Provedor de dados: 45 Autores: Souza,L.P.; Fries,H.C.C.; Heim,G.; Faccin,J.E.; Hernig,L.F.; Marimon,B.T.; Bernardi,M.L.; Bortolozzo,F.P.; Wentz,I. The aim of the study was to evaluate the behaviour, pre-weaning survival rate and growth performance of low birth weight (BW) piglets cross-fostered with piglets of higher weights. Piglets were transferred to 60 foster sows, and divided in three groups (G; n=20): G1- 12 low BW piglets (0.80 - 1.25kg); G2- six low BW piglets and six intermediate BW piglets (1.40 - 1.60kg), and G3six low BW piglets and six high BW piglets (>1.70kg). For the analysis, groups G2 and G3 were subdivided in LG2 (six G2 light piglets); IG2 (six G2 intermediate piglets), LG3 (six G3 light piglets), and HG3 (six G3 heavy piglets). Behavioural observations were carried out on days 1, 2, 4 and 6 (visual direct observation) and on days 3 and 5 (video recording) after birth. The... Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Piglet; Cross-fostering; Behaviour; Birth weight. Ano: 2014 URL: Behaviour and orcadian rhythm of the fish bathygobius soporator Valenciennes (Gobiidae) under the influence of environmental salinity and temperature Provedor de dados: 104 Autores: Fanta,Edith. The behavioural patterns and their cireadian rhythms may be adaptive to the peculiar environmental conditions of subtropical brackish waters where Ba-thygobius soporator Valenciennes, 1837 live. Adult fish were caught at the southern Brazilian coast from mangrove rivers and rocky shores in a bay, where temperature and water salinity vary during the day and through the year. Observation on the behaviour of the animals was undertaken in salinity 8.5ppt, 17.0ppt, 25.5ppt and 34.0ppt, each one in temperatures of 18ºC and 28ºC. Temperature and salinity affect the frequency and intensity of some of the behavioural events, more than its pattern or rhythm. Swimming is rare, decreasing along the day and with temperature increase, being even lower at low salinity;... Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Bathygobius soporator; Fish; Behaviour; Cireadian rhythm; Salinity; Temperature. Ano: 1997 URL: Behavioural and biochemical responses of two marine invertebrates Scrobicularia plana and Hediste diversicolor to copper oxide nanoparticles Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Buffet, Pierre-emmanuel; Tankoua, Olivia Fossi; Pan, Jin-fen; Berhanu, Deborah; Herrenknecht, Christine; Poirier, Laurence; Amiard-triquet, Claude; Amiard, Jean-claude; Berard, Jean-baptiste; Risso, Christine; Guibbolini, Marielle; Romeo, Michele; Reip, Paul; Valsami-jones, Eugenia; Mouneyrac, Catherine. Engineered nano-sized Cu oxide particles are extensively used in diverse applications. Because aquatic environments are the ultimate "sink" for all contaminants, it is expected that nanoparticles (NP) will follow the same fate. In this study, two marine invertebrates Scrobicularia plana and Hediste diversicolor were chosen as ecotoxicological models. The aim was to evaluate behavioural (burrowing kinetics, feeding rate) and biochemical (biomarkers) responses of S. plana and H. diversicolor exposed in the laboratory to Cu (10 mu g L(-1)) added in natural seawater either in the form of engineered nanoparticles (NPs) of CuO or as dissolved Cu in 2% HNO(3). Exposure was characterized by considering (i) the physico-chemical fate of NP (ii) the fraction of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Copper oxide nanoparticles; Behaviour; Biomarkers; Oxidative stress; Scrobicularia plana; Hediste diversicolor. Ano: 2011 URL: Behavioural observations of the cephalopod Vulcanoctopus hydrothermalis Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rocha, Francisco; Gonzalez, Angel; Segonzac, Michel; Guerra, Angel. Introduction : The hydrothermal vent ecosystem is inhabited by poorly known species of deep-sea octopuses (Lutz & Voight, 1994). Vulcanoctopus hydrothermalis Gonzalez & Guerra, 1998, is the only described cephalopod from a hydrothermal vent (Gonzalez et al., 1998). Little is known about this small benthic octopus, up to 35 mm mantle length, with a muscular and semi-translucent body, lack of any type of chromatic elements in the skin and eye with no trace of an iris (Gonzalez et al., 1998). Its morphology was studied by Gonzalez et al. (in press) but there have been no behavioural studies of this species to date. Most observations of octopus behaviour in abyssal environments, mainly Cirroctopoda, have been described from videotape records (Boletzky... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Vulcanoctopus hydrothermalis; Behaviour; Cephalopod; Hydrothermal vent. Ano: 2002 URL: Change in the shoaling behaviour and nutritional condition of anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) during a wind-induced water column disturbance: a natural event test of a general hypothesis Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bergeron, Jean-pierre; Masse, Jacques. Fishermen have long observed the sudden change of shoaling behaviour of small pelagic fish following a strong wind event. The phenomenon was thereafter confirmed by fisheries scientists using acoustic tools. In this study, we report our observations made with acoustics to measure disorganization of the previously observed spatial distribution and shape of shoals that occurred after a wind event. The measurements were made during a fisheries research cruise in the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic) aimed at determining i) small pelagic fish species abundance and ii) the individual nutritional state of anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) via evaluation of their RNA/DNA ratio. A spatial fine-scale study was conducted in two of the main breeding areas for anchovy,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Engraulis encrasicolus L.; Anchovy; Behaviour; Acoustics; Bay of Biscay; Nutritional condition; RNA/DNA ratio. Ano: 2011 URL: Commercial gouache as a dye for termites in laboratory assays Provedor de dados: 52 Autores: Brunow,Guilherme S.; Souza,Og de; Miramontes,Octavio. Studies were performed to evaluate the suitability of a commercial gouache as an external marker for termite workers in lab assays. Dyed and non-dyed termites presented similar survival for the first 300 minutes since the experiment has began, and differed after this time. Mortality did not differ for termites dyed in two different colours from the same brand of gouache. It was concluded that commercial gouache could be a suitable marker for Cornitermes cumulans (Isoptera: Termitidae) termites, provided following restrictions were applied (i) tested hypotheses did not rely on times to death greater than 300 min., or (ii) experiments included "sham-dyed" termites (i. e., a "control" group with "dyed" individuals, rather than the tradicional control group... Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Biological dyes; Behaviour; Lab assays; Isoptera. Ano: 2005 URL: Comparação entre espécies arbóreas leguminosas e não leguminosas, em arboreto, em Santa Helena, PR. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: CARVALHO, P. E. R.; ZELAZOWSKI, W. H.; KAMINSKI, N. L.; LOPES, G. L. 1999 Tipo: Séries anteriores (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Comportamento; Silvicultura; Espécie nativa; Espécie exótica; Reflorestamento; Behaviour; Silviculture; Indigenous organisms; Reforestation. Ano: 1999 Comparação entre espécies arbóreas nativas (Arboreto linear), em Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: CARVALHO, P. E. R.; ZELAZOWSKI, W. H.; KAMINSKI, N. L.; LOPES, G. L. 1999 Tipo: Séries anteriores (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Comportamento; Silvicultura; Espécie nativa; Reflorestamento; Foz do Iguacu; Behaviour; Silviculture; Indigenous organisms; Reforestation. Ano: 1999 Comparação entre espécies arbóreas nativas e exóticas (Arboreto linear) em Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: CARVALHO, P. E. R.; ZELAZOWSKI, W. H.; KAMINSKI, N. L.; LOPES, G. L. 1999 Tipo: Séries anteriores (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Comportamento; Silvicultura; Floresta; Reflorestamento; Foz do Iguaçu; Behaviour; Silviculture; Forest; Reforestation. Ano: 1999 Comparação entre espécies florestais nativas e exóticas com "one-tree-plot" em Santa Helena, PR. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: CARVALHO, P. E. R.; ZELAZOWSKI, W. H.; KAMINSKI, N. L.; LOPES, G. L. 1999 Tipo: Séries anteriores (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Comportamento; Silvicultura; Espécie nativa; Espécie exótica; Reflorestamento; Behaviour; Silviculture; Indigenous organisms; Reforestation. Ano: 1999 Comparação entre espécies florestais nativas em Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: CARVALHO, P. E. R.; ZELAZOWSKI, W. H.; KAMINSKI, N. L.; LOPES, G. L. 1999 Tipo: Séries anteriores (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Comportamento; Silvicultura; Espécie florestal; Reflorestamento; Foz do Iguaçu; Behaviour; Silviculture; Forests; Reforestation. Ano: 1999 Comparison of extensive and intensive pig production systems in Uruguay in terms of ethologic, physiologic and meat quality parameters Provedor de dados: 96 Autores: Blumetto Velazco,Oscar Ricardo; Calvet Sanz,Salvador; Estellés Barber,Fernando; Villagrá García,Arantxa. The objective of this work is to characterize two contrasting systems of fattening pigs in Uruguay. A total of 96 pigs (average 41.7 kg) were divided into eight groups of 12 animals, representing two production systems: (IN) pigs confined in pens of 12 m² or (OUT) kept in plots with field shelters and access to pasture. Behavioral observations were performed by scan sampling at 5-minute intervals, three times a day during weeks 6, 8, 10 and 12 of the experiment. Aggressions were also observed at the end of the experimental period. Blood samples were taken for cortisol analysis and other physiological parameters, during growth period and slaughter and meat quality characteristics were assessed after slaughter. Differences were found in carcass... Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Aggressions; Behaviour; Housed pig; Outdoor pig; Pasture. Ano: 2013 URL: Comportamento da cultura do girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) em sucessao ao trigo, à aveia e ao nabo forrageiro em Mato Grosso do Sul. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: HECKLER, J. C. 1997 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Girassol; Sucessao de cultura; Trigo; Aveia; Nabo forrageiro; Comportamento; Cerrado; Helianhtus annuus; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Sunflower; Sequential cropping; Wheat; Oat; Turnips; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 1997 URL: Comportamento da variedade de soja BRS 181 na região sul do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, safra 1998/99. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: RANGEL, M. A. S.; TEIXEIRA, M. do R. de O.; RESENDE, K. F. 2001 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Soja; Variedade BRS 181; Comportamento; Cerrado; Glycine max; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Região Sul; Soybean; Varieties; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 2001 URL: Comportamento da variedade de soja BRS 182 na região sul do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, safra 1998/99. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: RANGEL, M. A. S.; TEIXEIRA, M. do R. de O.; RESENDE, K. F. 2001 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Soja; Variedade BRS 182; Comportamento; Cerrado; Glycine max; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Região Sul; Soybean; Varieties; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 2001 URL: Comportamento das variedades de soja BR 5, Dourados e União a nível de lavoura. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: EMBRAPA. Unidade de Execução de Pesquisa de Âmbito Estadual de Dourados. 1981 Tipo: Outras publicações técnicas (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Soja; Cultivar BR-5; Dourados; Uniao; Comportamento; Cerrado; Glycine max; Soybean; Varieties; Behaviour. Ano: 1981 URL: Comportamento de cultivares de algodoeiro em Querencia, MT. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: LAMAS, F. M.; VIEIRA, C. P.; BARBOSA, D. J. 1998 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Algodao; Variedade; Comportamento; Cerrado; Gossypium hirsutum; Brasil; Mato grosso; Querencia; Cotton; Varieties; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 1998 URL: Comportamento de cultivares de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) em várzea, em Dourados, MS, em 1981. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: LIMA, P. R. de A.; MENDES, M. C. 1981 Tipo: Outras publicações técnicas (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Feijao; Cultivar; Comportamento; Varzea; Phaseolus vulgaris; Brasil; Mato grosso do sul; Dourados; Bean; Varieties; Behaviour; Lowland; Brazil. Ano: 1981 URL: Comportamento de cultivares de milho no Estado da Bahia no ano agrícola de 1999/2000. Provedor de dados: 119 Autores: MARQUES, H. da S.; CARVALHO, H.W.L. de; LEAL, M. de L. da S.; SANTOS, M.X. dos; OLIVEIRA, J.S. de; DOURADO, V.V.; SAMPAIO, G.V.; CARVALHO, B.C.L. de. 2001 Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE) Palavras-chave: Milho; Cultivares; Comportamento; Brasil; Bahia; Brazil; Zea mays; Maize; Behaviour. Ano: 2001 URL: Comportamento de cultivares de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) e feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plantados em monocultivo e em consórcio. Provedor de dados: 119 Autores: VIANA, A.C.; RAMALHO, M.A.P. 1986 Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE) Palavras-chave: Sorgo; Feijao; Consorciacao; Variedade; Comportamento; Sorghum bicolor; Phaseolus vulgaris; Bean; Intercropping; Varieties; Behaviour. Ano: 1986 Comportamento de cultivares de trigo recomendadas para o estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, de 1974 a 1982. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: SOUSA, P. G. 1983 Tipo: Circular Técnica (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Trigo; Cultivar; Comportamento; Cerrado; Triticum aestivum; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Wheat; Varieties; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 1983 Comportamento de cultivares e linhagens de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) safra da seca de 1980 a 1984 em três municípios do Mato Grosso do Sul. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: SIVIERO, M. E.; MELHORANCA, A. L.; LEAL, J. A. 1985 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Feijao; Genotipo; Comportamento; Cerrado; Phaseolus vulgaris; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Bean; Genotypes; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 1985 URL: Comportamento de cultivares e linhagens de trigo irrigado no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul em 1983 e 1984. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: CALHEIROS, R. de O.; BOLDT, A. F.; SILVA, C. A. S. da; SOUSA, P. G.; FARIAS, J. L. 1985 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Trigo; Irrigacao; Cultivar; Comportamento; Cerrado; Triticum aestivum; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Wheat; Irrigation; Varieties; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 1985 URL: Comportamento de híbridos de milho no Estado da Bahia no ano agrícola de 1999/2000. Provedor de dados: 119 Autores: SANTOS, G.V.; CARVALHO, H.W.L. de; LEAL, M. de L. da S.; OLIVEIRA, J.S. de; SANTOS, M.X. dos; DOURADO, V.V.; MARQUES, H. da S.; CARVALHO, B.C.L. de. 2001 Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE) Palavras-chave: Milho; Variedade; Comportamento; Brasil; Bahia; Brazil; Zea mays; Maize; Varieties; Behaviour. Ano: 2001 Comportamento de linhagens de triticale em Dourados, MS. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: SOUSA, P. G.; BAIER, A. C. 1982 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Triticale; Linhagem; Comportamento; Triticosecale; Cerrado; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Dourados; Progeny; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 1982 URL: Comportamento de milho normal e precoce na região da Grande Dourados, MS. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: PACHECO, C. A. P.; MORAES, A. G. de. 1983 Tipo: Outras publicações técnicas (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Milho; Cultivar; Comportamento; Cerrado; Zea mays; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Grande Dourados; Maize; Verieties; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 1983 URL: Comportamento de selecao e oviposicao da E. formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelimidae) parasitando B. Argentifolii (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Provedor de dados: 119 Autores: SIQUEIRA, K.M.M. de; FARIAS, A.M.I. de; HAJI, F. N. P. 1999 Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE) Palavras-chave: Mosca branca; Parasitoide; Hospedeiro; Comportamento; Oviposicao; Encarsia formosa; Bemisia argentifolii; White flies; Hosts; Behaviour; Oviposition; Parasitoids. Ano: 1999 URL: Comportamento de variedades de milho no Estado do Piauí no ano agrícola de 1999. Provedor de dados: 119 Autores: CARDOSO, M.J.; CARVALHO, H.W.L. de; LEAL, M. de L. da S.; SANTOS, M.X. 2000 Tipo: Artigo em anais de congresso (ALICE) Palavras-chave: Milho; Produtividade; Melhoramento; Variedade; Comportamento; Piaui; Brasil; Brazil; Zea mays; Maize; Breeding; Productivity; Varieties; Behaviour. Ano: 2000 Comportamento de variedades de milho no Estado do Piauí no ano agrícola de 1999. Provedor de dados: 119 Autores: CARDOSO, M.J.; CARVALHO,; LEAL, M. de L, da; SANTOS, M.X. dos. 2000 Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE) Palavras-chave: Milho; Produtividade; Melhoramento; Variedade; Comportamento; Piaui; Brasil; Brazil; Zea mays; Maize; Productivity; Breeding; Varieties; Behaviour. Ano: 2000 Comportamento sexual de garanhão da raça pantaneira em monta natural. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: SERENO, J. R. B.; COSTA, M. S.; RODRIGUES, B. M.; ARAÚJO, M. T. B. D.; FERREIRA, M. A.; SERENO, F. T. P. S.; BARIONI JÚNIOR, W. 2006 Tipo: Folderes / Folhetos / Cartilhas (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Equino; Comportamento animal; Acasalamento; Reprodução animal; Equidae; Behaviour; Breeding seasons; Reproduction. Ano: 2006 URL: Comportamentos e atividade diária de Sciurus ingrami (Thomas) em cativeiro (Rodentia, Sciuridae) Provedor de dados: 104 Autores: Bordignon,Marcelo; Monteiro Filho,Emygdio L.A. From October 1994 to November 1995 the behaviour, postures and diurnal activity of tive captive squirrels Sciurus ingrami were observed and registered. Four basics postures, five grooming behaviours, displacements and face wiping behaviour were identified. Based on behavioural observations, the diurnal activity was divided into four categories: resting, displacement, teeding and maintenance. The time spent in each category varied seasonally and the squirrels spent more time resting during winter and spring. However, more time was spent feeding during autum and summer and was reduced the displacement in autum. Two types of breeding behaviour were identified: sexual trailing and mating chase of females by males. However copulatori behaviour was not recorded... Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Sciurus ingrami; Sciurids; Behaviour; Serelepe. Ano: 1997 URL: Cues for territory choice in two tropical dragonflies Provedor de dados: 82 Autores: Marco Jr.,Paulo de; Resende,Daniela C. Classifications in mate systems of Odonata are generally based in the male ability to control the female access to oviposition resources. In this paper we discuss the criteria for male territory selection in the dragonflies Perithemis mooma Kirby and Orthemis discolor (Burmeister) (Libellulidae), in Viçosa, Brazil, controlling the availability of perches and aquatic vegetation. P. mooma males defended territories with vegetation and thus their choice was probably related to the oviposition resource of the females. O. discolor males preferred sites with tall perches, possibly because their choice was related to a mate-seeking resource. Interactions with another libellulid more active and aggressive, Planiplax phoenicura (Ris), changed the preference of O.... Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Odonata; Behaviour; Mating; Perithemis mooma; Orthemis discolor. Ano: 2004 URL: Determinisme du comportement associatif des poissons pelagiques: les hypotheses a l'epreuve des faits Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Freon, Pierre; Dagorn, Loeiz. No abstract. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Attracting techniques; Behaviour; Ecological associations; Pelagic fisheries. Ano: 2000 URL: Ecologie du système hôte - parasite, juvéniles G0 de sole (Solea solea) - métacercaires de Digènes : dynamique et effets de l'infestation Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Durieux, Eric. Coastal areas, such as shallow water bays and estuaries, serve as nurseries for juveniles of many marine fishes and especially flatfishes. Parasites play an important role in these marine ecosystems, but it remains poorly studied. Little attention has been paid to parasitism as a potential factor of variation in flatfish juveniles biological performances in these habitats. Sole juveniles, Solea solea (Pleuronectiformes, Soleidae), that is a species of primary importance for fisheries, are infected by digenean metacercariae. Thus, the aims of this PhD thesis were: i) to determine the spatio-temporal dynamics of the digenean metacercariae infection of 0-group sole juveniles at different scales; ii) to estimate the effects of this infection at different... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: North East Atlantic; Mussel farming; Biological tags; Behaviour; Condition indices; Growth; Immunity; Parasitism; Flatfish; Nurseries; Atlantique Nord Est; Mytiliculture; Marqueurs biologiques; Comportement; Indices de condition; Croissance; Immunité; Parasitisme; Pleuronectiformes; Nourriceries. Ano: 2007 URL: Effects of preoperative epidural morphine and ingramuscular buprenorphones in pigs subjected to abdominal surgery: a pilot study Provedor de dados: 22 Autores: L. M. Malavasi; Unioeste; M. Jensen-Warern; H. Augustsson; J. E. Lindberg; G. Nyman. Nove su&iacute;nos (25 + 1kg) foram anestesiados com medetomidina (0,05 mg/kg, IM) e tiletamina-zolazepam (5 mg/kg, IM), e a anesthesia foi mantida com isofluorano. Grupo M recebeu morfina epidural (0,12) mg/kg; n=5) pr&eacute; &ndash; operativamente. Grupo B recebeu buprenorfina intramuscular (0,1 mg/kg; n=4) antes e 12 h ap&oacute;s a cirurgia. Par&acirc;metros cardiorrespirat&oacute;rios foram mensurados a cada 10 min. O comportamento pr-e e p&oacute;s operat&oacute;rio foram gravados num total de 60h/su&iacute;no. Os par&acirc;metros fisiol&oacute;gicos e as concentra&ccedil;&otilde;es s&eacute;ricas dos opi&oacute;ides foram avaliados pela an&aacute;lise de vari&acirc;ncia (ANOVA);... Tipo: Artigo Avaliado por Pares Palavras-chave: Anaesthesia; Analgesia; Cardiorespiratory parameters; Pain assesmenten; Behaviour. Ano: 2009 URL: Effets létaux et sublétaux à long terme d'un nonylphénol polyéthoxyle, le NP 5 sur la civelle Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bocquene, Gilles; Miossec, Laurence. Studying different concentrations, we have determined LT 50 of a non-ionic surfactant on elver eel: the polyoxyethylated nonylphenol NP 5. Then we studied sorne sublethal effects on fish behaviour and histological effects on gills, during 21 days. We demonstrated primary effects on gills structure and we believe in an impairing of the central nervous system. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anguille; Tensio-actifs; Effets subletaux; Branchies; Eel; Surfactant; Sublethal effects; Behaviour; Gills. Ano: 1987 URL: Einige Ergebnisse aus Feldbeobachtungen an Phyllobates palmatus (Amphibia, Ranidae) in Kolumbien Provedor de dados: 20 Autores: Lüddecke, H. Se presentan datos sobre el comportamiento y la ecología de Phyllobates plamatus, una rana, la cual hasta el momento solamente ha sido encontrada en Colombia. la especie vive exclusivamente cerca del agua. Con frecuencia forma agrupaciones de muchos individuos en un área bien definida. Dentro de este viven en su mayoría en territorios individuales. Los machos prefieren puntos elevados de su territorio como lugar para sus cantos. Se observaron tres tipos de campos: El primer tipo parece tener la función de un canto de apareamiento; el segundo está, probablemente, relacionado con la defensa del territorio y el tercer tipo de canto se observa solamente inmediatamente ante la introducción a la postura de los huevos. A menudo se observan cantos alternos entre... Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Ecology; Behaviour; Ecology; Behaviour; Http://; Http:// Ano: 1976 URL: Environmental and behavioural factors affecting activity in the intertidal gastropod Hydrobia ulvae Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Orvain, Francis; Sauriau, Pierre-guy. Laboratory microcosms were used to investigate the mud snail Hydrobia ulvac (Pennant) bioturbation activities and behavioural changes in response to snail density, algal food, sediment moisture content, light regime and water cover conditions. Density-dependent kinetics of bioturbated muddy areas were described by von Bertalanffy equations, which provided reliable estimates of mud surface covering rates by snail tracks (m(2) h(-1) snail(-1)), Snails need a wet habitat to be active either covered by seawater or by moving in fluid layers for low-tide conditions. Light and microphytobenthic biomass, which are less potent to affect snail activity, are positively interrelated to increase covering rates in the tested chl a concentrations within the range of 1 -... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modelling; Intertidal mudflat; Hydrobia ulvae; Environmental factors; Bioturbation; Behaviour. Ano: 2002 URL: Estudo do comportamento sexual de equinos da raça pantaneira no periodo peripuberal. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: SERENO, J.R.B.; MELO, M.I.V. de; HENRY, M.R.J.M.; CASSALI, G.D. Por ser essencial no "trabalho de gado" e capaz de suportar marchas por periodos prolongados em areas alagadas. A EMBRAPA-CPAP iniciou, em 1988, trabalhos de conservacao e melhoramento do cavalo Pantaneiro, com pesquisas nas areas de reproducao, nutricao, sanidade, fisiologia de exercicio, genetica e selecao. Dentro da reproducao tem-se estudado a implantacao de estacao de monta, a avaliacao da proporcao macho:femea e comportamento sexual de machos e femeas a campo, entre outros aspectos tecnicos bem estabelecidos no manejo tradicional de outras regioes. Para a implantacao de tecnicas de manejo reprodutivo com sucesso e utilizacao mais racional de cada categoria animal, faz-se necessario considerar suas caracteristicas fisiologicas. Nos machos e de... Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Reproducao animal; Equino; Comportamento sexual; Cavalo pantaneiro; Reproduction; Equinus; Behaviour; Horse. Ano: 1996 Ethological parameters and performance of Hy Line W-98 and ISA Brown hens when housed in furnished cages Provedor de dados: 45 Autores: Roll,V.F.B.; Levrino,G.A.M.; Briz,R.C.; Buil,T. This study was carried out throughout a laying period to compare the behaviour and performance of two groups of commercial layers, 180 ISA Brown and 120 Hy line W98, housed at 17 weeks of age in furnished cages with a nest box, perches, dust-bath, and claw shortening device. Based on productive parameters, the model of furnished cages studied is suitable for both, Isa Brown and Hy line hens. The study suggested that strain has a significant effect on feather condition and on some behavioural displays, particularly those related to the use of a dust-bath. Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Hen; Behaviour; Dust-bath; Feather cover; Furnished cage. Ano: 2008 URL: Evaluation of self-feeders as a tool to study diet preferences in groups of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Millot, Sandie; Nilsson, Jonatan; Fosseidengen, Jan Erik; Begout, Marie-laure; Kristiansen, Tore. Among other applications, self-feeding has been used to study food preferences in fish allowing them to choose between feeders with different food content. Preference tests assume that (i) trigger actuations are motivated by appetite, (ii) fish can learn which feeder contains which food and discriminate between feeders solely on the basis of their content, and (iii) in groups of fish, the triggering preferences is representative for the individuals of the group. We studied individual triggering behaviour in four groups of 14 Atlantic cod (length of 34 +/- 2 cm, weight of 424 +/- 102 g, mean +/- SE, water temperature comprised between 7-8 degrees C) that were first given the choice between two self-feeders with identical content (Period 1 of 14 days) and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Learning; Self-feeding; Social status; Behaviour; Coping abilities; Gadidae. Ano: 2012 URL: Explaining Variation in Farm and Farm Business Performance in Respect to Farmer Segmentation Analysis Provedor de dados: 31 Autores: Wilson, Paul; Harper, Nicholas; Darling, Richard. Results from a pilot application of Defra’s segmentation model applied to the Farm Business Survey for England are presented. Interviews with 750 FBS co-operators during 2010, using a discursive approach, classified co-operators into one of five segmentation groups: Custodians (14.0%); Lifestyle Choice (7.2%); Pragmatists (53.3%); Modern Family Business (21.1%); Challenged Enterprises (4.4%). On average, Modern Family Businesses operated the largest land area, achieved the greatest farm financial (and agricultural) output, and Farm Business Income (FBI), whilst the Lifestyle Choice segment returned the lowest average FBI. Variation in regional tendencies across the segmentation groups was observed, with variation also noted for forms of business, LFA and... Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Behaviour; Segmentation; Income; Output; Agriculture; Farm Management; D22; Q12; Q14; Q15; Q16; R52. Ano: 2011 URL: First links between self-feeding behaviour and personality traits in European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ferrari, Sebastien; Benhaim, David; Colchen, Tatiana; Chatain, Beatrice; Begout, Marie-laure. Most studies carried out with seabass under self-feeding conditions report an intriguing social structure that is built around the device and the food dispenser with three coexisting triggering categories: high-triggering (HT), low-triggering (LT) and zero-triggering (ZT) fish. However, neither sex nor feeding motivation or hierarchy can explain the establishment of this specialization. We characterised the personality of seabass with the commonly used restraint and open field tests and assessed the link between personality traits and individual triggering activity towards the self-feeder apparatus. We found no differences between triggering categories during the restraint test but high triggering fish were characterised as shyer than low- and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Behaviour; Boldness; Foraging; Open field test; Restraint test; Teleost. Ano: 2014 URL: How do the molluscivorous beetles Carabus granulatus and Phosphuga atrata (Insecta, Coleoptera) deal with sinistral and dextral prey? Provedor de dados: 16 Autores: Bergamin, Susan; Smits, Anne. Predators of asymmetric prey (such as snails) are often asymmetric themselves or display a predation behaviour that is adapted to the asymmetry of their prey. We studied predation of sinistral and dextral forms of the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis (Linnaeus, 1758) by two snail-feeding beetle species, Phosphuga atrata (Linnaeus, 1758) and Carabus granulatus Linnaeus, 1758. We investigated a possible preference for or more efficient predation of prey items with a certain coiling direction. We found that C. granulatus displayed a preference for dextral snails, as opposed to P. atrata, which did not show any preference. We also looked at the asymmetry of the mandibles. In C. granulatus the left mandible overlay the right one in a higher... Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Carabidae; Silphidae; Lymnaea stagnalis; Molluscivory; Chirality; Predation; Behaviour; Mouth parts. Ano: 2015 URL: Impact of ecotourism on the fish fauna of Bonito region (Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil): ecological, behavioural and physiological measures Provedor de dados: 83 Autores: Lima,Ana Carolina; Assis,Jorge; Sayanda,Diogo; Sabino,José; Oliveira,Rui F. Bonito, in Mato Grosso do Sul State, is an important destination for ecotourism in Brazil and the main challenge of sustainable ecotourism here has been to accommodate and adjust the increase of tourism without compromising the ecological integrity of the local ecosystems. In this study we aimed to assess the environmental impact of ecotourism on the fish fauna of Sucuri River in Bonito by integrating ecological, behaviour and physiological criteria and using the fish species Crenicichla lepidota and Moenkhausia bonita as indicators. Two distinct sites were defined to collect data: (1) affected daily by ecotourism (Tourism) and (2) undisturbed (No Tourism). The "stationary point count" method was performed to assess variations in ecological parameters and... Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Behaviour; Cortisol; Crenicichla lepidota; Moenkhausia bonita; Stress response. Ano: 2014 URL: Investigating consumer knowledge and behaviour in the context of functional foods Provedor de dados: 31 Autores: Hall, Clare. The future of functional foods will depend on the extent to which they are accepted by consumers. Results are presented from a questionnaire that investigated consumers’ self-reported knowledge, behavioural intentions and purchasing behaviour regarding functional foods. Findings are that two thirds of UK respondents, just less than half of Danish respondents, almost two thirds o f Spanish respondents, and 88% of Polish respondents say they buy one or two functional food items per week. Between 30-55% of respondents say they understand functional foods reasonably well (UK 55%; Denmark 30%; Spain 43%; Poland 49%). A number of factors were related to respondents’ stated intention to purchase probiotics. If someone in the household had suffered food poisoning... Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Consumers; Knowledge; Behaviour; Functional foods; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety. Ano: 2009 URL: Is generalization of exhaled CO assessment in primary care helpful for early diagnosis of COPD? Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Molinari, Nicolas; Abou-badra, Mathieu; Marin, Gregory; Ky, Chin-long; Amador, Noemi; Gamez, Anne Sophie; Vachier, Isabelle; Bourdin, Arnaud. Background: COPD is largely under-diagnosed and once diagnosed usually at a late stage. Early diagnosis is thoroughly recommended but most attempts failed as the disease is marginally known and screening marginally accepted. It is a rare cause of concern in primary care and spirometry is not very common. Exhaled carbon monoxide (eCO) is a 5-seconds easy-to-use device dedicated to monitor cigarette smoke consumption. We aimed to assess whether systematic eCO measurement in primary care is a useful tool to improve acceptance for early COPD diagnosis. Methods: This was a two-center randomized controlled trial enrolling 410 patients between March and May, 2013. Whatever was the reason of attendance to the clinic, all adults were proposed to measure eCO during... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: COPD; Screening; Exhaled CO; Smoking; Behaviour. Ano: 2015 URL: Last instar larva of Microstigmus nigrophthalmus Melo (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Pemphredoninae), with notes on biology Provedor de dados: 104 Autores: Buys,Sandor Christiano. The last instar larva of Microstigmus nigrophthalmus Melo, 1992 is described. It markedly differs from that of M. comes Krombein, 1967 the only other species in the genus whose mature larva have been described, for features as follows: presence of spinnerets; setae on the labrum, maxillae and labium; mandibles with tridentate apex and a bidentate lateral projection; lack of the conical supranal processo Notes on habitat, structure, and content of nests are also presented. Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Microstigmus nigrophthalmus; Sphecoid wasp; Morphology; Larva; Biology; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 2002 URL: Latência para a primeira mamada e níveis de cortisol e triiodotironina de bezerros Nelore puros e cruzados. Provedor de dados: 119 Autores: BUENO, A. R.; ALENCAR, M. M. de; STARLING, J. M. C.; COSTA, M. J. R. P. da; NEGRÃO, J. A. Estudou-se a latência para a primeira mamada (LM) e as concentrações de triiodotironina (T3) e cortisol em bezerros puros da raça Nelore (NN) e cruzados Simental x Nelore (CN) e Aberdeen Angus x Nelore (AN), cujas mães eram mantidas em sistema intensivo de produção. Foram observados 44 bezerros desde o nascimento ate o final da primeira mamada, Durante a estação de nascimento de 1998. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas aproximadamente 24 horas após o parto. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos nos níveis plasmáticos de T3. Os bezerros com menor LM tenderam a presentar menores concetrações de cortisol do que os bezerros com maior LM. Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE) Palavras-chave: Estresse; Gado de corte; Comportamento; Amamentação; Cruzamento; Beef cattle; Stress; Behaviour; Suckling; Crossbreeding. Ano: 2000 URL: Le répulsif à cétacés : performances acoustiques requises Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Gall, Yves; Origne, Laurent; Scalabrin, Carla; Morizur, Yvon. Acoustic deterrent devices could be an appealing solution to tackle accidental cetacean by-catches in pelagic trawls or in fishing net gears. The bibliographical data on two species (Harbour porpoise and bottlenosed dolphin) have been analyzed in terms of audiogram, discomfort noise level that could lead to behavioural changes, sensory fatigue, and threshold for permanent hearing injuries. It is possible, on the basis of the above data, to characterize an efficient annoyance sound threshold which is not harmful to the species to be protected. Taking into account the properties of the sound waves propagation in the marine environment and according to the required range, the minimal amplitude of the repulsive sound to emit is proposed. Accordingly, the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Wave propagation; Behaviour; Audiogram; Capture; Cetacean; In fishing net gear; Pelagic trawl; Acoustic deterrent; Propagation onde; Comportement; Audiogramme; Capture; Cétacé; Filet; Pêche artisanale; Chalutage pélagique; Répulsif acoustique. Ano: 2004 URL: Lecithotrophic behaviour in zoea and megalopa larvae of the ghost shrimp Lepidophthalmus siriboia Felder and Rodrigues, 1993 (Decapoda: Callianassidae) Provedor de dados: 42 Autores: Abrunhosa,Fernando A.; Simith,Darlan J.B.; Palmeira,Carlos A.M.; Arruda,Danielle C.B. Food supply is considered critical for a successful culturing of decapod larvae. However, some species may present yolk reserve sufficient to complete their larval development without external food supply (known as lecithotrophic larval development). In the present study, two experiments were carried out in order to verify whether the callianassid Lepidophthalmus siriboia have lecithotrophic behaviour or, if they need external food for their larval development: Experiment 1, larvae submitted to an initial feeding period and Experiment 2, larvae submitted to an initial starvation period. High survival rate was observed in both experiments, in which only 2 megalopae and 1 zoea III died. These results strongly suggest that larvae of L. siriboia are... Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Behaviour; Callianassidae; Larval development; Lecithotrophy; Lepidophthalmus siriboia; Starvation. Ano: 2008 URL: Locomotory behaviour and functional morphology of Nematostella vectensis (Anthozoa: Actiniaria: Edwardsiidae): a contribution to a comparative study of burrowing behaviour in athenarian sea anemones Provedor de dados: 16 Autores: Williams, R.B. The locomotory behaviour and functional morphology of English populations of a small (<2 cm long), burrowing athenarian sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis Stephenson, 1935 (= N. pellucida Crowell, 1946), which lives in soft mud in salt marshes and creeks, are described. Objectives were to ascertain the specific stimuli and environmental conditions determining when and how locomotion is employed, and to assess survival values. Experimentation and anatomical examination revealed how anemones move, and their functional morphology was interpreted in a physiological context. Finally, locomotion, morphology and habitat were compared for several athenarian anemones, to ascertain what correlations there are, if any. Essential environmental conditions for N.... Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Behaviour; Burrowing; Climbing; Creeping; England; Functional morphology; Locomotion; Musculature; Nematostella vectensis; Rugae; Sea anemones; 42.79. Ano: 2003 URL: Morphology of olfactory sensilla and its role in host plant recognition by Neomegalotomus parvus (Westwood) (Heteroptera: Alydidae) Provedor de dados: 52 Autores: Ventura,Maurício Ursi; Panizzi,Antônio Ricardo. The external morphology of the sensilla, including pores and permeable points on the cuticle of the antennae of adults of Neomegalotomus parvus (West.) (Heteroptera: Alydidae) was investigated with regard to their olfactory function. Behavioural evidence of olfaction, the importance of the different antennal segments in locating the host under still-air, and the responses of the insects to plants' scents and to pheromones in wind assays were also studied. With the scanning electronic microscope mechanoreceptor sensilla were found on the four segments of the antennae of N. parvus. The density of the sensilla was greater on the 4th segment. On the apical segment, sensilla with olfactory morphological traits were observed. Bugs with intact antennae located... Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Sensilla; Host plant; Behaviour; Antenna. Ano: 2005 URL: Mosca-dos-chifres: comportamento e danos em bovinos nelores. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: BIANCHIN, I.; ALVES, R.G. de O. O CNPGC realizou um experimento em quatro anos consecutivos (1991-1995). A cada ano, um rebanho de 120 vacas nelores, com bezerro ao pe, foi dividido em dois grupos, levando-se em consideracao as idades e os pesos das vacas e as idades dos bezerros. Durante a estacao de monta (novembro a fevereiro), foram mantidos tres touros, testados andrologicamente, em cada grupo. Em um dos grupos aplicaram-se inseticidas com intervalos que variavam com o principio ativo utilizado, em cada vaca e touro. Os dois grupos foram mantidos em piquetes separados, formados de Brachiaria decumbens, rotacionados a cada catorze dias, com uma taxa de lotacao de 1 UA/ha. As contagens da mosca nas vacas foram realizadas, tambem, a cada catorze dias. As vacas foram pesadas a cada dois... Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Bovino de corte; Nelore; Sanidade; Mosca-dos-chifres; Haematobia irritans; Comportamento; Infestacao; Cerrado; Mato Grosso do Sul; Brasil; Beef cattle; Nellore; Health; Horn fly; Behaviour; Infestation; Brazilian savannas; Brazil. Ano: 1997 Movement of Heterorhabditis amazonensis and Steinernema arenarium in search of corn fall armyworm larvae in artificial conditions Provedor de dados: 63 Autores: Andaló,Vanessa; Santos,Viviane; Moreira,Grazielle F.; Moreira,Camila; Freire,Marcela; Moino Jr.,Alcides. Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is considered to be the main pest of maize crops in Brazil. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) may be used to control this pest and exhibit different, unique abilities to search for their hosts. The movement of EPN in relation to S. frugiperda was evaluated. To test for horizontal movement, a styrofoam enclosure filled with sand was divided into segments, nematodes were placed at the entrance to the enclosure and a larva was placed at the end of each division. The same approach was used to evaluate vertical movement; however, PVC pipes were used in this case. In general, the mortality was inversely proportional to the initial distance between host and nematodes. In the vertical displacement test,... Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Spodoptera; Biological control; Behaviour; Strategy; Entomopathogenic. Ano: 2012 URL: Natural history of three Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera, Insecta) in a "cerrado" stream from northeastern São Paulo, Brazil Provedor de dados: 104 Autores: Oliveira,Leandro Gonçalves; Froehlich,Claudio Gilberto. The faunal composition of the Hydropsychidae (Trichoptcra) of Pedregulho Stream is presented. Feeding habits of larvae and behavioural aspects of both larvae and adults are described. Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Trichoptera; Hydropsychidae; Smicridea; Leptonema; Biology; Larvae; Behaviour. Ano: 1996 URL: Observaciones sobre el comportamiento de la merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) durante la pesca de arrastre Provedor de dados: 20 Autores: Casarsa, L.; Madirolas, A. The normal behavioral patterns of several fish species is altered during trawling affecting the fish spatial distribution. Sonar methods were carried out in this research work in order to study the reaction of reproductive concentrations of the Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) during mid-water and bottom fishing trawls. Observations made from a trawl sonar mounted on the headrope of an ENGEL (35 m) bottom trawl, showed that this species concentrates at the lower-central sector of the net mouth. During daytime trawls fish schools with a vertical distribution exceeding ten meters were observed entering the trawl within the first two meters from the bottom. Some observations during pelagic trawls carried out at night, showed no specific pattern at the net... Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Behaviour; Bottom trawling; Sonar; Echo surveys; Vertical distribution; Behaviour; Http:// Ano: 2007 URL: Observations on the behaviour of the dugong (Dugong dugon Müller, 1776) from waters of the Lease Islands, eastern Indonesia Provedor de dados: 16 Autores: Iongh, H.H. de; Bierhuizen, B.; Orden, B. van. A small population of dugongs was discovered in coastal waters of the Lease islands in eastern Indonesia. Studies on behaviour and feeding ecology revealed information on the interaction with seagrass meadows, modes of surfacing and submergence times and behaviour in the presence of scuba divers. Regular concentrated feeding was observed in a grazing sward at a subtidal monospecific Halophila ovalis meadow, confirming earlier observations of regular recropping by dugongs of grazing swards, covered by monospecific Halodule uninervis, inside an intertidal multi-species meadow. Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Dugong; Behaviour; Feeding ecology; Cultivation grazing. Ano: 1997 URL: Observations on the symbiosis between Colus gracilis (Da Costa, 1778) (Mollusca: Gastropoda) and Hormathia digitata (O.F. Müller, 1776) (Cnidaria: Actiniaria) Provedor de dados: 16 Autores: Ates, R.M.L. Aquarium observations of the behaviour of the actinian Hormathia digitata when mounting live specimens of the gastropod Colus gracilis are fully described for the first time. C. gracilis actively initiates an association with H. digitata by approaching and remaining stationary near the actinian. Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Colus gracilis; Hormathia digitata; Gastropoda; Actiniaria; Symbiosis; Behaviour; Shell mounting; Aquarium observations.; 42.72; 42.73. Ano: 1998 URL: On the biology of Penepodium goryanum (Lepeletier) in wooden trap-nests (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Provedor de dados: 119 Autores: GARCIA, M. V. B.; ADIS, J. The nesting habits and life cycle of Penepodium goryanum (Lepeletier 1845) were studied in 1991 in a central Amazonian blackwater inundation-forest. Nests were obtained from artificial sites for nesting (trap-nests) and consisted of a single cell per cavity, provisioned with cockroaches of the genus Eunyctibora. The characteristics of the nest are given as well as information on the life cycle, seasonality, parasites and prey preferences of P. goryanum. The effects of the flood pulse on the seasonality of P. goryanum are discussed. Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE) Palavras-chave: Penepodium goryanum; Sphecidae; Nidificacao; Brasil; Amazonas; Nesting; Behaviour. Ano: 1993 Opportunistic feeding behaviour of rough-toothed dolphins Steno bredanensis off Mauritania Provedor de dados: 16 Autores: Addink, M.J.; Smeenk, C. A small group of rough-toothed dolphins Steno bredanensis was observed at the outer edge of the Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania. The animals were feeding opportunistically around a trawling research vessel. Hunting behaviour and mother-calf interactions are described Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Steno bredanensis; Delphinidae; Rough-toothed dolphin; Mauritania; Behaviour; Opportunistic feeding; Mother-calf interaction; 42.84. Ano: 2001 URL: Oviposition behaviour of Gryon gallardoi (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) on eggs of different ages of Spartocera dentiventris (Hemiptera, Coreidae) Provedor de dados: 76 Autores: Rocha,Luciane da; Redaelli,Luiza; Mendonça Jr.,Milton de S. The oviposition behaviour of Gryon gallardoi (Brèthes, 1914) on eggs of Spartocera dentiventris Mendonça Jr. (Berg, 1884) of different ages (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 12 days) was investigated. Groups of 12 eggs of each age were exposed to single females of G. gallardoi, and the oviposition behaviour was recorded under a stereomicroscope for two hours. Ten replicates were used for each age. In order to identify the moment the parasitoid egg was released inside the host, 1-day old eggs of S. dentiventris were exposed to G. gallardoi females, and the oviposition was interrupted at intervals of 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140 and 160s after ovipositor insertion had initiated. Five behavioural steps were recorded: drumming, ovipositor insertion, marking, walking... Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Scelionidae; Parasitoid; Behaviour; Host selection. Ano: 2006 URL: Pesca associada entre golfinhos e aves marinhas Provedor de dados: 104 Autores: Monteiro-Filho,Emygdio L. A. Along ten years of study of a common dolphin from the brazilian coast, Sotalia brasiliensis Van Beneden, 1874, I could see some occasions of feeding associations of this dolphin with five species of birds, Sula leucogaster (Boddaert, 1783), Fregata magnificens Mathews, 1914, Sterna hirundinacea Lesson, 1831, Larus dominicanus Lichtenstein, 1823 and Phalacrocorax olivaceus Humboldt, 1895. The commonest association observed was between the dolphin and S. leucogaster, and in all the associations was characterized the commensalism, with advantaged to the birds. Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Sotalia; Cetacea; Sea birds; Feeding; Behaviour. Ano: 1992 URL: Piscicultura do pirarucu, Arapaima gigas. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: BARD, J.; IMBIRIBA, E. P. 1986 Tipo: Circular Técnica (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Pirarucu; Piscicultura; Peixe; Pesca intensiva; Pesca extensiva; Produção; Anatonia; Fisiologia; Comportamento; Arapaima gigas; Belém; Pará; Amazônia; Brasil; Pisciculture; Extensive fisheries; Production; Anatomy; Intensive fisheries; Physiology; Behaviour. Ano: 1986 URL: Possible chemical mimicry of the European lady’s slipper orchid (Cypripedium calceolus) Provedor de dados: 16 Autores: Przybyłowicz, T.; Roessingh, P.; Groot, A.T.; Biesmeijer, J.C.; Oostermijer, J.G.B.; Chittka, L.; Gravendeel, B. Pollination based on insect deception has been debated in the scientific community since it was first reported over two hundred years ago. A vast majority of deceptive syndromes occur within the orchid family. While many cheating flowers have been described and are well known, there are still many curious cases that need further investigation. One prime example of such a case is Cypripedium calceolus, known as European lady’s slipper orchid. While the flower has been of interest to many prominent scientists for over a century, its pollination is still not fully understood. Both visual and olfactory cues seem to play an important role in pollinator attraction. In this study we focussed on the olfactory cues in order to explore their relationship (in future... Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Bees; Behaviour; Chemical mimicry; Deception; EAG; Pollination; 42.75. Ano: 2012 URL: Proceedings of the Third International Megapode Symposium, Nhill, Australia, December 1997 [contents and introduction] Provedor de dados: 16 Autores: Dekker, R.W.R.J.; Jones, D.N.; Benshemesh, J. Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Megapodiidae; Galliformes; Aves; Biogeography; Phylogeny; Behaviour; Ecology; Conservation; Bibliography; 42.83. Ano: 1999 URL: Rendimento de grãos secos de cultivares de milho no Meio-Norte brasileiro. Provedor de dados: 119 Autores: CARDOSO, M.J.; CARVALHO, H.W.L. de; LEAL, M. de L. da S.; OLIVEIRA, A. C. de; SANTOS, M.X. dos; ROCHA, R.C. 2001 Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE) Palavras-chave: Milho; Comportamento; Variedades; Rendimento; Graos secos; Zea mays; Brasil; Brazil; Meio-Norte; Maize; Varieties; Yield; Behaviour; Dry grain. Ano: 2001 URL: Resultados de pesquisa com espécies de inverno: trigo - 1998. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: EMBRAPA AGROPECUÁRIA OESTE. Comportamento climatico durante o ciclo da cultura do trigo, em Dourados, MS, safra 1998; Avaliacao de cultivares de trigo em nivel estadual de experimentacao, no sul de Mato Grosso do Sul, safra 1998; Avaliacao de cultivares e linhagens de trigo em nivel final de experimentacao, no sul de Mato Grosso do Sul, safra 1998; Avaliacao de linhagens de trigo em nivel intermediario de experimentacao, no sul de Mato Grosso do Sul, safra 1998; Avaliacao de linhagens de trigo em nivel preliminar de experimentacao, no sul de Mato Grosso do Sul, safra 1998. Tipo: Documentos (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Trigo; Pesquisa; Comportamento; Cerrado; Triticum aestivum; Brasil; Mato Grosso do Sul; Wheat; Research; Behaviour; Brazil. Ano: 2000 URL: Schooling behaviour of small pelagic fish: phenotypic expression of independent stimuli Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Brehmer, Patrice; Gerlotto, François; Laurent, Charline; Cotel, Pascal; Achury, Alina; Samb, Birane. We compared echo sounder measurements of fish schools on Venezuelan and Senegalese coastal shelves. In both areas Sardinella aurita was the predominant aggregative species; the stocks are known to be genetically independent. Persistent school typology is described by analysing 7 acoustic surveys in Venezuela and comparing with pioneer observations in Senegal. The echo types encountered in both countries were comparable, with S. aurita and their associated species having comparable schooling behaviour. School morphology appears to be more related to species than to global characteristics of their ecosystems, as fish school descriptors were similar for both stocks. Nevertheless, S. aurita may adopt different school morphologies. Differentiation between day... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Small pelagic fish; Schooling; Phenotypic expression; In situ observations; Echo type; Diel cycle; Behaviour. Ano: 2007 URL: Seasonal and daily patterns of group size, cohesion and activity of the estuarine dolphin, Sotalia guianensis (P.J. van Bénéden) (Cetacea, Delphinidae), in southern Brazil Provedor de dados: 104 Autores: Daura-Jorge,Fábio G.; Wedekin,Leonardo L.; Piacentini,Vítor de Q.; Simões-Lopes,Paulo C. The resident population of estuarine dolphin, Sotalia guianensis (P.J. van Bénéden, 1864), in Norte Bay, Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, was studied from 2000 to 2003. Systematic one-day cruises were undertaken aboard a 5 m sail boat equipped with an outboard motor. Applying the focal-group method, information such as geographical position, predominant behavioural patterns, group size, cohesion index and the presence of calves, were registered at every five-minute interval, totalling 198 hours of direct observation of the dolphins. The estuarine dolphin used preferential areas for each behavioural pattern. The mean group size was approximately 29 individuals, and the presence of calves occurred throughout the entire year, but with a significant increase... Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Behaviour; Ecology; Group organization; Norte Bay; Temporal patterns. Ano: 2005 URL: Sedentary behaviour establishment in 0-group common sole Solea solea: a laboratory video-tracking study Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Durieux, Eric; Le Duigou, Mathieu; Millot, Sandie; Sasal, Pierre; Begout, Marie-laure. Spontaneous swimming activity of 0-group common sole (Solea solea) was evaluated using a video-tracking system under laboratory conditions. An experiment was conducted during two consecutive days on individuals sampled in June, July, September and November (2004) in a coastal nursery ground (Pertuis Charentais, Bay of Biscay, France). The measured behavioural variables were: distance travelled and frequency of occurrence of burying, swimming and immobility. 0-group sole showed a relatively clear circadian activity in line with the artificial light conditions (day, twilight and night). Swimming activity of 0-group sole decreased drastically from June to July, thereafter remaining at a very low level in September and November. Such important changes reflect... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Behaviour; Flatfish; Juvenile; Swimming activity; Video-tracking. Ano: 2010 URL: Stock collapses and their recovery: mechanisms that establish and maintain life-cycle closure in space and time Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Petitgas, Pierre; Secor, Dave H.; Mcquinn, Ian; Huse, Geir; Lo, Nancy. Experience has established that the recovery of many collapsed stocks takes much longer than predicted by traditional fishery population models. We put forward the hypothesis that stock collapse is associated with disruption of the biological mechanisms that sustain life-cycle closure of intrapopulation contingents. Based on a review of case studies of nine marine fish stocks, we argue that stock collapses not only involve biomass loss, but also the loss of structural elements related to life-cycle diversity (contingents), as well as the breakdown of socially transmitted traditions (through a curtailed age range). Behavioural mechanisms associated with these structural elements could facilitate recovery of depleted populations. Migratory behaviour is... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Behaviour; Collapse; Life-cycle diversity; Recovery. Ano: 2010 URL: Tamandua-da-soja: aspectos biologicos, danos e comportamento. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: HOFFMANN-CAMPO, C.B. 1989 Tipo: Folderes / Folhetos / Cartilhas (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Soja; Pesquisa; Entomologia; Inseto; Praga; Biologia; Comportamento; Dano; Controle; Sternechus subsignatus; Brasil; Soybean; Research; Entomology; Insect; Pest; Biology; Behaviour; Damage; Control; Brazil. Ano: 1989 Temperature resistance of Hesiolyra bergi, a polychaetous annelid living on deep-sea vent smoker walls Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Shillito, Bruce; Jollivet, Didier; Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Rodier, Philippe; Lallier, François; Desbruyeres, Daniel; Gaill, Françoise. For the first time, in vivo heat-exposure experiments were conducted on the hydrothermal vent polychaete Hesiolyra bergi from the hottest part of the vent biotope. Using a pressurised incubator equipped with video-facilities, we found that H. bergi, which forages around and in the tubes of the thermophilic Alvinella sp., became hyperactive once temperature exceeded 35 degreesC and further lost co-ordination in the 41 to 46 degreesC interval, just before death occurred. Another exposure experiment at 39 degreesC for 3 to 4 h led to 80 % mortality (max) 9 h after heat shock, and 100 % thereafter. In view of the much higher temperatures recorded in this organism's habitat, these results suggest that tolerance to high temperatures (exceeding 40 degreesC) is... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: IPOCAMP; Adaptation to heat; Behaviour; Hydrothermal vents. Ano: 2001 URL: The chemical volatiles (Semiochemicals) produced by neotropical stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Provedor de dados: 82 Autores: Moraes,Maria C.B.; Pareja,Martín; Laumann,Raúl A.; Borges,Miguel. In recent years the growing concern about environmental changes and how we are using the natural resources have triggered a search for natural products as alternatives to synthetic pesticides. The stink bugs produce a wide variety of chemical compounds (semiochemicals) that show potential to manage these insects. The stink bugs Chinavia impicticornis (Stål), C. ubica (Rolston), Dichelops melacanthus (Dallas), Euschistus heros (F.), Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood), Thyanta perditor (Westwood) and Tibraca limbativentris (Stål) had their blends of defensive compounds evaluated both qualitative and quantitatively. The main compounds identified on the glands of Brazilian stink bugs are: 2-alkenals, mainly the E isomer; saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons; and 4... Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Pheromone; Allelochemical; Aggregation; Behaviour; Soybean. Ano: 2008 URL: The new fisheries multibeam echosounder ME70: description and expected contribution to fisheries research Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Trenkel, Verena; Mazauric, Valerie; Berger, Laurent. Recently, Simrad in collaboration with Ifremer developed a calibrated, multibeam, vertical echosounder (ME70) for fisheries research. We describe its capabilities and technical limitations. The ME70 has up to 45 beams with distinct frequencies in the range 70120 kHz, spanning at most 150 degrees. All beams are stabilized in vessel roll and pitch. It has reduced side-lobe levels, up to -70 dB (two-way) instead of the -2S dB (one-way) of conventional systems. We outline research areas for which the ME70 might provide new types of information and hence lead to novel insights. We illustrate the potential contributions with datasets collected in the English Channel and on the continental-shelf break of the Bay of Biscay. Finally, future research and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Three dimensional; Behaviour; Acoustics; Abundance. Ano: 2008 URL: The significance of colour patterns in fish for the study of some fundamental issues in behaviour. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Baerends, Gerard P. In this paper, the author shows why fish can be extremely valuable subjects for the study of a number of behaviour problems of crucial fundamental importance. As this special suitability is based on the capacity of changing rapidly and reversibly the body colouration and its marking patterns, he gives examples of the relation between colours and behaviour in fish. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pisces; Colour; Behaviour. Ano: 1976 URL: Time of first suckling by kids in Northeast Brazil. Provedor de dados: 119 Autores: SILVA, A. E. D. F.; UNANIAN, M. M.; RIERA, G. S.; FOOTE, W. C. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of breed, type of birth and sex, on the interval between birth and first suckling and its effect in kid survival. Tipo: Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE) Palavras-chave: Breed; Caprino; Cabrito; Reprodução animal; Nascimento; Comportamento animal; Goats; Behaviour; Animal reproduction; Suckling; Kids; Birth; Breed. Ano: 1987 Trois saisons de pêche de la truite de mer Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Deschamps, Gerard; Miossec, Dominique; Pannier, Thierry. The research programme developed within in the framework of the project study of the Paluel site allowed us to highlight, near the drainage channel of the Durdent, a sea trout fishery using fixed nets in the area of the swaying of the tides. This activity, very much in use in the eastern English Channel and along the southern shoreline of the North Sea, not only for catching certain amphibiotic species but also species that are strictly of the sea, represents a sizeable cause of the mortality rate for salmonid populations during their coastal migrations. The studies begun on this fishery in 1980 have as their goal to assess the size of the salmonid catches near the site, especially of sea trout, and to acquire more complete knowledge of the catch, biology... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing; Behaviour; Biology; Nuclear plant; Survey; Paluel (France); Sea trout; Capture; Comportement; Biologie; Centrale nucléaire; Surveillance; Paluel; Truite de mer. Ano: 1983 URL: Using involvement to understand responses to biosecurity Provedor de dados: 31 Autores: Bewsell, Denise; Bigsby, Hugh R.; Cullen, Ross. The effectiveness of biosecurity measures at national borders is influenced by the behaviour and levels of involvement of travellers. Involvement is the importance or relevance of an object or situation to an individual. Involvement helps regulate the way in which people receive and process information and thus influences the extent of information searching for decision making, and information processing and persuasion. In this study, we drew on the concept of involvement to investigate the response of individuals to New Zealand biosecurity requirements. A range of people associated with the agricultural and food processing sectors were surveyed using a five item scale of involvement to measure their level of involvement in biosecurity. The results... Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Behaviour; Involvement; Biosecurity; Travellers; Information processing; Crop Production/Industries; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Land Economics/Use. Ano: 2009 URL: Uso do PVC (Viniagro) na melhoria do condicionamento ambiental de frangos de corte. Provedor de dados: 14 Autores: PERDOMO, C. C. 1998 Tipo: Comunicado Técnico (INFOTECA-E) Palavras-chave: Frango de corte; Instalação; Bem estar; Broiler; Housing; Behaviour. Ano: 1998 Variability in natural behaviour, and observed reactions to an ROV, by mid-slope fish species Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lorance, Pascal; Trenkel, Verena. The behaviour of eight large benthopelagic fish taxa was analysed using video records collected with an ROV on the mid-slope of the Bay of Biscay. The studied species were roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris), orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus), deep-sea scorpionfish (Trachyscorpia cristulata echinata), and black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo), as well as individuals belonging to the families Alepocephalidae, Chimaeridae, and Scyliorhinidae, and to the order Squaliformes. Some of the observed fish were grouped at the family taxonomical level due to visual identification to species being unreliable. Assumed natural (undisturbed) behaviour was categorised in terms of (i) body position with respect to the bottom sea floor, (ii) locomotion and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ROV; Life strategies; Fish; Diversity; Continental slope; Behaviour; Bay of Biscay. Ano: 2006 URL: Vergleich des Fortpflanzungsverhaltens einiger Pomacentriden, Cichliden und Centrarchiden (Pisces: Perciformes) Provedor de dados: 20 Autores: Albrecht, H. Comparando el comportamiento de reproducción de las tres familias percomorfas, Cichlidae, Pomacentridae y Centrarchidae, resultan relaciones claras entre las dos familias últimamente mencionadas. Las Cichlidae son diferentes de ellas. Sin embargo todavía no se deduce relaciones parentescas, basando en el material observado. Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Behaviour; Fish; Fish; Behaviour; Http://; Http:// Ano: 1968 URL: Waveform characterization of the soybean stem feeder Edessa meditabunda: overcoming the challenge of wiring pentatomids for EPG. Provedor de dados: 119 Autores: LUCINI, T.; PANIZZI, A. R. 2016 Tipo: Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE) Palavras-chave: True bugs; Stink bug; Electrical penetration graph; Electropenetrograph; Electronic monitoring of feeding; Insect wiring methodology; Behaviour; Hemiptera; Heteroptera; Pentatomidae; Fabaceae; Glycine max; Inseto; Alimentação; Monitoramento. Ano: 2016 บทบาทของเชื้อแบคทีเรียในทางเดินอาหารของแมลงวันผลไม้ (Diptera: Tephritidae) Provedor de dados: 106 Autores: Narit Thaochan. Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Fruit flies; Diptera; Tephritidae; Bactrocera dorsalis; Enterobacteriaceae; Symbiosis; Parasitism; Gut bacteria; Biodiversity; Behaviour; Growth; แมลงวันผลไม้; เชื้อแบคทีเรี ย; ภาวะแบบพึ่งพาอาศัยกัน; ภาวะที่เป็ นโทษต่อกัน; ทางเดินอาหาร; ความหลากหลายทางชนิด; กระบวนการเจริ ญเติบโต; การแสดงพฤติกรรม; การควบคุมประชากร; การควบคุมแมลงวันผลไม้. Ano: 2013 URL: