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Essential Standards
6.G.2- Apply the tools of a geographer to understand the
emergence, expansion and decline of civilizations, societies and
6.G.1- Understand geographic factors that influenced the
emergence, expansion and decline of civilizations, societies and
regions (i.e. Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas) over time
6.C&G.1- Understand the development of government in various
civilizations, societies and regions
6.C.1- Explain how the behaviors and practices of individuals and
groups influenced societies, civilizations and regions.
Clarifying Objective
 6.G.2.1Use maps, charts, graphs, geographic data and available technology tools
to draw conclusions about the emergence, expansion and decline of
civilizations, societies and regions
 6.G.1.4Explain how and why civilizations, societies and regions have used,
modified and adapted to their environments (e.g., invention of tools,
domestication of plants and animals, farming techniques and creation of
 6.C&G.1.3Compare the requirements for (e.g., age, gender and status) and
responsibilities of (e.g., paying taxes and military service) citizenship under
various governments.
 6.C.1.3Summarize systems of social structure within various civilizations and
societies over time
Essential Question
Who were “The Aztecs”
The The Aztecs were a tribe that many people
originated from the Atzlan Tribe of the
Southwest United States
They were polytheistic people meaning they
believed in multiple gods
They were a warrior culture but were
supported by agriculture as corn/maize was
their main food
The Mexicas/Tenochca
 The story of the Aztec Civilization begins
with a nomadic people called the
 The Mexicas/Tenochca arrived in the
Valley of Mexico on Lake Texcoco
around 1250 A.D.
 They found 5 other strong tribes living
there already
 They couldn’t find a place to settle
The Mexicas/Tenochca
• The Mexica/Tenochca
wanted to settle on Lake
Texcoco as as they realized
that settling around a body of
water was one of the major
keys to the survival of a
• They moved from shore to
shore on Lake Texcoco
getting kicked out left & right
because another civilization
owned that shoreline
The Mexicas
 The Mexicas were finally invited
to settle on poor lands by the
Culhuacan who wanted to use
the Mexicas/Tenochca as
 As a tribute the
Mexicas/Tenochca asked
permission to make the
Culhuacan king’s daughter the
goddess Yaocihuatl through an
ancient Mexica/Tenochca ritual
The Mexicas
Culhuacan King was honored and very happy
and accepted the ritual as a sign of respect &
The Culhuacan King’s daughter was led to a
small temple
She was to become the goddess of war in the
Aztec Culture
Yaocihuatl is a word that is used for a woman
It translates to woman warrior in Spanish
(mujer guerrera) or woman that wages war
The Mexica’s Religious Belief
The Mexicas believed in order to make her a goddess
she would need to live with the gods
In order to live with the gods she needed to be
sacrificed (human sacrifice)
The Aztecs were known for making human sacrifices
to their gods (the Mayans & Incas also offered
sacrifices but not human sacrifices)
Mexicas & Culhuacan Unification Ceremony
 During the
Mexicas/Tenochca &
Culhuacan Unification
Ceremony there was
food & dance & laughter
& thousands of people
 Then it became time for
the Culhuacan King’s
daughter to be
recognized as a goddess
Mexicas & Culhuacan Unification Ceremony
Everyone was wearing masks
decorated in stone tiles,
decorated wood & shells
which was religious custom
With everyone watching one
of the Mexica/Tenochca
priests came out of the small
temple wearing the
Culhuacan King’s daughter’s
face as a facemask
Culhuacan King
 Obviously the
Culhuacan King was
furious and expelled
the Mexica/Tenochca
out of Culhuacan
 The Mexica again
were nomadic and
looking for a place to
Where the Eagle Sits
 That night that they were ordered
to flee the Mexicas/Tenochca
King had a dream
 The dream ordered him to lead
his people to the place where the
eagle sits upon the cactus with a
snake in his talons
 The next day the
Mexica/Tenochca King led them
to an island where he witnessed
an Eagle sitting on a Cactus with a
snake in his talons
Build Your City
In the dream the King was
instructed to build a city
where he found the Eagle
on the cactus with the snake
and the city would be
prosperous beyond his
The island where the Eagle
sat upon the cactus
happened to be in the
middle of Lake Texcoco
• The Mexicas/Tenochca
began building the city which
they named Tenochtitlan
because they were known as
the Tenochca
• The Mexicas/Tenochca
became skilled warriors
and began attacking
other tribes in the
region (current day
• Their enemies began
to call them the
Aztecs for the region
that they originally
came from (Aztlan)
• Tenochtitlan became
the religious center &
trade of the Aztecs
Sun Stone & Temples
• Aztecs built temples to worship their
• Aztecs create the Sun Stone as a
tribute to their sun god
• Some believe it served as the Aztec
calendar although that theory many
do not think is true
• However the Sun Stone is still a
symbol of pride in Mexico today
Allying with the Mayans
& Toltec
The Triple Alliance
• In 1427 the Aztecs
allied together with the
Mayan & Toltec people
• Itzacoatl came into
power & became the
Emperor of the Aztecs
• Each of the three
Cultures had their
Allying with the Mayans & Toltec
The Triple Alliance
• The Toltec people were
responsible for education
• The Mayan’s were
responsible for arts &
government & societal
• The Aztecs were
responsible for expanding
the empire & attacking
other civilizations
Aztecs Conquer
Under the Emperor
Montazuma the Aztec
empire conquered many
villages around current day
When they conquered the
village they would make the
village become part of the
This is why they became so
Moving to Tenochtitlan
• Most of the
conquered empires
began moving to
Tenochtitlan and the
city became large
• During the time of
Montzmuma the
Aztec Empire
became huge
Aztec Society
• Aztec Society was
centered around a
Caste System
• It was led by an
emperor but your
social status was
determined by your
lineage or who your
parents were
• Noble
• Commoner
Nobles & Commoners
• If you were a noble you
were believed to be a
descendent of
Quetzacoatl the wind
god of religion
• If you were a commoner
you were not a
descendent of any god
City Structure
People lived in Calpulli which were their towns
Many Calpulli make a Altepetl which was like a
small city
All of the Calpullis & Altepetl made up
The Aztecs required all children
to be educated
Their parents were responsible
for educating children up to age
After age 14 children would go to
telpochcalli or calmecac
Calmecac- priest, teacher,
Telpochcalli- history, military,
trade skill
Tenochtitlan becomes Huge
• Tenochtitlan became
• At it’s height their were
believed to be a
minimum of 250,000
people that lived there.
Some say more than
1,000,000 people may
have lived there
The Fall of the Aztec Empire happened
under Montazuma II
The Aztecs fell as a result of the Spanish
Conquest to the Americas
We will go over that tomorrow though
Important Points
• 6.G.2- Using different maps &
charts we can see that the Aztec
Civilization was located in
• 6.G.1- Lake Texcocco was a
huge geographic factor that
influenced the success of the
Aztec Civilization
• 6.G.1- Lake Texcoco was the
reason Aztecs were able to
grow Corn in their Chinampas
which they traded for other
• 6.C&G.1- The Aztecs had a
Caste system led by an
emperor. In a caste system your
social status depended on you
lineage (your parents)
• 6.C&G.1- Aztecs were either
Nobles or commoners with
Nobles thought to be
descendents of the Religious
god Quetzalcoatl
• 6.C.1- Aztecs made human
sacrifices to their gods