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”The Perfect
BuildingASix Figure Network Marketing Business
Leveraging On An Unconventional Approach Unknown To
So Many People!
The essence of this report is to quickly show you without wasting any time, a
proven system that can earn you extra income and if you are really serious
about it, can build you a monthly cash flow of passive income in 2016.
As said earlier on our salespage,we are Forever Business Owners.We don’t need
to tell our stories again. It’s all over that same page where you downloaded this
report. Invariably, we are professional network marketers. However, we don’t
do network marketing the way most people in this country do it. Our
exceptional and unique approach to network marketing, especially the Forever
Business plan has earned us most of the things you saw on our websites earlier.
This is why we have decided to create a system of mentorship that will permit us
to teach and mentor just 100 people in the direction of learning, doing, and
achieving the kind of results we already have.
This report will be practical and straight to the point.We are only revealing to
you what wehave been doing daily in the last 20 months with amazing results. If
you just stumbled on this report without going through the appropriate
protocol, you can visit to see proofs of
our amazing results!
The whole essence of this report is to show you how to start immediately
counting on our mentorship and support.
The opportunity I am about showing you also leverage on something I
believe you must have heard before.
To be rich, you must learn to sell something.It could be a product or service (I
know you are already contemplating tuning off….Just wait until I finish.It’s not
what you think you know!)
Most people detest selling.Infarct when they see that word “sell”, what comes to
their mind is what has been programmed in their minds long time ago.
A lot of people see selling as hawking.Some see it as tedious.Some even see it
as what they cannot do because they do not like to disturb people.
According to T.HarvEker, (author of the book “Secrets of The Millionaire
Mind), he referred to selling as one of the world’s highest-paid professions.
Well the truth here is that all of us have, at one time or the other sold
ourselves in various ways.We have communicated our values,opinions and
desires in various ways to other people using this same concept.
Thank God for technology.Selling is now very easy.You can be in your house
and sell your product,service,or ideas to anyone anywhere across the globe.
That’s enough for now on selling.
Look at the following pictures.Do you agree with me that these billionaires are
all selling a particular thing to the world and from there make their money
Figure 1-Billionaires
From Top:
Aliko Dangote, Mike Adenuga, MrsModupeAlakija
Bill Gates, Donald Trump
If you are not sure what these billionaires are selling, just type their names into
Rex Maughan (Founder, Forever Living Products)
Forever Living Product (FLP) is the company behind this great opportunity.
Irrespective of what you think you know about this company and their
products, the fact remains that this is a system that works.
If I ask you if you know Barrack Obama, I am so sure you will say Yes.
But if I ask you about his shoe size, you will definitely say No!
That’s what we are talking about.
Forever Living Products is one of the best Network Marketing Companies
around the world.
This company started in 1978 (37 years ago).The company came to Nigeria 15
years ago. This company have systems in place and have developed over
200products from Aloe Vera and Bee products. Forever Living Products own over
80% of the world’s Aloe Vera production. Aloe Vera has been around for a long
long time. The Bible and the Quran referred to it severally. It’s been called
“Nature’s Doctor”
Forever Living Products have survived the years because their products have
universal appeal, promotes health and beauty, and are of the highest quality.
The company is vertically integrated – meaning that they are fully on top of the
production of their products right from their farms.
Forever’s manufacturing centres showcase some of the most advanced
production equipment available for packaging the highest quality products
available in today’s marketplace.
Forever is dedicated to seeking out nature’s best sources for health and beauty
and offering them to the world.
Several scientific and medical research across the globe have attested to the
health benefit of Aloe Vera for the healing and management of several diseases.
When we started this business in 2014, we decided that we won’t do it the
conventional way.We wanted to use an approach that will encourage people to
see this as what they can do.We decided to simplify the business in such a way
that a new prospect will be encouraged to start off immediately.
Considering our vast experience in this industry and on the
internet,especially when it comes to internet marketing and social media
marketing, it became obvious to us that since the products of this company
are so valuable,the best thing to do is to leverage on the power of the
internet and social media to make it more visible.
This we did and it worked!
As you can see on the page that brought you here,we have done this
before,empowering people on how to do this business same way that we did.
However, if you key into this opportunity, we have even improved more on our
strategies by automating most of the technical aspect of getting started.
What the rest of this report will be doing now is to show you how to get
started, and what you need to do immediately you become a registered FBO.
To get started means you are ready to become an FBO.Who is an FBO?
An FBO is a Forever Business Owner. It’s all about business ownership,especially
a form of business ownership that can lead to passive income generation.Passive
income generation is the ultimate ticket to financial freedom.
Before I tell youhow to get started, let me quickly tell you why some people
have failed doing this kind of business (and some are still failing because they
have refused to listen to some of us).
Most people who failed in this business have refused to understand that this is
a network marketing business model. So rather than learn the best approach to
marketing, they keep busy doing it wrongly and eventually, they get frustrated
and conclude that this business doesn’t work.
Forever living business, or any form of network marketing business will never
work once you don’t have a marketing system, especially the kind of marketing
system that we use where customers are the ones running after you rather than
you running after customers!
What we have done is to create a system that will allow you to start immediately
with our own kind of marketing system already installed for you.
One of the reason the marketing system also work for us is that rather than
sell just products, we sell SOLUTIONS.
Customers don’t just buy products.They’re only interested in buying
products that will solve a definite problem for them.
Also it must be noted here that we just don’t solve problems with our products,
we have been able to identify problems with a lot of emotional attachment.
So when you decide to start with us, you will be permitted to choose a desired
package. Each package comes with a definite market area that have been
tested to work.It therefore means that when you activate your package, you
can choose any of the market area that is of interest to you, and the
marketing system for that market area will be activated for you to start using
immediately.This we have done for you leveraging on some very profitable
markets that have been tested and proven to work.
We will quickly take you through some of those market areas now and also
show you the various website templates that have been designed for each of
these markets.These are the same templates we have used and taught some of
our team members to use.Till today,they are still very profitable.
The essence of all these is that once you go through each of these market area,
you can decide on which one you want and by virtue of the package you
chose, a market area will be set up for you as part of the benefits of picking
your own mentorship pack.
Hungry Fishes
The picture above is just an illustration of what will happen when you offer your
customers solutions to problems with emotional attachment. They will
bombard you like those hungry fishes, begging you to collect their money in
exchange for the solution you carry.
Weight Management Market
This is a very huge and hot market. I never knew
Nigerians are so conscious of their weight until I started
doing this business.The reason is not farfetched from the
fact that everyone today is beginning to understand the
health hazards of being overweighti.e heart disease, high
blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and even
sudden death.
Beyond the fact that there are several health
complications associated with being overweight, the
emotional attachment is huge.
I have seen women who were more or less begging to
get our weight management product because their
husband will be coming from abroad and they don’t
want the men to see them as “mama”!
Also, I have met ladies who were apparently begging to
get our weight management product because they
needed to lose some weight so that they can fit well into
their birthday dresses.
These and many more are the levels of emotional
attachment that could be associated with being
overweight. The links below are samples of the kind of
marketing website already tested to work with this market
area. When you activate your package with us, you will be
getting this kind of set-up alongside your business so that
it will be so easy to reach out to so many prospective
customers and hence give your business a leverage
compared to someone who just joined the
business and feels he/she can make things happen
by walking around the street disturbing people!
Men’s Sexual Health
This is another highly emotional niche/market
area. The reason is mainly because most men will
leave nothing undone to satisfy their sexual hunger.
So whenever something goes wrong with men’s ability to
play their God ordained role sexually, it becomes highly
emotional and could affect their self-esteem in a way.
In view of this, most men may not care “how much it
cost” to get that problem solved especially when the
solution comes in a way that will not pose any danger
to other body functions.
We have a range of products already combined to solve
problems for men in this area. Common problems like
erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, lack of
libido, low sperm count, have been completely managed
with our product combination in this market area.
We also have already designed and tested online selling
system for this market area and if you decide to pick this
niche with your package, your marketing system will be
activated for you within 48 hours of payment
Female Fertility Boosters
The female gender is closely identified with reproduction
(though it’s the duty of both male and female).
When a woman cannot conceive, the society see such
women as “barren” not considering the fact that the
cause of the barrenness could actually be from the man.
However, it should be noted that a lot of issues can cause
infertility in women compared to men.
Infertility is highly emotional for a woman. Every
woman takes pride in becoming a mother. So when it’s
not happening or it is delayed, it becomes a very big
burden for the woman, who is mostly seen by her
relative, in-laws, and society as the culprit!
Our range of fertility boosting products have been
professionally selected and combined to assist, support
and aid conception.
We also have already designed and tested online selling
system for this market area and if you decide to pick this
niche with your package, your marketing system will
be activated for you within 48 hours of payment
Fibroid Solution Market Area
Fibroid is a condition that is prevalent in 50-80% of
women within childbearing age.
Most often, it occurs with pregnancy.
Fibroid may not necessarily affect a woman’s ability to
conceive, but it may increase the risk of miscarriage,
preterm birth, or breech birth.
Because of the close link between Uterine Fibroid
and Child birth, it becomes very emotional.
Our range of fibroid removal products have been
professionally selected and combined to assist, support
and stop the growth of fibroid within the body.
We also have already designed and tested online selling
system for this market area and if you decide to pick this
niche with your package, your marketing system will be
activated for you within 48 hours of payment
Diabetes/Wellness Market Area
Diabetes is a very popular disease. As a matter of fact, it
has been termed the disease of affluence in some
About 3.7million cases of diabetes have been diagnosed
so far in Nigeria alone (with so many yet undiagnosed!)
There are over 322 million cases globally.
The challenge here is not just the diabetes. The major
thing is the emotional imbalance it poses to sufferers
who have been placed on several restrictions by their
nutritionists and physicians in terms of what they can eat.
Also, there are various complications of diabetes with
several emotional effects like eventual reduction in sexual
ability most especially for men.
If not properly managed, it could affect vision,
the kidney, and vital body functions as well.
One beautiful thing about this niche is that you have
several sufferers who have money to spend here. They
mostly don’t care how much it cost as long as it’s
going to work.
However, this is a niche where knowledge is essential.You
must understand very well what you are selling here or
else your clients will throw you off balance with their
Nevertheless, it should be noted here that everything
needed to succeed in this market area in terms of
knowledge will also be made available in the course
of the mentorship program.
Our range of diabetes management and wellness
products have been professionally selected and
combined to assist, support and possibly reverse diabetes
within the body of sufferers.
We also have already designed and tested online selling
system for this market area and if you decide to pick this
niche with your package, your marketing system will be
activated for you within 48 hours of payment
Skin Care (With Special Focus on Strechmarks)
How we look is actually very important to so many of us
because of the fact that we are social beings.
Our outlook says a lot about our person
and personalities.
Females especially take very special care of their skin for
obvious reasons. Beauty has been part of humanity
from time immemorial.
In the course of maintaining our beauty, some people
have gotten themselves into trouble by using skin care
products that eventually subjected them to skin cancer
because of the toxic ingredients present in some of those
skin care products.
This skin care products includes body creams, make up
products, and other varieties.
In view of the huge market available to spend money
now on skin care products which will not harm their
body, we have professionally selected skin care products
that will not only help you skin come out better, but will
also help those with common skin challenges like
Stretchmarks is highly emotional and it’s common in
several women. Due to this condition, many women
have stopped wearing some of their beautiful
“armless dresses” because they don’t want people to
see their stretchmarks. Many have placed themselves
on several other restrictions.
Some also have spots on their faces and legs.
A young lady with spots on the leg might not find it
so convenient to wear short skirts. Those with facial
spots don’t always like it too.
Our range of skin care products have been so beneficial
to many of our clients in this area.
When you activate your package and you decide to build
a business around this market area, we already got you
Vision Care (Eye Care )
What could be more terrible than having a pair of eyes
and not seeing well?
Several people, old and young usually have eye challenges
nowadays due to several known and unknown reasons.
Irrespective of the kind of eye defects you may have, two
of our products have been doing this “magic” for a while
now. They are specifically manufactured and designed to
manage ocular (eye) problems.
And we also have a ready-made marketing system that
will assist in a lot of ways in this regard.
Once you activate your pack, you can try this out.
It’s been tested to work!
All these market areas have been specially selected because
of two things;
a. The population of people with these needs
b. The emotional attachment involved
The beauty of our system is that everything have been
designed, the necessary product combinations that solves
these problems have been done, and we have tested these
market areas and confirmed that they work.
Also it should be noted that our research team of specialists
keeps coming up with different market areas on a monthly
basis.As a matter of fact, there are others already undergoing
testing that we haven’t listed here. As soon as our market
research team give us a go ahead, we will definitely upload
them so that interested participants can also add them to the
already existing markets in order to maximize profit.
Now That You Have Been Able To See Several Market Areas
Available to You For Business Leveraging On The Forever
Business Opportunity, What You Need Now Is The Right
Approach To Properly Starting The Business.
With our tested and proven approach, you will be able to
do the following:
1. You will be able to market your product to
anyone anywhere in the world
2. You will be appropriately mentored to know what to
do anytime
3. You will have a marketing website that helps you
promote the value of any of these market areas to
the world
4. You will be taught how to do targeted adverts on
platforms like Facebook, Online newspapers, blogs
like LIB (Linda Ikeji) and so on.
5. If you are a busy professional, you can combine this
business with your job and still do well.
6. You will also be linked to an online support system
where you can learn more about this business
without leaving your house.
This and many more will be revealed in the SECOND PART of
this report!
Don’t be surprised that this report has PART 2.
It’s my way of actually getting the READY 100 to
empower in this business.
Network marketing needs a lot of support and
leadership.The reality is that I can’t work with everyone.I
need those who are genuinely serious.
So if you are genuinely ready, you need to ORDER for
the SECOND & CONCLUDING PART of this report so as
to know which package to start with and what the
benefits will be for you.
To place your order for this SECOND part, kindly
DEPOSIT a sum of N3500 (Three Thousand Five
Hundred Naira) into the account listed below.
Once your payment is made,kindly send a text message
to 08068094929 with the following information:
Name of depositor:
Email address:
Phone number:
The concluding part of the report will be sent to you
within 24 hours via your email and you will be
notified accordingly.
If you feel this report is enough for you and you
don’t need the concluding part, it’s all yours to keep.
If you feel you need an additional stream of income,
then let’s work and run together with this.
To your success,