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Chemistry I Final Exam Study Sheet 5-14-06
1. Dependent variable - factor/condition being measured that changes due to affects of the independent variable
2. Independent variable The only factor/condition different from controls that is applied to check its affect
3. Constants - All the factors/conditions that are identical among the experimental groups
4. Control – That to which the experimental group is being compared
5. Hypothesis - A proposed explanation or reason for what is observed that is based on former knowledge
6. Theory - An explanation based on knowledge gained from many observations & investigations
7. Scientific Law - A concise statement describing natural events that seems always true; no explanation is given.
8a. Physical properties: appearance, state of matter, viscosity, density, mass, volume, magnetism,
boiling/freezing/condensation/melting/sublimation point, color, odor, solubility, hardness
8b. Chemical properties: flammable, corrosive, combustible, explosive, reactive, inert,
9. Qualitative vs. Quantitative measurement: The class is fun. = Qualitative; There are 8 men & 6 women = Quant.
10. Accurate vs. precise: My arrows all landed together = Precise; You made bull's eye both times. = Accurate
11. SI: mass (kg), length (m), vol. (cm3), temp (K), time (sec.), pressure (Pa), energy (J), current (A)
12. Non-SI units: vol. (L), temp (o C), pressure (atm or mm Hg), energy (cal)
13. Density = g/cm3
14. Specific gravity = (density of substance)/ (density of water); 15. Kelvin = 273 + o C
16. Dalton’s atomic theory: 1] Elements are composed of indivisible particles called atoms. [2] Atoms of the same
element are identical [3] Atoms of different elements can combine in whole-number ratios. [4] Chemical reactions
occur when atoms are separated, joined, or rearranged, but are not changed into atoms of a different element.
17. Protons (~1 amu) & neutrons (~1 amu) found in the nucleus & are held together by the strong force.
18. Electrons (~ 10-4 amu) are found outside the nucleus in electron clouds.
19. Protons have (+) charge; electrons have (-) charge; neutrons have no charge.
20. Atomic number = # of protons; also = # electrons in neutral element
21. Atomic mass = weighted average masses of all isotopes; = (# protons + # neutrons)
22. Atomic mass – atomic number = # neutrons
23. The amu for all elements in the Periodic Table is based on the mass of Carbon-12.
24. Strong nuclear forces exist between __c_.
A. Quarks
B. Protons & electrons C. Protons & Neutrons D. Mesons E. Neutrons & electrons
25. Weak nuclear forces exist between _a__.
A. Quarks
B. Protons & electrons C. Protons & Neutrons D. Mesons E. Neutrons & electrons
26. Strong forces are __d___ than electrical forces.
A. 10X stronger
B. 10X weaker C. Further reaching
D. 100X stronger
B. 100X weaker
27. The kinetic theory does NOT include this basic assumption. __c__
A. All matter is composed of small particles.
B. These particles are in constant random motion.
C. Small collisions produce some heat. D. Particles are colliding with one another & the container.
28. Temperature is _b__
A. The amount of heat in an object.
B. The object’s average kinetic energy. C. Both A & B
D. The sum of kinetic & potential energy E. All of the above
29. With respect to the total amount of thermal energy in particles of a substance, __c__
A. Solid > Liquid > Gas B. Solid = Liquid = Gas
C. Solid < Liquid < Gas D. none of the above
30. The temperature of the heat of vaporization is __c___ the temperature of the heat of condensation.
A. Less than
B. Less than or equal to C. Equal to D. Greater than E. Greater than or equal to
31. Matter can be classified either as __b___ or ______.
A. Solid; Mixture
B. Substance; Mixture
C. Element; Energy
D. Chemical; Synthetic
32. Elements and compounds are examples of __b_
A. Solids
B. Substances
C. Mixtures
D. Synthetics
E. A & C
33. The atoms of a(n) ___b__ are all alike.
A. Compound
B. Element
C. Homogenous mixture
D. Solution
E. Substance
34. Granite, concrete, and soup mix are examples of a(n) _c___.
A. Compound
B. Element
C. Heterogeneous mixture
D. Homogeneous mixture E. Substance
35. Colloids can be distinguished from suspensions by differences in __e_.
A. Filtration
B. Settling out
C. Both A & B
D. Tyndall effect
E. All of the above
36. Glue, fog, and paint are examples of __a__
A. Colloids B. Solutions
C. Suspensions
D. Homogeneous mixtures E. Substances
37. The law of conservation of mass explains why _c__
A. Air pollution/smog comes from burning
B. mass of reagents = mass of products + unused reagents
C. Both A & B D. Neither A nor B
38. The atomic mass is equal to the number of _d___.
A. Electrons
B. Neutrons
C. Protons
D. B & C
E. All of the above
39. The atomic number is equal to the number of _e__.
A. Electrons
B. Neutrons
C. Protons
D. B & C
E. A or C
40. Isotopes of an element have different numbers of _b___.
A. Electrons
B. Neutrons
C. Protons
D. B & C
E. A or C
41. The Group Number on the Periodic Table indicates the __e_.
A. # Electrons
B. # energy levels C. # neutrons
D. # protons E. # valence electrons
42. The Period Number on the Periodic Table indicates the _b__.
A. # Electrons
B. # energy levels C. # neutrons
D. # protons E. # valence electrons
43. In electron dot diagrams, the dots represent the __e_.
A. # Electrons
B. # energy levels C. # neutrons
D. # protons E. # valence electrons
44. The __e___ group is the most stable of elements.
A. Alkali & alkaline earth metals B. Transition metals C. Nonmetals D. Halogens E. Noble gases
45. Group ___a__ is the most chemically reactive group of elements in the Periodic Table.
A. One
B. Two C. Four D. Six
E. Eight
46. The element ___b__ is the most electronegative of any in the Periodic Table.
A. Cesium
B. Fluorine
C. Francium
D. Hydrogen
E. Helium
46. Compounds are held together when electrons are __e___.
A. Exchanged
B. Gained
C. Lost
D. Shared
E. B, C, & D
47. Ions are formed when elements ____e_ electrons.
A. Exchange
B. Gain
C. Lose
D. Share
E. Both B & C
48. Covalent bonds are formed when elements __d___ electrons.
A. Exchange
B. Gain
C. Lose
D. Share
E. Both B & C
49. Polar bonds are formed when elements unequally ___d__ electrons.
A. Exchange
B. Gain
C. Lose
D. Share
E. Both B & C
50. Oxidation numbers indicate how many electrons are __e___ to become most stable.
A. Exchanged
B. Gained
C. Lost
D. Shared
E. B, C, & D
51. Oxidation numbers can be calculated from knowing the _a____.
A. Group #
B. Period #
C. Atomic #
D. Atomic Mass #
E. Isotope #
52. One nearly always begins with the name of the __b___ when naming a compound.
A. Anion
B. Cation
C. Polyatomic ion
D. Class
E. Either A or B
53. Metals do NOT have this property. __c____
A. Conductance
B. Ductility
C. Insulation
D. Luster
E. Malleability
54. Metalloids are great __c_.
A. Insulators B. Resistors
C. Semiconductors
D. Transmitters
E. Tuners
55. Synthetic materials typically have more than _c___ protons.
A. 58
B. 83
C. 92
D. 104
E. None of the above
56. Ionic compounds are typically solids at room temperature with __e__ melting points.
A. Low
B. Medium low
C. Medium
D. Medium high
E. High
57. Formula units are written for __b___, whereas molecular formulas are written for ______.
A. Crystals; compounds B. Compounds; molecules C. Molecules; compounds D. Crystals; molecules
58. Consistent with Dalton’s atomic theory that atoms combine in whole-number ratios, _d__ is true.
A. Law of definite proportions
B. Law of multiple proportions
C. Law of conservation of mass
D. Both A & B E. All of the above
59. Most transition elements have multiple charges; Ag, Zn, & Cd have these charges, respectively. _e__
A. +2, +2, +3
B. +1, +2, +3 C. +1, +2, +1
D. +2, +1, +2
E. +1, +2, +2
60. Polyatomic ions for sulfate, carbonate, nitrate, & phosphate are correctly written as __a__ .
A. SO42-, CO32-, NO31-, PO43B. SO42-, CO31-, NO31-, PO42- C. SO23-, CO31-, NO32-, PO422123D. SO3 , CO3 , NO3 , PO4
E. SO43-, CO32-, NO32-, PO4261. In writing chemical formulas, one indicates the __b___ with a Roman numeral.
A. Number of atoms
B. Oxidation # C. Charge of the anion D. Valence #
E. Group #
62. Avogadro’s number, 6.023 x 1023, is the number of representative particles per _c___.
A. Kilogram
B. Liter
C. Mole
D. Gram
E. Milliliter
63. The gram atomic mass of every element must contain the same number of ___b__.
A. Grams
B. Atoms
C. Molecules
D. Both A & B E. Both A & C
64. The friction between moving molecules in a liquid is called ___e______.
A. Adsorption
B. Boiling
C. Condensation
D. Osmosis
E. Viscosity
65. The stronger the intermolecular forces in a liquid, the ___c___ the viscosity.
A. Weaker
B. Lower
C. Greater
D. Darker
E. More variable
66. Liquids with hydrogen bonds tend to have _____c______ viscosities.
A. Weaker
B. Lower
C. Greater
D. Darker
E. More variable
67. Insects can walk on water because of a property known as ____d______.
A. Diffusion
B. Osmosis
C. Hydrolysis D. Surface tension
E. Polarity
68. Matter that has a definite volume and a definite shape is a ___d____.
A. Gas
B. Liquid
C. Plasma
D. Solid
E. Both B & D
69. Gas-like mixture with no definite volume or shape composed of (+) & (-) charged particles is __c_.
A. Gas
B. Liquid
C. Plasma
D. Solid
E. Both B & D
70. The idea that matter is made up of small particles that are in constant motion is ___d____.
A. Archimedes’ principle B. Boyle’s law C. Charles’ law D. The kinetic theory E. Pascal’s principle
71. At constant temperature, pressure of a gas increases as volume decreases per ___c__ law/ principle.
A. Archimedes’ B. Bernoulli’s
C. Boyle’s
D. Charles’
E. Pascal’s
72. At constant pressure, volume of gas increases with increasing temperature per __d__ law/ principle.
A. Archimedes’ B. Bernoulli’s
C. Boyle’s
D. Charles’
E. Pascal’s
73. The buoyant force on an object = the weight of the fluid displaced by the object per a law/ principle.
A. Archimedes’ B. Bernoulli’s
C. Boyle’s
D. Charles’
E. Pascal’s
74. Pressure applied to a fluid is transmitted unchanged throughout the fluid is ___e___ statement.
A. Archimedes’ B. Bernoulli’s
C. Boyle’s
D. Charles’
E. Pascal’s
***** Match the man with the revolutionary concept or discovery for which he is noted.
75. ____e___ The electron
A. Bohr B. Dalton
C. de Broglie
D. Pauli
E. Thomson
76. ___d____ The positively charged nucleus
A. Aufbau
B. Dalton
C. Hund
D. Rutherford
E. Thomson
77. ___a____ Electron orbitals
A. Bohr B. Dalton
C. Heisenberg
D. Plank
E. Thomson
78. ___b____ The atom as an indivisible unit of matter
A. Aufbau
B. Dalton
C. de Broglie
D. Newton E. Pauli
79. ____c___ All matter exhibits wavelike properties
A. Aufbau
B. Bohr
C. de Broglie
D. Heisenberg
E. Plank
80. ___e____ Quanta of energy are absorbed or emitted
A. Aufbau
B. de Broglie
C. Einstein
D. Newton
E. Plank
81. ___c____ That light could be described as quanta of energy called “photons”
A. Bohr B. de Broglie
C. Einstein
D. Newton
E. Plank
82. ___a____ Electrons enter orbitals of lowest energy first
A. Aufbau
B. Dalton
C. Heisenberg
D. Hund
E. Pauli
83. ____d___ An atomic orbital may describe at most 2 electrons
A. Aufbau
B. Einstein
C. Hund
D. Pauli
E. Rutherford
84. _c_ When electrons occupy equivalent energy orbitals, 1 electron enters each orbital until all the orbitals
contain 1 electron with parallel spins.
A. Aufbau
B. Dalton
C. Hund
D. Pauli
E. Thomson
85. __c_____ It is impossible to know both the postion of a particle and its velocity simultaneously.
A. Aufbau
B. Dalton
C. Heisenberg
D. Hund
E. Pauli
86. At the boiling point, the vapor pressure is _ e_ the atmospheric pressure.
A. Slightly below
B. Slightly above
C. Significantly below D. Significantly above E. Equal
87. ____b__ are two or more different molecular forms of the same element in the same physical state.
A. Isomers
B. Allotropes
C. Isotopes
D. Amorphophs
E. Dipole
88. The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance 1 degree Celsius is _a_.
A. Specific heat capacity
B. Heat capacity
C. calorie
D. Calorie
E. Joule
89. At constant pressure, the heat content is called ___c___.
A. Temperature B. Radions
C. Enthalpy D. Entropy
E. Empathy
90. A thermochemical reaction with H = -14.2 kJ would ___b___.
A. Be endothermic B. Be exothermic C. Never occur D. Occur very slowly E. None of the above
91. The molar heat of fusion represents the ___d___.
A. Temperature of radioactive fusion
B. Temperature of liquid turning to solid
C. The heat of forming compounds D. Heat absorbed as a solid melts to a liquid E. None of the above
92. The heat of condensation is ___a___ the heat of vaporization.
A. Equal B. Lower than
C. Higher than D. Less than or equal to
E. Greater than or equal to
93. One can determine the heat of reaction without performing the actual reaction according to __d__.
A. Kelvin
B. Dalton
C. Einstein
D. Hess E. deBroglie
94. PV= nRT describes __d__.
A. Charles’ & Boyle’s discoveries
B. Real-world gases
C. Gay-Lussac’s discovery
D. Ideal Gas Law
E. All the above
95. The Periodic Table can be considered as groups of elements depending on the orbitals of their outer shells, s, p,
d, & f. The proper pairing of Groups and orbitals are _____b___.
A. 1-2A: s; 3B-8B-2B:p;3A-8A:d; inner transition :f
B. 1-2A: s; 3B-8B-2B:d;3A-8A:p; inr. transition :f
C. 1-2A: s; 3B-8B-2B:p;3A-8A:f; inner transition :d E. 1-2A: s; 3B-8B-2B:f;3A-8A:p; inr. transition :d
96. Atomic radii (excluding transition elements) decrease as you go __e__ the Periodic Table.
A. Right across a Period B. Down a Group C. Left across a Period D. Up a Group E. Both A & D
97. The tendency of atoms to attract electrons when chemically combined with other atoms is __c_.
A. Ionization energy
B. Oxidation # C. Electronegativity D. Isomerization E. None of the above
98. For elements of the same period, _____b_____ remains constant.
A. Oxidation #
B. Shielding
C. Ionization energy
D. Electronegativity
E. Nuclear charge
99. The ____e_______ states that atoms tend to achieve the electron configuration of a noble gas.
A. Aufbau principle
B. Bohr model
C. Rule of Hund
D. Lewis Dot Law
E. Octet Rule
100. In a neutral compound/molecule, the sum of the oxidation numbers must __a__
A. Equal zero
B. Be positive
C. Be negative
D. Either A or B
E. Either A or C
101. The attraction of free-floating valence electrons for positively charged metal ions is ___d___
A. Ionic bonds
B. Covalent bonds
C. Polar bonds
D. Metallic bonds
E. All the above
102. The sharing of 2 electrons results in a __b__.
A. Ionic bond
B. Covalent bond
C. Polar bond
D. Metallic bond
E. All the above
103. The bonds forming water are considered to be __c__.
A. Ionic bonds
B. Covalent bonds
C. Polar bonds
D. Metallic bonds
E. All the above
104. The bond between hydrogen and fluorine in HF is a ___e___.
A. Ionic bond
B. Covalent bond
C. Polar bond
D. Metallic bond
E. Both A & C
105. The bond(s) between the diatoms of oxygen and nitrogen are ____ & __e__, respectively.
A. Singe: Single B. Single: Double
C. Double: Double D. Double: Triple E. Single: Triple
106. Methane is a tetrahedral molecule & ammonia is pyramidal. Water is bent & carbon dioxide is _b_.
A. Bent triatomic
B. Linear triatomic
C. Pyramidal D. Tetrahedral
E. Trigonal bipyramidal
107. The polarity of water with its hydrogen bonding is responsible for its property/ properties of __e__.
A. Surface tension B. Low vapor pressure C. High boiling point D. High specific heat E. All above
108. In a solution, the dissolving medium is called the _b___, whereas the dissolved particles are ____.
A. Solute: solvent
B. Solvent: solute
C. Solution: Solute
D. Solution: Solvent E. None above
109. The scattering of visible light in all directions is called __c__.
A. Brownian motion
B. Suspension
C. The Tyndall effect
D. Emulsion
E. Diffraction
110. The concentration of a solution expressed in moles per Liter is _b__
A. Molality
B. Molarity
C. Mole fraction
D. Normality
E. Osmolality
111. The difference in the boiling point of a pure solvent vs. a solution is the __a_.
A. Boiling-point elevation
B. Boiling-point depression
C. Solvation
D. Heat of Vaporization
112. A mixture has Na (0.35m), Cl (0.35m), Ag (0.02m), Au (0.22m) & Cu. What is Cu’s mole fraction?
A. 0.04m
B. 0.06m
C. 0.08m
D. 0.10m
E. none of the above