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Heart Attack!
Table of Contents
1. Heart Attack Symptoms ............................................................................................................. 2
2. What Causes a Heart Attack? .................................................................................................... 3
3. The Role Stress Plays in a Heart Attack .................................................................................... 5
4. How Cholesterol Harms the Heart ............................................................................................. 6
5. Obesity and Your Heart ............................................................................................................. 8
6. How Smoking Damages the Heart ............................................................................................. 9
7. Exercise does Your Heart Good .............................................................................................. 10
8. The Damage Caused by a Heart Attack ................................................................................... 11
9. How to Help a Heart Attack Victim ........................................................................................ 13
10. Treatment for a Heart Attack .................................................................................................. 14
11. Is a Second Heart Attack Likely? ........................................................................................... 15
12. Recovering from a Heart Attack ............................................................................................. 16
13. Common Medication for Heart Attack Victims...................................................................... 18
14. How about after a Heart Attack? ............................................................................................ 20
15. Why Rest is Essential after a Heart Attack ............................................................................. 22
1. Heart Attack Symptoms
Heart attack is one of the major causes of death in the world today. Being the victim of a heart
attack can change your life in many ways, some of which are unpleasant, so it is important to
maintain a healthy life style to avoid having one. Even so it is important to know what the main
reasons are that people have heart attacks. Forewarned is fore-armed so that instead of suffering
in this way you can avoid becoming one of the statistics of heart attack.
The human body has the ability to send messages in different ways. That way, it tells the person
about the occurrence of an ailment within the body. However, people often overlook such
messages and in the end fall sick to the great illness. It is essential for any individual to
understand their body and its condition. This gives them a chance to read the symptoms that the
body throws out in different ways.
The symptoms of heart attack may mimic those of other ailments. This makes it difficult for a
specialist to diagnose the attack much before it becomes aggravated. However, understanding the
symptoms is a great way for an individual to make necessary changes to avoid occurrence of an
attack in the first stage. People often confuse the symptoms of a heart attack with flu, gastric
ailment, jetlag, stress and tension. There are different ways through which the body lets the
person know about the occurrence of an attack. This makes it confusing for a person to get hold
of the right source that can confirm the presence of heart attack.
One important thing to note is that no one is safe from heart attack. It can occur at any age and at
any time. There is no specific age for its occurrence. This makes it difficult for any individual to
grasp its presence at an early stage. People are often diagnosed with the condition after its
occurrence. It is then too late and there is a possibility for an individual to undergo a surgery to
avoid severe complications in the future. To increase the confusion further, it attacks men and
women in a different way with different symptoms. This adds to the already present problems
and makes it impossible to detect it in the first stage.
The attack sometimes comes on quietly with mild pain and little discomfort. The pain can stay
on for hours and people often ignore such a symptom because they think that it is due to stress or
gastric trouble. It is important to understand the symptoms as every moment counts and helps a
person avoid a massive attack.
Blockage of arteries causes the attack. The common symptom that one experiences is the pain
that lingers at the center of the chest. There is a possibility that the following symptoms may or
may not be associated with an attack:
Ringing or Buzzing
Shortness of breath
Cold sweat
People who experience the above symptoms should not neglect them. Instead, they should
immediately seek medical emergencies. The doctors will work to fix the problem and minimize
the damage to the heart. Time is critical and every moment counts for a person who experiences
these symptoms. People living in remote areas where medical emergencies are few, can consider
driving to a 24-hour clinic. It is the fastest way to diagnose the problem and cure the same.
People who often experience stress at the workplace are prone to heart attacks. Anxiety can
cause severe chest pain, which in turn leads to the attack. Panic attacks, which are common, may
or may not be symptoms that can be related to a heart attack. However, one should not ignore
any symptom, as it is difficult to find the source and its occurrence. Attending to the symptom in
the early stages will benefit a person the most.
Understanding the symptoms of heart attack provides a greater control to the entire situation for
any individual. It is also important for you to locate the position of the chest pain to differentiate
it between a heart attack and anxiety attack. Approaching a doctor at the right time is beneficial.
It is essential for anyone who experiences any of the symptoms to act immediately.
When you can recognize the signs of an impending heart attack it can save your life. If you get in
early enough and maintaining a stress free life you may be able to prevent an attack from
happening at all. Prevention is definitely better than cure in this case.
2. What Causes a Heart Attack?
One of the main causes of heart attack is the failure of the arteries to pump the blood through
efficiently. This can happen due to high cholesterol levels. Lung congestion and the
accumulation of fluids in different parts of the body is also a cause. Stress also plays a part in
causing this severe health problem.
It is necessary to learn about these symptoms in detail in order to avoid heart attack. There are
different causes of the problem. A person suffering from this problem can experience different
symptoms. These include restlessness, discomfort, chest pain, cough and copious spittle. Such an
individual also experiences swelling of legs, labored breathing and blueness of lips and skin.
The symptoms of heart attack differ from one person to another. They also change according to
the gender. Hence, it is essential for every individual to understand these symptoms to make sure
that they can avoid occurrence of the attack. The likelihood of heart attacks is greater in the age
group of 35 years to 60 years. However, given the present scenario, people are also prone to
heart attacks at a younger age. The reason behind this is the change in lifestyle and improper
eating habits. There is a sharp decline in the ratio of people experiencing heart attacks around the
age of 60.
Here is a list of important factors that cause heart attack.
1. Fats
They are part of organic compounds found in animal and plant organisms. They are the
primary compounds of long chain fatty acids. Fats and oils include butter, cooking oil,
tallow, fish oil and whale oil. Sunflower oil, maize oil and gingeli oil are rich in
unsaturated fat content. The increase of fat content in the body leads to coronary
thrombosis. This increases the risk of blood clots in the coronary arteries. The formation
of a blood clot in the artery makes it impossible for it to pump out blood from the heart.
Improper functioning of arteries causes degradation of the affected muscle that in turn
affects the functioning of heart.
2. Cholesterol
Brain and nerve tissues have a high content of cholesterol. It plays an important role in
nerve conduction. Gall-Bladder stones have high content of cholesterol. An increase of
cholesterol level in the body makes it impossible for the heart to pump out blood in its
original rate. This is due to the fact that the accumulation of cholesterol along the inner
linings of the arteries creates an obstacle to the flow of blood. Cholesterol particles are
thick and increase the clot formation to a great extent. Dissecting aortic aneurysm,
cerebral vascular disease, arteriosclerosis and angina pectoris are a few of the diseases
related to high content of cholesterol in the human body.
3. Stress
Stress at the workplace increases the heart rate. A person under stress often feels trouble
breathing, as an increase in the heartbeat requires more oxygen. Arteries have the ability
to carry blood at a specific flow volume. When the heart delivers excessive blood, it
becomes difficult for the arteries to deliver the greater flow of blood into the body at the
same level. This is another reason for the occurrence of heart attack. An increase in the
flow of blood to the heart makes it impossible for it to function properly. It affects other
organs present in the body and causes severe damage.
Although heart attack is not contagious, it is often considered to be a hereditary disease. People
consuming a lot of meat including beef, chicken, bacon, duck, butter, cheese, coconut oil,
shrimp, goose, frankfurters and lobsters may experience heart attack at an early age. Meat
content has excessive amounts of fat and cholesterol. A person consuming excessive fat content
increases the chance of blockage of arteries. People suffering from nervous disorders and high
blood pressure are also prone to experience heart attacks at different stages of life.
Once you understand the causes of heart attacks it is easier to avoid them and so avoid the
possibility of having one. Eating a proper, heart healthy diet and avoiding things that are bad for
your health such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption will certainly help your body
remain healthy as you get older.
3. The Role Stress Plays in a Heart Attack
Health care experts now know for sure that stress is one of the main culprits that cause ill health
in our bodies. Being constantly under stress has physical effects on the body that help illness and
disease to develop. When you are under stress you body cannot cope with such ailments and
throw them off as it would under better circumstances.
The trouble with heart attack is that the symptoms are often confusing and hence, people often
neglect them in the first place. This makes it difficult to treat the condition in its early stage.
However, understanding the symptoms and their effect on the heart will be advantageous for any
individual. There are different elements that cause severe stress on the heart. For example, stress
in everyday life is one of the main culprits.
Stress and heart attack are interrelated. Stress has become part of life. When people have the
capacity to manage their stress, there is a possibility for them to overcome unwanted ailments
that are associated with stress. However, when the stress is unattended in its early stage, people
often fall prey to emotional, psychological and physical ailments. Stress itself is a risk factor and
makes it difficult for a person to lead a normal life. Though doctors are unsure about its effect on
the heart, there are cases when extreme stress has a severe effect on the heart and its optimal
functioning efficiency.
The presence of stress has adverse effects on the blood pressure and cholesterol. For example,
people under stress often are found to eat and smoke more and exercise less. The actions that a
person does under stress have an adverse effect on the heart, which in later stages leads to an
attack. Stress itself releases adrenaline and cortisol into the bloodstream and these are two very
harmful chemicals. Researchers are confirming the fact that stress has greater effect on blood
clots, which in turn lead to heart attack. A blood clot in an artery can cause a heart attack.
Generally, an artery helps in delivering the blood from the heart to the rest of the body.
Even though stress is a common thing for every human being, the reaction of people to it varies
greatly from one individual to another. It is different in every human being and often changes
according to the situation experienced by an individual. For example, a situation can be
devastating and frustrating for one person but happy and gratifying for another. People often
handle stress in different ways. Guilt, anger, crying, fear and hostility are some of the different
ways through which an individual brings out their stress. Few people handle difficult situations
with ease or achieve great balance in life.
The occurrence of stress in a person depends on various factors. It is difficult to pinpoint the
exact cause of its occurrence. Stressors can come in different variations. They have either a
minor or a major effect on the lifestyle of an individual. Identifying the stress factors will be
helpful for an individual. It will allow them to avoid elevating the stress level to a peak, which in
turn results in the risk of heart attack. Here are few of the common stress factors that most people
come across at different stages of life:
1. Illness
2. Relationship problems
3. Death of close friend or family member
4. Work pressure
5. Unemployment
6. Pregnancy
7. Relocation
8. Financial concerns
9. Crowd
10. Retirement
The human body uses all the alarming sensors present within it. Long exposure to stress makes
the body send out warning signs in different ways. The experience varies from one person to
another. Understanding them is essential for realizing the fact that the body is under extreme
stress and needs rest. Physical, emotional, cognitive and behavior changes are the common
output paths through which the human body sends a signal in letting out the warning sign of
Stress within limits is good but high levels of stress can be extremely harmful. It increases blood
pressure and cholesterol levels, thus increasing the risk of heart attack. Understanding the
warning signs the human body exhibits under extreme stress is a great way to avoid an attack.
It is important to listen to your body and take notice of any symptoms you may have. By
knowing the symptoms of a heart attack you will be able to recognize them in yourself or others.
This can help save your own life or that of your loved one. And removing stress from your life
may well be the first step.
4. How Cholesterol Harms the Heart
Stress is not the only thing that can cause a heart attack of course. Cholesterol is a sticky plaque
that adheres to the walls of your veins and makes it difficult for the blood to flow through easily,
causing undue pressure on your heart. While good cholesterol is fine as it builds new cells and
hormones, bad cholesterol is something that should be avoided.
The liver is responsible for producing cholesterol. Meat and oil content present in the food are
rich in cholesterol. Due to this, cholesterol also enters the body through the medium of food.
Excessive amounts of cholesterol in the body increase the risk of a heart attack. It is necessary to
find a way to maintain a proper diet that helps in accumulation of cholesterol in its right amount
or as the body requires.
Excessive amounts of cholesterol in the body cause blockage of arteries. Cholesterol particles,
which are usually thick, build up on the walls of arteries. This increases the chances of heart
disease due to the formation of atherosclerosis. The accumulation of cholesterol particles inside
the arteries causes a blockage of blood flow to the heart. Oxygen travels to the heart through the
blood flow. When there is a reduced supply of both blood and oxygen to the heart, an individual
feels chest pain due to the cramping of the heart muscle. An individual will experience an attack
when the flow of blood to the heart is blocked.
There are two different types of cholesterol - low-density lipoprotein and high-density
lipoprotein. Low-density lipoprotein is referred to as bad cholesterol. High-density lipoprotein is
referred to as good cholesterol. Cholesterol of both types is present within the human system. It
is essential to reduce the low-density lipoprotein in order to avoid accumulation of the particles
within the lining of arteries. On the other hand, good cholesterol helps the production of new
cells and hormones, and insulates the entire nervous system. High-density lipoprotein also clears
away excessive cholesterol in the blood. LDL acts as artery clogging plaque, which increases the
risk of heart attack.
Most people are unaware of the presence of high cholesterol within the body. The reason behind
this is the fact that high cholesterol itself does not have any symptoms. Hence, it is important for
people to get a cholesterol check in order to find out the percentage of both LDL and HDL. This
also provides the opportunity to identify the high percentage of low-density lipoprotein. This
reduces the risk of developing a heart attack or any other disease related to the heart. People who
are already suffering from heart disease will also benefit from such a test.
It is important for people to get their cholesterol levels checked right from the age of 20. It is
necessary to perform the test every five years. This will be helpful for identifying the levels of
good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. The lipoprotein profile test provides an insight into the
presence of total cholesterol level, LDL, HDL and triglycerides. It is important to have a higher
number for HDL in comparison to the rest of the elements. High-density lipoprotein reduces the
risk of heart attack. It has the capability to drive away-unwanted cholesterol from the
There are different factors that increase LDL and triglycerides in the bloodstream. As we all
know the liver produces cholesterol. It also enters the bloodstream via food. Trans fat and
saturated fat are the two main elements through which LDL and triglycerides enter the
bloodstream after digestion. It is important for people to have a planned diet chart in order to
reduce consumption of cholesterol. The consumption of food products that are rich in fiber helps
in reduction of LDL cholesterol. Keeping the percentage of LDL to the minimum is necessary
for any individual to prevent increasing the risk of heart attack.
Excessive eating also adds the increase of LDL and triglyceride levels. A healthy diet helps for
the increase of HDL and for a great reduction in the values of triglyceride and LDL cholesterol
levels. It is necessary to perform regular exercises to increase HDL cholesterol and reduce the
levels of triglyceride and LDL. Performing all the necessary activities will be helpful for any
individual to maintain a good level of HDL.
The idea is to maintain a balance of HDL or good cholesterol and reduce the levels of LDL and
triglyceride. You will then have a good chance of beating heart attack and remaining healthy.
5. Obesity and Your Heart
While many people consider that obesity is a metabolic disorder, it is just as often caused simply
by eating too much junk food and not getting enough exercise. Obesity is one of the main things
that can put your heart at risk of malfunctioning. According to statistics almost 33% of the
population in the US is obese. This means that there are going to be a great many heart attacks in
the future.
The accumulation of fat in the body has an adverse effect on the health and increases the risk of
heart disease. 70% of the cases of obesity are related to hereditary problems. Environmental
factors and improper diet add to the increases in obesity. The consumption of food content rich
in fat and the reduced physical activity are the reasons for the increase in obesity across the
Defining obesity remains controversial. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company provided
mortality data which helped define obesity. However, it was still impossible to define the exact
frame of a human being, which is independent of mortality and other morbidities. Only recently,
the body mass index has gained popularity as a more accurate form of measuring adiposity. Body
mass index provides an approximate number that takes into account the total weight and the
height of the person. The index changes from one person to another from one gender to another.
It also depends upon the adipose tissue present in a person.
Due to further studies and research, now waist circumference or the ratio of waist to hip is taken
into account to calculate obesity. An excessive amount of fat in the body leads to the risk of
coronary heart disease. It also leads to hypertension, reduction in good cholesterol, dyslipidemia
and problems with blood glucose. Hyperinsulinaemia and insulin resistance are associated with
the excessive presence of fat content of the body. They also increase the body fat distribution and
ensure an increase in the body mass index chart. Excessive fat content in the body increases
systematic hypertension and creates left ventricular hypertrophy.
Systematic hypertension is threefold in people suffering from obesity. The relationship between
the fat content has been proven. Blood pressure increases due to increase in weight. The presence
of both hypertension and obesity increases the volume of left ventricle in addition to the
increased wall stress. However, the wall stress is normal in cases when hypertension is absence.
However, obese people experience an increase in the stroke of volume apart from diastolic
dysfunction. Severe obesity in people causes sudden death due to dilated cardiomyopathy. The
occurrence of cardiomyopathy is higher in comparison to coronary atherosclerosis, pulmonary
embolism, left ventricular hypertrophy and hypoplastic coronary arteries.
Changes to the left heart chambers due to obesity also have an adverse effect on the right heart
chambers. Right ventricular dysfunction causes left ventricular dysfunction developing into
biventricular dysfunction leading to immediate death due to failure or improper functioning of
heart. People suffering from excessive weight often have problems with oxygen levels in the
body. This makes it difficult for every organ to have its optimum share of oxygen. This situation
increases stress on the heart as it has to pump out excessive blood in order to meet the pressure
and the requirement of oxygen level within the body.
People suffering from congestive heart failure have been found to have had an improvement in
oxygenation and ventricular function when they were subjected to exercise activity and
restriction in food. Researchers are pointing out that gastrointestinal surgery can be used to treat
obesity in order to reduce occurrence of cardiovascular mortality. Weight reduction appears as an
efficacious task that improves overall health and reduces the risk of congestive heart failure and
coronary heart diseases. It is important to treat obese people taking into account the presence of
co-morbidities and their severity. Maintaining a body mass index lower than 25 throughout
adulthood is a great way to overcome the risk factor of heart attack.
A change in lifestyle is important to reduce heart attack. Restriction in calories provides a greater
control for an individual in keeping a check on accumulation of fat content within the body. The
urgency of weight reduction depends upon the severity of single ventricle heart failure or
biventricular heart failure.
For anyone who is interested in remaining fit and healthy, losing weight and getting more
exercise is the way to do it. You will then be at less risk of having a heart attack and more likely
to enjoy a happy life well into your senior years.
6. How Smoking Damages the Heart
While obesity, stress and high cholesterol are three baddies when it comes to heart health,
smoking is also a major cause, especially when combined with one or more of the other
components. Once, heart attacks were only something that happened to old people; today, they
are happening to increasingly younger men and women. That is due to the fact that our lifestyle
is too sedentary and we eat too much junk foods – and many people smoke. Our health is taking
a downward plunge, but with a little effort we can turn that around.
As stated earlier, the reason behind our failing health is the fact that people have adopted a
lifestyle that is not healthy. Added to this, one of the top things that have contributed the most to
this shift is the habit of smoking. Smoking is addictive and a lot of scientific research has shown
that the majority of those who are addicted to this habit pick it up during their childhood or
teenage years when they don’t really have much sense of what is right or wrong in the long run.
Picking up an addiction at such a stage is dangerous. This is because the addiction is not that
easy to control or get rid of later. The result is that the habit sticks through to the adulthood and
then soon it is followed by the heart problems that so many people are complaining about.
The carcinogens that are in the cigarette smoke weaken the blood vessels and the walls of the
four compartments of the heart over the passage of time. Along with this they are responsible for
blocking the passage of the blood vessels as well. Both things are interconnected and at times
one is responsible for the other. When the passage of the blood is blocked, the result is extra
pressure that is put on the heart to pump the blood with more pressure so that it can reach the
organs that are a greater distance away. This added work load means that the walls of the heart
will be over burdening themselves and this way the cycle of a weakened heart starts that then
requires medical attention.
The valves separate the different compartments of the heart. They ensure that the direction of the
blood flow remains the way it should be. It is the opening and the closing of these valves that
make the sound of the heart beat that we can hear. Smoking damages these valves as well and the
results are that they lose their working capacity. In the extreme cases these valves can shut down
causing the most severe of the heart issues. Once these are damaged, there is no turning back and
the person then needs to get artificial support to ensure that the valve operation is conducted by
the stints that are implanted in the heart through surgery.
These are some of the basic problems that people who keep smoking are going to experience in
the long run. Therefore, it is important that those who don’t think that they need to get rid of
their habit of smoking to take a minute and think about what is at stake here. No addiction is
worth your life, all the rest are just excuses for not trying. As stated earlier it is not going to be
easy but then most things in life are not easy and this one is going to save your life in the end. So
spare yourself and your loved ones the torture of a bad heart and take the right steps for a healthy
Most people find it very difficult to quit smoking if they are addicted. However, you should
never give up the fight to quit because it is the best way to get your health back and avoid heart
attacks. There is plenty of help and support to quit these days and you should take advantage of it
7. Exercise does Your Heart Good
It is not just denying yourself the so-called pleasures of eating junk food and smoking that will
make you healthier. That would sound rather negative. It is also doing something positive taking up some form of exercise - that will help you in the fight to prevent heart disease. And
exercise does not have to by unpleasant; it can be dancing, golf, cycling, swimming or any kind
of exercise that pleases you.
One of the problems that prevent us from exercising is that we get too busy at work and then too
tired at home to do it. A lot of health issues that people are facing are because of the lack of
physical activity that by nature is supposed to keep the people in good health. From work to our
entertainment, all is coming down to us sitting comfortable on our couches, in the office and in
With time people have started to realize what this new change has done to them. As a result they
are reverting back to taking proper care of themselves. This is the reason why there are many
gyms and health clubs that are growing by the day and their membership is increasing as well.
Among the key problems that this lazy lifestyle is causing are the heart problems that are
growing by the number. As the old saying goes, precaution is better than medication. Likewise it
is very important that in order to make sure that you have a healthy heart for a long period of
time, you shake off that laziness of the couch and get involved in some sort of activity.
There are many different ways in which one can enjoy exercise to prevent heart problems. One
of the major ones is the good old traditional gym workout. For those who know that they will be
able to commit themselves and don’t get bored with maintaining a routine should go for this
option. The key benefit here is that there are going to be special exercises that will ensure that
your heart rate is helped and so it will improve. The result of this is that you will be able to
improve your stamina for physical activities and in the process your heart is made stronger
However, for those who don’t think that they will be able to keep their commitment, the better
option is to take up some sport that they are interested it. This could be anything from some team
sport to some individual activity. As long as physical exercise is involved, the end goal of
keeping you and your heart healthy will be met.
If you need suggestions, then swimming is the sport that will be recommended here. There are
multiple benefits of swimming. The top one is that it is one of those exercises that are going to
have a positive effect on your entire body. So in case you are having some weight issues as well,
then this is this is the activity for you, as you will lose all that extra weight in no time.
Other than that, swimming is known to be one of the best options when it comes to picking a
cardiovascular exercise. Most importantly, the fact that has to be mentioned here is that this is
the most fun activity and one can never get bored, especially in the summer season when most of
the people cut on their workouts because of the overall heat. But swimming makes you cool in
hot weather so you will not be likely to stop this kind of exercise.
It should be quite clear by now that it is very important that you keep yourself committed to your
exercise schedule. For people who have some sort of heart problem already, it is still not too late.
After getting advice from your doctor, take up the exercise that is recommended for you and you
will be able to minimize the damage and ensure that no further harm comes to your heart. In such
cases taking proper care is very important and it is something that is going to keep you on track.
Use some precaution when it comes to your eating habits - cut out on the unhealthy things and
you are going to be as good as any other person.
As mentioned earlier, choosing an activity that is fun is important if you are going to keep on
doing it. If you find exercise boring then you will not be motivated to continue. So choose a fun
activity and try to include the family or your friends in it as well. That way you will have so
much fun that you won’t every want to give it up.
8. The Damage Caused by a Heart Attack
In this day and age of technology our lives are getting easier physically and we tend to get lazy
when there is no real need to expend energy in exercise. This is not good for us physically and
can eventually lead to a heart attack.
Overuse of technology is not a smart idea. Instead it should be called abuse of technology. It is
one thing to use this addition to our daily lives to become comfortable but overdoing it is not
going to end up well. In case you want to look for more proof for these facts, then all you need to
do is just look around see the increase in the number of cases of heart problems.
More people of quite a young age are suffering from one or the other sort of heart problem. Thus,
it is proven that people need to have a careful look at their life style and make the right kind of
changes accordingly. This is very important for the kids of the family as more and more of them
are suffering from obesity now which is one of the major causes of heart issues in the later age.
Here the focus is going to be on the level of damage that a heart problem is capable of causing.
Now there is no fixed answer to this question. Like most of the other medical issues, when it
comes to heart problems, there are many different variations here and each of the variety has a
different outcome.
In order to make sure that you have the best information it is very important that you get in touch
with a professional health care expert. They are in the right position to give you the exact
specifics, even the minor ones which to a layman’s eye will look quite the same.
The damage for some of the key cardiovascular system problems will be discussed. The first
types of issues that will be discussed are going to be the minor ones. A minor heart problem is
usually considered to be the key warning sign and it should not be taken lightly. The fact remains
that a minor problem is not going to cause a lot of damage.
However, it is important that once the episode passes, it is not forgotten but acted upon. Some
key life style changes need to be made. The two main categories that require the change include
the eating habits and physical activity. When one has had a minor heart problem, it is important
that regular walk or monitored gym be taken up.
The other major category of heart issues is the major or the extreme one. This is the episode that
is going to cause some major damage to the heart or the associated vessels. When it comes to the
heart itself, the damage is going to affect different parts of the organ from the walls of the heart
to the valves that are directing the passage of the blood through the four chambers of the heart.
Again in these cases, the level of damage will vary greatly as well. As stated earlier no one can
pinpoint the specific degree of damage other than a specialist, so this is the direction that you
should take in case you are facing a heart problem.
The key point that needs to be understood is that no matter which level of heart attack a person
experiences, the damage is not always irreversible. It depends on what has happened to your
heart. From that point onwards one needs to work accordingly and keep a lifestyle that
accommodates the problem. Instead of focusing on the damage it is important that one focuses
on the part where one incorporates the problem and improves the situation on the overall level.
Taking any of this easy or taking it up as the only focus point of your life is not the right way of
going about things. These are just extreme options that one would be taking and like all other
extreme things, these are not the right options. So opt for the mid path.
Remember that you only have one heart and you should take care of it accordingly. Getting into
a healthy lifestyle will give you a healthy heart that will take care of you all your life. A damaged
heart will never be fully restored to new again. It is better to prevent heart attack rather than have
to suffer one and then treat it.
9. How to Help a Heart Attack Victim
If someone who is near you has a heart attack, what you do can save their life. Even if you suffer
one yourself, if you know the right things to do it can really help to minimize the damage to your
heart and keep you alive long enough for the doctor to treat you.
A heart attack is one of the most serious emergencies that anyone can face. It is a very delicate
situation and every minute counts, so even the slightest wrong move on your part can result in
major damage and loss of life.
The key thing that you should be well aware of is the set of symptoms of a heart attack. This is
very important and this knowledge is going to come in handy in times of need. The case
specifically applies if you know of someone who is close to you that suffers from heart issues.
Previously knowing this information will make you well prepared in advance. In case someone
around you is having this issue this information should be treated as a sort of first aid knowledge.
In case someone has a heart attack the first thing that you need to do is call for help through
whatever emergency service that works in your area and deals with medical issues.
The main thing that you need to avoid at this stage is the urge to be the all knowing one. No
matter how much information you have gathered in case of an emergency of this sort the best
help the person is going to get is in the hospital. So even if as per your opinion the heart attack is
of a minor nature don’t push it but let the experts decide in the end. Remember that you should
be on the safe side and opt for emergency help.
In the worst case scenario, there is no sign of the ambulance coming and you think that time is
running out. Instead of waiting it is better that you look for some way to transport the person to
the nearest hospital on your own. If nothing else ask someone in the neighborhood to lend you a
car if you don’t have your own.
Depending on the situation, if the need arises the other basic thing that you should be equipped to
do is to give the person CPR until professional help comes. This is mostly needed when the
person is headed to the stage where they are having difficulty breathing or if the attack is of a
serious nature. CPR is needed to keep the person in a recoverable condition.
The best option that you will have is to get access to the medication of the person. Usually,
people who are suffering from heart conditions carry with them some form of medication.
Among them a common one will be Angicit or some form of its variety. If it is available then the
best thing to do is to put it under the tongue of the person having the heart attack. Make sure that
it is put under the tongue and not above it. The ‘under’ part is to ensure that the person does not
choke on the medication in this condition. This is a dissolvable medicine and its goes directly in
the blood system ensuring that the person gets a direct impact.
These are the only things that you are expected to do in case someone has a heart attack in your
presence. Nothing more is required. In fact one should avoid doing more than these things. The
results from trying to provide competent help can turn out to be negative. Remember that in such
a case it is not going to be possible for you to apply some sort of home treatment or your own
expertise that is going to solve the issue. This is a heart attack and no matter what the level of
severity is, it is better for the person to be left to the expert care of the doctors. All the efforts that
are being made should aim at one key thing and that is to get the person to the nearest doctor.
In case that you are suffering from the problem, call the emergency service, use the medicine that
has been recommended to you and avoid any activity. You need to explain your symptoms
clearly so that the respondent knows how critical the situation is. It is important to remain sitting
up until help arrives even though you might feel like lying down.
10. Treatment for a Heart Attack
The treatment for a heart attack will depend on what caused it in the first place and how much
damage has been done. If it has been caused by blocked arteries, then a by-pass may be
necessary. In some cases a triple bypass is done. However, in a minor case it may be that all you
need is a pacemaker to keep the heartbeat regular. Then again, you may only need to take
medication and make some lifestyle changes.
Before the details of that aspect of the problem are explored one point needs to be made clear.
The damage that is caused by the heart attack cannot be undone. So if anyone is going to offer
some treatment that can undo your problem, that person’s opinion should be counter checked
with a couple of experts to make sure that the person is not out with a new discovery or
invention. This is because as stated this is not a possibility and therefore, the suggested treatment
is capable of causing more harm than producing a solution.
Coming back to the treatment part of the discussion, the exact treatment is going to depend on
the stage and the level of the heart problem that a person is suffering from. Here too every
person’s treatment is going to be different, so make sure that you are just following what your
doctor has prescribed to you. Don’t go for medication swapping with other people suffering from
heart problems that you know. Some of the stories and conditions that you exchange might sound
and seem the same to you but from the medical perspective these can be very different. It is
going to be a very serious mistake if you think that the medication or treatment that has worked
for one person will surely soon solve your problem as well and that your doctor doesn’t know
Your doctor is looking at the aspects of your problem that you cannot even comprehend, so have
some faith. If you have some questions feel free to put them to your doctor when you are there
for your appointments but don’t opt for double treatments. This sort of an attitude is only going
to hurt you in the end.
As stated earlier, the treatment is going to depend on the level of seriousness of the heart
problem. For minor problems, the doctors are just going to give you oral medications and they
are going to recommend some changes in your life style. In order to make sure that you don’t
end up having some more serious problem, it is important that you follow these instructions and
stay committed to them.
Ignoring the non medical changes such as diet and lifestyle changes that are suggested by the
doctor is a mistake and you will only hurt yourself more in the long run. The heart problem that
has already occurred is not going to be taken back but this does not mean that you can’t have a
regular life. However, for this it is important that you follow all the directions that the doctor has
recommended to you.
On the other hand if the heart problem is of a very serious nature and the damage has been of a
serious nature as well then the treatments that are mostly opted for are surgical ones. Through
these procedures the person is operated upon and the heart is given artificial support to perform
its regular functions. People who fall in this category need to take even more extra care. For one
they cannot even think of swapping medication with similar patients that they know. These are
the extreme cases and the slightest mistake can just directly cost you your life. No reckless
attitude is worth this so opt for the best option and don’t even think about doing it.
Whatever sort of treatment you are getting for your heart problem, it is very important that you
keep in regular touch with the doctor that has been following your case. This is because if and
when some added problems pile up, they can be identified at an early stage by the doctor who
knows all your case history.
It is also a good idea to remain with the same doctor or medical team as they know your history
and can quickly see if anything goes wrong. Heart specialists are highly trained and it is good to
be able to rely on them when you have had a heart attack.
11. Is a Second Heart Attack Likely?
Once you have had one heart attack you will no doubt be worried about having another one. Just
how likely is it that a second heart attack will happen? Unfortunately, it does happen, but this is
often due to patients not taking care of themselves the way the doctor has told them to.
Known to the medical world as Myocardial Infarction (MI) heart attack is defined as the
condition in which a portion of the heart muscle becomes ischemic (faces lack of blood supply)
to the extent that it infarcts and necrosis (death of the tissue) occurs.
The most common sign of the emergency is the sudden onset of retrosternal or substernal
constricting pain that radiates towards the left arm as far as the little finger, left side of the neck
and jaw, and sometimes to the left side of the back as well. Associated with this is the difficulty
in breathing: the patient appears to gasp with shallow breaths as though something is not letting
him breathe. In the medical mode of description, this presentation is referred to as SOB or
“shortness of breath”. In some cases, the patient vomits and breaks out into a sweat.
Anxiety sets in and palpitations occur. That is, the patient suddenly becomes aware of his own
heart beat. This condition is described as a sense of something bad that, to say so literally, makes
the heart pump as if it will tear out of the chest. Myocardial Infarction is a case of acute
emergency and must be treated promptly, for the severe pain and the debility the heart has to
suffer, together with the malfunctioning of the lungs, create a hazard for the rest of the organs,
especially the brain and the kidneys.
Why heart attack occurs and whether its recurrence is likely must be known by all people. The
major reason for heart attack is atheroma formation and this occurs in all people with age.
Atheroma is a focal collection of cholesterol and fat that becomes adherent to the walls
(endothelium) of the blood vessels. Thus, eating a diet high in cholesterol content, especially the
fast foods, together with smoking and lack of exercise will cause endothelial injury. The age
factor that has been previously mentioned works on the basis of the fact that as the threshold of
forty years is crossed the body begins to become exhausted.
Fat deposition becomes more and the heart has to work harder, and a certain amount of stress
appears to occur in the blood vessels. At the same time, with advancing age the metabolism
slows down due to the lethargy that appears in the liver and other enzyme systems, so the lipid
profile begins to show increased values. If the atheromatous plaques appear in the coronary
arteries (arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle, myocardium), the blood flow is
interrupted. If then the obstruction grows to the extent that the myocardium no longer gets the
right amount of oxygen and nutrients to contract, the cells begin to lose function and die. This is
when the symptoms of MI set in.
A person who has had a previous heart attack should, and must, always be watchful, especially if
he or she is aged. Remember that as a person gets older, the possible cures shrink, and conditions
take on a chronic form. So another heart attack is always possible. A heart that has already been
debilitated cannot revitalize the entire portion of its dead myocardium, and is therefore already
overworking a little. If then the patient takes no precautions and continues to do excessive
physical work and eat fatty foods, the already damaged vessels will react rather aggressively.
Also, it must be remembered that when a portion is no longer working, the rest of the heart tries
to compensate by taking its share of work. Thus, a heart that is stressed should not be stressed
An MI patient is always advised to try and prevent another attack. If the patient does not comply
and the condition of the heart worsens, the first organs to give way are the kidneys. Once anuria
(lack of urine flow) sets in, edema occurs, and compensatory fluid retention overburdens the
heart that does not even has the strength to pump what was left in its chambers before, let alone
the new fluid being retained.
When a person with such a condition presents to the hospital it is nearly always only a matter of
time before the worst occurs and the person’s heart packs it in altogether. Rather than allowing
this to happen it is far better to follow the doctor’s instructions properly and you will have a good
chance of living for many more years.
12. Recovering from a Heart Attack
Having a heart attack is not like having some ordinary disease. Many diseases can be made better
and you can go on to live a normal life. But once you have had a heart attack you have to take
more care of yourself. Recovery takes longer, but it can be speeded up if you do all the right
You have to take medications, get regular checkups, do exercise and get a new diet plan. All
these lifestyle changes are recommended by experts. They not only help in recovery from heart
attack but lower the probability of having subsequent heart attacks and heart pains as well. We
are going to discuss a heart attack recovery plan that a heart patient should follow to remain
healthy and fit.
Proper treatment in the hospital:
The patient should be admitted to hospital so that proper treatment can be given to him. In the
hospital, doctors will be able to check them regularly and the patient starts recovery under their
specialized supervision. After a heart attack, usually within 5 to 7 days a patient will be
discharged from the hospital. This duration can be longer in the case of surgery or severe
conditions. Take your medicines regularly and consult the doctor in case of any trouble.
Precautions at home:
It is important to clearly understand the doctor’s plan so that it can be followed at home. Usually
doctors change medicines at the time of discharge so make sure you understand the new dose.
Remove all your ambiguities and personal apprehensions and get a written prescription or
directions from a doctor.
Do not take multiple medications:
Sometimes, people use multiple homemade remedies without asking their own family doctors.
But keep in mind that getting multiple treatments will lead to many side effects and damages.
Use medicines before their expiry dates and take into account precautions mentioned on them.
Rehabilitation session:
Heart attack patients are encouraged to participate in well organized and structured expressly
designed cardiac rehabilitation programs. These sessions comprise of multiple sessions that
improve heart functioning and other complications. General cardiac rehabilitation programs are
composed of the following basic components:
1. Recovery exercises
2. Necessary precautions
3. Stress removing strategies
It is not necessary to apply all these components at once. In fact, a patient can follow at least one
depending on their health condition.
Exercise is a beneficial tool for improving cardiovascular health but initially patients should take
light exercises depending upon their heart attack's severity and overall health condition. Light
walks and warm up exercises are mostly recommended by physicians. If you want to you may
join any nearby rehabilitation center to regain your fitness, physical health and bodily strength.
In such a center, patients do aerobic exercises, usually near green plants and in fresh air. The
typical exercises include:
Stair climbing
Do not perform the moves that hurt you and eliminate that exercise from your plan. The above
mentioned exercises are not only for body fitness; in actuality they recover your mental strength
and inner happiness. These are only warm up exercises but in the center or with family, exercise
will connect you with your previous or a new social circle. When you feel people support behind
you and their concerns for your health then your recovery speed will automatically be boosted up
with your happy and optimistic cognition.
Continuing with warm up exercises you should not forget to take necessary precautions that
work to reduce the risk of subsequent heart attacks and related complications. These
precautionary measures may need some changes in the existing life style like:
 Discontinue smoking or stop taking drugs because these are found to be a cause of heart
attack and can be more dangerous for a heart patient.
 Control your blood pressure. This is usually done through medication, pills and
supplements or by taking the recommended diet plan and avoiding stress.
 Maintain cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels optimal through proper treatment and
regular medicines.
 Assure a healthy psychological state by using stress avoiding and anxiety removing
strategies. Usually the patient’s family is responsible for making him happy and they are
not recommended to tell him any bad news suddenly.
It is really important to avoid depression, anxiety, stress and tensions, even though some of this
can be expected due to the needed change in lifestyle and the after affects of having had a heart
attack. This is because they can raise blood pressure to the damaging extent that can cause heart
attacks. Try to remain positive, happy and optimistic to get faster recovery.
13. Common Medication for Heart Attack Victims
Once you had a heart attack it is highly likely that you will be on one or more common heart
medications for the rest of your life. You should not let this worry you; simply taking the
medication will ensure that your heart does its job like it is supposed to and reduce the likelihood
of another heart attack. Taking medicines on time along with treatment of this problem and how
to spend your time during the rehabilitation period are more important than other things in your
life right now.
Usually, it seems that the victims of heart attack don’t care about these things. But they will
further damage their health and spoil their life. It is strongly recommended by the doctors to take
proper care and medications but some people ignore them and get stuck in other problems. This
article will discuss all the medications and also discuss other ways to recover effectively and
Firstly, let us start with the symptoms that will help the person recognize that the condition
which they have is a heart attack. Find out what it is actually and what to do if you experience
such symptoms. Basically a heart attack is damage that occurs when the heart muscle runs out of
oxygen though the extent of this damage can be minimized if you are aware of the symptoms and
Symptoms of heart attack
Discomfort, heaviness, arm pressure, or pain in the chest or below the breastbone
Discomfort scorching to the jaw, arm, back, or throat
Fullness, choking, or indigestion feeling
Sleeping problem, deficiency of energy, exhaustion (tiredness)
Dizziness, sweating, vomiting, or nausea
Weakness, shortness of breath, or anxiety
Irregular or rapid heartbeats
These are some of the symptoms that a person experiences before and during a heart attack. If a
person thinks he is having a heart attack he should immediately call for emergency help. If a
person gets immediate treatment then the heart damage will be smaller. There are some people
who don’t have any symptom of heart attack; these are usually diabetes patients and this type of
attack is called “silent" myocardial infarction.
Early treatment and medication when a person has had a heart attack
After recognizing the symptoms of heart attack you should immediately call the emergency
- Put the patient in a sitting position with raised knees.
- Ask the patient if he has prescribed medication from the doctor for this heart problem.
- Give him aspirin (a 300mg dose), and ask him to chew it slowly
- While you are waiting for the emergency reassure and support the patient and try to keep
him warm,
- Initiate CPR if it happens that the person stops breathing.
Here are some other tips:
Make sure that affected party is not alone.
Keep the spectators calm and comfort the patient also.
In order to prevent panic assign jobs to the bystanders.
So by following the above instructions we can protect the patient from severe damage. Here are
the medicines that a patient diagnosed with a heart attack is usually prescribed by the doctors:
Thrombolytic: this drug helps to dissolve the clots of blood that block the flow of blood in the
heart, but this drug is used according to the doctors’ advice
Aspirin: this drug is usually taken right after the heart attack. This helps to maintain the
blood pressure even through the narrow artery and reduces the clotting of blood
Superaspirins: it is similar to aspirin and in the hospital the doctor may give this drug in
order to prevent new clots forming in the blood.
Heparin: this drug is taken in order to make blood less sticky and avoid forming
dangerous clots in the blood
Nitroglycerin: this medicine is used to treat the pain in the chest (angina) and improves
the flow of blood
Beta blocker: this medicine is usually taken in order to relax the heart muscle, decrease
the pressure of blood and slow the beat of the heart. It also helps to prevent future heart
ACE inhibitors: this drug is taken to reduce the pressure on the heart and also lower the
pressure of blood
Cholesterol-lowering medications: these are taken in order to reduce the level of
cholesterol that is too high.
In addition to medication now there are two major procedures that are done for the treatment of
the patient. They are:
1. Coronary angioplasty and stinting
2. Coronary artery bypass surgery
These medications and treatments are essential for those who have had a heart attack and want to
recover their health as far as is possible.
14. How about after a Heart Attack?
Knowledge is a wonderful thing in that it can help to save your life, especially if it is knowledge
about heart attack recovery, plus tips and exercise plans is beneficial for all patients. Your life
must change after you have had a heart attack if you don’t want to experience another one – one
that could be fatal.
It is possible to speed up your recovery by following simple, easy and medication free
treatments. It not only saves the patient from the risk of having another heart attack but lowers
your medical expenses as well. Here are the things which you can do.
At the time of getting discharged from hospital, consult the doctor and ask about the
actual heart attack severity, recovery speed and current health condition. Thoroughly read
the information and ask about the dose of medicines that you will be supposed to take
later. Do not miss the follow up checkups and medical tests.
Do not take any medicines without a doctor’s recommendation. Otherwise they can have
an adverse effect and lead to another heart attack. The average person does not have any
idea about how the ingredients of a self-selected medicine can be hazardous to their life.
At times, a single component can prove to have a serious spillover effect that eventually
leads to the death of the patient.
Spend plenty of time in nature, in open fields or in fresh forests. The green lush grass
gives refreshment to your mood and fresh oxygen makes a positive impact on the health.
You can do this in your mini garden or in a nearby park.
Do not smoke, and stay away from all kinds of toxic drugs. Tobacco, nicotine, cigarettes,
hashish, and other such addictive drugs make the blood thick and blood vessels narrow.
This prevents oxygen from going into the body cells and will lead to blood clotting and
blockage to the heart. If you cannot quit drugs by yourself then consult a doctor or in
severe cases get admitted to a rehabilitation center.
Keep an eye on your blood pressure and do not let it go high, as this will put strain on
your heart. If you had a blood pressure problem before having a heart attack then consult
with your doctor. He will give you blood pressure controlling medicines and recommend
a diet plan accordingly. Some warm up exercises and low salt food will be beneficial. Do
not put on weight or if you are overweight already then lose some fat by following the
doctor’s recommendation dieting plan.
Maintain your cholesterol level and avoid eating fat, fried and cholesterol rich foods. Eat
fresh, healthy foods like salads and green vegetables. If you have high cholesterol then go
for medical treatment or follow doctor’s recommended exercises.
Regularly check your blood glucose level so that you are able to know your diabetes
status. Diabetes prepares the body for a heart attack by weakening it. It often leads to
heart stokes and chest pains. If you already are a diabetic patient then talk to your doctor
and ask for a balanced diet program that can maintain your diabetes level.
You should do exercises that will make your body stronger to fight disease like heart
attack and other complications. Do jogging, warm up exercises, cycling and swimming or
even climb the stairs at home. Do it regularly and don’t take it as a burden but do it
wholeheartedly for positive results. You need to warm up for 5 to 10 minutes in the
beginning. Then you need 20 to 30 minutes of exercise. In return these exercises will help
balance cholesterol, maintained blood presses and diabetes.
Social networking, family gatherings and friend bonding will also be helpful to make
your recovery faster. It will affect your mood and psychological state of mind positively
so you will be trying to get healthy with all your energy. Exercises like yoga give peace
of mind and satisfaction and reduce tension, stress and anxiety and make you healthy.
You need to have a healthy and balanced diet. Do not miss your meal as patients are
supposed to take medicines afterwards. Get a heart attack patient diet chart from your
doctor and choose your food items accordingly. Make fresh vegetables and juicy fruits
and only saturated fats as a part of your regular diet. Make minimum use of fast food and
red meat.
It is essential to improve your psychological state by controlling your stress, anger,
anxiety and pressures of coping with the situation in any way you can. It may be helpful
to undergo counseling for any problems that you cannot cope with.
15. Why Rest is Essential after a Heart Attack
Having a heart attack takes a lot out of a person physically and emotionally. After having any
debilitating disease rest is essential so that the body can recover its strength. If the heart attack
victim does not rest properly then he is likely to suffer another attack that could easily be worse
than the first one. So don’t try and be tough, but do as your doctor tells you.
It is not because their treatment was not satisfactory but it is because of not taking good care and
not having proper rest right after a heart attack. You know that your body needs some rest after a
heart attack. Then why do people think that they have fully recovered after they are discharged
from hospital? They don’t even care about doing their after-attack exercises and other safety
precautions. They just think that they are well recovered, but they are living their lives on risk
and uncertainty. This is the main focus area of this article why such patients actually need some
When we talk about rest you should know that it is of two types - body rest and mind rest. If we
look into body’s rest then it is clearly understood by its name, whereas the mind rest is another
essential element. As we all know, one the major causes of heart attacks is emotional stress and
mental anxiety. If the mind of a person is disturbed then he will definitely not take things calmly
plus it will also lay stress on the heart and that may cause a heart attack. During the first four to
five weeks patients should be in an environment that relaxes them mentally and physically.
During the recovery period it is necessary for the patient to receive help from the following
professionals so that they can support him both physically and mentally to recover safely:
Exercise specialists
These are the people that are critical during the rehabilitation process. It is a common
observation that people who have had a heart attack feel depressed, afraid and angry so in order
to cope with these types of problems the patient needs some help from health professionals.
Moving forward to which type of rest the patient should have and how, here we will discuss first
two weeks of patient rehabilitation how they should be.
In the hospital the patient rehabilitation program starts. There everything is done according to the
advice of the doctor. But when the patient goes home, there are tips that they should follow. Here
is how to spend the days at home:
Take all things lightly for 2 to 3 days
Your night sleep should be good so try for a full eight hours sleep
After lunch each day, rest lying down for 1 or 2 hours
Climb the stairs once or twice daily
Try to stay at home rather than going out
After some days start walking around your home
These are some of the guidelines that help you get through the first days at home after a heart
attack, now let us move forward to the 2nd and 3rd week.
2nd and 3rd Week
In the second and third week rest as you have been resting before
Now climb stairs 3 to 4 times
Walk outside the home
You can also start doing a little work at your home
This is what how you are supposed to do during the day if you want to keep yourself safe from
another attack. There are some other things which are necessary along with the rest in order to
minimize the risk of having another heart attack:
You need to alter your lifestyle, quite different from how it was before
Take medications regularly on your doctor’s advice
See your doctor regularly for a heart check
Try to get rid of all of the bad addictions you have that are injurious to your health (like
smoking, drinking etc.)
By taking all of these precautions you can avoid another attack and get back to your good health.
Now here the question of how long we need to take a day rest arises. This depends upon the
nature of heart attack you have had. If it is severe you need to take a day rest for one or two
months but if it is a small heart attack then you may start your regular regime after 20 days.
Before you leave the hospital you will be given instructions on how to care for yourself, how and
when to rest, what to eat and what exercises to do. The doctor cannot be there to make you do it.
It is your responsibility to follow his instructions to the letter if you want to recover properly.
Having a heart attack is serious, but it can be overcome if you do the right things. Many people
have lived many productive and happy years after having had a single heart attack. Be one of