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Hellenic History Battles and Wars Timeline
All of these are fair game for Nationals Hellenics History Tests, specifically the dates
Abhi Goyal
First Messenian War
o Sparta vs. Messenia
o 743 – 724
o Battles of Ampheia and Mt. Ithome
Lelantine War
o Chalcis vs. Eretria
o 710 – 650
o Miletus on side of Eretria and Samos and Thessaly on side of Chalcis
o Eretria lost control of Andros, Tenos, and Kea islands
Second Messenian War
o Sparta vs. Messenia
o 685 – 668
o Battle of Deres (684?)
o Battle of Great Foss (682)
Battle of Hysiae
o 669
o Argives under Pheidon defeated Sparta
First Sacred War
o 595 – 585
o Amphyctionic League of Delphi vs Kirrha
o Chemical Warfare used to force Kirrha to surrender
Battle of the Fetters
o 550
o Arcadia defeats Sparta
o This failure inspired Sparta to enhance their military
Battle of Champions
o 546
o Argos vs Sparta
o 300 from both sides fighting over Thyrea. 2 Argives, Alcenor and Chromius, and 1
Spartan, Othryades, remained
Battle of Pallene
o 546
o Peisistratus gets his tyranny
Battle of Alalia
o 540 – 535
o Greek Phoceans traveling westward defeat Carthage and the Etruscans
Siege of Naxos
o 499
o Failed attempt by Aristagoras to besiege Naxos
Ionian Revolt
o Siege of Sardis (498)
o Battle of Ephesus (498)
o Battle of Lade (494)
 Dionysius of Phocea is defeated by Datis(?) of Persia
 End of Ionian Revolt effectively
Battle of Sepeia
o 494
o Sparta under Cleomenes I defeats Argos
o Established Spartan dominance in the Peloponnese
Battle of Himera
o 480
o Greeks under Gelon, king of Syracuse, and Theron, tyrant of Agrigentum, defeat
Carthage under Hamilcar the Magonid
Battle of Mycale
o 479
o Leotychides leads the Greeks to victory again
Battle of Cumae
o 474
o Syracuse under Hiero I and Cumae under Aristodemus defeats the Etruscans
o Severely undermines Etruscan political authority in Italy
Battle of the Eurymedon
o 466
o Cimon drives the Persians out of Ionia
Battle of Tanagra
o 457
o In 464, Sparta asked Athens for help against a helot revolt, but sent the
contingent home. Offended by this, and fearing that Sparta was now trying to
undermine Athens’ allies, cut off a Spartan army in Boetia
o Myronides of Athens was defeated by Nicomedes of Sparta
Battle of Oenophyta
o 457
o Athenians take control of Boetia
Second Sacred War
o 449 – 448
o Athens recaptures Delphi from Sparta and gives it back to the Phocians
Battle of Coronea
o 447
o The Boetians revolted, and Athens was defeated, forcing them to relinquish
control of the area
Samian War
o 440 – 439
o Athens vs Samos
o Samos was attacking Miletus, and Athens defeated them
Battle of Sybota
o 433
o Corcyra and Athens vs Corinth
o Indecisive, but many casualties on both sides
o Largest Naval battle up to that point
Battle of Potidaea
o 432
o Athens vs Corinth and Potidaea
o Athens wins, but Callias dies here
Battle of Naupactus
o 429
o Athens vs Pelopponesians
o Athenian victory
Battle of Pylos
o 425
o Athenians under Demosthenes defeat Sparta under Brasidas
o Led to a hasty peace, which was immediately overturned by Cleon, led to
Battle of Sphacteria
o 425
o Cleon and Demosthenes defeated the Spartans on Sphacteria
Battle of Delium
o 424
o Athens vs Boetia
o Boetian victory
Battle of Amphipolis
o 422
o Cleon and Brasidas both die. Spartan victory
Battle of Mantinea
o 418
o Sparta under Agis II defeats Athens, Argos, and Mantinea
Battle of Hysiae
o 417
o Sparta fails to take Argos, but captures Hysiae and executes all prisoners.
Battle of Melos
o 415
o Athens enslaves and/or kills all Melian citizens
Battle of Cynossema
o 411
o Athens under Thrasybulus narrowly defeats Sparta under Mindarus in a naval
battle. Increases morale, leads to Cyzicus and Abydos.
Battle of Cyzicus
o 410
o Athens under Alcibiades and Thrasybulus rout and destroy a Spartan fleet under
Battle of Notium
o 406
o Spartan victory
o Alcibiades left Antiochus with the fleet and told him not to engage.
o Antiochus engaged and was killed by Lysander
Battle of Arginusae
o 406
o Athenians defeat Callicratidas
o Execution of leaders for not recovering wounded
Battle of Aegospotami
o 405
o Lysander completely destroys Athenian navy
Battle of Cunaxa
o 401
o Few casualties on both sides, but Cyrus dies
Battle of Haliartus
o 395
o Sparta attempted to take Haliartus, but was repelled by Thebes. Lysander dies.
o Pausanius flees into exile for not reaching the battle in time
o Agesilaus is left to dominate politics in Sparta
Battle of Coronea
o 394
o When hostilities opened at Haliartus, Agesilaus II was recalled back to Sparta
from Ionia. He trekked back through Boeotia and was encountered by resistance.
o Agesilaus bribes Orchomenos over to his side, and defeats the resistance,
clearing his route home.
Battle of Cnidus
o 394
o Joint Persian-Athenian attack under Conon and Pharnabezus, destroying Spartan
navy under the inexperienced Peisander
o Permanently ended Sparta’s hopes for a naval empire
o Following this, Conon rebuilt the Long Walls
Battle of Nemea
o 394
o Sparta under Aristodemus defeats Athens, Thebes, Argos, and Corinth.
Battle of Lechaeum
o 391
o Iphicrates’ reforms wipe out Spartan resistance in the area
Battle of Leuctra
o 371
o Epaminondas defeats Cleombrotas, who dies
o Severely undermines Spartan influence in the Peloponnese
Battle of Cynoscephalae
o 364
o Pelopidas is killed by Alexander of Pherae.
o The next year Epaminondas avenges Pelopidas
Battle of Mantinea
o 362
o Sparta under Agesilaus II is defeated by Thebes but kills Epaminondas
o Both alliances very weakened after this battle. Paves the way for Phillip to take
over Greece
Third Sacred War
o 356 – 346
o Battle of Crocus Field
Social War
o 357 – 355
o Athens against Chios, Rhodes, and Kos
o Phillip used distraction to further influence in Attica
Foreign War
o 346 – 343
o Sparta vs Crete. Sparta won.
o First time any foreigner got involved in Cretan affairs
Battle of Charonea
o 338
o Philip II of Macedon conquers the rest of Greece
o Prince Alexander takes out the feared Immortal Band of Thebes
Alexander’s Battles
o Burned Thebes in 335
o Granicus River in 334
 Defeated Persian satraps of Asia Minor and a group of Greek mercenaries
led by Memnon of Rhodes
o Battle of Issus in 333
o Sieges of Tyre and Gaza in 332
o Battle of Gaugamela/Arbela in 331
o Hydaspes in 326