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Why Walk-On Products has chosen to donated to
Triple Negative Beast Cancer Foundation.
In March 2010, a newly identified cancer biomarker defined a new subtype of breast
cancer as well as offering a potential way to treat it, was discovered at Washington
University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
The research further refined what recent breast cancer research has concluded: that
breast cancer is not one disease, but many. One of these being Triple Negative Breast
Cancer. So far, research has firmly established that at least five subtypes of breast
cancer exist, each having distinct biological features, clinical outcomes and responses
to traditional therapies.
The biomarker identifying Triple Negative Breast Cancer was found to be more
aggressive than other types. With about 15% of breast cancers testing as Triple
Negative, Walk-On Products has chosen to support the cause to make people aware of
this devastating disease and to find a cure . Patients with Triple Negative Breast
Cancer have an increased risk of disease recurrence after initial treatment and a poorer
prognosis making it difficult to treat. The five year survival rate tends to be lower for
Triple Negative Breast Cancer.
Walk-On Products has joined the fight with support to the Triple Negative Beast
Cancer Foundation. The research can continue and a cure can be just a step away.
Many experts have argued that it is not possible to change survival in stage IV breast
cancer. Together we can make a difference. Together we can change overall survival.
Together we can win this battle. Together we can, one step at a time.
Find out more information or make a donation at: