Download SESSION 15 - Anterior and lateral neck - Hatzalah of Miami-Dade

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SESSION 15 - Anterior and lateral neck
1. Which nerve running across the posterior triangle of the neck would, when cut, lead to
a droopy shoulder?
2. What is the vertebral level of the suprasternal notch?
3. What is the vertebral level of the sternomanubrial junction (angle of Louis)?
4. Say precisely the action of the right sternocleidomastoid muscle acting alone.
5. What three structures are in the carotid sheath at the level of C7?
6. What two "nerves" lie on scalenus anterior on each side?
7. The T1 root of the brachial plexus is related to a structure which no other root is.
What is it?
8. If you cut the dorsal scapular nerve what position would the scapula take?
9. Give the surface marking of the external jugular vein.
10. Give the surface marking of the internal jugular vein.
11. Give the surface marking of the junction of the subclavian and internal jugular veins.
12. Why would the police be interested in a fractured hyoid bone?
13. Feel your own hyoid bone. Does it move up or down when you initiate a swallow?
14. Apart from their positions, what is the main difference between the two bellies of
15. What is the ansa cervicalis and what does it supply?
16. What fascia surrounds the thyroid gland?
17. Which muscle stops the enlarging thyroid gland growing up under the jaw?
18. What two hormones does the thyroid secrete?
19. Name the two main arteries to the thyroid gland. Do they come from the same parent
20. At thyroid surgery there is one nerve that is at risk but must be preserved. Which one
and where could the arteries be tied off to lessen this risk of damage?
21. Into where do the superior, middle and inferior thyroid veins drain?