Download Programmer for Xerox90 chip

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Programmer for Xerox90 chip.
Copyright (с) 2002 Lapatushka.
<> <mailto:[email protected]>
Description of programmer and schematic diagram.
Requirements to a hardware. (version from 04.04.2002)
Table of contents.
1.Program menu.
2.Data exchange between serial port and Xerox90.
3.Explanations to the schematic diagram of programmer.
4.For novice with Xerox90.
5.Remarks for the “trial” version.
6.Hardware requirements.
1.Program menu.
File – operations with files.
Read (F3) – read file in editor memory.
Запись (F2) – write content of hex-editor in external file.
Выход (Alt+X) – exit program.
Setup – setup program parameters.
COM-port (F5) – menu item responsible for correct program working. After selecting this item
issue the dialog window with next items:
- port: serial port number where programmer (hardware) is connected (available: COM1, COM2,
COM3, COM4);
- interface: available: „Native”, „SI Pony Prog”, „Native optimal”, “ComPic”, „Custom”. There are
four preset and one custom interfaces. These interfaces differ control lines meaning only. User cannot
change meaning for preset interfaces while for custom interface user can change meaning control lines
free. See below more details about this.
- SCL: control line for SCL pin of Xerox90. This is output signal for serial port (input line for the
chip). It is formed by one of next lines serial port of PC: RTS, DTR, TX. In similar manner formed
input control line for serial port (output for the chip). It is formed by one of next lines serial port of PC:
DSR, CTS, RI, DCD. It is possible indicate state of signal: normal or inverted.
- SDA: control line for SDA pin of Xerox90. It is formed by the same way as SCL. See below for
more details.
Programmer check (F8): check if programmer is present and online. Checking is making by next
mean: every control line of the chip (SCL and SDA) step by step setting in “low” and “hight” state.
Then programmer try read state of every line and compare with initial state.
Device: select device for programming. Only Xerox90 available now.
Action: action menu for the chip.
Read (Alt+F3) : read Xerox90 content it the editor memory.
Programming(Alt+F2): write hex-editor content in the Xerox90 (programming the chip).
Check chip (Alt+F5): check state of the Xerox90 chip (alive or dead).
Analysis context for DC220: (Alt+F8) : content analysis of hex-editor window in DC220 context.
Analysis context for DC230: (Alt+F9): content analysis of hex-editor window in DC230 context.
Analysis context for N32: (Alt+F9) : content analysis of hex-editor window in N32 context.
About : some info about program.
2.Data exchange between serial port and Xerox90 chip.
Xerox90 chip data exchange like I2C (IIC) protocol for serial data. There are two control lines for
this protocol: SCL (Serial Clock – clocked signal) and SDA (Serial Data – signal for input and output
In setting dialog user can correspond data lines for serial port of PC with SCL and SDA lines of the
chip. It is possible for any (or almost any) serial EEPROM programmer with direct access to control
Serial port of PC is subset of control lines for RS232 interface. There are two different types of
connectors for this interface: 25 and 9 pins..
Description of RS232 lines:
Data Carrier Detect
Data Terminal Ready
Data Set Ready
Request To Send
Clear To Send
Ring Indicator
Receive Data
Transmit Data
*<<< - direction to RS232 interface
>>> - direction from RS232 interface.
Ones of these lines are possible to set in logical 0/1 (DTR, RTS,TX), another with ones possible
read and check their states. (DCD, DSR, CTS, RX).
It is necessary to establish correspondence between control lines for the chip SCL (clock signal) and
SDA (serial data) with control lines for the serial port of PC.
Setup menu make this action.
3.Explanations to the schematic diagram of programmer.
Schematic diagram of programmer available in next formats:
-X90.pdf - Adobe PDF format – vector image (available zooming without lost details, for viewing
need Adobe Acrobat Reader;
-X90.gif - GIF format – bitmap image (any graphical editor or browser need for viewing).
Some explanation to the schematic diagram.
1.In programmer setup menu need select “Native optimal” interface.
2.Required power supply +5V.
3.Pin 7 in socket U1 can be not connected.
4.Diodes VD1..VD4 – any impulse diodes with reverse voltage more than 15V.
5.Jumper JP1 is use for switching programmer modes. With this jumper it is available programming
Xerox90. Without jumper programmer (hardware) use for scanner of protocol for the Xerox90.
4.For novice with Xerox90.
If you novice with Xerox90 please be careful! If you try read this chip by ordinary serial EEPROM
programmer then chip die! All data stay zero and never know about possibility program such chip.
5.Remarks for the “trial” version.
“Trial”-version have next difference from registered version of the programmer:
1.Programming chip is prohibited (all code for programming is removed from program).
2.Every start of software program will inform user about it “trial” version.
3.Algorithm for chip reading a little bit changed.
4.None info about Xerox90.
6.Hardware requirements.
Programmer (software) can work with any Serial EEPROM programmer (hardware), connected to
serial port of PC (with some limitations). It actually tested with SI PonyProg, JDM-prog, PicProg
(software version 0.8.002 and above).
Native hardware interface for programmer is most preferable. Programmer (software) use two input
and two output lines of serial port PC. If your hardware work similar mean you need to match serial
port lines with Xerox90 pins (SCL, SDA). If your interface use some additional signal lines for
controlling purposes it is probably need to make individual support for your hardware. For example
such support was made for ComPic interface.
For any hardware more preferrable use external power supply. If you use serial port PC for power
supply it is need that interface cable was as short as it possible.
Program menu “Programmer check (F8)” will work not for all hardware but only for interfaces
with twin signals: SCLOut - SCLIn, SDAOut - SDAIn.
If your programmer (hardware) does not yes supported now but you want support for it - please
notify me and maybe I’ll make support for one in next version of programmer (software).
Thank any man who help me create this project for his help .
Thank any man who sent me info.
Any constructive ideas and request are welcomed.
Please report me about any mismatches or errors (see contact info above).