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Huber: Leadership and Nursing Care Management, 3rd Edition
Test Bank
Chapter 4: Managing Time and Stress
Choose one best answer.
Nurses who are successful at time management ____.
Display ability to set measurable goals and objectives
Frequently volunteer for new and creative projects
Hesitate to delegate because of perfectionist characteristics
Tend to accomplish specific activities within a timeframe
Rationale: Time management is accomplishing specific activities during the time available.
Level of Cognitive Ability: Knowledge
2. Ms. G., a nurse manager, prefers to work in an office down the hall away from the busy nurse
unit. She is currently developing an action plan to redesign the family waiting room. She is
working on the budget for this project. Her goal is to complete this by the end of the week
before starting the formal presentation. Her time management style is ____.
a. Bichromatic
b. Monochromatic
c. Polychromatic
d. Tetrachromatic
Rationale: An individual using a monochromatic style works through a project in an orderly
fashion, completing one task before moving on to the next. Polychromatic style users perform
multiple tasks simultaneously. Bichromatic and tetrachromatic are distractors.
Level of Cognitive Ability: Application
3. The surgical intermediate unit at Grand Valley State Hospital has been short-staffed for about
9 months. Each shift, nurses are being asked to work overtime. Staffing assignments are
heavy with patients with high-severity conditions and extra patients. Several nurses are
interviewing for positions at other hospitals within the city. This may be an example of which
a. American Nursing Association nursing burnout theory
b. Benner's novice to expert theory
Elsevier items and derived items © 2006, 2000, 1996 by Elsevier Inc.
Test Bank
c. Mintzberg's stress in the workplace theory
d. Selye's general stress theory
Rationale: Selye's general stress theory is a nonspecific state in which each person responds
individually to stressor, such as fight or flight. The American Nurses Association’s nursing
burnout theory and Mintzberg's stress in the workplace theory are distracters. Benner's novice to
expert theory refers to the stages of proficiency.
Level of Cognitive Ability: Application
4. Jay, a nurse on the medical-surgical unit, has been caring for a patient with chronic renal
failure, congestive heart failure, and a history of myocardial infarctions. The client has been
extremely irritable with the nursing staff. After working with the client for 4 days trying
various strategies to help the client work through his anger, Jay requests to have another
assignment when he comes back to work in 2 days. This depicts ____.
a. Active coping strategies
b. Active cognitive appraisal
c. Inactive cognitive appraisal
d. Inactive coping strategies
Rationale: Inactive coping strategies focus on avoiding the stress as the nurse in this scenario is
choosing to avoid caring for the client when returning to work. Active coping strategies work
toward the stress. Active cognitive appraisal and inactive cognitive appraisal are distracters.
Cognitive appraisal is the individual's assessment of the stressor.
Level of Cognitive Ability: Application
5. Nurses on the midnight shift are experiencing difficulty with receiving materials from the
central supply department. Last evening, a patient was admitted to the unit from the
emergency department with a heart dysrhythmia. The nurse requested a temporary
pacemaker kit to be placed in the unit as standby in the event that the patient required its use.
The central supply unit did not comply until the patient required its emergent use. The nurse
was stressed. This is an example of what type of stress?
a. Operational failures
b. Overload of role
c. Resistant resources
d. Role conflict
Rationale: New literature discusses operational failures as stressors to nurses.
Elsevier items and derived items © 2006, 2000, 1996 by Elsevier Inc.
Test Bank
Level of Cognitive Ability: Application
6. Joan is a certified nursing specialist on a medical-surgical floor. The unit is frequently shortstaffed, and the manager is on maternity leave. Joan is the acting manager and frequently
needs to tend to managerial issues. She has a 3-day workshop coming up that she is leading.
What type of stress might she be experiencing?
a. Role ambiguity
b. Role incongruity
c. Role resistance
d. Role underload
Rationale: The nurse is experiencing role ambiguity. Her role expectations are currently unclear
because of the added managerial role.
Level of Cognitive Ability: Analysis
Choose all that apply. All correct answers must be chosen for credit.
1. Methods to overcome procrastination include ____.
a. Delegating sections or portions of the task
b. Determining personal benefit from completing the task
c. Reassessing the purpose and goals of the task
d. Waiting until motivated to begin the task
Answer: a and b
Rationale: Suggestions to overcome procrastination include examining motivation and personal
benefit, confronting your fears, positively reframing the task, gathering information to complete
the task, or delegating it.
Level of Cognitive Ability: Knowledge
2. Reality shock ____.
a. Averts the potential for burnout
b. Can create feelings of elation
c. Occurs when transitioning from school to active practice
d. May result in depersonalization of the client
Answer: c and d
Elsevier items and derived items © 2006, 2000, 1996 by Elsevier Inc.
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Rationale: Reality shock occurs in new graduates transitioning from college to the work
environment. Reality shock is a result of the incongruence in values and beliefs of two
subcultures. Reality shock can create feelings of helplessness, powerlessness, frustration, and
dissatisfaction. Apathy, alienation, job dissatisfaction, and depersonalization of clients are
associated with burnout (Tarolli-Jager, 1994). Burnout can be a result of reality shock.
Level of Cognitive Ability: Comprehension
3. Nurse Nancy is writing an article for a prestigious nursing journal. The deadline is 1 week
from today and she is feeling overwhelmed with the completion of her work, she is unable to
keep up with home management, and she is beginning to procrastinate on the project. She
also has other responsibilities, such as taking her elderly mother grocery shopping and to
health care appointments. She is also married to a busy executive and has three children, all
of whom are active in high school sports. Which of the following time management
strategies would be helpful?
a. Break the project into smaller, manageable pieces.
b. Contact an Elderly Nurse Aide Helper program to assist with shopping.
c. Cut extra activities out of her schedule such as her morning walk.
d. Delegate some of the household chores to her family.
a, b, and d
Rationale: Dividing the project into smaller, manageable pieces will help make the project seem
less overwhelming. Delegating other responsibilities such as housekeeping and taking her mother
shopping also will relieve some of the burden she is experiencing. Exercise is important in
assisting the nurse deal with stress and would not be wise to delete from her schedule if possible.
Level of Cognitive Ability: Analysis
4. Max is a nurse on the 7 PM to 7 AM shift on the orthopedic floor. He is the most experienced
nurse on the unit during this shift with 6 years of nursing experience. Max usually acts as
charge nurse during his shift while caring for a group of patients. Recently, there has been an
influx of new graduates working on his shift. Some nights he is expected to orient a new
nurse, act as the charge nurse, and mentor other new nurses working on the floor. He is
concerned that with all of the new nurses, there are not enough mentors for all of them,
resulting in less than optimal care delivery. Which type of stress is he experiencing?
a. Role ambiguity
b. Role incongruity
c. Role overload
d. Role underload
a, b, and c
Elsevier items and derived items © 2006, 2000, 1996 by Elsevier Inc.
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Rationale: Max is experiencing role ambiguity as a charge nurse, a preceptor, and a mentor to
other nurses on his shift. He is experiencing role incongruity because his professional values
conflict with his role expectations. Max also is struggling with role overload with the charge
nurse, preceptor, mentor roles, and as a bedside nurse.
Level of Cognitive Ability: Analysis
Elsevier items and derived items © 2006, 2000, 1996 by Elsevier Inc.