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:.1 BEGD. GOA- 1 Panaji, 23rd April, 1983 (Vaisaka 3,1905) SERIES I No.3
. .' :. . .
'Industries and labour Department
2·194-78-ILD(Part 1) (i)
, In exercise of the powers conferred by section 23 read with
section 51-A-of the Indian Electricity Act, 1910 (Central Act
9 of i910) and in supersessioll of all, the existing Notifications, the
Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu hereby frames the
following tariffs for electrical energy supplied to consumers in the
District'of Goa of the Union Territory of Goa" Daman aml Diu, as
specified in the Schedule appended to this notificat,ion.
1. These tariffs shall be applicable with im1nediate ,effect. '
2. These tariffs shall bf subject to the terms and conditions
for power supply approved from time to time by the
3. Supply of energy in all cases shall be subject to the
execution of ,agreements by consumers.
4~ As a general rule, no low, voltage service shall be given
where the connected load is over 100 KVA. Exceptions may
be made in special cases at the discretion of the Chief
Electrical Engineer.
5. Supply' to consumers having a connected load between
100,KVA to 1000 KYA will be generally ,at 11 KV, and
between 1000 KVAto5000 KVA,at33 KV and for more than
5000 KVA at 110 KV.Exceptions may be made in special
cases at'the discretion of
, the Chief Electrical Engineer. A rebate of 1'70 of the
monthiy bill corresponding to demand charges
'and energy charges only shall be given to H. T. consumers
availing power supply at a voltage of 110 KV and above.
However, the voltage ,of supply 'Shall be at the discretion of
the Chief Electrical Engineer. '
6. If energy supplied for a specific purpose under a
particular tariff is 'used for a different purpose not
contemplated in the contract for supplyandJor for whiGh
higher tariff is applicable,it will be,deemed as misuse and
stealing of energy within the meaning of the Indian
Electricity Act, 1910. In such a case, the energy consumption
bills already rendered for the service shall be revised by
applying the appropriate higher tariff from the date of
connection unless convincing reasons are adduced thereof for
adopting a different period. The imposition of this highe!"
tariff shall not relieve,the consumer from ' any penalties as p~
the law.
,7. Surcharge of one percent compound per,month or part
thereof shall be levied on all delayed' payment of bills. Such
surcharge sha.!l be rounded off to the nearest multiple of 5
paise. Amount less than 3 paise will be ignored and amount of
3 paiseor)norl' shall be rounded off to the next multiple of 5
1. If a consumer fails to pay the energy,bill presented to him
within the stipulated period, the Electricity Department' shall
have the right to disconnect the supply after serving seven
days clear notice on such consumer. '
2. A consumer requiring supply for' loads not covered by these
tariffs may negotiate for special tariff with the Electricity
Department. /
3. In case of doubts or anomalIes in respect of categorisation
oiany consumer, the decision of the' Chief Electrical
Engineer shall be final;
4. These tariffs are inclusive of excise duty except the
agricultural tariffs which are exclusive' of excise duty. '
1. Connected load means the sum of ratE)d capa-.. cities .of all
the energy consuming devices which can be operated
'simultaneou.sly. This will be expressed in KW/KVA. One
H. P. will be considered equivalent to one KVA for
equipment rated in H. P.
2. Maximum Demand means' the average 'KV A supplied
during the 30 minutes period (or any 'other shorter period as
may be prescribed by the ,Electricity Department) .of
maximum use ina month.
ForRnext 120 70tographic
For balance
"dry-cleanerf;i,", cinemas,
units hotels, restaurants, pho
& {)ther cOmmercial insabove 150
I heating and other ",
,tallations :'for lights,
fans, radios,
appliances. , '
Minimum Ohargl3$: i) For single-phase
10/-(Rupees ten) per month for first .
3. Contract Demand means the maximum KVA for which
the Electricity Department has undertaken to provide facilities
from time to time.
4. Billing Demand means either:
i) The \actual maximum demand diliin~ the month; or
ti) 75% of the contract demand; or
iii) Actual mitximum demand during the pre.vious 11
500W and Rs. 5/-for every additional 500W or' part thereof
of the connected load.
ii) For three phase «onnection: Rs. 60/-(Rupees sixty) per
month for first 3 KW and Rs. 10/-for every additional 1
KW or'parttllereof.
3. Tariff-LT-P/Motive Power
(eleven) months; or
iv) 50 KVA whichever is higher. However, if the actual
maximum demand"is found to be exceeding the
contracted demand, the increase in the billing
demand beyond the contracted demand shall be
charged at double the normal rate.
KWH/Month, Ps/Unlt,
Applicable to consumers All·consump, for
general motive power tion 'service.
Upto 20 H.P. 45 connected
A. Low Tension Supply
Above 20 H. P. 55
connected load
1. a) Tariff-LT-D/Domestic
KWH/MOntii Ps/Unlt
Applicable to private houFor first 30 40 ses, bungalows, clubS,
units hostels and hospitals run
For next 120 50
on non-commercial lines; units
charitable" educational and religious
institu-For balance 60 ' 'tions, etc. for lights,
, consumption
'above 150
,fans, radios, domestic heatings and 0 the r units household
month of connected load or part thereof.
Note: (i) Supply under this tariff will be given, fora
minimum of 3 BHP., If any load less'than 3 BHP is required
by the consumer, minimum bill shall be charged on the basis
of load of 3 BHP.
(ii)' The power factor should not in any case fall, below 0,85
lagging. If the power factor is lower than 0.85 lagging, the
consumer shall install capacitors to bring the power factor to
at least 0.85 lagging. In case the power factor is found to be
lower than 0.85 Jagging, penal charges 'at the rate, of 2.5%
on the monthly bill corresponding tO'the energy charges only
shall be levied. In case the power factor is less than 0.7
lagging, the installation is liable to be disconnected. Further,
the Elec-, tricity Department reserves the right to install a
snitable capacitor at"its own cost and recover the cost thereof
as arrears of energy charges.
Minimum Oharges: Rs. 5/-(Rupees five) per month for the
fll"st 500 watts and Rs. 3/-(Rupees three) for every additional
500 watts or part thereof of the connected lbad.
Note: Combined load for domestic and commercial
purposes shall be charged at commercial tariff unless separate
meters are provided.
4. Tariff-LT-Plt/Poulfry
KWH/Month Ps/Unlt
Applicable to poultry, All
consump30 dairy, piggery, PISCItion ' culture, etc. for lights, 'fans,
heating and other appj.iances. '
'Minimum Oharges: Rs. 5/-(Rupees five) per' month per
l.b) Tariff-L'l'-D/LIG.
]{onthly Charges
AppliCllble to consumers Rs. 5/-per connection. of Low
Income Grou!} " with a connected load 2X40 watts only. "
Note: For any unauthorised increase in load beyond 2X40
watts, penal charges at the rate of Rs. 5/-per month,per
connection will be levied and the installation will be liable for
disconnection. '
2. Tariff-LT-O/Oommercial
KWH/Month P.s/Unit
Applicable to shops,
Minimum' Ohargl3$: Rs. 5/-(Rupees five) per' KVA per
offiFor first 30 65 ces, railway -stations,
KW of connected load or part thereof.
Note: This rate of tariff is made available to those consumers
who carry on ONLY Poultry Farming, dairy, piggery,
pisciculture, etc. as the ' case may be, on regular basis in the
said premIses..
5. Tariff-LT-Ag/Agricultural
'KWH/Month Ps/Unlt
Applicable to irrigation All consump25 pumping and
agricultu. tion ral purposes.
Minimum Oharges: Rs, 36/-(Rupees thirty six) per year per
H. P. of connected load or part thereof subject to a minimum
of 2 H. P.
,Note: (I) Bonafide lighting of the pumphouse upto 5% of the
motive, power consumption is per~ Initted under this category
and ell:cess consumption chargeable at Tariff LTD/Domestic
tinder A.1(a) .
23111l 4~1#b.;:{9.83 (VAI8AKA $, 1905)
(ii) The power factor should not;fc~,';3II;lYf:;(!ase
fall below 0.85 lagging. If the
powerfactor\'l§:;lqwertlJ.!p J?c,?5 l(l-~gi~g\
the 9RP¥!l¥J,er.s ins,t;lJl ~!pa
~to"s,t9,bl'mg"the power ¥actor to at.;11l8,st
0;85. I~iC~~~thll,po,'Ver factor is fOjlIld to
b~)9vv,er than Q:85)aggiifg, a"penal Charge at
the rat~;g~f:f,5% on the 'monthly" bUl
corresponding to energy charges
(a) Rs. m
18/-per month ,45 Ps/unit per KVA of Billing Demand u
t 0 Contract
o Demand.
(b) For rBilling Demand in excess of Contract
1;o,be,,JoweJ;'nthanc0.85 ~pg.'~~:.~es,lM;\the
l!O!i;energy.(c1u!xges,onlyshal!';~· levied for every
l,lelow 0.85 lagging. In, caSe
the powe,r factorjs less tlj'~n 0.7 la
0 \iriiitaIlatiori"is'1iab~efqrdis\f~n,cn~Ction..~er,
o 'tllerignt,to'.in,s~ICapiicitoJs',to\'impri>ve" t~
d~<:?rin~pt~~;;,:f\1rther! the
El~ct:icity\;-p~.\?~tment reserves the 'r!g)1t to
factof:an'd ~over'the COi!t'i)icui;:red
'theriiOh ;~g~~m>~~:~~~{~~:,.~~~~~~,~~.
,1, ____ : "'\:' :\;-:: ',' -';':;-.,:~:-!l:.
mstall a sUltable 'capaCItor at its own cOstarid
recover the cost thereof as arrears
dfenergycnarges. ;(L;",\,"i Uil ' ""/;' n<
'>c.'" , ".,', j .. >-, ,-. '(:~~
6::;Tariff-LT"PL/Public lighting "","
';~~:;~,:.'.'::~.~ :" (;-\(;F·~(::.:-~"~}
J'l:n:,J V:~op!~}:-~~,;::~~t:
N~te: Standard public ,'lighting ·fixtures
without lamps shall be provided and maintained
by the Elec
e ,",1",
fr.'. Apl"licablet,d'~UI>ply
'0/'ix>weratU;'KVa,iii;jaWre, tqindfistries'Jactories.
,water 'andsewagepmhpiii" and:Othet,IC OOes'asmabe
decidiid b'tha Chi~
Demand charges PIus' Energy' charges
Note: a) Lighting
upto 1Q%, of ,the monthly energy
consumptiona is allowed underliTI tariff, for bcInafide
lighting purposes.,Excess
is Charg'eable at
under A-2. '
7. Tariff-HT/Mixed:
Applicable to bulk supply of power at 11 KV
and above to consumers, suCh as railways,
M.E.S., educational institutions, non·industrial
establishments, etc. having a mixed load with
predominantly lighting or non-industrial load of
b) For staff cquarters, rest/guest houses, street lig~ting in the
colony .situated
separately from the mam factory and when
distribution rlines service lin~, meters, etc. are permitted to
be o~ed and
e mamtained by H. T. consumers, all energy
consumed shall
be charged at Tariff-LT-D/Domestic under
B. High Tension Supply
(a) RS. 18/" pel' month 45 Ps/unit per KVA,'of Billing Demand
upto, Contract Demand.
(b) For BUling Demand in exces~\ of Contract Demand, Rs.
36/'per KVA per month.
tricity Department. Special lighting fixtures, filai ment
lamps, fluorescent tubes, and other fittings / shall be supplied
by the concerned, Municipalities/ /Panchayat which shall also
bear the cost of maintenance handling of filament, mercury
r lighting fixtures, etc. will have' to be provided as well as
maintained,by them.
~JJrtti~;,~~~~t.;:>::y",: ,.,
,<,,'':~ ;:,.C;",.~
fluorescent or any other lamps of different wattages at the rate
of Re. 1/-per month per fixture/lamp. In the case
of private residential colonies, the street
icil: :
Applicabe',to; 'public light-All consUDlP'" "" 35
,ing system including tion during signal system"
and park the month lighting belonging to local
authorities such as Municipalities/Panchayats,
etc. ,This isalso applicable to, Public Lighting
of Government/Semi-Government
Minimum Charges: The mmImum charges
per month shall be Rs. 45/-(Rupees forty five)
per KW of connected load. The connected load
for the purpose of billing shall be the average of
the connected load on the first day and the last
day of the month in question. ,
A-1 (a).
c) The
factor shall not in any case fall below 0.85
lagging. In case the power factor is found to be lower than
E penal Charges at the rate of 0.5% in the
0.85 Jagging,
monthly bille corresponding to demand charges and energy
charges onlyr shall be levied !for every 0.01 which the power
factor falls below
0.85 Jagging. In case the powerfactor is les
than 0.7 lagging,
the installation' is liable for disconnection.
Further, thecElectricity Department reserves the right to
install capacitors
to improve the power factor, and recover th
a thereon as arrears of energy Charges.
cost incurred
9, Tariff,HT-O/lndu8trial:
KWHlMonth' Ps/Unlt
This is an optiomil tariff All consumption 55 applicable to
consumers having connected load upto 150 KV A only as
an alternative to the tariff. liT-I / Industria1 described
above. The option once exercised cannot be changed
within the period of 12 billing months from the date
Demand; Rs. 36/-per of option. , KVA per month.
inimum Charge8: Rs. 16/-per month per H. P,
Note:, The power factor shall not in any case fall
ted load'or part thereof subject to a below 0.85
lagging. In case the power factor is found
minimUll) of 70 H. P.
1) Applicable to lights, fans and
Ilonstnilption is a110wedriIlderHTItariffiforbonafide factdry
%rlff-LT-C/Commercial under A-2.: . ':.'
! .'.
··.:smaU!app:U::. "':\.
&tees " ,;.' . , .) F1 ,
SO,.. ..'.,' ItS, 10/-perday
sh;e~ ~!tting in the colonysituate([ separately from ·t.he
lllairi. factqry~(}.wheudisj;liQuti()n Iines,servIce liIl~s, meters,
"W,: are.perIl1iJted to Qe.9wneq~d Il1aintained Qy H. T.
,.,!l' ,or. '·/imit
singJe' .....
con.sumers, all ~ergy consumed shall Qe charged at
Tariff-LT-D/Domestic under
for supply 'upto
phase' •.'
A-1 (a). ."
supply' .
.,·c) The .power factor shall any .case fall
3: days & RS.5/
per da y ther,<!,.after.
" b} Fior th~80PS/Unif, ..
RS,'!50/-.per:periodphase " .'... . of
setVice n6texC 'Supply . ee eding?li e
0.85Iagglp,g.)n ca~El the power factor is iounq ~'l:ie l()wer
tliltu(),85 )agglp,g,.penal. charge~\ at.the rate' of 0.5'70 in the
monthly bill,()()ITespQncling j:o energy charges only shall be
levied for every 0.01 which the power ·factor falls below 0.85
'In case the power factor is less than' 0.7 lagging, the
installation is liable for disconn,ection. Further, the Electricity
Department reserves the .right to install capacitors to improve
the power factor and recover the cost incurred thereon as
arrears of energy charges.
Appli~able' .8~'PS/unit Its., 10/.perH.I'. to
motive of connected load power ",' .:;':'" ;01' part thereof.
3) ,~uring"."80,,P,.,.s/unit Rs. 90/-fora p&
. 't81kies arid"';' riod of supply cinemas',' . upto 15 days,
2') .
ItS. 180/-for a p&riod
of supply eXceeding
15 days but not ex-
10. Tariff-HT-Ag/Agricultural
KWH/Month Ps/Unit
Applicable to supply· of All consumption 25 power at 11 KV
and . above to agricultural consumers, Lift Irrigation
Schemes, agricultural farms, ete.
the motive power consumption is permitted under this
category and excess consumptum is" chargeable at Tariff
LT-D/polllestic under
Note: The above tempOO:-ary.tariffsare applicable for temporary sup
for a'periodnot exceeding one month, which may be extended bey
that period with the prior permission of the. Electricity Depart~ ment
12. Tariff-HT/Temporary:
Minimum ehO/rge8: Rs. 8/-(Rupees eight) per month per
H. P; of connected load or part thereof subject to a miniinum
of 70 H.P.
Note: (a) Bonafide lighting of the pumphouse upto 5% of
ceeding one , month.
Applicable to supply of power at 11 KV and above..
Demand charges Plus Energy charges
(a) Rs. 25/-p~r month 60 ps/unit per KVA of Billing Demand upto
Contract Demand.
(b) For BillingDemand in excess of Contract Demand, Rs. 50/-per
. KVA per month.
. (b) For street lighting and other lighting situated separately
Note: (a) Applicable for temporary supply for ..a period not
from the.pumphouse and when distribution lines, service
lines, meters, etc. are permitted to be around or maintained
by the H.T, consumer, all energy cOnsumed shall be charged
at Tariff LT-D/Domestic under A-l(a).
(c) The power factor shall not in 'any case fall below 0.85
lagging. In case the power factor is found to be lower than
0.85 lagging, penal charges at the rate of 0.5% in the monthly
bill corresponding to energy charges only shall be levied for
every 0.01 whlch the power factor falls below 0.85 lagging. In
case thepower factor is less than 0.7 lagging, the installation is
liable for disconnection. Further, the Electricity Department
reServes the right to install capacitors to improve the power
factor and recover the cost inlmrred thereon as arrears of'
C. TemporarySnpply
III Tariff-LT/Temporary:
Energy charges
:M.inimum charges
exceeding six months which may be extended with prior
permission of the Electricity
Department. . .
(b) The power factor shall not in any case faIl below 0.85 lagging
case the power factor is found to be lower than' 0.85 lagging, p
charges at the rate of 0.5% on the monthly bill corresponding
demand charges'and :energy charges only shall be levied for every 0
by which tb,e power factor falls below 0.85 lagging. In case the po
factor is less than 0.7 lagging, the installation is liable for disc
nection, Further, the Electricity Department reserves the right to in
capacitors to improve the power factor and recover the cost incu
thereon as arrears of energy charges.
A. Permanent Supply:
Hire of 220/230 volts Re. 1/-per month .energy meter
Hire 'of 400/440 volts Rs, 2/-per month energy meter
Hire of H. T. metering Rs. 50/-per month equipment
.ISKD APiuLY'1983 (VAISAKA S, 1905) 31.
B Temporar,y: Su~ly· \\ ,,-:,;' \";' t,:::' ',''ii.,\,: ,'.,": ,',',\',',d,' •
Hire of 220/230 .volts Rs. 5/-per month or ehergy m.eter,,' '. 1;Iltrt thereof. " ;
Hire of 400/440 .volts . RS: 10Jt per month or energy meter,partJh~t:e<:)f.,:
Hire of H. T. metering Rs. 100/-perm.6nthor , . equipme}:lt , PlLrt .j;Aereof., "'\
.. -\ ' . -. \".' ,
'-' ',~
,;.,\ -.'
-, " ,"','
" By order 'and-)ih: the:·name-of lhe\~ieutenant-:G6vernor of Goa, Daman, and Diu. , , ",
~ ,-,
,'. --. --',', ",' . ',-. L_<'~": , ' . 1 :':\',i.i,
K. B: SlJ.u7il<t, Secretary, (Indu~trieS ,and Labour), !Pana'/'22nd
ft,;'riY'19sa:':':'!'': .. "."':', .
":' -', __., )!: ;--~",; :.;._!.p.~,'_-' "_,->-' ":'C"-"':--I:-'-'\ f ._~d \; -."':) :;:~.::~:
NoiifiCii:Hon"\"!' :,'"
1C19<l-78-n.D(Par1; 1) (tl)
.In exercise of the powers conferred by section 23 read with section 51-A of the Indian ElectriCity Act, 1910
,(Central Act 9 of 1910) and in supersession of, all the eXisting Notifications, the Lieutenant GoveI'hoI' of £loa,
Daman and' Diu hereby frames the following tariffs for eleCtrical energy supplied to consumers in the 'Districts
of Daman and Diu in the Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu, asspecified in the Schedule appended to this
1. T'nese tariffs shall be applicable with imD).ediate effect.
, . 2. These tariffs shall be subject to the terms and conditions for power supply approved from time to time by
the Government.
3: Supply of electricity in all cases shall be subject to the execution of agreements by consumers.
4. As a, general rule, no low voltage service shall be· given where the connected load is over 100KVA.
Exceptions may be made in special cases at !he discretion of tbe Chief Electrical Engineer.
,,5... Supply, to consumers having a connected load between 100 KVA to 1000 KVA will be generally at 11
KV, and for more"than 1000 KVA at 66 KV. However, the voltage of supply shall be at the dis1'retion of the
Chief Electrical Engineer.
6. If energy supplied for a specific purpose under a particular tariff is used for a different purpose not
contemplated in the contract for supply and/or
, fer which higher tariff is applicable, it will be deemed as misuse and stealing of energy within the mean:;ng of the
Indian Electricity Act, 1910. In such case, the energy consumption bills already rendered for the service shall be
revised by applying the a.pprOpriate higher tariff from the date of connection unless convincing reasons are
adduced thereof for adopting a different period. The imposition of this higher tariff shall not relieve the consumer
, any p~nalties as per the law.
7. Surcharge of one percent compound per month Or part thereof shall be levied on all delayed payment of
bills. Such surcharge shall be rounded off to the nearest multiple of 5 paise. Amount less than
3. paise wlll be ignored and amount of 3 paise or more shall be rounded off to the next multiple of 5 paise.
8. If a consumer fails to pay)th'e~etiergybiU pre
sented,tBPi!.?,wj.~ the stipulated period, the EIElctricity Department shall have the right; to disconne.ctlthei>wpply
a{tel'l(i!(lrving lIe'l1en,!iaYI;! cle,ar ;!!otjce,
on such consumer. ',:} , "'_'_"_' _,' :','._. ,,':.
9.A consumer requiriiig:lsuppHif.6( l~not covered by these tariffs may negotiate for special
~a.!.:ll.f .Wit~:Jhe'":Il11e'f~t'i!lltYI>epa.l'b!}e~t."",.,,,
. ;'lO::,l:1iJj'iiiiseofd6Ub'tS6ranoirialiesiil.>roopect'of categ'(liiSatinn' Cif'! artyiDconsumer,or':inany other .
respect;ifuef'deciSibn, of llhe:,;Ghief'EIectrical Engineer
shall be fmal. '
11. These tariffs ani~'iifbl@i~&)
bf'-'~:,tci~ 'd~ty
ekc&'pl/ the' tariffs which are exclusive of ~du,ty·,{." ,_.,0 "'" , ..,..
,;., ,-,,' ~j'_,,-1,.... ::"'_,1 "·,t,"\,
1. Connected load means the sum of ratedcapa
,cities of all t'he energy consuming devices which can be,operated simultaneously. This will be expressed in
KW/KVA,.OneH. P. will be considered equivalent to one KVA for equipment rated in H. P.
, 2. Maximum Demand means the average KVA supplied during the 30 minutes period (or any other shorter period as may
be prescribed by the Electricity Department) of maximum use in a month. : "
Contract Demand means the maximum KVA for whichthe ElectriCity Department has undertaken to providetlte
facilities from time to time.
Bffimg Demanc! means either:
i) The actual maximum demand during the month; or
ii) 75% of the contract demand; or
iii) Actual maximum demand 'during the previous i1 (cleven) months; or
iv) 50 KVA whiChever is higher. However, if the actual rna.'timum demand is found to be exceeding the
contracted demand, the increase in the billing demand beyond the contracted demand,shall be charged at double
the normal rate.
A. Low Tension Supply,
1. a) Tarijj-LT-DIDomestic '
KWH/Month Ps/Unit
Applicable to private houFor first 30 60 ses, bungalows, clubs, units hostels and hospitals run For next 120 65 on
non~commercial lines; units charitable, educational
For balance 80and religious instituticonsumptionons, etc. for lights, fans, above
150radios, domestic heatunitsingsand other household
fJ:inimum Chargcs: Rs. 51-(Rupees five) per month for the first 500 watts and Rs. 3/-(Rupees three) {or every additional
500 watts or part thereof of the connected load.
Note:, Combined load for domestic and commercial consumers shall be charged at commercial tariff unless separate
meters are provided.
• T(j/riff~I:rT·DliLI(h:q (o,j ,,:!i(j: 'lSf'SI,""EJU ,s; )1 ,8
,;'/,;}::.~1~t~:~~~·~~~i:;:i::':,;. Applicable' to:
Departinent reserves the right to install a suitable capacitor
at its own cost
, and recOVer the cost thereof as arrears of energy charges.
4. Tariff-LT.cPlt/Paultry ;k"1i)i,;o~ih;i"Pskni~i
,;:eonsumers""Rs;::5/" per:iOOnnootinm
of Low Income Group .'»r~::L;::~:;-~·I~j £b~iu L~(~
with "a, connected, lo,rul "" '",C:', '"ii'(,CJ, ,h
App1!d~bi~(;,'~c~ \~BiP:tlJ:" ill.~6ri¥§pi;:
-'.' -",,", '1.'.' ':" _" :'''.'._; ',-.:' ? .. ! ,,'" .. _'" -;'f~-)
,daIry, , pIggery,. P'SCI-" bon
,{(t, !,-;~;'.~:';v·-(O
Note: For': anY'" uni£titfiori§ed/iiicr~iislirfu "16iia
beyond ,2X40 : ,Wlj,tJ;l;;,< P!lnJ:,,1 ~qh,a,rgelii:a~,:
!:ge,irat!ljof Rs.5/-'iper month perjjlonnect~on will
th'e,installatibli:WiIFbil\1iable 'for:dilicofin?Cti!llJ.;"':" j
etc. fur lights,';"",,,, i,\ fans,
hilatmg"aiia:iOther' \, \() ~pl.l~c~~: .\f:,n)..(~~;'
,<" ,,,.
Minimu'ti'6tUir'fjes} Rs. 10/-(Ruptl&stEl!lY:'per monnL
Jr.;nj} c'{f [L1--.~h·:
to irrigation
ll consump
pumping and agricultu
For firsdi'O,Ji "13:':;10'
P"CKW(;Of'~wnllected -load or pari;
~.• ?::arjfNlf-1lCf!,r!rr!teIo/fL,j ,<,) "/ i,:::f(i' .' [ -<,',;;,,. ';'~<:::.)
C:T;'; ir: rr:";;i :~ :,J}~~:r:::' L..:~a4~I\th:"'i~;'} ~~~~~.
Energy charges
Note: This r~~ 'iii: taiif{is:riiadeav~able to
Applicable to shops, offices, railway -stations, units hotels,
restaurants, phoFor next 126 75 tographic studios, X-Ray(11 Rs.
30/per per month
~,,'oli.', ONLY.
Poultry Farming,
:) KV
units installations, laundries,
dairy, piggery, ,;piscic~~ule" ,,;etc., cas :the case may b~, on
up t 0 tract
saId. premIses,
5. TariJJ-LT-Ag/
·(b) For
Billing Demand'
in eXcess of COntract
Rs.' 60/-,per
Rs. 60/-(Rupees sixty), per year per' H.
A.I,R. Station.
per month.
of connected
load. or part thereof subject to a minimum of
above 150 & other 2 H. P.
commercial insunits
Note: (i), Bonafide lighting of the pump house upto 5% of
tallations for lights, fans, radios, heating and other
the motive power consumption is per-' mitted under this
category and excess consumption chargeable at
Minimum ChargeS: i) For single phase connection: Rs.
Tariff-LT-D/Domestic under A-:1(a).
10/-(Rupees ten) per month for first 500 watts and Rs.
(ii) The power factor should not ill any case faU below 0.85
5/-for every additional 500 W. . ,
lagging. If the power factor is lower, than the consumer shall
ii) For three phase connection: Rs. 60/-(Rupees sixty) per
instaU capacitors to 'bring the power factor to at least 0.85. In
month for the first,3 KW and Rs. 10/(Rupees ten) for
case, the. power factor is found to be lower than
every' ad~tional 1: KW load or part thereof of the connected
0.85 lagging, penal Charges at the rate of 2.5% on the
monthly bill corresponding to energy charges ,.ouly shall be
levied. In case the power factor is less than 0.7 lagging,. the
3. Tariff-LT-P /Motive P01.Of!'l"
installation is liable to be disconnected. Further, the
KWH/Month Ps/Unit
Department reserves the right to install a suitable capacitor at
its own cost and recover the 'cost thereof as arrears of energy
Applicable to consumers All consumpfor general motive
power tion
charges. .
service. '
Upto 20 H.P.' connected load
6. Tm'iff-LT-PL/Public lighting
Above 20 H. P. 60
KWH/Month PslUnit
Applicabe 'to public light-All consump-55
ing\ system including tioh . ,signal system, and park
lighting belonging to ,
Minimum Charges: Rs. 10/-(Rupees ten) per
local authorities such·
month/KVA of connected load'or part thereof.
as Municipalities/PanChayats, etc. This is also
Note: (i) Supply under this tariff will be given for a
applicable to Public
minimum of 3 BHP. If any load less than 3 BHP is required
of Govern, ment/Semi-Government .establishments..
by consumers, minimum bill shall be charged on the basis
of load of 3 BHP.
(ii) The power factor should not in any case fall below
0.85 lagging. If the power factor is lower than
0.85 lagging, the consumer shall install capacitors to bring
the power factor to at least 0.85 lagging, In case the power
factor is found to be lower than
0.85 lagging, penal charges at the rate of 2.5% on the
monthly bill corresponding to the energy charges only shall
be levied. In case the power factor is less than 0.7 lagging,
the installation is liable to be disconnected. Further, the
Minimum Charges: The minimum' charges per month shall
be Rs. 60/-(Rupees sixty) per KW of connected load. The
connected load for the purpose of billing shall be the average
of the connected load on the first day and the last day of the
month in question. '
Note: Standard public lighting fixtures without lamp? shall
be provided and maintained by the Elec-. tricity Department.
Special lighting fixtures, filament lamps, fluorescent
tubes'and, other fittings shall be supplied by the .concerned
c) The power factor shall not in any case fall below 0,85
lagging. In case the power factor is found
23RD APRIL~ 1983 (VAISAEA 3, 1905)
/Panchayat which shall also bear the cost of maintenance
,handling of filament, mercury vapour, fluorescent or any other
lamps of different wattages at the rate of Re. 1/-per month per
fixture/lamp. In the case of private residential colonies, the
street lighting fixtures etc. will have to be provided as well as
maintained,by them.
to be lower than 0.85 lagging, penai charges at,the rate of
0.5% in the monthly bill corresponding to demand charges
and energy charges.only shall,be
B. ffigh' Tension Supply
. levied for every 0.01 which the power factor' falls below.
0.85 lagging. In case the power factor is less than 0.'1
lagging, the installation is liable for dis~ connection. Further,.
the Electricity Department reserves the right to install
capacitors to inIprove the power factor and recover the cost
7. Tariff-HT/Mixed:
incurred thereon as arrears of energy c'harges.
Appli9ble to bulk supply of power at 11 KV and above to
consJlmers such as railways, M.E.S., educational institutions,
non-industrial establishm~nts, etc. having a mixed load with
predoniinantly lighting or non-industrial load of more than
50% of the con
nected load.
. Demand charges Plus Energy charges
<a). Rs. 30/-per' month 55 Ps/unit
per KVA of Billing . Demand u pt0 COn. tract
Demand. (b); For .Billing Demand'
in excess of Contract
DeIDand, Rs. 60/-per
KVA per month.
to irrigation
pumping and agricultu
ral purposes.
ll consump
Note: a) Lighting upto 10% of the monthly energy
Electrical Engineer.
Energy charges
Rs. 30/per per month
KVA of
Demand up t 0 tract COn.
This is an optional tariff •All consumption 71) applicable to
consumers I having connected load· upto 150 KVA only as
an alternative to, the tariff HT-I / Industrial described above.
The option once exercised cannot be changed withm the
period of 12 billing months from the date of option.
load or part .thereof subject to a minimum of· 70 H.P.
corresponding to demand charges and energy charges only
shall be levied for every 0.01 by which the power factor falls
below 0.85 lagging. In case the power factor is less than 0.7
lagging, the installation is liable for disconnection. Further, the
Department reserves the right to instaJJ:-capacitors to ~provethe
power factor and recover the cost incurred thereon as'arrears of
KWHIYonth Ps/Unlt .
Minimum chargett: Rs. 25/-per month per RP. of connected
Note: The Pow';fac~shall not in any case fall below 0.85
lagging. In case the power factor is found ·to be lower than 0.85
lagging, penal charges at the rate of 0.5%' on .the monthly .bill
9. Tariff-HT-O/lndustrial:
·(b) For Billing Demand'
gy. charges. in
. eXcess of COntract
Demand, Rs.'. 60/-,per
8. Tari//-HT-I/lndustri;xl:
KVA per month. .
Applicable to supply of power at 11 KV and above, to
industries, factories, water. and sewage pumping and other
purposes as may be decided by the Chief
. Note: a) Lighting upto 10% of the monthly energy
consumption is allowed under HTI tariff, for boinafide factory
Tariff-LT-C/COmmercial under A-2.
.b) For staff quarters, rest/guest houses street lighting in the
colony situated separately from the main factory and when
distribution lines, service lines, meters, etc. are permitted to be
owned and maintajned by H T. consumers, all energy
consumed shall be cliarged' at Tapff-LT-D/Pomestic under
A-I (a). . .
conswnption is allowed under HTI tariff,for bonafide fac~ory
lighting purposes. Excess is chargeable at
Tariff-LT-C/Commercial under A-2. .
b) For staff quarters, rest/guest houses, street lighting in the
colony situated separatelyfrom the
. main factory and when distribution lines, :service lines,
meters, etc. are permitted to be owned and maintained by H.
T. consumers, all energy consumed shall be charged at
Tariff-LT-D/Domestic under
A~l (a).
c) The power factor shall not in any case fau below 0.85
lagging. In case the power factor is found to be lower than
0.85 lagging, penal charges at the rate of 0.5'70 in the
monthly bill corresponding to energy charges only shall be
levied for every 0.01 which the power factor falls below
0.85 lagging. In case the power factor is less than 0.7
lagging, the installation is liable for disconnection. Further,
,the Electricity Department reserves the right to install
capacitors to inIporve the power factor and recover .the cost
incurred thereon as arrears of
energy charges.' .
10. Tariff-HT-Ag/Agricultural
KWH/Month PslUnI~
Applicable to supply' of All consumption 45 power at 11
KV and above to agricultural consumers, Lift Ii:riga.tion
Schemes, agricnltural farms, etc.
Minimum Chargett: Rs. 15/-(Rupees fifteen) per month per
.H. P. of connected load or part thereof subject to a minimum
of 70 H. P. .
Note: (a) Bonafide lighting of the pumphouse upto 5% of the
motive power consumption is permitted
flBRIES I No .. 3
U!lder this C!l-teg()ry. and excess consumpti()n is cIiargeable !l-t Ta.riff LT-D/DPmestic under A-1(a).
. . (b) . For street lighting and other lighting s.itu~ted ,Separately from the pumphouse and when dis~bution lines, servi(:e
lines, meters, etc. are permItted to be 'maintained by the H. T. consumer, all energy consumed shall be charged at Tariff
under A-i(a).
(c) The power factor shall not in any ~ase fall below 0.85 l:J.gging. In case the power factor IS found to be lower than
0.85 lagging, penal charges at the rate of 0.5% .in the monthly bill corresponding to energy charges only shall be levied
for every 0.01 which the power factor falls below 0;85 lag~ng. In case the power factor is less than 0.7 lagging. the
installation is liable for disconnection. Further, the Electricity Department the right .to install capacitors to improve
the power faClti:>r and
'the cost iUICurref thereon as arrears of energy charges. .
C. Temporary Supply
11. Tariff-LT/Temporary:
Energy cb$.rges Minimum charges
1) Applicable. to ligllts, fans and' small appliances
a) For . 90 Ps/unit Rs. 10/-per day single for supply upto phase 3 days & Rs.5/
. supply per day thereafter.
b) Forthree 90 Ps/unit Rs. 50/-per period phase of service not exsupply c'eeding on.e
2) Applicable 90 Ps/unit Rs. 10/-per H.P. 'to .motive of connected load power· or part thereof:
3)'Toiuing ·90 Fs/unit Rs. 90/-for a pe. talkies and riod 0 f supply cinemas upto 15 days.
Rs. 180/-for a period of supply exceeding 15 days but not ex
ceeding one month.
Note: The above temporary tariffs are applicable for temporary /!upplyfor a period not exceeding one . month; which rimy be
extended beyond that period
with the pripr permission of the Electricity Dep!l-rt
mente \.' . .",
12. Tar'ff"HT /Temparwry:
Applicable to supply of power at 11 KV .and above.
Demand charges . Plus Energy char!,eS
(a) Rs. 60/-per month' 65 ps/KWH per KVA (If Billing Demand upto Contract Demand.
(b) For Billing Demand in excess of Contract De·mand,Rs. 120/~ per KVA per month.
Note: (a) Appli~able ,for temporary supply.for a period not exceeding six months which may be extended beyond
that period with the prior permission of the Electricity DepartmElnt.
(b) The power factor shall not in any case fall below 0.85 lagging. In case the power factor is found to be lower than
0.85 lagging, penal charges at the rate of 0.5'70 on 'the monthly bill corresponding to demand charges and energy
charges onfy shall be levied for every 0.01 by which the power factor falls below 0.85 lagging. In case the power
factor is less than 0.7 lagging, the installation is liable for'disc!)nnection. Further, the Electricity Department
reserVe/! the right to install capacitors to inIprove the poWer factor and recover the cost incurred Uiereon as
arrears of energy charges.' .
Permanent Supply: .
Hire of 220/230 volts Re.1/-per month . energy meter
Hire of 400/446 ;'olts Rs., 2/-per month energy meter
Hire of H. T. metering Rs. 50/-per month
B. Temporary Supply:
Hire 'of 220/230 volts Rs. 5/-per month '~r energy meter .part thereof
Hire of 400/440 volts ~. 10/-per monthW energy meter . part thereof. '
Hire of H.T. metering Rs. 100/-perIl).on1:h or equipment part thereof.
By order and in of the Ueutenant , Governor of Goa, Daihan aild Diu~ ~
K. B. Shukla, Secretary (Industries and Labour).
Panaji. 22nd April, 1983 .
GOvT. PRINTING PRESS -GOA (Impl'ensa Nacional-Goa)
PRICE -O-85'Ps.