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212 Bronson #201
Ottawa, On K1R 6H8
[email protected]
OBJECTIVE: FI-1, FI-2, FI-3 or any other available accounting position
Part of the pool: 09-NHW-CS-EA-001 - CR-04 Various Clerical Positions
Language Skills:
Bilingual - English, French, Italian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish (rudimentary), Modern Greek
Taking courses toward CGA Certification
Familiar with the procedures related to the Financial Administration Act particularly sec. 31,32, 33
and 34 and application of the same one in the IFMS - SAP, FREE BALANCE, APICS, CRRS
Internal and External Reporting
Month, Quarter and Year-end Accounting (GAAP, IFRS)
Compliance (Bill 198/MI 52-109, Sarbanes Oxley, Corporate Governance)
Budgeting, Planning, Forecasting & Analysis
Income & Commodity
Taxes (Corporate Taxes)
Special Projects (M&A, IPOs, Corporate Restructuring)
Project Management (PMPs), i.e. System Conversions, Acquisitions/Divestitures, Process
Improvements, etc.
Internal Audit
Travel Claim and Hospitality processing - Internal and External vendors
Familiar with majority of Accounting ERP Software: SAP, Oracle, Simply accounting, Quick Books
Electronic Agenda scheduling for senior officials ( MS OUTLOOK, Lotus Notes)
Excellence in providing administrative support to senior officials and departmental staff
Preparation of Travel Claims ( Treasury Board Travel Guidelines), TEMT
Compose edit and format general correspondence
Booking of boardroom and coordination of teleconference calls
Organization and logistics of large events such as conferences
Research and Analysis
Ability to work in fast pace environment and meet deadlines
Skilled at organizing complex projects, defining project priorities, and delegating tasks
Experience in mass mailings either by using e-mail or regular mail
Teamwork oriented - attention to details
Enjoy working with people - Efficient and courteous.
Cheerful personality.
Special attention to the stress management - Well-organized and efficient - Strong training skills.
Self-motivated and assertive.
Majority of computer software: MS Office, Lotus Notes, Health Canada internal software,
Dreamweaver, web development skills...
Relational databases: Oracle, MS SQL, My SQL, MECS, DSTS database etc.
Transport Canada
Surface infrastructure programs
The Canadian National Committee of the World Road Association
Administrative Assistant – Special Events (AS-1)
Dec 18 2010 – Now
I did successfully filled position of Administrative assistant to the Special Event group organizing Canadian
participation at the XXIVth World Road Congress in Mexico City. I was closely involved in the organizing of
the exploratory trips to Mexico City (travel claims, research of the area and bookings), production of
various materials related to the commpetion for service providers taken from MERX; organzined local
events in Toronto and Ottawa; team’s financial dealings ( travel claims) and I am presently working on total
redesign of the groups (The Canadian National Committee of the World Road Association) website:
 Hospitality Claims preparation
 Event Organization and support
 Travel Claims ( locally and Internationally)
 Service providers (Hotels and conference) research on local (Ottawa and Toronto) and International
Level (Mexico City)
 MERX competition facilitations
Healthy Environments and consumers safety Branch
Environmental and radiation Health Science Directorate
Radiation Protection Bureau
Directors Office
Administrative Officer (AS-1)
Apr 18 2010 – Dec 18 2010
Guided by principle to quickly with minimum training adjust myself to the new work environment I was
responsible for financial, accommodation and administrative support. I assisted financial side of CRTI
projects and I continually replaced Executive assistant in Directors office. Although relatively new in bureau
I did successfully survived challenges as a part of accommodation team such as “earthquake” and other
minor issues.
 Reconciliated Credit Card Statement, prepared SAP financial reports (310,100) as well as assisted
CRTI projects (9200, CRRS etc.)
 Provided a wide range of administrative support and office services in the areas of filing, scanning,
product research etc.
 Hospitality and accommodation
 accepted and created staff and executive meetings (one time and recurring), booked rooms and
prepared meeting materials
 Read e-mail correspondence and constantly looked for ACTION ITEMS in Directors Agenda
 Directed services, such as maintenance, repair, supplies, mail and files.
 Created fund commitments in SAP, purchased various low cost items and processed payments and
invoicing (Sec 34.), JV-ed money…
 Assisted translation of the documents
 Created Agenda for meetings and prepared teleconference
 Composed and edited correspondence
 Continually used Lotus Notes, Excel (spreadsheets) and Word/Wordperfect.
Chronic and Continuing Care Division
Health Care Policy Directorate
Strategic Policy Branch
Executive (Administrative) Assistant (AS-2)
Jan 18 2010 – March 28 2010
Successfully filled for 2.5 months Executive assistant position without training and assistance in the
busy executive office supervising three policy analyst related branches dealing with subjects: Palliative
Care, E-Health and Primary Health Care (around 15 policy analysts) and regularly having extra load of
work because of organization of Conference “Round Table on Cost-Effectiveness of Chronic
Disease Management Programs - Ottawa March 4th-5th 2010”
 Overlooked Executive Lotus Notes agenda (electronic calendar) for Louise Rosborrough Acting
Director Chronic and Continuing Care Division
 accepted and created staff and executive meetings (one time and recurring), booked rooms and
prepared meeting materials
 Read e-mail correspondence and constantly looked for ACTION ITEMS
 Directed services, such as maintenance, repair, supplies, mail and files.
 Greeted visitors and determined whether they should be given access to specific individuals.
 Created and tracked correspondence using MECS system
 Assisted translation of the documents
 Created Agenda for meetings and prepared teleconference and
 Composed and edited correspondence
 Praised for organizing and being key logistics person of “Round Table on Cost-Effectiveness of
Chronic Disease Management Programs - Ottawa March 4th-5th 2010”
 Organized mass-mailings of invitation
 Prepared TAN numbers for travel arrangements
 Followed up with invitations
 Helped to prepare Conference materials
Viral Vaccines Division and H1N1 PANDEMIC GROUP
Executive Administrative Assistant (AS-1)
Feb 2009 to Jan 18 2010
One year assignment with no absenteeism as Administrative (Executive) assistant in the H1N1 crisis
affected Viral Vaccines division (25 employees strong – laboratory + office based) of the BGTD. I
started my acting in the middle of February 2009 with assisting office renovation and from the summer
2009 our division became the main unit for the approval of H1N1 vaccines. Since our Division was
quite often understaffed I had responsibility to provide administrative support to the Divisional
Director's office and to the department of 109 people strong, ethnically diverse, bilingual and highly
educated work force.
 Overlooked a two Executive Lotus Notes agendas (electronic calendars) for Dr Aline Rinfret and Dr
Dean Smith - accepted and created staff and executive meetings (one time and recurring), booked
 Read e-mail correspondence and constantly looked for ACTION ITEMS
 Prepared meeting materials by printing from various sources
 organized pot-lucks and sport events with purpose to build Divisional and Departmental team spirit
 Made complicated international travel arrangements (claims) for executives and staff on the OSE (On
Site Evaluation) and Conferences using old form system and the "new" TEMT online system
 Directed services, such as maintenance, repair, supplies, mail and files.
 Greeted visitors and determined whether they should be given access to specific individuals.
 Created P.O. (Purchase orders) and SSV (Supply Service Vouchers) and applied Section 34. ( F.A.A.)
 Updated DSTS (ORACLE) and BREK - sat (Lotus Approach) databases of vaccines submission
Health Canada
Accounts payable Clerk (CR-5)
Nov 2008 to Jan 2009
Quickly learned all necessary tasks related to the position of the assistant to the Departmental Financial
Officer in the processing of Departmental Accounts payable dealings
Accounts payable section of Corporate service
verification of the Invoices and payments
Filing of the invoices
Call up and Purchase orders preparation ( TEMP HELP, Various Internal and External Vendors)
committed funds and waited for approval, Sec 34 applied
reconciliation of the invoices vs 100, 310 lists & CC payment
Elections Canada
Assistant Manager (AS-3)
Sep 2008 to Nov 2008
Successfully without missing a day filled Assistant manager position with very irregular work hours
(night shifts) and challenging supervisory responsibilities in Data entry environment during busy
Elections time
 Assisted manager or unit responsible for voting application (Ballot Lists of National and International)
of Canadian Citizens with residence in Canada and abroad
 Assigned and supervised
 Verified accuracy of filed application and assigned them to the data entry staff
 Managed attendance sheets and established excel sheets for attendance monitoring
 Survived very stressful environment and irregular working hours
Public Health Agency
Health Surveillance and Epidemiology Division
Accounts payable clerk (CR-5)
May 2008 to June 2008
Compiled and sorted documents, such as invoices and checks, substantiating business transactions
Reconciliated credit card payments comparing expenditures with 100
Processed invoices by verifying date, amount, contract and applying Sec. 34
clerical help, processed payment with CREDIT CARDS
matched invoices with Contracts and verified Invoices to amounts assigned in Contracts
Office of Privacy commissioner Canada
Accounts payable clerk (CR-5)
June 2008 to July 2008
 Accounts payable processing using Free Balance System
 Created Fund Commitments
 Verified section 34, contracts and paid majority of accounts payable accounts
Interagency Secretariat on Research Ethics (SRE) Ottawa
Clerical Help
March 2008 to April 2008
 Assisted relocation of the office
Treasury Board Canada
Accounting Clerk (CR-5)
Ottawa Canada
December 2007 to April 2008
Accounts payable clerk External vendors
December 2007 to March 2008
paid external vendors usually related to the Purchase orders (sometimes with Fund Commitments)
Verified sec 34.
parked invoices
Coded invoices
Resolved problematic invoices
IS (Interdepartmental settlements)
December 2007 to January 2008
Posted details of business transactions into SAP IFMS System;
Typed vouchers, invoices, checks, account statements, reports and other records;
verified SEC. 34 and coded invoices for archive;
Reconciliated suspended invoices with Funds Commitments and Purchase Orders;
General ledger bookkeeping and maintenance;
contacted Fund Center managers for Sec 34 and corrections
Created Fund Commitments for services and continuing education
prepared financial reports
assisted internal audit
Algonquin College - Canadian School of Public Service
CGA -Government of Canada Financial Management Certificate
DLT TECHNOLOGY Inc. - Daniel L. Theriault
Treasury Board of Canada
Treasury board SAP courses
Universite du Laval au Quebec
FSL Courses
University of Ottawa
ESL, FSL, writing courses
Medical school University of Rijeka and Belgrade
Matematicko Informaticka Skola
Matematic - informatic tehnician
Available upon request
Quebec city
Rijeka, Belgrade